ADVICE TO VICTIMS. Tells readers how to cure rheumatism at home. Itrctioaa to Mix A ?! ra pie, Harm less Frrparalloa aad tee Don te Tike ovrrrtmn Kldeey ad tladdrr Tronhle Promptly. je-eTsaai ; vmsf&M ma jtmnoTiz COOPER t uA STOfflf OF. THE REVOLUTION There Is no much Rheumatism every where that the following advice by an eminent authority, who writes for rend ers of a large Eastern dnlly pnp-r, will be highly appreciated by those who uff pr : et rroin any gooa pnarmsry urar hAt ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, ore ouneo Compound Knrgon, three Ounces , of Compound Syrup Sarsapa- frllla. Shake these well In a bottle ana flake In teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime ; also drink plenty f good water. It Is claimed that there are few vic tims of this dread and torturous dis ease who 'will fall to find ready relief In this simple home-made mixture, and In most cases a permanent cure is the result, This simple iee1pe Is said to strength en and cleanse the ellmlnatlve tissues of the Kidneys so that they can (liter ml strain from the blood and system tbe poisons, acids and waste matter, which cause not only Rheumatism, but tumorous other diseases. Every man r woman here who feefs that tbcli kidneys are not healthy and actlre, ot who suffers from ftny urlnnry trouble whatever, should not hesitate to make up tils mixture, as It is certain to do much good, and may save you from much misery and suffering after -while. Carloea Mnrrlnmt Cnatoma, Wedding customs In Servla, that lit tle kingdom In Europe, are curious In deed from an American standpoint For Instance, neither the bride nor the bridegroom Is jthe most Important figure In a Serylan wedding, but the best , man takes the; leading part lie care fully guards the bride all the day be fore the wedding takes place, and ielceps outside her chamber the night Wore the girt Is to be married. lie wears a big stilt ,snsh made of heavy silk carries a big w'hlte staff and a huge bouquet all for himself. There tare no bridesmaids, but two godfathers, loach of whom presents to tbe bride a llk dress. After tbe priest has per formed the ceremony the best man , takes the bride around the church and she kisses all her girl friends good4y and Is finally carried oft to the bride groom, who at last gets his wife from the hands of the best man. Then tbe nappy couple return to their Intended borne. Bridal tours are foreign to Ser vian Ideas and only the Tery rich or the nobility Indulge In them. , Jake aad the A pal. It was during an arithmetic class In country school That Jake Boggs was called upon to solve a problem. .-. ;. "Now, Jake,", began the teacher, "If you hare two apples and your little brother took one, how many would you have left?" , , "I'd Just like to see him try taking tone," said Jake, shaking his flat "Well," said the teacher, "we'll put It this way. Suppose you gave him Hne." " "Yes; but I "wouldn't do It," said Jake. i "Just supposing you did, what would remain?" said tbe weary teacher, "A big fool, that's , what," replied Joke. Judco. i III Eye en the Patera. The ardent Cuban patriot had raised an army of seventeen men and started a evolution. ( "But What do yoo expect to achieve by 'It?" asked one of the newspaper com-' -apondents. "Immortality 1' he exclaimed. "Did .you ever hear of one of us empire build ters getting killed? Nol on your machete (" Thereupon, to avoid being run In by the -police,, he took his devoted band and hiked for the mountain fastnesaca. ' CHAPTER IX. (Contlnned.) I to an office of each unexpected dignity, Francos abandoned her whole soul to I ordinarily discharged the duties of a fo lks mnsic. Isabella moved from the win- male sutler, washerwoman and, to use dw as her last tones melted on the ear I the language of Katy Haynes, petticoat of her a.linlrin listener, and. for the first doctor to the troops. She was the widow time, her eye rested on the pallid fare or of a soldier who had been killed la the tho Intruder. A glow of fire lighted the service. The men were qnarteied In the countenance of hoih at the same Instant, adjacent bams, and the officers collected the blue eye of Frances met the brilliant In tbe "Hotel Flanagan," as they face- black one of her sruest. and both fell In I tiously railed headquarters. Betty was abashed confusion : they advanced, how-1 well known to every soldier In tbe corps, tver, until they met. I and, although absolutely Intolerable to all "This sudden chance In the weather, whom habit had not made familiar wltn and perhaps the situation of my brother, I her virtues, was a general favorite with have united to make me melancholy. Miss I these partisan warriors. Her faults were Wharton," said Isabella, In a low tone. a trifling love of liquor and a total dia- Tie thought you have little to an- regard of language ; her virtues, an un- prehend for your brother," said Frances, bounded love for ber adopted country, per- u the same embarrassed manner: "had feet honesty when dealing wltn tne soi- rou seen him when he was brought In by I dlery, and great good nature. Such was I Major Dunwoodie 1 " ' I the mistress of the mansion, who showed Frances caused, with a feeling of I her bloerlre face from the door to wel- ahame. for which she eould not account; I come the arrival of her favorite, Captain and, in raising her eyes, she saw Isabella I Lawton, and his companion, her master in matters ot surgery. "Ah I by my hones of promotion, my rentle Elizabeth, but you are welcome !" cried the trooper, as he threw himself ftom bis saddle; "this villainous fresh water gns from the Canadns has ben whistling among my bones till they ache with the cold, but the sight of your fiery countenance Is as cheering as a Christmas fire." "Now sure, Captain Jack yec's always full of your compllmentaries," replied the sutler, taklnir the bridle of ber customer "but hurry in for the lite of you, d.irllng. A long table, made of boards, was stretched through the middle of the larg est apartment, or the bar room, and on It was a display of crockery ware. The steams of cookery arose from an adjoin-' ing kitchen. The captain of dragoons was In no manner displeased at the prospect of terminating pleasantly a day that had been agreeably commenced. He was soon surrounded by his comrades, who mano many eager Inquiries concerning bis ad ventures, while .the surgeon proceeded, with certain quaklngs of the heart, to ex amino into the stats of his wounded. Enormous fires were snapping in the ch'mneys of the rouae. The group with in were all young men, and tried soldiers. Some were endeavoring to sleep on tbe I benches which lined the walls, some were walking the apartments, and others were seated In earnest discussion on subjects connected with the business of their lives. Occasionally, as the door of the kitchen iWM ft The rang eagerly accented the Invita tion, sod followed tbe captain toward the quarters assigned to his troop. Dunwoodie paused a moment, from reluctance to tri umph ever a fallen foe, before he prqe ceeded. Toil have already been tried. Harvey Birch, and the truth "has nroved yon to be ah enemy toofdanrerou to the liberties j ' . V. -... ' .! ft 1 oi r America i ds eunrreu io iit. Tbe truth I" echoed the peddler, start- "Ay 1 the truth ; you were charged with loitering near the continental army, to gain intelligence of its movements, aad. by communicating them to the enesay, te enable him te frustrate the Inteatioas el Washington." "Will Washington my so, thlak year "Doubtless he would." "Ne,.no, no," cried the peddler, I a voice and with a manner that startled Dunwoodie; "Washington can see beyond the hollow views of pretended patriots. 'lis re you anything, wretched man, te nrge te the commander-in-chief why year should not die?" said the major. Birch trembled. His face' assumed the ghastly paleness of death, sad his hasd drew a box of tla from tbe folds et at shirt; he opened It, showing by tbe act that It contained a small piece of paper; on this document his eye was for an In stant fixed he had already held It toward Dunwoodie, whea, suddenly withdrawing his hand, he exclaimed : "No It dies with me; I know the con ditions of my service, and will not pur chase life with their forfeiture." "Deliver that paper and you may pos sibly find favor," cried Dunwoodie, ex pecting a discovery of Importanee to the cense. "It dies with me," repeated Birch, a finch passing over his pallid features, and lighting them with extraordinary brilliancy. "Seize the traitor-" cried the major, "and wrest the secret from his hAids." The order was Immediately obeyed ; but the movements of the peddler were too quick ; in an instnnt be swallowed the paper. Dunwoodie whispered his orders In the eo r of a subaltern, and motioned to the peddler to withdraw. The interruption caused by this scene prevented further enjoyment around the table, and tbe offi cers dispersed to their several places of rest. In a short time the only noise to bo heard was tbe heavy tread ef the sen tinel, as he paced the frozen ground la front of the Hotel Flanagan. (To be continued.) , CANADA'S BIO CROP. GRATIFYING. CONDITIONS WESTERN PROVINCES. IN UVwil ef the D- Vtoraaera ra .hi lalaloa.Baak ka FlaBarlat Son- ahiae .iutaieaae Yield ef Dollar Wheat la departed. "Ia he a man who uses good Judg ment?" "Excellent But be always puts It to use about a day too late." Milwaukee Sentinel. Rolllngstone Nomosa Yes; I nstef be a poet Tatteredon Torn I often wondered how you got your start Philadelphia Record. Lady (age 7) How much la that, please? Stallholder (at booth of church fair, age 9) How much' has your mother given you to spend? Punch. Friend What's the matter, old boy You look disappointed. Algy I thought I had appendicitis,' but tbe doctor said it was only Indigestion. Court Jour nal. ratlence They say your brother used to have great luck as a fisherman. Patrice Yea, he did hava Nearly ev erybody used to believe him. Yonkera Statesman. "You llro outside of tbe city limits? How far outside?" "Goodness knows. I don't It's about fifteen minutes the other side of where tbe map stops." Chicago Tribune. Landlord (to new tenant) I suppose you would require a bathroom In the house? Tenant Oh, we dou't need a bathroom. Wo go to sea every year. Meggendorfer Bluctter. ' Little Willie Say, Pa, what la the difference between "well" and "good?" Pa I have noticed, my son, that about the only time you nre good is wheu yon ire not well. Denver Post "Yes, sir," said the man In cell 711, "time was when I was admitted to the very best houses." "And what brought you here?" "They caught me coming out." Yonkers Statesman. Winnipeg Correspondence : is eat ef tbe States of the Union felt she aaneuaJIy severe winter ot I'.KXS-O" tad '.he effects of the succeeding late jsrisw were everywhere apparent. Corn had been planted two and sometimes three Vases, the winter wheat suffered, and raerally there was a nervous feeling as Ike retarded growth was ia evidence. From he Daketas to Texas the feeling ef dread existed, aad tbe fears were entertained tat the crop ef corn, wheat eats and barley would be a distinct failure. How far this was the case is best left to those e 1 1 - : vices from one wko Is la elese loweh with the crop and remmereial conditions In the moot southerly hundred aad fifty miles of the province state that tbe fall wlicAt crop ia phenomenal, threshieg from .K to 00 bushels per acre and grading Nos. 1 and 2 northern. The price .real ised is 75c to 8Te pee bushel. The bal ance of Alberta north to iOdmentoa aad east to Lloydialar. has mostly sprint crop. It is largaly a dairying, beef and pork raising country. The excessive rain in late August and early September de lnyed ripening of tie crop on the heaviest soil, and consequently was coajtderefcly . damaged on the arrival ef fall frosts. Oa lighter soil tbe crap was fair to gooU. Oa the line between Calgary and Edmonton spring wheat was seriously damaged, bat will produce a large quantity! ef lev grade milling and feed; early sown oat are excellent feed quality, but late eowa are seriously damaged and a small pro portion will be fed lb the straw. Oa tbe Canadian Northern, from, a point torta.' miles east of Edmonton to I .ley dm tarter' oats and barley are renerally excellnat: wheat is somewhat damaged and there Is ro you lovk nuwwoontg?" studying her countenance with earnest - nese. "You were speaking of Major Dun woodie," snid Isabella, faintly. "Have you seen him often?" "He Is my relative," said Frances. "Our parents were cousins,", faintly replied opened, the hissing sounds of the frying Frances. I pani anj tbe inviting savor of the food na ne is to do your nusonuai saia created a stagnation in all otner employ ee stranger, Impetuously. I monta. All this time Dunwoodie sat by t ranees icit snociceu, ana an ner priae aivakened, by this direct attack upon her feelings, and she raised her eyes from the floor a little proudly, when the pale cheek and quivering Hp of Isabella Temoved ber resentment in a moment "It Is iruel my conjecture Is true; speak to me, Miss Wbarton ; I conjure you, In mercy to my feelings, to tell me do you love Dunwoodie?" There was a plaintive earnestness In the voice that Horn lie Lm( nia Opportunity. How little the average person who la trying to get on realizes bow many things are occurring In bis experience which are trying to down him, and which are biuderlng bis advance! A poor Job, an unkind word, a stinging criticism, Ingratitude for a favor, fail ure to give assistance when It was In his power, hard problems skipped way back in youth, a hasty act an indis cretion of an unguarded moment Ail things are likely to come up when he least expects It and bar his progress. Many an able man with political ambi tions baa failed of election to Con' lmMmm. ,A. ........ . in urn mm mt i iinnm i A SlliCKP RANCH IN SASKATCHEWAN. himself, ga,nff at the "re Bnd l0Ht ln reflection. Hs had made earnest inquiries of Sltcreaves after the condition of Sin gleton, during which a profound and re- greMi or 0f appointment to some cov- who passed through the experience. Nat araily tbe same conditions we-e pvalent Miss Caddie So she's really engaged throughout the province of Manitoba. Sas to Mr Slimm. Do you think he's really "Atchewau and Alberta, in Western Can a sood match? Miss Kuox-Well, he's a, and with from 230.000 to 300,000 , ... k..'- n a rod farmers there from the United States, a a regular stick d he got a red fl of m.nlfet in head! New lork Dnlly Mall. , Umost every State of the Union, for ev- Harold I suppose, Uncle George, you try state has some representative there, object to these things because I inhale This Interest was a nervous one and caus the smoke. Undo George Not at all, td considerable indecision on the part of my boy I object to them because you friends and others intending to follow, exhale 'the suioke.-Mllwaukee Sentl- Those interested in injuring the coun- try circulated stories of ruin and disas-nL'- ' ter, but the effect was lost, as it had "What's that you're so busy writ- keen iong enough in the limelight io lng? You're regularly perspiring over prove its high standing among the ajtri It" "My wife is giving an address on mltural sections of the continent. The 'Women's Rights' to-morrow, and I am heavy strain placed upon It waa not too preparing It for her." Lustlge Blaet- peat ; It has shown that the faith placed ter. spectful silence was maintained ln the room ; but as soon as ne naa ended and resumed his seat, the nsual ease and free dom prevailed. A loud summons at tbe door of the building created a halt in the uproar, and the dragoons instinctively caught up their Hoato, aweet Heme," a'lrat laau. "Home, Sweet Home" was first sung In thia country at a theater In Phlla delphln In connection with the produc tion of John Howard Payne's melo drama, "Clarl. the Maid of Milan." Thla aras In 1S23. Tbe play was originally produced In Covent Garden Theater, Ixmdon, and Immediately the sweet air f the sung sung by, Clarl became fa- fftOUS. HEB "BEST FRIEND." disarmed Frances, and the only answer I arms to be prepared for the worst. The she could make was hiding ber burning I door was opened, aad the Skinners enter- i (are between her hands. Isabelin paced the floor In silence until she had succeeded in conquering the vie- ' tones of her feelings, wben, taking tbe hand of the other, she spoke with an evi dent effort at composure, 'Pardon me. Miss Wharton, If my un governable feelings have led me Into Ira- propriety ; the powerful motive the cruel reason " she hesitated j Frances now raised her fare, and their eyes once more met; they fell In each other's arms, and laid their burning cheeks together. Tbe embrace was long was ardent and sin cere out neither spoke; and on separat ' lng, Frances retired to her own room without further explanation. ' While " thia extraordinary scene was acting in the room of Miss Singleton, mat ters of great Importance were agitated In tbe drawing room. The disposition of the fragments of dinner was a task that re quired exertion aiid calculation. Not withstanding several ot the small game had nestled In the pocket of Captain Law ton's man, still there waa more left un consumed, than the prudent Miss Peyton knew how . to dispose of to advantage. Cesar and his mistress had a long com . munlcation on this Important business, and the consequence was that Colonel Well mere was left to the hospitality of Sarah Wharton. All the ordinary topics eted office, because of some slip be has made, or of somebody, perhaps a pri vate secretary, who has put in the word that checkmated the move for bis advancement Perhaps, it was a sarcastic remark about someone, who later waa ln a po sition to help him, that lost him the opportunity. Many a man has lost bis opportunity for advancement under the present ad ministration by opposing and criticiz ing Theodore Roosevelt ln his earlier career, when he did not dream that the former would ever occupy hla present lofty position. You never can tell where a thrust of an unguarded moment will land, or what effect a sarcastic remark may have on your future. He is a fortunate man who guards bis tongue, who tem pers bis acts with prudence and good Judgment. O. S. Marden In Success Magnzlne. mm 5 -eTi???! dm I .iv( rv;v- !:!' ; v ...... UAKllUliA ILLS AM) tXtAAlOUS. BRTY WaB WELL XNOWIt. ed, dragging In the peddler, bending be neath the load ef hla pack "Which la Captain Lawton?" said the of conversation were exhausted, when tbe ' ng. colonel touched lightly on the transac tions of the preceding day. "We little thought, Miss Wharton, when I first saw this Mr. Dunwoodie In your bouse in Queen street, that be was to be the renowned warrior he has proved "He waits your pleasure, said the trooper, dryly. "Then here I deliver to yonr hands a condemned traitor; this Is Harvey Birch, the peddler-spy." Lawton started as be looked bis old Wmself," said WeUnwre, endeavoring to acquaintance in the face, and turning to end" A Yaakee Trlefc. The shrewd "down-eastera" who flocked to Ohio In the early days mado such good use of their wits that they were constantly suspected by their neighbors of being engaged In trickery, says Mr. Hulbert In "The Ohio River." One day one of them overtook a Dutch farmer riding to mill with a bag of grain. In one end of the bag was all the corn; In the other, to balance It across the saddle, was a stone. 'Why do you carry the stone?" asked the Yankee. "To make de bag balance schteady," replied the Dutchman. "But It isn't needed for that Throw It away, and put half the deal In each A Wemaa Tees Speaks of Peataaa. We usually consider our best friends thosu who treat us best j Some persona think coffee a real friend, but watch It carefully awhile and observe that It la ono of tbe mean est of all enemies for It stabs one while professing friendship. Coffee contains a poisonous drug caffeine which Injures the delicate , nervous system and frequently sets up disease ln one or more organs of the body, if Its use Is persisted In. j "I had heart palpitation and ner vousness for four years and the doc tor told me the trouble was caused by (Coffee. He advised me to leave It off, but I thought I could uot," wrltea a Wla. lady. . "On the advice of a friend I tried Tostuni Food Coffee and It so satisfied me I dil not care for coffee after a few .days' trial of Tostum. , "As weeks weut by nnd I continued to use Postum my weight Increased from OS to 118 pounds, and tbe heart trouble left me. I bare uaed It a year now and am stronger than I ever was. I can hustle upstairs without any heart palpitation, and I am cured of nervous ness. "My children are very fond of Post aim and it agrees with them. My sis ter liked It wheu she drank It at my tiouse, but not when she made It at her own home. Now she has learned to .make- It right, boll it according to di rections, and haa twroine very fond of Jt You may use my name If you wish as I am hot ushamed of praising my beat friend Postuin." Name lven by J'ostum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "Tbe Road to Well jvllle," ia pkga. "There's a Reason," smile away his chagrin. "Reuowoed, when we consider the ene my he overcame," said Sarah, with conald- erst Ion for .her companions felings. "'Twas most unfortunate, indeed, ia ev ery respect, that you met with the acci dent, or doubtless the royal arms would have triumphed In their usual manner." "And yet the pleasure of such society as this accident has Introduced mt to would more than repay tbe pain of a mor tified, spirit and wounded body," added tho colonel, In a manner of peculiar soft ness. "I hope th latter Is but trifling," said Sarah, stooping to bide ber blushes an der the pretext of biting a thread from the work on her knee. "Trifling, indoeil, com pa rod to the for mer," returned the colonel. "Ah t Miss Wharton, it is in such moments that we feel the full value of friendship and sym pathy." Those who have never tried It cannot easily imagine what a rapid progresa a warm-hearted female can make in love. In the short space of half an hour, particu larly where there is a predisposition to the distnmuer. Sarah found the conver sation, wben it began to touch on friend ship and sympathy, too Interesting to ven ture her voice with a reply. She, how over, turned her eyes on the colonel, aad saw him gazing at her fine face with an admiration that was quite as manifest, and much more soothing, than any words eould maks It. CUAPTEn X. The position held by Ihe corps of dra goons waa a favorite place of halting with tbeir commander. A cluster of some half doaen smnll and dilapidated buildings formed what - waa called the village of the Four Corners. As UMial, one of Ilia vest Imposing of thene edi!icea bad been termed "a house of etiterttonim'nt for man and beast." On a routh hoard sua- sanded from a gallows-look iug post, writ ten In red chalk. "KU;ibt1k fUnafitt, her hold," an ttbulliliou of the wit of eoaie idle waga of the roam. The mat roB whoae name bad thui been exalted the Skinner with a lowering look, he ask ed "And who are you, that speak so free ly of your neighbors? But" bowing to Dunwoodie, "here Is the commanding om cer." "Are you Harvey Birch?" said Dun- woodier advancing with an air ot author ity. "I am," said Birch, proudly. "And a traitor to your country," con tinued the major, with sternness ; "do you know that I should be justified ln order ing your execution this night?" H'Tls not the will or Uod to call a soul so hastily to his presence," said the peddler, with solemnity. "You speak tbe truth." said Dun woodie; "and a few brief boura ahall be Med to your life. But as your offense is most odious to a soldier, so It will be sure to meet a soldier's vengeance; you die to-morrow." "Tis as God wills." "I have spent many a good hour to entrap the villain," aaid the Skinner, "and I hop yon will give me a certificate that will entitle us to the reward." "Major Dunwoodie," aaid the officer of the day, entering the room, "tba patrols report a house to be burnt near yester day's battleground." " 'Twaa the hut of the peddler," mut tered the leader of the gang; "we have not left biro a shtugla for ahelter; I should have burnt It months ago, but I wanted his shed for a trap to catch the sly fox In. "You seem a most Ingenious patriot," said Lawton. "Major Dunwoodie, 1 sec ond the request of thia worthy gentleman, and crave the office of bestowing tbe re ward on him and bia fellows." "Take it and you, miserable man, pre pare for the fate which will auraly befall you before the setting o to-morrow s suu. "Life offers but little to tempt me with." said Harvey, gaiing wfldly at tbe strance faces In tbe apartment, "Come, worthy children ef America!" said Lawton, "follow and receive your re ward. "Goot 1" said the Dutchman, and away went the stone. Soon afterward the other rode on ahead, and the Dutchman was left to his own musings, ne became suspi cious. . "Now how It Iss?" he asked himself. "Efferybody around here ln de glade garries delr grain ao mlt a stone ln de sack. Dot feller haa got some ratch ln dla. It vas a Yankee trick some- veres." Thereupon he stopped his horse, hunt ed up another stone, and Jogged con tentedly on to the mill with tbe grain all In ono end of the bag. No Relief for the Aetres. London actresses are Indignant at a recent Judicial decision which means that any photographer can use the head of an actress In Juxtaposition with any kind of a body and sell the resulting picture to the public. The complainant was a Miss Gertie Miller, who objocted to being represented In decidedly scanty attire and as creep ing out ot an egg shell. But the Judge neia tnat tnis is a decollete age and that the lady must put up with the caricature as best she may. Coaeeatrated Hopes. "Has that young man any expecta tions ln lifer' asked the stern father. "He has," answered the hetreae. What are they?" Me." Washington Star. Dolly No, I won't wash my face. I Just bate to wash my face! Grand na Naughty, naughty! When I was a little girl I always washed my face. Dolly Yes, an now look at It ! Cleve land Lender. "Frau Lehmann was saying some aw ful things about you yesterday." "Well, did you stick up for me?" "Oh, no, I wanted to hear It all, so that I could tell you about it afterwards." File gende Blaetter, Mr. Orthodoxer But suroly, sir, Dr. Reelar doesn't advertise? The Editor Well, no, not directly, but when busl- m lt hag been warraDted and it is this ness Is dull he often sends me a check rear producing undoubted evidence that for Inserting pie, and pastry recipes. ka agricultural possibilities and re- . . annrcea It stands nmone the first of food , , tL, TTrtw a,,-, producers. A 1 .te spring delayed seeding The Rev. J.-Tut, tut! How dare uguaJ early AppH perjod unU you come oeiore me nu a Jn M ard in many caBeg wen on ry you when ho is In that aisgracerui hu June it.g a i;ttie early to tell the condition? Would-Be-Bride Weel, but, resutt but tha there will be a three pleas, sur, he'll no com when he's Uarters crop is almost certain. The wTllstrntA,l Bits. rield of wheat in V.lOfl'was 05 million t - a,i .mi hlnt that the lushcls; this nr i: win oe oeiween io Lawyer And do you th nk thtt fee man who has run away with your wife rf JuQe wonM nmture an1 had known her aorne time? usbano Jb aj)y (mintrv Tne May g0WD No, he can't have known her long, or ned and this is the feature that has be would never have run away wltn j,, Western Canada's superiority as her. Meggendorfer Blaetter. a great grain growing country. It dem- Dlner Walter bring me a cutlet trates that the length of sunshine is -L " h ! 'J for my dog. I - treat that the growing and ripcn.n, eV - will pay extra for that Walter Yes, sir. Diner (when the cutlet arrives Where Is the bone for the dog? Waiter In the cutlet air. Meggendorfer Blaetter. i "I auppose you visited all the points of interest while you were abroad?" said one young woman. "No," answered the other, "we were so busy addressing Dost cards to our friends that we hadn't time to do much alghtaeelng." Washington Star. "The great corporatlona which con trol general necessities," said the man of unusual theories, "should be regard ed merely as servants of tbe public." "Yes." answered the weary-looking citi zen, "but have you ever tried to control n house full of servants?" Washington Star. Mrs. Gadsby And you liked Rome best of nil the European cities you vis ited? Mrs. Newrlche (enthusiastical ly ) it's far superior to all the others. Why, my dear. In Rome one can buy souvenir postals for a penny that cost two pr three times as much anywhere else. ruck. "To-morrow," announced 5-year-old Sidney, proudly, to his kindergarten eag0n, although shorter in number of teacher, "Is my birthday." "Why," re- i,t than In jurt further south, in hours turned ahe. "lt is mine, too." i lie boy s Is as great o greater some loss of late sown oats and barley. South of High River there is an enormous crop. Front- High River to Edmonton and from Edmonton to Lloydminster there Is an average crop of over fifty per cent of last year, and the price Is from fifty to one hundred per cent higher than last year. The root crop is excellent and the live stock is in splendid condi tion. At the time of writing it is diffi cult to determine even approximately the quantity of wheat that Central Canada will market this year. The threshers' returns will tell the story. The proceeds of the excellent Western , Canada field of wheat, which is here pie- tured were sufficient to pay out of the one crop the price of the land upon which it was grown. Sheep raising as well as grain growing is also a profitable Industry in almost any portion of Mani toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The pictured flock of sheep is a perfect repro duction from a photograph taken in north ern Saskatchewan. Quick Action. "Gentlemen," said the auctioneer, "I call your attention now to this elegant watch, stem winder and stem setter, solid gold-filled case, extension balance, full dueled, patent pinion pending, a time-. piece,, gentlemen, worth a clean fifty ef any mans money, an ornament to any pocket and left in my hands with positive orders to sell It because the owner can't afford to carry it any longer. It's a shame to put it up at auction, but it must be sold. How much am I offered for this elegant stem winding and stem set ting, solid gold-filled " "One dollar!" interrupted the eager voice of Uncle Hank Hardscrabble, who had just dropped in. "Sold !" Chicago Tribune. , J Oa Ilia Dlarnlty. v "Waiter, what do you call thia?" de manded the busby haired man at tbe table in the corner, pointing to a blackened mass that lay shriveled up in the middle of his plate. "It looks like an exceedingly well done steak. Bah," said the sable functionary in the white apron, standing stiffly ereet "You ordahed it well done, didn't your "Yes, but " I j 1 A Good Show. "How was the show?" "Fine; the plot was the thickest ever eaw." Cornell Widow. fait clouded with perplexity, and, aft er a brief silence, he exclaimed : "How did you get so much blgger'n me?" Llpplncott'a Magazine. "No. Geoffrey," protested the beau tiful girl, "you mustn't do' that I have never allowed a youug nian to put his -arm arouud my waist." "That being the case, Gwendolen," he answered, sadly, but with Inexorable firmness, "you will have to take your head off my shoulder." Chicago Tribune, Flakrrman's Lark. The Judge For two years you men have tuned together, peuceabi.r, uud yet you fought over this fish. The Sportsman You see, your hon or, this Is the first one we ever cmtxht Trur-sluted tor Transatlantic Tules froiu Mcgcndorfcr Blaetter. It Is true he season has not neen so favorable as ith. r seasons, but this con lition ia widtw;rend. The corn crop in the States of the I'nion, where It Is the reniier crop of the farmers, la aubject to frost. Frost has undoubtedly material ly reduced tho total yield in placee this fear, but after every allowance haa been feiade for this i nd other causes the fact remains that f e totul train in Alberta will be the la "jest in history, while in fee other provlrce the yiidd will not fall far abort of ot! cr year". ' With rofercn.-e to Alberta, further ad- "Well, aaht when a gent'man ordaha I steak rare ws cook it rare. When he or dabs it mejum we cook lt mejum, an' when he ordalis it well done we cook It well done, M it takes fo'teen hund'ed cubio feet O' gas. Wish cawfy, sah?" I'nreaaooable. "Say, you sold this to me for a o&fery razor." "Well?" "Well, the firRt time I used that raior it cut a small mole off my face, slick and clean." "Huh! A surgeon would have chsrged you $5 for cutting off that mole. What are you kicking about?" i Tbe La son of the Ave. "Why was It. my children," said the teacher with n tatilotic moral ln her Bind, "that Geo Washington durlug the war with 1 gHiml was so poor that he bad only e shirt to wear nud lie IvartV Wlaal'a laalrie. l'.ius What irt'e you ordering, old man? If man descended from a fish, he . Chicken pie. Join ine? has been guilty of tell lug some awful King All iliit: I'll leg It with you, Has about his sneecufces ancestor. I Harvard Lampoon. hardly enough t" "I know, ter i'.i wiae little until1.. band. "Well, Sally?" "Please, rou'inn. touldn't tell a at?" . " volunteered a gvrly lifting her waa because he Baltimore Amerl- Qulrlril llrr. Mrs. Stul John, do you rememiber that beautiful ostrich plume we saw la the shop w indow? Well, I have had rt on my brnlu cer since. Mr. Stuhu wdl. my dear, I always did suy you were feather-brained. Tbo Lake I I nmro. Pearl -Eloped eh? M irrled ln haste and reK'nt at Mavre, I ni;jose? Ruby No. repevcl at St Joe. Loot their return it- acts and couldn't walk home.