Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 14, 1908, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Hnbscription Trice, $1.00 Yer Year.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for tbe
transmission of this paper through the
mails as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
Call (or Republican Convention.
Pnrsnant to the call of the state
committee issued Jan 8th, 1908, the re
publican electors of Dakota count are
heieby called to meet in ootirention in
Dakota City on Saturday, February
29th, 1908, at two o'clock p m, for tbe
purpose of selecting six delegates to
a' tend the state convention in Omaha,
on March the twelfth, 1908. aod sit
delegates to attend tho Congressional
convention at Norfolk on March 10th,
1008, which state and congressional
conventions are for the purpose of se
lecting delegates to the Natioual Re
publican convention in Chicago, on
June 16th, 1908, for the purpose of
nominating candidutcs for president
and vice-president of tho Uuitcd
States, and for the transaction of such
farther business regularly before it.
The basis of representation arritaged
by the connty central committee for
the various preciuctu of Dakota county
entitles tbe several precincts to the
following representation in said coun
ty convention :
HuMmM i rovlimton
Kim-rson Nt. Jolin'o H
Otnii'll tt Summit
Imkolft 10 I'lKcon tJreok
Frecinct cauensts in each of the
above precincts will be held on Satur
day, February 22oil, 1908, at four
o'clock p m, for the purposo of select
ing delegates to the couuty conven
tion, sai.t caucuses to be 1h:1J at the
rmial voting plaoo in each prucinct.
A vote by ballot for prefere,noe for a
candidate for president of the Unite. 1
Statna -vill be taken iu each precinct
at tho above cau vihi-h ; ofllcUl b illots
for such vote will be furnished each
euch precinct by the county central
committee and all qualified republU'nn
electors of each precinct shall have
the right to vote such preterenco for
president at such caucuses.
Dated January 25th, 1908.
F S Berry, . Chairman.
A hoodlum who goes to church for
no other purpose than to create a dis
turbaace ought to be taken by the
knape or the neck, , his heels cracked
together and his soul and body con
signed to the street by way of the front
bannisters. There's no other salva
tion for an animal of this kind.
' If you are in the habit of taking
newspapers from the poitofllee which
are addressed to you but not marked
as "sample copies," don't be surprised
if you should receive a notioe to pay
for them. The proper way to do is to
refuse all papers sent to you that
you do not want, unless they are
marked "sample copies."
Congressman J F Boyd is winning
honors in the balls of congress, as is
shown by the following special in the
Omaha Daily Bee, of February 10th:
"Congressman Boyd, in the faee of
strenuous opposition, won a vietory
today by having his amendment ap
propriating 112,000 to rebuild the
bridge aoross tbe Niobrara river con
necting the town of Niobrara with the
Santee agency incorporated in the In
dian appropriation bill.' Congress
man Hinshaw, member of the Indian
affairs cammitteo of the house, offered
Judge iioyd's amendment, against
whieh a point of order was made by
Chairman Sherman of the coruiuitteu.
Mr Sherman reserved the point of or
der that Judge Boyd might explain
the conditions which prompted the
amendment. And this tbe representa
tive of the Third district did in a
manner that won him friends. While
liia speech was short, it was entirely
omprehensive to the extent that it
satisfied the chairmaa of the commit
tee and he withdrew the objection
which be had made against the amend
ment, even though it was new legisla
tion. It was Judge Boyd'a maiden
ffort, and what U more to the pniat
he won Lis contention 1
Items of Interest
, from our Exchanges
Fender Republics: A W Andersen
was a visitor at Dakota City over Sun'
day, :
Hartington News: Frank Riley re
turned to nls borne in Jackson today,
after a short visit here with friends.
Newcastle Times : Mrs Casey, from
near vista, is Here visitmg ber dangh
ter, Mrs J Roddewig aud family.
Salix items in Sloan, Io, Star. : Carl
Larson, of Jackson, Neb, visited in
tbe home of his parents here a few
days last week.
Pender Times : JoolTrost of Emer
on, in Thurston county, died Sunday,
He was a Union soldier in the war of
the rebellion and highly esteemed by
iiis acquaintances.
Larchwood, la, Leader: Ralph
Twambly was (town to Sioux City the
last of the week to consult & nlivsininn.
His grandmother, Mrs J Long, accom
panied mm back to Liarehwood.
Ponoa Leader: J P Deacom, of Eub
bar J, attteuded the sale here Monday
afternoon and visited his brother
George until Tuesday noon. He
bought one of Mr Kirk's fine Durocs,
Allen News: Art Kordyke came
over from Hubbard Tuesday evening
to assist at bin nrotlier deorge s beg
sale.... Mis E V Nordyke receutly
underwent a fcui'Rinal operation ot the
Wmuaritan hotpitul iu bioqx City.
Ponca Journal: J A King of firmer
sras in town on Sunday.... Mrs W F
Mikeecll spent last Sunday in Morn
ingside... .May me Knox went to Hob
Lard Saturday morning where she
attended a banquet that evening given
"y a eiuo oi wuicn sue 11 a rocmDor.
Sioux City Journal, llth: Fred Cal
lahan aud Miss Bertha Adlcr, of this
city, were quietly married at Dakota
City last Tuesday. The marriage was
kept a secret until yesterday. They
will make their home here.
Wayne Democrat: The Crystal Lake
distillery will be ready for business in
a cnnple of months. This will make
tbe lake the greatest fishing proposition
extant. There will be an abundance
of "bait" right on the water, and fish
will be plentiful of the sucker varie
ty. Lyons Mirror: M A Bancroft was,
down from Homer, Tuesday night to
complete arrangements for the Qaeene
Esther entertainment. They need
several voioes yet and will meet again
next Wednesday evening. Open to
all ... . Mrs W O Waite went to Homer
in response to news of the death of her
uncle, Wm Nixon, at that place Friday,
lie was one of the earliest settlers of
Nebraska, locating in Dakota county,
March 20, 1850. Mr Waite went up
there Saturday.
Tildn Citizen: A few evenings ago
whrn the Rev Von Hagen announced
his text, which contained the words
"mee." and "dogs", he was greeted
with heart rending liowN from the
throats of a conplo of cauines some
where near the church. Ah he occa
sionally referred to tho words quqted,
.1.1.,. ..l: 1 J
iiiu uuwiiuK ueuHiuu more piuiui anil
theRt'V Uawk started out to quell the
disturbing and unseemly racket.
When on tbe sout't side of the church
t.lin burking appeared to him to pro
crod from tlio south, but 011 going to
thiitsideof the edifice the yelping
semed shifted to Hie north, (tcing to
the west the yelpiug suddenly came
from both sides and for a few minutes
the reverend gentleman was non-plass-ed.
Meanwhile, every ' time tbe
preacher reiterated the woid "meet"
the whining and yowling gained new
energy. At last tbe pastor went into
the basement and there found a couple
of xpaniel pups that had fallen down
a manhole and become prisoners. Thi
Rev Von Hagen is inclined to regard
the intelligence of these pups which
was planly evidenced by their under
standing the significance of the word
"meet" or "meat" as decidedly super
ior to that of editors-and some other
people who have not nttendod his in
teresting series of discourses. Of
course, the fact that the puppies un
derstood the import of the preacher's
language might be construed variously,
but the Rev Von Hageu is a jolly,
genial follow and can enjov a joke
even when he, himself, is the victim.
James Hartnett was a City visitor
There will be a dance given in the
htll here Fridav eveninu. Febrnarv
28. Collins Bros orchestra will fur-
uish the musio, and a good time is
expected. Everybody is invited.
Mary Timlin was shopping in Sioux
City Saturday.
Everything in the line of groceries
at Carl Anderson's.
Anna Killaokey went to Vista Sat
Art Nordyke and Joe Leedom were
Bioux City visitors Saturday.
Tho Danish Brotherhood gave a
masquerade dance Saturday night.
A oostumer from Sioux City furnished
the costumes. Duffy'a orchestra of
Sioux City provided musio. A good
time is reported,
Remember that we handle the U S
ore am separator the biBt on the mar
ket. Ciirl Anderson.
Herman Renze and Wm Duggun
were businoss visitors at Iowa a me
tropolis Saturday.
Fr English, John Howard, Frank
ileeney aud John Harty attended the
K of O meeting in Sioux City Sunday.
Carlo Miller went to Wakefield
Sunday, returning Wednesday mora-
in- - ; . . ' !
Johanna Mundy lias been on the
sick list the past week, but is now
If it's candy you want, we have the
kind you want, in any quantity you
want. Carl Anderson.
El Hartnett was a passeuger to
Eaiersou Wednesday morning.
Those having stock on the Sioux
City market this week were, J 8 Tay
lor, one oar of oattle; Frank Ufflng,
one oar of bogs; Fred Vose, one ear
ef hogs and three oars of oattle.
The high water Monday flooded Joe
Loedom'a cellar, covering 6d bushels
of potatoes, which had to be removed
A floe assortment of dried fruit
anything you want and it is all fresh.
At Crrl Anderson's
A lighted lamp which was left
turned too high nearly caused a fire
at the home of Fred Schumacher on
Tuesday night. But for the quick
action of Fred the honse would proba
bly have beea consumed.
Michael Waters is again at his post
of duty iu tbe bank, after a siege of
sickness with stomach trouble.
Mrs Wilsey entertained friends at
a six o clock dinner Sunday eveuing in
honor of Mr aud Mrs James Hartnett.
wbo will leave iu a short time for
their future borne iu Sioux City.
lou should see the new assortment
of faucy dishes we have in stock.
They are beauties. Carl Anderson.
' Dr Wittb has been kept quite busv
tuakiug calls iu the oouutry the past
Mrs C L Thompson left for her old
home in Danbur;, Iowa, where she
will spend a few weeks' visiting her
bou ana mother.
Mr and Mrs D O Crinklow enter-
tainsd Mr aud Mis Cobleigb aud fam-l
ily at a fashionable dmuer Suuday
We want your cream, butter and
eggs, aud will pay the highest market
price for farm produoe. Carl Ander
son. H Fred Palmer, of Chicago, an old
college chum of D G Ciiuklow, called
on Mr and Mrs Ciiuklow between
trains Tuesday while on bis way to
Seattle, Wash, whero be expect to
accept a position with the Northern
A pent D Q Crinklow will have a
lot of fresh pork for sale cheap in the
near future if some of our worthy
townspeople will not keep their hogs
at home, as all hog killed by the
train must be disposed of In some
manner. It is not only a nuisance
around the depot, but our merchants
complain that tbe hogs are not partic
ular which door they enter, the front
or the back.
Monday evening a party of about
twenty-five gathered at the home of
Joe Leedom and at 7:30 left for the
home of R A Miller, armed to the
teeth with everything good to eat.
Arriving at the Miller home they
quietly approached the house and the
usual cry of "surprise" announced
their arrival; when lol "skiddoo," "23"
for the snrrrise party, Mrs Miller
wouldn't stand for it. So back to the
wagons the party went through the
mud and rain, with snch exclamations
as "stung I" "bit!" "soldi" "cheap 1"
But the good women of the party
csmo to the rescue. They held a
council of war out in tho middle of the
road where the mud was knee deep.
"It's a shame! we will have a pa-ty
yet." They retraced their steps back
to Hubbard, thenco to the Cobleigh
home, where the balance of the even
ing was spent playing all kinds of
games and eating such eating it was
tool Only tboBe who attended know
what it was. Everyoue present ac
knowledged the best time of too sea
son. About 2am they all gathered
around tbe organ und sang "If at first,
you don't H'lccaol, try, try ngiin."
Everyone then wnt home feeling that
it was a night well spent. A quar
tette composed of Messrs Lnshier, Cob
leigh, Francisco and Crinklow fur
nished many mnsieal numbers, and
Miss Fol'-z presided at the organ.
ThoHe who attended were: Mrs
TlKHnpson and children, Dulcie a. id
Bonnie Leedom, Emil. Guy and Gil
bert Anderson, Gladys Thompson,
Williuro Thorn, Mrs Rcise and daugh
ter Clara Ethel Anderson, Bessie and
lielia Thorn, Harry and Mark Grib
ble, Mr and Mrs Wilsey, Sophia Knud
son, Frank Lussier, Mr and Mrs D G
Crinklow, Bert Franoisoo and daugh
Henry Tinn and wife of Montcllo,
Wis, arrived here Suuday evening and
are guests at the A C Carroll home.
Mrs A H Barber of Garrison, Minn,
is vwtiting at the home of O A Bar
ber aud A R Thompson north ef town.
A P Doran, real estate agent of Em'
erson, was in town Monday. V
. M C Carlstroni of Sioux City was
doing business in town Tuesday.
Mrs Charles Barrett returned to her
home in Sionx City Saturday, after
staying two weeks with her parents,
Mr and Mrs John Brady, while they
were ill with the grippe, They are
both much improved. 1 ,
Uessdams John Sherlock and W H
Crahan, of Emerson, visited over Sun
day at tbe luchard Ryan home.
Eugene Kearney, of Elkton, S D,
was visiting bis brother Lee and Uuole
Ed T, this week. He left Tuesday
evening for Creigbton, Nebr, to visit
his sister, Mrs H J Bingenheimer.
Dr Leahy waa a passenger to Emer
son Wednesday morning.
Tbe Royal Neighbors card party
which was to be given Tuesday even
ing was postponed indefinitely on ac
count of the rain.
There will be a dancing party et
Riley's opera house Feb 21, '08, Col
lins Bros, will furnish the musio.
Everybody invited.
Edward T Kearney is enpying a
visit from his nephew, Charley Brown,
01 Dig xur.oer, Montana.
The R F D carrier on rnntn 1 mi
the roads this week are the worst ever.
Ulailys Carroll who linn lmnn
fined to her bed for over a month with
muscular rheumatism' in now nl.l
sit up a little while each day, being
still very weak.
Maggie Lynch of Fonda, Iowa, is
visiting at the Matt Byrne home.
Ben Cullen and Neil Flinn, drove
over to Hubbard Sunday and spent
the afternoon at the home of Benedicts
Wm Fuhrlman was attending lodge
and visiting frionds for several days in
Sioux City the last of the week .
Eva Stevens went to Newcastle,
Monday to spend the week with the
Misses Hodgins.
S J Fisber arrived here Wednesday
to work in the Zulauf barber suop.
Mr Fisher was here aeveral months
last summer.
Frank Riley and A A Sohrempp left
Saturday for Nevada.
Mrs Russell and little daughter of
Newcastle, are visiting at the home of
aer brother Mrs L Forbes.
John McEwen, wife and baby, of
Sioux City, came up Saturday evening
to visit at Mrs McKwen's home, Mr
McEwen returned Monday, but Mrs
McEwen expects to remain until the
last of the week.
Coroner B F Sawyer was called to
South Sioux City Saturday to hold aj
inquest over the bodies of Edward
Streeter and Albert Alhertson who
lost their lives in the Streeter rooming
house Friday night. As no iuquost
was thought necessary, Mr Sawyer
returned again Monday and ordered
the remains to be taken to Dakota
City and interred Monday afternoon.
A number of the young people form
ed a surprise party and gathered at
tho home of Harry Demarray Friday
vening it being his eighteenth birth,
day. Musio, games aud danciug was
enjoyed, and nice refreshments were
served and all report a very pleasant
The weather the past few days has
put the ice men out of business but
it Is to be hoped more cold weather
will come so all may be able to fill
their ioe houses to last duriug the
summer. SALEM.
Ray Lapsley is ;luid op with the
The funeral of Miss Brll Montgoni-
try waa ueia Wednesday at 1:30
o'clock from the English Lutheran
church at this place. Rev W 8 Ober
holtzer fllciatiDg. Interrment was in
the Taylor cemetery.
Lycenm at the Hileman school
house is postooned until Feb 21, when
a No 1 program will be given.
Chas Boerman was compelled to
give up a few days of hie leisure time
to satisfy the gripp.
From tho appearance of things
Leap Year weddings are! going to be
quite popular.
Jasper Lake shelle4 and delivered
to 8 A Heikes several hundred bushels
of corn Monday.
Mr and Mrs Woods Hileman are
here from Julesburg, Colo, on a short
Mrs Norman Powell was taken to a
hospital in Sioux City Tuesday, where
it is hoped an operation will bring her
back to health. A subscription paper
was taken in this neighborhood to
cover expenses of the operation,
Harry Brown purchased several
spans of mnlee at the stock yards sale
on Thursday.
Milton J Foieshoe Jr, made a flying
business trip to Sioux City Wednes
day. Chas Heikes and Ward Joyce have
recently been initiated into the Odd
Fellows lodge at Dakota City.
A merry crowd witnessed "noming
Through the Rye", at the New Grand
Thursday evening.
Mrs Benj Herhrenson, better known
as Mae Armour, formerly of this place
is here from Minot. N D, visiting rela
tives and friends.
Tom Grihble marketed a car of
sheep in Sioux City Tuesday.
The M B A's are planning on a pray
time next Wednesday evening the 19th
inst. A musical program und n big
feast being the social feature of the
Harry Sides came home Wednesday
evening, and is now wrestling with the
If you are seeking for all the news,
subscribe for Tho Herald .
B McKinley is on the fcick list
MrB S A Brown is on the sick list.
Geo McBeath's family have bad the
prevailing complaint, Gripp.
Harry McKinley came hone last
week, Thursday, to remain for a time.
Lewis Smith while crossing the new
bridge on a board laid don for tem
porary use fell cracking a conple of
Miss Mabel Harvey and Mfcs Catha
rine Quinn were Sioux City shoppers
Miss Neva Best oome down from
Dakota City Sunday to visit at the
George McBeath home.
Miss Gertie McKinley spent Sunday
at hon. e.
Mrs Pheobe Wilson returned from
Colorado last week, while there she
visited io Denver with her son, Tom,
and in Pueblo with a brother.
If you have not put your ice up yet,
you are left. The creek has stopped
its ice factory.
Mrs Mart Mansfield of Winnebago
was a guest of Mrs II A Monroe and
attended the concert.
Miss Tecla Voss and brother Ray
mond, and Mrs Nelson Smith were
the people in from the country who at
tended the concert.
The oonoert that was given Tuesday
evening was very much apreoiated by
the few that was there and will be re
peated Tuesday evening March 3rd,
when it is hoped there will be better
weather and a full house. '
John Church Jr, of Newcastle, was
a guest at home Tuesday.
Mrs Graves and son, of Pendor was
the guest of E J and Dr Nina Smith
for the conoi-rt.
Mr Bill Irons and Miss Virgie Wiley
were married at Dakota City Monday,
Lucy Anderson went to Emerson
Sunday evening for a week's visit with
Mary Hartnett of Hubbard spent
Sunday with the Misses Heencys.
Alice Demarray was a passenger
to Sioux City Friday afternoon.
Frank Heeney left for his home
in Hay Spring, Nebr, Sunday eveniug,
after a few days visit with bis parents
Frank Simmons returned home Fri
day from Lyons, Iowa, where he at
tended his brother, Nick's, wedding
which took place Jan 29th.
R Bothsey and wife, of Emerson,
spent Sunday with the Niss Anderson
family .
James Heeney and. wife who have
been suffering from a severe attack of
la grippe for the past three weeks, are
very much improved this week.
John Nieman loft for Burlington,
Iowa, Tuesday morning for a few
weeks' visit with friends.
Val Bchindler was called to his
home at Dyresville, Iowa, owing to the
illness of his mother.
O A Peterson and wife spent Sunday
at Thurston.
John Zastrow shipped a car of cat
tle to Sioux City Tuesday morning.
Mrs Val Schindler was a pussenger
to Sioux City Monday.
Matt Assenmacher was a Sioux City
visitor Tuesday.
John Tramper was a city visitor
Monday. ,
Gua Romefelt waa a Sioux City visi
tor Tuesday.
For Sale A Kinkead Homeatead Re
linquishment .
A SiO-acre Kinkead homestead re
linquishment iu Deuel couaty, Nebras
ka, 500 acres good p.ow laud, good
soil, outs plenty of hay. Price, II,
750 00. Deeded laud in that locality
sells for $10.00 to $12.00 per acre.
Or would oonsiler an exchange for
residence property, livery outfit, live
stock, or some small business of equiv
alent value This is an excellent op
portunity for acquiring a (UO-acre
homestead. Bee W T Babtlett
Jacksou, Nebr.
Aintorl I.ocitl ri ptVM iilatlvi' for IiHko
IldlllCU in city una Yli-liilty to U k
uftxr reuewnU nml Iih-ivh.-0
ulwcripttnn lll ot prominent monthly
iiuitfnvhiH, on a ulry nml coiiiiiilxxlon lam
is. Kxperli'iu-eilfHlrahlH, lait not neiMnnHry,
( tocxl oiiDortnnltv for rlulit Demon. Addrt 11
fuuUfiur, lloaW. bUUou O. how York. (
at my farm one-haif mile north of Homer, Nebr.,
Tuesday, February 18, 1908
Commeiiccriff at 1:15 p m, consisting1 of
Sired by Missouri Gold Finch and other boars o note
".."i'.v.'. 'V.::''' . . . '' ' ' '' ,,j,v -.".'',;; vi
i. .-.v .v . -; :. '. r--"- (' -.-: ;- i
, , V-V " V.'. r-'.
8 " . ' IP
1 i ' - " . '
I -,. . ' ; " :'-. - .
if , ' - - 1
V ' - 1 ' - - , i
-lv , u 7 'i r"; . -i
L-,, - x'BBEDBY-gEBjfeBlgSlfres HQf&IElltf s T ' '
sxnd bred io the great Dread NaugHt, the Highest
Xtrlcod. Duroc Jersey boar in the world also to Spring
dale Banker and Sprlngdevle Critic.
I am pnttinr in This sile pome of tho choicest sows of the breel, and the cream
of thb Spriiigdale herd. A Fr.e Lunch. will be served at noon.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten months' time will be allowed purchasers giving an approved
note, bearing 8 per cent interest.
Col. J.. L. Luther,
First Publication Feb 7 3w.
Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate
of Will.
In the county court ot Dakota county, Ne
braskH. State of Nebraska, Dakota county i bs.
To KliztilKtth Mi-Lcnn, Uraco Nixon, Jane
Nixon, Alexander M. Nixon. F.llxttlieth Nix
on, Jane Waite, John I.. Nixon, unknown
heirs of Alexander Nixon, unknown heirs
ot Mary Nixon, John Tuylor, and to all per
Nonx interested In the estate, of Wlllluiu
Nixon, deeeaed:
On reading tho petition of John I.. Nixon
praying that tbe internment tiled In this
court on tho 0th day of February, WON, and
purporting to lie the last will and testament
of the said deceased, may lie proved anil
allowed, and recorded as the last will and
testament of William Nixon, deceased ; that
said Instrument le admitted to proliate,
and the uilmlsitratlon of said estate be
granted to William (iheney as executor.
It Is hereby ordered that you Bnd all per
sons lnteresed in said matter may, and do,
appear at the county court to lie held In
and for said county, on the Hh day of Fel
ruary, A. 1). tW, at lOo'clock a. in., to show
eouse, if any there be, why the priiyerof the
petitioner should not le granted, and that
notice of the pendency of said petition and
that the hearing thereof lie given to ail per
sonsinterestod In sold matter by publishing
a copy of this order In the Dakota County
Herald, a weekly newspaper printed In sold
county, for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of said court,
this tlth day of February, A. D. llw.
1). t). Stinsok.
sitAt. County Judge.
Winter Toura
To the South and Gulf Re
sorts until April 30th.
Ilomeaaekara Rates
1st and 3rd Tuesdays to Col
orado, Big Horn Basin, Mon
tana and Northwest.
On-way Colonist
March and April, to Montana,
Washington, Oregon, Califor
nia and Utah.
To Fetrnn R.taters
Write D. Clem Deaver, Land
seekers' Information Bureau,
Omaha, for list of farms to
rent in Big Horn Basin. Do
it now ; they are going fast.
Duilnaaa Optnlnja
We have list of excellent bus
iness chances in new growing
towns on Burlington exten
sions; get established early
ahead of the coming popula
tion. Write the undersigned.
II R Atkinson, . Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakklev. Q T A, Omaha, Neb
rmwid B3BBcyffBa
0 273XK)
Geo. W.
f It is Delicious $
25 cents
Blendod and packed from
Harris CSL
N 6 Front St.
For All the News.
magazines published for women and the home. Every '
Issue contains the Ialfst Fashions, the Best Flollon. and
an Immense variety ol practical instruction on all house,
hold topics. Every Issue Is tilled vttth beautiful Illustra
tions in hall-tone and color.
A Big Magazine in a Bargain Offer
ORDER TO-DAY and gel aYear's Reading for the Whole FtaSy
Mcrtxld Dakota City, Neb,"
Ashford and W. II. Ryan,
per Potxtid 8
carefully selected coffee by
Kilboxxrrac. t
Homer, Neb
A flain r our
;P uDscribers
The New Idea
Woman's Magazine
i '