Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 21, 1907, Image 5

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    Fine Care
Fine Hair
It's fine care that makes f.ne
hair! Use Ayer's Hair Vigor,
new improved formula, sys
tematically, conscientiously,
and you will get results. We
know it stops falling hair, cures
dandruff, and is a most elegant
dressing. Entirely new. New
bottle. New contents.
Poet not change the eotorof the hair.
R R Time Table
Tormina wiiholi bottl
Bliow II to your
jtik him boot it.
thn do at h aaTB
C, St. P., M. A O. Tlme-Table.
Trains Uave Dakota City at the fol
io-ring time:
5:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am
10:00am Omaha ......D:l3pm
8 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am
9:01 am Norfolk 6.32 pm
J :58 aui Newcastle 10 :00 am
2:08 pm 6:08 pm
5:62 pm Omaha ....... 7 :30 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:32
No. 83 Local Froight 7:30 am
11 " Passenger, Omhha
and Lincoln 12:47 pm
86 Local Freight 2:15 pm
10 Local Passenger.... 6 :33pm
Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our
new improved formula, is the latest, most
scientific, and in every -way the very best
nair preparation ever praced upon the
market, t-or railing nair and aandruir i!
is the one great medicine.
Mad br tha t. O. AyarCo., Lowtll. JW-
rhyician and Surgeon.
Culls promptly attended
W. C. Eckhert
Scientific Refractionist.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses
Accurately r ltted.
Coi ultation and Examination Free.
Office at residence.
Local Items
The Herald for all the news:
Mike Kinnelly was here from Jackson
All the latest designs in wall paper
at L M Leslie's djug store.
Milford Neibnhr was here from Pen
der this. week visiting relatives.
Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al
sizes and kinds. Warner & Elmers.
John Smith, of Hubbard precinct,
. . i ri' i
was a business visitor uere iuursuay.
S A Heikes has moved his family
from Sioux City to his farm southwest
of town.
Don't forget Breun's coffee it is
still in the lead. For sale at an de
Postmaster L Kryger, of South
Sioux City, was in town Tuesday, call
ing on friends.
Mads Hansen, of Emerson, was in
town Wednesday, and remembered the
Herald while here.
A house for rent inquire at this
. A babv Bill was born to H F Kohl
meier and wife Saturday.
A pair of shoes from 50c, 75o to f 1
while they lust. D C Stinson.
Allow Ilsaer came over from Sioux
City Sunday to Tisit his mother.
Subscribe for the Herald, the best
paptr in the county. $1 a year.
Mrs John Reische, of Lyons, is vis
iting atahe H F Kohlmeier home.
Walt nileman went to Winnebago
thin week to ply bis trade of paiuting,
The ceremony of instalation will be
held by the Masonic lodge .Saturday
Several new stone crossings were
laid this week by Street Commissioner
Sweet potato plants for sale, in any
quantity desired. esley Aicl'nersou,
Dakota City, Neb.
Anna Mullen, of South Sioux City,
spent several days with Lizzie Van de
Zedde, this week.
O, why do you eat old dry peanuts
when you can set them fresh roasted
every day at Van's.
Miss Bertha Hunter, of Wakefield,
was an over Sunday guest at the home
of Rev E E Shafer.
Margaret and Oraham Warner fin
ished their school work at Omaha and
returned home Friday.
Oliver York and Nora Dougherty, of
South Sioux City, were married in
Sioux City Saturday. v
Lulu Barnes, Helen Bolster aud
Lulu Hirsch, of Homer, were over
Sunday guests of Nova Bet.
A class of eight young ladies gradu
ated from St Catherine's academy at
Jackson, Thursday evening.
Mollie Wiseman returned Monday
from a visit at Waterbury, Her sister,
Mrs Will Woods, accompanied her
, iBpipi
home, order yonr wall
Leslie a drug etoie.
John Kreader, deputy revenue col
lector for this district, was here from
Fremont, Wednesday.
Mary and Charles Maxwell spent
the day at the Mrs Thos Ashford home
near Homer, Monday.
Have you tried those fresh roasted
peanuts at Van's, hot from the roaster?
They are surely dandy. t
For sale Fine bay work team,
weight 2350, ten years old. John W
Mellon, miles north of Vista.
Charley Maxwell returned home
33,000 acres Government irri- Saturday from Chicago, where he is
attending Rush medical college.
Mrs John W Hazelgrove expects to
leave today for Phoenix, N D, to spend
the summer with her children tuere.
The social dozen club of Sioux City
spent the day Tuesday at the George
Miller heme in the Salem neighborhood.
Grace Wilbur attended a fishing
wi,n nt nrin nnner vour party at Jackson lake Saturday. The
,i ueu o-" J " I I I" - , ,
paper at L M party was composed mostly of Ponca
Opening of Huntly Lands
gated land near Bililngs, Mon-
tana, opened by lottery system
June 26; cheap excursion rates
to register for these rich irri
t gated lands. Fine prizes yet
offered by the Government.
t Cost approximately odd an
acre.fdivided into ten yearly
i payments. Get details.
To Pacific Coast
f -'Specially low round trip Cali
fornia rates June Sth to 15th;
Tune 22nd to Tuly 5th. Also
to Portland, Seattle and Spo
g kane June 20th to July 12th
Daily low rate Coast tours
commencing June 1st. Slight-,
ly higher via Shasta route
Good Chances Eastward
Daily low Jamestown Exposi
tion rates with side trips avail-
abfe for New York, Philadel
phia, Boston, Atlantic coast
resorts. Also July 3rd to 6th
I very cheap to Saratoga with
side trips to New York,, also
July 11 to 13th to Philadel
Big Horn Basin
We run personally conducted
A number of ladies from town and
vicinity went to Wakefield Thursday
to help Mrs Hariet Walden celebrate
ber birthday.
Have you tried the Snltanna and
Tao-co brands of canned goods? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the test of the pure food law.
A good many are wondering why
John F Sides furniBbrd an extra plank
to put in the crossing between bis
place and the "business part of town."
Buy voar hardware, tinware, wire
screen and stoves from Schriever Bros.
We guarantee Sioux City prices. We
also repair tinware and gasoline stoves.
Helen Orr returned home from
tioux rails, U, r riaay evening.
Sbe is a stuJent at All Saints acade-
there and will spend her vacation at
The bloomer girls arrived last night
and are ready for the fray this after
noon. Come out and see tne girls
play ball.
We have a good fivevroom house,
centrally located, one block from street
car line, eood water, some fruit, for
sale or rent. Call at The Herald Office.
Sumner Neibuhr is over from Aure-
lia. Iowa, this week visiting at the
home of his parents. He left for Lake
Okoboji, Iowa, where he will work in
a barber ("hop. t
Miss Lue Hirsch left Tuesday in
company with J P Twohig and family
for Texas . She will act as bookkeep
er lor JUr l wouig wuo ib manager
of a big fruit farm.
If you intend to paint give us a call.
We handle the Minnesota Linseed Oil
Paint, sold subject to chemical analy
sis. Guaranteed the best paint made.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
Mrs It G Harvey left the Samaritan
hospital in Sioux City last Friday aud
is now at the tome of her parents,
Win Orr and wife. She recently un
derwent an operation for appendicitis.
A good sized crowd was in attend
ance at the dance given by the Dakota
City band boys last Friday eveniug.
The band netted a neat sum for their
treasury .
There will be no services at the
Salem German Lutheran church Sun
day owing to the absence of Rev
Koolen, the pastor. Services will be
held June 30th.
Bead the advertisement of W T
Bartlett in the display columns of this
issue, ol tne opeuing lor sale oi tne
famous Spring Lake Banch in the
Texas Panhandle.
Perry Learner's friends and neigh
bors tendered him a surprise Tuesday
evening, it being his 73rd birthday.
A handsome Morns chair was present
ed him as a token of remembrance.
P Petersen, of Lyons, came up
homeseekers' excursions June Tutsday to spend a week with the bass
at Crvhtal lake. Mr Peterson was
1111 lUlU lOlll, cuiuuuvi. J
' I 1. 1 . . . 1 .. i. .1 si.nf4 Mia ciinrt ct1
exhileratinK that he decided to try it
of D. Clem Deaver. General
Acent Landseekers' Informa
Bureau. Round trip $20.
A J Karraker, - Ticket Agent
L. W. Wakelet, G P A, Omaha, Neb
The Dakota City ball team would
like to meet the Walthill boys on the
diumond at this place, but probably
will be disappointed, as no team has
been able yet to induce the Walthills
to leave their own hill for a gitne.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale ut reasonable prices.
Fields & Slacohtee Co.
8 E Mills, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
Adolph Bartels, one of Dakota
county's prosperous young farmers,
waH married on Wednesday of last
wn-k to Mattie Boost, daughter of Will
Boost and wife of Newcastle. The
of wedding took place a, the home of
11 Wy-K
5& ff.
Elmer Shook and Laura
Homer, Neb, were married at the M E Louis Boost aud wife of Brushy Bend.
parsonage, The O B & O is r.uttinff in a loading
truck at tbe old sand pit about a mile
and a half south of town. luis was
promised the farmers in that vicinity
when the right-of-way was granted
couple of years aRO, and when com
i ile ted will be quite a convenience to
Airs. Mary D. Male. One of the Pio
neers of Dakota County, Passed
Away June lath.
llomrr Krre tnM.
Mtiy D Wright was born in the state
of New York. May 3, 1827, and died
June 12, 1907, at the home of her aoc
Frank, four miles north af Homer, at
the sue of 80 years, 1 month and 12
Hlie moved from ber native state to
Wisconsin with her parents when a
girl. At the age of twenty-two years
she was married to Stephen G Hale,
to which union cigut children were
born, of which number five are living .
They moved to Nebraska in 1859,
where she resided until her death.
The surviving children are: Chaa
C, Bowley D, Frank M, George
and Ernest A Hale. Her only sister,
Mra John Trvon of Bancroft, attended
the funeral, being accompanied by her
She joined the M E chvrck on pro
bation February 6, 1898, while Bev M
H Booth was pastor, was baptised by
Bev F M Clark on September 1, 1900;
was never received into full connection
with that church, prefering to be asso
cuted with the Assembly church.
The funeral services were held from
tbe M church, Bev J D Christie,
pastor of the Assembly church, preach-
inn the sermon, assisted by Bev F
Green, who read tbe scripture, and 1
Bov E H Combs, who offered prayer.
The text was Job 14: 14. it a man
die shall he live again? , All the days
of my appointed time will I wait till
my change come.
The niunio was in charge of Tilden
Harris. The songs sung were: "Jesus
Lover of My Soul,? "Bock of Ages,
snd a male quartet sang "Some Sweet
The pall bearers were: u u nock-
well, J H Bockwell, Andrew Davis,
Chas D Bristol, ChaS Skid more and
Thos Baird. Interment was had in
Grove cemetery.
Deceased had been in very poor
health for the past seven years, during
which time she was tenderly cared for
by her children, and her last days
were made as comfortable as possible.
Colorado as DrDC Stinson Sees It.
Otis, Colorado, June 17, 1907.
Editor Herald:
Since leaving Dakota City a couple
of weeks ago I have been in aud
around this plaoe.
Otis is in ashington cor.nty and
is 125 miles east of Denver and is
about 60 miles west of the southwest
corner of Nebraska. I came here to
see the conntry and after being bare a
few days I found my health was much
improved, and then decided to remain
for a time at least.
I think the pure, soft water found
in the wells here has as much to do
with my improvement as the climate.
The weather has been mild and pleas
ant and I can be out every day. It
has rained four or five times lately,
but came only in showers and the
roads would be good in an hour or
two afterwards.
The crops here look fully as good as
in Nebraska and one good shower will
insure a very good crop of winter
wheat, and maoarona wheat sown this
spring is now over knee high and will
mature wituor.t rain, it is said.
The progressive farmers are adopt
ing the Campbell system of farming
and they find they can raise a crop
with more certainty than formerly.
I was out with a land man who lo
cated some homesteads one day and
saw some very nioe government land
only 16 miles southwest of this place.
I thought this land would be more
suitable for weakly people -to make a
home than the more rugged atmos
phere of North and South Dakota.
People with liver and kidney dis
eases and rhuematism, would be bene
fited here. I have met several men
who came here with weak lungs and
catarrh v ho claim they have been en
tirely cured.
The people here are mostly from
Iowa and Missouri with a few from
each of tha northern states.
There are two churches in town.
Congregational and Presbyterian.
There is a two story school house
but not enough students to fill it.
All talk as if this oounty is filling up
more rapidly than for a number of
ytars before.
I am too much a stranger to Bay
much from my own knowledge yet,
but Km hoping that my health will
continue to improve, and that I can
say a good word for tlu country from
personal experience.
I notice that it is cool at night Ana
I cu sleep good, even if the thnrmo
tor is 90 degrees in the fihade during
the day.
As ever, yours truly,
D D O Stinson.
noon, -June 14, isu, vj ajt
Shafer. They were atcompauied by
Nettie and John Cain.
Thaok Markv
Anrnre i...n- k-i M : -y,N ii nifo
r;. ..-u ..t.-.i.rt. trot In! Ir .u
'lf.ii-.4ritilr ' -.li.i.'Hlr.l. fNji: uiil'iniilf
.... t ..... i.M. t f n.v Wf -.i-liS. ' !ialtir.
Um lr riusl rmvi fin
!Wl,J! ft HP 351S Wwr,
I tffvt ClTw
iwwatj'fl.!l THlWrMftilurH.
m u
hew inrn
htnuum I).
Pat C. No 42399
Sired by Chilton, by Dunton
Wilkes, bv George Wilkes. Dam
Minnie V, by Byerly Abdallah,
by Mambrino Patchen.
This colt is bred right, good
size and a good individual, and
will serve a few mares at
SI 5.00 to insure ' mare in foal.
Service fee becomes due when
mare is known to be in foal.
Dakota City,
Henrv F Kohlmeier received a tele
gram Wednesday morning from Jerico
Springs, Mo, stating that his mother,
Mrs C Kohlmeier. had died after a
linceriner illness of several mouths.
She was in her DUi year.
Lena Sunt, daughter of Mr and Mrs
Fred Duensincr. wus operated on at
St Joseph's hospital, Sioux City, Mon
day, for kidnev trouble and other
complications. Miss Suut U a trained
nurse at the hospital where the opera
tion was performed.
Wilhelm Wilke and Mrs ANilhelrni
na Viiue. uom oi jiuerson lirauiuci,
mid among the wealthy and pro.uiucnt
people of that .octility, were joined in
marriage in Hionx i;ity eaut'siiaj
Mr Wilke is a coumib of Mrs Wilke's
fii-Ht hut-band. who died adveral years
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Dakota City, June 11. 1907
The board of oounty commissioners
met as a board of equalization, mem
bers present. Thomas C Baird, chair
man. Ed Morgan, John Sierk, II O
Dorn and W L Boss, county clerk.
On reouest and application of the
Combination Bridge company the vain
atioa of said bridse is fixed for the
year 1907 at $235,000.00, assessed val
nation $47,000.00.
June 12,1907 Board of oounty com
missioners met as a board of ejualiza
tion. all members present.
On request and application of the
Sioux Citv Bridee company and in
consideration of the agreement of said
company to pay without protest or ob
jeotion all state, county, school die
tnct and village tax as levied and as
sensed against the bridge of said com
pany, the valuation of said bridge is
fixed as follows for the year 1907
East ninety feet of the west approach
of said bridge, $160,000.00, assed
valuation $30,000.00. All that part
of said bridge in Dakota county, Neb,
and the approach to said bridge less
the east 90 feet thereof, $300,000.00
assessed valuation, $60,000.
June 13, ?907 Board of oounty
commissioners met as a board of equal
ization, all members preseet. Now on
this 13th day of June, 1907, the board
of county commissioners of Dakota
county, Neb, being in session as a
board of equalization, and all mem
bers of said hoard being present and
acting, the said board finds that the
assessments as returned by the asses
sors of the several precincts bear just
and equal relation to each other and it
being the last day of said session and
all matters relating to the equaliza
tion of proparty having been disposed
of, tbe board of county commissioners
adjourn as a board of equalization
until the state board of equalization
have reported to tbe connty zlerk
when, on August 3, 1907, they will
meet at an adjourned term to fix the
levies for 1907.
W L Ross, County Clerk.
Dakota City, Neb, June 17, 1907.
Board of eonnty commissioners met
in regular session, all members present.
Clerk ordernd to write warrant
Catherine O'Connor, tor $120.00
road district No 1.
Claim of C A Young fer $50.00
J W DeForrest allowed $25.00
road district No 3 .
Claims allowed : "'
8t Joneph'i Mercy ho.ippltat, care of
John Martin , I M 00
Fred Hlume, poataice etc.... H SO
HPOrozler. BiM'Rior .Y.... 1 U)
Thorvland B Rlese painting court
house roof 80 0
Phllo McAfee, anH'Hor AH Al
NebOlnrk AutTelOo, phone rent.... A 00
H O Doran, assosnor 451 TA
Harry H Adnlr, attendtnir court 10 00
nainoK FUND.
Gnome GeoKorien, brldgo work i 00
Henry (lull), same IN on
Louis Peduren, saino 4-2 HS
Herman Nelson, same IV 00
J O Smith, same IIS 80
Robert Blunie, same 11 00
Board adjourned to July 20, 1907.
W L Boss, Clerk.
Grand Land Opening!
In the Texas Panhandle Country
Commencing July 2nd and continuing on the first and
third Tuesdays during July and August, I will conduct
Homeseekers Excursions to the Texas Panhandle country
where . the famous Spring Lake Ranch, anv exception
allay fertile body of land comprising 200,000 acres in one tract
in Castro and Lamb counties in the Texas Panhandle, will be
put on the market for sale for the first time. This tract of
land is part of the Farwcll estate, the land having been received '
by the late John V. Farwell of Chicago from the State of Texas
in return for money advanced for. the building of the Texas state
capitol. This body of land has recently been bought by the
Geo. G. Wright Co. of Kansas City, the largest and best known
real estate dealers in the southwest, who now for the first
time arc putting it on the market to purchasers, in any quan
tity, and on such low and easy terms as will insure its quick
sale and an exceptionally profitable investment.
$4.00 per acre down, balance ten years at 0.
Three new railroads are now in course of construction thro
this tract of land and the new town of Spring Lake has just
been started at the junction of two of these roads, which is des
tined to be the metropolis of the Texas Panhandle country.
I have secured the agency for Northeast Nebraska for the
sale of this tract of land am in on the ground floor and in a
position to give my customers an inside deal. The company in
tends to sell every acre of this land within the next sixty days,"
and it is confidently expected that before the tract is sold en
tirely out prices will have advanced to double what they started
at the opening sale. ,
Anyone desiring to investigate the special and grand oppor
tunity for profitable investment at this land openitj can come
with me on any of these dates at the special low rate of
$25.40 for the round trip from Sioux City to Friona, Texas.
The train leaves Sioux Citv at - 0:55 Tuesday evening.
Leaves Kansas City the following morning in the Wright Spe
cial Pullman train, arriving at destination the following morning.
Returning, leave Friona Saturday evening, getting to Sioux
City Monday morning. Homeseekers provided with sleeping
berths and meals on train. Land shown in automobiles.
This is positively the best proposition for land investment
in the bouthwest today. Purchasers now will surely double
their investment before fall. Get in on the ground floor; come,
with me on this excursion, and if it looks well to you secure a
piece of this land near the new town . of Spring Lake, and you
will have $50 per acre land before two years.
Land located in the shallow water district obtained in
abundance, or from 15 to 50 feet..
For further information call on or write
W. T. Bartlott,
General Agent. . -Jackson, leb.
Paris Green.
Will compete with Bioux City prices.
L M Lkslie, Druggist,
Dakota City, Neb.
The Tortoise Won the Race .
in the fable not by spurts of speed, but by steadily plugging j along,
The successful saver is the one who steadily saves small sums.
Oet one of our GOOD savings banks, save regularly and success must
be yours.
Remarkable Rescue.
That truth is stranger than fiction,
has once more been demonstrated in
the little town of Fedora, Tenn, the
residence of 0 V Pepper. He writes:
"I was in bed, entirely disabled with
hemorrhages of the lungs and throat.
Doctors failed to help me, and all hope
had fled when I began taking Dr
King's New Disoovery. Then instant
relief came. The coughing soon ceased ;
the bleeding diminished rapidly, aud in
three weeks I was able to go to work."
Guaranteed cure for coughs and colds.
oOo and tl 00 at Leslie's drug store.
Trial bottle free.
Subscribe for The lltRAi.D $1 per
First M E Church Hours of Service
10 a tu. Sunday School
11 a m Preaching
12 m Class Meeting
7 :00 p m Epworth League
8:00 p m Preaching
8:00pm Prayer Meeting HA K ( ) A C Y
Phone number S3.
An election for the purpose of elect-
iu a one lay delegate, and one reserve
delegate, to the lay electoral confer-1
ence, to be held at Omaha, next Oc
tober, will be held in the class room
of the Methodist church in Dakota
Your savings with us, earn four per cent interest. We invite
small savings accounts as well as large.
Our record, Less than $50.00 losses in the first 21 years of bank
ing, shows the "know how." Yonr money will bo ready for you when
needed .
' Bank of Dakota County
"The Bank that always treats joubight", Jackson, Neb,
Proprietor of
City Klcst E3sr!ket
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Cach paid for hides. .
Agent for Seymour's White Laundry.
Luundry basket goes Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays
Paris Green.
We will compete with any price
made in Sioux City on any amount of
Paris Green. Call aud see me before citv. on Saturday afternoon, June 22,
Low R, eites tK. g&
buying. L M Leslie.
Do vou need vour old roof repaired
or a new rioi.' lveaienitior we nave iuh
L'cnuine P.ubberoid Pooflug. Don t
accept ji so called just as good, wuen
vou cau get me uest inr iuo same
monev. (live us a triul, we will please
vou EJwaids & liradford Lumber
The healing in the McNamara di
vorce suit which was held in the dis
trict couit here before Judge
The papers throughout tbe state have
commenced running announcements
for parties desiious of being candi
dates for cilice. Tbe new primary law
pussed by the last legislature puts a
new wrinkle in tne mode of get
ting your name on the election bal
lot. If the people who attend the pri
mary do nut know that yon ere a can
didate for oflicH, the chanceB are that
you won't be iu it.
Colorado Lands
Until further notice 1 can secure
low excursion rates any day of the
ock to JnleBburg, Colo, to any one
witthiug to look over Sedgwick county,
t'olorado lands. Or if you clehire to
cont nne yonr trip to Deliver and Col
orado Spriugs, I run get you exenr
rfun rates to said pnuUs fur fll'.uO
with stopover at J .ilcsburg. Tickets
good for three mouths.
t or further information about I'.ast
eru Colorado lands, see or write
W T Uahtlktt,
Jackson, Nebr
Graves lust Friduy, to decide the ques
tion of temporary alimony, rehulted in
Mrs McNumara being granted (200 in
rive days aud $'200 the first of
month until the divorce CBSS is
Na iraska. ' in the district court.
The Magic No a
Number three is a wonderful mascot
for Gon II Parris, of Cedrr Grove, Me,
according to a letter which reads:
"After suffering much with liver and
from three to four o'clock. All lay
members of the Dakota City and Grace
Methodist Episcopal churches, over
twenty-onH years of age, are eligible
to vote. L,lmer t, Shafer. 1'astor.
Oil! mnnn for Buln ut tlm Ilerald
kidney trouble, aud becoming greatly 0flioe5 cent8 per hundred
uiBC-ouraK&'i uy viio luiture iu imu 10-
lief, I tried F.lectrio Ditters, aud as a
result I am a well man today. The
first bottle relieved aud three bottles
completed the cure." Guaranteed best
on earth forstonih, liver and kidney
Jar!st Qreerti
TKrouirh Tourist Cch-rs Davtly St. P
Minneapolis to Paclf to Coavst Points
A Fortunate Texan.
Mr E W Goodlo, of 107 St Louis
St, Dallas, Tex, says : "Iu the pant year
I have become acquainted with Dr
King's New Life Pills, and no laxative
I ever beford tried so t ffcctuullv dis-
each I poses of malaria and biliotisn-su.''They
tried I don't grind nor gripe. 25c at Leslie's
drug store.
troubles, by Leslie, the druggist &0o.
Real Estate 1 -ansfers-
Win l.-yliy hikI wife toAmlrew Lett
hy, nS n lt HBi-tliin 7, w l 3'mi
J (' lllKiikln.il mill wlfi- In Alfn il Hal-
inn inti-rvHt in lot n in . uciioii zi-
'.m, ucd i 1
Jolin l Colvln and lf to llnrry W
t'o vln. lots II ami i 111 liloclc ID, 'n-
truS South hloux Clly,(icd...l
It K k'uhri uii.l wlfn to J J MWlirtliT
ii'a !' mid t-'axw1 hi tlon if7'.'7-l il 3Ml
Mnry A Mnrcli to Uhiii- Fonts'. II 111
block 4 in lwliiiil Dial of Koutli (Sioux
rttv, wd X GO
Hurry W Col vln anil wife to Kimk
'1 nlx-r. lotH a and 4 In lilock M, Ci-ii' ral
South hloux City. wl .) ...
lli-rinaii I'oinri-hn to W I llroylilll,
in ', anil m'
U-27-H, wd . .
Lutheran Church AnnouncemeAta
i'reaclnng Sunany mormug at ba
Km at 11:60 o'clock, Sunday school
at 10 :00.
Preaching at Dakota City at 3 .10
o'clock p in ; Sunday school at 9 :15
iu ; 0 E at t$ :3U p in
A cordial welcome to all.
Will Compete with
Sioux City Trices.
L. M. LESLIE, Druggist,
Dakota City. ... Nel raska.
4 Round
JlJ Trip
ll North'
3t WMt
Round Trip Excursion tickets will be on sale daily
June 20th to July 12th to Portland, Seattle. Taco-
ma, Everett, Bellingham, Vancouver and Victoria. N
ltetnrn limit September 15, 1907. 8topovers per- Tfr
mitted enroute, west of St. Paul.
$ WortK-Wcstcrn
xi 1 avncl
Very Low Pound Trip Tickets will be on sale June )fe
12 to Sept. 15 to many points in Idaho, Montana, Or- j
egon, Washington, British Columbia and Alberta.
Tickets are Eoud for return until October 31, 1907. 1
Stopovers permitted enroute, west of St Paul.
Low Ratssi
KILLthe cough
and CURE the LUNCS
Round Tiip Excursion tickets will be on sale
daily, June 10th to September '80th, to many jK,
points in Northern Wistonkin. Final return
Wisconsin limit October 31, 1907.
If you contemplate a trip no matter where
other lnfom ation cull on or addiess
-for rates aud
n-hn to W i llroylilll, rJ
i and uw't iiwf tt i-lliVi
. Tl-'IO
w sa a avi euAl rc
5S Div. Pash'r Agt, Omahc, Neb.
Agt, Dakota City, Neb.
0U0H3 ar.d
BOc M1.C0
Fres Trial.
bunat and Uuichecc Oai J lor all
lXti, cr HONEY BACK.
We have plenty of Money to Loan at a low
rate oi interest on Dakota oounty Farms. We
iso Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kintla
.a . m . . .. li . T 41 1
ou eartu . bee or write us ueiore you uorrow, iuy or oeii.
property with us
us to Sell. I
. L i nu i a m rtn
KamcraEiiiifrs l MhlYI LMIlLJo