To Remove the Trmpliillni. "It is eny to scs whnt nil you. Fer guson," said hi family physiclnti, sftpr s briof examination. "Yon nrp smoking too ninny ricnr. You will Imve to quit tlie habit cntin-l.Vi or on will be a nerv ous wnck." "I'll do it. doctor." snid Mr. Frriru son, "nllhoiiph thnt romps pretty tonsil. I have jtiHt In id in a box of isrOotos. Ia there anything p!kp jou want tue to do?" "Yps. Eat plr-nty o( nourishing food and spend as unch time as pomsiblp In the open air. lly tlio way, Ferguson, there Is no rpason why those cigar should go to' waste. You tuny send them to me." Chicago Tribune. Modernised Version.' "Faugh 1 I wish you wouldn't run that comb through my mustache !" "Sir, you are the first ninn In 10,000 Customer that has objected to a that comb." Mica Axle Grease Best lubricant for axlea In the world long wearing and very ad besive. Makes a heavy load draw lite a light one. Saves half the wear on wagon and team, and increase, the earning capacity of your outfit. Ask yocr dealer for Jlica Axil Gnat. STANDARD OIL CO. The Handy Doctor in Vour Vest Pocket BTS a thin, round-cornered little Enamel Box When carried In your vest pocket It means Health-Insurant. It contains Six Candy Tablets of pleasant taste, almost as pleasant as Chocolate. Each tablet Is a working dose of Cas carets, which acts like Exercise on the ; Bowels and Liver. It will not purge, sicken, nor upset the Itomach. Because It Is not a "Bile-driver," like Salts, Sodium, Calomel, Jalap, Senna,' Aperient Waters. Neither Is It like Castor Oil, Glycerine, or other Oily Laxatives that simply lubricate the Intestines for transit of the food stopped "ip In them at that particular time. The chief cause of Constipation and Indigestion Is a weakness of the Muscles that contract the Intestines and Bowels. Cascarets are practically to the Bowel Muscles what a Massage and Cold Bath are to the Athletic Muscles. They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to contract, expand, and squeeze the Diges tive Juices out of food eaten. They don't help the Bowels and Liver In such a way as to make them lean upon similar assistance for the future. This Is why, with Cascarets, the dose may be lessened each succeeding time Instead of Increased, as It must be with all other Cathartics and Laxatives. Cascarets act like exercise. If carried In your vest pocket, (or carried In My Lady's Purse.) and eaten just when you suspect you need one, you will never know a sick day from the ordinary 1 lis of life. Because these Ills begin in the Bowels, and pave the way for all other diseases. "Vest Pocket" box 10 cents. 7W Be sure you get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never .old In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." cooking, less work Ki USIIk'l"l Jf ,-tWI bumlil ia i 7 f m I htfr For cool NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove the ideal stove for summer. Does everything that any other kind of stove will do. Any degree of heat instantly. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. At your dealer's, or write our nearest agency for The &-rwir. jR&fo throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly con structed; absolutely aafe; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY v . (lneroratd At Sea In a rotr.n. It was the French nss:is!n L.',l who eacajuHl to hch from Cayenne In n cniiln. lie ninu:it;sl to g.'t some lulls, tar uud cotton, ntnl one dark iiluht lie got Into tlu fotlln shed. He selected ti fine, stanch ntnl seaworthy etitt'u and fastened the lid In order to turn It Into n deck, leaving a cockpit sittllcletf to enable hiin to crawl In. lie culkort nil the Joints ns well as lie eiild, find when this work wns flu ished he ninde a pair of paddles out of two planks. Then he brought out h'r craft with rrrent precaution. With out much difficulty he readied the water's edge. Silently nud slowly he proceeded In the hope of reaching either Venerueln or ltrltisli (iuimia. 150 iiiuitlcnl miles distant. Fortunately or unfortunately for I.npl. the steamer Ahc'.lle. rci lining from the Antilles, on Paramaribo picked him up. half drowned ami almost In n fainting con dition, mid n few hours Inter he was In Irons In his cell. tioixl Wearing (lualltle. Donatella Is a tJreek who has massed a small fortune In the sale Df rrult. nnd that In the face'of the fact that he writes the advertisements which decorate hist stand. A recent sample which he produced and displayed -Is this: "American nnd Foreign Frulta Noted For Their, Durability." Ilospltnl Horror. First Interne What a funny little ap pendix that last patient had ! Second Interne Yes; regular comic supplement. Tuy Denver lteal Kstate at I o'tntn price lie for:tlie ".mxhii.'' 4' Here Irmi, tli Ave.. 3X4 lots, pr'ee fcil one. Write Owners. Mo e Invest o , ( ulllorn a H.ilg., Denver, Colo. ' Open to Conviction. No rock was ever more firmly AxM ."ban were Mrs. Manser's opinion; but ihe considered herself of an extremely pliable disposition, with a mind open :o conviction on all sides. "It's the strangest thing to me, the Any the rest of the family talk ns If I were set In my views." she snld one lay to her nephew William's bride, sltii whom she had been laboring on the subject of calling-cards for more ;hun an hour. "It seems to me you're sort of tak ing the same tone," she continued, look ug shurply at the young woman, "and ( don't want you to. There Isn't any Body In this world that's readier to je convinced, she's in the wrong than I am by people who know more than I. All they've got before 'em, ever, Is :o prove to me that they do know more han I and I tell you, my dear, there aasn't one of 'em ever been able to In his family!" " The Blood is The life.' Science has never gone beyond the above simple statement of scripture. But It has illuminated that statement and given it a meaning ever broadening with the increasing breadth of knowledge. When the blood is "bad" or impure It Is not alone tho body which suffers through disease. The brain Is also clouded, She mind and judgement are Effected, andsr4ny an evil deed or Impure thoghtrnjl!S4ctly traced to the Impwrtyof the UT)( Foul, Impure blood can be made nurn hv tho of r Pierce's (iolden Medical Discovery. It enriches and nurilies tlje blood therehv curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and other cutaneous affections, as eczema, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other manifestations of Impure blood. In tho cure of scrofulous swellings, en larged glands, open eating ulcers, or oM sores, tho"Golden Medical Discovery "has performed tho most marvelous cures. In cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers, It Is well to apply to the open sores Dr. Pierce's All-Healing Salve, which pos sesses wonderful healing potency when used as an application to the sores In con junction with tho use of "Golden Medical Discovery "as a blood cleansing consti tutional treatment. If your druggist don't happen to have tho "All-Healing Salve" In stock, you can easily procure it by Inclosing fifty-four cents In postage stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 003 Main St., ItutTalo, N. Y and It will come to you by return post. Most druggists keep It as well as the "Golden Medical Discovery." You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery," which Is a medicine op known composition, having a complete list of ingredients In plain English on its bottle-wrapper, the same being attested as correct under oath. 'Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. and least fuel-expense use a descriptive circular. Lamp '5 T is the best lamp for all-rouud household use. Made ot lirass jlp FEAR MAKE J IlUSriA'S ROYAL FAMILY LIVE 0:i YACHT WHICH DOESN'T CRUISE. t n I t v v V v ? . 4 ' , 'v-y-y; Mi if Ik -rf-r T11K CZAU AND CZARINA AND TWO POSES OK TIIKIU SON. t Hince the discovery of a plot to assassinate the Czar, together with his wife, Alexandra, and the little 3-year-old Cznrewltcli, Grand Duke Alexis NIcholalevItcli, the Imperial family have been spending much of their time aboard their yacht, and, although this ship does not cruise, there Is an added feeling of safety on the part of the Imperial family to see a wide strip of water between themselves nnd their enemies. The guards at the Tsnrskoe-Selo are undergoing a complete change since It was found that one of the soldiers had beei in correspondence with the terrorists nnd had been offered a very heavy bribe to In-tray the confidence of his officers. lie was to allow one of the "ri'ds" to gain access to the apart ments of the Cjtar nnd place there on Infernal machine thnt would blow the ruler of the Itusslas luto eternity. XTA SAXTON M'KINLEY. Mrs. YVIlllnm McKlnley has gone to Join "the Major," for even after ber distinguished husband became Presi dent he was always "the Major" to her. Wives and daughters of public men, through their tact, their diplomacy and the clever art of politics, hnvo often materially aided their husbands and fathers In advancing from one position to another. Kate Chase was a better manipulator of political wires than was Salmon P. Chase. Mrs. lOA SAXTON M KIN LEV. Fairbanks has wielded and is wielding a force In the world of politics. Tho history of the country abounds In In cidents of strong, tactful women who have played nu Important pnrt lu the history of men and events. During all the years thnt William McKlnley wns prominent lu public life his wife wns an Invalid, and yet It Is doubtful had she lioen well nnd strong if she would hnve assisted him In ns great a degree ns she did by becoming the object of his solicitude nnd tender THE M'KINLEY care. The dentil of the McKlnley chil dren, prior to the entrance of William McKlnley ui k u his congressional ca reer, was the Is'gliiiiing of Mrs. Mc Klnley' ill health. Iler long contin ued ullllctlou resulted in beautifying nud ennobling the lives of husband and wife, nnd who will say that lu her weakness Mrs. McKlnley did not serve her country lictier nnd was not a greater tower of strength to her hus band thnu had she been a prodigy of endurance and nn Adroit manipulator of iiolltlcal forces. The home life of the McKlnley was Ideal, and gave the country nnd the world nn example of love and devotion which welved the attention of nil. The Invalid wife made William Mc Klnley a U'tter as well ns a greater man. Through all the vicissitudes of a long public career pure and endur ing s1kv tli light of that home life which become one of the brightest jewels in tiie memory of tile American people. While Mrs. McKlnley was ambitious for "the Major" she thought inoi.t of all of the Millet of tho Canton home, with him always near. It was the home life, with her hus band always with her. that npeiiled more strongly to this invnlid womaii than all the jmp of public life. The cruel death of her husband was a blow from which she never ri.v ered. Ever since that September day lu l'.HJl when he was laid to rest In the Canton cemetery his faithful wife awaited the summons to Join him.' She wanted to lie with him. Throughout the years of he suffering she was cheerful and always busy In adding to the happiness of others. She embodied all those characteristics will eh adorn American womanhood and beautify and make sacred the American home.- Toledo Illade. NEW SIDE OF LINCOLN. Ill rontlant Intrrrat In the Mill, tnrjr Telricraph Snm. Abraham Lincoln fins been studlet from almost every point of view, bu' It Is a notable fact- that none of till biographers has ever seriously consid ered that branch of the service wltl which Lincoln was In dally persona: touch fu- four years the military tel graph; for, during the civil war, tin President spent more of his wnklng hours lu the war department telegraph office than in any other place except the White House, says the Century, While in the telegraph office he wni comparatively free from ollleial cares and therefore more Inclined to dis close his natural traits uud disposition. During the last four years of Lin coln's nil too brief public enreer, even until the day before his tragic ending, the writer was most fortunato lu be ing able to see him and talk with him daily, and usually several times a day; for he visited the war department tele graph office regularly, morning, after noon and evening, to receive the latest news from the front. His tail, homely form, could be seen crossing the well shaded lawn between the White House and the war department with unvaried regularity. lu cool weather he Invariably wore n gray plaid shawl thrown over his shoulders In careless fashion, and, UMn entering the telegraph office, ho would always hang this shawl over the HOME AT CANTON. top of tho high screen door opening Into Secretary Stanton's room, adjoin ing. This door was nearly ulways open. He seldom failed to come over lute In the evening before retiring, and when returning to the White House after dark he was freipieutly accom panied by Major Hckcrt, our chief, and nearly always by rt sniai! guard of sol diers. He sometimes protested agiinst this latter precaution as irincessary, but Secretary Stanton's orders to tho guard were imperative. America' .mv Sport. The entry of the Itoomcraug Into American ssirt wns officially proclaim ed a short time ago by the organization In Washington, D. '., of the first lEooiueraiig ('lull In the flilted States, and the Technical World Magazine, in an article by E. S. ItisUe, tells how to make und throw the '"stick." The c ecntrlc antics of the Australian weap on have long bts-ii th,. marvel of the American y, hut I he sclent 1 lie study of Its lists promises to rcenl many novel unci Interesting features of Its gyrating motion. As with the baseball pitcher's curves, nobody but the ono who throws h Itoomcraug knows where it Is going to go, nnd cwn the hurler does not know that unless he is ai udept. Most boys are bad enough to pretend u whipping hurts u good dcul wors than It really doe. dinner for f.lcMInn t'nmnitnlt. t E. L. Harris, Enited States consul at Smyrna, makes nn Interesting, rep rt on conditions In Aria Minor, and In regard to electricity, says: "The city of Smyrna, with nearly 4o,f:tM) pu latlon, has no electric railway, clo trie light or telephone. There are cities all. over Asia Minor varying lu size from :.'0.(XK to no.txxi inhabitant where there are opportunities' of getting con cession for electric light and trao tlon. It Is strange for American elec trical concerns to turn their back oil this field with the excuse that noth ing under a Il.tK.O.tKO concession would attract them." 68, BUT PERFECTLY WELL. The Happy Esprrlrnrr of New aatlr, !., Womnn. Mr. John Mansell. 014 South Jeffer son street. New Castle, Pa., says: "For years I was runnli.g down with kidney trouble without knowing what It was, and finally got so bad I was glve'.i up. The urinary passages were pain ful, so m e 1 1 in e s scanty nud again t KT7, very profuse. My inTfft: limbs, feet and an kle bloated dreadfully, and sometimes my whole body. My heart palpitated nnd I bad smothering spells. A week's treatment with Donn's Kidney Pills helped me and a few boxes cured uie At 8 I am strong and well." ( Sold by all dealers. fiO cents n bax. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. , Then He Got Bnr "Why do you look at me like that, you great, awkward bearT" "O, Miss Pimmltf, I I protest I'm not a a bear." "Well, why aren't you?" Clianon to double on line mi'titu; prent Tr tnlnnl railroad tow o will mtou route Into exist enre Two tmnw ontlimntHl rsllroiiiU. Plenty free linda. Enclose a stamp. kurii Tuwunito Co., Melrose. N. M. ECZEMA COVERED BABY. Wont faae Dortora Kvrr Sa w S a f frrrd I ntold lHlaerr Perfect Care by Collcam Hemedlea. MMy "on, who I now twenty-two year of age, when four month old began to have eczema on his face, spreading quite rapidly until he was nearly covered. The ecxemn wa some thing terrible, nnd the doctors said It wa the worst case they ever aaw. At times his whole body and face were covered, all but his feet. I used many kinds of patent medicine, to no avail. A friend tensed me to try Cutlcura. At last I decided to try Cutlcura when my boy wa thrwi year and four months old, having had eczema all that time and suffering untold misery. I begun to use all three of the Cutlcura Remedies. He was better In two months; In six uiontlis he was well. Mrs. It. L. Rislcy, Pleruiont, N. II., Oct 24, 100B." Aa to Auntie. Why, here's a letter from Aunt Hepsy 1 1 I wonder if she's coming to pay ui that long promised visit. i Old Hunks I wish you wouldn't be so dog-goned pessimistic, Samanthy." Chi cago Tribune. Yon Can Get Allen's Foof-Ea Fit KB Write to-day to Allen B. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y., for a FREE sample or Allen's Poot Kase, a powder to shake Into your shoes. It euros tired, sweating, hot, swollen, ach ing; feet. It makes new or tlht shoes euy. A certain cure for Corns and Bunions. All Druggists and Shoe Stores sell It. 25c. ' Ilussinn officers in camp receive money to pay for their meulH. but in many cases they keep this for other purpoHes, and eat with the common soldiers. FITS St. Vital.' Pane and ill S.FWM P1M.M. lerinellT f 'urea by 1. Slio.'i u,m Him Swtonr. lUnd (ur t ree trUI butu. ml wmIIm. UIL, 1L, U. KLINE. U.. Wl 4r StraM, rkUutolekl, fa A Coveted Hat. "I've gone every day this week," sighed little Mrs. Wallace, "to look at a perfect love of a hut In Smith's win dow. Such a darling white chiffon, af fair Kdward, with Rrent big bunch(s of ierfectly exquisite white roses and such heavenly luce! Hut the prlc well, I wanted It tremendously, but I Just couldn't afford to buy it." "Perhnps " "You're a dear, but olns! There Isn't any perhaps. Edwurd, I pnld the cook this noon and what do you think? She marched right down uud bought herself that very hat!" actwTa Willi:, ALCOHOL a PFU ntm AVcgelablePreparationrurAi s!rai!aiiri2thcFooian(JRt,f'B!a ilng Un Storaadis nuUljowisaf Prornofcs DisrlonjVerfur ncss and Rrstrontoins asm OpiiiiH.Morphine norlMiaeral. Not Narcotic. Jix. tnmt j4nalttrd htrm JtW- CmM Suair 56.".' A nurforl Rpmprlv forrnnf1n Knur Ctnm:irh Illarrhne) Worrtisvoirwisifmsjfvtrisu ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. FuSituiW Siamreof NEV YORK. " r. i'. Exact Copy of Wrapper. 8 UsaBBaeaUBaU LYGIAE.PiKWS VEGETADLE COMPOUND ' Is acknowledged to bo the most sue oessful remedy In the country for those painful ailments peculiar to women. For more than 30 years It has been curinrr Fetnalo Complaints, such as Inflammation, and Ulcera tion, Falling nnd Displacements, and consequent Spinnl Weakness, Iluekacliti. and Is peculiarly adapted to tho Change of Life. Records show that it has cured more cases of Femalo Ills than any other ono remedy known. Lydin E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage of development. Dragging Sensations causing pain, weight. luid headache are relieved and permanently cured by Its use. It corrects Irregularities or Painful Functions, Weakness of tho Stomach. Indigestion. Wonting, Nervous Prostration. Ileadache. Gene ral Debility; also. Dizziness. Falntness Extreme Lassitude. "Don't care and wnntto lie left alono" feeling, Irritability. Nervousness, Sleeplessness. Flatulency, Melanc holia or the "Blues." These are sure Indications of female weakness or some organic derangement. For Kidney Complaints of either sex Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is a mo-st excellent remedy. Mrs. Pinkham Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from anv form of female weakness are Invited to write Mrs IMnkhnm. Lynn, Mass. for advice. She Is the Mrs. Plnkham who has lecn advising 'sick women free of charge for more than twenty years, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law Lvdia E. Plnkham in advising. 'Thus she Is well qualified to guide sick women back to ncaiin. tier advice Is free and always helpful. Double Track ut.-juir k ix u. K. jfl, 71, jg, Aomst . 10. to, a. September 10, 14. 24, and 28, 1407. Jamestown Exposition, ) Season tickets via New York one way, $36.80 Norfolk, Vs., and return 1 60 days " $30.70 Other route and farm. Going- dates dally until Nov. 30. 1907. Philadelphia, Pa., and return - $20.00 OnlrthrounhslmplnacarroutavlaNtaa'ara Falls. Going date Ju1rl2.13,14,15andla,lri Saratoga Springs, N. Y and return ' - - $18.76 Going- date J air 3. 4, 5. 6 and 7. 1W7; also In September for Grand Innr meeting (aoiac date and fare to b named later). Various New England Resorts, one fare plus $2.00 for round trip. Baaed on one way taru In effect January 1, 1007. GVlng datea-July V. 13. 22. 23. AuguHt . 10, 29, 24. September 10, 14, 24, and 2s, 1907. Various Canadian Resorts, one fare plus $2.00 for round trip, Baaed on one way fare In effect January 1, 107. Going date dally June 1 to September 30. 1007. Attract Ire optional trHa by Lake and Hirer, Including St. Lawrence Rlrer and Raphto In some caaea without additional charge, are alao offered In connection with th aboe. Llbeial atopover privilege. Pull particular can be obtained by Writing GEO. W. VAUX, Assistant Oeneral Passenger and Ticket Agent US ADAMS STkEET. CHUAUO SICK HEADACHE Positively eared by these Little Pills They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Bating; A perfect rem edy tor Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Bad Taste la the HoutA, Coated ToBjraej, Pain la the Bide, TORPID LTVTJR. Tney regulate u Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuins Must Bear Fir-Simila Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Geltlnir a Heat. Bacon Do you enjoy walking? Egbert Oh, Immensely! You see I can't get my wife to walk at ail ami when I'm w-ulklng I'm where I can't bear her talking! Youkers States man. Mrs. Wloslow's Bnothlnn Syrup for Children (mulling; of tens tha guum, reduces luflnmina- uon, allays pain, aura wiun ooua, we a noma. Judicial Flattery. "On what ground, sir," sternly asked the j u dee, "do you seek to evade your duty as a citizen?" "On the ground, your honor," rcs-iond-ed the man who had been summoned as a juror, "that I am 05 years old and no longer legally I'uble to jury service." "You don't look it by twenty years, sir," said the judge, "but your excuse is sufficient, and, of course, I shall not " "Still, your honor," Interrupted the other, "Inasmuch as your honor puts It before uie in the light of my duty as a citizen, I am willing to waive my claim to exemption and will serve with pleasure." CARTER'S EITTLE IVER CARTERS I IVER Tho Kind Yoa llave Always Bonght, and which has been la use for over SO years, has borne the sitrnatare of - and has been made under his petw tfjfcjtJ&JW?- , Sonal fsnporvlsion since Its iufancyv iutryjrt 44tCJ4t Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Jiist-as-jfood"are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It' is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narootlo substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural bleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. 1 , GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS .Bears the The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Usq For Over 30 Yfears Tws aaa-Tavs auaaav maxar, ask eM afra. wm LYDIA E. PINKHAM SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES 1907 FROM CHICAGO Boston and return - $21.00 To eoaTtnee atry woman that I ta il no Aatlaaptla will Improve ber health and do all w eialm for It. Wa will end her absolutely tree 4 large trial bos ot Paxtlna with book of Inatroo tlons and genuine testimonials. Send your Bam and address on a postal card.; feet! on a, such as nasal emtarrh. pelvY catarrh and Inflammation caused by famV nine till i sore eyes, sore tliroat M tnoutb, by direct local treatment. Itaesar alive power over these troubles la extra ordinary and gives Immediate relm. Thousands of women are using arid re ommendlng It evtty day, M cents at drusglatsorby mslL Remember, however, IT C OSTS YOU NOTIIUVO TO TBT IT. THIS K. FAXITOII VO., Boatoa, UtlSJ fT'ir1f rt.Miforl tn .wry faoMts Is and ell laeW wb fl IM sr tl ls1sllsaalisaa I C Inn, KM, s4 Wtaf no aail or !) ! UiMi(. Try tnMn attrl von ailllaiaiei kal . withuntthota. II l k.pft hv lwl.Tr wr y pr.patil, l. Smrl Suia.r,. Dak. It Sraoklja, a. A Skin ef Beauty le at Joy Ferever-- DR. T. Felix Oeuraud'e Oriental Cream or Magloal Beautlflasw KimoTH Taa, nmpMK . FracaiM, Moth ratcbav aa.ii. n oata viurm d bkla DiwtkMsV. tvotl vi7 kvitmLigf - OD bMUtf, Ms4 sta flu. dviectlon. Ia Baa Moo tk I ol M ttar. u aa baruiUai w . taiuHtukaauraaV la properly auda. ftlt at alaiual aam. Dr. L. aV. Barr aald to a" ladr of U aa toa (a aatlaatia -A. to llli U1 Uav I raeaatai fSbiarnad'a Cream' aa Ui laaat hannful ilrtn nr.n.mlMi, " IFn Mitt h all ilmea-tatA 1 Uood. Oeal.ra la th United Stale, Oaaad aad FEnOaT. HOPKINS, Froo, 37 firni Jonn Stmt, l M K. tl. X. U. . - No. 2-1 10T. Signature of mm The