vs WANTS BIO ARMY. ttajor General Sell Saya Unole San Should Have 50,000 Men. A United States array of 250,000 met fbat Is what Ma J. Gen. J. Franklin ell, chief of staff, say Uncle Sana yvenld neod If lavelvod in war with Elrst-claaa purer. "We should not oursrtvea to name a fa 106 seas . rarity," soya t&lj nan, wlo ka Ca tiaffce of the United State army, ta V annual report, "or continue te en tertain the Illusion that brave, but retrained, unorganized people caa crap l.f auecenfnUy with another aatloa letter trained and organdied." Ala la from Gen. Sell's report, la Vka he asks the epverajneae f eat let important fact receaavnaeaAaf as lflNase la the amy and the restefl- Be of the canteen. It is a modest assumption," say I en. Bell "te aay that (He Varied tales will, if bwtlved la war with any flrst-claes pawer, require the lta tnedlate mebUlzattea ef 2u,00 men, Co be speedily fetowed -fey as many tnore, with a posaKAe ultimate addV tloftal Increase of Hear times that wai ter. "One Atvfeioa, 18,00 troops. Is, of course, not sufficient to meet any need ftt a time Yhen isolation has become thing ef the past, and we hare point 4f a possible friction in so many di rections. That we can first in aAy popular outburst raise volunteers la 0eat numbers may be admitted. We i lava the men, the money, etc., but we will not bare the time to convert these men lute soldiers able'to cope with the trained soldiers of other na- Sons. It can be safely relied upon tat the remoteness of war largely de pends upon preparation to meet It Un less other great nations are wrong and wasting time and money, they are giving us an object lcssoa which Americans will some time have to learn by costly and humiliating experi ence, and which It Is the urgent duty . of professional soldiers to point out; tamely, that time and training are both necessary to convert au untrained Volunteer Into a soldier, whether for Infantry, cavalry, artillery, engineers ve signal oerpa. The last great war Clearly demonstrated that the side which II rflndy and acts promptly gains $ decisive advantage. The engiaeer force as now organ ise Is insUSlelent for the needs erea proper peace training of the arosy. ring the past two years, on net less is -ten or twelve occasions, actual Unessltles for engineer troops have tUseu whfch could not bo met, because f the relative smallnees of this branch ff the service." Reports are, to the effect that the Wis t ectasia Central is securing a through rout between Chicago and Winnipeg by tht way of Duluth. ..".. The management of the Pennsylvania road has issued Instructions that wher ever possible business shall be transacted by train letters instead of telegraph. Tba Tfer is in the interest of economy and has resulted in reducing ths daily n am ber of messages sent from the Broad street station, Philadelphia, by nearly ,00. On New Tear's eve culminated a vaJqae movement for industrial temper ance when a pledge of total abstinence Signed by 25.000 employes of the North Western railroad went into effect. It started among the employes after It had been made known that the management was selecting the drinking men for dis missal in reducing the force. The railroad companies doing business In Missouri have about decided not to con test the State 2-cent fare law, because they are now confident that the reduction of traffic shown by their figures since ths law went into effect will satisfy the courts that it is inequitable and confiscatory. A Missouri Pacilc official said the receipts had deelined 90 per cent in the last ninety days, and a Wabash man aaid that the combined loss te all the roads la passenger traffic alone was $(1,000,009. It is estimated by members of the car service committee that between $700,900,' and $1.00,000,00f worth of eqnlp anent is idle la the country and that it Is therefore coating the railroads nearly ' $4,O09,a00 a month In Interest charges te amaiataia it in idleness. There are 375,- 09 freight ears standing idle on side tracks throughout the country. It is stat ed that for every thirty freight cars Which have become idle aa engine haa been put as roe enops, wnica weuie mean tbat fully 12,000 locomotives are without loads te Attorney General Bonaparte haa com aneaoed action under the Sherman anti trust law te dissolve the merger of the Harrlman mtoreeta in the Southern Pa- iff im4 thu Flnlm PaiaHi railnuila Itila It ia pnrwnance of an investigation and sepert aaaae Dy opens! Attorney Frank 8. Ketlofg, on behalf of the interstate commerce comsiieulon. Mr. Kellogg, with Mr. Severance of St. Paul, Minn., will have ebarae of the preoecntion of the suit, which will Drohuhlv ba Imwiid In Utah The proceedings will be similar to those rengnt against me IMortuern (Securities Ceateany by the govorumeut some years age. sew. t. v. ecu. HOT BiMGED IF PAY IS fH3T RAISED Officers Deeply Concerned Over Future if Men Are Not Given Adequate Compensation. V MORE INFANTRY IS NEEDED. Half-Filled Regiments Result of Low Wages for Work Enlightening Article by General Carter. Wahiagton correspondence : ' One could not exaggerate If he would the spirit of actual boiwlcssuess with which the officers of the American army will view the future If Congress falls at the present session to pass the bill granting an Increase of pny to the rank and file. At some of the posts there are barely enough soldiers to do guard duty as it ought to be done, (t Is a present condition with which tho army officers are coucerncd first, and it Is a future condition over which they are concerned second. The fu ture condition is the more serious, be cause It menus that If things, go on as they have been doing the country and Its Island possessions will be defense less. , Men wbo have worn shoulder knots since the days of the civil war suy In all seriousness that unless the peo ple bring pressure to bear upon Con gress to provide adequate pny for the soldiers the' people will find them selves, as far as the regular army en ters into the matter, practically with out defense, and reduced almost to the stage of having no seasoned force as a nucleus of efficiency for untrained national guardsmen and green volun teers. Post libraries, recreation rooms, field athletics, comfortable quarters, good food, good clothing, free medical attendance and plunge and shower baths all avail nothing to uttrnct men to a life which would draw thorn by the thousands If a decent allowance of pay for the service they jx-nder In peace, and always have been willing to render In wnr, were added te the in ducements. Joint encampments of the regulars and the national guardsmen will be held next summer. The regulars en Joy camp as well ns'gnrrlson service, though the duties are harder. It Is the belief of officers of the army that these encampments, Into whoxo mili tary life rue unttoiml state soldiers en ter, would Induce enlistments from the national guard by the hundreds If the men knew that their pay would be commensurate with the work they are willing to do for their country. In a recent number of the, North American Itevlew General William H. Carter, commanding the Department of the Lakes, has an enlightening arti cle under the strongly suggestive title. "When Diplomacy Falls." It Is writ ten by an olllcer not given to souhrflng trmuiKt alarm notes and vw for the worth of his service was made a Hrlg adler General years before the time when under the ofdinury rule of pro motion ho would have been eutltled to wear his star. Army officials believe that If the es tablishment were enlarged post life would be far more attractive Ikh-buso of the greater numlor of Soldiers In the gurrlsou. If the proposed advance In pay Is passed by Congress the offi cers also Iwlleve that there will be no trouble la keeping the ranks filled, and that re-cnllstiuents will be tho rule rather thnn the exception, ns they are to-day. MISSOUM BANK ROBBED. X'lve Bandits Wreck Building and Terrorize Town.of Rich Hill. Taklr.1 $23,000 after dynamiting and wrecking tho building of the Farmers and Manufacturers' Hank In Itleh 11111, Mo., Ave baudlts, heavily armed, ter rorized cltliM'us early the' other morn ing and after exchanging shota with the sheriff's pose escaped to the rough country south. No one was Injured. A terrific explosion caused by the dynamiting of the vault of the bank awakened the twwn half an hour after midnight and the population hurried to the two-Btory brick bank In the center of tho city. Many arrived in tlmo to see the robbers riding away. Some of the citizens opened tiro on the fleeing bandits and tho latter returned the fire. Cashier J. W. Jamison said that all the available cash In the bank was taken by the robbers. Tho building was ruined and several other bulbil were damagod by tho explosion. The suerifT orguulsed a imsso, but the rob bers had a good start. A an last L.n Womoa Ularra. A Jury haa decided that Mrs. Harriet Stanton Blutcb cannot compel the Hoff man lloase of New York la wrv tii.ki. to her after 0 In the ermine-. wkn i.. la uuaocmianied by a aian. Mrs. Watch at once ajMaktd ths case, and she will be supported in carrying the matter to thu highest court by the Oi maimers' League and the Federation of Women's OiiIul a bill te preveut the diwrlmlnatioa against women by hot! in this way haa beer introduced in the Legislature. TrS-UetM l,o.M -Jt. Judge Thomiwon, la the United States Oeurt at Cincinnati, has hauded down a dioisien ad'srse to the United Typothetw in its cum agaiimt (he International Printing Prmsunen's and Assistants' Union ot Nertk America, asking for an injunction to prevent the ofBi-vra ef tht union from eating a alrike. The Typoth etu set up an agreement for a nine hour day until Jan. 1, l'.KK). This, wall sigued by soma of the officers, had not beun ratified by the union, therefore tb court holds that it was net binding upon the members. HALF A BILLION FOR CANALS. Stupendoua Scheme of Senator JTw landa, of Nevada. Congresw nt Its present session will face the greatest scheme for the ag grandizement of the commerce of the .,v--.v.j- i v , I country that was will have before It the bill of Senator, Newlands of Ne vada, creating a first fund of $"0, 000,000 for an In land waterway par alleling the shores of the Atlantic and r" r .is . t i . O. MiWl.ANUS. - Oe HUH OI JlfXKTJ and contemjilatlng the exj)endlture of $500,000,000 within the next teu years. It may not pass at this session. But that It must pass, or that some meas ure of commensurate magnitude must speedily be adopted, every man In Amer ican public life, from minor politician to far-seeing statesman, has already conceded. There Is no choice, no alter native, unless It be the chojee of purblind- folly. Senator Newlands, who Introduced the bill, Is one of the experts selected by the President as specially .qualified for membership In the Inland Water ways Commission tlw Nevadu author ity whose broad knowledge of.the sub ject ranks him with Frederick H. New ell, the director of the reclamation ser vice; Dr. W. J. Mcflee, the distinguish ed expert of the geological bureau ; Olfford, Pinchot, the government for ester; Senator Warner of Missouri, who has been one of the most thorough-? ly versed students of the plan, and Representative Burton, long acknowl edged as the Congressman qualified to speak the last word of wisdom upon the needs of the country's rivers and harbors. "In the next ten yenrs," declares Senator Newlands, "the United States should spend at least $500,000,000 In the Improvement of Inland .waters. The government should enter Into this work In every section of the country, on the Pacific const, the Atlantic coast, the Gulf coast, and along the Mississippi river and Its tributaries." The proposal Is to cut a channel at the northern end of the lnterconstal canal, from Burnstable bay, north of Cape Cod, to Huzza rd'a Bay, giving ac cess to the comparatively smooth wat ers of Buzzard's bay und an Inner pas sage down Long Island sound to the Delaware and Ilaritan canal, at Perth Amboy. " The Delaware and Rnrltan, deepen ed, is to give access to the Delaware river ut Trenton, N. J., whence there will be the route of natural water courses to the Chesapeake and Dela ware canal, which extends across the narrow neck of Deluwnre and the east ern shore of Maryland. This will pro vide a ship route from the Delaware river to the Chesnpeake bay. ' Down the Chesapeake bay the route ' proceeds to Norfolk and down the south branch of the Kllzabeth river. It Is likely to cut across Currituck , sound, throngh Coanjock bny, across North Carolina, into Albemarle sound and( on through Crontan sound Into Pnmlico sound. Cutting through the Beaufort, It has access, by means of various cuttings, to au Inlund route paralleling the whole Atlantic const lino down to Florida, and then on, skirting the Gulf of Mex ico and ndinlttlng the enormous troffle of the Mississippi,' to Texas and to the mouth of the HIo Grande. W7S.8VDS. or The University of Wisconsin will have four coaches to make Its football eleven for next season. , The Columbia Yacht Club of Chicago is preparing for an Increased interest in yacht racing on the Grpat Lakes. The Grinnell trnck team, last year the champions of Iowa, will make a strong bid for the sume honors this spring. The uiuungeuient at Nebraska has of fered the Thanksgiving football date to Ames, tho game to be played in Lincoln. In a roller skating contest at Chicago Miss Piukertou and Miss Souchard cov ered fifty-one miles and eight laps In fouY hours. In connection with the Cuban white festival it has been decided to inaugurate horse racing on a new truck at liuer.a Vista, near Havana. On a slushy track at Oakland, Cat, the best race the other day was the sevon turloug event, which was won by Ha leigh, In a game I'minli. Louis Drill, one of St. Paul's i .'ternn catchers, who played with Pueblo, Colo., lttHt season, will mamige the Terra Haute, Ind., teuni this scaium. At Lo Angeles, Cel., Buttling Nelson was given the worst beating in ten rounds that ho ever received. Iludolph Unbolt won on the bit, beuting the Dune at every kind of fighting which the former light weight champion introduced. George Huckeuschuiidt of Russia easily defeated Joseph Rogers, American, In the wrestling match at Oxford mmde hall, London, for the clmmpiontihip of the world. The girls' baHketball team of the State agricultural school defeated the girls ot Druuuuond hall, Minneapolis, in the ar mory at the agricultural school, by a score of 34 to ;). At South Bend, Ind., In a wrestling match for a $100 purse "Wild Joe" Col lins of Wisconsin defeated Dun McBride of Cleveland, winning two successive falls in 81 and 23 minutes. The negotiations between Nebraska uni versity aud Iowa university for a game of football to be played between tba teams representing the two institutions next fall have fallen through. ' A Russian trottiug mare of the famous Orloff breed has arrived in America for the purpose of being bred to a stallion through whose veins runs the pure blood strain of ths American trotting breed. Thomas A. llueatou of St. Loula suc cessfully defended his title as champion fool player by defeating Isronm Kcogh of Buffalo, the score for tht three nights' play in St. Louis being: Hues ton tfOCL Keogh b&i .v--' t,v Yi,; u DAVIS NOT TO MARRY. Family Opposes Union of Aged Mil lionaire and Mlso Aahford. Miss Maud Ashfordwlll not become the wife of former Senator Henry Gas sawny DuvK the iiiultl-intlllonalra West Virginian nnd fnther-ln-lnw of Senator Stephen B. K.lklns of thai State. The engagement between Mlsi Asliford and Mr. Davis has been brok en, It is stated. There will be no breach if promise suit, no money settlement by f art.' t J?JTOjR.D. Mr. Davis on Miss Asliford and no fur ther consideration of an alliance be tween them. These statements, accord ing to a Washington dispatch, wen made hy M iss Asliford. Rumors had been circulated that this would be thi outcome, lava use of the strong opposi tion to the projxtsed marriage by Mra Klklns, daughter of Mr. Davis, and members of her family. YOUNG KING OF PORTUGAL. Manuel II, at Age of Eighteen Takei His Murdered Father's Place. Very unexpectedly n boy of 18 li raised to the rcKpoimthllitics of King ol Portugal. Young Prince Manuel nntur ally felt that the burdens and dignity of that high dace were far removeO from 1 1 1 1 ii. Ills royal father was Is the prime of life und his elder brothel stood between lilm and successUm. Bui the bullets of the assassins Yembved the King nnd the crown prince in i twinkling nntl upon an 'untrained boj develops the tremendous duties and cures of Kingship. Manuel II., who was proclaimed King the morning nftcr his fathor'i death, has served his country' In tin navy. He Is a blonde, tall, well edu cated nnd considered good-looking. IU is said to possess the qualities whlcl go toward making a determined ruler MANUEL II. Fortunately for him, in the preseni disturbed condition of nffnlrs England Is bound by trenty not only to prevent an Invasion of his country but to main tain the present dynasty on the throne Any effort, therefore, to place a pre tender In his place would lend to arm ed Intervention on the part of Grea' Britain. ! Resmllatn "Cbrlatlnn Paycholoarr' lshop Fallows, who Is heading th -movement of Christian psychology ii Chicago, has made it very clear that thli movement is not to be mistaken as t phuBe of Christian Science. Now Mr Archibald McLcllus, speaking for Mrs Kdd.v through the Christian Science Sen tinel, utterly repudiates any recogaltiet of t hristiau psychology, saying: "H teachings show that she cannot isdorse ai Christianity the two distinctly contradio tory statements and points of view con tulned In the term 'Christian psychol ogy' otherwise Christian materialism.' Speaking of the teaching of Jesus, hi says : "lie never complicated spirit witl matter, never tnucht the finite onnositi of God, spirit, infinity , all. As revealed in Christ iun Science, God ia unconseiout of matter, for If he is spirit and all, hi cannot know aught that would be the very unlikeness of himself in quantity quality and divinity. SHOUT HEWS NOTES. The Peunsylvnna Railway Company' summer freight houxe at Cleveland an( about twenty freight cars were burned Loss $75,000. Fire destroyed a part of the Molsoi warehouse, occupied by the Canadian Pa i-ific railway at Montreal. Loss $'HX,000 . covered by iusurasce. The Ohio Supreme Court set aside thi Indict meuta which had been found again the so-called briage trust, holding thai the t-hargea were not sufficiently definite An office buildiug at Portsmouth, Va, containing valuable records belonging to the Seaboard Air Line railway, waj wrecked by fire and water. Six Italians supposed to be membt-n of a Black Hand society are under nrrc at Canton, Ohio, uyon charges of huviuj threatenud to kiU ttikt Altlro, a saloon keeper, If he did aot giva them $50 aiW join their society. Chancellor Ilviskell at Memphis, Ten a. made permanent an injunction prohibltini an ergauuation of negroea styling them selves the Improved Benevolent Order ol F.Iks, with grand lodg beadiusrter ir Ihkwge, frsiu uslug tht saut "Ulk." f 4' Vj ,..-m X , HETTY GIVES 110 GASH ON VANDERBILT GEMS Refuses to Plsy Pawnbroker and Furnish Money to Go to Hungary. RICH ON VERGE OF POVERTY. Woman Financier Tells of Big Loans and Makes Prophecies on Political Outlook. Mr. Hetty Green, Queen of Finance, has been "hearing things," and the other day in an Interview t Boston she eoiilhled In the public through the pi ess. The financial stringency has (dunged many of the notably rich Into a sea of temporary poverty, If Mrs. Green's statements are true. Mrs. Green, according to her story, got un der cover before the pinch hit, nnd had plenty of cosh. Then the financiers came to her on bended knees for relief. The Vnnderbilt family, she says, came to her with their family Jewels. They wanted her to take them as se curity for u loan. This was before Gladys married the count. Mrs.' Green told them, she said, that she didn't deal In diamonds, and their offer was spurned. "They say Mrs. Cornelius Vnnderbilt is going to marry n Hunga rian count," said Mrs. (Jreen. "She ought to have n guardian Instead." Mrs. Green says men high In politics have tipped off the Inside' Information on the presidential nomination. Roose velt, she says, Is to be nominated again. Tuft knows it, too. She says the scheme Is to pose Tuft before the country as the President's choice.' He will get all the delegates he can and then will get up himself and nominate Roosevelt. It Is all framed up, declares Mrs.. Green. She says money Is easier, but hard times will continue until after the elec tion. VICTIMS OF IGNORANCE. Boukhobors ot Canada Preparing for Another Outburst. Reports received nt Ottuwa, Out., In dicate that the coining spring will see the 7,iOO Doukhobors leave their Nortu- west communities and go on another wild pllgrlmiiKC. All accounts agree that the fanaticism of the sect has no parallel In modern times. Doukho'oor leaders have been partic ularly busy issuing decrees since the be ginning of winter, nnd each new pro mulgation seems to have been drafted with a desire to outdo the preceding oi-es In Inflicting hardship and suffer ing on "the faithful." Children are said to be dying for want of proper food. The people are paupers. They have obeyed an order to sell all their cattle and sheep. All products of the land go to the sect leaders. AW chickens have been sold In obedience to a decree." Tea, coffee, sugar and pancakes have been tabootd and the general diet has been narrowed to raw potatoes, onions, car rots, turnips and u few other vege tables. Among the latest decrees have been those abolishing timepieces nnd looking glasses. Agents of the leaders have taken away from the people ubout $",mio worth of clocks and watches. The women, who are noted for their deftness with their needles,, have been forbidden to make any more embroid ery. The Doukhobor wheat Is handled by a committee, which does what it pleases with It. This committee con trols pretty nearly everything In the way of labor. The gangs which work on the railway and In the community brickyard pny over their wages to the committee without receipt. But when It comes to be laborers getting their meager food allowances from the com mlttce they ore compelled to give a receipt for every ounce. In one district 500 persons are living In two houses. Each adult Is allowed ii sleeping space of four feet wide. All have to climb Into their beds over the footboards. The younger men are stowed nwny In the garrets of the houses after the fashion of canned sur dl nes. HARD LUCK TAXES. Two women were found dead In the kitchen of a fashionably furnished 22 room house at No. R51 West Seventy-first street. New .York, of which they were caretakers. There was a little coal in a bin In the cellar and 17 cents was found in a cupboard. Nelson P. Thoren, a prosperous and respected farmer living on the Vhite Bear road west of Stillwater, Minn., fell from a cuke of ice dead. Assisted by his son he was pulling ice from a small lake, to be stored on the farm. Being over come with faiutness he sat down on a c-nke of ice and a moment later fell over dead. Heart disease was the cause of death. Copt. Smith, master of the British steamer Ashtield, cleiu-fid from Mobile, Ala., for Nlpa, Cuba, committed .suicide by drinking poison in his stateroom fol low ing a mutiny of the crew while on the high sens. At his own request William WInrich, an orphan boy of Morrisonville, Wis., was sent to the State reformatory at Wau kesha. The boy, who is 14 years old, de clared to the judge that he was tired of knocking about, and desired to be sent to some place where be wonld have a chauce to learn a useful trade and get some education. ' After eight years of biding from busi ness failure In Saginaw, Mich., William Andrews, trapper and hunter, blew off the top of his head in his shack in the woods about a quarter of aTnlle from Allen Junction station, on the Mesaba iron range. The body was found with the rifle clutched in the dead man's banda. William Bobbins, aged 10 years, the on of .1mci Bobbins, a prominent farm er residing neur Oilman, Iowa, waa in stantly killed by falling from a wagon, which ran over him. He and a little com panion tried to climb upon the wagon, and in doing so young Robbins fell, and tba rear wheal passed over bis body. FRESH AIR SCHOOL Hot Soapstonas Furnished Pupils with Cold Feet A fresh air school, unique among ed ucational Institutions In this country, has Just liecn opened la Providence, B. I. The school will he conducted In doors, la that It is held Inside a build ing, but great swinging windows on three sides of each room, extending the length and width of each, and aa ex tensive system of ventilation afford an atmosphere of cold, pure air, making the room easily adaptable to the con ditions necessary to comfortable add hygienic study by every student. The Idea of establishing the school was first suggested by the Rhode Isl and . League for the Suppression of Tuberculosis, which had heard of the satisfactory results attained by many schools of the kind In European coun tries. The system In operation In the German schools, which Is almost uni versal throughout Europe, has been adopted for the Providence school with but few variations. , The usual custom of removing the outer wraps while In the class rooms will not be followed In the "fresh air school," except when the weather com pels the closing of the large windows. Students subject to cold extremities will have .their feet and legs encased In woolen bags, made for the purpose, and wear gloves or mittens when thslr studies nnd play permit. The choirs and desks-and other paraphernalia In the eld ss rooms have been constructed on portable platforms so that It will be jHjsslble nt all times to keep within the rays of the sun. The school Is a part of the city's regular school sy tern. A MODERN UTOPIA. Millionaire's Plan for a Model ' Village in Ohio. Jumes W. Ellsworth, a coal operator, whose home Is In New York, has taken under his protection the village of Hudson, In northern Ohio, which was for more than half a century the seat of Western Reserve University, and Intends to make It the most beautiful spot In Ohio, as well as a seat of learntug. He has already made one gift of $100,000 to the village, and within the next few months he will spend many additional thousands In beautifying the little town nnd carry ing out his plan of making It nn edu cational center. Perhnps the most novel part of the program In beautifying the village Is the destruction of unsightly buildings and everything In fact that does not suit his taste. His agents have been busy buying up property all over the village on which ore located buildings which he thinks are a detriment to his plans. These structures will be torn down aud flue new buildings erected In their place. ' Ellsworth Is over G0 years of age and was born on a small farm near a splendid estate he owns not far from Hudson. His father conducted a gen eral store In the village. As a young man the son moved to Chicago. He obtained employment there In the office of a big coal firm. After several years' hard work he started In the coal bus! ness for himself. In a few years he became one of the largest iudepeudent coal operators in the country. Cabinetmakers' Union, of St. Paul, and Minneapolis, 'Minn., have formed a district council. ' Minneapolis, Minn., Trades Assembly represents about 13,000 members of labor unions in Minneapolis. In Germany the strongest trade union affiliated with the general federation is that of the nietal workers, which at the close of l'.KMl had a membership of ,TKy 075. Efforts are being made to organize a branch of the independent labor party In Toronio, Canada. Fees an J applications from several hundred luba" men nave al ready been received, and it 'a expected t3 have at least 5,000 names before 'the end or the year. y The new Alabama child labor law re cently went into effect. It forbids the employment of children, under twelve years of age in cotton mills and other in dustries, aud children between the ages of twelve aud fourteen are not allowed to work full time. i In the Clyde shipyards the shadow of the threatened, strike has been removed, the men having accepted. a reduction of 5 per cent on piece rates, the masters having on their side ngreed to forego the proposed reduction of one farthing per hour on time rates. The eleventh annual convention of the Tennessee Federation of Labor, held re cently, took practical steps looking toward obtaining fuvorable legislation for labor in Tennessee, and a campaign will be in stituted to obtain more thorough organ ization ot. tho laboring people.' , Industrial conditions are greatly im proved in Bridgeport, Conn. Every fac tory has resumed operations, some in full force and others to perhaps 75 per cent of their capacity, and some which were running on short time will Increase the number of working hours each week. Plans are being made by the Structural Building Trades Alliunce and the Central Labor Union of Spokane, Wash., to erect a labor temple In that city to cost $75, 0(10. There are 7,000 union men in Spo kane, and by 40 per cent of them taking $25 worth of stock the amount can be raised. The right of the State Legislature un der the constitution of the United States to enact a law prohibiting the employ ment of female laborers for more than ten hours a day, in which the State of Oregon ia Involved, was argued before ths Supreme Court of the United States re cently. President Roosevelt's recommendation to Congress for a postal savings bank is meeting with tba indorsement of. union labor throughout the country. It ia look ed upon aa a boon to the mechanics, ia that it givea them a place of absolute se curity to place their savings, whether tbey are of large or amall amount. CHICAGO. Discussing trade in the Chicago die trlct for the lost week, R. G. Dun A Company's report says : The general course of trade is beaded toward recovery, although the returns disclose some irregularity. . Operation! this week were restricted to some extent by unfavorable weather nnd the holiday, and there are smaller marketings of farm, products, less freight movemeut and de cline In payments through the banks. Against these temporary setbacks there are gratifying offsets in important re sumptions at the mills and furnaces, fur ther re-employment of workers and an improved demand for manufacture and spring merchandise. Retail trade here and at most Interior points benefited from a wider buying of heavy winter apparel and depletion of stocks previously in slow absorption. The attendance of country buyers in the wholesnlc markets for "staple goods shows seasonable increase and dealings are encouragingly stimulated in dry goods, woolens, clothing, footwear and food pro ducts. The bookings in some respects make favorable comparison with a year ago, and the aggregate woiildhave been bet ter were all buyers making their usual full selections of needs, but there is yet a rather conservative feeling, which is likelysto last until the trend of prices and the business on t look become more settled. Road salesmen have fair success in the textile bronches and new accounts are opened in the south nnd southwest sec tions, ludicntions generally encourage confidence in the prospects for wholesale and jobbiug uctivlty. Manufacturing is nof yet marked by an ' appreciable increase of outputs and im provement in deliveries is not expected to become general before spring. The situa tion, however, is better by the machinery set in motion aud reduction of the unem ployed. Inquiries appear more plentiful in iron and steel branches, especially for rays. structural shapes and wire products; - Bank clearings, $201,41U,H5tt, are 10.3 per cent under those of the corresponding week of HX)7. Failures in the Chicago district num ber .'13. against 32 last week and 25 a year ago. Those with liabilities over $5, 000 number 10, against 0 last week and 6 a year ago. NEW YORK. Buyers of spring goods are more in evi dence this week at all markets, responding to the advance of the season, and joltbing trnde shows more vim than at any time since lost autumn. In no case, however, is the bnying reported ns equal to a year ogo, and in some cases the decreases are very heavy. The easing of prices of sta-' pies shown in Jauunry has gone further this week. Building was nt low ebb in January, and this is reflected in easy prices for lumber. Business foilurps in the United States for tho week ending Feb. 13 number 824, against 272 last week. 204 in the like week of 1007, 20S in 1000, 243 in 1005 and 231 in 1004. Canadian failures for the eek number 44, ns against 50 lost week and 20 ia this week a year ago. Braistreet's Com mercial Report. 4, Vv.ii72tsW Chicago Cattle, common to prime, (4.00 'to $0.10; hogs, prime heavy, $4.0O to $4.35; sheep, fair to choice, $3.0 to $5.25; wheat. No. 2, U2c to 113c; corn, No. 2, utic to 57c; oats, standard, 4!)c to 50c; rye, No. 2, SOe to 81c; bay. timothy. fjiU.50 to $15.00; prairie, ifS.OO to $12.50; butter, choice creamery, 27c to .33c ; eggs, fresh, 10c to 22c ; potatoes, per bushel, 02c to 73c. Indianapolis Cattle, shipping, $3.0f to $5.75; hogs, good to choice heavy, $3.50 to $1.05; sheep, common to prime, $3.00 to $4.50 ; wheat, No. 2, 97c to OcSc ; corn, No. 2 white, 53c to 54c ; oats, No. 2 white, 51c to 52c. St. Louis Cattle, $-1.50 to $0.00; hops, $4.00 to $4.40; sheep. $3.00 to $5.50; wheat, No. 2, 95c to 97c; corn, No. 2, 54c to 55c; oats, No. 2, 50c to 51c; rye. No. 2, 79c to SOe. Cincinnati Cattle, $4.00 to $5.50; hogs. $4.00 to $4.50 ; sheep, $3.00 to- K$5.O0; wheat, No. 2, 07c to 98c; corn. No. 2 mixed, 55c to 50c; oats, No. Z, mixed, 50c to 51c ; rye, No. 2, 85c to 80c. Detroit Cottle, $4.00 to $5.10; hogs, $4.00 to $4.40; sheep. $2.50 to $5.00; wheat. No. 2, 93c to04c; corn,. No. j yellow, 57c to 58c; oats, No. 2 white, 52c to 54c; rye, No. 2, 82c to 84c. Milwaukee Wheat, . No. 2 northern, $1.02 to $1.04; corn, No. 3, 54c to 50c; oats, standard, 51c to 52c; rye, No. 1, 81c to 83c; barley. No. 2, 05c to 90c; pork, mess, $11.90. Buffalo Cottle, choice shipping steers, $4.00 to $(1.00; hogs, fair to choice, $3.50 to $4.55 ; sheep, 'common to' good mixed, $M)0 to $5.25; lambs, fair to choice, $5.00 to $7.50. New York Cattle, $4.00 to $5.05; hogs, $3.50 to $1.90; . sheep, $3.00 t $5.00; wheat. No. 2 red, 90e to PKe; corn, No. 2, 02e to 0'5c; oats, natural white, 57c to 00c; butter, creamery, 28c to 34c; egffs, western, 19c to 20c. Toledo Wheat, No. 2 mixed, 00c to 97c; com. No. 2 mixed, 5i to 57c; oats. No. 2 mixed, 51c to 5.5c; rye. No. 2, 78c to 80c; clover seed, prime, $11.47, TRADE AND INDUSTRY. . Railroad officials and telegraphers are alow to agree upon a schedule of wages for the latter under the eight-hour law. Representatives of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce will go to Wash ington to protest against the passage of the Culberson and other bills aimed at exchanges. Grand Porks waa chosen as tb place for the next annual utieting ot the Mu tual blacksmiths aud Mechanics' Union of North Dukota. The member took steps to avoid the "ttatd beats" and will keep each other posted on chaacters ot this kind. All puaaeiiger cars used in this country ten years bmce will lave to be made of Heel 'if a bill which will soon be intro duced in Congress is passed. The Trav elers' Protective Association, consisting of 87,000 commercial moo, is to father the measure, It Is said, and haa gathered to gether a mass of statistics relative to cas ualties ia railroad wrecks. V v