HOIIESTJIDICIIIE tRY On. WILLIAMS' PINK WULS FOB STOMACH TROUBLE. Convincing Evidanc 8worll by Guaranty That Muit Canvlnc Tha Moat Skeptical. Dr. WiUiuxnt' Huk Pilla aw a doctor'! prescription, ocd by aa emineat prao- Etiooer, and for nearly a generation sown aa m reliable household remedy throoglioul tlie United States. Need teas to lay, no advertised medicine could retain popular faror for to long a period Without ha ring great merit and it ii the In valuable curative properties of the pill that have made them a atandard remedy In every civilized country In tlie world. Added to this is the absolute guarantee that the pills contain no harmful drug, plate, narcotio or stimulant. A recent bvidence of their effloacy is found In the statement of Mrs. Ii. B. Wliitley, of Soiley , Art. , who says : "I had suffered for a g"d many years from stomach trouble. For a long time I was subject to bad spells of faintneaa and lack of brentli accompanied by an Indesoribable feeling that seemed to tart in my stomach. Whenever I was ft little run-down or over-tired, these pells would come on. They occurred frequently but did not last very long. ; ' "1 was confined to my boa for ten Weeks one time and the doctor pro bounced my trouble chronic inflamma tion of the stomach and bowels. Since that time J have been subject to the Eainting spells and at other times to Cat ering of the heart and a feeling as though I was smothering. My general health was very bad and I was weak and trembling. "I had seen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mentioned in the newspapers and de cided to try them. When I began taking the pills I was so run-down in st)ngth that I could hardly do any housiiwork. Now I could walk ten miles if nectssary. Doth my husband and myself think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the best medlcino made and we always recommend the pills to our friends." . Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood and give strength and tone to levery part of the body. They have wired serious disorders of the blood and 'nerve, such as rheumatism, sciatica, anaemia, nervousness, headaches, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' dance and many forms of weakness in either sex. They are sold by all drug gists or will be seut, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxes for 12.60, by tlie Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Sohenectady, N. Y. Forms That Grow No. 1 Hard .Wheal (03 Pounds fo the Bushel) Arc situated in the Canadian WmI where . Homesteads of too acres co t obtained ire by eer eertlrr wlllinf and sble to complf with (ho Homestead Regulations. Dunns the present year a large portion ef New Wheat Growing Territory hat been made accessible to markets by the railway consiruction that hni been pushed forward so vigorously by the three treat railway comi-auiea. For literature and particulars address the .Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, 'r mv luinonica uaiiauun ijovernmeni Agent, r inv imnonica uaiiauun ijovernmeni Agent, W. D. Scott, Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa. Canada, or E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson St., St. Paul, Minn, and J. M. MacLachlan, Box W. ti6, Watertown, bo. Dakota, Authorized Govern- aaeni Agents. ' f I esar where yiawthUiaTertlaemaais. mention Ta fa ran PRINTERS.SwifflZ?.n2 v.uva. Sioux viiy ftwtsDnar un aa. Clnna a"ti ""US WM. aWWsB ALCOHOL 3 PF.U AVcgelablefteparsfljnErAs- img ute aiomac&s andBowels F.i.Uvid!iii,i,u'i Promotes DigestionJdif erfii Kcss and Restronralns neittw OphmtMorphiiue norMiiicraL WOT WAR CO TIC. " WBBBBBaas e a eaaaaaaaaaaaaM Jfcpe tt?JJltM2ZJnWt ftmpkw Sitd" JU.Smn XxkttitSdit- litCtScibStia Hint Sent CnhM Agar btttugrtmlkmr. Apcrfeci Remedy for Consflra- tton , Sour Stoniach.DlarrhoaJ Worms jCoiwulsums Jevmsh- nessondLossoFSP. m FscSuwIa Signature of m NEW YORK. ranteidt Exact Copy of Wrapper. J m.M K. . mm mm m II SaaaaaaaaaaaiauiUaMMaanBaaaBaaBBaaBaaBBBBai I 3U : , Guaranteed under fra Food arl -aai; ' ' - mmn-mri mil Ub bid I vio. 1. A farm of 320 acres, 3 1-2 miles southwest of Li!y UrnHll buildings. 'I he very choicest of South Dakota di t paying $1714.28 in rent in 1905 and 0 tons of hay. "Vi 1 exchange fornice.c ean.up-to date stock general merchandise ROSS E. PARKS. Lily, South Dakota. W. L. DOUGLAS S3-00 AND S3.E0 SHOES nnffi, . T" u,l, luat nut Miinui DC vi'i , V CbUdrea's Slim, 4.ti to K1.0O. , ?, Wouicliu '" re recoguiseU Vt expert jud- of footwear ZW ery.oetau ol the makinr u iooied fur rrr. . r "'""a "m.Un, Wine or cost. i..u. " 7" iuto my II I eouM Uks you iuio my J1, ' " u u?w carefully Wear loncnr, arid are of irreater value than an ?;Ar? , 'T,ln,.thn nT , ' . aa.tne. . in'., i., .lain. J1C aT iMw tvtiui wi uclutnttg, Aa Rsalaaatlo. Aft sllealst came wandering hronsjti ta insane aa? raja's wards-ene day. He came upon a man who sat in a browft study an a bench. , . "Hew do yx do, sh;,; said, the alien, ist "What is yeur najne, VayI aajir "My namer said tke otberirownlng Oereety. "Why. Oinr Kkbolaa, of comae" 'Ind," said the alienist "Jet the lest time I was here you were the Eupeeer of GerissDy." "Tts, ef course," aald tie other, Quickly, "but that was by my first wife." Argonaut TIE ED BACKS. Tbe kldnevs have a arrest work ta do in keeping the blood pure. When tney get out of order it . causes backache, hendaebes, dizziness, languor and distress ing urinary troubles. Keep the kidneys well and all these suffer ings will be saved you. Mrs. S. A Moore, proprietor of a res tsuraut at Watervllle, Mo., says : "Before using Doan's Kidney Pills I suffered everything from kidney troubles fof a year and a half. I had pain In the back snd head, and almost continuous lu the loins and felt weary all the time. A few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills brought great relief, and I kept on tak ing them until in a short time I was eured. I think Doan's Kidney Pills are wonderful." For sale by all dealers. SO cents a box. Foster-MIlbnrn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. A New York life insurance compary? hold $8,000,000 worth of Russia's rai way securities. SAVE US 7B0M. 0TJB FRIENDS. . Mary, I have sold the farm for jr0,000, and we will now move to the city and enjoy the balance of our life In comfort Tive Years Later. It is all over, Mary, I must pay John Brown's bond, which will take rvery dollar I own and you and I will save to go to the poor house. MORAL. Do not sign a friend's bond, and rhen you require a bond, buy it Write for particulars or see our agent st the County Seat. WE ISSUE SURETY BONDS. " The Title Guaranty & Surety Com pany, Home Office, Sc-ranton, Pa., Cap ital and Surplus ovei $1,000,000. f ' Steel rusts seven! limes as rapidly as iron. OarAeld Tea is for those who desire aa ideal locative; it is simple, pure, mild and potest; it regulates the liver and kidneys, overcomes constipation and brings Good Health. It Is guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Kuw What It Meaat. Bleeker I say, old man, why don't you consult a phrenologist and find out what that peculiar looking bump on the back of your head indicates? Meeker Oh, I know what it Indi cates, all right . Bleeker You do, eh? Meeker You bet I do. It Indicates that my wife has a well-developed mus cle. lo) mil For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years VMS esarrua eeaiMaiv, near veaa orrv. mm m K . mum mwm m mm KUUALU.0 A I Mil PHilt. without regard larre facterlea at larre fac W. L. Douiflae ,. hold thir ahip-eTfi, bctu7. otter makes. lid !! tfl. Iml hua Am, wmrarenlast fclrk atalrrt .Trr, w Mr-. amklts,Ui AST X Xf .IT ni The Uarden la Sprlnaj. The first thing to do with a garden plot Is to plow It, ami linrrow the laud until It is ax flue on the surfuce as U can posxlbly he made. If the work Is to be done with a horse the longer the rows the better. Use only plump nnd sound need, procured from reliable MeedMiupu nnd use too much swd rather thnii too little, as It is easier to thin out the surplus plants than to replant the vacant places. Use only well-rot ted niniiure, and work it well luto the soli. If fertillKer Is used, let It be broudensted aud harivwod in. The snv lug of lalMr will lnrixely depend uixtn watching tlie wetnla. If the wheel hoe or wheel cultivator Is used Just ns the weeds are appearing alwve ground the top so! VIU always be kept flue aud loose, and fewer weed will appear after each cultivation. Cultivated In that manner, an ordinary garden can be worked lu an hour or two: but If the weeds are allowed to grow until they are several inches high they will Injure the garden plants and increase the labor fourfold. That la the main point to cultivate as soon as the weeds germinate. Io not put in the seeds too soon while tlie ground Is cold, as they may fall to germinate. When the ap ple trees are In bloom Is the best time for planting the garden crops, as the ground will then be In excellent condi tion, warm, nnd the danger from frost past. Vegetables and small fruits cost lent than corn, wheat and oats in pro portion to area occupied and the lubor bestowed. Improrl ifct the Well. . , Those who remember how pure the water used to taste when lt .wns drawn up from the old open stone walled well will welcome any plan of improving our present wells. The sweot, satisfy ing taste which it possessed Is not now very characteristic of much of the farm well water. The fact is that peo ple, ns a rule, are very careless nowa- VENTILATED PLATFORM. days about the source of drinking water. Wooden curbing, absolutely no ventilation in many cases and poor soils for the purification of -vater have brought about the chaugc. A farmer who believes that plenty of pure air In the well will aid much In the purity of the water gave us the following plan : The frame for the rupixirt of the platform Is made of 2 by 4's, al lowing a Mpace of four to six Inches be tween the top and bottom parts of the sides. This space Is covered on the Inside with two screens. The first Is a large mesh, to keep out large vermin. Over this is a fly screen, to keep out dirt, insects, etc. The well never be comes foul. In winter the pHtforui is covered with straw and snow. Iowa Homestead. GraalnaT Land. The grazing of land by a mixed stock of cattle, sheep and horses result In the land being more easily grazed than when only one kind Is kept. Where, however, many sheep are kept with cattle, the sheep pick out the finest of the grnsH uud clovers, and the cattle do not thrive as well. Hut sheep, on the other hiiiul, eat with avidity and Impunity nun'h that cattle dislike and avoid. Many pastures, grazed only with t-attle, are often In the spring time covered with weisls, which a few sheep mixed in with the cattlo would keep down. Horses, when kept lu 11 pasture by themselves, are very uneven grazers. A few kept in a lare cattle pasture will graze the rank places where cattle liavtf previously left their manure, and also alxnit places where the laud has been trampled. Iiuth horses and sheep will thrive much let ter when they are able to delivt their own fowls. I nullnuril l ee of Kllntr, Tlie argument is occasionally made that the continued use of silage has u deleterious effect uhiii the ..-(institution of tlie wlnial. The ground taken Is that tne nclds affect the digestive func tions uiid In time Impair the bodily vigor and productive capacity. Tb my knowledge no such claims have ever Im-cii substantiated, and the average feeder nci-d have no fears lu this re tard Professor F. W. Taylor, New IIauiMhlre. Itallou for it Horse. It is claimed that 2 jH?r cent of the horse's weight of good, nourishing fomll . M ..i t. t i . .Jn is un ii biiuiiiu mi in u uuy, ny likJR rule a horse weighing 1,500 pouitis should receive 30 rounds of food, Hit It must be considered that somet depends uhjii the amount of lubor formed, us well as tho dlgestlv puclty and uppctlte of tho aulmal. ( barred t'ora for Kortli Corn burnt on the cob and the ii which consists almost entirely ol grains reduced to charcoal and still tuiuing their perfoct fchupe placed Ik fore fowls. Is greedily eaten by them, with a marked Improvement In their health. This is shown by the brighter color of their combs, and their sooner producing a greater average of eggs tfl the flock than ever before. The Barlr Paataraa;. When stock Is given the use of early green rye the results are not always satisfactory, and farmers find that the cattle lose flesh and leas milk is given. Ityc Is one of the most useful plants for providing early green food at a sen son when grass does not appear, but IU Injurious effects upon animals Is not duo to the rye beiug an unsuitable food, but rather because of allowing the animals free access to It In Its ear ly stages of growth (which are really, the times wheu it Is most lu demand) it Is composed almost wholly of water, the proportion of solid matter being very small. It contains several salts In solution, and Its effects upon the; bowels are laxative; hence It Is not only weakening, but causes the ahlmals to lose flesh. There is a right way to use early rye, however, and that Is to allow stock on tho rye field hut a short time each day at first, and then gradu ally extend the period of grazing. When cattle have been kept on dry food for six months the green rye Is to them a luxury, and if it is allowed them Judi ciously it will Improve their condition. Both rye and crimson clover will be ready for use in a short time, and they will always prove profitable crops to those who keep stock, aa they shorten the dry-feeding pt-rrod of wluter. Wheu the early green foods are given the stock, and the bowels are affected, one of the Indications is that the green food la serving as medicine, and should too much green food have been con sumed, give, a warm mess of corn meal, seasoned highly with salt, and a full allowance of bay. There Is no danger In green food, however, if the cows are not allowed to consume too much, but, as every farmer knows, there Is liabili ty of "blont" (Iwven) by; eating any kind of greou food to excess. : Prctftt la Iqaaba. A squab breeder Bays for the past year our squabs have averaged us a fraction over sixty cents a pair. Now with an average, as he places It, of six pairs a year, we have a return of S3.00. The cost of breeding can be brought Inside of ninety cents a pair. If bought In large quantities. It would be well to allow 50 cents a pair for latror and supplies, as grit, charcoal, tobacco stems, etc., although the ma nure will, we think, offset this If sold to the best advantage. Although some of the large profit stories in the squab business are absurd, It seems as If the Inexperienced breeder should get a profit of $2.00 a year from each pair, provided be starts with well-mated, pure Homer stock. The one great se cret of success Is to have on!y mated birds. The amount of damage one un mnted bird can do In a loft really Bcems incredulous. Such a bird In seeking a mate will visit each nest, and such a visit naturally results In a light with the legitimate owner. The damage may be Imagined eggs rolled out of the nests and squabs trampled and killed. ' Good stock is the secret of success, and the some care goes band Id hand with It Hard to Plow. Labor can be saved in plowing, and the work well done by properly laying off the plot A square acre, plowed with a 15-Inch furrow, requires 84 rounds and 330 turns. The same area, In the form of a parallelogram, 2x80 rods, requires only 13 rounds and 62 turns, thus requiring much less time to do the work. The same rule ap plies to cultivation. The longer the rows the less time required, as there will be fewer turnings at the ends of the lows. It Is the turning of the plow or cultivator that causes loss of time, to Bay nothing of tho extra work im posed on the man who Is plowing or cultivating. Spring- Frusta. Early and late frosts nre disliked by farmers, but such frosts do more harm to. Insects than the severe cold of win ter, as they catch many of them out of the grouud or Just Irelow the surface. t has been noticed that when ill win ters nre severely cold nnd the ground remains frozen until well Into the spring, insects ure iliore numerous the following summer than when the win ters ure mild. It Is the alternate freez ing uud thawing that docs the damage to Insects, -siMclally when there Is n warm rain, followed by a sudden freez ing of the grouud Just below the sup face. Indlaus) 'larvest Potato, i. In Nebraska the potato Industry hu grown rapidly. Much of the work of harvesting Is done by Indians. These people come with tents and teams In a little hand of a dozen or more and lo cate along the highway in tho t a to growing districts. They hire out to (ilck up potatoes for $1.50 per day nnd board themselves. 'They are not ex celled at this kind of work. They m about from farm to farm until tho po tato Heuson Is over, when they return to their reservations. Kimball's Duiry Farmer. " The Watrrluic Trough. The stock water trough ne-sls a thor ough washing and scrubbing and flush ing occasionally, if the water is to be free from disease. The watering trough Is one of the sources from which all the diseases on tho farm are spread. Sbeep-Klllln- D.-. Dogs that become addicted to sheep killing do so from pure vlclousuess. In a majority of cuses tho dogs do not est any lortion of the carcass, but will kill a dozen or more sheep for the de light of so doing. hlrt rroteetar. When man buys a dress shirt nowa days be can depend on the bosom be ing absolutely spotless, since, owing to new device that ban been thought of. the shirt Is protected from the touch of soiled Angers that so often were wont to leave their mark on the fair surface. This new style of protection consists of an enveloire of transparent paper that la large enough to bold the shirt, keep It absolutely clean, and yet en abling one to see the sice number? through It Without adding much to the cost the envelope Is a great econo my to the dealers and makers, since with Its use there Is never any cause for the return of shirts to the factory that bare been soiled In the handling as there Is In the cose of collars an cuffs. load Gets loar, At tats time of year, ay a well known authority, the Kidneys become weak, clogged and Inactive, falling to filter out the poisons and adds, which our the blood, causing not only facial and bodily eruptions, but the worst forms of Rheumatism, Nervous and Stomach troubles. Backache and pain ful, annoying Urinary afflictions. It Is worth any one'a time now to get from some good prescription phar macy the following Ingredients: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com pound Syrup Snrsnparlila. three ounces. Mix by shaking well In a bot tle and take In teaspoonful doses after your meals and at bedtime. This slmplo home-made mixture will force the Kidneys to normal, healthy action, so they will filter and strain all eric acid and poisonous waste matter from the blood, and expel this In the urine, at the same time restoring the "full blood count" that Is, 5 per cent, red blood corpuscles which Is abso lutely indispensable to perfect health. How lla Ksew. A witness was being examined as to the sanity of one of the inmates of the asylum. "Tou hold that this Inmate Is Insane, do you?" a lawyer asked. "I do," was the firm response. "Why are you so sure?" "The man," the witness said, "goes about asserting that be la Santa Claus." "And," said the law yer, "yon hold, do you, that when man goes about asserting that he Is Santa Claus It's a clear proof of hTs In sanity?" "I do." "Why?" "Because," aid the witness. In a loud, Indignant voice, "I happen to be Santa Claus my self." $100 Reward, $100. Tke readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded ,." that clnce baa been able to core Is II Ite etejree, and tbat Is Catarrh. Haifa (-terra Cure le toe only positive core now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh r .""tltutlonal dlaeaae, requires a constltutleual treatment. Hall's Catarrh -r A' t"k,n nteraally, acting directly "Pon the blood and murmia surfaces ef the S fJ" y"1"' deetroylnf the foundation d ttln the patient VZS S h br """ol"! P the conatltutiee snd asletlnt nature In doing Ha work. The proprictora bare se ranch faith la Its eura- rlIl.V, u,t tn,J n Husdred """y tot any case that It falls to eare. Bend for list of teettmonlala. l?!"? ""-.J. CHKNKY CO., Toledo, O. 11 & ft 1 "'. "e. "sirs Family Pills for constipation. Not What He Waatte. "Yes," said the specialist to the portly caller, "you arc at least a hundred pounds too heavy. If you follow my di rections I can guarantee to reduce your flesh fifty pounds inside of three months." "But I don't want my flesh reduced,'' answered the caller, irritably. "All I want is to get rid of this superfluous fat." Plan for Good Health ! Take Garfield Tea now; it. jugulates the liver and kid neys, overcomes constipation, purifies the blood and eradicates disease. It Is mads wholly of Herbs. Uafltaoas) of Thlnare. The Doctor It's hard to characterise In fitting terms such abominable weather aa this. The Professor Not at all; but Ifs hard to characterize it in terms fit for publication. Mrs. Wlnslea a stosasnasj aravr tar OM1saa tsualaai uniai Mas aaaas, rjlini laSnassMlaa. ak aww&.MairU4 sills VaaaMeeseaW S. C. N. V. - Ko. IS 1907. One of the Important Duties of Zrll f 1 AL iuc vy is to leara as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur. ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are Jhe most careful a to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by tliem, and it is tA-ell known to physicians and the Well-informed generally that the California Fig-SjTup Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable house-; only, and, therefore, that-the nnvn cf the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well-informed in every walk of life and areessenti.il i k ...v.-i; suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right .living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use. of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to pre6ent truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name ol Syrup of Figs and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full same of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. -pliinly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name Syrup of l'igs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Ci. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 190G, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Louisville, Ky. Women Avoid Operations When a woman Buffering fro as female trouble is told thai u oper ation is necessary, it, of oourse, frlghteus her. " The very thought of the hospital, the operating table end the knife strikes terror to her heart. It is quite true that these troub les may reach a stage where an ope ration is the on'y resource, but a great many women have been cured by Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound after an operation has been decided upon as the only cure. ine strongest and most grateful statements possible to make come from women who by taking Lydia E. Pi nkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs, have escaped serious operations, avt evidenced by Miss Rose Moore ecase, of 807 W. 8tk St., N.Y. She writes:- Dcar Mrs. Iiukham:-"Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound has cured me of the wry worst form of female trouble and I wish to express to you my deepest gratitude. I Buffered Intensely for two years so that I was unable to attend to my duties and was a burden to my family. I doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and constantly objecting to an operation which I waa advised to undergo. I decided to try Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound; It cured me of the terrible trouble and I am now In better health than I have been for many years." This and other such cases should encourage every woman to try Ly dia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound before she submite to an operation. Airs. Plnkham'5 Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from anr form of female weakness are Invited to (promptly communicate with Mrs. symptoms given, the trouble may way of recovery advised. Beat Beat la the Hssis. Executlouer How Is this? We are going to cut your head off to-day, aud yet you are laughing. The Condemned Yes; I was think ing bow glad some peoplo would be to occupy the seat behind me at the thea ter to-night Le Hire. A count of the unoccupied houses la London shows eO.OCSl. That is one house la fifteen of the whole city. TIFPNI83, STITCHES, LAMENESS, CRAMP, TWISTS AND TWITOHES, ALL OEOAMP WHEN TOU THE OLD-MONK-CURB i sLLl Why take l castor oil? dose of salts" means violence, grips, gripes, gases., soreness, irritation, and leaves your stomach and bowels weak and burnt out. Might just as well take concen- trated lye. Then there's castor oil, disgusting, nauseat ing truck that your stomach refuses unless you disguise the taste. Fool your own stomach, eh? Don't ever believe that anything offensive to your taste or smell is going to do you real good. Nature makes certain things repulsive, so you will not take thsm. Force yourself to nauseous doses, and you ruin your digestion,. weaken your bowels, destroy your health. On the other hand see what a delightful, palatable, perfect modern laxative, liver regulator and bowel tonic you find in ?ran ntrx t for the Bowels. All iVWrVVMwi crufflsts, sac, sjo, 50c. aL" www -J- Never eold in hulk. The "aaaaaaaaea genuine tablet a tarn pad C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Sample and booklet free. Address M0 Bterllns Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. eiwiuurmea 01 we San Francisco, Cal. ' U S. A. London, England. S ROSE. MOORE Pink ham. at Lynn, Mass. From the be located and the quickest and surest MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, MIS V7 -iy A OwtohiOma rrrrrteaeeaV ea-TerfcOeta, . a. OUIaTIB. Lelkrl f .Thpniipsoa,s Eya IVS , APPLT PRICE S3 AMD 90 CENTS Hfc . and : (Ca6vor (D5D I sickening: salts or repulsive "Goes through vou like a Physicians and Ilf U Veil vvoriQ 1 r New York, N. Y. x vr