Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, May 08, 1908, Image 7

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    Ii on-alcoholic
If you think you need a tonic,
.;r.k your doctor. If you think
you need something for your
blood, ask your doctor. If you
think you would like to trv
jycrs non-alcoholic Sarsapa-
Ifrilla, csk your doctor. Con
sult him often. Keep in close
touch with him.
W publish oar formula
W banlah lcoh8l
from oar mdlolnt
W arr yon to
oon.nlt jour
Ask y6ur doctor to name some of the
result of constipation. His long list will
b.'rjn with sick-headache, biliousness,
dyspe psia, thin blood, bad skin. Then
a si? nim if he would recommend your
tisiji .vcr's Pills.
' ' -v '! J. O. Ayer fro. .
To tK Paclflo Coast
Very low round trip rates
commencing June 1st for at
tractive Coast tours, only $G0;
slightly higher via Shasta
Route and Puget Sound.
To QhIoeie and Etvst
Republican Convention excur
sion tickets at low rates in
June; also summer excursion
rates in connection with con
vention and Summer Tourist
rates to eastern resorts.
To Colorado and
Rooky Mountains
Daily excursion rates com
mencing June 1st to Colorado,
Utah, Wyoming, Black Hills,
Yellowstone Park ; great Dem
ocratic Convention at Denver
in July.
Homcsoekors1 Rates
1st and 3rd Tuesdays to the
west,, including the famous
Big Horn Basin and Yellow
stone Valley, where large
tracts of rich irrigated lands
are being opened for settle
ment by the government and
by private companies. Write
D. Clem Deaver, Burlington
Landseekers' Information Bu
reau, Omaha; excellent busi
ness openings in new growing
Write a brief description of
your proposed trip, and let
us advise you how-to make it
the best way at the least cost.
N A S McLean,
L. W. Wakkley, G P A, OmaWNrfb
- t-i-.-n- rim: unlft H.. la
ic'-izv; Mention ihij Psper.
get immediate relief from
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment.
50 If ears
n i.) ;1 ri r-t i n 'nil
HI I. IT i
( !'.! ti
'. 11 :'.i''
.t u.i..!' I'li.fini.
:l tl
1 , ;: ,1i.-i..'
1 M)-jiic "lr-
: I .'.1
1 l. I.
Oil I,. 1 It
IMJIi D) I . w
IhU deplorable duM-aae. -. th. otT ot
In Germaii-wiw ""Tintant with
tht lint uigred Bill, 1 iuj'""' - i.,,.,!.
much dradl dl Tltjjnuw. ..---
n ail ounnuw" T, ,Ti,r .r.nular
wart, louna in nneuumnv - maiw .
ad im away under the action 01 1 h '"VV
. . -M . I. . . r (l.lllHll UI UUIO T, v v--- .
out help. W mil, aud lu couflduuoe rocmaunud
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy
ATJI ' II ' IVll" ' '" 1111 -'- ' ''" ly.i-'JiBL 1 1
' r.W'.vF ft ft' f 4 '0"C4 llenrv Hitman. Mr FddebVwaa an
;v;s BT H a old n-hoo! chum of the Uierman boys
J V'.'":' life i Germanv.
1 tprl Al ftPFFfii' V4-u Guv and Jakle fri.tea this week sold
ffir.X I ES It "I' -d marketed 2 000 bushels of corn at
r i:;.eyjaot.rpjrar.c,itouco.r. the. Fields & Slaughter elevator, re-
N F-?.&JM2U IliV ceivme 60 cents per bushel. This is
I"'. - P-fJ P ".71' UiV..r. . J 114 I
t;f.. i I': ?rfY-. 'bJW:$W i1
R R Time Table
Sioux CiVT. Crystal Lake ft Homer .
I.KAVK lea vs
7:30a in .8:20a m
9:30 a m 10 :80 a m
11:15 a m 11:50 a m
1:15pm 2:00 pm
3:00 p nt 4:15 p tu
5:15 p ra 5:50 p m
6:40 pm 11:00 pm
Special trips for parties of 15 or more.
C, St. P., M.ft O.
Trains leave Dakota Citj at the fol
lowing time:
7:02 pm Omaha.. 7:04 am
10:00 am. Omaha 5:13 pm
8:37 pm Norfolk 8:18 am
8 :41 am Norfolk 5 .32 pm
7 :28 am Newcastle 9 :33 am
2:08 pm 6:25 pm
7:02pm Omaba 7:04 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:32
C B ft Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:15 am
,11 " passenger, Omaha
andLincoln 12:47 rm
So 86 Local Freight 2:25 pm
10 Local Pasaenger..6:29pni
daily. daily except Sunday.
Local Items
Friday, May 8, 1908.
Post cards at Van's.
L M Leslie came up from Omaha
Olive Stinson visited over Sunday
with relatives at Lyons .
A ten nouod girl was born to Her
man Sundt and wife JaBt Friday.
John E Miles and family have moved
into the Scott Duncan house in the
east part of town.
Mrs F M Bookhart and son Virgil,
are visiting relatives and friends in
Sionx City tins week.
Gel Anderson cxpeots to enter the
navy this weeV, he having passed all
tue required examinations.
If you want to get a sack of sugar
go to Van's, he has a corner on it and
can sell it cheaper than anybody,
Mis Lettie Eix and daughter, Grace,
came down from Wakefield Saturday
and visited relatives a few days, re
turning Tuesday.
Jndgn and Mrs R E Evans went to
Omaha Monday to. attend the sessfon
of grand chapter O E S, which was
held there this weak. ' v
Mrs M il A Schmied went to Omaha
TiJcdiiy to represent the local Eastern
Stirchfter at tlie session 01 grand
chapter held there this week.
Jos Clements and wife of Morning
side, were visiting friends hero Friday .
Mr Clempnts ejects to build a home
in soutii oioux Uitv mis summer.
Jake Haaer weighed his 2 year-old
Belgian colt Tupsdov and it tipped tlie
scales at 1500 pounds. It is about as
handsome a colt as you con hnd lu tue
John Dilougherv, of Juckr-on. was
given two days ia the county j'lil for
drunkeness Saturday, with costs
amounting to $4 00 accompanying the
jail sentence.
M'm Dicikicg and Henry BierroaDsj
two of the prosperous German farmers
of Covington precinct, were in town
iluring the pmt .week and renewed
tlieir stihxcrptiotiH to this great family
Wm E Fedueler and tife, of Chiea
. t t. - A.
po, airiveil Here naiuruav urn eu
l.ns' visit with Willi
the highest prioe paid for corn in this
place for several years.
The Fourth Annual convention of
the Dakota ounty Sunday School as
sociation will meet in the iioals JU i
church at Soutli Sionx City, Monday
Rud Tuesday, May 18th and 19th. An
nteresiintr and instructive program
has been prepared for tbe oocaHion.
TIia siiit of Geo W Ashford, of
Homer. Btrainst the Iowa and Minne
sota Lumber company, was decided in
tlm urn reme court recently In lavor
of Mr Ashford. The case was bitter
ly fought in the district court of tins
couuty, me amount mvuiveu weiug
about f 1300. 1
DtC VT Hunter, the famous lec
turer, will be in UaKota Uity ail nexi
week witU his medicine show, and will
be oeen at the IJrasfield opera house
tlie entire week. Don t miss seemg
this carnival of fun. Two roaring
farces and a bunch of new songs, jokes,
eto General admission will be i0o.
Free the first night. ,
Wauted By a leading Life Insur-
ance cc lnpany, cllHtrict supeiinienueni,
- . . . 1 A
hendouarters in this city. Excellent
opportunity for energetic, reliable ex
county officer, sciiool leacuer, capital
ist or salesman huving extended ac
onaiutome. Liberal compensation,
innreasinir annually. AUUrHS Wliu
references, National Commercial Agen
cy, P O Box 1035, Omaliu, ebr.
Mail service was established on the
Ponoa branch of the Omaha road on
WedneHday,-between Sioux City and
Wvnot. and a railway mail clerk in
stalled on the train that niaks the
afternoon run, arriving here at 2:08
coiuK nort and at 6:25 going west.
An exchange of pouches will Uereaiter
be made between the posiouice ami
.1 1 r. .... n n.l
tins irair, wmuu giYrn u
Sioux City at 2:08 iu the afternoon.
TT w Falilman nf Rioni Pit, ha
boutrht thd Dennis Finnerty place and
...III fl.a l.nnt iir,1 liavinff
mm "I'11"1" J
t.U(n nosseHMon. Mr I'e
man m 11 mtirniA t ia tilane lv nuttincf
. j . . ...
in a new dock and adding some new
row boats to the present equipment,
ll. ;il olun t..ti tents to rent
....... Iu ulin wiyll to or ther tnnamn.
n.i u ariai't i hum lnrme acrommn
... . a.,
.latiouof those briDRiDg teams with
..U " ' 7
nil, nerican ami
II 1
Have Eimers make your abstracts.
Goody, Goody, Goody, where, at
Van's. A big box for & cents.
G B Howard is painting his house
and olherwiso improving his premises.
Joe Lindstrom and family were over
from S.oux City a few daya this week
visiting lelatives.
Albert Schumacher has a temporary
run as mail clerk between Manila, Io,
and Mitchell. 8 D.
Ernest Triggs and family of Jeffer
son, u, spent several days uere me
past week with relatives.
Miss Minnie Beirs, of Gregory, 8 D,
was a guest at tne o IX Moore home
from Thursday until Monday.
Mrs Ella Everett and son narry, of
Lyons, visited relatives and friends
here several days the past week .
Marshal Jas Faeston has the thanks
of the town peeple for his promptness
in cleaning the street crossings after
the rains.
For Sale Team of mules, cheap if
taken at once. Inqnire of P M Boals,
Dakota, Nebr. Residence one mile
north of Cobnrn.
Henry J Delaney and Miss Edith
Hierstand, both of Sioux City, were
joined in marriage last Friday by
Jt'iV" D 0 Stinson.
.1 .. i-i. TiopRley came home from the1
Mit..i in Sionx Citv Saturday, where
itceutly underwent an operation.
He is rocovering nicely.
Howard Kockwell came home Satur
day from Grand Island, Nebr, where
he haa just finished a course in the
Grand Island Business college.
Miss Sarah Hager this week moved
her larm buildings to the nothwest
corner of the farm . The enoronch-
ment of the river was the cause of tho
A card frem Addie Sides and family
states that they had arrived at Valen
tine, Nebr, on their western trip Tues
day; that it was snowing, but not
very cold. All were well.
The new "Handy Shur-on" Rimless
Eye Glasses are self adjusting and
sure to stay in place. We can fit you,
and 'want yon pleased with the best.
W C Eckhart, Licensed Optometrist.
Ernest Triggs and family and Scot
Duncan went over to Jefferson, S D,
Wednesday. Will Lennox accompa
nied them to look over tho farming,
prospects, with a view of locating
Mrs Emmitt Uilloman, who recently
returned from Omaha, where she was
called by th serious illness of her
mother, states that she left her moth
er very low, with not much hopes for
her recovery.
Till Mansfield was brought up from
Homer Monday by Marshal Purdy,
charged with selling liquor without a
license. His hearing was set for Mon
day. He gave bonds in the sum of
$500 for his appearance.
Mrs Cvnthia Willev, of llavelock,
Iowa, a sinter of the late A E Adams,
arrived here Wednesday evening.
She was misinformed os to the time
set for her brother's funeral and ar
rived too late to attend the last end
rites. .
George Barnett has swere off cross
ing the lake in a sail boat since the
boat was capsized Monday evening and
the sawmill crew spilled out among
the fishes, etc. As luck would have
it the water was only about knee deep
and the only serious results to the
crew was a cold toot bath.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11 a ra; Sunday hc'jooI, 10
. ... . T7 , I.
a iu: uiaH meeting i m; jjuwnnu
Le.igue, 6:30 p m; Preaching, 7:30 p
ui. Preach in Grace church every
Wundny at 2:30 p m. Y.u are cordially
invited to uuv and all these survives .
The newly organized town board
met Tuesday eTen'nsr to consider th
matter of the application of Alfred
IMiuillie for a sloon lieenne. A re
monstrance was filed with the village
clerk aginst the granting of a license,
and Friday afternoon was set as a dute
for hearing. In tho meantime the
town will be "dry."
The pastor will preach a sermon to
the candidates for baptism on Sunday
morning at the Methodiat church, fol
lowing the sermon all candidates pres
eut will be baptised. Let ull who are
candidate please try and be on hand
Evening services at the usual hour.
subject. "Conviction of Righteousness."
All are
invited to come to tnese
Try the new photo studio lor your
cabinet photos. Our aim is to make
as fine a uhoto as can be"!made for the
money. We guarantee all our work
for satisfaction and not to lade, nr
prieeg are very low. Hring this ad'
vertieement and we will make joh. six
teen cabinet nhotos for the price ot a
dozen. Cabinets $2,00 and up.
DuLcxe Btcdio,
next to 5 and 10o store, Sioux City
There is a Pink Pain Tablet made
by Dr Shoop, that will positively stop
any pain, anywnere, in ssw niiuuim
Drnpgists everywhere sell tnem as ur
Shoop's Headache Tablets, but they
toi other pnius as easily as headache
Ur Shoop's Pink fain iauieis sunpiy
coax blood pressure away from pain
centers that is all. Pain comes from
blood prrssure contention. K'opthat
urexstire with Ur Shoop s Ileailaelu
IVI.IhIs and nain is instantly eoue 20
Tablets 25o. Sold by all dealers.
Tired nerves, with that "no aruli
tiou" feeling that iscommnonly full in
print? or earlv summer, can be eauly
and quickly altered by taking what is
known to ( rueamts everywhere as m
Shoop's Restorative, One will abso.
ohnncrpd feel i OCT within 48
.)p KiuniK to take tlie Restorative
n I ' - .....
Tim howela cot BliiRKlHU in the winter-
ti ,,. (.i.pnUtion often slows np,
the kidneys are inactive, and even the
heart in many cases grows decidedly
weaker Ut BUOOU s iteniorauve in
n 1 . - .
d - recoRntzea everywuere as a "
. ., T, 1,
IOU10 IO nieso viiai uikiu. u
up and strengthens the worn-out weak
ened nerves: it suarpens rue laiung p-
for netite. and univsrsaliy Sius uigesiion.
It always onickly brings renewed
I i 11 I!,.. w.vah nn.f umlilllAH
I " -.. . 3,11 II
- Hireinui, uo, iikuii
Try it anJ be couvincceu. com vj an
1 dealers.
Subscribe for The Herald $1 per
Old papers for sale at the Herald
office 5 cents per hundred.
Geo Eohlmeier was a Sunday visitor
at Wakefield with his brother Henry.
Ton will never get nervous if yon
drink Breuu's coffee. VandeZedde
sells it.
Barney Gribble returned Wednes
day evening from a business visit of a
few days at Omaha,
Perle Stinson is' learning to ride
horseback that is, she is learning to
fall off withont getting hart.
J E Easton returned to Omaha Sun
day afternoon where he is serving as a
petit juror in the federal court.
Good, fresh, guaranteed garden
seeds at Van de Zedde's. With every
CO cent purchase you are entitled to a
gold fish.
Tuesday was a mighty "dry" day in
Dakota City, even if it did rain all
day. And the "drouth" was still in
effect this morning.
If you want steady work that's pleas
ant and profitable, write at once to
the Hawks Nursery Co, Wauwatosn,
Wis. Largest in the state.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slacohtf.b Co.
TheoE Bmvex, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
For housecleaning time, see what
35 cents will buy at Van's a ten cent
package of, Dutch cleanser, a bar of
hand soap, a bar of tar soap, a scour
ing bar. Fifty cents worth, all for
35 cents, at Van de Zedde's.
We will be glad to see you call and
have some photos made. We are not
particular what kind you have, as we
make stamps, postal cards, cabinets,
and 40 other sizes. I believe yon
know we are always the lowest in
prices. Call Sunday or any other
day. Kozr Studio,
304 Douglas St, Sioux City.
Weak women should reod my "Book
No 4 for women." It was written ex
pressly for women who are not well.
Tho book No 4 tells of Dr Shoop's
"Night Cure" and just how these sooth
ing, healing, antiseptio "suppositories
can bo successfully applied. The
book, and strictly oonEdendtial medi
cal advice is entirely free. Whri'e Dr
Shoop, Raaice, Wis. The Night Cure
is sold by all dealers.
Piles are easily and quickly checked
with Dr Shoop's magio ointment. To
prove it I will mail a small trial box
as a convinc'ng test. Simply address
Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely
would not send it free unless I was
certain that Dr Shoop's magio oint
ment would stand the test. Remem
ber it is made exprei-sly and alone for
swollen painful, bleeding or itching
piles, either external or internal.
Large jar 5(h. Sold by all dealers.
Real Estate Transfers-
A T ITanse and wife to Kmmn K Allo
way, (R-cttoii IKJ7-7. wd 1 ortiw
Wm II Goodwin and wife to W H (!km1
wln, sr. lots H mid 4 In liloek !W: lt
and V In block W; lots 11 and 13 In
Mock 42: lots 11 and IS In block li?. nil
in Joy Place, South Htoux Oty. wd.. H00
O St P M A O Ry to Herman Henxe.
Iota IB, lrt, 17 and 1H In block , and lot
7 lu block 3, Hubbard 120
Knto J RraMlold and husband to Clay
Howard, lots ana a in ihock ih, j -
Wm ninke to J W Saulre and J w
irny, east fractional ;4 section 8-ch-s,
and lie section I2-2H-7, wd
J CI Hlenklron mid wlfa-to Heliecra A
Teter. lots Ifi and IB in bloc i, uen-
trul Soutli Sioux Ulty, qua
Frnnk Hunt Bnd wife, to Rebecca A
Teter. lots Ifiimd in in block 11, uen-
trnl South Sloux Dlty, qcil
K .1 Smith and wife to Jeptha n Chris
tie, lot in block I, Ileum, wd
John Hunter to Mrs MiiKRle Mnllooe.
loin 5 inn! In block n:, soutu mioux
City, wd
TjUt A Beritcr ami husband to M A
llmu-inli.. lot III HI niocK. . nun in s
utldltion to Homer, wd
ti ACO RA.
Ii R Lamm was a pasei)ger to Sawus
Citv Saturday.
Miss Alice fleffornan, of Hilblmn:,
was a guest at the ileeuey home uc-
C W Schwartz returned homo lust
Saturday after spending three weeks
in Sioux City taking treatment for
Maurice O'Connor was a passenger
to Sionx City Saturday.
Quite a number from here atteaded
the ball game at Hubbard last Sun
Theo Peters shipped a cur of begs to
Sioux City laBt Friday.
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preachincr Sunday morning at Sa
lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday sohool
ut 10:00: O E at 8 p m.
Preaching at Dakota City 8:00 p
m, U lu o:ou, ouuusj bkuwi
9 :45 a m, Mission Band at 3:00 p m
. . -i . n it i o J . 1 1 .
District Court Dates.
The terms of court for the year 1908,
for the counties of the Eighth Judicial
rjiatrictof Nebriska are as follows:
HI tun
...Kel, Kept 14
..Feb 17. Kept V
.March 2. Oct 1
March Hi, Nov V
March ilo. Nov HO
...April lit. Oct S
The first day of each
term is set for
heuring applications for citizenship.
Brasfield Opera IIousi
Dakota City, Nebr.
A Lr
A. U. Adams Dies from Injuries Re
eclved While Wrestling .
Aftsr suffering intense sgony for
two weeks from injuries to his head
received in a scuffling bout, Albert
E Adams passed sway Monday even
ing at 8 :30 at the home of his brother-
in-law, Wm Brandon, 319 West Third
street, Sioux City.
It was a failing of the deceaed man
to engage in friendly scnflles, and on
this occasion he tackled Fred A Wood
who threw him, and in the fall he
struck his head on a foot soraper on
the sidewalk, inflicting an ngly wound
on Lis temple. Dr Orant Ross, of
Sioux City, was called and had the
injured man removed to th Samari
tan hospital in Sionx City for treat
ment. The patient partially recov
ered and was removed from the hos
pital to the Brandon homo, but
blood poison and erysipelas set in and
death soon followed.
Deceased was born in Blackhawk
county Iowa, and was in his 53rd
year, lie was married at Waterloo,
Iowa, about thirty years ago and soon
after moved to Sioux City, later com
ing to Dakota couuty, where the fami
ly resided on a farm on Walkc's Is
land until two years ago when they
mtved to this place and assumed
chnrge of the Model restansaot.
Decenecd leaves a wife and three
grown children two sons, Charles
and Harry, nttd one daughter, Mrs
Max Eiistou, to mourn his untimely
The funeral services were held on
Wednesday afternoon at 2:80, from
the home of his brother-in-law, Wm
Brandon, iu Sioux City, interment be
ing in the Floyd cemetery.
School Notes.
Eva Graham is still out of school on
account of sickness.
Joy Bou'on is back ready for woik
after an absence of 10 days.
The children of the 4th and 5th
grades have kept the room bright with
lilac blossoms.
Esther Learner has been missed this
week by the' members of the 10th
S A Stiuson visited the high school
room Tuesday morning and gave ns a
much appreciated talk. We hope he
will come again. Let the other men
of the board foliow his example.
The 8th, 9th and 10th grades are
plunping an exour&ion next Friday
over to the Floyd monument, both as a
pleasure and educational trip.
Aileen Stinson was abseut two days
this week .
Sylvester Sanford has stopped school
and is now driving the town herd.
Henry aud Frank Powell are back
at school after a month's absence wit
measles and other sickness.
Francis Ayres has dropped his work
in the 0th grade to drive th herd.
S A Stiuson visited the grammar
room Tuesday morning.
Mrs Maxwell visited the Gth and 7t!
grades Wednesday afternoon.
Elda Brii'enlmugh and Minnie Gray
returned this week after having a siege
of nieatiles.
The Gih grade have rend "Grand
father's Ciuii" and are now using the
leaders used by the 7th grade. The
Ttli grade Are reading "Tales from tbe
English History."
Miss Taylor was uuablo to attend
her school duties Wednesday morning.
The principal and board are couteltv
plating adding two weeks more t ) tho
term iu order that the pupils who have
missed suverii weeks wilh mumps mid
measles mny complete ho required
amount of work no tUat they, may en-
iirtliene.it grade. It is hoped tho
lii rents will cooperate with tho sohool
in this matter i as attendance dining
the two wee lis will make the work
much easier next yeu,r.
Rev Von ILigeu visited the high
school lust week.
A Bargain.
Lincoln is your, town, it is the seat
of vour state Kovernceut, the officers
wno spend your money live here,, you
s'ud yorr aliildreu hereto be eduoa-
tn(l. you send your friendless and. crip
pies here,, you send your insane here.
you solid your criminals here, when
you waut anybody hanged jou send
them here, when you wanted a bigstute
(air jou located it here, wheu you hold
a convention it's here, whenever yon
lo auv shoDPiufl: its Here tue most
uiroaMs center here.
Lincoln was created for the accom
nioilittiou and benefit of the state of
ehruska and her oitizeus have (rrowu
to rniuixe that all we are here for is
for your service, and that is the reason
ntati people likw to come here,
LUu State Journal ia bi lug conuuet-
d along thesu lines. It ia peouliarly
state paper, realizing its obligations
to N il)t uHliaoe. It is a stuuncli advo
cate of nil things for the upbuildiui
ud upliftiug ot her people, and alay
stands fur that much used aud souio-
itues abused "square deal. It is the
ouo state imper thut can print all tlie
n ws all tho time about everybody auu
-vli thine. No ofllue-holdor or olUce
-u-i'M-is in any of iti Uepartuients irom
ii to bottom.
We are obeying the new rules ot
Uncle Sam's poet-oflloe and require all
-tibiu'ribt r to pay ia advance, lu tins
way you vy only for your own paper;
yon ar Mt helping lo pay lor ti e
iiai.nr of sonieoue wliortoebut pay us
Therefore to introduce Ihe State
Journal into thousands of new home,
we will send it every day, exeppt bun-
day. from now until after the National
Election for only 81. Oil. flianeit fi.uu
ud we will add the bigSuuday paper,
l'i is will carrv ycu through tho preui-
dnn iul race. This in just an intrednc
tiou offer and the paper will be s'ou'
i) d ut th end of tuat time. We stop
all papers when time paid fer is up
I'tiH sooner vou seud in y ur L.oney th
mora papers you will get under tins
ut price offur.
.The Journal prints more reading
matter than any other state daily and
vp will let yon judge of the quality,
Bee your postmaster.
Cheap, LtlKt, Simple Durable
Adjustable Practice.!
Made of High Carbon Rolled Steel Tubing.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
G?o. Kohlmeier, Mgr.
Patronize Home Industries buy your meats of
Proprietor of
City i3ciBt Msrlkct
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cash paid for hides.
Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry, r
Laundry basket goes Tuedays and comes back Saturdays
That Horrid Cyclone
might have blown your way. Better look up your in
surance. In Insurance, as in Banking, we have always
the BEST at the lowest preces. The low rates will
really surprise and please you. Time for II All, IN
SURANCE right now ! The only good company we
s know of, the St. Paul, we have. Don't wait until after
your crops and buildings are gone, to insure them. DO
IT NOW and do it with us, RIGHT.
Yours for good Banking and Insurance.
Bcvnk. of Daikotcv
For ThirfySeven Years
Minnesota Paints
clwards&, Bradford Lbr. Co
il'M. TIMLIN. A,auaer.
( Anon a. vosm o
Abstracts of Title
A $10,000 Surety Bond
Guarantees the accuracy of every
Abstract I make
Dakota. Citvi Htm.
Eonded : Abstracter
Write for our Illustrated Catalogue describing' our seventy
different styles of Harness.
A good Work Harness for $20.00
Strcs Bros.
; 4-4-4-T
Dakota City, Keb.
have been made in Minneapolis by
the Minnesota Linseed Oil Paint Co.
Best prepared paint has been their
life work. They do nothing else year
in and year out. They are experts
trained from boyhood up, to make the
best paints, that can be made. It's
small wonder that it has become the
standard by which others are judged.
A sood-tind Minn rH Paikt itock U now a oi.r
traitia your ardor.
Successor to
Dakota County Abstract Co.
Bonded Abstracter
603 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
411 Pstavrl Strt
81oix City, Iowa.