CO SOMEWHERE Ma.k ThKt Callfamt Trip Now lyow one way Colonist rates daily until April 30th to Utah, California, Oregon, Washington and Montana. WIftr Toura To the South and Gulf Re sorts until April 30th. . IIomlcra' Rat 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to Col orado, Big Horn Basin, Mon tana and Northwest. TK Big Horn Basin Mr D. Clem Deaver, Land seekers' Information Bureau, Omaha, will personally con duct landseekers to this coun try the first and third Tues days in April. Write Mr. Deaver for information about very desirable irrigated lands in the basin, subject to home stead under the big Govern ment Ditch or under private ' ditches., 100,000 acres of new Basin land will come under water in 1908. Business Openings We have list of excellent bus iness chances in new growing towns on Burlington, exten sions; cet established earlv j of the coming popula Write the undersigned. Local Items Friday, March 27, 1908 ahead tion. N A S McLean, Ticket Agent DAT.OTA O'.Tr, NEB. L. W. Wakklet, G P A, Omaha, Neb Undertaker County Coroner B. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska Post cards at Van's. Have Eimers rnske your abstracts Four thousand fret of cottonwood lumber for sale. Robert Lapsley. Cbas Bites was up from Homer rev eral days last week, returning Lome Sunday. What is the difference between woman and an umbrella? You can shut an umbrella up . I hsve a few tons of good alfalfa hay for sale. Mrs Etta M bpenoer, Uakota City, Neb. Mrs Win Shambaugh of Sioni City, spent several days the past w-sek with Airs B M l izoy, of this place. Mrs James Fueston went to Fonca lust Friday and spent several days at the home of her son, Frank Fueston. Rev and Mrs Q E Van floges are in attendance at the Norfolk District conference which is now in session at Wayne. If you don't like the "Queen" floor cold by Van de Zadde, try n sick of "Pride of Omaha," the best flour in the world. Henry Powell and wife moved here from Walker's Inland last week, and are occupying the Curg Ayres house iu the north part of town. Agents Wanted J6i20 crayon por traits 40 cents, frames 10 cents and up, sheet picture one cent each. Yon can make iQ( profit or $30.00 per week. Catalogue and sample free. Frank W Williams Company, 12U8 w I Taylor St, Chicago, 111. Mrs W C Mitchell and daughter, Ruby, rame down from BloomflVld last week and will visit relatives here abouts until Mr Mitchell who preceded them to Wall, 8 D, can erect a suita ble house on their claim there, when the family wiil follow nim. They ex peot to be here about a mrnlh. Last Sunday Rev Von Hsgen took up-a subscription in tho Methodist church for the purpose of painting and otherwise repairing the church proper ty. The amount subscribed footed up to an even $100.75. The Rev gentle man is still bustling for morn and hopes to put it am near the ,$300,00 mark as possible. Miss Owen Rockwell departed Sun day noon for Akron, Colo, where she will tile on a homestead We admire the pluck of a young girl that will ven ture out in the world alone to make a home for herself; but then this is Leap year, and the old saying that it is lest to prepare the cage before you get the bird, may be the incantive for this venture. Anyhow we will wait and see. The Ilelald foT ALL th KCWft.! Mary Easton visited Homer rela tives Monday. I Alex Nixon, of Emerson procinc', was in town on business last Friday. F M Booknart was transRoting bu siness at Law ton, Io, several days this week. Yon will neyer get nervous if you drink Breun's coffee. VandeZedde sells it. Lnlu Ilirsch and Lulu Barnes, of Homer, visited Friday and Saturday with Neva isest. M O Ayres returned Monday from ten days hunt in the sand hill, with liberal supply of ducks. For Sale Good Early Irish Victor seed oats. Address J O C LLIK8, R F D No 1, Waterbury, Nebn Jay Bliven has givej up his black smith business at Nacora, and has ac cepted a job on the Foye street oar line. Mrs Jas C McKernan went to Ha- warden, Iowa, Saturday, called there by the serious illness of her brother, Irviu Finch, Have you tried the Sultanna and Too-co brands of canned geods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. Croup positively checked in 20 in in ut 08. L)r snoops an minute croup remedy acts like magio. No vomiting, nothing harsh. A simple, safe, pleas ant, dependable croup syrup. 00o For sale by all dealers. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows: Preaching, Ham; Sunday sobool, 10 a in! (1ns meeting 12 ni; Epworlh League, ti -.30 p m ; Preacbiug, 7:30p ni. Preach iu Grace church every Sunday at 2:30 p m. You are cordially iuvited to any and all these services . Ward Joyce, one of the rustling young farmers of this precinct, depart ed on Wednesday of this week for his eliim near Grindstone, H D. He shipped a car of stock, and also the framed lumber with which to build a comfortable "shack" on his claim. The Herald goes to his new home to keep him postod on the happenings of this locality. Dakota City lost another of its esti mable families this week when Mr and Mrs B F Strohru, who have resided here for several years past, took their departure Monday. Mr Strohin left for Hermiston, Ore, where he has a claim under the desert right, and Mrs Strohm went to Cresco, Iowa, where she will visit for a month or six weeks with her children while her hnsbuid is fitting up a residence on their claim in the far west. We all regret to see thm leave, but the best of friends must sometimes part, and the good wishes of all accompany theso people on their westward journey. passenger to Ada Londtosh was Winnebago Sunday. County Attorney F B Bdrry was down from r.merson Tuesday. Thos 0 Baird and wife were n from Omsdi preeinct Monday enronte to Sioux City. Dakota City is now rid of the small pox, and we hope the disease is stamp ed out for good. Fred Hughert and wife were up from winnobago bnnday and Mo u day re newing old acquaintances, Tony Dixon and Georgia NesUt of Sioux City, wore happily married by J ml go V J btinson lhursday. Mail Carrier James Cool ey is sport mg a bran new gold mounted harness for his driving horse, "Charley". Stoves! Stoves! Stoves I Stoves at cost, for the next three weeks. Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co, Dako ta City. Frank Hill, of Allen, visited relatives here this week. s SBSSESBaSSESB. J3B2 DUROC JERSEY IBRJDID SOW SAlrlE At Farm One-half Milo North of Homer, Neb., on Tuesday, March 31, '08 Comrnenciiig at 1:15 P. M., aDd Consisting of red Sow Sire'l by the great show and breeding boar, Missoori Gold Finch, and other boars of note n l , v. ? . ' " ' ' ' ? ' 1 I 'l - ' r ' K ' ' " i v 7 V J ' tH. " v r4 V 1 S PHIKCDALCB ANKER 164 BOTBr,GC0BLES5!NG H0MEH NESRV which are bred to Dread Naught, the highest priced Duroc Jersey boar in the world; Springdale Banker, Springdale Critic, and Missouri Gold Finch, first prize winner at American Royal and Missouri State Fairs. I am putting in this sale some of the choicest sows of the breed, and the cream of the Springdale herd. TKRMS OP SALK: Ten months' time will be allowed purchasers giv note, bearing S interest. - FREE IfVNCII AT NOON an approved COL. COL. T. A. C. CALLAHAN, ) IRA DAVIS, (KO. V. ASIIFORD W. II. RYAN, 1 Clerks. jj Auctioneers. GEO. C. BLESSING HOMER, NEBRASKA Good, frejh, guaranteed aarden seeds at Van de Zedde's. With every OU cent purchase you are entitled to a gold fish. ' Judge D 0 Stir.son tied the nuptial knot lor Duncan U Hansel, of Tonca, Nebr, and O Carpenter, of Mer rill, Iowa, on Monday. If you want steady work that's pleas ant and profitable, write at once to the tlawka Nursery Co, Wauwatosa, Wis, Largest in the state. The present corps of teachers em ployed in the Dakota City schools were re-elected at a meeting of the b. ard held Tnesday evening. Dick Broyhill and Jas Clark built a barn on the Swan Fetersou farm, just south of town the pant weok. The farm is occupied by U P Mathews. George Gribble, who is purchasing agent for the Omaha I'acking compa ny, at South Omaha, has beeu given a positiou with the main house in Chica go, and will go their April 2nd. Hazel Johnson, eon of J M Johnson of South Sioux City, is nssisting in the lumber yard at tins place, Cluis Conghtry having given up the position to study for the railway mail servise. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slaughter Co. Theo E Blien, Manager Dakota City, Neb. Mrs J T Knepper was taken to the Samaritan hospital, Sioux City, Tues day for an operation for bladder trouble. She is not Improving as well as her family and frionds would like to see. Elmer E Smith, who moved to Penn sylvania with his parents about eight years ago, returned Saturday to take a poHiticn as typo at the EaelA cilice. Mr Smith worked at the piinting busi ness several years before moving east and is well known to Dakota county people. The Dave Neiswanger family was released from quarantine for smallpox Monday, Mr Neiswanger having fully recovered from the d:sease. Dave wami't long iu loading his trunks and getting to work again as traveling salesman for Finch, Van Slyck & Mo Conville, a wholesale firm of St Paul. Jos A Foye is putting in a "Y" and spur track a short distance this side of the lane leading to Crystal Lake park, and will build it to the railroad traoks at the south end of the original park, where he is fitting up a beach and boatyard. The north end of the park has been leased by the Fojes to another party who will have control of it for the coming year. Robert Heed, oie of the old and re- speeted residents of the west part of the county, whoso (arm is near Naoora, died Friday night of heart failure. Ills lifeless remains were found Satur day morning lying on the edge of the bed, life huviug departed sometime during the night. Mr Reod lived aloua on the farm where he had ac quired considerable wealth. He leaves several grown children. Wm Uolsworth, one of the old and respected residents of Omsdi precinct, wit at his home live miles f-otltliwoHt oi Homer, Mon lay, March '23, 1908, from the effects of a stroke of paraly sis. The lureiu services were hell on Wednesday. Mr Holswortli came to Dakota county in July 18G8. Ho taught school for 'several ternm and lias held many importnut offices, among them being u represenative to the leg iHli.tii re. llev CephiiB ISaird, a former Luther an pustor at this placp, who recently moved to Santa Monica, C ili, to reBidH with his son Chalmers Uai'd, tlied lant week from the effects of burns received a few weeks previous while usleep with newspaper spread over his face . A spark from the firepluee caught the newspaper and before he awoke bis face was badly burned and one eye wan left sightless. Mrs Bessie Kline, of Sioux City, a daughter, left for Cal ifornia to attend the funeral obsequies. John Soverson, llnrman Froo.n and Judge Chase, of Pender, and the men- hers of the board of commissioners of Thurston countv were here Tni-s dav' in consultation' with Judge It E Evans iu the matter of the cuirt house entanglement at Pender. The commissioners had leased a portion of the old Palace hotel ot Severson for una us county otlioes, but were cim fronted with injunction proceedings prohibiting them from moving tlio county offices from the present court house. A bittor fight is .looked fur in the courts. A pleatant eveuiug was spent at the Jay ltliven homo Monday evening when the neighbors to the nnuber of about twenty gathered to hold a 'are well par'y for Mr and Mrs Uhven, and to welcome Mr and Mrs Jeff Rockwell who will take up their abode in the Bliven residence, the two families hav incr traded residences. Music and dancing was i ml u Iced iu and a bonnte ons supper was served at midnight. C M Gray and wife and Miss Elizabeth Kreamer wore instrumental in getting up the paity. Others in attendance were.: Fred Schmidt and wife. Will Ostmeyer and wife, Alfred Chaillie and wife, Ed Bliven and wife., Ross Johnson and wife, Jeff Rockwell and wife. Henry Krumwiede aud wife, Al Adams and wife and Louis Larson au W J Armour, of Pones, was here on bUMuess Tuesday. lbe board or county commissioners meet tomorrow, Saturday. Ilsisl Leslie was a passenger Omaha Wednesday morning. Ooody, Ooody, Goody, where, at au's. A big box for 6 cents. Mike Waters, tbe Hubbard banker, was in town a short time yesterday inas ntewarc, oi 1'igeon i reek pre cinct was transacting business here Tutsday. Fred Blume was down from Emerson Monday settling np the affairs of th Kipper estate. S A Stinson leaves Sundav for St Paul, where he will spend a few days buyiug goods. Emily Ireland was here from Emer son the flmt of the week, a guest a the Lennox home. Thirty head of fancy bred Duroc sown will ie sold at Geo O Blessing'i sale, Tuesday, March 31st. Mrs Jo4Lindbtrom came over from Sioux City Wednesday for a visit with her patents, Wm Lennox and wife. The doors in tho sohool buildings ere were changed to open outward tl is week, during the vacation period. There are too many loose cows and horses running at large, there is also too much bicycle riding on the side walks. Charles Wetherbee, of Providence, R I, and Pearl Sullivan, of Sioux City, wero joined in wedlock by Judge D C istinsouon Saturday last. A social dance will be held in the Brastield opera house Tuesday even ng, March Slut. Musio by the union piece orchestra. AU are iuvited. J1 or item u room house, with or ithout five acres of ground. Alfked Seymour, Dakota Citj , Nebr. Judge R E Evans attended a Mason i meeting at Uartington Wednes ay evening and assisted iu conferring the Master Maxou a degree on Claude Baird, sou of Z M Baird. Mrs M L Johnson and baby left Wednesday for their home at Lead, D, having spent a couple of weeks ere at the home of Mrs Johnson's pai- ents, Mr and Mrs J N Hamilton. Julius Giese went to Omaha Sundsy morning to attend a meeting of riil- road employes, the subject of consider- Mon being tbe nw mno-bonr law that is canning the roads so much anxiety. Lost A ladies' open-fare silver watch, monogram engraved on the back. Black ribbon fob attached. Finder please return to Mary V Quinn nd receive reward. Maiiy V. Quinx, Jackson, Nebr. For housecleaning time, see what 35 cents will buy at Van's a ten ceut ackage of Dutch cleanser, a bar of aud soap, a bar of tar soap, a soour- ngbar. Fifty cents worth, all for 5 cents, at Van de Zedde s. A member of the pure food commis sion was here Tuesday making . the rounds of the merchants to see that the'provisions of the pure food law were being complied with She found some emon extract that was mis-labeled by the manufacturers. Invitations were reoeived here the past week from Rev and Mrs Wm K Gray, of Delano, Minn, announcing their twenty-fifth wedding anniversa ry, which occurs April a, 1U()H. ltev Gray was pastor of the M E church here ten years ago. Old age and dim sight are poor com panions, better sight makes the world brighter and more cheerfnl. If your igt.t is falling or imperfect, you need glasses to correct or restore to normal ision. Nocsn fit you. WC Eck art, Liceasod Optometrist. Pain can be quickly stopped. A 25 cent box of Dr Shoop's headache Tab- ets will kill any pain, everywhere, in 20 minutes I Besides they are thoroug ly safe. Painful periods with Wtinen, enrilgio, etc, quickly cease after one Met. For sale by all dealers. George C Blessing, breeder of fancy Duroc Jerseys, will hold a publia sale f bred sows at his farm just nortr. of Homer, Nebr, on Tuesday March 31st. He will put tliirty heotl of his best red sows in this sale, and if you want OM-ething fluff in the Duroo line of reeding, this will be your oppoituuity to get it. The schools enjoyed their annual pring vacation this week. Professors ate hen uud Best remained here and eard classes in the eleventh grace, n punitory for graduation. Mixs Hubert spent tho week with relatives and friemls at Martiusbnrg, her par- nts having removed to South Dakota dHtweek. Mihs Durland spent the week at Plainview, at her old home. Miss Wilson went to Lyons for the week, and Miss Taylor spent the week t Ouawa, Iowa, at her home. II 0 Uanaeu has his new Iioiihh on his farm iu Ouiuili precinct well under wav, and this week he moved ln fami ly and household goods from this place o their former home. Mr Hansen made many fiiends during the four years he was sheriff of Dakota county and resided among us, as aid also lus estimable family, and we regret to see them leave us. al ins Carrie Hansen the eldest daughter, will remain here and finish the term of school, she being member of the graduating class o the high school. She will make her home with Mr and Mrs Harry Adair 1 the stomach or Remember that when nerves fail or weaken, uyspepMii indices ion must always follow. Hut strengthen these same weak iutid nerves with Dr Shoop's restorative aud then see how quickly health will again return . Weak heart aud kid ney nerves can also bo streugthene with the restorative, where hear pains, palpitation, or kiduey weakness is found. Don t drug the stomach or stimulate the heart or kidneys That is wrong. Go to the cause these aliments. Strengthen these weak insido nerves with Dr Shooi restorative and get well. A simple ingle test will surely tell. For sale I 1 I I Jxxst tv Wcacryln for more business (and gettiog it, too ) Deposits, $15,000.00 larger than one year ago. Tienty of money to loan on good paper ALL the time. That'a better than being oat, whenever j on -need to borrow. If yon hoar of anyone tnat wishes to know how a good bank is run, tell him to try, just once, "The Bank that Always treats you Right" if Dakota County kav, Maferaskat.. Thc Oiotrr Bank in tnk Countv Dank Jsoki Patronize Home Industries byy your meats of Wxxv LOEVEWZ, Proprietor of City KlesU Market Fresh and Salt Meats always on hacd . Cath paid for hide. Agent foi Seymour's White Laundry. "' Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY- NEBRASKA- i IOWA ' ATE i Cheap, Light, Simple., Durable, Adjustable, Practice!. Made of High Carbon Rolled Steel Tubing. SOLD ON TRIAL. & Bradford Lumber Gfo. Kohlmeicr, Mgr. Dakota City, Neb. mnm o. Hardware, Field Seeds, Buggies, Gasolene Engines, Rock Salt, Roofing Paper, Machine Oil, Gasolene, Pumps, Poultry Netting, . Stock Food, Screen Wire, Gloves, Sewing Machine Needles, Dakota City, Machinery, Garden Seeds, Wagons, Posts burr oak, Stock Tanks, Harness, Kerosene Oil, Oyster Shell, Wagon Jacks, Ammunition, Lighting Plants, Pocket Knives,' Clocks, $1.00 Ingersol Watches. 3F OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the accuracy of every Abstract I make Successor to Dakota County Abstract Co. Bonded Abstracter J. J. EIMERS vie t ARM MACHINERY H&rrows Plows Drills I keen a. full line of Repairs for all the machinery Paint h Oils Turpentine Hubbard, Neb 1 E- vi i I I I I I 5fc wife. by all dealers.