Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 27, 1908, Image 7

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Cleanses tlxo
uaUv; Dispels Lot
s andlieadV
1. it i t i. r
K 1
GClies au
A A.
Mies duo lo lyonsiipauon;
i, a i
'Acis nalurai
acis iruiy as
n I jn ntir.
Best forMenmpn ond CiuliV
lo et its Jieneficial Effects
always uuy the Genuine wkich
las ine Tun name or me torn
by wham it in manufactured. printed on tne
front of vry packn.
one size only, regular price 5CKp' bottle.
What a Settler Can Secur In
J 60 Acres Crln-Growtnf Land FREE.
O lo 40 Bushels Whttl lo th. Acr.
40 la 90 Biuh.lt Oat. to lb Aero.
85 to 50 BusheJe Darley to the Acra.
Tim bar for Fencins and Quildiaca FREE.
Good Laws with Low Taxation.
Splendid Railroad Facilitl. and Low Rata.
School and Churches Conrenient.
Satisfactory Markets for all Production.
Good Climato and Parfaet Haalth.
Chaste, far Proiitabla Investments.
Soma of thelchoicest araiD-produclnr lands la
Saskatchewan and Alberta mar now be acquired
i these moat healthful nod prosperous sections
cinder the
Revised Homestead Regulations
; by which entry may be madeby prosyton certain
conditions), by the father, mother, aon, daughter,
brother or sister of Intending homesteader.
I Entry fee In each case Is f 10.00. For pamphlet.
I Last Best West," particulars as to rates, route,
best time to go and where to locate, apply to
W, D. Scott, Superintendent of Immigration,
.Ottawa, Canada, or E. T. Holmes, 31s Jackson
St., St. Paul, Minn, and J. M. Ma Lactilan, Uos
U6, Watertown, So. Dakota. Authorized Govern
ent Agents.
I flaws say .her. jna saw this advertisement. '
For Sale
An e'o 'trio llghtl ns
fraDchl.se In a live, pro
gressive, growing north-
Vest Iowa town of 1.S00. An A No. 1 propjsi-
tlon. For particulars address
5 OO Fourth St.,
Sioux Cit, Iowa. .
At JsraMtoiTO.
A newly married couple was taking
la the Jamestown Exposition.
"There's our biggest man-of-war,
j elear," said the husband, pointing to
ne of the vessels In the harbor.
! Just then a little tug was seen puff
ing around the big ship.
"And Is the little one a tug-of-war,
Tom?" asked the wife. Success Maga
tlne. Glial
18 "".il
AVcgclable PreparalionforAs
ttng Uic Siwnachs aitdBowcls of
Promotes DigestionJdieeril
ness and Rcst.ContaInsneittfr
OpiunuMorphine nor Mineral.
flmpiiti SnJ"
Commit itaa
Aperfecl Remedy for ConsHfu
tion , aour Mornacn.uiamiua
352 !
Worms ,Coirvulsioiis.fcvT;riSu
Facsimile Signature of
s "B v. ..I
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
mmitffl II I
bumvu 1 a r 1 1111 - 1 1
1 Tf TirTtTTYT.T.l-T.'f -ir.lV,: v. m mm am
f , an in mmr ll IITM
inc tu.-nuri nj rouuEKN
A suostitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not
blister the most delicate skin. T.ie pin-al!aying and curative qualities of the
article are wonderful. It will s'cp the toothache at once, and relieve Head
ache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the lest and tafest external counter
irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the cheat and Vomach
and all Rheumatic. Neuralgic and Couty complaints. A trial will prove what
we claim for It, an J It will be found to be Invaluable In the household and for
children. Once used no family will be without it. Many people ay "It is
the best of all your preparationi." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless
the same carries cur label, as otherwise it Is not genuine.
Sand your add res and we will mall our Vazallna Booklet describing
our preparations which will intereat you.
17 statist. CHESED ROUGH MFG. CO. N.wYorhCity
A rrettr Bl Dlaeasat.
There w a children's boittal la
New York which a tocletT lady visited
regularly, taking fruit aud flowers to
th little pntlenta, and In a certain
ward a boy wai pointed out to her one
day m a bad customer.
'"Oh, he la Incorrigible,' sighed the
"M!m Society talked a while with
the little chap, and when ahe arose to
go ahe sflld :
" 'See here, I hare heard bad reports
about you. Now, I want you to prom
ise me to be good. If you are good for
a whole week, I'll give you a dollar
when I come again neit Thursday.'
"The boy promised to try to be good.
This promise, though, he did not keep.
On her nest Tla.lt Mlas Society, going
to his cot. mid :
" 'I aball not ask the nurses how you
hare behaved this last week. I want
you to tell me yourself. Now, what do
you think ! you deserve that dollar
I promised you or not?' i
"The boy regarded Miss Society with
a troubled frown. Then he said In a
low voice:
"'(ilmme a nickel.'" New York
Only On "BltOMO QtTIlf INK"
for the signature of B. W. liltOVK. Taed th)
World over to Cur a Cold la Ons day. 25c,
The Land of Parados,
ChiiiH Is the land of paradox. If It
Is an absolute, despotic monarchy, It la
also a very democratic country, with
Its self-made men. Its powerful public
opinion, nud n "states' rights" ques
tion of Its own. It Is one of the most
corrupt of notions; on tht other hand,
the standard of personal and commer
rlal honesty Is probably higher In China
than lu any other country In the world.
Woman, In China. Is made to serve;
her status Is ao low that It would be
a discourtesy even to ask a man If he
lias a daughter; yet the ablest ruler
China bits had In many centuries la a
woman. It Is a land where the women
wear socks and trousers, and the men
weir stockings and robes; where a
rutin shakes his own hand, not yours;
where white, not black, Is a sign of j
mourning; where the compass points
south, not north ; where books are read!
backward, not forward ; where naraesi
and titles are put in reverse order, asj
in our directories Theodore Roosevelt!
would be Roosevelt Theodore In China,!
Tilde ' Snui would be Sam Uncle ;
where fractions tire written upside'
down, as 8-5, not ; where a bride
walls bitterly at a wedding, and a man
laughs when he tells you of his moth
er's dentil. Success Magazine.
lie Knew Them.
Once at an Important function al
Marlborough House, Sir Francis Knol
leys cume up to the Prince of Wales
am remarked, "Some gentlemen of the
press wish admission, your royal high
ness." "Oh," said the prince, "show them
In. If they don't come in nt the door,
they'll come In at the ventilator."
Red seems to be the most popnla?
of national colors, if flags may be used
as criterions. Of the twenty-five lead
ing mitional dags nineteen have red in
them. No other color is so much used. 1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
A 15
'it: al
Rolljfloii. Religion Is not rrgulntlve,
It Is Insiilrntlonnl. Rev. Frunk Cnuift
I'ongXPgiitionnliKt, Woi'itsUt, Mans.
. Ijovp of (iot. Tlio moment n nut A
hits In lienrt love for (lotl. tlmt mo
ment lie hint n rrllplott. Rev. Dank I
II. Overton. l'relyterliin, llrooklju.
Home. Just ns Jokiih touched tt
water ami tnrneil It Into wine, ho Vt
touches the tlomevtle life of the wor'",
nml home Iks-oiiics the best word lit tae
EiiXllKli lniiKUiue. Rev. F. E. Hopkins,
IlaptUt, t'hk'UKo.
t'lear Oplnhms. We belief that tine
clear opinion which has life lu It, made
practicable and usable, has more power
for (lod and Kood to men than columns
of HiH-cnlatlon. Rev. T. II. McConnell,
Presbyterian, Chicago.
HsiiielnR. 1 see "ho reason why Chris
tian people should not dance, If tliey
dance In proper places, with proper
company, nt projier times, and In tt pro
per manner. Rev. J. L. Scudder, Ctu
t'feationallst, Jersey City.
Activity. Activity Is 0110 of the best
antidotes for sorrow. We relieve our
snfTcriiif? hearts by turning the floods
of grief upon the wheels of practical
and beneficent activity. Rev. J. I
Illllnian, Methodist, Cleveland.
Hlble History. No serious criticism
lias affected one ktn of the 1 Bible's
Intrinsic value, and those who treat It
with flippant scorn only reveal their
Ignorance of Its history. Rev. A. W.
Arundel, Episcopalian. Pittsburg.
The Triumph. Life has Us trage
dies, but were It not for the tragedy
there could be no triumph, (lod meant
your life to Ik? triumphant, , and He
will help you make It so. Rev. J. M.
Warkley, Congregattonallst, Denver.
The United Press. If the enormous
power tied up In the uuited press of
the country were turned loose- uon
the evils of our grout cities, they would
vanish and for a time at least you
would virtually live lu heaven. Rev.
l' A. St rough, Congrcgatlonallst, Paw
tucket, R. I.
Religion. There are those who tell
us that Interest in religion is on the
wane. That is a great mistake. Relig
ion Is ,the supreme concern of man's
heart. Men are not tired of Clod, They
will hear you gladly If you have some
thing to tell them about God. Rev. J.
B. White, Baptist, Atlanta.
Public Oflice. We need men we can
absolutely trust In Importaut ofllelal
positions. Let a few more craven cow
ards, flatulent poltroons, superficial
eoxeombs and fawning hucksters be re
tired and till positions of trust by men
who are known to lie noble, brave and
holy. Rev. John Thompson, Method
ist, Chicago.
Church Monopoly. The day has
passed when any church can claim to
have a monopoly of truth; no church
lias n right to call Itself the true
church ; no church has the right to call
Itself "The Church" as one of the small
est of religious bodies In America does.
Rev. R. S. MeArthur, Baptist, New
i'ork City.
Heavy Burdens. The burden of the
human heart mnkes all the world akin.
No time, no circumstance, can relieve
mankind of this. When Jesus cries,
"Come unto me all ye that are
heavy laden," He means the whole
world. For all the world Is heavy
laden. Rev. II. E. Robblus, Episcopa
lian, Anaconda, Mont.
Obscure Heroes. While the world
little appreciates the heroism of those
who serve lu obscure places, It is n
comfort to reflect that Uod, who look
eth not upon the outward appearance,
but upon the heart, says: "lie that la
faithful In that that is least Is faith
ful also In much." Rev. T. S. McWIl
llams, Presbyterian, Cleveland.
Symbols. Nature Is siicramcntal ; It
Is the outward and visible sign of In
ward spirituality. Water, food and
sleep are great facts In this world, but
they are only signs of greater things.
Water Is symbolic of the washing of the
soul ; meat, of feeding 011 Christ, and
sleep, of death and the journey to the
other world. Rev. 0. F. Seymour, IHs
clple, Springfield.
' (iod's-Love. The world docs have its
maxims, human friendships have been
glorified, mid Hebrew writers have
dealt with love, but the world has not
dealt with a love like Ills, for it has
never been nble to conceive of it. The
old code of ethics of the Hebrews was
the' highest the world had ever had,
but lis keyword was "righteousness"
and not love. Rev. II. S. Bradley, Bup
tlst, Atlanta.
Lack of Faith. Lack of faith In our
own work will kill absolutely any faith
others may have In our ultimate suc
cess. The old proverb says, "Rats will
leave a sinking ship." All our friends
and associates will leave us as quickly
as they can If they once fret Into their
minds the. thought that wo oursclvef
feel that we lire certainly doomed to
failure. Rev. F. I). Talinage, Presby
terian, Los Angeles.
The foreign visitors to China hud
asked to sec a native execution and the
governor ('f the province, fur a consid
eration, had consented to oblige them,
'Have mercy, your highness," walled
the wrctchinl criminals, as they cringed
bel'or the governor. "Have we 110
chain eV"
"None whatever," responded his
highness, chi-crfully. "It's n case of
'tuels I win, liei'ds you lose.'" Bolu
Mm lu ( ullt'u,
"Your husband, the poet, must take
great pleasure In seeing himself lo
"Yes, but If he'd get a job I might
have the pleasure of seeing myself la
something better than print." Kansui
City Tillies
So many good husliaudM huve palt
KckVi looking whvs.
Its Chlet Use and Method of Deter
mining Hood from Bad Explained.
White Lend Is the standard paint
material nil over the world. It is made
by corroding metallic lend Into a white
powder, through exposing It to the
fumes of weak acetic add and car
bonic add gas; this iowdcr Is then
grnuik. and mixed with linseed oil,
making a thick paste, lu which form
it Is packed and sold for painting pur
Maet. The painter thins It down to
the proiH-r consistency for application
by the addition of more linseed oil.
The above refers, of course, to pure,
genuine White I-ead only. Adulterated
and fake "White Lead," of which there
are ninny brands ou the market, la
generally Home Bort of composition
containing only a percentage of white
lead sometimes 110 White Lend at nil;
In such stuff, bnrytee or ground risk,
chalk, and similar cheap substances
are used to make bulk and Imitate the
appearance of pure White Iead.
There Is, however, 11 positive test by
which the purity or Impurity of White
Lead may be proved or exposed, before
painting with It.
The blow-pipe flame will reduce pure
white lead to metallic lead. If a sup
posed white lend be thus tested, and It
only partially reduces to lead, leaving
a residue, it Is proof that something
else was there besides white lead.
The National Lead Company guaran
tee all Whl.e Lend sold In packages
bearing Its "Dutch Boy Painter"
trademark to prove absolutely pure
under this blow-pipe test, and that you
may make the test yourself In your own
home, they will send free upon re
quest a blow-pipe and everything else
necessary to make the test, together
with a valuable booklpt on paint. Ad
dress, National Lead Company, Wood
bridge Buildinfj, New York.
Iteiuly for Alt ( oinrri.
The passengers were suddenly star
tled by a shower of rice that fell from
the bride's parasol when she took it
from the rack. The bridegroom, a dark,
stalwart chap, observing the smiles,
placed his arm about his blushing bride,
and then faced the passengers with the
following remarks:
"I reckon there. ain't no need for me
to say we nln't been uiartied long; but
1 can tell you all one thing. You dpn't
want to smile any more tlmn's perllte;
for she's my violet and I'm her shel
tering oak, and I weighs two hundred
and eight pounds.' Success Magazine.
Active ana Drlarbt, Though Almost
Sliepard Kollock. of 44 Wnllace St,
Red Bank, N. J., Is a remarkable man
at the age of 08. For 40 years he wni
a victim of kidney
troubles and doctors
said ho would never
be cured. "I was try
ing everything," snya
Mr. Kollock, "but my
back was lame and
weak and every ex
ertion sent a sharp
twinge through me. I
had to get up several times each night
and the kidney secretions contained a
heavy sediment. Recently I began using
woaus Kiuuey I'll is, with flue results
They have given me entire relief."
Sold by all dealers. 00 cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., ruffalo, N. Y.
They have made bread from pnnut
nical for many yoais in Spain. The bread
is light and porous, but rather unpalat
able, and it is eaten only by the lower
Your Home
Without Cost
With Premiums Given FREE
WRAPPERS taken from
13 0 rax Products
Leather Goods. Pocket Books, Purses,
Hand Bags, Chatalalnss. Suit Cases, Trunks.
Collar and Cufl Cases. Raior Strops. Travelln
L b-63. Toilet and Sewing Cases, Rain Coats,
uinorenasana Kuooer uooas.
Jewelry. Clocks, Watches. Chains, Rings,
Fobs. Brooches, Barrettes, Side Combs, Biace
lets, Neck Chains, etc.
Silverware. Tea Sets. Coffee Sets. Mugs,
Desk Sets, Inkstands. Cuke Dishes. Candlesticks,
Ice Pitchers, Salt and Peppers. Napkin Rings,
Jewel Boxes, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Cigar
and C'svrette Cases, Puff Boxes, Cumli anil
brush Sets, Manicure Sets. '
Glassware. Nipples. Vases. Spoon Hold
ers, Celery and Salad Bowls, ban Bon Dishes,
Punch Sets, Tumblers, Goblets.
Games. Guns, Pistols. Air Rifles. Fishing
Tackle, Boxing Gloves, Tool Chests, Base Bail
and Foot Ball Goods, Cameras, Phonographs,
Banjos, Guitars, Books.
Furniture. Rugs. Lace Curtains, Cutlery,
Lamps, Baby Carriages, Beds.
Send for 40 Pale Free Catalogue
tilting Over 1000 Articles Given ,
Free for Presents.
Pacific Coasl Borax Cc.Chicaoo
-You rmn arrt a apleailld prraent fur ISO
mr Im 4 oMpn Valuta rereMrnlc4 jr Carte
Xapa mb4 mmmm H rappera
is invaluable in an emergency of this kind.
It quickly relieves the soreness and congestion
reduces the swelling and strenalhens the
weaK muscles.
- Because
remedy known for cute.wounds'.bru
shnqs, burns and scalds.
PRICE 25 so a $1.00.
Dr. Earl S.Sloan, Boston., Mass
OMs Yielded t0 Itnahala to th Acre.
The following letter, written the Do
minion Government Commissioner of
Emigration, speaks for Itself. It proves
the story of the agents of the govern
ment that ou the free homesteads of
fered by the government It ia possible
to become comfortably well off In a few
Commissioner of Immigration, W'lnnl-
IX !
Hear Sir It la with pleasure that I
reil to your miuent. nome years ago
I took up a homestead for myself aud
also one for my sou. The half section
which we own la situated between Itou
leon and Drlukwater, adjoining the
Moose Jaw Creek; is a low level aud
heavy land. We put In 70 acres of
wheat In stubble, which went 20 bush
els to the. acre, and 30 acrea of sum
mer fallow, which weut 23 bushels to
the acre. All the wheat 'we harvested
thla year la No. 1 hard. That means
the best wheat that can be raised on
the earth. We did not sell any wheat
yet, aa we Intend to keep one part for
our own seed, and sell the other part
to people who want first-class seed, for
there la no doubt If you sow good
wheat you will harvest good wheat
We also threshed 0,000 bushels of first
) nt out of 100 acresT Eighty
acres has been fall plowing, which
yielded 00 bushels per acre, and 80
acrea stubble, which went 30 bushels
to the acre. These oats are the best
kind that can be raised. We hav
hipped three car loads of them, and
got C3 cents per bushel clear. All our
grain waa cut In the last week of the
month of August before any frost could
touch It.
Notwithstanding the fact that w
have had a late spring, and that the
weather conditions thla year were very
adverse and unfavorable, we will mako
more money out of our crop thla year
than last.
For myself I feel compelled to say
that Western Caundu crops cannot ba
checked, even by unusual conditions.
I am, dear sir, yours truly,
'rolUi'iiiHI ifiil.
"How much can yrm hold, anyhow ?"
asked the woman, in amazement, as sht
handed him hix third iilutcftil.
"I don't know, nitiiu." said Katon Joga'
Ions, remiuiiiiK operations. "I hain't nev
eil beeu tented up to my full rapacity
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Ileward for
any ciive of Catarrh (hat caunot be cured by
Hall's Catnrrli Cure.
K. .1 CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
'We, the utKliTxInniMl, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 yearn, and believe
him perfectly huuorahla in all business trans
actions and Hnnnclally able to carry out
any obligation made by his firm.
WAt.niNti, Kinmas A Marvin,
Wholesale DriiKKlstD, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh (.'are ia taken Interaatly,
not Inn directly upon the blood and mucous
siiifmes of the system. Testimonials sent
free. I'rlce 73 cents per bottle. Bold by
all DrugKiMs.
Take Hull's Kamily Pills for constipation.
Needless Ceremony.
Peter had been hastily bidden tt
Bobby Hunt's 'party, and his mothet
was "rounding him up" in frout of th
"Oh, mother," he said, "do I btvt to
have a whole bath?"
Peter mumbled something, and hll
mother asked him what It was1
"I said were you sure it wasn't Just
your Idea," replied Peter. "I'm certain
I heard Hobby's mother tell you over
the telephone that the party wag very
Informal." Youth's Companion.
Those Dear Friends.
Nan I could wenr as small a shoe aa
you do If I wanted to.
Fan Yes, dearif you wanted to taka
Terrible Itching- Prevented Sleep
Ilunda, Anna and I.rua Arleeted i
Cutleura Cured In O Days,
"I had eczema nearly fifteen years.
The affected parts were my bands,
arms nnd legs. They were tho worst in
the winter time, and were always
Itchy, and I could not keep from
scratching them, I had to keep both
hands bandaged all the time, and at
night I would hove to scratch through
the bandages as the itching wns so se
vere, and a times I would have to tear
everything off my hands to scratch the
skin. I could not rest or sleep. I hud
several physicians treat me hut they
could not give me a permanent cure nor
even could they stop the itching. Af
ter using the Cutlcuru Soap, one box of
Cuticuru Ointment aud two bottles of
Cutlcura Kesolvcnt for about six day
the Itching had ceased, "and now tin
ores have disappeared, and I never
felt better lu my life than I do now.
Kdward Worell, Hand 30th U. S. Infan
try, Fort Crook, Nebraska."
K. C. N. l
No. 131008.
Cslsr siere (eef! sriskter ss4 Istltreslsrl lass ssy sfser fye. Ose I Be sackaae eelara 0 llWn Tk.i j ...... ... .L .
My .sr... .1,.... .., s,art. Wrl.s Is, U kl.aUt-V.'i VME .7. HUCs'l 1 ' cbToucy""'
A Sprain or Strain
must have immediate attention
of its antiseptic and
oiuuuo Linimenr j5
Ia eight years the population of Ootkav
Jfapaa. has Increased from 811.800 t
ever 1,020,000. The number at factorial
has Increased by 001.
Ia Platfe, tTaa Alloa's Poat-Eaoe.
A powder to snake lato yonr atioot. It rests
the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen,
Hore, Hot, CsJlona, Achlnr, Sweat In feet
and Imjrowlnf Nails. Allen's FW-Eat
make new or tirht shoes eaey. Bold by all
Iirnrxlata and Shoe (Hore, 2V. tample
mailed KKKB. Address) Allea . OlmstL
( U Koy, N. T.
In 1812 people died of the plagu at '
I t.'nstintlrjopls at the rata of over 11,000
a week. Ia all, 144.000 perished.
Mrs. Wlnslow's RootMne Srrno for Child-
I rea teething, softens lbs (urns, reduces In
' Rsmmstlnn, allays pain, cures wind colic.
xoc a ooiue.
Oalalaa af a Csasslsseae.
' "Mr. Bpoonamore, don't you think ft
kiaa 205 seconds to duration ia a great
. deal too long to bo agreeable 7"
I "Well, that depends, entirely on the
, sr uVsirabilit of the kissee." ..
PAZO OINTMENT Is u ran teed to cure any
rase of I tea Ins. Blind, Bleedlnf or Protrud
ing Piles la 6 to 14 days or money refunded
, Chancellor Von Huelow vigorously de
fends the Kmperor of Germany from
clinrgea that be is ruled by a secret cama
rilla; aays army will be purified.
Garfield Tea a simple and satisfac
tory laxative! Composed of Herbs, It
regulates liver and kidneys, overcomes
constipation and brings Good Health.
The highest point nt which man can
live without his health being seriously
affected is 1(1.500 feet
and bides, or tan them for robes, rugs or
coats. N.W.Hlde A Far Co., Minneapolis
Over 70 per cent of the natives ef In
lla till the land ; bene the population is
scattered, and their power of co-operation
la greatly lessened.
Ulllloa Dollar Grass.
Most remarkable grass of th century,
(iood for three rousing crops annually.
One Iowa farmer on 100 acres sold S3,
800.00 worth of teed and had 300 tons of
hay beaidea. It Is immense. Do try it.
fob lOo aho Tina wonca
send to the John A. Salter Seed Co., I.a
Crosse, Wis., to pay postage, etc., and
they will mail you the only original seed
catalog published in America, with sam
ples of llilllon Iiollar Grass, Macaroni
Wheat, the sly miller mixer, Sainfoin, the
dry aoil luzurlator. Victoria Rape, the
HOc a ton green food producer, Silver
King Barley yielding 173 bu. per acre,
etc., etc., etc.
And it you send 14c we will add a
package of new farm seed never before
seen by you. John A. Satzer Seed Co.,
I.a Crosse, Wis. C. N. V.
What It Is For,
Wlfe Must you go to the club to
aight, dear?
Husband It isn't absolutely neces
sary, but I need the rest Life.
eclPhcw. Sails
Why take
castor oil? ' Goes through you like a
salts" means violence, crrios. rrioes. cases.
soreness, irritation, and leaves your stomach and bowels
weak and burnt out. Might just as well take concen
trated lye. Then there's castor oil, disgusting, nauseat
ing truck that your stomach refuses unless you disguise
the taste. Fool your own stomach, eh? Don't ever
believe that anything offensive to your taste or smell is
going to do you real good. Nature makes certain
things repulsive, so you will not take them. Force
yourself to nauseous doses, and you ruin your digestion.
weaken your bowels, destroy your health.
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How many American .women irt
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Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of West
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when Lydia K. Pinkham' a Vegetable
Compound was recommended to me. If
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Mrs. Josephine IIall,of Bardstown,
Ky, writes:
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For thirty years Lydia . Pink
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Sho has guided thousands to
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