Dakota County Herald Continuation of the homer Herzld. OOR H. REAM, PVDM8BKR. , Subscription Trier. $1.00 Tcr Year. A weekly newpaper published at Dakota ( ity, Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of this paper through the maile as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. Republican Ticket. TATE. Forjudge of Supreme Court, M. B. KF.FKF.. For Rnllrotul Omnilslonrr, IIKNKY T. CLAIIKF., JH. For Itrffrnt of Stale t'nlvcrslty, GEO, COt Pf.ANt), OIUUI E8 B. ANDKItHON, .1CDI0IAL. For JikIko Klirlith .Itnllelnl lHtrlct, A. R. OVF.HON . ' COVNTT, For County Clerk, W. L. BOSH. For County Treasurer, W. J MANSINd. For Sheriff. J. P. ROCKWKM.. For County JutlKe, D. 0. STINSOX. Kordlerk of the District Court. BARRY U. ADAIR, v For County Superintendent. ( WILFRED K. VOS8. For County Coroner, B. F. SAWYERS, For County Commissioner. 8rd District, FRKD BLIMR. For Jounty Assessor, Wm. W, RF.NINGF.R. I j I '" 'I,' v Mi IL. . I I I WOMEN AS FARMERS. MR. AND MRS. ALEXANDER II. BAITER, Pioneer residents of Dakota County, Nebraska, who observed the fiftieth anniversary of their inarriage"at their home in Dakota City, last Friday afternoon, September 20, 1907, Nearly one hundred old friends and neigh bors assembled to help celebrate the happy occasion. FIFTY YEARS OF MARRIED LIFE. D fl Stinson will re a hard man for the democrats to defeat this full for county judge, as he has the confidence last Friday afternoon, it of the voter of all partes, and the chances are that the democrat will leave that c fli ia blank they might as well. - The certral committees for th re publican and democratic parties were a ducted by the candidates last Satnr- day. The republican committee is aa follows: - Covington prrcmot, J J Eimers; Dakota, Albert Ileikes; Em erson, F 8 Kerry; Hnhhard, bam Thorn; Summit, Anton Ltrson; Ht John's, lfiMis Knudsen; PigeonlCreek, E J Way; Ornadi, U J O'Connor. The committee will meat in a few days to elect ft chairman and secretary. The democratic committee is follows: t'ovington, John Jaokiua; Dakota, Flarry Brown; Omadi.Tirn Mnrphy; Pigeon Greek, Oeq W Thicker ; Emer aon, Anton Willie; Summit Joe M Twouig; Hnbbard, Dau Ilartnett. St J din, J M EranLan. Thos Ashford, of Homer, was seluctad aa chairman und Oliver W Fisher as secortary. I STaMI :?. VM&.MM0KM iM0 An event which happens in the liv s of very few married couples was cele brated in fitting s'yle ut the h:tne of Mr and Mrs A II linker, of this pi ice, being the fitieth anniversary of thiir n.ariied life. The marriage of Ab'zandi r il ll.ikr and Miss Rore llallock wuh solemn ized September 20, 1857, in Omi.i'i, Dakota connty, Kebt. The ceremony was performed by Rev Wra Smith, tin first Methodist mini-tir to 1 -cute in this county, in the school building which was also used fur church pur poses, and it was immediately fdlow ing the church service that the mar riage ceremony was performed. DuriDg nil thoe fifty yt-ats this estimable couple lies r sided in Da kota county, mingled in the best so ciety both being prominent church workers labored for the b st interests of the community, and won a place in the hearts of their frieuls and neigh bora that time will luver efface. A few of the iutim it.i friends f 3 Items of Interest from our Exchanges upply of pnper we have received at one tiniH for several rears. TIim higl school base ball team chalUnges any kid team in Dakota county . JACKSON Kate Delaney, of South Sioux City, visited 'over Sunday at the J li Smith home. The Jackson Independent Telephone company are put'ii'g in their tele phones in town tliix week and. it in liop-ii will soon be in worsing order l lie central will be at J E Uc-Uoni-gal's. Mts J O O'Neilt, of Sioux ity, was visiiitig friends here t hi- week and loot; ing after her property her. She p'ted lyr house to W J ll-illy and family, who moved iu the lust of the weok. Guj Stinson and sistrr, of Dakota Citv, visited over Sunday with Thomas anil Maig.iret lioler. Franeitt S twers has gone to lair bolt, Minn, t teai-h in the Iietlil hem academy. She writes that the likes t very much. Oeorge Thsoker, of Goodwin, has old his arm to S K lirown. We hope MrTuackei and his estini ilde family will deeiile to remain iu the county. Ed T Kearney of "The Dank that this worthy couple took it upon them-1 "1 ays t.eats jou right," is having the uuiJK uuiiuiij(5 runioii mil biiniiiauui I Mid when c tuple ted will be us Due us I'onoa Leader: Mrs Mikesell, of Dakota City, is visiting with her sou, Y F-Mikesell. Tender Times: E J Smith, of Ho mer, was over to i'euder Hi returned to WalttiiU Mloan on the latter's uuto Wednesdav. with T L Sioux City Journal, !22ud: Mrs Dan Duggan and daughter, .Catherine Dug- gan, of Goodwin, Neb. have moved to -iiux City and will make their home at 1014 Summit avenue. .. .Eugene VV ordyke, proprietor of the Metropoli tan saloon, 705 Fourth street, hks sold his business ti John F Lessenicb, who will take possession October 1. Emerson Enterprise: A P Doran lias returned from Ids South Dakota trip. Geo Linafoltor, who acoorupa uied uim, bought a quarter section near Alpena. .. .Geo II Haase left 'Tuesday morning for Omaha. tie will transact business in Linooln and attend the atate bankers association iu Omaha.... Dr It E Kuhn died in Chamberlain, S D, on Friday last and bis funeral occurred in Lincoln, Nob, a Wednesday. Mr Koha had beeu iu poor health for several years. His aight partially failed two years ago ana recently lie had an operation per formed for some grow ih in his stom ach, tie was well known in Emerson and was a tireless worker. 11 is wife and fonr children live in Lincoln. selves to surprise them on this occa sion by inviting those who had knowu them aud associated vutli thra for years, to call duiiug the ntternoou mid spend a few' happy bonis logetiur. About teventy-tlve guests responded to the summons among t lie number being one who had attended the mar liage ceremony fifty years l f r in old Omadi, long since wiped off the map of Dakota county by the treach erous Missouri, this one being t.'urtis li liliven of Sioux City, who te.-ided iu this county until a Tew yeara uko. come handsome and coBtly preseutt were presented the bride and groom of half a century by their friends on hia occasion, among them being a set of Uaviland china trimmed wuh g.'ld band, besides some beautiful souvenir pieces of gold and silver table ware. llev D Marquette, oi Lincoln, a former M E partor of this place and a pai tiuu- Iar friend of the firmly made tho pre sentation n a very touching address, Out of town guests who were in at tendance at the festivities, were: 0 U Bliveif and wife, Thos Green and wife, Sioux City; Mrs Jos Clements, Morn- ingside, Iowa; Rev I) Marquette, University place, Nebr; L ISatea, Mrs Grace Miller, Palo Alto, Oil; Mi-is Jennie Tennant, Gordon, Nebr; Miss Francis ltathbun, LaO osse, Wash. After the usual greetings aud for malities incident to mii'h occasions weie over with, the gie-ds sat down to a biuntiful spread piepared. by the two daughters of the host and hostess, Mrs W O Eckhart and Mrs S A Ma son. Jn departing tun guests one and all wished them aa many more yeais of happy married life as they had en joyed in the past. any city bank Mary Barry left Thursday for Madi son, wis, to atteiiil ai'hool l no c. ming year. Lost and Found. Lost, between 9:30 p m, yesterday and noon io-dm, a bilioua attaek, wiih nuiihea aud sick headache. This loss was occasioned by finding at Leslie's drug ktore a box of Dr King's New Life L -.-'I 1 t t :i- r ju.in, Kuiiiniiit-rti vuru lor uiiiousncss, maljfia uud jaundice. 25o. NOTICE. All persons owing me past due notes, or book iircnmits of long standing, wi'l ple'iae settle same by October 1st. If not er t; led or paid by October 1st notes and accounts will be turned over to the Hubbard State bank, and the Hank of Dakota County fir collection, or satisfactory setlbtnent, with col lection fie added. Notes or accounts placed in i ilher lauk if not paid or settted by October 31st, 1907, ejiit will le begun nguiusl all delinquents. D C HfFFEHNAN, Hubbard, Neb. . ' Heal',h in, the Canal Zone. The high wages paid make ita mighty teinptatiou to our young artisans to j liu tiin foictt of skilled workmen need ed to couHtiui-t ' the Panama canal. Many ere reatrnined however by the fear of ftver and malaria. It i the knowing r nes thoce who have used Elei-triu Hitterswho go there withont this fear, well knowing they are safe from malarious infl iences with Electric Hitters on hand. Cnres blood poison oo, biliousness, weakness atid all stom ach, liver and kidney troubles. Guar anteed at Lehlie's d'tig store. 50c. Colorado Lands Until further, notice I can secure low excursion rates sdv dav of the Nettie Kidder, who gardnateri from week to Julesbnrir. Colo, to anyone. i. . .. - . i .i . . . " oi i aineiines acaoeuiv iu ine ciacs oi wisliini: to look ovi '07, is teaching hchool at Rockwell, In P E Keefe left Mond. y to resume his Btudirs at the Jefferson Medical college, Philadelphia, Pa. He was acn. imp mini by his si-ter. Margaret, who expects to spend a year visiting relitives in the east. MisL Lamb, who has been stating'"" Colorado lands, see or write . over Sedgwick county, Colorado lands. Or if you desire to cont nue your trip to Denver and Col orado Hpiiugs, I can get you excur-t-i'u r ites to said points for $19 50 ith 'stopover at Jjlesburg. Tickets gooil for three months. For further iutoimation about East- eer of Home Whs Hare Taken f'lnlms In Ih-Norlknnt. In the (trent Cnnndlnn northwest, where the erstwhile wlldernrs Is wav ing with Ridden grain nnd towns are sprliiKlng tip overnight, not n few wom en fin ve gone to seek their fortunes nlono, snys the New York Tribune. A hnnipstend grant of 100 acres Is free Htid any "hr-nd of n family," nmn or woinnn. may sonire It uiain npiilicntlou to i ne i :i iKi-i in ii government. Usually, , N of eoure, the iippllciint Is a mnn, liui K iK-cnsloinilly n woinnn essnys to nmke K her fortune on the prnlrh-s without liinsi'iilhic n 1:1. JIh Mn rlo ! Hi-ny of 8;is!;ntcli?vnn Is oi:e of the most fnmoiM woiiinn set; tli'ix of tho Wo-t. She put her hist y'lillbig Inlo a pniiile farm atid spent K;'7'ii yeni'h hi n h.'i iiil-to-lmnd ttilIe with forti-.i!!1, sitting on her own hlini- er, f-u t i I n if !:"! own grnlii, handling tho plow In t!i f u .vow mid dolus stable duty. In PI: li her holding e?.vited tho nilininitlo;) of a ymmg F.inrfishiiuin nnd Miss (Jllro.v Avas Induced to hamj over lock, stock and barrel to lihn for tho round sum of !1.-..(:(SI. To-day Miss OII roy Is touring Kttropc on tlie proceeds of her original Mrs. MctJIIvrify, who ranie to the Cu mldlan Vrt twenty years ago with six small children, Is another prominent woman fanner of Saskatchewan. Hfc gliinlng almost penniless, her 10 acres of homestead have now grown to an SCO-acre estate, nnd her children, are settled around her Iu 'comfort and af fluence. . Salome Wcrtmnn enme with her hus band nnd little family from Husslu nnd soon she, too, wns n wldoA-. She still kept on "trying to earn bread," ns she f.vs, nud sixteen years after her abso lutely penniless start she stands us one of the successful land owners of Sas kntehewnn. Mrs. Ferris is known ns the "woin nn farmer" of the I'ortnge plains. Left with n family of young children, she . has mnniiged her farm most success fully since the death of her husband. She comes from Belfast, Ireland, and when she arrived In Western Canada with her husband thirty-two years ago they had no capital at nil. She now lias nn estnte of 7(50 acres and her two sons are settled near at hand, ench the owner of a section nnd a half of land about 500 acres. Mrs. Grant has n -.beautiful farm ot the banks of the Canadian Klllarne.i In Southern Manitoba. Three year: ago she went there from Scotland wit! her son, a young inau Just out of col lege, nud her daughter. A year ago Just as they were preparing for sprlm seeding, the . son was stricken dowi with appendicitis, nnd In twenty-fou hours was dead. Filled with hatred fo the place, she decided to leave it, bu tthe morning after her daughfer cullc ' to her, "Mother, come here quick!" Sin. looked nnd saw that inen, tenros am plows quietly nnd without a word o explanation were beginning work on tlv farm. The neighbors had decided b put in the season's crop for the two be reaved women. They actually plowed, harrowed, seeded nnd reaped the entire crop. After thnt Mrs. Grant talked no more of going "home." Her farm by the shores of the Canadian Killarney was homo to her. ' Many women teachers, too, nre found on the Canadian prairies, but they never remuin long In the schools thougft they do not leave the prairies ... 1 We Have some Barg6ins in ehcr TEAM BJETS They are old style The price is also old style which is low $5.0 pair while they last STVRGES BROS 4l Pearl St., SIOUX CITY. tOWA Wm LOR.ENZ, Proprietor of Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand. Cath paid for hides. Ag-nt loi Seymour's White Laundry. Laundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays NEBRASKA r n rrBWl&' i at the uomn of Tbos nuiiivau, whs called to Sioux City Monday on ac count of tho illuess of her mice.. 1 It. rt Smith lost a horse Tuesday i ight by haniting i'self. Mrs O P Garvey aud little daughter, o' llartiugton, Neb, arrived Monday to spend .a f uw weeks with her folks here . The annual conference"! the priets of this diorese was held lure Wednes day, a number of priests bi ing present. A S Foler, one of the old and re- w T Baktlett, Jacksor. A Humane Appeal A humane citizen ' f IticLmond.Iod, Mr U D Williams, 1U7 West Main St, says: "I appeal to all persois with weak lungs to take Dr King's New Discovery he only remedy that has helped me and fully comes up to the proprietor's reconm endation.MJt saves more lives than all other threat aud lung remediea put together. Used ns a cough aud cold cure the vorld over Cures asthma, bnuehitis.cronp, u hoop A Man ot Mjrilerr. There Is nn unforgetable story of a gallant deed In a recent volume, "Sir Thomas Lawrence's Letter Bag." , There was a supreme moment durln; the Battle of Waterloo when the Duk of Wellington was left absolutely aloni every nlde-de-camp having gone Jil way, ench with his message. At thl moment a strnnger rode up to the duke ' "Cun 1 be of any use, sir?" he asked. The duke looked at him nn Instant, then unhesitatingly answered: "Yes, take this pencil note to thi commanding oflieer," pointing to a regl ment in the thick of the battle. The stranger took the note and gal loped away with it. lie delivered It, WTiI1cMRBR LL THE OTHER DA 1907-StPTEHBER-907 3UN.MONJTUE5.WED.TmJK FR1.I5AT. THE, 1907OCTOBER-W SUN.M0N.TUE3.WtP.THUgs FRI . 1 5AT. ESPECIALLY "I 9 X A R THESE rOOR 1 CJfgfi) TUC-SDAY NIGHT. OCT. 1. Grand rie.r.trical Pjrd- WtDNEJDAY NIGHT, OCT. 2. L&dies Float- Parade- THURSDAY AfTISHOON, OCT. 3. Coronation and Grand Ball FRIDAY NIGHT , OCT. 4. AK-5AR-BEN CARIUVAL DAYS soi-oted residents of this county, died iuK cogh, quinsy, hoarseneas, aud but what hM' ,,lui no man a nit uome near v i-ta, eepiemoer is, 1 1 School Notes. Mra Fettit and her sister, Misa Davis, visited the first primary room last Friday. The second and third grades had their first lesson in water colors Tues day. They took a much enjoyed tirld trip Friday afteroo n with thtir, teacher. Marie Ross and Eva Graham have been absent the first of the week on account of sickness , Harry Dirking bore evedience for a few days of liaviug tried to prove his ability to play base ball Mitia Davia visited Miss Itobe'ts room Friday evening Genevieve Stanard visited tho "high school Monday foreuoou. llichard Baugous has quit school, having decided to take a course of btfiLe a instruction III health has caused Tlmer Broy lull to give up his studies in the eighth grade, The new tiuoupa and wire holders at the pump ar appreciated very much by tue scholars Mr ratchen has shown hisingenuity by making a set of pulleys for pbjaics experiments from some window pul leys that have lain for several years iu a dark corner or tue basement. 1 ul leys obtained from a supply house that 11 ft m. Preaohing re equally aa useful are Hated at from 12 m Class Meeting t8 to $10. The money to be spent for 7:00 p m. Epworth League :00p m...... Preaohing TUCugOAl Soath Sioux City Record: Mrs Ed Hividge and little daughter re turned laeaday to their home at Summit, S D, after a two week's visit here with rdatives....Mr M B Nichols and daughter, Mabel, moved over Thurs day from Sioux City to spend the -winter iu the home of former's son, L O .Nichols.... Mrs Uartig, nee Lydi k r t i . , . . vrngni, was among tue bioux City oallera on this aide Moudav. air ant Mra Uartig expect to soon make their home in New lork City. ...The new home of Mrs R A Teter ia uearing completion and Dy the last of the auonth Mrs Tcter will again be a resi dent of South bioux City and her many friends will bo very glad to wel- comr her home.... Mrs Etta Kloxter enjoyed a, visit the latter part ot laat week from a niece, Mra Fliut, of Iirooklyn, Y . Airs Fliut, whose husbaud is a Methodist Episcopal cler gyman in Brooklyn, was formeily Mms Clara Yetter, of Morniugside. . . . Mr nud Mra 0 E Yates departed Tu.adav for Sheldon, Iu, where they expect to make their future home. They have lived in South Sioux City about eight years and leave a w ide circle of trieuds who wish them hapmuesa in their Lew home. 1007, after a lingering illutss. The deceased leaves a wife and sevei-.il children. The funeral was lit Id Fri day, internment bring iu the Pouca cemetery. The mission that -was conducted by the Jesuit Fathers here closed Monday. It was very successful and well at- teuded. The snrnions we e the finest hat were "ever heard here. Sunday evening the church was filled to the ntuiOHt, when the Papal blessing was given by one of tlns athers, who also gave an excellent sermon Real Estate Transfers AiiKiist Moeller to Alfred Clmlllle, east id ri el oi went ISA reel or lots 14 and IA mill emit Ml feet went lift feet of lot lu block HO, Dakota City, wU Anno Andrew K Juvkaon and wife to W K ilita-lke, e'i ni-S section l-?7-, wd . . . lum ,1 A Foyeaud wife to I.llllo A Adania, lot Sin mock It), deiitral Aildltlon to Mouth HlouxOlty, wd 100 Lucy K Rurnhaiiiand Win II Hall ami to rnira I'liinaiii, lorn . in, 11 anil 13 In liliM-k, H OriKlunl IM11U of Hiailh Slou. I'lty, wd Iim Mamie lan, I.lblile A Koiliei nnd John lain to II K anil I M Jewell, 114 nwL m,l4 k4 nil avlt aee tH; nf( Keo ' !fTi lol l In eo s- and lot 1 ami 1 In nee In ST7-U, wd liT'Hl Munile a,n to I M nnd II K Jewell. hiiuln 1 in-re of east 10 m-r' of He' 4 lie4 woUi li-,H-U'7-U, wd m W H Darker and wife to MlleaT Pierce ne?4 nel4 m" 4 we SM-au-0. wd First M E Church Hours of Service 8UKDAT 10 ft ni Sundav School 6 :00 pm Prayer Meeting jr.LiiF.u r, HUAreu, t'astor. rbone u umber pulleys will now be used to buy other apparatus. The supplies for penmanship, draw ing and water color work was received Wedueadsy. The shipment weighed phthisic, utops hemorrhages of the lungs and bauds them up. Guaranteed at Leslie' drug store. .0o and $100. Triil dottle freo. Klrat Pudllcatlon Kept 0 4w NOTICK OF INCUUPOUATION Of TUr DANK OK DAKOTA CITV. OF DAKOTA CITY, NKHHA8K A. Ut. The name of the corporation Is the Hank of Dakota I'lty. 2:id. The principal place of trniiMm'ttnit Hk dualncK oliall Im Hitkolr (Hty, Neliraxkn. Hi-il. The m-ne nil nature of the bUHlueaa to Ih transacted In commercial bnukliiK. till. The amount of capltol stot-k author l.ed In t.n.iMuio, to ! paid by a tranafer of the capital atocknf the Hank of Dakota City, 11 private tinnk, to I lie Hunk of lmltota'lty, iecorporiited ; said utock to be trniiHferred ft tho time of coinniunoemtjiit of bunlneitu jy the Hank of liakotu t'lty. lneorpornteil. nth. The lime of commencement nnd ter mination of the alMive uameil eorporallou Hhall be K-toiler I, 1W7, and July 1, ll7, re apeetlvely. llh. The hlRhOHt amount of Indebted iiciih or liability, except (tepoalta, to which the corporation IhbI any time to subject Itaelf la twii-thlrds of the amount of Us capital utock, 7th. The nrTalrx of the corporation nre to ho I'oniliictiMl by tho t'realdent, Vice-President and ('ashler. M. O. A TRIM, llAKSY II. APAIH, Incorporators. Klist I'll 1)1 lent Ion Kept HO 8w. NO I ICE. Notice of the Hearing of the Petition for the Appointment of Aeimmistrstor de bonis non, with th Wnl Annexed, Under the Will of William Stewart, Dccessed- To nil persons Interested In the estate of William Stewart, ileceavil : VI1c1v114, there Is on II le In the ottlce of the County Court of Dakota county, an luxti-unient piirportlnu to is- the last will anil testament of I In-late W illiam St. wart, of Mi i-ci-r county , I'eniisy vanla. ilccca-cil. and whereas, Kols-rt A. Mcwart. who was iiained eecutor In said will, has reslKiied as executor, ami for reasons of such restmia- tlon of executor of salil will Mary K (illmail 11111I Kva It. tillletle have II led thlr petition and herein pray to have Daniel T. tillinan named aduihilslrator with the will annexed In -Hid will; 1 have therefore appointed Saturday, the 1-Jth day oMH-tober. Itl7. at tloVhs-k III lh foreniHHi, at the county court I'imhii In said county, as the time nud place for hcaiiutr said oetlilon, ul which time you and all concerned may appear nud contest the peti tion of Mild npiHiiiituient. It Is further ordered that said petition If Ives notice loall persons Interested In said estate of the pendency of tills petition, nnd . 4 11 ii j . . 1 . the time ami place set lor heurlua 01 same paitmentof the following schedule for j i,y chusIhk u copy of this order to l pui- liOX rents, which goea into eff.Ct Oo- Hahed In the Dakota Doiintv Herald. a news. . , . , ,,, . . i-ii paper printed nud published Int-ald county, tuber 1, IVMJ7, ihla IS olUoiul and for lime weeks successively previous to must be adhered to. y set for the heartnic. ,, , . . Wi t,,ess whereof, I have hereunto set Hall lioxes, per quarter 1 .0 my bnnd nnd otllclul seal this IwlhUay of Lock iHixes, medium, per riuarter. .35o KepteiniMr. itr 7. .... five hundred pouLds and is tho largest ! Lock box- a, extra large, per quarter COo ' S(U. iHaiuty Judge. knows. 1 Tho iliiUr. nHvnva doclnred that to be one of the most gallant deeds that had ever come under his notice. It was done without prospect of acknowledge- . ., 1 !.!.... ,wl St ment or rewitru, uuu ucauti uucuuw Us accomplishment. It is Delicious line O J niiit M Antrim to M H .lordau, part 01 11C4 sw-4 see 11-1 -a, wu Kred Wallway and wife to 1 11 Ijiren. west M) feet of lot ft. In block 3. Kiulth's aildltlon to Homer, wd .'is The Touch That Heals ia the touch ot Bui-Jilen'a Arnica Salve. It's the happ est combination of Arnica dowers aud healing balsae a ever in pounded. No matter how old the sore or ulcer is, this salve will cure it. For l.nriia, scalds, cuts, wonuds or piles, it's an absolute euro. Guaranteed by Leslie, diuggiat. 25c. Poatoftice Box Kent Raised. Postmaster John II Ream has re ceived notice from the poatoflice de- old Time Flosarlnaca An act of the time of Queen Eliza beth ordained that vagrants were to be "stripped from the middle upward and whipped till the body Is bloody." Four pence each was the recognized charge made by the "whlpiuan" for every male and female vagrant who passed through his hands, but 011 speciul occasions this sum was exceeded. Says the constable's account of Great Staughton, Hunting donshire: "May, 10!)f. I'ald In chiirges taklngNttp a distracted woman, watch ing her and whipping her next day, 8 shillings li pence." After whipping peo ple according to the statute tho author ities sometimes gave them a letter rec ommending constables und others "to be as charitable as the law permits." . ..; itiintt'a Kye. It will probably be news to most pim ple to hf;ir that rudimentary truces of a third eye exist among all vert lirates, iui-luillug ami). Iu the human race the thisd eye forms part of the pineal gl.uid. a small mass ulmuc the sii'.e of it piM in almost t!)i very center of the brain. I'osallily, therefore, there was mure ir'ltial truth In the well known expre.-sl.ni, "the mind's eye." than Us originator dreamed of. en E: TM COFFE M.U.cs 1 1 1 lit Wblle. ".liuuiiy's got a Kivut sclieine to get out o' si-It ul on nice days." "How tloes he work ItV" "lie g ns nut an' waslK'N his fa-v tin fache:' f!iii:!;M '.;.' HI an' semis home." Philadelphia Inquirer.' r.!i In the rarl.ir. His wortls of luve di'lixlit her, She'a siu h a lovely lass. He niak;'s her life much ti i.htr r Ity turning doMii t lie 'gas. Philadelphia 1'resH. Fathers' who think they have the brightest child In the world should keep the thought to themselves. 1 25 cents per Pound Blende! and packed from carefully selected coffee by Harris Kilboxxrrae. No. 6 Front St. Homer, Neb ft What is Your Farm Worth? Do you know it would be worth a great deal more if you had it fully fenced with American fence? Kvery dollar put into this kind of improvement comes back double to i you. Think it over. All progressive farmers are fencing all their farm hog tight. They find it pays. It will pay you. Let us tell you what it will cost you lor the wire and the posts. We have both. Call and see them. Edwards& Bradford Lbf. Co S Hubbard, Nebraska. iihO. TIMLIN, biiaeer.