Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 17, 1908, Image 5

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    R R Time Table
Sious City, Crystal Lk ft Homer
7:30 ft m .....8:20 a m
9:30 am 10:30 am
11:15 a m ...11:50 a m
1:15 p m 2:00 p m
3:00pro ....4:15pm
5:15 p m 5 :50 p m
6:40 pm .....11:00pm
Special trips for parties of 15 er moro.
3Jo. 85 Local FreiKht 7:15 am
11 " Passenger, Omaha
and Lincoln". 12:47 pm
No. 86 Local Freight 2 :25 pm
10 Local Passenger.. 6 :29 pm
daily. daily eicept Sunday.
Dakota City Lecture
Under the auspices of the business
men of Dakota City.
January 25 B. B. Burton in Popular
March 10 Oibeon Carl, Character
' Change Impersonator,
Reserved seat tickets (10 cents) on
Bale at store of S. A. Stinson.
Doors open at 7:30 p m, perform
ance begins at 8:15.
Local If ems
nervous if you
Van de Zedde
Fred Wood returned Sunday from a
trip to Chicago.
County Attorney F S Berry was
down from Emerson Monday.
Geo V McBeath was up fxom
Homer on busiueHS Taeaday night.
Ed W Erust left Thursday for the
home of his parents at Seymour, Mo.
The Masonic lodge holds its regular
meetiag " Saturday evening of this
Yon will never get
drink Breun's coffee
sells it.
Christine Blessing of Homer spent a
few days at the Mrs McBeath home
this week.
Tbos J Hartnett, of Jackson, was a
oaUnnat The Herald office while in
town Monday.
A baby giil was born to Vm Oeh
lerking and wife, of Covington pre
cinct, last Saturday .
Celia Petersou, of Sioux City, spent
a week at the 8 W Foltz home, return
ing home Wednesday,
W P Zentmire and wife arrived
here last week from Aledo, 111, to visit
at the H Zentmire home.
A E Waldvogle was down from New
castle Monday and Tuesday settling
up some business matters.
The Bepublican Central committee
' i-aUpA to meet at F S Berry's office
Saturday afternoon Jan 25th.
Robin Jay, of Sioux City, agent for
ITnderwood tvnewnter, was in
towu Monday looking up business
A lar?e crowd indulged in the pleas
ure of a masquerade dauce at the New
Opera house hall Tuesday evening.
The time January 25th, the pluce
M E church the event B B Burton
in of his popular lectures. Be there
Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! Stoves at
cost, for the next three weeks. Ed
wards & Bradford Lumber Co, Dako
ta City ,
John W HazleKrove went to Lincoln
the forepart of the week to attend the
annual meeting or tue tamers uiuium
Insurance company
W J PetMt, agent for Watkins rem
edies, has disposed of his business to
.T W Rakor. of Allen. Nebr, who will
hereafter cover this territory.
Craig L Sponcer, wife and boy came
. ud from McDonald, Kans, Saturday
to spend a month at the
Post cards at Van'a.
The Herald for ALL th wiwt) :
Subscribe for The Hirald $1 per
Oeorge Haaae was home from Em
erson over Sunday.
Craig Soenoer was a passenger to
Walthill Wednesday.
Old papers for sale at the Herald
office 0 cents per hundred.
Chas Martin is sick with pneumonia
and is not expected to reoover.
Barney Gribble made a business
trip to Winnebago Wednesday.
For Sale A good single harness,
nearly new. Enquire at this office .
Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al
sizes and kinds. Warner & Elmers.
County Attorney F S Berry leavea
next week ou a sightseeing trip to
Walter and Mabel Cheney spent
Sunday at Homer with Geo W Mc
Beath and family.
Geo Hale was here from Hubbard
precinct Thursday looking for a farm
to rent the coming year.
Paul Tizey went to Lincoln Monday
on a combined business and pleasure
trip of three or four days.
Harrv II Adair and wife visited
from Fridav until Monday with
friends at Kansas City, Mo.
Fred Bummell has sold his black
smith business to Wiltsn Foltz and
returned to Sioux City o soon
Herman Biermann has just comple
ted one of the finest barns in this part
of the countiy, at his farm just west of
Everyone should make it a point to
hear B B Burton itf one of his popular
lectures on Saturday evening, January
25th, in the M E church.
Earl Zentmire. sou of Mr and Mrs
H Zentmire. was operated on for an'
pendicitia at a Sioux City hospital last
week, and is mending siowiy.
Mell A Sohmied returned home Sun
day from Mason City, Iowa, where he
. . . .i ii..
had been to attend a meeting of tlie
auditing committee of the MBA
What is the reason that Van de
Zedde sells so much Breun's coffee?
Because it is the best that's the rea
son. All the way from 20o to 40o per
pound. Try a package.
For Sale Three thoroughbred Po
land China male hogs, two of them 6
months old, and one 1 year old.
Fred Baiitelr.
Hubbard, Nebr.
If an v of our subscribers desire the
address changed on their Herald by
reason of the establishment or change
made in the rural mutes, or for any
other reason, juBt drop us a postal and
the change desired and it will be made.
mailed out free, on request, by Vt
Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are
proving to tho people-withont a pen
ny'y cost the great value of this scien
tific prescription known to druggists
everywhere as Dr Shoop's catarrh
remedy. Sold by all dealers.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal oat hesitation,
church every Sunday as follows:
Preaching, 11 a m; Sunday sobool, 10
am! Class meeting 12 m; Epworth
League, 6 :30 p m ; Preaching, 7 :d0 p
m. Preach in Uraon cuurcu every
Sunday at 2 :30 p m. You are cordially
invited to any and all tuese services.
home of M
Etta M Spen
J J Eimers is now offiolog in the
county attorney'! office.
Fred Dneasinff la confined to his
bed with a severe caso of grip
For Sale a good team of young
driving horses. DC .Btinson, Dakota
City, Nebr.
R Wood and wife of Sioux City
took dinner at the J M Mcblphree
home last Sunday.
Go to Van'a for your groceries he
handles nothing but the best, and his
prices are reasonable.
M O At res was down to Omaha
Snndav. visitimr at the home of tris
daughter, Mrs Geo Carter.
Don Forbes came in from his ranch
In (tirfleld oonntv last Thnsday on a
ahnrt business trip, returning home
Clav Howard will hold an auction
sale at his farm south of town Wedns
dav Jannarr 22. 1908. Watch for
the bills
Have vou tried a sack of the new
flonr at Van de Zedde's? It is called
"The Queen." and is warranted to be
the best and the cheapest
Have you trlod the 8ultanna and
Tac-oo brands of oanned goods? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the test of the pnre food law.
Next Wednsday, January 22, is the
date lor C B Howard's auction sale, at
his farm fonr miles southwest of Da
kota Citv. Bead his adv. in The
Although The Herald did no get
any of the pie as it was passed out,
it will publish all the oonnty news
that is of interest to the taxpayers just
the same us heretofore.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
FlEM8 & Slauqhteb Co
Theo E Bliven, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
The man who stops advertising and
tries to depend on what he has don in
publicity in the post, or because he
linrmens to be prosperous, has been
compared to the engineer who shuts
off steam because he is going. Ex.
We have a few steel ranges left.
They are of the best make aud fully
guaranteed. To oloee them out, we
offer them for tho next two weeks only
for wholesale price. Your personal or
cashier's check is good here.
Frt-d Schriever & Co.
My boo, follow not in the footsteps
of the loafer, and make no example of
him who is born tired, for verily I say
unto yon, his business is overstocked,
the seats on the corners are all taken,
and the whittling places are all occu
pied. It is better to saw wood at two
bits a cord than to whittle at a whit
tling match and abuse the government.
My son, whilst thou hast in tuy bkuu
the seuse of a jaybird, break away
from the cigarette habit, for lo, thy
breath stinketh like a glue factory
Commissioners' Proceeding
Dakota City, Nebr, Jan 14, '08.
Board of county commissioners met
in regular sessien. Present, Ld
Morgan, chairman; John Bierk and
Fred Blnme.
The following estimates were made
for the expenses of the current year:
County greneriil fund sjin.flno
County brldaofund o.rtl
County ronl fund lo.no
Kallnxu! noim iiikiii mnii u."
Kallrnnd bond Interest fund It.OU)
lUwd district Indebtedness fund lo.on
The following banks were appointed
at depositories of the oonnty money ;
Farmers State bans, oi rimers in,
First National bank of Emerson, Hub
bard State bank, nomor State bank,
Security State bank of Homer and
Bank of Dakota Oonnty, at Jackson.
The following bonds of banks were
approvod by the board as county de
positories: Bank of Dakota County,
Farmers State bank, Homer State
The following offioial bonds were
approved by the board :
B B Gribble, jnstiee of the peace,
Hubbard precinct.
J J Eimers, justice of the peaoe,
Covington precinot.
M M Beacom, justice of the peaoe,
Hubbard pteeinct.
Wm Biermann, deputy sheriff.
Mary V Qninn, superintendent of
publio instruction.
B F Sawyer, county coroner.
D C Heffernan, road overseer dis
trict No 9.
Nelson Pilgrim, constable, Coving
ton precinct.
Dennis Qainn, road overseer dis
trict No 18.
Patriok Gill, road overseer district
No 7.
M M Boyle, justice of the poaoe, St
John's precinct.
Louis TederEon, road overseer dis
trict No 4. i
Board appointed J J Eimers a dele
gate to the Missouri River congress
which convenes in Sioux City, Iowa,
Jauuary 22 25, 1908.
Contract for county printing for the
year 1908 awarded to J J Eimers.
Bond of J J Eimers for county print
ing, approved by the board.
The board fixed the salary of the
county superintendent for the coming
year at $80 per month.
Connty treasurer allowed 50 per
month for deputy hire.
Bularr of county sheriff fixed at
$1,100 per year, the same to be paid
Deputy sheriff allowed $40 per
County clerk to provide necessary
help in clerk's office, Balary to be paid
out of the fees of the om;e, not to ex
ceed $50 per month.
Report of Harry H
Hard or Soft Coal,
Coke or wood, whatever fuel you use, costs
money. You have to pay so much for it,
whether you get all the heat out of it or
not. If a stove wastes the fuel and only a
part of the heat is extracted, your fuel bills
are higher than they should be. It is there
fore profitable for you to get a stove that
will get all the heat out of the fuel and
not waste it.
The "Genuine" Round Oak and the
"Radiant Home" are the stoves that will
do it; even the smoke they send out of the
chimney is clear, showing that the gases
and soot have been burned and all the hct
extracted. The comfort of a stove that is
everything it ought to be; that gives heat;
holds the fire; that lasts and is always good
and efficient, is worth almost any cost.
The Hound Oak and Haitian
1I01116 are such stoves and are a sourc
of comfort in thousands of homes, and they
will prove the same in yours. There are
imitations, be sure and see the names of
"Round Oak" and "Radiant Home."
For Sale at
(7)1 m
tM mi w
that round, oak stove into
thevwoods you. spoiled
my Winter ap
Fred Schriever & Co.
Attractively racked la Handsome Untie Fair Boxes r1
Th? sustain mm .nd baMar rabbar Itn any athar mata, haa told-rUt Mi-nutlne
metal nana and itroaff oord aaa. aannot waar throoth. Tha mtn baas .
traa artioa parmlU aaM and contort ao UIMi ba poatuoa um KMf mat aarama.
Tha MOST COMFOMTJIBtM aaapoader for ma, roala of bay
la Ucht. Umrf oc RiUa Haatj Waicbla, Kite Uai (Ma Bitaa Unrtt
Thar awaka laampanalva flits avary ataa, yaath boy will ladly roeatra
EWES & POTTER. Dapl. . 87 Llacola Straat, Boatoa, MaM
Oaf ntal mm. Boa irowi Ooa a Cai alalia tor la. umata, Inak-ortlTa
tootM "Sljlfc or Hi.w to Br UwrwUr." t il r" awaUoal IfcJl lbUoa
District Court Dates.
Tho terms of court for the year 1908,
for the counties of the Eighth Judimai
distriot of Nebrislca are as follows:
Adair, clerk of Cuming Countj Feb 3, Sept 14.
the district court, approved by tue I Dakota County t eb 1 7, Heol 'o.
board. The report shows Stanton Connty March 2 Oct lb.
Foes ooii.-ctHd in first quarter I SM 4s Cedar County March IB, Not .
FVesooiiwtpd innecoiiU quiirtfr lw 7ft Dwon County March SO. Not 30.
Fcea collected in third quttrttr ml . J , . .,, -..
Fees collected in fourth qurur - m Thurston County April 13, Oot 6.
The first day of eacu term is set lor
Proprietor of
Trial catarrh treatments are being Rnd thy mind is less intelligent than a
store dummy. Yea, thou art a cypner
with the rim knock off. Burdette.
A tickling oough, from any cause
is quickly stopped by Dr Shoop
Couch Care. And it is ro throughly
harmless and safe, that Dr Shoop tells
mothers verTwhere to Rive it with-
ever to very young
babes. The wholesome green leaves
and tender stems of a lung-healing
mountanious shrub, furnish the cura
tive properties to Dr Shoop's Oough
Cure. It calms the. cough, and heals
the sore and seosative bronchial mem
branes. No opium, no chloroform,
.1. : ItAvah naail rt inifirA flf A11T-
Thieves broke into Alfred Chaillie s Rimnlv a resinous plant ex-
saloon Monday night by breaking a thftt help8 to hp1 ftchiBg lungs,
window iu the front of the building. Th(j 8paniard8 cftn this shrub which
They helped themselves to what liquor thj Doot0r uses, "The Sacred Herb "
and cigars tney wanieuanu iueu uru Alw demand Dr Snoop'a Uougu
into one of the slot raachies, but failed 0ure gold by ftU dealers.
to securing tue copienis, uuuuuuicuij .
being disturbed in their manoeuvers by Farmers' Institute.
some one pnssing oy. The Dakota County Farmers' Insti-
Tf vou should receive a statement tute will be held at tho court house in
of your subscription account with The Dakota City, January 31st and Feb-
Iierald, please remit tne amount uue ruary 1st, iuo. rouowiug a iu
us. as we are endeavoring to straight- program to be given by the state's
en up our booka and get all subscnp- speakers .
tion acoounts on a casn Dasis. 11 you There will ne a meeting 01 iu mv
don't want the paper, or can not afford outive oommittee at the court house in
to take it, call and fax up your acoouni this place Saturday afternoon, janu-
and have it stopped, otnerwise we win ary iBth, at 1 ;M, to arrange ior iocui
hava tn crive the accounts to a couecrar. gueakers. Ail luteresteu id tue iubli
"Short settlements make long menus.
Total fees collected foryenr $1070 80
Beport of Geo J Boucher, county
superintendent, approved by the board.
I herewith anbmit my report of mon-
ev collected for the institute fund
from Anorust 24. the date of my last
report, to January 9, 1008.
Bnliince on hand August S4 1 4"
ior..... Mviifiilnnt.lntlM H w
From registrations 00
Total I 80 40
n.nilii Uv oTiuinin rt KmnrMOfl nitict-
inK.7..: I R
Credit by reeelptnppended "
I 80 40
Respectfully submitted,
Geo J Boucher.
The following appointments of dep-
utv assessors, made by W W Iteninger,
coaaty assesor, were approved by the
board :
Howard Crozier. Dakota preoinct.
Osoar Stamm. Covington precinot
Henrv Francisco, St John's preoinct
Michael Beaoono, Summit precinct,
Philo McAfee, Tigeon Creek rre
A I Davis, Emerson precinct.
H H Reninger, Omadi preoinct,
Chas Dodge, Hubbard precinct
Claims allowed :
gknkrai. runn
F S Horry. 4th quarter Kftliiry ...flTB Oft
Thos O Balrd, services. coiiinilHHloiHlr.
J P Rockwell. sherllT. premium on
li .. a ruul for court houiie.
and Huwina; same W 75
it....u ir a. lull uuhirv. court CONtH
ami premium on 1kii1 ......... ..... . 110 00
w W Kenlnuer. casii puiu ,ui
for county aHHCKHor
hearing applications for citizenship.
The Bank that Always
Treats You
: Right
City KIts-.rIs.o4
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cash paid for hides.
01) 00
00 00 1
annor'a mnthnf. Mrs
n. Don't want "you to forget that I am
. nprn to serve and anv service X can
Be.tO Harden, salesman for the ere Jo ser e
Galena Oil Co, was takeu aown witu flheerfuUT Riven. Ho do not
the grip bunday and was unaoie 10 ftckward abuut calling cn me, that
take the road, this week, as he .""at I m Ler. for. Call or phone
planned. , lima dliv or uiKht. phone No. 33,
. . ... 1 j
F.strair. from defective vision win lours to serve,
anl nrvniisness. Prop- G. F.. Von Haoen,
erly fltted spectacles ib the best treat- Pastor of Methodist Episcopal ohuroh
meoiior .ufiu auuujr.uu- To cheok a cold quickly, get from
Examination free. t LZM 80ie little candy cold
. tablets culled Preventies. Druggists
Rev G E Von Hageu, U t, pastor of VBrTWHto aro no dispeiiBing Pre
this place, left Tuesday for TiMeu, I fnr hev are not oulv safe, but
Nebr, to conduct jevival meetings for , . , jv e ,.ive and prompt. Pre
Rev J Hawk, at that place. JJev ventjc8 contain uo qniuine, no laxa
Hawk will preach at Dakota City nnd .. n-,tbing harsh nor aickeniug
Grace church Sunduy at the Uf.ual TllktJn Mtthe"snet ze stage" Preventies
hour. will nrevent pneumonia, brouchitis, la
etc. Hence tie name.
n,arri.0'n ..f Walter J Heesch aud Mrs venties. Good for fevensh children.
,, . , ,. , u:.,... ;, I Aa p.uicr.tics 25 ctiti. Iridl boxes o
Thursday of last week. He perform- cents. Sold by all dealeis
ed a like ceremony for John D fain Notice I have sold my business,
and Mi-s Mary Leslie, of Omadi prH amounts and all. to J JJ Baker who
cint. Monday of this week. mmceed me selling the Watkins
r l. . To a mnmsnt AtrnnAn in the Same old way. He
nntil I tell vou what we are doing
Mating our regular ft 00 per dozen
cabinet photos for ti 00, and one
beautiful photo calendar free. Photos
first clarfH iu every respect. No extra
lr.r f..r arrouos. Wa do this to
more thoroughly advertise our cabinet
work. " Don't delay it is money saved
4lnnil for January and February
ONLY. Koay Studio, 304 Douglas
St, Sioux City, Iowa.
Following are the names of the
r.tit inrors selected for the term of
itri.t mmrt which convenes Febru
17.1908. The iurv is summoned
40 40
4 00
24 W
Samaritan hOHpltiil, care Kd O'llrlen. ltS 5
Geo J HouclH-r, 4111 quarirr ""
rtMutniru 41 1 a"
Fred Hlumo, extra help In treasurer's
olllce, premium on bond, excnaiiKe
and pimtaKu :
AkIi rrt Hro.H, provlnloiiH for Bide
NHhiaskiUUark Automat Ic Telephone
do, phone rent al court lioune.
i.i... i, iLormer ' salary.
jt'iin r. . HI m
4ili quarier -
. - vr. l. i....
" 7. I Whereas uuaoia couniy, ntu, uo
r,,o,nre., - -klwMo. ,,rptofnre established a poor farm,
Afternoon Ki'bmIoii.
HuilneHS meetlnit
1'ork 'rclnetloii...o. Hull, Alma, Sep.
u.,.i'l I,., h'l.i.iii.r Tviui of tho Heef (Steer
Mr. McKee
KveuliiK Kenslon.
tute are rf queBted to be present.
Friday Afternoon Session.
2:00 llotatlon of Crops
(). W. Piirfuley, Woodbine, Iowa
8:00 Address by lady speaker
Eve nl im Session.
7 :S0 Address by lady speaker.....
Haw The Corn I'lanl from AtoZ.. ......
I.Mr, Puusley
Saturday Forenoon Session
Btnk of
Dakoict County
Jak.ok.on, Nfa
Always hungry for more busi
ness, aud better prepared
thun ever to care for it uioiiT.
7 .hi vi',,rk r tlm Farmers1 Instlute
Mr. Hull
SiifWiltei-uture for tho Kuriner..M r, McKee
For Sale.
Poland China Boar. Cholera proof.
having had the cholera when a pit.
A. J. Kkamper, 'Dakota City, Ndb.
Real Estate Transfers.
Henry llrHdshay and wife to Alfred
Hallnui. lots :t. 111 and 2 in bl(Hk 7:
all of blocks 0 and 10, except lols iin,
H! and 82 In lilm-k 111, Martin's luldl
tlon to Koulli Sioux City, wd I
W S Cillmiin anil wife to Jonathan
Murtlu. lol7 In block Covlnnlon
Annex lo South Sioux City, wd
oilleet all aocounts and give receipts
for the same. Having known air
uaker personally for several years, i
can recommend him to you as on; tnat
will do the square thing. 1 uespeaa
for him your liberal patronage
sama as you have given me, for
I wish to thank you all.
Dakota City, Nebr.
When the stomach, heart or kidney
nerves get weak, tneu iue uib-
always fail. Don't drug the stomach,
nor stimulate the heart or kidneys.
That is simply a makeshift. Get a
I T . . I
to apar ou Tuesday, the 18th : Art prescription - order.
Deriuit, Peter Anderson, rrana w uw 1- . ,
... . . . . , n..:. it iv.i,.,1 . irnnrtl evnresslv for
vey, W J vaaaei. Anurew - -vm. " Krn,thn Lutheran
W Meeker, Thoa Crosoy, uerw rnu- vu "jT. n,
Help Wanted.
Men or women to represent The
American Magazine, edited by F P
Dnnne ("Mr Dooley"), Ida M Tatbell,
Lincoln Steffens, etc. Straight prop
osition. Good pay. Contiuuing in
terest from year to year in business
created. Experience and capital not
npf pssarv. uooa opooriuuiij. rt niv
3 N Traiuer, 23 West 20th Street,
New York.
For Sale or Trade.
A 16 horse power compound traction
i i 1 1 .. i ; ..
engine. A nave soii wj uncuiu
machine to D Appleton aud have this
encine left, which is in good working
U M 4-1 KAY,
Dakota City, Nebr.
which said poor house and farm is
ready and in condition for the recep
tion of the poor of said county, it is
therefore hereby ordered by the county
commissioners of suid county that all
mnnr.li lv allowances aud other allow
ances heretofore made und allowed by
this boaid to the poor and the paupeis
of said couuty be cancelled and net
Bsi.ln and cease from this date, and
that, all euth persons needing aid or
relief from the couuty at this time be
,.ro,l for and receive relief at the
Door house, snd that all persons
futnrn entitled to relief or assiat
frnvil tllA onun tv shall be cared for at
tlm noor house: and it is further or
rlreil that from aud after this date
nn iiiHtie.e, of the peaco or overseer of
tha noor of this county shall furnish
... ,: .
anv momiv or nrovisious. or reiiui w
the poor or any pauper of said eounty
and have same chargea to tins county
Rent of the couuty poor farm award
1 to J li Btiehoit for year l'J08 iu
accordance with bid now on tile. Sa'd
J B Bachert to pay the county f 'J 50
per acre rent, and to receive from the
oonntv 3 50 per week for boarding
and clothiuK the paupers. Bond to be
Hoard adlourued to January 15. 08
Agent foi Seymonr'a White Laundry.
Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Dakota Citv Nia. I LaWefS
Bonded : Abstracter 1
608 Metropolitan Blk.
Sioux City. Iowa
A Far-SiKtcd Man
Nevtr puts off till the last minute, things that he knows
must be done. Are you far-sighted? Then look around
and figure up what repairing you need to do; repairing
that will require lumber. And then don't put it , off,
come in and let us tell you the way we figure it. We
are sure we can save you money,
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
iih'O. TIMLIN, tomaecr.
Church Announcements.
l'reachinat Btiuday morning at Sa-
cwo. iuur v. L," " '.ivP-tKblet. orliomd lematll.OO o'clock, Bunuay scuooi
Collin". tJeO Harris, iluunii iii'ienei, Dm. - ----- - ,1.1. ( V at 8 n ni I Itnarit
W Or". 1'red Ba, tel. John Watson. prp.xoo. - - T(J E at fl 30 t. m
Herman Biermann. M A bpnuer. - w " A ooraial wtlcom- to U. Ipapw in
January 15, 1008.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
with all members present.
Allowed on road diHttict fund :
(ieo w Teller, mail work, nmi. ao f . ...im n
UkiiA I'.-ni'V. Hllllie. (lint No I 1 f"
W W lloliler. Hllllie, (llhV Mil, ii"'
Final heariuir of the John Sullivan!
road was set for the lieit meetiug.
adjourned to meet l'Obruaryj
Are tho result of
abnormal condition
the more prominent nerve
branches, caused by con
gestion, irritation, or dis
ease. If you want to re-
r'n the lieve the pain try Dr. Miles
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