Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 12, 1907, Image 5

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Special to California.
Hound trip rates to San Francisco
and Linn Angeles, about ball rates,
April 25th to Mar 18th. Be sure
, to go one Taj Tia the Shasta Route
and Pnget Mound only 112.50
more, Btoporers, Tariable tad at
tractive routes . .
Cheap, One Way West.
JJaiiy dunug April one-way rates
to Utah, California, Oregon, Wash
iogton, Idaho, Montana, Big Horn
Basin, nearly 50 reduction.
Daily, through Standard and
Tourist sleepers,
Homeseekers Excursions
Frequently each month from
Eastern Nebraska to Eastern Col
orado, Wyoming and Big Horn
Landseekers Information
Irrigated lands along the North
Platte River, in the Big Horn Basin
and Yellowstone Valley on terms
cheaper than paying rent, and,
money paid on a water right is
nieney saved. Send for new de
scriptive folders.
M. M. Abrams, - Ticket Agent
L. W. Wabelet, G P A, Omaha, Neb
It Takes
Everything1 depends upon
your nerves. It is nerve force
that causes the brain to direct
the motion of your body ; it is
nerve force that causes your
heart to pulsate, and send the
blood through your veins; it
is nerve force that causes your
stomach to digest food, your
kidneys to filter the blood, and
the liver to secrete bile.
In fact, nerve force '3 the
power that runs jrour body, so
if you feel worn-out, irritable,
nervous, cannot sleep, or eat
well, have pain or misery
anywhere, your nerves are
weak, and your system run
down. To restore this vitality
take Dr. Miles' Nervine which
-will strengthen and build up
the nerves. You cannot be
healthy without strong nerves.
"For elshtren years Dr. Miles'
Nervine and Anti-Pain PIHs have been
my close companions. Karly In mar
Tied life, while raising children, my
nerves became all worn-out could not
sleep; h;id no appetite; Indigestion
very bad, and had such awful dizzy
spells. Then I began using Dr. Miles'
Nervine, and at once I began to Im
prove, and soon found myself In
perfect health."
324 Pittsburg St., New Castle, Pa.
Dr. Miles' Nervine la sold by your
irugalst, who will puarantee that th
Krct bottle will benefit. If It faila, he
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
hare stood the test for over so years.
and are st) 11 in the lead. Their absolute
certainty of pro-.vth, their uncommonly
large yields of delicious vent-tables and
beautiful flowers, make them the most
reliable and the most popular every.
ere. hold bv all dealers. 1007
Seed Annual free on. request.
Detroit, Mich.
0U3HS and
Free Trial.
Surest and Quickest Care for all
.J-Wji . Se't
if".:-; fTn,
E L- S-''niXFiXX Mima
. A wtnnmr ,-Mg a kelri aM f.nr-.iffAf.n rr
iit'Kly u.-oriiii oiiroitmufl (reu vli-H-r lu
tvflal nuf.ee, nnoM wr "
Scserstific mmm.
nil A
it f 11HT iiMriU,"uniiu. joriin.
into MmiilaiB 111. fat till Lv Jail tIB W BtlBH til. -
WiiNN & Co.3e,Bre-d-'- New York
Physician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
I r"W 0. M
I-" Dr. ling's '
I flew BSs8Sere
"VXLJI id W M I I X f -.1
ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen
sable to the preparation of the finest
cake, Hot-breads, rolls and muffins.
Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to
buy other powders because they are "cheap."
Housekeepers should stop and think. If such
powders are lower priced, are they inferior?
Is it economy to spoil your digestion?
The "Royal Bakef and Pastry
Cook" containing over 800 most
practical and valuable cooking re
ceipts free to every patron. Send
postal card with your lull address.
Local Items
Uerald Dillon was here from Jack
son on business Saturday.
S P Barnes, of Homer, was here
Monday lookiug after insurance busi
ness. Don't forget
Breun'a coffee it is
For sale at Vac de
still in the lend.
Mrs Lizzie Wilson, of Anreliit, Iowa,
visited hor sister, Mrs O E Doolittle,
Monday and Tue'diiy.
Harold Van.lt ZeiUle was treated to
a snrpriso party ly his young friends
on Thursday night of last week.
Both Leslie was taken quite sick
last week, threatened with appendici
tis, but is uule to be uronnd again.
Adolpli Battels is hauling lumber
for a new house and barn which he
will build on his farm this summer.
Mell A Scbniied returned home last
Saturday from Lincoln, having finish
ed his duties as nsbistant sergeant at
arms of the senate.
Rav ft V Mum!, tit South SJrmT Vit.v.
, '
will preaW.n the ME church Sunday,
both morning und evening. Sacra
ment will be administered at the
morning service.
Several from this niuoe attended the
rendition "Queen Esther" at Jaeksou
last Friday evening, by tLe Homer
(Jhoral union. They were all pleased
with the performance. ,
A plat was filed in the office - of the
county clerk Tuesday by E J Smith of
Homer, embracing a block and a half
(eighteen lots) just east of Horner
The new plat has been given the name
of "Beam," as it is laid out on the old
Henry Beam farm.
Jay Bliveu received injuries Tues
day morning which will lay him off
for & few days. He was polishing a plow
lay on the emery wheel in his black
smith shop when the lay caught and
was thrown by the rapidly revolving
wheel, striking him in the breast and
also badly lacerating his left hand.
His wounds are not dangerous.
R R Time Table
C, St. P., M.& O. Time-Table.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lowing time:
5:52 pm Omaha 7 :35 am
10:00am Omaha ......5:13pm
:37 pm Norfolk 8 :20 am
:01 am Norfolk 5.32 pm
58 am Newcastle. . . ..10 :00 am
:08 pm " .0:08 pm
:52 pm Omaha 7 :S5 am
:37 Norfolk 5:32
C B & Q
No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am
11 " Pussenger, Onv-ha
and Lincoln 12 :32 pn
No. 80 Locsl Freight 2:15 pm
10 Local Passenger. . . .0:u3 pm
Sioux City, Crystal Lake & Homer
7 :00 a m 9:30 a m
10:(0am 11:50 am
1:45 pm 3:00 p m
3:30 p m P. ..4:45 p m
5:45 p in 6:30 p m
Leave South Sioux City for Sioux
City 7 -.15 am; 9:00 am; 10:15 am;
11 :30 am; 2 pm; 3:45 pm; 6 pm.
Leave Sioux City for South bionx
City 8:40 am; 9:30 am; 11:10 am;
11-45 am; 3 pm; 4:45 pm; b:dUpm.
Saturdav night truiu leaves &ioux
City at 11 :3() pm.
Snnday, leave Dakota Cily. V:JU a
m ; p m, 2 :30 i m a p m. xeave
Sioux City, 11:30 a m, 2 p m, 3:30 j
m, 6 :30 p m.
W. C. EckKert
Scientific Refractionist.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses
Accurately fitted.
Coi taltstion and Examination Free
Oflioe at resideaoe.
DxtrA cur, NIBKA8IA
Alum is used in some baking pow
ders and in most of the so-called
phosphate powders, because it is
cheap, and makes a cheaper pow
der. But alum is a corrosive which,
taken in food, acts injuriously upon
the stomach, liver and kidneys.
A house
for rent inquire at this
A pair of shoes for 50 cents, while
they last. D C Stinsou.
Frank Davey, of Jackson, transact
ed business here Saturday.
For field and garden ' seeds of all
kinds, go to O F Broj hill's.
Mrs Louis Cooler, of WakeBeld, vis
ited here from Fiid iy until Monday.
The schools in this place resumed
their duties Monday, after a weeks va
cation. John Dowitt came down from New
castle Saturday aud spent a few days
at home .
A daughter was born to Wm W Hen
inger und wife of St Johns precinct
last Friday.
O, why do you eat old dry peanuts
when you can i?et them fresh roasted
every day at Van's.
Gruce Hager went to Wakefield laBt
Saturday for a short visit with Mrs
Lettie llix, returning Wednesday.
American Hog Fencing.
Hioux City, Iowa.
Mrs Geo J Boucher and Mrs John 11
Ream visited at the W W Pilgrim
home in South Sioux City, Thursday.
George Wilkins spent Sunday here.
He is now located in Sioux City, hav
ing given up his position at Masn City,
Mrs N D Suyder went to Winnebago
Tuesday, where she will keep house
for Jus Foliz and wife, Mrs Foltz being
seriously ill.
W L Itnss returned home Saturday
from a trip to Kadoka, S D. He is
very enthusiastic over the outlook for
that country.
Arlow Hager was over from Sioux
City Sunday and speut the day at his
old home. He is now 'in the employ
of Kuapp & Spencer.
Have you ttied the Sultanna and
Tao-co brands of canned goods? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the ti st of the pure food law.
We have a good five room house,
centrally located, one block from Street
oar line, good water, some fruit, for
sale or rtut. Call st The Herald Office.
Mrs C'lins Hall, of Jefferson, S D,
and Mrs Ernest Triggs, of Sioux City,
spent Sunday at the home of their pa
rents, Scott Duncan and wife, of this
August Moeller, of Stanton, Neb,
arrived here Thursday, accompanied
by his brother Einil, and closed a deal
with Henry Krumwiede for the saloon
Judge Eimers performed two mar
riage ceremonies Wednesday, the first
was fur Ellswoith Martin and Albina
SU 'infield ; the second for Paul Nuunist
and Beshia O.sborn, all of Sioux City.
Mrs Tod Cbrihtopbersou, of (Jrofton,
Neb, has left the hospital in Sioux
City, und is now at the home of her
parent, W W Pilgrim aud wife, of
Smith Sioux City. She expects to
return to her home at Croftou tomor
row (Saturday).
A letter from Dan Hager, who is at
Moron, a small town about 30 miles
from Winnipeg, Canada, states that
the weather there was simply "Circe"
he past winter aud spring. The snow
is not gone yet, and the thermometer
still hovers around the zero mark.
Eric Ansncs was down from Vista
over Sunday, where he is now located
as stctinn foreman. He expects to
move his family up there as soon as
Eston Olseii, the former sectiou fore
man removes his family to this place
Mr Olseu is suffering with a bud otse
of rheumatism, and will take a few
mouths vacation.
nave you tried that new package
oofue that V an de Zedde is selling?
It is only 30o a pound, and you get
a nice dish with each package you
buy, besides a chance to draw a set
of handsome dishes free. The exffee
is worth the money and you get the
dishes forhiog.
A communication was received at this
oflioe recently in regrd to the small
pox situation in a certain locality in
the county. While the communication
was to the point and sized the situation
up about right, it was unsigned and
consHfiuently did not appear la tke
paper. Please remember that all com
munioations must be signed, not for
publication, but to protect the pub
Usher .
car of cattle
from her Monday.
All the latest designs in wall
at L M Leslie's drag store.
J J McCarthy was here from Ponca
on legal business Thursday.
Two teams of horses for sale. Call
and see them. D C Stinson
8 A Stinasu was in Minneapolis sev
eral days this week on business.
Ten Farms for Bale. Good ones, al
sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers.
Mrs Mary
Cav of Chicago visited
of Mrs Esther Harden
at the home
Bead the Herald and
compare it
county for
with other pacers in the
local newt.
James Fueston and Glen Armour
returned Monday from a land-seeking
trip to Colorado. -
When you get ready to paper your
home, order your wall paper at L M
Leslie's drug stoie.
S C Mills has succeeded C E Bliven
as manager of the Fields & Slaughter
elevator in this place.
nave you tried those fresh roasted
peanuts at Van's, Lot from the roaster?
They are surely dandy.
Emmet Hilernan has moved into the
Henry Wood's house formerly occu
pied by Mrs Georgia Jay,
Lottie Orr expeots to return to her
claim near Phillip, 8 D, the last oi
this week or the tlrBt of next.
Wm Nemeyer goes to his claim in
South Dakota next Tuesday, but will
return in the course of a week.
Children who go to Van's can got
two cents worth of candy for one cent,
and a whole lot of it for five cents.
Helen Orr returned to her school
work at Sionx Fall Monday, after
spending her Easter vacation at home.
Blackhawk ' corn planters, Bock
Island discs, and all the bcttt makes of
farm machinery at G F Broj hill's.
A big gang of Japs and Dagoes are
at work on the Burlington raising
and surfacing the road bed with cind-
We can furnish the Linooln Evening
News in connection with the Herald
for $2 80. This offer is good only du-
ling the week of April 22 to 27.
Mary Maxwell .of this place, and
Lena Bockwell of Sioux City, appeared
in u picture of the graduating class of
the Sioux City high school in Sunday's
All kinds of coal, feed and hay for
sale ut reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
S C Mills, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
Merle Tcnnant, of Ainsworth, Neb,
arriced here Wednesday for a visit at
the li W Wood home. Mr Wood is
administrator for the estate of the late
Chas Tennaut, the young man's father.
Van de ZeUde will sell you the
choicest flower and garden seeds, in
packages or in bulk, and when you
have purchased Beeds to the amount of
50 cents he will make you a present of
a gold fish.
Fred Kruger, son of John Kroger of
Brushy Bend, broke one of the bones
of his leg and dislocated Lis ankle
Monday. The accident occurred while
he was attempting to clean a diso
plow with his foot.
All who have relatives and friends
buried, in the Dakota City cemetery
snould see to it at once that their lots
are cleaned off. It is much easier to
do this work now than to wait until
the grass gets a start.
I am now ready to take orders for
painting and paperhangiug. Will
furnish estimates on auything in this
line of work. Letve orders at Les
lie's drug store for anything in this
line. Bert Brasfield.
II F Kohlmoier, manager of the E
& IS lumber yard in this place, was
oalled to Jerico, Mo, Sunday by a tele
gram stating that his mother was dan'
gerously ill and not expected to re
cover. V O Lake of Homer, is look
ing after business at the yard here
during Mr Kohlmeier's absence.
Jos A Foye has received word that
the first of the two gasoline oars which
are being built ut Chicago for ubs on
the line between here aud Sioux City,
would bo ready for delivery by May 1
The new car is equipped with a 4
cylinder, 50 horse power gasoline mo
tor, and is built exclusively for pass-
engor service.
For Sale.
Two milk cows for sale; also one
yearling Hereford bull. Wm Lahrs,
Dakota City, Neb.
Through blood poisoning caused by
a studer bite. John Washington, of Hob
queville, Tex, would have lost his leg,
which became a mass of running sores,
had he not been persuaded to try Buck
len's Arnica Salve. He writes: "The
first application relieved, and four box
es heabd all the sores," Heals every
sore, 25c, at Leslie s drug store.
For horses and cattle. See me at the
farm one and one-half miles north of
Vista. W D Boberth,
Ponca, Neb, R F D No 3,
The prioe of health in a malarious
district is just 25 cents; the cost of
box of Dr King's New Life rill," writes
Ella Slayton, of Nolaud, Ark . New
Life Pills cleanse gently and impart
new life and vigor to the system. 25o
Satisfaction guaranteed at Leslie1
drug store,
First M E Church Hours of Service
1ft a ni Sunday School
11a m.... Preaching
12m ....Class Meeting
6:30 p m. .......... Epworth League
7:30p m Preaching
7:30pm... Prayer Meeting
A 11 evening services from May to
October w 11 be held one-half hour
later, Elmeb E Shafeb, Pastor.
Phone number 83.
Old papers for sale at the HeralJ
office 5 cents per hundred.
John Challie shipped
Stsreoptlcion Lecture.
Rev L W Souddef, pastor of lh
Presbyterian church of Winnebago,
will give an illustrated lecture on "Id
dian Life," nnder the aunpioes of the
W II & F M society, at the Lntheran
church Thursday eveing Apiil, 18 at 8
o clock. Lome and see these fine pio
tures ef life on the reservation and
hear Iter Hcudder tell the story as he
explains each view. Admission,
adults, 25o; children, loo.
had so seriously affected my right lung"
writes Mrs Fannie Connor, of llural
Route 1, Georgetown, Tenn, "that I
coughed continuously night and day
and the neighbnra'prediction-consnmp-
tion seemed inevitable, until my bus
band brought home a bottle of Dr
King's New Discovery, which in my
ease proved to be the only real cough
cure and restorer of weak, sore lungs.'
When all other remedies utterly fail
you may still win the battle against
lung and throat troubles v ith New Die
oovery, the real cure. Uuarsnteod
at Leslie's drug store. 50o and $1
Trial bottle free.
When von hava a news item that
yon would like to see in print, ring np
the Herald, No. 43, and we 11 print it.
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Sunday morning at Sa
lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school
at 10:00.
Preaching at Dakota City at 3.00
o'clock p ra ; Sunday school at 9 :45 a
m;U Eat 6:30pm
A cordial welcome to all.
Real Estate Transfers.
AnnnM IUorup et nl to Rnmnua Fred-
rlckwn, part of no H m H. aectlon
11-K7-8, ' soroa, wit
O K lttitler nnd wife to John Holnncy
lotn 1, 27 ami 28 lu block HI, H S (!.. wit
Henry Oattueyer snd wlfn to Win Oat-
uioyer, no H ncctitm e-SN-nnml part or
Iota of 1 nnd J In anld aiTtlon, nml
part of n w i ne acetlon SI-iW-H,
( li) ncri-a) roiiNlthirntlon to lie $rK per
year bm ioiik n citnar either iienry
OHtineyor or Auminta Ostmoyur hl
wife aliBli Hive, wd SO"
Mrs Minus l'onor nnd hiiHlmud to Got -
lolb MpxHcrHi'hmldt. Iota 10. II. nnd 12 '
In block IB, north mld.llon to Kiuer
aon. wd MOO
O Pnlnier nnd wlfn to Wm ireh.
lot 7 In block li, Htatiton nddltlon to
Oovlntttou, wd 150C
milk Hunt nnd wife to Wm Lordi,
lot 7 In block li, Stanton udd to Cov
ington, wd '. IflOC
Walter K Hinlth nnd wife to Nlnn It
Smith, block 1 and i, Ileum, tied....- Tfl
xbiiry O Heyo, executor, to J J Klmor
lot 7 in bloc k A. qcd nil
The Mother and Her Girls.
"Do not be unduly disturbed, enr
mother, at the da wuing of a day almost
sure to come in your expeiience with
your girls," advises Mrs Sangster in
Woman s Home (Jomuanion for April.
If they have strong characters, if they
are able to stand on their own feet, they
ill reach a station where the train they
lake may lead them away from you.
Girls have said to me, with a shade of
sadness, that they regretted they must
sometimes make decisions of which
their mothers did not approve. One
of the temptations to which we fallible
mothers ftre liable is that of ignoring
the obvious fact that grown up daugh
ters or daughters nearly grown are not
babies any longer and are not to be
compelled to yield their individuality
to ours. There are erises in young
lives, and the only thing for a mother
to do, having given such counsel as
she thinks best, is to leave her daugh
ters entirely free to work out their
own problems. Euormoun trouble and
overwhelming disaster may follow in
terference ir. the management of other
people's lives, and although daughters
are part of your own existance, yet you
cannot treat them as if you were an
autoerat. Give your daughters room
for individual expansion and liberty of
You will never be too late nor lose
any time at the Unique theater, David
son block, Sioux City continous enter
tainment. Greatest moving pictures
ever seen. Ladies aud children especi-
lly invite J.
One Dollar Cheaper.
During the one week of April 22 to
27. inclusive, the Linooln Daily News
will aocept $2 from mail subscribers
for a whole year to May 1, 1908. The
regular prioe is one dollar more than
that. This cut price is good only du
ring this liargaiu Week, and all you
have to do is to mail vour to ine
Daily News, Linooln, Neb, during that
time, and you will receive the paper
until May 1, 1908.
The News does not receive any free
railroad tickets, and has cut off sev
eral traveling tolicitors. Instead of
paying out railroad fare, hotel bills and
other expenses, these savings will be
given to our subscribers uirtct by this
big bargain offer, more things are be-
ng done this year for the people in
Nebraska than ever before. The now
deal seems to suit everybody who has
not had some sort of pull The Lin
coln News keeps in the midst of the
fight and wtnts every man who be
lieves in a square deal on its list.
At $2 for a whole year there is not a
family in the Btate that cannot afford
a daily paper. The News has the rep
utation of printing the truth and print
ing it plainly, no matter where it hits.
Its toe liveliest, snappiest newspaper
proposition in Nebraska and if you be
come a subscriber at this cheap rate,
you will stay with it for a long time to
corre . lleraember the bargaiu woek
April 22 to 27. The price will be 13
after that week.
Colorado Lands.
Do you want to make 50 to
100 per cent on one, two or
f . ,4 I
more oi tne tnousana aonars
that is now bringing you a very
small, if any, income. If you
do, come with me to Julesburg,
Colorado, any Tuesday of the'
month and investigate the rich
and productive but cheap lands
of Sedgwick county, Colo. The
land will positively advauce 50
per cent and upwards during
the present year above the price
at which they can now be
bought. Cheap rate excursions
every Tuesday, Write or call
for more information and litera
ture about Northeast Colorado.
Jackson. Nee.
I American
Guaranteed absolutely the strongest
and best fencing on the market
Get our
before yon hny.
harnecs, either
Wo have on hand
single or double.
m. a I
is more complete than ever. We have just received a shipment of
white Enameled ware which we sell at prices unheard of before.
Wo invite the ladus to call and examine this ware.
Tours to Please
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. !
II. F. Kohlmeier,
Dakota City,
I also St
We have
Anywhere ou earth
See or
Lint your property with us to
Dak;taClly,Ntb.and WjlTttPr X FlTTlf TS
sou-, sio... city.Neb. " aTIHT A LimtTS
Absolute S Safety Thii 1 tua key uote that pervades
"" every detail of business done here. I
We offer our customers every convenience, every favor, EVERYTHING
consistent with safe bauking, nothing more. Whoever borrows from T
us, be be friend or foe, friend or relative,' the Holiest or poorest, our T
largest or smallest depositor, cannot get a single dollar unless we feel f
absolutely SURE that that dollar and interest will be repaid. In X
twenty-one years paBt, loauiug some millions of dollars, less than
fifty dollars haa been lost and we confidently expect to collect even r
that, in time. So, ask any favor of us we can giant and it is yours, X
but you cannot get one dollar on a poor note, no matter , what your X
standing or claims. v Bank of Dakotn County t
"The Bank that always treats you bight", .Jackson, Neb, i
13 a
Dallaa, Texas, April 17. lOOOt.
M We have gotten better results from the Ruberold
Roofing- than any other roofing of this style which
we have tried, and we will probably use 3000
squares of this roof during: the year 1006. In fact,
where we must contend with coal smoke, we have
decided that we cannot afford to use any other
kind Of composition roofing. Yours truly. '
B. 8. WATHEN, Chief Engineer,
Tha Taxaa Pacific Railway Campany.
8uoh a recommendation from a prominent railroad
company, who for many years haa used Ruberold
under the severest conditions, only confirms the
universal verdlot that
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
GKO. TIMLIN, Manaeer.
IHIorsc IBlsxirtvlkctc
411 Pearl St.,
Horf Fenicinrf II
Prices to
Call and examlno our
10 Year Guarantee giv
en with each machine
prices on
a fine line of both farm and buggy
line of
Local Manager,
- Nebraska
plenty of Money to Loan at a low
interest on Dakota county Farms. We
and Buy Beal Estate of all kinds
write us before you Borrow, Buy or Sell.
Ri f A K M I A IMIlV:
f 1 1 1 1 1 1 LllMUU
Machines j
I at