PERUNA EDITORIAL NO. I. Dr. Hartman la now offering Peruna to the public as a regular pharmaceu tical product It ia just as ethical as any compound put up for the medical profession. Ko straining of medical ethics can find any fault with it TUB PRINCIPAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS are prominently incorporated in the label cn the bottle, that the people may know that the claims made for Feruna have a true justification. The only departure we shall make from medical ethics in the conduct of Feruna affairs in the future, is the fact that we shall continue to advertise and sell our product TO THE PEOPLE. If we would agree to sell to doctors only, to advertise for doctors only, then the medical fraternity would be obliged to recognize Parana as being entirely within their approval. BUT WE SHALL NOT DO THIS. "We shall continue to offer Peruna to the people. We shall continue to convey to the people our claims for Peruna as a household remedy. We shall continue to supply the people with free literature, teaching them how to use our medicine,' teaching them how to avoid diaeise, teaching them many things f benefit to the home. We shall continue to do this, whether the medical profession like it or not We are proposirg from this time on to take the public into our confidence. Notwithstanding that some imitators and substitutors will be attempting to Sut np something which they consider just as good as Peruna, we are going to raw aside the veil of secrecy and allow any one who chooses to know exactly OF WHAT PERUNA 13 COMPOSED. This ought to disarm all honest criticism. We expect, however, .that crit icism will continue. On some pretext or other those who are envious of she People Who Object to Liquid Medicines f Can Now Secure Peruna Tablets. in foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied with this valu able household remedy. 1 WE CLAIM PERUNA TO BE A CATARRH REMEDY. Buy a bottle and try it If it helps you, be honest and acknowledge that it has helped yon. If you want us to we will publish your statement exactly as you furnish it to us. We will add no words, take away no words. If yon wish ns to we will publish your portrait in connection with it We will not do this without your written request, without your entire consent Feruna has cured thousands of people of chronic catarrh, in many phases and locations. At least, that is what the people say to us, through unsolicited testimonials. Peruna will cure many thousand more, in spite of fabricated landers to the contrary. WE GUARANTEE EVERT BOTTLE OF PERUNA TO CONTAIN THE INGREDIENTS PRINTED ON THE LABEL. We guarantee that every testimonial we use is absolutely true-in the exact language of the testifier. We guarantee that every photograph published is the photograph of the person whose name it bears, that every word of every testimonial was author ized by the hand that signed it We are determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than they are, by dealing squarcr than they dare to. We are determined to meet falsehood with truth, duplicity with candor, insincerity with sincerity. We know that the users of Feruna will appreciate our stand. We believe that the dealers in Peruna will applaud our course. We expect even our op ponents will be obliged to acknowledge finally that Peruna is not only an honest and nscfal remedy, but one of the GREATEST HOUSEHOLD MEDI CINES ON THE CONTINENT. J.l no fonlil C'c:!i. "I never understood wlijaMilly fail ed to land a husband. She was very graceful at tine billiard table nnd the queen of the bridge whist table." "Oh, but she couldn't equal her plain sister Jane." "Jane? Why, what were Jane's ac complishments?" "Why, she was queen of the kitchen table." Ml-iundei-itnndinir. Mrs. (iu.-hlcidi lie's your next hus band, U he? Allow inn lo offer my Mrs. Muchlei:h O, you misunderstood me. I snid "ex-husband." j . Mrs. Gushleigh Indeed? Well, I con gratulate you on that. istipation Ma).lv permanently overcome by projer personal efforts wilMnc assistance cfthcono truty Ijencjicial laxative remedy, Syr up cj figs ant! Kttxir jjSqmo, wKicK enable ft ouciojorm regular kabit daily So i)i&r assistance to na ture may be gradually clipcnscrlvnth, wtan ho towor needed astliebestof remedies, when required, are To assist mature ana not to r.uwplnnt the rtatur. fcl functions, vluch must depend ulti mutely upon proje nourishment, proper cforts,a(iriit living generally. Togetits benejicial cjjects, always Ouy the genuine SyrupffigsEl mi Senna manufactured by lilt California FlO S3YTCUP CO. ONLY SOLD BVALL LEADING DRUGCISTS one btze only, regular (n cc 5tK fw BotU RTit! "SI Til kJi'M XiYiTJ : ft a Illustration Showing- Mixed Farming Seen la WESTERH CfiHASA Some of the choicest lands for g-ralo growler, tock raisins and mixed farming in tbe new dis tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta have re cently been Opened for Settlement under the Revised Hcisestead Regulations Entry may now be made by prosy (on certain conditions), by the father, mother, son. daughter, brother or lister of an intending homesteader. Thousands of homesteads of lfiO aarea each are thus now easily obtainable in these great grain growing, stock-raising and mixed farming seo tiont. There yon will find healthful climate, geo4 Bdi'hbors, churches for family worship, school! far your children, good laws, splendid orops, and railroads convouk-nt to market. u EMryieeineachcase.lsS10.00. For pamphlet. Last Best West," particulars as to rates, routes, best time lo go and where to locate, apply to y. I. Scott, Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa. Canada, or K. T. Holmes, 315 Jackson fct-.Sl. Haul, Minn, and J. M. MacLachlan, bos 110, Wat.-rtuwn, bo. Dakota Authorized Guterw sent At, nts. IMaaaa hi tohani roe saw tala advwrtisansat. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A Ortaia Our lor PaTeriaaaeaa. HloBiai u Troubles, Te.ii.laa l!ifri, ad Beairey Tha Urea - Cold a M IKMirs. At all I'ruMmmf: SM bamnla isaiM PKga Adat a. A. S. OLMSTCO. La afH Y Mstfcsr ps. JltuaatnO?iild- ro's It., in, aw VtukCiu- SEEOIi 'S PURE r aVtol it UtALaMl rVaI"IaVIttd tu has our daw (.attaioarua. lt' truir v T"iJkUi. W film far success of Peruna will continue to find fault But we are determined to give such people no just complaint PERUNA IS A GREAT MEDICINE. It has become a household word in millions of homes. Our faith La the remedy is stronger than ever. Every year we expect to establish new plants No t'nneeesanr jr Work. Prudence Is a motuerllng of fourteen years, with sufficient character to keep four younger brothers In ord"r and en force all the necessary lafis abont cleanliness and the reasonable preser- Yntlou of clothes. Her boys, says a writer In the New York .Sun, are run ning barefoot this summer, and that means that scrubbing Is not to be lim ited to face and hands and maybe a dan behind the ears. One nljrbt Tom's feet were uncom monly black, from lingering long In a bog-hole In the meadow, and Prudence concluded her regular nightly lnstrue Hons wifli : "Xow don't you forget your feet." Tom did not forget them, but being rery eager for repose, he washed jinly tne tops, l'ruueuee uetectea tne ouiis. slon when he sprang Into bed. "O, Tom," - she reproached, "why didn't yi wash the soles of your feet? Get right up nnd do It now. You'll make the bedclothes all dirty." "Dirty! IIow?"Poni asked, hardily. "You don't sleep standing up ia bed, do you?" The Itetort Trm-ticnl. Moscheles, the most distinguished teacher of tlm pianoforte of his time, was particularly proud of his staccato playing. One day, when the hand of an American pupil had been unusually heavy, the miiHiciau turned upon him. "If the keys of the piano were red hot pokers," he said, "you would never think of allowing your fingers to rest on them !" "I guess," tbe American replied, dry- K, "if they were red-hot pokers I shouldn't touch them at all." BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING. Hash Covered Face and Feet Would Cry I Hill Tired Out peed y t'nre by ( utleura. "My baby was about nine months old when she had rash on her fac and ieei. tier icet seenieu to irritate her most, especially nights. They would cause her to bo broken In her rest, und sometimes she would' cry until she was tired out. I had heard of so many cures by the C'utlcura Itemedies that I thought I would give thorn a trial. The Improvement was noticeublo in a few Uours, and before 1 had used onu ho of the Cutlcura Ointment her feet were well and have never Moubled her situ I ulso used it to remove what Is known as 'cradle cud' from hm lieod. and worked Hko a charta Jb t cleansed and healed tho silp at Bn? same time. Mrs. Hattlo Currier, Tuomuiiton, Me., June 9, 1900." ot Mo Vital. Domestic The idea o' your thiuklu' I was listeuin' to what you an' Mr. Fercu on said when you an' him was wrunglin'i I didn't hear the first word o' your talk! Mmtress I wouldn't have minded that ho much, Verena. Uut didn't you hear the last words of It? Merchants Visit Milwaukee Tliia ia tl.o -.1 - mieu uiercuai H'rpugliout the Northwest are turning nt to ".w.uaTO iur uielr npnnit and sum, Rtock. Milwaukee jobbers and ma factnrera have in turn prepared for occasion. A visit to tha nietropolia I ul ri will . .1 , r , mer 1111 the of - ri"' 7 imiae who intend to purchase their mock of spring goods tend of the reuowned factories. Milwaukee Jot)ber deserve the patron 1 liev offer good good aud as suluudid a mm au urn luunil anvnrkaM rPK - , I .. . . ' . . of uv iriuuuci ui juuwaunees manurac tiiree is known throughout the world ifae um rcuui-w'u ui iuv rauroaa rare to cents a mile has brought Milwai more rloaelv in tonr-h with mapt. wo ikee auts generally who may now travel at a m ni iuuhi tu.i wilu Uiniiujum nrvoi, n I fii 1 i. . . . m While iu ainwauace tibh 10 trie rooms or lue ll.'l ..I . 1-..! M ... a tbe jviiiwauaee Asaueiation 01 jooDers ana Manufacturers, 45-t9 University Build lag, will bring any Information that la seeded. PICKING UP THE PENNIES. aaBBwssaaaaa Queer Warn by Which Nation Ada) to Their Hevennea. The ltussiaii governuieut won a. Unique reputation for enterprise when it made n nmnll fortune out of tbe Crlmenn war, snys the Phllndelptila Record. For months after the end of the wnr old iron, shot nnd shell were picked up round Sevastopol. For time there was n regular trade, thou- sands of tons of metal being sold. It was too giKHl n chnnco to lie missed, nnd the Imperial government stcpied In between buyers nnd sellers with n tnx of 12 cents per hundredweight. When the last shot had been picked up nnd disposed of the treasury had reaped a little harvest of 175,000. Newspaper humorists have hatl a great deal to say nliout the taxation of bachelors. Such 11 lax would not 1 al together novel. It is already In oorn- tlou In IIisse. There the government draws a little extra revenue by taxing bachelors 2"i per cent more than mar ried men. The result of the law, which was enacted about seven years ago. lias been that ninny well-to-do bachelors have emigrated to Prussia. Greece hns found a way of raising money on amusements without n direct tax. The government 1ms a moiioimly in playing cards, nnd from this source draws a considerable annual Income. Pnrls Is glad to Increase Its revenue by a few dollars a year by the cultivation of a little state orchnrd in the Luxem bourg gardens, just ns It takes its share of the profits of the Eiffel tower. To suow the Trlnce of Pnlcrcc itveca most of his wealth, for he lv.w a monop oly of it Tho snow is 'jflnght nt night and Is shipped to the towns nnd sold for refrigerating purposes. The Sutton urban council In England keeps down taxes by the industry of growing peppermint. 1-nst year about $730 was saved to the rate-payers by selling peppermint grown on a sewage farm. During last year the railroads com pleted 0,000 miles of block signal. Johannesburg lias a taxable valua tion of flOO.OOO.OOO In real estate. Hclocb, tho mining expert, soya the Johannesburg gold reef is good for at least $15,000,000. ' A South African prospector found that part of his claim was under an old Dutch church, lie drove his peg under the nltur. Mt. Morgan, New South Wales, is a veritable mountain of gold. It has produced 2,471,303 ounces of gold, worth $20 an ounce. Holland butter is being imported into Chile and sold nt 45 cents United States gold n pound, while the Chilean product Is sold for CO ccuts a pound. The only lot in the ojder part of New York city wliich never had a house on it Is a plot 00x00 at the north east corner of 8th avenue and 5Cth street Africa produces more than one-third of the world's gold. Its annual output is $150,000,000; the United States gives out $1)5,000,000; Australia, $85,000,000, and New Zealand, $10,000,000. All the butchers of Teheran, one day last year, were suspended by their heels before their shops for overcharg ing In their wares, faring, however, bet ter than their confreres of Snlraz, whose tongues were cut out for a like misdemeanor. The gold mine owners of South Afri ca have in three years spent over $1, 000,000 recruiting hi borers from Cen tral Africa. They only got 17.000 ne groes, and few of them could stand the w'lnter. Then 67,000 Chinese wera brought, starting the labor troubles. The Hidden Secret mine in Australia yielded $200,000 of gold iu a few days and was sold for $2,500,000. It wna then called the Golden Hole. Tho en trance was sealed and a stocTt com pany formed with $3,750,000. capital. When it was reopened the mine proved to be a pocket. All the gold was gone. When in 1789 Hadji Mirza Akasl, then Prime Minister, ceded the soie right to navigate the Caspian sea to the Russians, he flippantly remarked: "Not being water fowl, what need hava we of salt water? Not for a few drops of It should we -embitter the palnte of a friend." Diplomatist, In Atlantic Monthly. ... The Uueen'a "Shadow." Queen Alexandra of England iiaa been served by tbe same lady of tho bedchamber for forty-four years. She Is lion. Charlotte Knollys, and In tha royal household she is known as "The Shadow," because of her unfaltering faithfulness to the Queen. On one occasion when there was a fire at Sandriugbani she saved tha Queen's life by unceremoniously drag ging her from her bod. It was short ly after this Incident that sh parted from the man to whom she had been engaged to be married for several years. She said that the choice wna between her lover and the Queen; as she loved the Queen the more, she was sure she did not cure enough for her lover to make him n good wife.' SUti draws n salary of $3,,1iiO from the gov ernment and $1,500 from the Queen's privy purse. A -Mailt on the Sleeper. "Have you ever traveled lu a sleep lug car, Uncle Jasper?" "Yes, oucet. Hut I dldu't sleep any." "What was the trouble?" "You see, I'd Just greased my boots, and I'd beard tell about them porters always taklu' people's shoes out and blackiu' cm. w 1 bad to keep awaka u; uigtit so be wouldn't git a hold of n.iue, fer 1 Wue.v if he done It he'd want extra on account of the hard job, ltltimei if I can see why the company allows them kind of things to go on." L'hL'flza I'e'tird-Herald. Wueukfver you S-ve another fellow the ht'Ht of it, without lu Costing yoa anything, jou have in.ulo a good Invest ment. Doti't dr. wu ; .V::- rorr.iws; swim out a! Big The venerable W. J. Kolfe hard nt work upon a volume, of Shakspcarian proverbs and also upon another work relative to Slntkspeare about which he Is silent at present. At 80 years of age Mr. Itolfe Is a robust aud vigorous personage. One of bis comfortable morning walks Is from Cambridge to Boston and back again. Sir Gilbert Parker recommend a simple method of acquiring the books one would like to possess. "I have often said to myself," he reninrked re cently to n London audience, "I can not afford to buy that book." And then I have said again, 'My dear fellow. If you will fast for one day you can buy three of them. It Is a book for a meal.' " ( lu "The Prolongation of Human Life," a new volume soon to be publish ed. Prof. Metchnlkoff expounds at greater length the main thesis of his former book, "The Nature of Man," that human lire Is not only unnaturally short, but unnaturally burdened with physical and mental disabilities. The legacies received by man from u'.s ani mal ancestors, he argues, are the prime cause of many of the Ills qf the human race nnd the pessimistic trend of so many systems of philosophy and relig ion. He believes that these traits, which were In harmony wllli the conditions of the remote past and are so discordant in the present environment, may be counteracted by rational hygiene, lie argues that his hope for the prolonga tion of human life has substantial as surance based upon the certainties of science. "Thinking, Feeling, Doing." one of the first books on mental acleuco to be written in English for the general read er, has rather an unusual history. -It had a sale of more than 20,000 copies when it was first brought? out. A large part of it was reproduced without ac knowledgment as an independent work by a school principal. A translation was made Into Maudarln Chinese by Prof. Headland of Pekln university, but the plates and the manuscript were burned iu the Coxcr relK'lllon. A sec ond edition was called for a few years after the first was published, but the author had become Involved in exten sive researches!. on the voice and could work only slowly on a revision. The work as it now appears has been large ly rewritten. The author was n pupil or Wundt, and tbe book contains a summary of Wundt's new theory of the feelings. The "Letters of Dr. John Iirown," edited by his son and D. W. Forrest, D. I)., will Interest those who care for the author of "Uab and His Friends." A busy Edinburgh doctor, he went his breezy way through life with a re markable capacity for friendship. Ills fame, as Stevenson plaintively said, was won with such careless ease, anil by another critic he Is called "since Scott the most lovable of all writers." In Kuskln's words, he was "a good Scotchman of the old classic brood;" or to take another simile from the same source, "a Holbein with Carpac cio tenderness." There are some three hundred of the letters, aud at the end a number of letters from Kuskln, Thackeray, Mark Twain, Oliver Wen- ' dell Holmes, It. II. Mutton, Lord Co-k- burn nnd Deau Stanley. Of Kuskln Dr. Brown says: "I am sure he has wings under his tlannel jacket." Dickens he pronounces "a child of genius, but only a child." lie Jisilkes Disraeli, thought Longfellow "a fort if mule Mrs. llemans," was never ip.iiu sure ubuut Browning, and said that George Eliot made him "uncomforta ble." Stevenson he finds "a uew lbpior, fresh and aromatic." THEY WON'T SHUT DOORS. .nd They Will Hide Hnekward, lle unrta u Traveler of UnalUhmen. Travelers returning from England tell of two habits of the people of that country which Impressed them. O'le is the avcruge Englishman's aversion to shutting tho door behind hliu. "I don't know how it is In the .Eng lish houses," remarked one who has toured England, "for I was not In oiip of them. But I strayed In a hotel in Irfmdon where there were a good many English people, and a dozen times dally I had to get up and shut a door to keep the draft away. "It didn't make any difference whether It was a servant or a guest who went through, the door was left open. Tills was In the spring of the year, too, when the weather was chilly. I noticed the same tiling in railway reaches and hotels of smaller towus." The other English peculiarity is u preference for riding backward on trains. The Englishman will make for the scat with Its back to the engine every time, plant himself down In It with every evidence of comfort and look wonderlngly at anybody who picks out a seat facing the direction the train Is going. Not once did one Amer ican traveling In England see a native cImmim! a scat facing the front of the train unless there were uo other seats. New 1'ork Sun. Tha Old Clerk. P. T. Sherman, labor commissioner of New York, was dcscrlblug at a din ner thut large class of laboring men that, though faithful aud Industrious and unselfish, uevcr rises, never gets on. I "Such n man," said Mr. Sherman, I "was an aged clerk I used to know lu ; St. Iiouls. This tnlu, bowed person, with his white hair and his dim, kind. - timid ryes, had worked for the same Ann steadily for thirty-nine years. Nev ertheless, he was culled to the front one morning, and the chief said ' "'I am sorry, Henry, but times tave become hard fxpeuses must bo re duced I regret It, but you will have to go.' "The old clerk's Jaw fell. "'Why,' be stuuuuered plteously, wtiy, when I started to work here, I was told the Job wua regular.' " Call I an- tho Kettle ninek. A rustic was sltfinir on the bank of t. stream when the parson's daughter came that way. Punch gives tlie con versation: "Well. miss. I be fair 'mnxed wl' the way o' that 'ere fisherman, that I be I" aid the loarer. "Why Is that. Carver?" asked the young lady. "The owd fool hns leen sit tin' there fur tho last six hours and hasn't caught nothln'." "How do you know thnt?" "I been n-wati-hlu' o' he the whole time !' POLICE JUDGE WILLS. Will Gladly Anawer tho Qaoatloaa .of Any Inquirer. It is a generous offer that Police Judge J. II. Wilis, of ClovcriMrt, Ky., makes to sufferers from backache, kid ney and bladder Ills Judge Wills knows the value of Dunn's Kidney Pills and will answer the questions of any sufferer who writes to ti tut. The Judge says : "I take pleasure In recoin mending Iioan's Kid-' ney Pills to person 'uaV suffering from kidney disorders, back ache, etc. It Is the best remedy I have ever known and I will gladly answer auy questions about it." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box Foster-MIlburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Hope for Itnfna. Uncle Erastus had been polishing hi. musket for half an hour; at last h gave It a final love pat, and turned t his grandson. "Chile," he said, "doc you see dat bottle about thirty yard over dere?" "Shore I does," Unfits agreed. The old man threw up the musket and balanced it rather shakily. "Whang!" it bellowed. "Now does yon see dat bottle?" tho old man demanded. "Yes, I does, granddad." "Pa powerful glad to hear dat, Rufe," the old man said, calmly, "I's been afeard from de way you sorted taterr lately dat your eyesight was fulling but hit ain't. You's good fo' several yeaha, ylt Rufus." Animal life exists nt all de;i;hs In the ocean, but vegetation will not thrive at great pressures. Only l Cold. "Only n cold," Is a common expres sion. And so the victim lets It go on. day after day, red eyes, swollen fea tures, lassitude, sleeplessliCHS, loss of apictlte, the Irritating cough. In Itself a cold may le simply un comfortable. In Its results it Is often fatal. Pneumonia, with Its enormous fatality: consumption, w-lth Its dpndly grip; bronchitis, asthma, these and many ailments are often the direct re sult of a cold. The iMitlent may hove had many colds. They have resulted In nothing serious. P.ut when the systPin hns Ih couie weakened by these repeated at tacks, when the mucous membranes are In a chronic unhealthy condition, then it Is thesu fatal maladies ussert them selves. There Is no greater ndstake than to neglect a cold. At its first appearance measures should be taken to relieve it. At this season of tbe year, when coughs nnd colds are common, Peruna should be kept constantly lu the house. At tho first symptom this remedy should be taken. It will soothe the mucous mem branes, relieve the Irritation, and the cold will gradually disappear. That this hns been tbe experience ef many is proen by the hundreds of grateful letters lu our files. Still Mnat.-r of ilia I'nte. When Learoyd, iu the natural tips and downs of a literary earner, went Into a cheap very clieap New York restaurant for dinner, aud found I Mi vol in a waiter's apron, In- was umazed Davol, the cleverer! f.-llow hi the class! "You don't mean," sliiinniered Lea royd, "that you have come down to this?" ' y "Come down?" repealed DavoK "I don't dine here, Learoyd. I merely wait." Bevftre of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as metciu-y will surely destroy the sens of, smell nnd completely do ran up the whole sys tem when entering It tlironirh the mucous surfaees. Kuril nrtieles should neter be U'cil except on prescript lous from reputable physli-la-is, as the tfniiuiKO they will do ts l-ii fold to the Rood you ma po-isllily derive from them. Hull's t'litfirru Cure, manufuc turinl lr F. J. Cheney & Co., Toludo, O., con tains no mercury, and Is takeu Internally, acting directly uion the tlood find mucous aurfnres of tlie systsm. in liu. Iiik Hull's Catarrh Cure' he sure you IC'I tlie genuine. It is taken lnti-itiiilly nnd uinde In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.' Cheney a Co. Testimonials Tree. Mold liy Driiiralsts. Price, 7.V. per bottle. Take llnll's Family Fills for constipation. 1-ls.eeutkoii. Dissatisfied Arlii-t 1 don't like the Way you have hunt; my painting. Member of Committee Neither do I, hut I was outvoted. My .iii'lr.ment was that it ought to be hnueil. Digestive dillicult ies? Headache? Sal- j low complexion t Tlie remedy is simple. Garfield Tea, tho Herb limitive. Write for samples. (Jut field Tea Co., Brook lyn, X. V. Nou Kst. x Illlker There's one tiling I forgot to Sf.k you about Bilker. What's his relig ion? Kpilker It isn't. ! WHAT CAl'SRH It K 4. 1 A II F.. From (lotolierto May. Colds are the uiomI fie queiil rsimeof Headache. I. AX ATI VK llltOMU QL 1 Nl.N tiumoves cau.e. U. W.Cirovuou box -ui If all tie.- tene.'iieiit dwellers in tbe low- j er east side of New York City should be In the streets surrounding their homes tt one time tbey would be so crowded as hardly to l nli!e to move. Mrs. Wlnsluw'a Southing Kyrup for Child reu teething, softens the gums, reduces lu Hiuuiiinlloii, allu)s palu, cures wind colic, li&c a bottle A rsilroid m Xfg'-'ria, Africa, will lw constructed by thu British colonial gov ernment lo devoJop the resources of the 'omit ry, aud in purticuJur to stimulate 'he cotton growing industry. The road vill La about 4IKI in;l" lon-r. W a Bell Gana and Traps Cheap, Buy Eurs & Hides, or tan tbem for robes & rugs. N W. Hide & Fur Co., Minneapolis S, C. V V. So. tauH. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Celsr Btrt ss brlsktsr ssS tastar rslsra Idas ear etker 4ie. 0s lOe sackss esters all llksra. tsaf Is tela iritsr ktHer Ikes ear slkar y. fas caa e nt ssiauul aiiikssl nis sssrL Srttolu ba bssUal to ,ilea.k ssS HU CsIns. MO1HQ& OX lG COH fisnM.iUssst Tiwro ts Cnfy Ono That la vsco rue world ortt to Always remember the full Dame. for this signature on every box. I'liele Allen. "I used to think." averred UncW Al len Simrlta. "that it took all kinds of people to make a world, but I sometimes think nowaday that the worl I would he just a complete without the nmn whoe liver ia nlwnya out of order and who al ways wants you to know it." Onions, Onlone, Onions. (100 bu. of Snlzer's Red Globe Onion per acre at 80c a bu. brings $4S0.t)0. That pay. $'.50.00 from 3 acres Salzer's Morning Star Cucumber is well worth taking along. 040 hit. Sniper's 12 Podder Earliest nnd Best Pen sold in the green state at $1.50 a bu. nwtkes $!00.00 per ncre. Such yields Sailer's pedigree vegetable atnnd for. Fob 12c and this notice the John A. Salter Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., In order to gain 250,000 new customers during UHW, will mail you free their great plant and seed catalog, together with 1 kg. "Quick Qulek" Carrot $ .10 1 ikg. Earliest Kific fnhhnge 10 1 pkg. Earliest Emerald Cucumber, .15 J pkg. La Crease Market Lettuce.. .15 t pkg. Early Dinner Onion 10 1 pkg. Strawberry Musk melon 15 1 pkg. Thirteen Ihiy iiiulisli 10 1,000 kernels gloriously beautiful flower seed 15 Total $1.00 Above is sullicicnt seed to grow 35 bu. ef rarest vegetable end thousands of brilliant flowers, nnd nil is mailed to yoa POSTPAtll fob 12c. or If yon send 10c, we will add a pack age of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower. John A. Salner Seed Co., La,' Crosse, Wis. C N. U. Papers written with the ordinary inks In use to-day will be illegible twenty seven years hence, oy chemists. A PKATTIIT1. WATCH FOP. Fit EH To those who ship us worth of hides or to those who tmy gaiis or trnps to thnt nmouut. N. V. Hide St Fur Co., Minneap olis, i What is s.iid lo In- Mm largest telegraph i i rc'.i i t in the world is that lietween Ion ilon and Teheran, the capital of Persia, it is 4.0!):) tulles long anil is divided into twelve sect inc.. ' Fl mtm flt. Tltat' rinnra an all S.r,-i. piimh, I I O I'arMMiHrallT area tlr klu , Or.l S.ra 1-a.Vift'r flim it t rr VS trl..l bnttla man ra.ll.a bU. U. 11. L.11.NU U M 4nklbaal.raUa4alakU.rt . A Frllotv Kt-elliiK. ' "Still rooting for the Carlisle. Indian, are yon? What's the secret of your fondness for the noble red man?" "I'm one myself." "So? You don't look it." f "I belong to the Improved Order of .lail STIFF, YES? WET AND DAMP CAUSE COLD IN THE JOINTS S-JACOBS OIL 3 TAKES OUT THE PAIN AT ONCE.REMOVESTHE STIFF NESS. PREVENTS ITS RETURN. TOO. FINE FOR" BRUISES. SPRAINS AND SORENESS. Price 25c and 50c OASOARET3 Car.dy Oathartio are always put up In blue metal box, our trade-marked, long-tailed o on the oover tablet octagonal, stamped O O O. Never sold In bulk. All eVufftrtBta. " lOo, 25c, 6O0. Sample and booklet tree. Address STERLING REMEDY OO, or New York. w n i i SHOES T ALL ' PRicea. rom tvesv MEMBER OF THC FAMILY MEN, BOYS, WOMEN. MISSES AND CHILDREN sv-na W. L. Otmnlam mmkmrn anaf mmllm to mmnl0iJ.bO.93.OOmndM.&Omhm SmtY svoraT. in? hold thmlm eJiMBo. fit aVavra. Immomt, anaf Rtjr mkamm r,H,m uraWaf la.iia w. W. L Douglas $4 and $5 GUt Edge Shoet Cinnot -' s; l iui, W. Ia. rtouaTaa nam. and ri BU1 1. tMUd Id lit Hi. twsi alios disdrrs e.ariwlieia. bauaa Catalog lias u aui addniaa. ours a oolo in one dat. Look ' tea. "LEADING LADY? SHOES FOR WOMEN Laadlaf li?y Shoe arc bast described la thrca wordsStyls, Comlort, Ser vice. .You rarely find til thM qualities combined la onssho. SHOES arc scat and dressy. They fit perfectly and ara ex tremely comfortabls from tha beginning. No better values are obtainable anywhere - Your dealer will supply youj If not. write to us. Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on tha sole. . , abo make Martha Wash Inf ton Comlort Shoes. Special Merit School Shoes, Honorbitt Shoes for Men. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company MlLWAUkXE, WIS. "i':': 6$ GET -WHAT. VOU ASK i FOR THE GEFvlUiHE HeaV Da Equalled At An; Price Is ataranad on bottaBV TskS.Sa SubatllMt. luaUM trum t"'IT JK Pt. m'i ,lu W. i- DOl uuaa, "aawa, tmimmm. IM nufa ssMaajti "aa. taf F-Ska aT I MM os VvC.