Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 24, 1908, Image 7

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. 1"
TTils woman says that sIcJs
Women should not fail to try
Lydhi E. l'iuk'iatn's Vegetable
(Jonipound us she did.
Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lftwrenoe
Ft., Denver, Col., writes to iirs.
" I Was practically nn invalid for six
rears, oa Recount of female troubles.
I uaijea-vront an operation by the
doctor's advice, but in a few months I
was worse tknn before. A friend ad
Thsed Lydia E. rink ham's Vegetable
Cuntpound and it restored me to perfect
health, such as I have not enjoyed in
Bnauy years. Any woman suffering as
I did with backache, bearing-dawn
pains, ami periodic pnlns, should not fail
to uae Lydia K. Pinkhasi's i Vegetable
Far thirty yuara Lydia E. Flak
hoiu's Vegetable Comnound, masta
tnm roots and herbs, Las been Uia
standard remedy for female ilia,
aniibtw positive ry cured thousan&s of
wejatdi who have been troubled with
tfSmJLaeouionta, inflammation, uloera
Ba, fibroid tumors, irregrulariteiea,
eraidie pains, backache, that bear
Btg-dbWB feeling, flatulency, indiges
tifa,ifleies3or nervous prostration,
Wfcy don't you try it ?
Mm. Pinkliam invites all sick
WMUsa to writ1: her for Advice
he has jruidetf. thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
What la an Orator.
le true orator is the man who can
make people laugh, cry and feel what
he says. In truth, the genuine orator
la the man who hns humor enough in
hit soul to bring the smile to the face,
pathos enough la his heart to bring the
t4r to the eye and dignity enough in
bl bearing to persuade or move men.
8 Is an exponent of the spoken word.
Be Is a pilgrim moving toward tlio
hone of the ideal. lie Is the embodi
mfe&t of earnestness, enthusiasm and
TTIn.fatlon Showing Mixed Fannin Scene la
8osne o( the choicest lands for grain gaowinsr,
took radslatr and mixed farmlnc n the now dis
tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta Iravo ro
eeatly been peued fur Settlement under tho
RorM SSofnestead Regc!&&&s
Entry may now be made by proxy (oa certain
cendlttena), by the father, mother, son, Unavhtor,
bretiier or Bister of an intending bomeataader.
haueuuids of homesteads of 1G0 acres each ara
thus aaw easily obtainable in these great (rraln
frawiag, stock-raising and mixed farmia? seo
Hans. Taiere yon will find healthful climate, Rood
nelg-haers, ohutcues for family worship, schools
for your ohildren, good laws, splendid crops,
an 4 railroads convenient to market.
Entry fee in each case Is S10.00. For pamphlet,
"Last Beat West."particulars as to rates.rautea,
beat tLsno to go and where to locate, aopcy to
XV. D. Scott, Superintendent of lmmimuon,
Gttawa, Canada, or E. T. Holmes, 3 Jackson
St., St. Paul, lluin, and J. M. MacLaehfeo, Box
116, Watertown, bo. Dakota Authorized (joern
lent Audits.
Vlwus siir whara jrou saw this adTertlMmene,
Positively ewrM by
tneso little NU.
They also reUae Bis
tress from DyspoxexA, In.
digestion and Too Keaxty
Eating. A perfanf rem.
edy for Dizziness. LtonRaa,
Drowsiness, Bad 'paste
in the Mouth. Coated.
Tongue, Pain In toe mis,
regulate the Bowels. Purely vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simila Signature
, a v b as. f, v-,1
-"i ' Jiin, Miassa and children.
W. L. I'f!j9 tnakmm smaf Mats mM "TCJfi
men's, y.6fi, UJ.oJmn mSZmm
arn, (MB nay ut. nanufmittuft hi lim
w """i r-aamumm fata ftmltt ttimW ndJa
aiaiw. fit h9t. WMm lontttw, mnd
W. L DMifs $4 ari $5 Gilt Edi Sues Cannot Rl EquaHtd At Anj Ptlc1-"'"".
aTi.,",,0,, '- )uUa b pr Is (tAratxd on koltom. TikSiSutlttvtt,
Biud kL, i . "wLa ilwas BrV teotn fry fj any irt ut tbe wurll. !Ul
ut Iran Ui at jr n-Mfms.
xuacutnr 1x13 so.
Tavla Insect la the Verttahle Aaeret
of Peatllenoo.
One by ono the plagues ef Kgypt are
being abolished by science. The frogs
were abolished long ago by the drain
tile. The fleas are checked by Useot
powder, end tbe daknc.s that could
be felt has melted sway befsre the arc
light. The sixth plfue still semaius
in full glory. The fiy is always with
us. The great Dr. Hnadiffe used to
declare Uiat tbe three worst annoy
ances of life were awoke, flies sod ir
relevant questions. Humanity bos
hitherto accepted these with a patient
shrug of tbe shoulders as among the
At last tbe worm has turned. It is
proceeding slowly to put on siuuke con
sumers, and has declared a war of ex
termination agaiust the fly. The mo
tives which whet hitherto easily
blunted purpose are supplied by sci
ence. They ore, lirst, that flies earry
disease; second, that their very pres
ence is a sign of dirt.
That the fly Is frequently the nngel
of the pestilence has long been suspect
ed, says Collier's in on important ar
ticle, but its most vivid and Impres
sive demonstration was furnished by
the disgraceful death rate from ty
phoid, one of the most scandalous ef
the many murders of official stupidity,
in our camps in the South during tbe
Spanish-American war. It was clear
ly proved by the eminent commission
of experts, who investigated the situ
ation postmortem, that the principal
means of the spread of this dreaded
disease was the flight ef flies from the
excreta of the earliest casus to the food
exposed In the cnuip kitchens, carrying
the typhoid germs on their legs and
Only a Pretext.
Ardup had mode half a dozea attempts
to borrow money of his friends, but one
nnd all bad pleaded the prevailing finan
cial stringency.
"That's all pretense," he said with bit
terness, as he gave it up. "It's nothing
but a caso of financial stingy sue?"
To such base uses of the language may
adversity brine a man.
Catarrh Cannot ! Cured
with LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as thay avi
not reach the seat of the alaaaat. Catarrh
Is a blood or coaslllutiausl dlsaaM, aad In
order to cure It you must Uiks Internal rem
edies. Hall's Catarrh Cure la tukea later
nally, and acts directly aa the Weed and
mucous sulfates. UiUl's Catarrh Cure la not
a quauk medicine. It wag prasorltiad by one
of the best physicians In this country fur
years and Is a rtyular presorlptloa. It la
composed ot the best tonics knawa, caiaed
with tbe best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com
bination of the two Ingredients la what pro
duce such wonderful results In curing Ca
tarrh. Kfnd for testimonials free.
K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ol
Sold by Druftelsts. price 73c.
Take Hall's ifatully Pills tut consttpatlot
A "10-penny nail" means that 1,000
nails weigh ten pounds. The werd
"penny" in this seme is a corruption of
fur-) and hides, or tan intra (or robes and rues.
N. W. JIIDK and FLU CO., Mlunaa polls.
Making Thins Even.
Customer (to watchmaker) I told
you that my watch lost half an hour
every day, nud now that you've repair
ed it It gains half an hour.
YVntehuiuker Well, don't complain.
It's only working to catch up lost time.
Souvenir Post Cards.
The Evening Wisconsin company, t
Milwaukee, Wis., has published a series
of ciglit attractive souvenir post cards,
in tive colors, showing the animals at
the Washington l'urk zoo, in the city of
Milwaukee. A set will be mailed you
upon the receipt of 12 cents (coin or
stamps). Address The Evening Wiscon
sin company, Post Card Dept., Milwau
kee, Wis. '
Under a lMtrereul .Name.
"Variety,"' quoted the man with the
bulging brow, " 'is the spice of life.' "
"Yea," assented tho man with the bulb
ous nose ! rbut that isn't the name of it
now. It's vaudeville."
tor the signature of K. W. QuOVB. Used thf
World over to Cure a Cold In On day. 2bc
The mole is perhaps the greediest of all
animals. If deprived of food for a sin
gle day it dies.
Fl "T" O St. Tit.' TWnc. .n .11 Sw-mm du
I I OS VniiiiiH.il, l uradbT Dr. lUaa V
M.n. Ruw. S.iid tot Fieo SS IrliU bom. ud tm41m.
bit. u. u. KiXYfc, u.. aii u.ii 'm. nullify r.
Tho Virginia Plover.
The most wonderful bird flight not'"''
I ' the migratory .. '.lieveiuent of the
Vis jilliu plover ' '.u -h leaves i.o
.tints In Xortii .usieri m sml, taking
a course down t'.M Atlnuti:-. roaches the
coast of llrazil in aim unbroken, flight
of fifteen hours, covering a distance of
over 3,000 miles ut the rate of four
miles a minute.
v. Mm iiuvvbaa, asrvcawioB, xauav.
6aE:iriri3 srojj'x or exiains.
Maa's Intrllerlnal Kaperlorlty Hi
plained fcy Dr. 1'ilnsrd Spltarr.
A work flint Bclentlsis In nil parts
of the civilized world have been await
ing with en?rness 1ms Just been Issued
under the Imprint of the American
Philosophical KrViely of IMilliidclphla.
It Is n sludy of brains, by I)r. Ed
ward Anthony' Kpitr.kn. profocr of
general anatomy In JetVerstm Medical
Cxillege, formerly dciiiu?trutor of
nnntoiny In Columbia University, niul
nn authority of world-wide recognition
ujioii Rclrntlflc study of the bruin.
Omitting the scientific terminology,
some of the most Important if Ir.
Spltzka's statements may be thus ex
pressed :
Tho white nuttier of the callosum, or
band connecting the hem inheres of the
cerebrum, in great incisure determines
the quality of human intellect. The
cerebrum Is that portion of the brain
which lies In front of the skull, and is
generally accepted as the scut of the
mind. Heretofore the quantity of the
gray matter of the brnlu was supposed
to determine the fineness and useful
ness of tin? brain.
The fibers of the ciillusum are the
telephone wires connecting nnd nsso
clntlug the brain centers. Disease or
lujury lit these Is attended by profound
weak-mindedness or downright idiocy.
Contrast of the brain of Dr. Joseph
Loidy with that of Prof. E. D. Cie
shows that It Is possible not only to dif
ferentiate between the learned nnd tho
ignorant, but that nbstratlc reasoning
produces one kind of a brain, while ob
servation and concrete philosophy pro
duces another form.
Such abnormalities as left-handed-ness,
partial deafness and defects of
vision leave their indelible Imprints
uion the brnln.
The brains of various kinds of think
ers show specialized developments;
thus musicians' brains are richly con
voluted In the auditory association
The average weight of the bralu of
an adult male is 1,400 grammes. The
average weight of a woman's brain is
1,200 grammes. The brain of Cuvler.
the naturalist, weighed 1,830 grammes,
tlint of Turgenev, the novelist, 2,012
grammes, and that of Daniel Webster,
1,807 grammes.
Smallness of the occipital arc (the
curvature at the back of the bead) sig
nifies superiority of brain development.
This measurement in contesslmals, the
metric divisors or a 90-degree arc are
ns follows:
Average man 20.8
Average woman 21.7
3ring-outnng 23.2
Chimpanzee 21.2
Concerning the question of weight.
Dr. Spitzka says:
"Tbe fruitful Investigations of many
nnntomlsts have resulted In the tabu
lation of thousands of brain weights
drawn from all the social and intel
lectual classes, umong which more than
100 are of men of Intellectual emi
nence. "Men of the kind who never remain
steadily employed and who usually
fall to even lear.n a trade stand lowest
In the scale. Above them come the me
chanics and trade workers, the clerks,
the ordinary business men and common
school teachers.
"Highest of nil we find men of de
cided mental abilities; the geniuses of
the pencil, brush and sculptor's chisel,
the mathematicians, scholars nnd
statesmen." Philadelphia North Amer
ican. W illi la Harking;.
Edward IVilwcr I.ytton Dickens, the
youngest son of the novelist, emigrated
to Australia and dWd In Sydney at
the age of SI. He represented a con
stituency In the parliament of New
South Wales for six years. Once when
he was uddrvsslng the house in Sydney
he was again and again snappishly In
terrupted by n member uaun-d Willis.
At last Mr. Dickens stopped to remark:
"Mr. Speaker, my father coined u fam
ous phrase, 'liarkls Is wIllU'.' L'i;'.t
present circumstances I atu strongly
tempted to reverse it and bay, 'Willis
is Inirkiu'." The house laughed and
the interruptions ceased.
Stack tit Ilia Word.
"Of course Dubley ' married. Didn't
you know thatV"
"No. Why, be said he wouldn't mar
ry the best woman on earth"
"Yes, and be kept his word." Phil
adelphia Press.
Flab With Nor h'yea.
Fishes have been discovered In Guat
emala wlb two pairs of eyes. One pair
does duty above wuter and the other
behiw, the Ash thus being able to see
equully well.lu two elements.
Pullluir Illm Next.
"Papa, what Is a hardship'"
"An armored cruiser, son." Houston
Mil, - . . - j .T U V
If the boy Is mechanically inclined
see that be has good tools to work
The practice of wintering over stock
has kept many a man poor. It's a jsior
policy to keep over Inferior stuff.
Having an extra lantern glolie on
hand will sometimes save nny one the
trouble of stumbling around In the dark
doing chores.
A change In feed Is more than npt
to affect the milk giving of the row.
However wise the change it Is npt to
reduce the flow until the cow gets thor
oughly accustomed to the new ration.
Owing to the high price of feed and
the comparatively low price of hogs
the inexperienced feeder is llnhle to go
out of the hog raising business only to
buy brood sows at a rise when condi
tions are righted.
One's dignity does not depend on the
profession be follows. No one enn tell
me that dirnlty cannot be surrounded
by a wire fence or a willow hedge ns
well os by a stone or granite wall, or
a bank cage railing.
With all the talk about corn Improve
ment that Is going on tmlly over the
platform and through the press, It Is
said that to the two billion bushels
grown in 1000 there bas been added uu
increase of only forty million bushels
in the last six years. The (Inures seem
a trifle sarcastic.
Sleighing Is productive of more colds
and pneumonia among horses than
anything else, unless your horse Is har
dened up for It be coreful about driv
ing too fast. A Bpeed clip ogalnst a
cold wind Is dangerous. It Is better
to let the other fellow bent you to
town a few minutes thun to hurt your
horse trying to outdrive him.
In Colorado the State statute pro
vides that all cheese shall be marked
with a stencil brand that the purchaser
may tell whether It Is a cream or skim
med milk product Cheese which bas
over thlrty-flve per cent butter fat In
Us composition may be labeled cream
cheese, whllo that which contains less
than thlrty-flve per cent Is skimmed
milk cheese, but the law Is Ignored.
Everybody wants country boys. If
you don't believe it, stop to think of
how often you have Been advertise
ments calling for this great resource
of the country. Uncle Sam wants them.
The telegraph college and business
school wants them. The big corpora
tion is constantly In the market for
them. Still the farm needs them tho
worst, yet is doing the least to hold
Slopping hogs in winter is not alto
gether a joke. You have to feed enre
fully or the troughs get terribly bunged
up. Your hogs may be going after
their slop vigorously nnd cleaning ev
erything up when n cold, stormy time
will put their appetites out of busi
ness. The next time you feed you may
discover that the troughs are heaping
to start with. All in all, the weather
has a good deal to do with one's feed
ing methods.
Movable Ile'.houae.
Here in Newport County, It. I., the
most successful hen men house their
birds In small movable buildings. -
We have learned by experience to
build small, cheap bouses of cull lum
ber on skids. Place them 25 to 50
feet apart In rows, and move them us
often ns need be a few feet on to dean
ground, says a writer In Kural New
Yorker, The grass nnd weeds will
spring up and purify the ground long
before It will be time to cover It again.
Cement blocks may be cheap for a per
manent building, but I can sec hut
few situations where It would be best
to use them for henhouses.
Sulphur to I'reaervt Menl.
Writing to the Loudon Morning Post,
a correspondent soys : "I observe ref
erence to on Invention by a Frenchman
as to preserving meat by sulphur
fumes. It may be of interest to some
respecting this matter that I have in
my possession now a piece of beef
treated in that way by me In Halifax,
N. S., in the year 187D. It 1ms been
freely exposed to the air since that
time, and so far as I can see bus re
mained unchanged. As I hud on sev
eral occasions felt tho want of some
thing of tbe sort on shooting expedi
tions, to provide for tho iHissililllty
(not unusual) of being too fur from
camp after trucking wounded game or
other cause, I looked about for a con
venient form of a small emergency ra
tion of meat. I cut some strips of
beef about (I Inches by 2 Inches, bung
them In n glass Jar, attached a small
thimble containing a little sulphur by
a wire to the cord, lighted the sul
phur and closed the jar with tho cork.
The sulphur burned until nil the oxy
gen In the nr wtis consumed and then
went out. As I anticipated, this pre
served tbe meat, and when taken out
Hid dried it remained quite sound."
The 1'i't'dliiaT of Dona,
"No dog kept Indoors, and, Indeed,
Very few outside, should be fed on
meat; nor should he be fed -from the
table at meal times, as he will soon
become a nuisance, especially when
there are visitors. If he is always fid
at the conclusion of a certain meal
dinner, for Instam-e be will wait na-
rtently until tho prescribed time. It Is
a good plan to feed after one's mid-day
meal, giving pUnty of green vegetables,
bread and potatoes, with a very few
scraps of finely ciit meat, the whole
well mixed and some gravy poured
I over It If two meals are given, one
sliimld be at bi-cnkfnst time and one
In the evening. One should consist of I
only n little oatmeal and milk or ft
piece of dry d.i biscuit.
"At nn Mine should the tbg have
more than he will eat, nnd If he leaves
anything n his plate t xcept the pat
tern, his allowance slitmld lie reduced
or a meal omitted." Suburban Life.
Winter l''orKe,
The question of winter forage and
pasturage Is one of the greatest Im
portance In the Southern States, ami
Cnrleton It. P.a!l. of the llureau of
Plant Industry, was sent by the De
partment of Agriculture early In the
pnst year to nia''e tin Investigation in
several of the fiulf Slates. In his re
xrt Mr. Hall says, amongst other
things: "The production of Southern
bay has been a question long under
discussion. Tbe amount produced nnd
the yield per acre have both Increased
steadily and encouragingly during tho
last few years. On every hand It Is
admitted that it Is Isitb possible and
necessary to raise all that Is needed
for home consumption. Alfalfa, Iter
inudn grass, Johnson grass, crab gross
nnd cowpeas 'furnish nn abundance of
liny of the very best quality. This hay
can bo produced much more cheaply
than au equal quality can be sliiped
In from Northern nnd Western States,
With better trnnsortntlon facilities
and an Increasing demand, the produc
tion will become more nnd more profit
able. At the same time, with hay
raised on the home plantations, nnd
hence cheaply and readily available,
larger quantities nre being used ii
feeding tho plantation stock."
Crops of lOT.
DpsplteW fact that the cereal croi
yield of the United States for l'.K)7 Is
below that of the previous year, the
money return on tho UM7 crops prom
ises to equal, If not exceed. Mint of
15X10. This statement Is contained ti a
bulletin Issued by Urndstreefs :
"Owing to the very cold and back
ward spring season, only hay, sugar
and rice crops promise greater yields
thau those of last year. The bulletin
says In part: '
"Whllo the aggregate cereal yield,
six crops being Included, Is 15 per cent
smaller than a year ngo, a counterbal
ance to the falling off In crop produc
tion Is found In Mm generally higher
level of prices of the leading cereals,
guaranteeing tlmt the producer at least
will derive some compensation alike
from the smaller' yields, the amount
of the old or 11)00 crops left over, and
the Improved export inquiry, particu
larly for our wheat and flour, caused
by less satisfactory harvests abroad.
The price of wheat lust week wits 22
per cent higher than a year ago, while
com was 18 per cent higher. From this
It may be gathered that the present
money returns on these crops is better
than at tho outset of the cereal year,
and the prospects are that taken as n
whole, this year's cereal crops will
yield fully ns much. If not more, than
they did n year ago.
"Following Is an estimate of tho
yields of the lending crops for M07,
showing the per cent gain or loss from
Per cent
gain or lost
Yields. l'rom ifioil.
Corn, Iiii 2,r,.'..,l,7.-ta.Oii( Hoc. 12.7
Winter wheut, lm.. 40li,Aoo,OilO le 17.(1
Spring wheat, hu.. . 21il,litl7,0O0 Dec. 10.7
Total wheat, hu... ll'.'.'i.Aitf.lHH) liec. 14.11
Oats, bushels 74 l.A'.'l.ooo Iw,
ltarley. bushels ... 147,l!i',Oilo Dec. 17.4
Itye, hu 81,A(lll,0()O Hoc. B.4
Buckwheat, lm..... 13,1111,000 lice. 4.U
Total, six leading
cereals 4,11.1,480,000 Dee. 15.5
flaxseed, till 2A,42O,0uo Dec. .2
Potatoes, bu 2U2.41'7.0i0 Dec. A.2
Toliaccu, lbs n4A,i!ltl,Ono Dec. A.4
Hay, tons Uo,7HH,ooil Inc. A.4
Klce, bu 21,4rJ,000 Inc. 20.2
Susar, tons 1,11. '17.000 inc. DO
Cotton, bales ..... 11,500,000 Dec. 8.0
A Simple Way to Make Cheese.
The making of cheese Is a very sim
ple process, nnd almost any ono can
turn out a good urtlcle with little
practice. I will give a method by
which any one cnu make cheese suc
cessfully. Tuke evening's milk anil
strain It Into some clean vessel and
let It stand In a cool place until morn
lug. Evening's milk should be warmed
to about 00 degrees before adding
morning's milk. A good way to wurm
It Is to set a pall of boiling water
Into tho milk. Prepare the rennet by
soaking In one gallon of warm water
for twenty-four hours before using.
Add ns much salt us It will dissolve,
strain, let It settle and It Is reudy for
use. t
Use a tablespoonful for each three
gallons of milk. If it Is much over
half uu hour coming Increase the quan
tity, If much less decrease It As soon
as It Is well curdled take a knife mid
cut the curd Into blocks so that the
whey cnu escape. As soon ns tho whey
Is mostly out of the curd take a bas
ket and place a cloth In It so as to
receive the curd. As the qurd hardens
continue to strain off the whey. Chop
the curd line, add salt 1 ounce to
each live pounds of curd and It Is
ready for the press. Put the curd In
a tin hoop made like a peck measure
without a bottom. It Is n good idea
to have two sly.es, as the amount
curd will differ lit times.
Almost any one with a few tools
and a little Ingenuity can construct u
preys' that will answer the purpose
very well. . A simple wuy Is to inoi'
tlse a beam Into u post so that It cun
work up or down, nud hang a weight
to mo outer ewi or too iieani. l no
hoop with the curd In It should be
turned or reversed every eight or ten
hours! From eighteen to twenty-four
hours is generally long enough to press
a cheese. Now comes the curing perl
od, which requires considerable care
and attention. The cheese when taken
from tho press should be rubbed with
lard and a bandage of new niusllii
pinned loosely around It, Tho cheese
must bo grensod every day. Do not
remove the bundage, but apply the
grease on It. In from four to live
weeks the cheese should be ready for
home use or market. J. M. Smith.
Pcv. Gcorgo A. E. Troutman, Mt.
Washington, Mo., Writes,
"My Wife and I Are Strong
Uclicvcrs in Fc-ru-na." '
Catarrh and La Grippe.
T . i- rr .... tn
v..'". Jt A, . AlUUIUIilUi Pit. uK.
Washington, Mo., wrltcst "My wife i
and I ara strou believers in Feruaa,
I was cured ef a bad case of catarrh when
nothing else that I tried had any effect.
My wile was cured from a severe cane
ot la grlmpe, nnd we feel that the lesst
we obb ao if to gratefully acknowledge
tho Merit of Peruua.
"My wife joins Bie in sending best
wishes for your success."
Throat Trouble.
Rev. II. W. Tate, 020 Lincoln Avenue,
A air Vniie tl rtirrrrlct fr f rrn
non M lMf M J MA.,.'', mvm m m .
i,rj ' ,KO- ' - -, i
ys&oittsusmHttijtt 1 ill I
mmm I
'A substitute for and superior to murlard or any other plaster, and will not
blister the most delicate skin. The pain-allay Ing and curative qualities of the
article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head
ache and Sciatica. Wo recotnmend It as the Ler.t and safest external counter
irritant known, also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stemacJi
and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will preve what
we claim for it, and It will be found to be invaluable In the household and far
children. Once used no family will be without It. Many people say "it is
the beet of all your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaseline unless
the same carries our label, as otherwise It Is not genuine.
Send your address and we will malt bur Vaseline Booklet describing
our preparations which will Interest you.
17 State St. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. New York Ctt,
The burglar bud gathered up all tbo
Just as be was about to depart the
light of his lantern flushed upon tbe
face of a golden-haired child, asleep.
The burglar departed Just tho same.
He was no story-book burglar. Phil'
idelphla Ledger.
Soaaelhlna; Net Under tbe San.
A lady in Illinois sent us 12c a year
ajo for our remark able collection of vegc-
takls and Bower seeds and sold $it.iu
worth therefrom, or made 314 per cent.
That's new.
Just stud this notice with 12c and re
ceive the most original seed and plant
catalog published and
1 pkg. "Quii Quick" ( nrrot .10
1 pltg. Earliest Ripe Cnbbitge 10
1 pkg. Karllt ICmernld Cucumber. .15
1 pkg. La Crone Market lettuce.. .15
1 pkg. Early Dinner Onion 10
1 pkg. Strawberry Muxktnelon 15
1 pkg. Ttiirteu Day Itadish 10
l.dUo kernels gloriously beautiful
flower seed 15
Total fl-00
Above is sufficient seed to grow 85 bu.
of rarest vegetables and thousands of
brilliant flowers, and ail is mailed to you
rosTPAio fob 12c,
or if you scud 10c, we will add a pack
er of Berliner Earlieet Cauliflower.
John A. Saber Seed Co, La Crosse,
Wis. C. N. U.
Motherly Vexation.
"0, Johnny!" exclaimed Mrs. Lap
aling. "You've worn out those shoes al
ready, and I got them for you now just
after we bad our last equlnoxious
storm I"
For Kidney Troolilee and Rkesns.
I lain.
Sufferers from rheumatism, kidney
and bladder troubles are promised
speedy relief and cure by use of the
Wtil-kuown medical preparation culled
"Kwump ltoot." So confident of Its
ethYacy ure its proprietors that by men
tioning the name of this paper and
writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., IHng
huiutou, N. Y., a sample bottle of tho
remedy will be sent free by mail to auy
part of the United States. In order to
get this free sample, be sure to men
tion the name of this paper.
I'rrfrrlly Cl-nr.
Teacher Tommy, the lesson speaks of
fie "thread of life." Does that convey
any hlea to you 7
Tommy Tucker Yes'm. That's what
you feel when you've got a stitch In your
PAZO Ol XT HUNT U guaranteed to euro any
CSB.i of Itching, mini, Uleedliig or Protrud
Ing 1'lies In 0 to 14 Uuys vr mo. refunded.
Ada ,
Ills enllive Spot.
"Wliut tuikes tl.e colon d so bitter
gainst the ailuiiliislrutiouV"
"lie hoi.U iho Prclu.-u: tnonully re
sponsible for tl.e shutting ol ef his rail
way paie-J."
Walnut Ilillf, Cincinnati, Ohio, writes r
"For several years I have been tTOuUsai
with n peculiar spasmodic affection mi
the throat. It would seize me suddenly
mill for a few minutes I woald be un
able to speak audibly, and my breath
would be greatly Interfered wibh. . I
would be obliged to gasp for bread).
"I finally concluded tbnt it WAS tome
catarrhal affection which probably ex-'
cited the siiasm. It interfered weeh my
vocation as a preacher, attacking me
occasionally in the pulpit.
"I had heard so much about Peruna
as a catarrh remedy that I deterrjaloei
to try it. After taking two bottles, my '
tifitihl ha dlvAnnimrd. I feel SUM
Hint Pertnia bus greatly beneGted wa?' ,
ltev. 1. E. Swnnstrom, SwftHlsh ,
Itniitist Pastor. Box 22ti. Urantabdlr.
Wis., writes that from the use ol
una he Is perfectly well, entirely
cured of chronic diarrhoea and catarrh.
Peruna In Tablet Form.
For two years Dr. Ilartmoa anf klkv .
assistants have Incessantly lobe
create Peruna in tablet form, and
strenuous labors hove just been ro
with success. People who) ebjeot a-
1 ! 1. 1 , i it mailinin.a haw -afii, TXM.
Tablets, which represent the nednal
ingredients of Peruna. Each tablet k
equivalent to one average dose ef'
Dr r win n Atmannn frt tQflft
w a . m...M.aMW a V .
An Unfortunate Interruption.
"George was Just going to propose
to me Inst night"
"And what happened?"
"A tire blew up, and tben he otridnt
think of anything else." Cleveland
Plain Denier
An effort is bciug made to encourage
th diiiinoiid cuttin industry at Cape
Town. The work has been heretofore
done almost exclusively at Amsterdam,
but at present a great deal of this work
Is being done in the United states.
The Handy Doctor in Your
Vest Pocket
T7TS a thin, round-oornered little
n cnamei oox
When carried In your vest socket
It means Health-Insurance. - '
It contains Six Candy Tablets of pleasant
taste, almost as pleasant as Chocolate.
Each tablet Is a working dose ef Cas
oarets, which acts Ilka Exercise on the
Bowels and Liver.
It will not purge, sicken, nor upset the
Because it Is not a "Bile-driver," like
Salts, Sodium, Calomel, Jalap, Senna, nor ,
Aperient Waters.
Neither Is It like Castor OH. Ghoerlne,
or other Oily Laxatives that simply luartoato
the Intestines for transit of the food stopped
up in them at that particular time.
The chief causa -of Constlpatloo an4
Indigestion is a weakness of the Muscle
that contract the Intestines and Bowefci. x
Cascareta are practically to the Ifriwel
Muscles what a Massage and Coll Eadt
axe to the Athletic Muscles.
They stimulate the Bowel Muscles te
contract, expand, and squeeze the Diges
tive Julce3 cut of food eaten.
They dorTt help the Bowels and Liver la
such a way as to make tho..i lean upon
similar aistance for the future.
This Is why, with Cascarets, the dose
may be lessened each succeeding time
lustra i of Incrtared, as it must be with all
Other Cathartics and Laxatives.
e e
- Cascarets act like exercise.
If carried in your vest packet, (or Carried
tn My Lady's Purse,) and eaten Just when
you suspect you need one, you will sever
know a sick day from the ordinary Ills of Ufa.
Because these ilia ri In the Bowels,
tad pave the way for all other diseases.
"Vest Pocl.ct" box 10 cents. W
Be sure you jet tho pe-ulne, made onhy
I ytheSterllrigRemc'lyCo!,iFJjiy,ans raver
i old in bulk. Eve.y t.ibl.M -iurped "CCC"
& C. -N U.
mr m
i r y ill
1 f v" K( ( S 1,1
r kj . mi
nf (semi AI.7koiTMAKj