Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 14, 1908, Image 1

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Snlt Filed In Cincinnati Opening Gun
In Crusade WliL'li Government Will
Wage to Stop Carrying of 11p4 Class
Mail Matter by Kxprcss Comimiilc,
Violation of the postal laws by car
rying first class mail matter was
charged against the American Express
company' In a cult filed In the United
States district court at Cincinnati, O.,
Thursday by District Attorney Mc
pherson. This suit was the first gun fired In
a campaign which the government
proposes to wage against common
carriers for carrying first class mail
matter contrary to law. In the in
formation which Attorney McPherson
filed he alleges that the American
Express company on Jan. 6 carried a
letter from Bel ton, Tex., to Cincinnati.
The letter was from Mrs. Will Brown,
of Belton, and In It she ordered from
a. glove company twelve pairs of gloves
and enclosed an express money order
for $2.47 In payment.
Attorney McPherson claims that the
letter did not relate to the business
of the express company and that the
envelope did not bear a postage stamp,
as required by law. The penalty- for
violation of this provision of the fed
eral statutes is $100.
Col. Holmes, postofflce Inspector In
Charge, said:
"The government Is very jealous of
Us rights to, carry the mulls, and in
sists on It always. When public car-
rlers carry letters not bearing postage
stamps and not pertaining to the busi
ness of the carrier they are prevent
ing the government from deriving rev
enue for the sale of stamps.
"About four or five years ago the
government waged war against car
riers for such an offense. It Is the
opinion of the government officials
that Common carriers are becoming
too lax in reference to carrying mail
matter not properly stamped and that
prosecution of a few cases is necessary
to bring to their attention the fact that
they are violating the law."
.Tniw with Cannon Seen on RlnlTs Near
Santa Monica.
On an unfrequented bluff which
marks the northern limit of Santa
Monica bay, Cal., a party of seven Jap
anese, with a small canon in their
possession, have for several days past.
It Is reported, engaged In experiments
that have aroused the suspicions of
the settlers, as it Is presumed that a
portion of the American battleship
fleet will spend several days in the bay.
The Japanese have been engaged in
making maps of the cliffs along the
bay,, and a small pivot gun, mounted
on a cliff 185 feet above the sea, was
llred first In one direction and then In
another. There is not even a theory
as to the purposes of the party.
Stormy Scene In the House of Hepro
After an exciting debate lasting six
flours, which developed Into a riot on
the floor of the Japanese house of rep
resentatives, the financial budget was
passed by a majority of 102.
The speakers on both sides occupied
a log time and towards the last they
howled at theVhalr charges of favor
itism. The opposing members de
manding an apology, the chair sus
pended the session for half an hour
and upon resuming the chair apolo
gized handsomely to the opposition.
Insane About Women.
When the trial was resumed at Clin
ton, III., Thursday of the $2,000,000
suit instituted by Richard Snell, to
break the will of his father. Col. Thos.
Snell, more love letters written to tho
aged millionaire were Introduced In
evidence. It Is said the purpose of the
reading of the letters Is to show Col,
gnell was Insane about women.
Irois 200 Feet; V'nliurt.
John Grant, of New York, an un
employed printer. Jumped from the
Brooklyn bridge Thursday. Although
he landed among the Ice cakes in the
river 200 feet below, he escaped with
only a few minor hurts. He Is now
under arrest charged with attempted
Kloiix Clly Live Stock Market.
Thursdays quotations on the Rloux
City live stock market follow: Top
beeves, $4.85. Top hogs, $4.30,
Hrog. Ocn. Carroll Dead.
Brig. Gen. Henry Carroll, U. S. A.,
retired, a veteran of the civil war and
the Spanish-American war, and an In
dian fighter. Is dead at his home In
Colorado Springs. Colo., after a brief
Illness, aged 70 years.
Admiral IVulier Dead,
Rear Admiral Montgomery Fletcher,
a retired chief engineer In the navy,
idled at his residence In Washington
. C, Thursday.
Wholesale Slaughter la Attempted at
Sonora, Mex.
News of an attempt to kill every
American at the Santa Rosa mine, In
Sonora, twenty miles south of Doug
las, has been received. Mexican em
ployes placed a stick of dynamite un
der a boarding house at the company's
store and the foreman's and superln
tendant's residences. 'The 'fuses at
tached to the dynamite were timed for
explosions to follow each other In
quick succession. The hour selected
was during the evening meal, when
all the American mliVrs were in the
boarding house. The store and board
ing house were demolished and fifteen
men who were eating were blown
through the roof of the boarding house
sustaining broken legs and arms, but
there were no fatalities. At the fore
man's residence the dynamite failed to
Ignite. The superintendent's office was
demolished but he escaped Injury.
The rurals were early on the scene.
Eighteen Mexlcuns are under arrest.
The attempt to destroy the Americans
Is believed to be the work of sympa
thizers with the revolutionists at pres
ent under arrest at Los Angeles, who
believe the prisoners are being perse
cuted by the Americans. . . v "
Postal Chief Has Own Notions About
Postmaster General Mever Wed
nesday Informed the senate that he
believed he has the right to continue
a postmaster in office even if the nom
ination formally has been rejected by
the .senate. Thlc position raises an
Issue between an executive depart
ment and the senate over the constitu
tional provision relating to appoint
ments and confirmations of federal of
ficeholders. The communication from
the postofflce department relates to
the case of William Northup, postmas
ter at Pensacola, Fla. Senator Talia
ferro declared that Mr. Northup Is
Etlll drawing- the salary of -postmaster.
despite, the fact that his nomination
was rejected nearly a year ago. At
his suggestion the senate called on
the postmaster general for an explana
tion. The response was brief. Mr.
Meyer declares that under the regula
tions governing appointments he has
the authority to continue Northup in
office until his successor has been ap
pointed. His position undoubtedly
will create discussion in executive ses
Bandits Loot Vault of Another Mis
souri Bunk.
Securing $23,000 In cash after dy
namiting and totally wrecking the
Farmers and Manufacturers bank, five
bandits, heavily armed, terrorized the
citizens at Rich Hill, Mo., early Wed
nesday morning and after exchanging
shots with the sheriff's posse escaped
to the rough country .north of there.
No one was injured.
The tarrlflc explosion caused by the
dynamiting of the vault of the bank
awakened the town Just about mid
night, and the population hurried to
the building. Some citizens opened
fire on the fleeing bandits and the
robbers returned the fire.
Cashier Jamison said all the avail
able cash In the bank was secured, by
the robbers.
The bank building was badly dam
aged by the explosion.
The Bank of Willard, of Wlllard,
Mo., was looted of $10,000 by five rob
bers recently.
Implement Makers are In Hands of
P. P. Mast & Co., agricultural Im
plement manufacturers, of Springfield,
O., were Wednesday placed In the
hands of receivers by an action begun
In the United States circuit court. The
receivers were directed to continue
the business of the company, but to
.. Ind It up as speedily as possible. The
assets are given as $1,000,000, and the
Indebtedness $400,000. The financial
stringency Is given as the reason for
the receivership, the company's attor
ney declaring the firm will be able to
pay all of Its debts as soon as money
' ecomes easier.
Many Women go to Jail.
Nearly fifty women suffragists Tues
day made a raid on the British house
of commons and Wednesday were
sentenced to pay a fine or a month's
Imprisonment. All but two women
preferred to go to Jail rather than pay
Smuggler of Chinese Sentenced.
James H. Lehnemann, of Brook
line, Mass., alleged to have been the
head of the band who carried on ex
tensive operations In smuggling Chi
nese into New England, was sentenced
Wednesday to four months In Jail.
Nine Miners Killed.
Nine miners were killed and one
other fatally Injured by an explosion
of gas In the mine of the Moodv Coal
company at South Carrollton, Ky.(
lonuay arternoon.
Coal Miners Strike.
One thousand coal miners went on
strike at puuuoln, 111., Wednesday.
Their grievance is dissatisfaction with
the alleged Inferior grade of blasting
powder being sold them for us In the
Indian Hill in I'assed.
The Indian appropriation bill, after
days of consideration on the floor,
was passed Wednesday by the house
practically In the form recommended
by the committee.
found Not Guilty of Murder of Wrb
titer Gneiin.
Mrs. Dora McDonald, who has been
on trial at Chicago since Jan. 20 on the
charge of murdering Webster Guerln,
was acquitted by the Jury In the crim
inal court Tuesday night.. The verdict
was reached after six and a half hours
of deliberation, the Jury having retired
at 1 o'clock In the afternoon.
The defendant, who is the widow of
Michael C. McDonald, a former mill
ionaire gambling king and political
leader In Chicago, received the ver
dict without apparent emotion. Dur
ing the trial she had frequently col
lapsed, and on several occasions the
case had been Interrupted In order
that she might receive medical atten
tion. However, Mrs. McDonald was the
least moved of any of the persons con
cerned In the defense, her attendant
being so overcome that Mrs. McDon
ald was compelled to exchange roles
with her and try to quiet the woman.
Members of the Jury took an oath
before reporting their finding not to
reveal the history of their delibera
tions. The first ballot, they said, stood
8 to 4 for acquittal, but subsequent
developments were carefully kept se
cret. After Mrs. McDonald had been 'dis
charged she was taken to a hotel by
relatives. It was announced later that
she will retire to a sanitarium. De
spite her nervous and physical condi
tion during the trial and the months
following the tragedy no hint of In
sanity was offered as a defense at the
trial. "
Webster Guerln was shot and killed
In his studio In the Omaha building.
La Salle and Van Buren streets, Feb.
21, 1907. Mrs. McDonald was alone
with him when the tragedy occurred
and was Immediately arrested and
charged with murder.
Fined Twenty Dollars for Assaulting
De Kngun. .
Count Bonl de Castellane was Tues
day found guilty of criminal assault
and battery on Prince Helle de Sagan,
his cousin, and fined $20. The prince
was awarded 20 cents damages.
The encounter between Castellane
and DeSagan, which resulted in the
prince preferring charges against his
c,ousln, took place on Jan. 2 In front
of the church. of St. Pierre de Challlot,
In Paris, where special memorial serv
ices had been celebrated In memory of
Lady Stanley Errlngton, a relative of
both of the fighters, i The service had
Just ended and Count Bonl and Prince
Helle met on the steps.
Words were exchanged and then the
two men came to blows. Bonl swore
at his cousin and spat in his face. The
prince bsok the matter to court and
made charges against Bonl and his
brother Jean. The charge against Jean
was dismissed.
The cause of the fight Is sold to
have been because Helle was paying
attention to Madame Gould. This is
supposed to have provoked Bonl to as
sault. ,
Nearly 1,000,000 Killed In Loiilslunu
This Winter for Food.
The announcement that about 1,
000,000 robins have been killed by
hunters this winter In Louisiana was
made Tuesday by Frank Miller, presi
dent of the Louisiana Audubon society,
at New Orleans. Following this an
nouncement George Howell, a govern
ment expert, sent there to Investigate
the habits of robins, said that the
Investigation may prove the eastwerd
movement of the boll weevil has been
facilitated by the reckless destruction
of the robins. The birds are killed
for food.
Trial of Hitclicock.
The trial of Raymond Hitchcock,
the comedian, was set Tuesday for Feb.
24 despite the objections of his coun
sel and the affidavit of a report of his
theatrical manager that Illtchoock has
been booked to appear In various parts
of the country up to March 6. Justice
Dowllng ruled that the financial loss to
the manager was an extraordinary rea
son to advance for a delay In the pros
ecution of a criminal case.
Ordered Sent to Jail.
Because they refused to give bonds In
answer to indictments requiring or per.
mlttlng others to work on Sunday,
Judge Wallace Tuesday ordered the
following theatrical managers In Kan
sas City, Mo., sent to Jail: O. D. Wood
ward, Auditorium; E. 8. Brlgham, Gll
lls; J. R. Donegan, Century; Martin
Lehman, Orpheum.
Santa Fe Must Explain.
The Oklahoma corporation commis
sion has ordered the Santa Fe railroad
to appear before It and explain why the
railroad officials ordered the recent
cutting off of four trains on the main
Sicuker Colo Cleared.
At Salem, Mass., the indictment
against Speaker John N. Cole, of the
Massachusetts representatives, charg
ing him with violating the statutes by
soliciting transportation below regular
rates was quashed Tuesday.
Clemency to Mrs, Goold.
The death sentence against Mrs.
Violet Goold, who, with her husband,
Vere St. Ledger Goold, was convicted
of the murder of Emma Levin at Mon
te Carlo last summer, has been com
muted to Imprisonment for life.
Franco at Genoa.
Senor Franco arrived at Genoa,
Italy, Tueseday evening. He appeared
very much worn out and retired to bl
(hotel, refusing to see anyone.
c .
i Nebraska ;!
I State News I
Loot from Mall Boxes Found In Room
of Joe Jones at Nebraska City.
The police, accompanied by a postal
official, searched the home of Joe
Jones, the colored man arrested at
Nebraska City on the charge of rob
bing mail sacks at the Missouri Paclflo
depot found a leuther pocketbook
which had been taken from the Sev
enth street mail box when it was brok
en open and robbed that night and nil
of the mail taken out, and after being
ripped open was rettn ned to the boxes.
Among the letters were daily reports
of Insurance agencies and express
The pocketbook recovered had been
mailed by L. Weasel's. Sons A Co., and
several of the clerks Identified It be
cause It was broken and had been sent
for repnlrs.- Some rare coins were al
so found which had been taken from
Allen's second-hand store, whore they
were on exhibition, early In N Decem
ber. They were seemed by breaking
open a window.
It Is now claimed that the prisoner
entered the book store of W. S. Hyer,
Wessel's annex and Johnson Bros.' gro
cery store. At each place tho burglar
took only cash and secured something
like $100 In all. He refrained from
taking any goods. Jones has been
there two years and tho police claim
committed a number of burglaries
during that time. He was taken to
Omaha by a deputy United States mar
shal. He .refused In say a word re
garding the thefts even after being
confronted with the goods and the
Father Murphy Case Again In the Ne
braska Supreme Court.
Father William Murphy, who for a
number of years has hoen In litigation
with- Bishop Thomas Bonacum. of the
Lincoln di-oce.se, over his right to pro
sldo as n priest In the Catholic church,
has appealed to the supreme court
from a Judgment of the district court
of Seward county ousting him from tho
parishes of Seward and Ulysses. Fath
er Murphy Is still In possession of the
church property of the two towns and
the church trustees aro his partisans.
refusing to give up the keys to any
priest appointed by the bishop. Father
Murphy was long ago excommunicated
by Bishop Bonacum and the case has
twice been before the church authori
ties at Rome. .
Frank Brokaw, of Plninvlew, Is Under
Frank Brokaw, a young married
man, wus taken to West Point Sunday
evening by Sheriff Malchow to face a
charge of wife desertion. Tho arrest
was made in the country near the town
of Plalnvlew. The wife is the daugh
ter of Henry Schlots, of West Point,
and has been In town for some weeks.
Brokaw brought her to the town a
month ago, rented a house, paying a
year's rent In advance, sent her some
chickens and a little money and then
hied himself back to PloYce county,
Fearing he contemplated abandoning
her entirely tho woman made the eom
plaint which resulted In his arrest.
Policyholders of Insurance Company
1'lle l narges. .
Thrno nnllr-vholflers in the GUSrail
- Fund T.lfn Association, of Omaha.
insilnv nftprnoon charged that the
concern had not made a correct report
the state auditor anu tney uieu a
cmand for a hearing. They assert
that no entrance fee is collected and
vhat the amount designed as collected
"rom membership fees was transferred
irom the mortuary fund. They de
nnnrl fnrmnl answer to the chanter,.
The three policyholders are H. 8. Ste
phenson, M. S. Bacon and W. X. Bar
ton, of Lincoln.
Pacific Express Company Admits It
lilt on thu Old Gaitio. .
The two gold bricks which wero
found In the ruins of the Tobln build
ing at Sidney and last week sent to
St. Louis by Superintendent George
Patterson, of the Pacific Expresscom
pany, under the Impression that theBo
gold bricks were stolen In the robbery
of the express office In March, 18S0,
have been pronounced bogus. The
whole proceeding is now looked upon
as a huge Joke and shows how gulllblo
the Pacific Express company was In
assuming that these were the stolen
bricks. The bunco men will probably
now feel Justified In working a few
more suckers on their celebrated
No Primary In Adams.
At a meeting of the Republican
county central committee ut Hastings
recently It wus decided to hold a coun
ty convention on Saturday. Feb. 29,
to elect delegates to the state conven
tion. There was a good attendance
at the meeting, and tho matter of us
ing the primary system at this time
was thoroughly discussed, but It was
not thought advisable at this time.
Former Found Dead In Home.
Helnrlch Albrecht, a prominent
German farmer living near Beatrice,
was found dead on the floor of his
home. Death was due to a ruptured
blood vessel. He was 63 yeurs of ane
and leaves a widow and four children.
Commercial Club Sleeting,
Preliminary announcements of the
fourth annual meeting of tho State
Association of Commercial clubs, to be
held In Grand Island March 18 and 19,
have been sent out and promUe a fine
program for the annual convention.
1'urni House Hums.
The farm house occupied by Mrs.
Herzberg and son, southwest ef Plaits
mouth, was destroyed by flro recently,
together with oil the furniture, house
hold good and clothing, while I he
family were away.
Serious Charge Doing Investigated by
County Attorney.
"Death by suffocation" was the ver
dict of the coroner's Jury which Inves
tigated the fire In the Streator lodging
house at South Sioux City early Sat
urday morning. No new Information
was brought out at tho Inquest.
County Attorney Fred Berry, of Hm.
ersnn, however, has taken a hand In
the matter and will vigorously Investi
gate the charge made by Mrs. Hartiet
against her husband. Mrs. Dolly Ha.
net fell from a telephone pole and
broke her leg. At the Samaritan hos
pital, Sioux Cilty, where she was taken,
she told the police surgeon that she
suspected her husband set the place on
Are. He had had trouble with her and
other people In the house during the
day and had threatened to revenge
Twenty people were In' the building
when the fire was discovered. Bdward
Streator and Albert Albertson were
burned to death.
Colored Man at Nebraska City Trice
to Sell It.
On Dec. 17, 1907, several mall sacks
which were In the baggage room at the
Missouri Pacific railway at Nebraska
City were taken out and rifled, the
thief gaining entrance by breaking out
a window. Saturday a negro named
Joe Jones, who has been about the
city for the last two years and who has
anything but a savory record, offered
a ring to a Jeweler, who at once recog
nized It as one of the rings which he
had sold and which was In the mall
that went out that night. He at once
notified Chief of Police Grant Tates,
who arrested the negro. He was turn
ed over to Postal Inspector Grogan,
who came and looked up the case. The
mall boxes have been robbed at Ne
braska City twice and no clue was ob
tained against anyone until this ring
turned up.
A Nebraskan Finds St range Haven
During Blizzard.
Inside the carcass of a dead horse,
protected by It sun drlpd hide which
was stretched tight across the bare
bones, Clifton Prouty, a Nance county
farmer, found shelter from the fierce
winds of the blizzard which swept Ne
braska a few days ago. Losing his
way In tho blinding snowstorm he fell
and rendered himself helpless. In this
predicament he stumbled across the
carenss of the horse and the thought
struck him this would give him the
shelter he needed. In this strange
haven he spent the entire night and
the greater part of the following day.
He was discovered by one of his own
dogs after the storm hnd abated. The
dog's barking brought Prouty's son to
the rescue.
Several Meetings Held, but So Far
, with Little Actunl Result.
The Omaha tribe has held several
meetings recently for the purpose of
organizing a more permanent council.
Little has been accomplished. Other
meetings are to be called and it Is
hoped beneficial results will follow.
Hiram Chase, who is a prominent
member of the tribe and also an attor
ney at Pender, has prepared a consti
tution and bylaws for the tribe which
he Is endeavoring to have adopted. He
expects If his new regulations go Into
effect conditions on the reservation
f ill be much Improved.
New Factory for West Point.
Another new factory Is In prospect
for West Point. It Is proposed to es
tablish a plant for the manufacture of
sulky plows. The plow proposed to be
manufactured Is patented and Is a
marked Improvement upon the old
style sulky plow In that the draft la
directly upon the plow instead of Indl.
rectly, the plow going one way and the
team pulling In a tangent directions.
The draft upon an 18-lnch plow of this
design la less than that upon a 16-Inch
plow of any other make. The project
is backed by local capitalists who have
the means to Insure success.
Will Attempt to Oust Saloons.
At a largely attended meeting held
at Lincoln Friday night to discuss the
question of tho continuance of saloons,
u resolution was adopted by a decisive
vote declaring for absolute prohibition
In Lincoln, beginning with the new
municipal election to be submitted at a
special election to be held at a date
fixed by the city council, probably In
Wife Gets $10,000 Alimony,
The sensational divorce case of Cal
vln Chapman against his wife, Harriet,
was decided In the district court at
Nebraska City Friday evening, and Mr.
Chapman was glveen a decree con
ditioned thut he deed over to his wife
one-third of his holdings, which are
estimated at $58,000. The court ren
dered the decree giving Mrs. Chapman
$19,000 as her almlotiy.
Peru Coal Mine Is on lire.
The Peru coal mine Is on Are. It
has been burning for three weeks. The
fire was caused by spontaneous C8is
bustlon of coal dust which accumu
lated in an old room no longer used.
At times the lire Is so hot that the
miners ere compelled to quit work and
clus.' the mlno o that the lire cannot
get air, and in this way it is smoth
PosmI Itiinalim I'neitirtlicd.
Kosxll bones, which veoin to form
almoFt nn Intact skeleton of a masto
don, are being exlunit! In a pit near
Red Cloud. It Is reported that six
teen feel of the frame has been ex
posed ntxl It uppems to extend many
feet farther under the sand.
. Salt) of Im.iuii IjiiimU.
A 'ale vf Oniuhu Indian heirship
lands was held at the agency at Walt
hill Frliiuy Fifteen bids were submit
tefi cn eight .lxce of land. The total
bids .ggi t-gu'.ud over $40,000.
The state railway commission has
rdered the Rock Island railroad to
construct a depot at University Place
and Install an agent. The order gives
the railroad company until July 1 to
construct the station, and provides the
plana and specifications must be on file
with the commission by April 1. The
depot Is to contain 600 feet of floor
pace. As a preliminary to the erder
CommtsslonerClarke wrote an exhaust
ive brief answering all the points
raised by the defendant railroad com
pany, which challenged the tight of
the commission to make such an ordfer,
but holding that the commission could
do only what the legislature specifically
provided It could do. Mr. Clarke held
in his opinion that the commission de
rived Its powers from the people who,
adopted the constitutional amendment
and that the legislature had the power
only to regulate the procedure of the
commission in conducting hearings and
proceedings. He quotes from decisions
of courts to uphold his contention that
even without legislative action the
commission could act under the au
thority granted by the constitution, and
until the courts hold otherwise the
commission expects to act accordingly.
The state railway commission ha
not yet Issued a formal answer to the
creamery men who some time ago ask
ed for a rehearing on Its recent order
In the service case and a modification
of that order. The creameries desire
the commission to compel the railroads
to give receipts for empty cans return,
ed. When the commission Issued Its
orders regarding the rate for shipping
cream nothing was said about receipts
for cans. Commissioner Clarke, how
ever, filed an opinion agreeing to the
majority opinion Insofar as it related
to rates, but he decided that the ship
pers were entitled to receipts for the
empty cans shipped. He held that tho
fact that In the past cans had been
shipped at the risk of the owners was
no reason why the shipments should
not be made in a businesslike way now.
and that the owners of the cans were
entitled to the receipts In order to be
able to place responsibility when cars
were mlssent or lost. The other two
commissioners, however, refused to
agree to this opinion and so far
they have not changed their minds.
The monthly report of State Treas
urer Brian for (.he month of January
Shows total receipts of $917,808.47;
payments, $911,399.81; balances, $68,
406.82. In the educational funds there
Is a total of $834,919.63.' The balances
In the educational funds and city banks
are large at this time owing to the
fact that the $218,900 worth of state
bonds purchased not long since were
to have been delivered the first of this
week, but tho parties from whom
these bonds were purchased have only
delivered $13,900, leaving $205,000
which will have to be taken care of
within a few days, and these large bal
ances In these funds and In the city
banks will be depleted upon the dellv
ery of these bonds. The Item of $44,-
872.40 unwritten receipts is money re
ceived from county treasurers In fin I."
settlement. The money was deposited
In the banks pending the checking up
of the reports by the auditor. The
report shows the state debt' drawing
Interest Is now $1,023,380.82.
The bills for water furnished by th
city of Lincoln to the state university
and the university farm for an Indefi
nite period have been filed with the
auditor, covering a tierlod of not
'more than three months for certain-
departments the bills amounted to
$347.86; for six months for other de
partments, $761.48, and for a nine
months period there . was an item of
$9.21. The total amounted to $1
10805. The largest Item was for
$212.74 for 189,100 gallons for the
boilers. One Item read that the meter
was dead and the average for two
years, $50, was Inserted in the bill
Whether the $50 was for six months or
six minutes was not set out
Deputy Labor Commissioner Colonel
John J. Ryder will visit the various
labor organizations in Omaha and
Lincoln and solicit their co-operation
In gathering statistics of a nature sug
gestlve of the name of the bureau. He
will urge the various unions to give
Mm Information regarding wages paid
workmen, rent they have to pay,
homes owned by members of unions,
expenses of a family, benefits paid to
sick members, Insurance ' arrange
ments, rules governing apprentices and
other Information which the unions
have or can secure. The work of gath
ering agricultural statistics Is well un
der way.
The Nebraska state band located at
Crelghton, Is anxious to be officially
recognized as the official state band.
To get this recognition a letter was
sent to the governor signed by numer
ous business men, who said In return
for the official recognition of the bend
It would be willing to play on all state
occasions without pay or expense to
the state. The governor has not yet
had time to consider the matter.
The car shipments reported to th
railway commission for July, August,
September and October show that the
railroads of Nebraska during Jhese
four months shipped a total of 14,916,.
600 bushels of wheat, 20,199,600 bush
els of corn, 7,444,000 bushels of oats
aid other grain products. These totals
are based on the number of cars ship
ped. Thomas McQulgan, sentenced to the
penitentiary for sixteen years for the
murder of a man named Murphy at
Omaha; George Brltt, the attorney
who defended him, and Judge Lee 8.
Estelle, before whom the case was
tried, appeared before Guv. Sheldon
and made a plea te have the man's
sentence commuted. McOulgan wants
tils time commuted to ten years, which,
with his good time allowance, will se
cure his release this month.
Countess, Who Was Alice Thaw.
Wins Decree In London Court
Nullifying Her Marriage.
Husband Fails to Appear and Hear
lng Held in Private Harried
Less than Five Tears Ago.
Sir BIrrell Barnes, president of the
Divorce Court, In London granted the
Couutes of Yarmouth, who was Miss
Alice Thaw of Pittsburg, a decree nul
lifying her marriage to 'the Earl of
Yarmouth. The case was heard In pri
vate. At the time fixed for the open
lug of the proceedings everyone not
actually concerned In the matter was
excluded from the courtroom. The case
was practically undefended, and the
hearing lusted only half an hour.
It has been knowu for two years that
the domestic affairs of the Yarmouth
were uuhappv. The eurl's companion
and his manner of living, it was said,
were such that he could not give hi
wife the place in society which sbo
had a right to expect. She paid largo
sums to defray ber husband's extrava
gances, and her friends say she con
ducted herself with dignity through-
out the troubles resulting from this un
happy union and the diQIcultles of bet
brother, Harry Kendall Thaw.
The wedding of Lord Yarmouth ani
Miss Tluiw wus a prominent event In'
Pittsburg Koclety. The ceremony was
delayed several hours and it was re-j
ported that the delay was due to ne-l
gotlntluus with regard to the marriage
settlement from the Thaw family. The
earl Is declared to have insisted upou
an Increase, and the papers had to be
drawn up before the marriage, I
The former Miss Thaw always haaj
been popular among her . associates
both In Pittsburg and New York, nnc
her married life has been followed witt
great Interest.
Coal Men to Cat Wages.
. At a meeting of the leading soft cos
operators of the Pittsburg district heti
recently it was decided that the miner!
must afcit a reduction of 10 cents a ton
A committee of the operators left for tbj
convention oi miners, neing neiu in id
dianapolis, to propose this reduction.
, America Gets lll'lorle Klaa-.
The flag captured on the American fru
ate Chesapeuke at the time of her fumoi;
fight with the British uliip Shsuuoa i
.1813 has beeu purchased for America
buyers at an auetiou sale iu Ixindon, tl
price paid being t.TiO. It is said t!
Hag Is for J. P; Morgan. At the sac
sale parties said to represent Amerlci
buyers purchased for $1,500 the bur
upon which was sounded the order for t
famous charge of the Light Brigade in t
.Utile of Balaclava, ,