Does Not Color Hair Aycr's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new Improved formula, does not stain or color the hair even" to the slightest degree. Gray hair, white hair, blonde hair is not made a shade darker. But it certainly does stop falling hair. No question about that. Vn nnf rhanfe the mlor tht hnh. A formula wllh mod. botti J Shew it to your ttootor Ask Dim about It. than do aa ha aaya yers Indeed, we believe it will stop every case of falling hair unless there is some very unusual complication, something greatly sfectinc the general health. Then you should eonsultyour physician. Also ask hin aL-cut tha new Ayer's Hair Vigor. -Vt'Vi tla J. o. Avar Co..Lowoll. Man. 60 TEARS IENCE iW Track Mark? Designs PVRIGHT3 AC- nvnno ...f1lt, n H:trh nt;d (inscription mil? HUtr-Hly iiucertHit 'ir lO'ti n'M froo whether at) tnvnntlnn in tr' r il" 'it'iH;. VmrmiiilnH l(.nw fiti tot Ij .'ntiliMiitiiL H.''!UiP!'?!i on I'ltmit ppir y hvt iiimmu'v t,t ..rni-i patent n. I'lttMitu ukm t triii.i Mu.hi a-. Co. reeetr ' t! n-Hcc wiTimt t'Mnro, la Iho Scientific Emtitm. A lintMlnmoIv IIIutrrHM Trorlr. T.Tewfc clr. ruliuiii if niiy r.:r itJn (mnml, 'JVrms, A onr: imit luontLs, 1. iSoiil by ull rtowBtlt'Mlern Mra&Co.1"6"- New York .r. tim.-n T V fit.. V-Ml'ut..n I. C. Undertaker County Coroner B. F. Sawyer Jackson, Nebraska Sleep Sleep is nature's re building period, when the "Energy used by the brain, muscles and organs is re newed. If you lose sleep, your system is robbed of the strength sleep should give. Continued loss of sleep multiplies this7 loss until you become a phys ical wreck. Dr. Miles' Nervine quiets the irri tated nerves and, brings refreshing, invigorating sleep. Nervine c6ntain3 no opiates; and therefor leaves no bad after-effects. "For over two years I suffered un told agonies; my friends thought I was going crazy. I could not sleep nor r'Bt at all. I tried different doc tors, but failed to find relief. My head would ache all the time; I was like onto drunk; could not concentrate my fnind, and was so restless and worried that sleep was out of the question. After taking one bottle of Dr. Miles Nervine I felt wonderfully changed. I am now on my third bot tle and nm gaining all the time. I can lie down and Bleep like a child, and am able to do my work." MRS. MAY SOOTT. English, In. Your druggist sells Dr. Miles' Nerv ine, and we authorize him to return price of first bottle (only) if It falls to benefit you. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind FOR AGENTS A SUCCESS The Old World and Its Ways -BY- Wm. Jennings Bryan 676 Imperial Octa'o Pnorea. 251 u perhemiraviiiRM from photographs tak en by Uol. liryan. Recounts his trip arouiul the world and his visits to all nations. Oreatest hook of travel ever written. 41 .000 called for In 4 months. Write us for sample reports of llrst KM agent employed. The people buy it eauerly. The nm-nt's harvest. OUTFIT FREt Send lincW. to rover cost of mailing and handling. Address The Thompson Pub. Co. St- LojiSi Mo. A. Era. Davis Auctioneer Emerion, Nebr. Fcvi-m cvrvcl Stock. Stxlcs 19 Years in the Business Dates made at The Ileruld Office. 7 11 ic. num.; s .V.r. v : 1.MII I1 'to . ,rv; nlcnih.i Pjp:r. Wri'O t .-. r ' ElXt.L3-S SET SCCTCI --A r. 4.r - rtrtrr.'fj n 1 I'-J aJ t '.tllia "C" 1-in.iiV. r- .. .... IV luu'.e 1 oi'.r perii.j i":.-.. r? 'i w p. . 3itr.i'; ? I .., 1 R R Time Table Sious City, Crystal Lake ft Homer LF.AVK LKAVK Alt OTA CtlT R10CX CITT 7:30 s m .8:20 s m 9:30am 10 .30 a m 11:15 s m 11:50 s m 1:15 pm 2:00 p m 3:00 p m 4:15 p tu 6:15 p m 6:50 p m 6:40 pro. i.. ..11:00 p m Speois.1 trips (or parties of 15 or more C B ft Q WEST Xo. 85 Local FreiRht 7:15sm 11 " Passenger, Omaha and Lincoln 12:47 pro EAST No 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm 10 Local Passenger.. 6 :TJ pm daily. daily except Sunday. Dakota City Lecture Course Under the auspioes of (he business men of Dakota City. ANNOUNCEMENTS. March 10 Gibeon Carl, Character Change Impersonator. Reserved seat tickets (10 cents) on sale at htore of 8. A. Hiinson. Doors open at 7:30 p m, perform ance begins at 8:15. tocaI Items Friday, February ax, 1908 Post cards at Van's. "Hank" Anden-on is back on the Foye car punching tickets. Carl f&ed, of Sioux City, visited friends here Saturday afternoon. J N Hamilton and wife are both con lined to their homes with sickness. You will never get nervous if you drink Breun's coffee. Van deZedde sells it. The schhol n the Parker district is still closed, awaiting smallpox devel opments. John White, of Woodbine, Iowa, visited here the past week at the Hen ry Wood home, Frank Bookhart finished moving his household goods here from Law ton,' Iowa, this week. Qua Johnson of Law ton, Iowa, cam over Monday with a load of house hold goods for F M Bookhart. Hoy Graham of Colorado Springs, Colo, was here Saturday on a short visit with his brothers Thomas and Hugh Graham. Mabel Schumacher, who is quaran tined with a case of smallpox, is recov ering from tho disease nicely, and no other cases have developed as yet. 1 Miss Hush Robinson daughter of Mr and Mrs Elmer Robinson, left Tburs-1 day for Chetek, Wis, where for tne past few years she has made her home with her aunt, Mr and Mrs Charles Sibbet. She had been home on a two months' visit. Married On Friday, February,14th, at the Lutheran parsonage Elmer F Musselman and Miss Mabel Tozior, both of Sioux City, were united in marriage by Rev W S Oberholtzer. They were attended by Mr and Mrs Stanley Skewes, the ring ceremony being used. They expect to make their future home in Sioux City. George Stone and wfte of Coleridge, were oruests of Mr and Mrs Geo H Granger this week. Mis Stone and Mrs Pi anger are sisters. Mr Stone is a membor of the St Louis American busd ball team and for several years has borne the distinction of beiug the champion batter in the league. He expects to leave in a few weeks for the south to go into traiuiug for tho com ing season. A Wool River girl asks for a recipe for a good col. plexion . Why in Texas she would thiuk we know anything about it beats us, but it just so hap pens that' we do. Here's the real thing: Grab a basket of freshly wash ed clothes, stick two clothes pins in the right hand coiner of your month, three in the other and one in the 'mid dle. Go out to the clothes line and hatif? out seven sheets while the win.l is blowinc twenty miles and hour, wing twenty miles and hour, it saying a naughty word, and if m'thavea complexion that will a Madam Yale heartsick with without you don' make jealously, try a cake of soap and tome sandpaper. Shelton Clipper. Off Sunday, February lGlh, at 10 o'clock a m, Claude R Hart and Mrs Laura E Fisher were j'iued in mar riage by Rev W S Obrho!zor of this place, at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr and Mrs John Richmond, at 1117 weBt 18th street, Sioux City, Iowa, the ring ceremony being used. Only the immediate relatives of tlie contracting parties were present at the wedding. Aftp-retreshment the happy couple stsrtl on an extended western tour, aeerin panied by Mrs Charity Halt, mother of the grnoni Thev expect to return and m ike Sioux Ciy their home. Both the bride and Kroom are well known here, having annnt creater portion of tlnir lives in Dakota City. Their friondif all wish them well in their new relation ship. I wish that I might talk with all sick ones about the actuul cause rf stomach, heart and kidney ailments To explan in person how weak stomach nerves leads to stomach weakness, I am sure would iuterest all. And it is the same with weak hearts or weak kid neys. This is why my prescription Dr Shoop's Restorative so prumpty reaches ailments of the stomach, heart and kidnevs. It wronK to drug the stomach or stimulate the heart or kid neys. These week inside nerves sim ply weed more strength. My restora' tive is the only prescription made ex pressly for thee nerves. Next to see ing you personally, will be to mail ycu free, mv new booklet entitled "What To Do". I will also send samples o my Restorative as well. Write for the book today. It will surely intorest rot. Address Dr. Shoop, box 8, Ua cire, Wis. For Sale by all dealers, Subscribe for Tnie Herald $1 per year. George Basse was home from Em erson over Sunday, Judge D C1 Stinsoft is recoverirfg from a bad case of the grip. 9 . Wro Tnnton went up te Raymond, S V, Monday to visit the chtlden, Subscribe for the Herald, the best pper in the county. 1 year. Four thousand feet of Cottonwood lumber for sale. Robert Lapsley. Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers. A baby boy was born io Fred Krnm wiede and wife, of Brnshy Bend, on Monday. Barney Gribble went to Akron, Iowa, last' Friday for s week's visit With friends. For Sale A 100-egg "Trusty" Incu bator. Inquire of Mrs John Foltz, Dakota Cit;, Nebr, y About a dozen oonples attended the dance givent by Schmied's orchestra Friday evening of last week. W L Ross is back at his desk in the county clerk's ofllce, having about re' covered from his siege of rheumatism. Stoves! Stovesl Stoves! Stoves at cost, for the next throe weeks. Ed wards & Bradford Lumber Co, Dako taCity. Howard Lapsley was down from Dixon, S D, a few duys the past week, visiting at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Robert Lapsley. Have you tried the Sultanna and Tuo-co brands of canned goods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. A little excitement was caused at the Krurawiede home last Friday by a curtain catching ou fire. It was ex tinguished without much loss, Edward and Alexander Oir, sons of tho late Jos Orri of Canada, are. here visiting relatives, and also settling up some affairs relative to their father's estate. Rev G E Von Hagen celebrated the forty-rlfth anuiversary of his birth Saturday by asking Mr and Mrs A H Baker to take dinner with him at the parsonage. Carpenters Crozier and Strohra are putiing the finishing touches on the Nannie Don house north of the Mrs Forbes home. They expect to finish it this week. Mrs B, E Evans received word by telegraph Suuday of the death of 'her brother-in-law, J Frank Meek, at his homo iu Altooua, Pa. His death was due to dropsy. j S A Sanson is able to come down and look after his storo business when the weather is favorable. He is slow ly recovering from an attaok of grip and pneumonia. The Consumers Ice company bos its large ice house at Crystal lake filled, and the company is talking of erect ing anotiier ico House it tue present oold weather continues. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields & Slacohteb Co. j Thko E Bliven, Manager, I Dakota City, Neb. Thos J Stevens, city marshal of Crofton, Neb, and Emma Boldwin of the same place, were united in mar riage at the court house in this place Wednesday afternoon by Justice of Peace J J Eimers. Rumor broke a big New York bank this week. Rumor breaks' many a large heart every day. -And while burglary, robbery and the use of dan gerous weapons are punishable the Rmner peddler goes on his way re joycing and damning. Ex, Perfect sipht with defeotivo eyes or improperly litted frames is impossible. The right glasses in the right place will give you the smilu that don't wear i ff. Our glasses are reasonable in price and, your ryes are priceless. W C Eckbart, liceused optometrist. Services at the Methodist Episcopal church every Sunday as follows; Preaching, 11 a ni ; Sunday sc'aool, 10 am! ('lass meeting 12 m; Epworth Leugue, 6 .30 p m ; Preaching, 7 :30 p m. Troach in Grace church every Sunday at 2:00 p m. You are cordially invited to any and all these services . A farmer entered tho drug store the other day and inquired thn price of uipnur. ,v uen no was toiu u e Bnl.? 1 c1un f i U lr cenU at mail order houses. ' 10 1?rch"t' Ui c sulphur. When no was told it was 10 seven "Yes" you can get it in hell for nothing and you don't have to pay freight. He bought the sulphur. Oto Leader Only a few weeks more left of our special offer our regular $4.00 pr dozeu Cabinets for $2 00. Work guar anteed in every respect. No extrt charge for groups. We make any thing in the Phot line, at very low prices. Being located out of the high rent district is the reason. KU,i Studio, 304 Douglas St, Sioux City A basket social will br held at the Hileman school house Friday evening, February 28th, following the lycenm program . The prooeeds of the social will bo towards defraying the hospital expenses of Mrs Normal Powell, who wns operated on at bt Joseph s lios pital Thursday for rupture. All are rea'iestcd to attend and lend aid to a benevolent cause. Miss Myrtle Peterson left Tuesday over tho Burlington for Akron, Colo, where on Wednesday she was married to Eruil Young, a former Dakota coun ty bov, who recently moved to olora do where h bus ttken up land and will eiigagrt in farming, The Herald loins witu tne niauj menus oi ootu - . . ... these voni g people in extending con arratubitiena, and in wishing them all the joys and happiness of married life Grippe is sweeping the ootinty Stop it with Preventics, before it get deeply seated. To check early cold with these littlo candy cold cure Tablets is surely sensible and safe Preventics contain no Quinine, no lax atives, notliiug harsh or sickening Pneumonia would never appear it ear lv eolds were promptly broken Also cood for fevorikh children. Large box 48 tablets, 25 . cents. Vest pocket 1 6 cents. "Sold by all dealers. M O Ayrcs war a business visitor in Council Bluffs. lows, Sundsy. Wm Cheney shipped two carsrof fat cattle, and Chris Geister one car on Thursday. Henry Niebnhr, of Pender, was here Monday between trains on his way to inneoago. James King, of Homer, was here a short time Saturday afternoon en route to Newcastle. l or bait a good team of young driving horses. D C Stinson, Dakota City, Nebr. Robert Evans jr, entertained aLoat forty of his young friends Saturday evening at a valentine party. Frank Bookhart and family Lave moved here from Lawton, Iowa, and are occupying the Mrs Lattin home, l or sale, or win trade lor wood or posts A single buggy, in good condi tion. R L Broyhill, Dakota City, tteur. ilave you tried a tack or the new flour at Van de Zndde's? It is called "The Queen," and is warranted to be the best and the cheapest. , A grand concert will be given by the Homer Choral Union on Tuesday evening; March 3rd. ibis will be a splendid entertainment and yoji should nnf trttua ft ' uw urci Va Craig L Spencer, wife and baby ex pect to leave today for their home at McDonald, Kans, After having spent a month here at the home of Mr Spen cer's mother. What is the reason that Van de Zedde sells so much Breun's coffee ? Because it is the best that's the rea son. All the way from 20o to 40o per- pound. Try a package. Ruth Ernst, daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Ernst, former residents of this county but now living at 8ey- nienr, Mo, was married at Springfield, Mo, on February Gth, to Arthur K Dewey, of that place. If you have catarrh, rid yourself of this repulsive disease. Ask Dr Shoop of Racine, Wis, to mail jou free, a trial box of his Dr Shoop'n Catarrh Remedy. A simple, siusle test, will surely tell you a catarrh truth well worth your knowing. Write to-day. Don't suffer longer. For sale by all dealers. ' N A McLain, of Staplehnrst, Neb, has taken charge of the Burlington station at this place, relieving II It Atkicson. buppIv scent. Mr McLean mil wife will move their household goods here as soon as they can find a mtahle residence. John McLain ac companied his brother here and will remain for a time. The spring term of district conrt oonvened here Monday with Guy T raves on the bench. There being no ury cases ready for trial the jury was notified not to appear at this term. Ibe case of Jordan et al vs T A Berry, trustee, was taken up Tuesday but as dismissed without prejudice on motion . of defendants. The session djourned Tuesday afternoon until hursday where the case of O Qaulon vs Barry was oalledyfor trial. A J Davis, a blind violinist, gave a very creditable ooncert in the Bras- field opera house Monday evening. His violin playing was greatly appre ciated by , those iu attendance, A votiog contest for the most popular ady present was pulled off, and the strife centered on Mrs Jss Cooley and Mrs Mina Perm, the latter winning by one vote. The prize for the winner was a book. The musician realized about $30 from the entertainment. Stop that tickling cough! Dr Shooo's cough cure will surely stop and with perfect safety. It is so thoroughly harmless, that Dr Shoop telU mothers to use nothing else even with very young babies. The whole some green lorves aad tender steniB of lung healing mountainous shrub urnish tho curative properties to Dr hoop's cough cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sensitive brou- chuul membranes. No opium, no hlorofoJm, nothing harsh used to in ure or snm-ess. Deiand l'r Biioop s. Take no other. Sold by all dealers. W E Shane, one of the old and re- pected residents of South Sioux City, passed away iu that place Satuday mornmer after an illness oi several months with stomach trouble and oth er complications, at the age of fiO vcars. He had been a resident oi S-inth Sioux City for about twf nty . . , .I . i years, coming mere wuen tue town was first started lie was a plasterer by trade, and followed that vocation until his health failed him. lie is urvived by a wife, live sons and three daughters, Leonard, Clifford, Uuarles, Jacob and William Shane, Jr, all of whom live at South Sioux City. Mis E Metz and Mrs Nelsou Pdgrim, of South Sioux City, and Mrs Guy Rains- othea, of llintou, Io. lie also has three sisters. Mr Shane was a mem ber of the WOW lodge at South Sioux City. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, and the services were conducted by Kev ueo Jiray, Presbvterian pastor. I lie remains were interred in the Dakota City cem etery. For Sale. As we intend to move from here the first week in March, we will offer for sale one six-hole kitchen range, one hot blast heating stove, and all our household furniture. Everything IS in cool condition. Inquire at residence iu Dakota City, Nebr. 1J F Stuoum Glints from the Sloan, Iowa, Star. Age has no terrors for a young heart, The coal man has a follow feeling tor the ico man. An ounce of forbearance is worth pound of repentance. Too many men mistake the prejudices lor principles. Some men are outwardly good be cause they are too cowardly to be bad A woman who is not ashamed of her see is either very young or very well preserved. v A confirmed gossip is never at a loss for a subject of conversation, even the presence of angels. The man who can appreciate excel lenoe in others i-i iu a fair way cultivate excellence in himself. District Court Dates. ' The terms of court for the year 1908, for the count ios of the Eighth Judicial district of Nebr. ska are as follows: Cuinlnif , Kens, Hept M I'nkolr. Keli 17, 8 pi 5s Ntnnton March i. et I'l tvdnr Mnrch HI. Nov t ' I'l son Mnrr-han, Nov an Tliumloii April lit, Oct 5 The first day of each term is set for hearing applications for citizenship. Klrxt l-uhllcntlon Kel7 Hw. Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate f Will. In the county court of Pakota county, Ne- State of NehriiHka. Dakota count jr 1 ss.' ToKllrahcth Mi-lean, Urnec Nlxnfi, Jane Nlxim. Alexander M. Nixon. Kllxabeth Nix on, .lane Wnlle. John I,. Nixon, unknown heirs of Alexander Nixon, unknown heirs of Mary Nixon, John Taylor, anil to all per- Minrt mtereHteu 111 tne estate or William Klxon. ilecnased: On rem lln a the petition of John f N'lxon pravliitf that the Instrument tiled In this court on t lie dill day of Kehruary, haw, and pttrportliiH to tie the lust will and testament of the said deceased, may lie proved and allowed, ami n ronliMlm the last will mid testament of Will lain Nixon, deceased ; that said Instrument tie ml muted to nrolmte. and the ndniMtrntloit of said estate Is' icrnnteil to William Cheney as executor. 11 is nereiiy ordered that mi anil all tier- sons Infresed In said mutter may, and do, appear at the county court to lie held In and for said county, on the SNth day of Kel- riiary, a. 11, at loo clocK a. m.. to show causn.lf any there lie, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be (minted, and that uollee of the peniteiifV of said petition and that the hcarhiK thereof Iwulven to all cr- KoUstntf tested In said matter liy nulillsliinv a iAp,v of this onler In the lUikota County Herald, a Weekly newsnnner printed In snlil county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of heart inr. Witness my liiiml. and seal of said court. this nth day of Ki liruar.v, A. I). Ilw. 1. V, Stinsox. fasAl.l County .Indue. I)R. C. H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA CITt, NEBRASKA AGENTS WANTEp Men and Women Wanted to Roll our Adiustahlfl Window Muuln Holder nt your own home or traveling. bend r.Oc for sample and Instructions, prepaid uiSAnA snADi nututR CO., 214 S. I2th St.. Omaha WANTED A representative hi this county by a large real estate corpora tion. Special inducements to those who wish' Vj become finan cially interested. Tho Keal Estate Security, Co. Fort liearlHirn Hid. CHICAGO, ILL Spccitxls Wlntsu- Tours To the South and Gulf Re- sorts until April 30th.g Homssseksrs Ravt Mist and 3rd Tuesdays to" Col orado, Big Horn Basin, Mon- Oneway Colonist March and April, to Montana, v Washington, Oregon, Califor nia and Utah.Jki . To Fetrm R.ntra Write D. Clem Dcaver, Land seekers' Information Bureau, Omaha, for list of farms to rent in Big Horn Basin. Do it now ; they are going fast. Business Openings We have list of excellent bus iness chances in new growing towns on Burlington exten sions; get established early ahead of the coming popula tion. Write the undersigned. N A McLain, Ticket Agent bACOTA OtTY, NEI). L. W. Wakelev. O P A, Omaha, Neb Weak Women To wsak and alllns women, thara li at leart one way to nlp. But with that war, two ireaimeni must be coinmnea. line is loan, 011a i vun.vitu. tional. but both are Important, both eawsntuil. Pr. Htioop 1 riifin lAiro u mo ixktii. f . .Pnur I tp Khnnn'i N'lirht Curt 1 a too! re.1 mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. mnt. The Heetorative reaches throughout the entire iyhtrm, em-king the repair ol aU nerve, II l.u,,u mr,A all hlruM kllmMnlL The Niglit iwe , at iu nama unpiin, u-j work while you sleep. It toothee sore and inflam ed mucous surlttce. local weasutw- u diseliarnus, while the Kestoratlve, en nrrvoui exrltumeiit, gives renewed vigor and ambition, tinilil. ii i wnstMl tiwiuni. bruunng about renewed strunirtn. vigor, ami ennrgy. isu w. miuv . Restorative Tablet or Unuld asa general tome totlietystuin. For positive local help, tue a well Dr. Whoop's Night Cure "ALL DEALERS i W flv Universal Premium Coturens wllh sll rtf-rs BLUE RIBBON CuLLlulluN niM CotliprlM Ifr KaUlbMt HmII !., U PflM UIC .Winning; hti. U buii.oi Uttuca, 14 rlfrt- Mitni!tnt TuntdiuM, ll Luactou. Melon! WIICl a, lit ll,,ra.tialv hnautlflll HiiHrWw IO rotl to piMM ur youi aiMtfiwjr roluaidtxl. BUSINESS BUILDER SEND IO CENTS to b.lp pr iorlag sad pullui. sad r-sslve si. r.iur.ii. ar'UMUoa x mm". 'll lutiul sod InilruAln Hwl trYXv Oaa't WmH. Writ To-Day. turVlVMtlT SOKIHrn SEES COSTsMI . IJ. C-N. aoearoao. tu-ixois tail snsMBSBBSsaaMMnM i iimttiT ii Knsw fSJf II mtt A ' a r City Infect MEurEc'eli Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cath paid for hides. Agent lot Seymonr's White Laundry." Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and romes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY" j IShc Savings 1 Is not so bad as the Cab Habit is not so bad as the Cab Habit and wallet as the Cigarette Habit. The man with the Savipgs Bank Ilabit is the one who never gets laid off; he's the ono who can get along without yon, but you cannot get along Without him. The Savings Bank habit means sound sleep, good digestion, cool Judgment and manly indepenkence. The most beautiful thing I know of is a Savings Dank book there are no microbes in it to steal away your peace of mind. It is a guarantee of good behavior. (Klbort Hubbard.) Good advice from the Master Philietine. And the KIOUT Savings Bank (to get the Ilabit) is f "The Bank that Always treats you Right'' PAUL PIZEY, j ALFRED PIZEY, Dakota CitmNii. J X-A.&Wy'BrS COS Metropolian B!k.- Bondcd : Abstracter I J Sioux City. Iowal Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Go Hubbard, . - Nebraska. ,GE0. TIMLIN, tfhnairer. I 1 CONCORD TEAM HARNESS A Good, Large athsitte:! . V 11 V S l4-tf at Attractive Prices. Everything for the horse and stable Fares paid. Ask Starves Bros 411 Patvrl 8trt IN THE COMING ELECTION IEAR with tU fence interest in the trust, the Uriff. tho roilroad poliuci generally and political perionagem, the Review of Review will be doubly valuable to you. 25 cents a Copy THA AM Ri The aeview 'otfers busy people an education J r r . l k,l cue, comprehensive ana aumoriiaiivo at a minimum cost of time, erfort and money CALL THE MAGAZINES IN ONE 3 With Dr. Albert Shaw'a monthly " Progress oi the World," wtth the cartoon history oi the month, with the timely contributed articles on just the question you are interested in, with the gist oi the really impor WE WANT REPRESENTATIVES in every community to take subscriptions and sell our book offers. Lib era commission and cash prizes. A line chance to build up a per manent and profitable b urines in your homo town. Write to-day to THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS CO. 13 ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK , Room 500 J pARM LOANS We rate amn arvwbeie on earth . Bee or List your property with ns Proprietor of " NEBRASKA Bank Habit j not so oostlv to vonr hinr not so oostlv to vonr Vhiniflrr I I J Ncbraak It's Worih WHile to take one minute of your time to step into our store and see the improved "One Minute' Washer. If you do not intend to buy it will interest x you to look over the modern invention that has made wash day a pleasure. ( If you intend to buy, the case of operation, high speed and clean, timely work, will convince you it is the ma chine you want. ' i 'ft' -.i'i '' V S,,..w,n I'rt ."-I -t.Ut-'IH "AXWiwi.i.v.Vi:.1: ..tUWU'-vV.f. .S '. i,:.r ... .1 . . i S IT CARR1AC MEATSRS Assortment of , , goods for Rebate Slips. Sioux City, lowav S3.00 a Year SLICAN eviews In current events ttiat Is con- .1 . ii tant article oi all the other maga zine oi the world served up to you. and review oi new books one can keep intelligently 'up with the time at a minimum cost oi time, eifort and money. have plenty of Money to Loan 'at a oi interest on Dakota oonnty Farms, t Hull and liuv Ileal Estate of all ) write ns beiore jou Uortow, uuy or. to belt. Farm lan Estate " .. -.-.- j-.. ... ... 1 . ..