r 7i- V 1 ay Weed It i a:.: ycur doctor about the 4; 1 ' c:: i vozi of vour keeDinir Avers :rry Pectoral in the house. i re; Jy for colds, coughs, croup, !' ; cr.chitis. If he says It's all i.'jht, then get a bottle of it i; once. Why not show a t .iir. j urcsignt in sucn matters r S t i.auy ireaimenr, eariy cure. V pub U ah our formulas y Wt bsmsn alcohol from our modioinos . Alters 'f: x r ail hi ii Wo urro you to consult your dootor J a boy Is called dull and stupid, i : 'i .he whole trouble is due to a lazy v. We firmly believe your own doc r iiltsll vou that an occasional done i f A vcr's Pilln will do such boys a great f r.f j-ood. They keep the liver active. by tho J. O. Ayor Co., Lowtll, Msss. Bulletin To the East DailJ low rate ex cmsion tickets to Jamestown Exposition, eastern cities and resorts, northern Michigan, Cans--da uud New Euftlaud. TO the WeSt Attracte lo ex cursion rates to the Pacific Const, Yellowstone Park, Utah -Colorada, Big Horn Mountains, Black Bills. Big Horn Basin and Billings District Personally conducted,' cheap rate botneseekers excursions, first and third Tuesdays; we assist you in locating irrigated lands at the low, original price. Write D Clem Deaver, landseekera' informa tion bureau. One-Way Colonist Pates to the Coast aJ n September and October to California, Washington, Oregon, MontanaWyo ming. Big Born basin. f CALL OR WRITE FOR DETAILS. A J Kabbakeb, Ticket Agent bacota evrr, neb. Ii. W. Wakelev, G P A, Omaha, Neb 1)R. C H. MAXWELL, Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA CITY, ' NEBRASKA W. C. Eckh&rt Scientific Refractionist. v Spectacles and Eyeglasses ' Accurately Fitted. Cot saltation and Examination Free. Office at residence. '?TA CITf, NEBRASKA Great Relief During that trying period in which women so often suffer from nervousness, backache, sick headache, or other pains, there is nothing that can equal Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They stop the pains, soothe the nerves, and give to Women the relief so much desired. If taken on first indication of pain or misery, they will allay the irritable condition of the nerves, and save you further suffering. Those who use them xit regular intervals have ceas ed to dread these periods. They contain no harmful drugs, and leave no effect upon the heart or stomach if taken as directed. They give prompt relief. "I have been an Invalid for 9 years. I have neuralgia, rheuniatlm r.nd i-'iir. nround th he'ut. By vslnj IU'. Milea' Antl-l'.iln I'll'.a I am relieed of the pain, anil .-t Bleep rnd ret. I think had I known of the I'n in rills when I was first taken fiik, tr.ev would hove curr-d m. I re'-oniine'd them for periodic taln." 111:3. 1U:NUY FL'NX. E.'Xfcron.O. Dp. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills ar told by your druggist, who will guarantee that ths first packags will benefit. If it fails, he will retu.-n vour money. 2J (loses, ii cents. Never sold in bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind ZZfte Hercld for ct.ll tihe Ncwo lite Special Rate R R Time Table Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer LKAVE LEAVE DAKOTA CUT BIOVX CTTt 6:10 a m 7:00 a m 8:00 a m 9:00 a m 10:00 a m 12 m 1 :30 p m -2:ao p n 3:30 p id 4:30 p m 6:30 p ru 6:15 p m 7:00 pm. 9:30 p m t.enve Nloux City at 10:S" for Crystal tjke and meet Great Northi'rn train at Hon Hi fSHiux City, on return trip, c, st. p., M.a o. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol lowing time : fiOKTH BOUND. BOTJTH BOtlNO 5:52 pm Omaha :30 am 10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm 3:37 pm...T... Norfolk 8:20 am 9:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm 7:58 am Newcastle 10:00 am 2:08 pm ..6:08 pm SUNDAY T tUnS 8. 5:52 pm Omaha....... 7:35 am 37 Norfolk o:dZ C B ft Q WEST No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am 11 " Passenger, Omsba and Lincoln 12:47 pm EAST No. 86 Local Freight 2 ;15 pm . 10 Local Passenger. ...6:83pm Local Items Subscribe for The Herald $1 per year. Neva Best visited friends in Moville, Iowa, the jiast week. Judge It E Evans has been confined to his home most of this week. Bert Brasrleld is after the appoint ment as game warden for this locality , Don't forget Breun's coffee it is still in the lead. For sale at Van de Zedde's. Christine Blessing of Homer, is standing the week with Mrs Mary It McBeath. Mrs Joe McElhinney camn up from Lyons last evening for a visit at the D C Btiusou home. Dr C II Maxwell was confined to his heme several days the past week with stomach trouble. The Germans will hold a- Snnday school picnic at tbe Jackson lake park in Brushy Bend, August 26th. Lnlu Hirscli visited relatives here between trains Wednesday while en route from Pender to her heme at Homer. One of tbe cars on the Foye line jumped the track in South Sioux City Wednesday and delayed traffic for a f jw hours. . v For sale or rent The dwelling house of Mrs J C O Neill at Jackson, Neb. For particulars inquire at the postofliee at Jackson. "' The Bell Telephone company in stalled phones this week at Otto An derson's, Will Ostmeyer's, Henry Ley's and Dennis Finnerty's. Miss Ada Londroeh left last Thurs day for a ten days' visit at Bellevue, Neb, the guest of Miss Edna Fiudley. She will attend the Chautauqua while there. . Norman Oustin and wife are here from Massachusetts on a visit at the Alfred Seymour home. Mr Gustiu and Mr Seymour were boys together in Canada. If you intend to paint give us a call. We handle the Minnesota Linseed Oil Paint, sold subject to chemical analy sis. Guaranteed the best paint made. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. C H Whitney of Ilartington, demo cratic candidate for district judge of this district, was here a few days this week getting acquainted with the peo ple. He was chaperoned by Z M Baird . M O Ayres, C E Doolittle and Henry Kiumniede -went to Walthill Wednesday to see the the ball game between the crack Walthill team and the Homer Maroon. Homer was vic torious by a score of 7 to 1. Mrs A H Bliven, who has been here the past month from Corning, Calif, visiting relatives and old time friendH, went over to Salix, Iowa, last week to visit daughter. She expected to leave there today for her California Dome. A crowd of youDg people from tlii place renttd a cottage at Foje's park and spent tbe past week tutie. In tbe paity are Geo H Prahjrer and wife, Harrv Adair and wife, Pa'-lPizev, Mabel Cheney, and Alfred Pizev and wife, of Sioux City. (JLas ijougutry takes to Ins tew work as assistant in the E & B lum her yard here like a duck to water He relieved Arthur Larson, who has been the accommodating assistant tltere for the patt several months, and who was transferred to Doskins, Aeb Wm W Reninger wos down from Jackson last week and paid his respects to the Herald. Mr Beuniuger tiled on the republican ticket as a candidate for couutv assessor, the only aspirant for tlie flice from either party, and if we don t miss our gucBS he will bt tin next couuty assessor. A'lguft Mueller, piouiii-tor t tin- snlnoii lu tbls place, liltuii euiitv iu Judpre Eimera' court, M'ii"lay, t- wl ling llquoi on Sunday, ulv 11. unc was nueil f 1UU and cost. Hie com plaint was sworn out Ijy Fred Hughart, a former bartender, who a few weeks ago was discharged by Mr Motller. For the first month of the "special weighing of mails," which bepsn July 1st and lasts the reinaiuiug six months of 1907, tl.e postc flice at this place reports tue followiug amount of niai of different classes originating from the office for the month of July: Is class, 113 tt; 2nd ciass paid atprund rate, 206 Tti; 2nd class free in county, 372 us; 2nd class transient, 48 lbs 3rd class, 10 tbs; 4th clas, 10 ft penalty matter, 3t Its a total of 912 pounds of mail matter. In connection with tins it required 1913 pounds of equipment sacks and looks making a grand total of 28251 pounds, or averaga of IH) pounds a day. ou Cobs for sale at the Blenkiron ch vator, Dakota City, Neb. Subscribe for the Herald, the best ppT in the county. $1 a year. Joe Quintal went ti Elk Point, S D Thursday to work iu the harvest fields, Georgia Neibuhr is visiting at th Henry Neibuhr home in Pender thi week. Glen Armour returned Thursday from a two weeks' trip in western Ne braska. O, why do you eat old dry peanuts when you can ?et them fresh roasted every day at Van's. Vt and .Airs V V btinson were over Sunday visitors at the Evan Way home in Pigeon Creek precinct. John Dewitt went to Craie;, Nebr, uedriesdny to superintend the ship ment of a car of summer apples. Harry Hill and family returned to Allen Tuesday, after a coupleof weeks spent ia camp life at Crystal lake. Mrs Tbos C Baird, of Oraadi pre cinot, visited at the Mrs Libbie A Forces home north of town Saturday Jay Robertson came down from New castle Iridiiv last, having finished his job on the St James extension of the Omaha road. Mrs Olive Martz and Mrs Belle Mitchell, of St Paul, Minn, are spend iug the week at the home of Paul Kin- kid and wife. LM Leslie returned from Omaha Monday evening. Lorenzo Crounsn, of Omaha, an old friend of the family, accompanied him for a few days' visit. Uny yoar hardware, tinware, wire screen and stoves from SchrieVer Bros We guarantee Sioux City prices. We ulso repair tinware and gasoline stoves. Albert Priest, who fell from a hay stacker at the T W Gribble faim a couple of weeks ago, is getting along fine and is able to be out and around Borne. Craig Spencer arrived here Sunday from McDonald. Kane, for a slioit vis it at his old home, and to see his wife and baby who are spending a few weeks here. Harvey Fair, an o'd Dakota City boy, was here the past week superin tending the stringing of rew tel- ephoje wires from here to Sioux City and also to Newcastle. Tim O'Connor came in from the O'Connor cattle ranch at Chesterfield, Neb, Wednesday morning and took the noon trafu for Homer. He says the range cattle are looking fine. We have just received a car of that famous Diamond Lump Bootless west ern coal, tbe finest in the world for cooking purposes. Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co. George C Young, a well known con ductor on tbe Omaha road, was mar ried in Sioax City August 1st t Miss Cariie L Baldwin. Mr Young owns some fine farm property near Honey Creek, Iowa. If any of our subscribers desire the address changed on their Herald by reason of the establishment or changes made in the rural mutes, or for any other reason, just drop us a postal and tue change desired and it will be made. Mrs WP Warner and children went to Emerson Friday morning, and then in company with U S Marshal War ner, went tit the farm of Mis Jane Ward, between Wakefield and Emer son, wiiera they visited until Monday afternoon. Do you need your old roof repaired r a new roof? Remember we have the genuine l.ubberoid Hooting. Uou t accept a so called just as good, when you cun get the best for the s&me money. Give us a trial, we will please you H,l wards & Bradford Li umber company. What is the use to experiment Leu you can get the purest, cleanest and best of bread mode in Sioux City, nd baked to order for an de Zedde, who has handled it for the past thir teen years in this town and knows what good bread is, as he is an old baker himself, and knows when he as a good article. Fresh everyday, except Sunday. The tremendous growth of the live tock industry iu northwestern Iowa, uorteaxtern Nebraska, southeastern South Dakota and southern Minneso ta that has taken place in recent years ill b .'old to tbe world at the Inter- tate Live Stock Fair, Sfoux City, Iowh, September 7-14. The progres sive breedeis of this territory, now liavo the finest heids of cattle, horses, sheep and swine in the world, and the uterstate i air is the place where thev come to demonstrate this fact. Secre tary F L Wirick says that cot nuly will breeders from this great territory be represented in the show rings on a larger and better saale than ever, but there will be plenty of competition from outside. If you are a lover of good stock, if you are improving the grade of your herds, attend the Inter tate i air, meet tlie leading breeders and learn where the best is produced No section of the country is better adapted for the production of high lass stock than is the territory tribu tary to Sioux Citr, and no f jir is doing more to footer the live stock indiit-try than the Interstate Live Stock Fair. Remember the dates, September 7-14 "EueiySody Should Know" xMRi.il Urtvs, a prominent onnnesi mm of lilui'f, Mo, thut Buckleb'a Ai ilea sm.vh lh tue qt.lckest uud suiett enlu.g mlve ever applied to a sure, buru or woui:d, or to a case of piles I've used it and know what I'm tlk ing about. tauarantcea at Liei-Ue s drug store. 25c. Advertised Letters Remaining in the iotofllce at Dakota Neb, for the month ending July 31, 07 Chalet) Cluli. Mr. Htrocehlu Nlrolo Parties calling for the above please say "advertised. John 11. ItEAM, i'ostmaster. Lutheran Church Announcements, Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school at 10:00. - Preaching at Dakota City 8:00p m, C L 7:00, Sunday school 9 :45 a m, Mission Band at 8 :00 p m A cordial welcome to all. I i r.rr n:n .. . t m. ...Ml vuiuu rt r n ll. kc. v. A'... garet Boler Monday night. Ten Farms for Hale. Oood ones, sizes and kinds. Warner & Einiors liarney anlible was a visitor s Wakefield a few days the past week Have yon tried those fresh roastei' peanuts at Van's, hot from the roaster They are surely dandy. II A Monroe, manager of the E & B lumber yard at iiomer, w as Here rues Usy and Wednesday on business. Hattie Draper, of Niobrara, Neb, viMted at the Airs i.stucr Harden home the past week, returning home Tuesday. Mrs Eva L Orr and family moved in from Foye'a park Friday last, after spending a delightful week in a cot tage tberj. Have you tried the Saltanna and Tac-co brands of canned goods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of tbo pure food law. Geo Haase came down from Emer son precinct Saturday evening and billed the town for tbe big carnivnl which is being held in Emerson this week. All kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. Fields x Slai ohter Co. S E Mills, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. Yon will never be too late nor lone any time at the Unique theater, David son block, Sioux City continon enter tainnunt. Greatest moving pictures ever seen. Ladies and children eBptci ally invite!. CORRESPONDENCE HUBBARD. Dr Barr formerly of Hubbard, sur prised his many friends by dropping in unexpected Friday evening. The evenings are getting longer and you will need one of those tine nickel lump that Carl Anderson uai u stock. Minnie Bartels was a city visitor Friday. Freeman Rockwell and wife were passengers from here Saturday. For harvest time we have a big as sortment of dishes, china ware, tea nd coffee pots just the kiud you want. Carl Anderson. John Young -and wife went to N the city Saturday. The Hubbard hand tball team has organized again and cleaned up anoth- r ground for their games. They will soon be in shape to defeat any hand ball plavers in the county, with Carl Fredrickson manager. We have just received an invoice of shoes $1,000 worth including drees hoes, work shoes and high top shoes. Carl Andersou. Ed Vann, brother of Mrs John Howard, left for St Louis Thursday. The Hubbard ball team and thff I X L, of Sioux City, hud an interest ing game of ball here Sunday. The score was 2 to 4, in favor of oioux City, n the seventh inning the game was called on account of rain. 1 Bring us your farm produce, and get the highest market price. Carl Anderson. We are closing out our stock of straw huts, as we do not want to carry any of them over. Carl Anderson. Harry Wilsey has resigned his po sition as clerk at Carl Anderson a. Mike Timlin is clerking there at pns ent. Tom lilt ffernan and John Hogan went to Sioux City Friday to see the ball gama. Henry Cain got his hand badly bruiced on a car door Friday. Qute a number from here went to Dakota city Thursday to attend the convention. B F Sawyer, of Jackson, was iu town Friday. Harry Wilsey left for Pierre, S D, Tuesday. Mike Keunelly was over from Jack son Wednesday. DrWiitewasa br.hiness visitor to the city Wednesday. Jeff Rockwell is the busiest man in this preeiuct siuce he entered the race for sheriff. Four cans of standard corn for 25c at Carl Anderson's. Raymond and Harry Broyhill Were up m m jjttkota Uity this week at tue ISordyke home. Our ball team played the Bloom field earn at the Emerson carnival yester day. The Hubbard ball team won two games out of three on their trip last week. They lost to Allen 3 to 2, and won from Dixou 6 to 4, and from Wakefield 7 to 1. For Sale A Dowden potato digger, Schroder grain dump, Wonder grain grader, rakes, sweeps and stackers. D C Ueffernan. Mrs Mary Nordyke came over from Jackson Wednesday to visit her ton Art. The Crofton ball team will play the boys here Sunday. Carl Anderson a ill have a big sup ply of crab spples on sale Saturday. Mrs F auk Heeney was a Sioux City passenger Wednesday. v JACKSON. E'lwaid aud Beruaad Smyth, of Omaha, are visiting at ths John Bler home Iluttio Keunelly returned from St Toseph'k hospital last Saturday aud is as w H as could be expecidd Josie Davey ia vinitlng at the Jas LTeeuey home uear Nacora Mrs T U Jones left Friday to spend a week with her daughter, Mt I' J Boyle, at Kingsley, and also to get aocquainted with her new grand daughter, which arrived at their home the week before. Bom To Mr and Mrs Wm Sundt August 2, 7907, a son. Misses Mary and Katie ljuina are visiting friends in Sioux City since Monday. Harvest is now on, the weather the at, past week being very favorable I Many fields are in the stack. Th wheat and oats ill be an aversga jield throughout the county, Jack Riley wife and little Tuscon, Ariz, are visiting son, if relatives here. iu J Alnllally lias purchased an automobile, the first owned in town On Sunday, August 18, 1007, the Knights of Columbus and their fam ilies, of Sioux City, will picnic at Jackson. A special train willl leave Sioux City at 9 :30 a m. , airs lorn L U Connor and children also nephew Frank Uickey, left Wed nesday for Sheldon, Iowa, to visit Mrs O Connor s relatives there. 'Tlev D M Moriai tv, cf Benson, Neb, was calling on liev McCarthy, Wed nesday. Mrs Erick Peterson and little daughter returned Wednesday fiom a two weeks' visit with her brother and sisters at Canton, 8 D. Mrs j v U Weill, of bioux City, is visiting friends in town this week. Joseph MoDonough, whose home is iu Omaha and who is a telegraph operator in the Phillipinea, visited over Sunday with relatives here, he having just got home for a vacation Louis Demaray, of Sioux City, spent Sunday with bis parents, A Demaray and wife. Mr and Mrs McEwen, of West field. Iowa, spent Sunday with Mrs Mc Ewen's folks here. Mr McEwen re turned to Westfield Mouday morniug but Airs McLwen remained to spend a few weeks here. Michael Sullivan has sent in his res ignation as mail messenger from the postofllce to the Great Northern depot, to take effect withiu thirty days Mrs J A Hall and two children left Tuesday morning for Arden, Mo, to vieit Mr Hall and the two oldest boys who have been there the past year The hoys expert to return with Mrs iiall iu time to attend school here. Mrs Wm Renniog6r is eujoving a visit with her sister and husband. Mr and Mrs Larrabee, of Brainard, Minn. Mrs Laura Forbes has boucht the J A Hall cottntre in the east part of town and has moved inte it. One of her daughteia is staying with net. Mrs Lywrey, of Omaha, arrived here Tuesday to visit her little anghter Helen at St Catherine's ac- cademy. HOMER. Elsie and Lena Wilkins went up to their brother George's camp at Crystal lake Mor day for a few days outing. We wonld like to call the attention f the town board to the condition of the sidewalk west of Tom ' AUowav'i lley, which is entirely impassable, Iso the one west of Andrew Johns . Both ate used by school children, in fact ninety per ceut of the school children use the first named, and if it is muddy they must either go around by Walter Smith's and thence on to the other, which is dangerous, or wade in mud. x Mrs Joe Hughes and Bessie went to Randolph, Neb, July 30, to visit Frank Oaborn and wife, parents of Mrs Hughes, returning last Tuesday. Editor Bancroft was a Sioux City visitor Monday. Boys, when you take a girl home from church look out, your rival might be laying in wait somewhere along the way with a brick bat and he might fire it at you. Mrs Catherine O'Connor and ' Char lotte Kelly returned from Sioux City Wednesday. . . Miss Lula Ilirsch returned to this burg Wednesday. Garrett Mason was a Sioux City vis- iror the first of the week. Mrs Pitts and Maud Riehards, were visitors at Sioux City Tuesday. Mis Louis Smith and John Smith were Sioux City passengers Monday. Anna Diceen, of Morningside, who has been visiting Helen Rockwell, ac companied the Misses Wilkins to Crys tal lake Monday, Jaue Johnson is visiting her sister Louie Rockwell. Mrs John Church, daughter Carrie and Efilt) Bucklaud, departed the first of the week for a visit with Mrs Church's brother, Rev Boothe and family. Selh Barnes went to Omaha last Monday. He reports having looked at land with a view of purchasing. Mr aud Mrs Weede and daughter Helen and Mrs Weede's brother, Joe Fallon, of Omaha, who have been vis iting at the H P Barnes home, return ed to their home Saturduy, Lula Barnes accompsmiDg them. Mrs Alfred Harris and children, took in the ball game at Walthill. , Verda Pryer, of Omaha, isvisitirg lat the Seth Barnes home. Mrs Judd, of Sioux City, came over Saturday and visited over Sunday at the C J O'Conner home. Cule Lane and wife, of Walthill, were over Sunday visitors with J II Rockwell und family. Mrs Will Learner took the north bound train Friday and visited friends n clout h bioux City and Sioux City Mrs Geo Medkiff was on the sick list last week, beicg quite ill lor a time. Caleb Antrim and wife, of South Sioux City, have been visiting Grand ma Antrim. Caleb has sold out in South Sioux City aud is going to I IhIkj to locale. August wilkins and son ld were up to Dakota City Monday. Dr Barr and wife were here last week viiiting at the Antrim Ijouih. CHEAP KNOX COU.11Y LAND Wo have several farms in the bloom ft 'M vicinilv for sale fiora 3') to (50 ner acre. Ibif.uwkilkii & boiiLUt UloomnelU, feb Branch oflioe at Lmerson, Neb. Endorsed By the County, "The most popular rented v in Otsego couuty, and tue best friend of niy fatui lv. wriua Wni Dietz. editor and publisher of the Otsego Journal, Oil bertsville, X x, "is Dr King's JNew Discovery. It has proved to be an in fallible cure for coughs and colds, mrkinir shore work of the worst of them We always keep a bottle in the house I belive it to be the most valuable pre acription known for lnng and throat diseases." Guaranteed to never dis appoint the taker, at Leslie a drug store. Price 0O0 and $1.00. Trial bott.e fnee. I i am ii I I Pioneers and Old Settlers Meet August 29th. At Clinton Park, Dakota City, Nebraska. I St I I OFFICERS. Barney Gribble President. Jon Dineen Vice President. S. A. Combs Secretary. A. II. Baker Financial Secretary. Geo. T. Woods Treasurer. M. M. Warner Historian. officers of the day. ' II. C. Hansen Chief Marshal. Assistants Marshals Wm. Luther, J. M. Brannan, S. A. Brown, A. Ira Davis, Wm. Biermann, John Kramper, Geo E. Barnes. COMMITTEES. Kxeeutlve CJornld 1 Ml Ion. John ll!rMn!r. Fred Beer ninnn, John II. Myer, Win. Graham, Mike Ueoootu. Win. Wallwey, George Harm-R. Invitation W. It. Hon. Mnry Boler. Spenkern President Barney Orihhle, W. P. Warner, J. Elmers. Transportation R. R. Kvnns, M. O. Ares, J. J. Rimers. KearlHtrnr M rs.'H. P. Crozler, H. P. Oroiter, Marjr Bos ton, Blanche Hamilton, H. 1. Wood. ' Prlvllenes Barney Orihhle, Oeo. T. Woods. A. It. Baker. Amusement W. It. Ryan, President and Treasurer; M. O. Ayres, r. H. Maxwell, M. M. Ream. Rowland Orr, J. M. Rrannnn, Harry Kaidall, Henry Hooney, B.J. Leahy, Chas. MnvldKu. Uernld billon. Grounds Barney Gribble, 8. A. Rtlnson, Henry Krum wlede, J. N. Hamilton. 1. V. Mtlnson, Frank Broyhill, Geo. J. Boucher. A. H. Baker, H. P. I'rorler. Bert Wood, Richard Broyhill. Fred Bluine. W. L. Ross. 11. F. Kohlmeler, J.J. r: tillers. Kinniett Hllenmn, V. M. Gray, R. K. Evans, V. K. Uoollttle, 11. F. Mtrohm, Paul Plsey. Reoeptlon Don Hartnett, John Howard, Mrs. John . s Itouan, K. I.. Wilbur, Hnttle Knowlton, Mary Kramper, Kminett Grlhhle, Bessie Foreshoe, Ben Bonderson, John Hansen, Mrs. I. E. Hollnmn, M. K. Boler. T. H. Hill II van, O. H, Uoodfellow, John B. Myers, George Ashford, Nell rointw, Mike Beaeom, Kate 1 Human, Joe Twohla, Gwen Rockwell, Evan Way, Aaron I.lnnfelter, J. M. Plnokney, Kd Nash, Mrs. Thos. Green, John IHneen, Jerome H oil man, Ed Welmter, Mrs. Mark lionibs, Jen Wilbur, Mrs. John H lough, Mrs. W. J. Armour. Membership A. H. Baker, Nelll Davey, Ktta Bartlett, Nellie Heeney Inn Wllklni. Mrs. Lewis ArmhrlKht, Mrs. John Crltx. Jeff Rockwell, Mary Hartnett. MiiKKle Two his. Mrs. (Jora Miller. Boda-es J. M. Plnokney, Mrs. M. P. Orozler. -Memorial 8. A, Combs. John H. Ream. PROGRAM j 10:30 A. M. Muslo by Military Band. Prayer by C'hnplnln. Music, President's Address. Music. ' Annual Address. DINNER. l I I I I I I ask I I i i i i I I I - : jo P. M. ' Music. Memorial Report. Short Addresses by Pioneers and Prominent Visitors. , Music. - . . . Business Meeting and Election of Officers. Music Sports Races at the race track adjoining picnic grounds. Free-tor-all trot or puce, purse ., .140.00 County trot or pace, purse 85.00 Farmers trot or pace, (or horses owned and driven bv farmers, purse 15.00 Basohall games for purses, at the grounds lust east of Park. Dance at Court House Hall In the evening. I Meals will lie served Reduced rates on Wall IIitl Gdttlc LrOCXflG 1 Give "The Bank that ALWAYS treats 7011 ltlGHT a chance to make your cattle loan this year. Lowest interest possible, and your note will not come due nntil yonr cattle are sold. It is such liberal tieatment as the above, that has brought this bank a steadily increas ing number of customers. Call on ns, please, for anything in banking. Bank of Dakota County 1 1 P SN e loan on all Rood security. ! And always have money for Wm LOR.ENZ, Proprietor of City Met E3r!ke4 Fresh and Salt Meats always Agent for Beymout's White Laundry. Laundry basket goea Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY' 1 8 I I 1 I on the grounds. the railroads. GMve Airytlli5ini I I I I Jackson, Neb. Don't forget that. our customers. Ed. T. K. on hand. Cath paid for hides. f NEBRASKA. J