Dakota County Herald Continuation ot the Homer Herald JOttH H. KEAU, PtJBMBHER. Hubscription Trice. $1.00 Tet A weekly newspaper publi Dakota it v. Nebraska. Porniiaaion has been granted for transmission of this paper through mane a Berono-ciHsa mailer, s Telephone No 4.1. Republican Ticket. STATE. For J iirt no of Supremo Court, M. B. REESE. For Railroad Commliulnnrr, HENKT T. CLARKE, JR. For Upfront of Stnto University, GEO. COUPt ANT), . CHAKLEB B. ANDERSON. JUDICIAL. . For Judge Eighth Judicial District, A. B. OLESOM . . COUHTT. For Oounty Clerk. W. L. R08B. For County Treasurer. W. J. MANNING. Fop Sheriff. 9. P. ROCKWELL. For County Judge, D. 0. BTIKSOIf. For Clerk of the District Court, HAUBT H. ADAtR. For? Oounty Superintendent. WILFRED K. TOB8. For County Coroner. B V. 8AWTERS. For County Commissioner. Brd District, EBRD BLClfE. For bounty Assessor. wra. VT. KENIN6ER. I'REOIXCT CAUCUS. Tli republican voters of Dakota vrecinct will meet ia oaucna in tbe ooert bouse ia Dakota City. Nebr, on Saturday. October 12, u7, at o'clock p m, for the purpose of placing ia nomination candidates for the fol lowing product officers, viz: Two justices of the peace, two constables and road overseers for road districts Nos. 2 and 19 and for tbe pnrimsn of transacting such other business as may properly came before the caucus. W A Heikes, Committeeman. DEMOCRATIC MABS CONVENTIONS. Tbe democratic electors of Dakota county are t qus'ed to meet in maxi conventions, at the usual voting place ia their respective precincts, on the 14th day ot October, 1907, at 2 o'clock p m, for the purpose of placing in nomination precinct oftioors, and trans acting such other business as may properly come before tid meetings. TUOMAS ASHFOUD, -Charman Democratic Central Com mittee The Republican State Platform : Points with pride to the aohieve menu of theK'-publioan party - under the splendid leadership of Theodore Roojevelt, and iusits that his succes sor eh all be a mo who will con tin no the Koosevvlt policies, and suggests Secretary Taft as such a num. Coatmnnds t'it prevent state officials for their care of the state institutions, maintaining the tredit of thus ate and reducing tlin state debt. Coasmeuds the Nebraska delegation in congress. Calls attention to the msgoitloont record of the lust legislature wl.ioh erried out the pledges' of the repub lican party, a follows: 1 A statewide direct primary. 1 Audition of the free pss evil. 3 Cotnpehensive power for the state railway comcnissfon. 4 More equitable rates for transpor tation of passengers and freight. 5 Eqal taxation of railroad proper ty for city purposes. - 6 Abolition ot fellow servant law and fall employer's liability. '7 A pure fuoJ and dairy law. . 8 Rigid economy in appropriations. Kodorso tbe direct primary, an i pledgees such amendments as shall im prove its workings. Com tends the good work of the tate railway oouimistion, in its eff uti t secure better freight rates' for the people ot llitjstite. Calls for the ritiid eaforcaiMit of the anti-pass law. Declares that In suits at law corpor ation aU"iil I be deemed oitiz ns of vere'at4 where they have tiled ar tides of incorporation or exercised the rights of eminent domain Favors an fcnuctraent ot the federal law forbidding the fedeial courts from issuing writs of inj motion against state officers charge i with the euforcemeut at state stat ites. Regard with high favor the norai neee on the et"te ticket aud invites voters wU believe in oflicial probity and efficiency te join ia electing them. Republican State Ticket, Yor Supreme udge - UON. M. B. BEEBE whose k!x years of honorable service on the supreme bench proved him a -fearless and upright judge and whose life loug integrity coalman Is tua te pettof ci'iiens generally regardless ( politioal belief, Vot Qailway Commissioner H N U T. CLABIK, JR. the friend aud appoiotoe of Governor iflbeldoo, a leader in the last legixta tare and a mtn whote business q laljfl atioi pre-emi ienty fit him for the difficnlt work of the railway comtiia ion. - For Uegents of the Universit BOX C, B ANDERSON easts of high standing snd large bus iaeas ecperienoe which will piovein--valuable in the conduct of the business affairs of the state university. U N GEOUGE COCJLAND x. practioal farmer whosi okruest advo cacy of tU ra nlern idea of spiliog dvseoed educational and scientiQo naetk(Ml to agricnlture should com jsissid for bin the solid farm. r vo e. redjet (be f A Word to The Voters. As I find that it is going to be im possible for me to make anything lis m thorough eanvsss of the county, I take this means of addressing yon As " v" Jutwr, X 4jb ciuiiJatefur cjunty s .sci'inor 1 will appreciate yonrsnp- poit, nnd if ele'ted "vill try to mike a fair , nd just sssestment. I feel just thi way In regard t pub'io oflk-ea: l h ,t persons 1 nlding them are public sot vmits, end should tiy th-ir very In t t to serve all alike I al. tlntiK lli -.1 the people of Dnkota cunty kmw ,t$h lliey want from the different ones &M;mg fr tflinBe offices, and if tiie V'tms and taxoayeis want me I"r eon r ty assessor, let them eat no Vy their votes on eli etion dav, ho that i' electod, I will feel tliHt I have been fairly elected 1t the b'ual voters uixl 'ill try to flrve all alike W. W Rf.ningeb. to : 6. D. C. 8IIN0ON, , rei ublican nominee for County Judge is making his first oan vans tor a o unt offio. llie upright and straightfor ward manner of dealing with the peo ule tl nrincr his long residence in the county merits the support of every vot r who stands for good government. rKM 400t 0K4t .j. VMM 00 MM ; Items of Interest j from our Exchanges i : oec4t now 'o noio oc j jto ' Winnebago items in Peud r Times Mrll Niebuhrcame over from I'euder MmiJuy to help Londresh & Niebuhr witii their building. Allen rews: Mrs A Understsi is visiting witti her parents near Dnkota city. Thev are old resiilnnts of Dako ta county, living there forty years, Newcastle; items in Poncn Leader: 1 AE Wahlvogle lias sold his moek i inei-qhundiBe to Joe Wilson of Untie, Neb. We understand the stuck will be shipped out of N - woastle. Ponder Republic: Mel Niebuhr is heio from Kioux City to vi-it hon.e folks for a f w daB..,.Mrs Noses Warner of Lons whs visi ing old friiuidu ut Pundei oVfr Sui day , Pones Journal: John V Pearson wua at Lincoln the first of t te week wliei-H he appeare t before the stip-t me court to urgue a ease from the district court of Dakota county iu wliiidi Mr Perron is the attorney. Ponca Leader: J V Pe-trso'i, county atiix-uey, was transacting lnl iuess in Dakota City Mon.iay . . . . Rev M D lieig went to Dakota Citv 1'uesday moMiing to spend until Fiiduy noon visiting Itev Ohnrholizcr. S,:igeant Pluff items in Hloan, Ia, !SUi ; Uilison liato has heen euju'ii g for home time, a visit, from his lr. her, Leonard hates, of Los Angelas, Cil, al-i a vinlt irom hia siter, Mrs Grioe Miller, of Spokniie, Wash . Tin y ex pect 1 1 soon return tottieir homes, L-oiis Mirror: .U 41 Warner, who tone hi broitier, EJ Warner, to tho Mot. Springs, iu Arkansas, wibes that i e enjoyed the ti'ip veruu.h; that the o mi, try is beautiful aud that there are plenty of u groes down th'-r.-. The " Al it ror". is in charge of his ife, and if e fall short, plua-e excu-o ns ss we have iiot had thu dflioe iu charge for thren years and may fall a little to the I'itnvanl. t'ioux ''ity Jcumiil, 10th: working in the Owl restaurant at Emersoi , , ... . incur, wutrcBn naa ueen eugagrd as a v litres siuoe tiaturduv lad, Min Minnie llurgt tt, 1. r win in her parents, Mrm d Mrt M Burg, tt, 2nUl West Hero id B';oet, and the ) dice have be u searching Biuo Moniuy, hasbten loca'.ed, aud MrUiKgett baa left tor the purpose of peisuaJing his (laugh tor to ruturu boiue.- . oioux City Jo rm.1 Oth: Frank r rencii, wuo is IT iiuotii g tn stuer- krul iudu4ry in Hontli lio ,x Citv rece'itly made a trip to 8peuoer, lo, whi'io he utiiohased fort,) toil" o oah-biitt-i to be made into kraut. 'The C 'iiiivnm-nt, whioh filled two curs, anivod yes erday aud is tieinR unload ed in i lie west end of the M Iwaiiee yanls, fiora wheie it is eonveyel acrors the combination bridge to the old foundry in Mouth. Snuix Citv, which for the present sea on win b tho scene ot operation. Ilaitingtou News: liird Francisoo rotm ueo to id h-i u- iu II ihb r l Sat urday utter a plea ant visi, t'era with 1 1 en iy Dul'iio rd family ... .Geo Z ipp ami fain It of Emerson return i home Mond-ty after a visit h re itl the Green wood familua and o her rel live- .... Au infant son was born to Mr and Mis O I' Garvey at Joksoii Tuoh lay morning where Mrs Gi v. whs btayiug with her si-ter. l'i babr died s fjw hour a'te- wards au was iirongui to iiarting'ou weuues at and b uLd in the family lot. Pender Times: II nry Krnmweii'e stient Hunday in Dako'a oouuty,. Judce Oravt-s via a Dakota o noty visitor Wednesday .... Mrs. J W Chambers r turned from a visit in KoutU Sioux Hionx City Haturdty,,., J M Nwerson is home from sn extend ed Hp to the coast. He visited all the large towns from Los Angeles toi Bri ttle. Ue says the latter town is verv lively, as ia ulso Portland snd Tac 'ma. Han Franeiso is having alt kinds of trouble. Not oulv her grufteri are csueiDjr bur trouble to .tid them in tlf i eiiitcntixrv but she cannot get half enough laborers to rebuild the st'k'kei rity. Tbe plague is also c tuning trouble and anx iety. MrHiVeison bhvb the p ague stories are much overdrawn. Hionx City Journal, 7th: ,T O Snell iBUrdsy li joked a catosh of the Idne chi'iinel variety iu Crjstal lke whirh eiglied twnoiie huiiiU this is ' lie largest catfish canglit tlii- fleaciii with a honk and line. Mr Nntll also otiight another "cat" which weighed fourteen io 'lids The black Imikm are not biting very freely at the Iske l)r 0 H Maxwell, of Dakota Cit , N b, lias rMPeived some rambling enis'les from Mr- Estella Wenzb. rg r, 'if Chi cm go, who shot at Uorge C bille, former oiiUuty clerk of Dakota oniity. a few years ago, and who did other or.. xv m ts which kept resident of the oounty in n state of fesr. ror ehoot ing at the clerk sh served time in both the peni enturv sod the insane asy- lum Hhe was panded from the asy lum with the understanding that she keep sway from Dakota county Sioux City Journal 7th: Another distracted tiarent has spoei.le I to the iHilice to locate hit missii g daughter. That a young woman who for sever-1 days ImbI week couiiact-d heiself in misterioua manner at Horner, Neb. is their d. lighter, Miss Minnie liurgett, is the belief of Mr and Mis M B .rgett, 2lK)t West tiecond street. Mr Burg tt o-lled st the police station yesterday and gave a description of their datigh ter Hhe is 82 .tears old, about five leet five inches ia height, has dark hair aud dark eyes ami moles ou the otieek snd eyebrows, ami weighs about 14D pouuds. Tho parents received a iioBtal . ard from the girl at Dakota City aliout ten data ago, and from Da kntt I ity she evidently went to Homer. Neli. The giil had not been in good health, aud last A pi it the parents took h r to 1'ortlund. Or, where they re mained until August. The (iirl ap peared to'tie much improved and went on t'm toad to s II toilet boh p. A girl ho answers iss Hurgett's descrip tion in the sm st detail arrived at Homer on too' last week. Nhe gay tier name as Miss Minnie Jones, but re'iiscd to tell muob about Iihis If. Her p'-ouiior sottous aronied the oiti zet.B snd they reported the matter to the marshal, who kept her at Ins own i ome nntil Friday, when he took her o Naoora and upon her request, put her on a tram bound for Emeisou, from which plaon she was to go to Allen It developed, however, that ehe did not leave the train at Emeraon, and tier present wnereaoouts are unsnown At Homer the girl entered several houses without invitation ami insisted on sitti g down and making herself at home. II r peculiar behavior indica ted th'it she was mentally unbalanced, but n r intelligent conversation on var'ous su' 1 'Ofs en? wed tier to lie womau of "dneatio anl retinement. A CUT RATE PRICE. This is ton timt cumpaigu in N bruka in which political Iiohkch out no ilgiiro. The peop'e will non i a'e the enndidutes and afterwards elect them You ure oue of the people and shoulo lake au active iuteieBt in these pri ni lies and eleefons hereafter. Poll ties from now on means a sou -re deal for the masses; lower passenger rates, lower freight rates, less extortion by rusts and combinations. These tlunas can only lie uccomplisbed by ever honest voter making it a part of ia bUHiness. The people can only k ow whut is really going ou bv rend ing the newspapers. Dot you ought to read a nawspsper that can priut the truth about all candidates: a paper that lias no solf-in erent in onirics whose owners are not omo-iiolders or ofiltifl-seekers. The publishers think the STATE JOURNAL is au b papor and lu order to prove it to you tnukn the speoial offe of only 50 cents frra now until after election: seventy five cents if you want the Sunday also The earlier you send in your order the more you get for your money. Lincoln is the news center. His Dear Old Mother. 'aiy dear old mother, who is now eighty three years old, thrives ou Eleo- trio liitterM,"swrites W U B nn on, of Dublin, Ga. "Hhe bus taken them fo about two years and enjos an excel lent appetite, feels strong and sleeps well " That's the way Electric Bitters affec i the ag-d, and the bmiuh h' ppy lesults follow in all rases of fema weskuessand general debility , V. ak puny childieu too, h re k really strength ened bv them. Guaranteed bIho for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, tor sale at Lea ie's drug store. 50c per bottle. Real Estate Transfers. J K Stafford mul wife to D L Fairbanks, lots I and lu block IM, Joy lMuec. Htm til Hious t'lly, wd (leo V Tliucker mid wife to Kauford K llrowu. e'j acotlon ll-:S-0, wd lttioo O K Yates and wife to Hnrali T, KtinK lots 1,3, 8 and 4 In lilock 1, Uliliert Addition to South Sioux City, wd.... LVjilO A Criminal Attack on an inoffensive citizen ia frtqneutly made in that aipurantly useless 1 i tt la tutio called the "appendix " It's n ersliy the rt suit of protracted O'listi pstion, fi'llowiog liver torjsir Dr. Kiug' New Life Pills regulate he liver, prevent sptiendieitis, and establish egular habits of tho bowels. 25o st Leslie's drug store o mm j mMM ou 0 ": Wjtot CORRESPONDENCE f 4 xiooeiieji HUBBARD. Duck coats, j tokets aud overalls for fall aud winter, at Carl Anderaon's. Wnt Ooerta was s city passenger Thursd y. H-ury Maurioe has put in swell and wiudmill for Father Eugl sh. Lizzie O Connor is visiting Father English thia week. A.ioe ll tfernao, who has been vis iting in Colorado for the past mouth, returned home Wednesday, Rose Farrell and Anna Killacke; wont to Omaha Friday evening to take in the Ak-sar ben. James Ileeney went to Omaha Fri day. Mrs Paul Sharp wss a city passen ger Friday. Mrs F W Swingle came home from the city Friday night. John aad Matrcie Kent left here Friday evening for Vetrj, Iowa, where 1 iey intend to makx their borne. Mrs John Winters of Em. rson, vis- ted Mrs Herman Retize Friday. Our stock of c tton aud wool blnnk- ets is now in Bi,d we can muii It your wants in this line. Call Anderson. J P llcacnm, Prof Donolioe and Mar Qutun weic city passengers Sat urday. Tlios nartnett and John Daley of Jackson passed through here Satur day bound for Omaha. Bring ns your butter, eggs ond pro duce a--d get the highest market price. Carl Anderson. John Hartneti's bnrn Was completely burm d to the ground Saturday. Tl starting of the fire is a ratstery. It broke out about half past nine and n few ni'intes the eimre barn was n blaze. Tim only solution to the fire is that there was about thirty tons of hay in the barn, some of which was not thoroughly cured, and which may have started the blazn from spoota neons comb ist inn. Tbe loss is about 12,000. with $700 insurance. Mike Beacoin came home Saturday from Honth Dakota, having proved tip on his claim. Juht received, an tip to date stock of fall and winter millinery goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Miss Johan na Mundy. Ernest Paulson and Dave Hileman left for Colorado Hunday eveninn to look ut some laud. Jedge Quy T Graves of Pender, was here Saturday looking sfler his politi cal fences. We have our fall stock of cotton flannel husking mitts in all eizes and tyleB. Carl Anderson. Jon Hartnett went to Pierre, 8 D, Monday to register for' a claim. Mike Farrell was down to the city Monday. It yon are in tho market for a buggy or wagon new or Beoun.1 hand call m Renze & Groen. You can't be it their price anywhere. Herman Repza retumed home Mon day from a week's visit at Omaha and Other places. A box social will be given at the Plum Grove school house Oct iber 12 Ladies are requested to bring boxes and the boys their pocket books. All are cordially invited to attend. Jeff Rick well was eerionsly injured Sunday by being run over by a cow t at he was milking. A doctor was called to dress his injuries, and he is now coming along alright. Winter clothing, underwear, gloves and n ittens, at Carl Anderson's Joe Leedom and Barney Grihbtn were down to Winnebego Tuesday on a deal for a livery stable. Mrs Mry Nordyke came over from tackson Wednesday to visit her son Ait. E 'itor Bancroft of Homer was here Tuesday on a real estate deal. Carl Anderson and wife were Sioux City passenirers Wednesday. Eugene Nordyke wus up from Sioux City Tuesday. Heavy shoes and high top shore for fall and winter wear, at Carl Ander sons. HOMER. Miss I.illio Blucketer lefurned from Omaha Saturday, where she had been visiting J-,izie jiarsou and taking in the Ak-rar-l-en. Mary Luke hns returned to North Dakota, where she I as been teachiuir fi several yars, she res t mod her du ties n the school room lust Monday, Mrs Chaa Bates and daughter Myr tle went to the sand hills Wednrsday, to visit, her.pirents and other relatives. Mrs Lewis Smith and Will .Tistriim, were Sionx City passengers Tuesday, Mrs Smith, returned Wednesday, and Mrs Jaatram Friday. Homer's rayatry is a myetry no lon ger. She was Minnie Burgett snd gave her name here as Minnie Jones. Altlinu. h acting in a somewhat strange manner, she was sharp enough to e ndo all qustions aud give her parent, who are looking for her, the slip. Relig ion was the subject on which ler mind became nnhitiged some time ago. She i-t alwajs tired, and solicits for toilet soap. They are residents ot Si-.ux City and the girl hod been vis iting relatives at Riverside when he disappeared. The family of IUv Smith returned from Indiaua, Tueeday. The Dorcas soeietv met with Mrs S A Combs last Saturday, aud as we went out there expecting to get our breakfast (and did not) we, in our des pera'ion. worked with a will aud quilted one quilt and finished one that had a fow rows quilted at a former meeting. Mrs Combs savs that tho Free Press editor miHcnnstriied her meaning w hen he said we were to have break ant. We don't think sho saved ituvthiLH though for when dinnertime came, we ate, and wo ate, aud we ate, till we culdu't eat any morn and everyone voted a pleuRaut, us well as a profiUlile day. It pays to employ the Dorcas. Rev Christy lias sold bis property in Ream to Mr Goodst 11 sr Homer's now M E pastor is Rev Philips, who has, M'oording to the papers, Walthill as well. Saul Pnrdy of Ourav, N M, is visit ing his brother Dan Purdy and fami ly this week. Anton Wilkie of Emerson precinct, had two loads of wheat ou the Homer market this week. How is that as a "lmou" for Emerson. Nuunie Lrsou of Naoora wrap down with Mr Purdy Friday and visit ed relatives aud friends over Sunday. JACKSON. Miss Marsraret Mitchell of Goodwin, Nebr. resumed hor studies at St. Cath erines' academy Monday. ' Peter Gtrvey of Hartington, Nebr, spent Sunday with b's wife heie. Mis Annie Harty went to Walthill. Nebr, Saturday for a short vi-it with her sister Maiy who is prin cipal of the schools there. Mrs Nurenberger and children of Wakefield Nebr, arrived Suturday evening for a visit as the home of her parents, Mr uud Mrs Herman Roost MrsJas Harty went to Enerson, Neb, Thursday where she was the guest of Mr A P Dorar. Julia Xlcficrsaa sLoj lsyed with the Ilinton ball team this Bummtr srrivtd home Monday. f Joeph Dessert, wife and children left Wednesday tor Macon City, Mo, to spend two weeks with Mr Desserts folks there. Josie Davey leftfr Omaha last Wednesday to spend a week with friends there. Rev P F McCarthy arrived home from Omaha Monday, where he had spent a week. Rev Fr 0'Klly, a Jesuit father, celebrated Mats here ruuday and preached a very instruct ive sermon on the "Feast of our Lady of the Rosary." John J Sullivan went to OraaLa last Friday to vihit his sister Maty, and at tend the Ak-sar-ben festival. Tom E O'Connor, wife and children, visited over Sunday at tbe home of his uncle. T. J Ryan of Newcastle. Whilo Mrs B J Leahy and children were nut ridiDg Tuesday evening the team became unmanageable, throwing the occupants out, all escaped with only slight bruises. The harness and buggy were broken. Quite a few from here went io Oma- Satnrday to the laying of the corner stone of St Cenolias new Cathedral, whioh took plaoe Sunday. They pro nounced it the meat elaborate and im pressive of any religions demonstra tion ever held in the middle west. Margaret Mitchell of Goodwin, is a new boarder at the academy. Matt Byrne and wife visited friends in South Sionx City Snnday. Mrs P Smith of Ponca, is visiting her Bister Mrs J M Brtnuan. Mrs Thos MoKeever returned from Water bury Tuesday, where she spent several days visiting at the home of hereon, Hugh and family. Helen Kearney left for Goorgetown, Washington, Thursday, to resume her studies st the visitation convent there, this reing her last year. Born To J M Brannan and wife Oot 9th, a daughter. Joseph Bird and mother have moved to town and occupy tbe house recently vacated by Ham Brannaman. Oae of tbe most pleasant of social events which has taken place here fer some time, was a china shower given for Abbie Twohig, the bride of next week. Shoitly after the excitement bud subsided a number of bovs mas queraded as girls, appearing with all kinds of tinware. Many beautiful pieces or nana painted ccina were "showered." NACORA. Robert Reid shipped a car load of hogs to Sionx City Tuesday. Asmus Schwartz was a passenger to Sioux ity Monday. Chas Heikw, G Hale and J W Hee- tey were passengers to Omaha last Friduy, to attend Ak-sar-ben. . Frank Hetney left Wednesday even ing for bin home at lluy Springs. Bryan Beauci nnon who has beer. htation agent here has resigned his position. Bryan will be missed very much as he made many friends duiing his btay here. Mr Larson has relieved him. Superintendent Boucher was here ou business last Friday. Margaret Simmons returned home Thursday morning after a two week's vibit with her a ster at Yankton, S D. SALEM. Ward Joyce auc. Robert Lapsley went no to Pierre, H D; Saturday where they filed applications for home s ekers luitery tickets on the Lower Brule reserve. Mary lieikes spent several days last week with her (bachelor) brother Charles, who is farming near Emer son. Mrs Wm Armourent to Sioux City Friday vshe.e she is assisting in otring lor her little grand daughter, who is sick with scir'e iua at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Ed S.lby. Hum Sides, Ray Lapsley and Richard Bougous went to Sioux Citt Monday where they wll attend the Wa liners Business, college the coming Winter The swamp road is being graded and will n-eau much ta those who have hay to haul in from tbe Bwump. Lutheran Church Announcements Jri caching biibday morning at Ha lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school at 10:00; C E at 8 p m. Preaching ut Dakota City at 3 ;00 o'clock p ni ; S nday school at 9 :15 m; C E at G:30 p m A cordial welcome to all. Sgf BS ayST o $ yf I mm ? trior I 511 .n -Q O v J nr m )h g 3' I I j t nJ . M . ... ; H We Have some Bargains in LKcr TEAM NETS They are old style The price is also old style which is low $5.00 while STVRGES BROS., 411 Pearl St., SIOUX CITY, IOWA What is Your Do you know it would be worth a great deal more if you had it fully fenced with American fence? Every dollar put . into this kind of improvement comes back double to you . Think it over. All progressive farmers are fencing all their farm hog tight. They find it pays. It will pay you. Let ' us tell you what it will cost you for the wire and the posts e We have both. Call and see them. Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, (5K0. TIMLIN, ynnaffpr. It is Delicious BBBBklkkW liBVBH' 25 cents Blendod and packed from Harris ISL No. 6 Front St. Vl $6 fARfvl LOANS Tvwheie on earth . See or Lint your property with us DakotaClty.Ncb.and VCnrnor t Kir-.rrn. C6e Kind Th&t We&rs That s the service we give you. Been doing it for over twonty-one years, hence our eteJily in creasing business. lvEMtMBER, jtti v LUI 1 IJ i H U in banking that you can (f, even in Ne York, snd at us low rates (if not lower), and better fitment, if we can give it to on. Always ulad to see vou. Oullihenin town, for a visit, if no bui-ioess to We ere prepared to do twice Try to penade tinit friend or newcomer to try this irood fitk next time he nee's to use one. lie will aud we will be grateful to m ii both. X u I he Bank Cattle and farm loans are tipo now, anil price low. READ THE BEIALD For All the New Do you waxat to sell your farm ft The quick, ture way ill to put a 'She Onialia Bee I rlC rvates are One . 1 I Two or more consecutive insertions! per line, 6 cents each insertion. Each insertion made on odd days, 10 cents per All advertising runs ana evening papers amount Six Words io ay JH Address Want-Ad Department, Omaha m Within everybody's reach reache B si pair they last Y 'f Farm Worth? Nebraska. per Pound carefully selected coffoe by Kilboxsroe Homer, Ncl ft J- r We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low rate ot interest on Dakota county Faro). We aiao Sell and Buy Real Estate of al kinds write us before you Borrow, liuwr oell. to Bell. Farm lds Kea Real ie I PROMPT, GOOD, RIG I I I do. the volnrao of business wejow do be pleased, you will lthauked that ALWAYS treats yo Bank of Dakotu Coj Jackson, Neb, J want - ad r insertion, nrr lini 10 cents. line. ' in both morning nd without extra oli-t , Omaha, Neb. every bod - U