Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 26, 1907, Image 5

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an3 look in the glass you will see the effect
You can't help puckering it make you pucke
to think of tasting it
By the use o
Powders you -take this
- right into your system you injure digest
nc) ruin your stomach,
ffcoyalis made from
than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the profit of good health. J
X -1 - raawgafak mira1: 11
Local Items
George McBeath and family were
Tip from Homer a few days this week.
Don't forget Breun's coffee it is
still in the lead. For sale at Van de
Henry Ley and Judge Hunter weie
down from Wayne the past week ang
ling for bass in Crystal lake.
Clias Cough try returned Saturday
from Omaha, where be had been serr-
ing on the petit jury iu ' the federal
court, for the past three weeks.
f i -
Mrs Harriet Walden arrived here
Sunday on a visit with her daughter,
Mrs Mell A Schmied, She recently
returned from Riverside, Calif, where
she spent the winter with her son, Lou
Waldon. -
R R Time Table
C, St. P., M.ft O. Time-Table.
Trains leave Dakota City at (he fol
lowing time: '
5 :52 pm Omaha 7 :35 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm
3 :37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am
9:01 am Norfolk 6.32 pm
7:58 aui Newcastle 10:00 am
2:08 pm " 6:08 pm
6:52 pm Omaha 7 :35 am
3:37 ,.. Norfolk 5:32
C B 4 Q
No. 85 Local Freight. 7:30 am
11 " Passenger, Omaha.
and Lincoln ....12:32pm
Jfa. 86 Local Freight. ......2:15 pm
10 Local Passenger.. . . 6 :53 pm
W. C. Eck.K&.rt
Scientific Refractionist.
Spectacles 'nnd Eyeglasses
Aoourately Vitted. , ,
Coiialtation and Examination Free.
Offloe at residence.
D'XDTA. crrv,
Colorado Lands.
Do you want to make 50 to
100 per cent on one, two or
more of the thousand dollars
that is now bringing you a very
small, if any, income. If you
do, come with me to Julesburg,
Colorado, any, Tuesday of the
month and investigate the rich
and productive but cheap lands
of Sedgwick county, Colo. The
land will positively advauce 50
per cent and upwards during
the present year above the price
at which they can now be
bought. " Cheap rate excursions
every Tuesday. Write or call
for more information and litera
ture about Northeast Colorado.
Jackson. New.
KOLLthe couch
r. Kiss's
New Oisestrery.
Fres Tricl.
Surest and Uuickcat Cuia tor all
so called cheap Bak
puckering, injurious Alum
pure, refined Grape Cream
A houBO for rent inquire at this
Sam S tin son was down to Homer on
business Saturday.
Nell Combs was up from Homer
Friday and Saturday.
All the latest designs in wall paper
at L M Leslie's drag store.
Mrs Jas Cooler and children visited
at Wakefield the past two weeks.
Will buy about two cr loads of po-
la.es. L M Leslie, Dakota City, Neb.
Attorney George Bliven was here on
legal business Monday from Sioux
O, why do you eat old dry peannts
when. you can get them fresh roasted
every day at Van's.
Wm Cbeuey marketed two cars of
cattle in this place Wednesday, and
Frank Learner one.
Mrs Elizabeth Johnson is here from
Lead, S D, on a visit with her parents.
J N Hamilton and wife.
Mrs Mell A Schmied and Mrs W S
Baughman attended an Eastern Star
social in Sioux City Tuesday.
Bessie Stinson has given np her po
sition in Sioux City and is helping in
the D C Stinson store here again.
George Penry, of Omadi precinct,
was a passenger to Stanley county,
S D, Tuesday, to reside on his claim .
Lou Perry went to Homer Monday
with his teams to haul material for the
cement walks whioh are being built
in that place.
U o Marshal W 1 Warner came up
from Omaha Thursday morning to
superintend some improvements on his
farm south of town.
Mrs Chas Sunt of Brushy Bend, who
was seriously injured by a fall a few
weeks ago, is improving nicely and
will soon be about again. '
Have you tried the Sultanna and
Tao-oo brands of canned goods? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the test of the pure food law.
"Doc" Hale is quarantined on the
Gns Berger farm with the smallpox.
His wife and son Art have both gone
through a siege of the same kind.
We have a good five room house,
centrally located, one block from street
car line, good water, some fruit, for
sale or rent. Call st The Herald Office.
Eric Ansnes was down from Vista
Tuesday looking for men to work on
the section. He improved the oppor
tunity by adding his name to The
Herald list.
M S Mansfield, of Homer, was in
town over Suuday, on his way to his
640 acre homestead near butka,
Neb. II j it cutting out several thous
and trees on his claim, among them a
number of sycamore.
Chas Maxwell came home fiom
Chicago last Friday to attend the fu
neral of his grandfather, Thos Ashford,
sr, whioh was held Saturday. He re
turned Sunduv to resume his - school
duties at Rush Medical college.
Services in the German Lutheran
church at Salem, that were to Le held
the 6th of May have been postponed
to the 12th of May, owing to llev Koo
leu attending conference. Examine
tion of the confirmation class will be
held on the same date, May 12.
Have ynu tried that new package
of.ff e that Van de ZedJe is selling?
It is ouly 30o a pound, uud you get
a tiice.disU witli ech package you
buy, besides a climicn to draw a set
of Luiiileoiue dishes free. The coffee
is worth the money and you get the
dibhea forliing.
Wrcoff Eudersbv of Homer, was
arrested Suuday by Bherill' Hansen
on a complaint tiled by County At tor
ney Berry charging him with violating
quarantine regulations. iiis no id
had been placed under quarantine for
smallpox, sud he persisted in tunning
around the neiehborhood. and defied
the local board of health to stop him
He was piveu a hearing NVednesda
before County Judge Eiuiers and drew
a fine of $15 aud oosts, wliicn lie wus
I unable to pay, and is now boarding it
of Tartar Costsmore
A S Richards was
up from Homer I
Grace Wilbur spent Sunday with
friends in Sioux City.
For Sale A ma to Led team of driv
ing horses. D C Stinson.
The Masonic lodge meets tomorrow
evening. Saturday, the 27th.
For field and garden seeds of all
kinds, go to (j F Broyhill's.
Attorney A R Davis, of Wayne, was
hereon legal business Tuesday.
Jointed steel rods, $2.50 special.
The Orcutt Co, Sioux City, Iowa.
Mary Easton was a passenger to Ho
mer Wednesday, to visit relatives.
Wm Niemyer returned Monday from
a tup to his claim near P?lvidere,H V.
Mrs 0 J O'Connor, of Homer, visit
ed at the Neiswanger home here Fri
Alfred Seymour visited over Sunday
with relatives at Pones, returning
Mend ay.
Fred Culbertsen was in Thursday
and reports 130 Poland China spring
pigs so far,
Mrs Smith and children of Elk
Point, are here on a visit at the Sam
Bouton home.
When you get ready to paper your
home, order your wall paper at L M
Leslie's drug stoie.
Have you tried those fresh roasted
peanuts at Van's, hot from the roaster?
They are surely dandy.
C T Barto of Wakefield, was a bus
iness visitor here Wednesday, looking
after some property interests. -
Blackhawk corn planters, Rock
Island discs, and all the best makes of
farm machinery at G F Broyhills,
JJert rove announces tnat toe new
gasoline car for the interurban road
will be shipped from Chioago next
We can furnish the Lincoln Evening
News in connection with the Herald
for $2 80. This offer is good only du
ring the week of April 22 to 27.
I have for sale good farm lands in
Potter and Bulley counties, S D. Ex
cursions every Tuesday.
D C Heffebnan, Hubbard, Neb.
I am aow ready to take orders for
paintiDg and paperhangiug. will
urnisu estimates on auytuing in tuia
hue of work. Leive orders at Les
lie's drug store for anything in this
line. Bert BraBfleld.
Miss Clare 8pencer departed Wed
nesday for Los Angeles, Cal. She
goes bv way of Seattle, Wash, and will
stop off at Denver for a few days vioit
with her sister Mary. JJrom Setle
to Los Angeles sue will make the trip
by boat.
had so seriously affected my right lung"
writes Mrs Fannie Connor, of Kurul
Route 1, Georgetown, Tenn, "that I
coughed continuously night and day
and the neighbors'predictioii-consnro p-
tion seemed inevitable, until my bus'
band brought home a bottle of Dr
King s New Dmcovery, whioh in my
case proved to be the only heal cough
cure and restorer of weak, sore lungs.
Vhen all other remedies ntt -rly fail
you may still win the battle uRuint-t
lung and throat troubles v ith New Dis
covery, the REAL cure. Guaranteed
at Lei-lie s drug (.tore. ulM Htid $1.
Trial bottle free.
Will buy about two
car loads of potatoes
Lr. M. LESLIE, ;
Dskkotsw City.
The ITeiiild for all the sicws :
The board of county Commissioners
meet tomorrow, Saturday.
Al Adams and wife were over from
Walker's inland Saturday.
Mrs Bert Fore will arrire here from
Daker City, Ore, this week.
Jensie Cooper of Omaha, is stopping
at the Mell A Sohmied home.
A pair of shoes from 60o, 75o to $1
rhile tlieylnet. D 0 Stinson.
A C Carroll of Jackson, was trans
acting business here Thursday.
Black walnut fence posts for sale.
Enquire of Mrs Mary B MoBeath.
Wanted two ear ' loads ef pota
toes. L M Leslie, Dakota City, heb.
Postmaster L Kryger was here from
South Sioux City on business Tuesday.
Frank Modlin returned the first of
the week from a trip into South Da
Genuine Shakespcar reels, fi.00 to
15,00. TheOroutt Co, Stonz City
Jaa Barry and John Daley were here
from Jackson on business matters
Mrs Geo T Woods and daughter,
Mrs H P Ci easier, visited friends in
Homer Tuesday.
A P Doran and wife, of Emerson,
were guests of George l'rauger and
wife Wednesday. '
Children who go to Yau's can get
two cents worth of candy for one cent,
and a whole lot of it tor fire cents.
A bab? oirl was born to Rer and
Mrs C E Crroll, formerly of Homer,
but now of Creston, Neb, on the 23rd.
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
S E Mills. Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
Van de Zcado
will soil you the
garden seeds, in
choicest flower and
packages or in bulk,
and when jou
have purchased seeds to the amount of
50 cents he will make you a present of
a gold fish.
The Fores are t iking up some of
tue track iu the west part of town aud
will use the. material '.n. building the
spur to Crystal lake. They are also
getting their roadbed in shape to re
sume service when their gasoline car
ai rives.
For horses and cattle. See me at the
farm one and one-half miles north of
Vista. W D Roberts,
Tonca, Neb, K f D No 3.
Through blood poisoning caused by
a spider bite. John Washington, of Bos
queville, Tex, would have lost bis leg,
which became a mass oi runniDg sores,
bad he not been persuaded to try Buck-
len's Arnica Salve.. He writes: "The
first application relieved, and four box
es healed all the sores," Heals every
sore, 25c, at Leslie's drug store.
Paris Oreen.
Will oompste with Sioux City prices.
L M Leslie, Druggist,
Dakota City, Neb.
Official Announcement.
The third annual convention of the
Dakota County Sunday School Associa
tion will be held May 28 and 29, 1907,
in St Paul's Lutheran church, Rev E
H Combs, pastor, at Homer, Neb.
Plan now to attend many good
things are in store for ns. Miss Ma
mie Haines, superintendent of tne JMe
mantary Department of the Nebraska
tttate Sunday school Association win
be present during the entire conven
tion. Frof U M nteidley, State leld
secretary, will be with ns one or two
sessions. D W Nourse, of Sioux City,
will give an address, and some of the
best speakers and most successful Sun
dav sobool workers in the county will
take part in the convention.
There will be good music and tree
Each school is entitled to one voting
delegate for every 10 of its membership
or fraoti ,n thereof. Everyone is in
vited to attend all sessions of this oon
vention. Come and help make it i
Elizabeth S IIaase, L Kryoer,
Secretary. President.
'The price of health in a malarious
district is just 25 cents; the cost of
box of Dr King's New Life rills," wiites
Ella Slayton, of Noland, Ark. New
Life Fills cleanse gently and impart
new life and vigor to the system. 2oc
Satisfaction guaranteed , at Leslie's
drug store.
Real Estate Transfers-
Win O Orr and wife to W H Barker, lot
4 and wH M) section K: lot 1 Hec
tlou Sfrt; n ne V and nv nw yA sec
tlim CT! mi C. v. hccMou 2H. all In
M, wd...... I"
John K Myers and. wife to Patrick
Joiich, lots i.i, s, 4 and ft in diock hi,
lota If. Id mill 17 In lilfM-k u. and lot 1
in block 1. Hubbard, wd I0
Mare K Cave et al. to O J Kerry, lotn 8,
in. li mm is in iiiocu H-i. oriuiuai town
ofUovlnKUm, wd IS
John liewyer and wife to Kd T Kear
ney, lie V4, e 7 hw 74 anil nw r w t,
.ukIIiiii !! nlun l,t I mill 111 Kt(tlflll
Its', all In ti-H. w d 0J
John Out rani and wife to Kil T Kearney,
part of 11 H lie 74. e S w h and nw H
nee tion aN-iawi, wd S0
I- lllitlliM KM ItltJfl IIIIM 1 ILI1I1 111
Patrick Carey and wife to Tho OitKcy,
lie ! section 12-2U-0, wd
"When my friends thought I
about to take leave of this world.
accouut of indigestion, nervousness an
general (It bility, writes A A Uliis
holm, Tread well, N l, and wlieu
looked us if there was no hope left,
was persuaded to try Eleotiio Hitter
and I rejoice to a v that they are curing
me. I am now doing butauess again as
of old, and am still gaining daily.
Best tonic medicine on earth. Guar
anteed at Leslie's drug store, COu.
First M E Church Hours of Service
10 am .Sunday School
11 a ni l'reacliiug
12 m Class Meeting
6:30pm..... Epworth League
7:30p m Preaching
7:30 pm Prayer Meeting
A 11 evening services from May to
October w II be held one-half hour
later. ... JJlmku E 8 iurEB, Pastor.
Phone number 33.
CommUsloners' Proceedings.
Dakota City, Neb, April 20, 1907.
Boam of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment, members
present, Thomas C Baird. chairman;
Ed Morgan and John Sierk and W LI
Ross, county clerk.
The following bonds ire re approved:
8 A Combs, road overseer district
No 6. '
Theo Peters road overseer district
No 15.
County treasurer was ordered to ac
cept the county warrants now in his
hands amountijg to f 13.60 together
with $12.00 cash in full payment of D
U Wilbur s personal tax ) to date.
The board granted the following
change in the road known as the Hub
bard road, commencing on a road
known as the Hnbbard road at a point
about 20 rods east and 2 rods south of
the southwest corner of the northwest
quarter of the northwest quarter of
section 23 28-7 and running thence
east about 40 rods and terminating at
a p .int where it intersects said Hnb
bard road.
Board ordered county clerk to strike
the taxes on lots 2 and 3, block 09,
Covington, for the years 1877 to 1889,
Koad petitioned for by D T Oilman
and others came on for bearing and
was granted as prayed for. Claims
for damages allowed as follows on
8outb Sioux City road district:
Sioux City Bridge Co lli 80
Lucy J Hkorrjr 75 X
Rohi Kuh 1 00
John Jenkins, spprnUor S 0U
Geo L RonlH, name. ' S 00
John MullliiH, KBiiio a 00
H O born, rommlNHloner 8 On
CItrk ordered to write warrant to
Mike Smith for $5 on road district
No 9.
Claims allowed :
R it B I.brCo, lumber I IS (W
O W JohiiH, ht-idne work rt
A ComlM, snme ... o no
8t JoHoph Merry hospital, oarv of John
Martin CO 85
M M Kenm, well at poor fnrni 17 00 I
Will rhllllps, work at poor farm 14 00 1
Fiirniem Kxclmngd, indue IHxn Punly 13X01
Klopp A Bitrlett Co, supplies 18 SO
Cioo J Boucher, 1st quarter salary and
expense iM AM
B F 8 troll in, carpenter work nt pour
farm Ail AO
D Rockwell, some 48 HO
Ieoniml Koss, Mine 03 60
II Baker, mason work nt poor "arm S3 00
M Mnson, mdso 8 60
8 Barry, 1st quarter salary 175 00
r snmry..... iw i
lndholm Furniture Co. mdsc 10 60
L Hons, lxxirdlnn paupers, haulliiK
material, building fence 71 50 I
John II Heam, supplies 5!5 26 I
eb Clark Aut Tel Co, rents A 00 I
John Klerk, commissioners salary,.... 43 00 I
Those Balrd, snme AO 201
8amnrltau hospital, carp, lOd O'Brien. 1W 251
Report of H C Hansen, sheriff, for
first quarter approved by the board.
To the honorable board of county
commissioners, Dakota county, Neb:
I herewith submit my report of fees
arned, during the first quarter of 1907,
ending on the 81st day of March, 1907 :
Serving Summons $ SO U I
Serving Subpoenas lft an I
Serving Warrants B7 70I
Serving Execution 25 08 1
Serving Order of Attachments SI
Serving Jury . 86 00 1
Serving Notices .' 1 SO
Attending Court Ill 25 1
Guard fees from Jan 1 to March 81. W 104 00
Jailor fees, sumo months 12,1 0o
Totol HOO 88
State of Nebraska, Dakota county.
XI U Hansen being first duly sworn
according ts law, on oath deposes and
says that the foreooing report is truel
and correot as he verily believes.
H G Hakskn, Sheriff.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 16th day of April, 1907.
W L Boss, County Clerk.
Board adjourned to April 27, 1907.
W L Ross, Glerk.
Somewhere !
Special to California
Low rate summer tours to
San Francisco and Los Ange-
les ; about half rates until May
18th, also June 18th to 15th;
June 22d to July 5th. Slight
ly higher daily commencing
Tune 1st: small extra cost
via Portland and Seattle.
Big Horn Basin
We run personally conducted
homeseekers' excursions May
7 and 21. lune 4 and 18, un
der guidance of D. Clem Dea
ver, general agent landseekers
information bureau, to" assist
settlers to secure an early
hold at cheapest rates of mag
nificent irrigated lands in the
Big Horn Basin; write about
these lands. Round trip $20.
Cheap Rates East
To Jamestown Uxjxjsition dai
ly low rates; via New York
slightly higher. During the
summer low excursion rates
to Atlantic City, Saratoga
Springs, Philadelphia, also to
the Seashore and Mountain
Rocky Mountain Tours
To Colorado, Utah, Plaek
Hills, Cody, Sheridan, Yellow
stone Park. Daily low rate
tours aster June 1st.
M. M. Abrahs, - .Ticket Ageu
L. W. Wakklct, O P A, Omaha, Ne
I Americas Hlorf Fcmcicajj 8
Guaranteed absolutely the strongest
and best fencing
All makes
Get our prices on
before yon bny. We have on band a fine line of both farm and buggy
harners, either single or double.
Our line of
is more complete than ever. We have just received a shipment of
white Enanielod ware which we sell at prices unheard of before.
We invite the ladies to call and examine this ware.
Tours to Please
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. !
II. F. Eoblmkier,
Dakota City,
It ia EDoliciotxo
25 cento
Blended and packed from carefully selected coffee by
No. 6 Front St.
Don't let anyone make you
believe that a low priced paint
is cheap 1 The Best paint is the
cheapest paint! We handle the
Minnesota Linseed Oil & Paint
and Wall Finishes.
Give us your order.
E. & B. Lbr Co.
Oeorga Timlin, Manager
IHIorse IBlifelketo
411 Pearl St., SIOUX CITY. IOWA
1 1'" i
on the market
Prices to
Call and examine our
10 Year Guarantee gir
cn with each machine
Local Manager.
per Pound
Ilotner Nab
a 's
Roof of your house or
barn gone back on you?
No wonder after the hard winter.
Few can ttnnd it.
Put on a new ono of Kubcroid
Roofing. No trouble then.
Kubcroid is an elastic roofing and
will stand oil kinds of weather
beat, cold, sun, rain, wind makes
no difference to R jbcroid.
It is wcathor-proof end fire-ro
Will not melt, :rack cr ret.
Most easily cppliod end requires
no painting.
Coll or write (or full particulars,
samples sr. J price
lianas uj