Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 05, 1907, Image 7

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    A Positive
EIj'j Cream Balm
It kklr ibtorbttf.
' OIm Relict at One.
It cleanses, soothes,
heals and pyitects
the diseased membrane. It cure Catarrh
gad drive away Cold in the, Hasd quickly,
fteatores th Senses of Tut and (JmslL
Fall hh 60 eta. at Druggists or Wy nudl j
(THal sis 10 eta. by tnaiL
At Brothers, (6 Wimg Street, Nsw York.
Hasfies Itcligs And
Til C 5K1 PI
Speedily Cured by Warm
" Baths With
And Gentle Anointings Of
(The Great Skin Cure,
vhen all other remedies
jGuaranteea absolutely
pure, sweet, and whole
some, and may be used
from the hour of birth.
SoH tbrongbout the world. Depot, in an cities.
Potter Injg & chem. Corp.. Role Props., Bntiion,
WBook on Torturing. UUftgurlnc Humours.
Lavtna? Klne.
My rtoi tried to bite me. I liked the
doj, so I kicked lilm lovingly In tUa
Jsw. He understood tbst arzuinent.
My frroeor tried to cbvtt mo. I liked
the frocw. I did not klA Mm In tlio
Jaw, but I told him lovingly that I
would not deal with lilm again, tie
understood that argument.
My bnby tried to slap mo. I liked
the baby, but I did not kick nor In the
Jaw or even cense to play with her. I
kissed her lovingly on hor cheek. She
understood that argument. Iudcpou-dent
Voi Can Get All'i FooI-Eim FIIKB
Write to-day to Allen B. Olm.ted. L I'.ny,
N. V., for a FRKK aanipla of Allen's Fnot
Eaa, a powder to shake Into your .h.ee.
It cures tired, eweatlng, hot, owollen, aoh
Inn feet. It raaken new or tUht .hue eay.
A certain cure for Corn, and llnnlon. All
DrugplKta and Shoe atorea aril It. l!5c.
A full-grown delimit can carry three
tons on its bark.
People appro-late the delicate taste
and natural action of Garfield Ton, the
mild herb laxative. Bout for liver, kid
neys and bowels. Guaranteed under the
l'nre Food and Drugs Ijiw.
Stamps costing $19,300 were recently
required for an agreement between two
Loudon railway companion.
The Fanner's 7ifo
Is very careful about her churn. Sho
scalds it thoroughly utter using, and gives
It a sun bath to sweeten It. !Sho knows
that if her churn Is sour It will taint the
butter that Is made in It. Tlio stomach Is
a churn. In the stumach and digestive
and nutritive tracts aro performed pro
cesses which aro almost exactly like the
churning of butter. Is it not apparent
then that if this stomach-churn Is foul it
makes foul all which Is put into it?
Tba evil of a foul stomach is not alone,
the bad taste in the mouth and the foul
breath caused by it, but the corruption of
the pure current of blood and tho dissem
ination of disease throughout the body.
Dr. Pierce's Uoldon Modieal Discovery
makes the sour and foul stomach sweet.
It does for the stomach what the washing
and sun bath do for thechurn absolutely
removes every tainting or corrupting ele
ment. In this way it cures blotches,
pirn plot, eruptions, scrofulous swellings,
sores, or open eating ulcers and all
humors or diseases arising from bad blood.
If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste in
your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath,
are weak and easily tired, feel depressed
and despondent, have-frequent headaches,
dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress In stom
ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour
or bitter risings after eating and poor
appetite, these symptoms, or any consider
able number of them, indicate that you are
suffering from biliousness, torpid or lazy
liver with the usual accompanying indi
gestion, or dyspepsia and their attendant
acraniremonts. 1
pf .rcrgUeTO .mam ,m mrnir? i.
FFSfc TfSBFSM To convince any
BU li li woman that Fsx
YH IZS I 21 tine Antiseptic will
Mil li id Improve her health
H tVn Km and do all we claim
itauatsa for lti We wlu
send her absolutely free a large trial
box of Pax tine with book of Instruc
tions and genuine testimonials. Bend
your name and address on a postal card.
catarrh 'and Inflammation caused by femi- 1
lime ins t sore eves, sore tnroat ana
mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur
ative power over these troubles Is extra
ordinary and Rives Immediate relief.
Thousands of women are using and rec
ommending It every day. 60 cents at
druggists or by mall. Remember, however,
THB 1U l'AXTON CO., Boston, llau.
Western Washington Timber Land
It you w.ut 100 Aci-r. mt 'limber J.d tli't will run
vr 8 OUO.uuu feat, fr attu, tnvwtir.M Uilt. A art hwNU
sra Umm lsveslmeat Co., litems, Wawklaatwa
ence ur trie cuTirDTTiie aiove symptoms
amT mfrmssjtjesfcdiolnc. writmelt
"L )"wiflg l!jIifWH"d pracLlllner-iJ.f
alT the severaTscluMilsof roediea.1 iiiaHTe,
have been skillful In. iui JTharmiininiijly
ftunhinrfnTlr. Pierre's (nl.leii -MT-.lTm
rTUrnvery Tlmt thl
is is absolutely true
will be readily proven to your satisfaction
if you will but mull a postal card request
to Dr. R. V. Pierre, liuffalo. N. Y.. for a
free copv of his booklet of extracts front
tho standard medical authorities, giving
tho names of all tho Ingredients entering
Into his world-famed medicines and show
ing what the most eminent medical men
of the ago say of them.
regulate the Soweia.
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy tor Dizziness, Nausea,
Drowsiness, Bad Taste
In the Mouth, Coated
Tongue, Fain In the Side,
Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
TSije New
Different from other oil stoves. Superior because
of its economy, cleanlinesj, and easy operation. The
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Steve
saves fuel expense and lessens the wcrk. Produces
a 6trong working flame instantly. Flame always
under immediate control. Gives auick results
without overheating the kitchen. Made in three
sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your
dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive
J3ay& Lamp
it the beat lamp for all-round household use.
Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled.
Perfectly constructed; absolutely tafej unexcelled
in light-fiving power; an ornament to toy room.
Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's,
write to our nearest agency.
tin lWUttaV4TU
ran IT if
Stock general merchandise for land; come up and
see land, will go hack with you and close deal if satisfac
tory. Respectfully,
ROSS E. PARKS. Lily, South Dakota.
OurvtollMaudtorMhvbM 4ir$frB. our factory
touaer fr a third of a oaatur. Waaalp fur mauiloaUon and
approval aiui vurmatM taia am u wry. i ou ara au iwtiiiuc
if sot aaUaAea a to i. quality a4 arte.
W Af Th Urtf Ml Haavfactttrm la TK Worid
MlBaT to thai AnMiimatwMlnal watl Wa aaMJra aaw iMnf
1-U'- - " i fMaaalalnMa.
uaoopy Tup bur. x-. ... m. m ui- V.
I M..S1S. C
lrr with A
Wo, Ate. ouwi hai
H."i SIS. M. I
T! rK:n Is dim. the logs burn low,
Nut in the fitful flush I see'
tpon the wall the sunbeams glow
Through the green branches of the trc
The bneklojc sputters, and I hear
The forest's leafy snminer note,
Aud in the wares of smoke appear
The bluo pool of the wood remote.
Then like a spirit, witching, gay.
Ascend a throbbing golden spark
A flre-fly drifting on Its way
'Acre the lonely ninrlsh dark.
-It K. Munklttflck.
Going Into Port
It was during a general thaw in
early winter Unit the Lucy !., a lum
ber schooner, slid 'longslde the dock of
little town on the shore of Grand
Traverse Day to take on n load of
shingles. No Ice had formed in the
bny and the sun hnd shone bright and
warm for many days. The short win
ter twlliffht hud fallen by the time
the vessel's sails were furled and the
hnwser secured to the piles. The town
boys had gone pell-mell down the bill
from tho village and raced ncross the
flats, for even so small nu Incident as
the landing of a lumber' vessel was of
Interest to them.
The crew of the Lucy B. went ashore
to lounge uptown to "the store" while
the cook prepared supiter. One of the
men strode ahead rapidly, closely fol
lowed by a tow-headed loy, the young
est of the crew. The man was the first
mate and several months before at a
port town on Lake Superior he had
discovered the boy huddled behind a
pile of lumber on the dock crying bitter
ly, but silently. Ills face wns swollen
and one eye was Mack aud blue.
"Well, well, what's the mutter here?
Been sernppln'? Cry In' 'cause you got
licked, eh?" The comely youug sailor
So he gnyly sprang off the Lucy n.
that evening lu the early winter, his
one sorrow being that It was the last
trip of the year, and followed the mate
tip tho hill, lie knew It was the mate's
cbstouinry Journey to the postofllce,
where perhaps a letter from his girl
would be wnltlng. This girl was sec
ond lit the boy'a affection. He had
often studied her tlntyito that was
tucked into the side of the mate's small
mirror. She hnd dlmpfes and a row of
wonderful little teeth, for she was smil
ing In the picture. Hut tlwre was no
letter nnd the bo.v's heart ached. The
lover's disappointment was not even as
keen as his, for the lover knew the
uncertainty of the malls from the
northern Ulaud where the girl lived.
'There'll be two when we get back,"
sonny, and don't you forget it," he said.
"See Cathead Klnt light twlnklln' over
there? That's her winkln at us an'
tell in us not to mind. Come on, I'll
beat you down to grub." Away they
tore, stones 'and dust flying in their
Thut night the wind veered to the
southeast and the barometer fell. Very
early the nest morning the call came
Iin.d halted and was gazing down on the
pathetic figure.
"Xo, I alu't," returned the boy fierce
ly. "Au' maybe you'd cry If yer dad
walloped yer every d:iy In the week an'
twice on Sunday an' after he got
through yer mother took a crack at
yer Just for luck. I'm done with the
whole kit an' caboodle au' 1 ve run
awuy an' I'm goin' to stay away if I
starvo nn' I'm most starved now, If
anybody should ask yer." The torrent
of words had poured forth without
The mate still stood starititr down at
the small face, which, ns he finished,
took on a pitiful look of listless resig
nation. The big soft heart of the man
stirred within hlui. Uu was amused,
too, by the promptness with which his
gibe had been repudiated. ,
After a square meal, during which
the boy hud manfully tried to mind
bis maimers and not fall to and tear
at the thick roast beef, flouting In
gravy as divine lis It wns greasy, he
told his story simply and honestly to
his new friend. There was a largo farm
somewhere back there, a grimy thumb
had indicated vaguely, about twenty
miles from town. Tho boy, whose con
stitution was none too hardy, could not
do tho work his father required of him.
For the cities are n .t the only places
where merciless eliilil-l.lor thrives. The
sweatshop presses out the Joy of youth
more rapidly, saps the intelligence and
ambition more swiftly, but there are
many little boys and girls brought up
on farms who work enrlv mid late at
shores that are never dene year lu,
year out, to save the hire of "extra
The boy of this story had stolen away
two nights before the mat; found him,
after a day of thrashing peas. . lie hud
stood for hours lu the grime and heat
and choking dust feeding fie muw of
the machine, his buck breaking under
the Incessant strain, for the appetite
of the clanking monster was Insatia
ble. At noon he had drop)cil Into a
sleep of exhaustion aud his father, bru
tal, Ignorant and overworked, falllug
to rouse him by shouting, had adopted
rougher means, waking him with a
heavy blow. After dark, worn out and
aching In every bone, the resentful 12-year-old
had stolen to the burn of a
neighbor and Immediately dropped
asleep In a far corner of the hayloft.
But before duwn he .was on his way
anywhere that was far from the merci
less grind and the grim clrcuiustaueea
of his Iw.ne life. Forlorn, weary, un
utterably hungry, not daring to usk for
food for fear of detection, making wide
detours through the fields and woods to
avoid the traveled roads, he had at last
reached the water front
The mate obtained permission to add
his charge to the crew in the capacity
of cabin boy. The runaway's duties
now were many and varied, from wash'
lng dishes to brushing the eaptaln'i
ihore clothes. The lake winds, a whole
some amount of work and, abovs all,
the love in bis hitherto starved little
heart for his friend the mats,
developed hint wouderfully
for all hands on deck. Part of the
shingles had been loaded the night be
fore under a full moon, but now the
treacherous wind had changed sudden
ly and with violence. The schooner
lay on the north side of he dock strain
ing at her moorings. The captain, be
longing to the hardy Norse stock that
breeds good seamen, ordered tho vessel
to be cunt off, Intending to reach open
water and then lie to uutil the gale
should blow Itself out.
The first-mate stood on the dock be
tween the piles of shingles and the ves
sel. The little cabin boy hud leaped
ashore and waited ut his left. The
forward hawser was being slackened
away and the first mate was endeavor
ing to cast off the stern line. Intent
uKin the colls lashed about the plies,
the furious wind Instantly taking up
the slack as fast as It was paid out,
he had eyes only for tho task in hand.
But the boy, keen with excitement,
watched the hawser.
Suddenly a single strand of the great
roie parted midway between the
schooner and .the pier. Its loose ends
waved for nn Instant, then there fol
lowed a sound like the report of a rifle.
The taught hawser had snapped nnd
with a mighty recoil was horled back.
It was a matter of seconds, but the
boy had leaped at tho mate, and, exert
ing all his strength, hud literally flung
him from his position. The heavy rope
shot to the dock and struck the boy
across the breast, crushing him for au
agonizing fatal Instant against the
shingles. He dropped limp and white
at the foot of the astounded mate,
while the schooner stood out for deep
The unconscious boy was laid upon a
stretcher quickly Improvised of loose
boards and, wrapped In the mate's Jack
et, w-us curried to a house near at hand,
where a young doctor examined hlin.
The mate, who hud not spoken, looked
at tho doctor as he rose. At the slow
shnke of the din-tor's head the mate
strangled a sob und dropped on bis
knees at the foot of the bed, hiding his
face In his arms.
Late In the afternoon the Lucy B.
managed to load her cargo. Then un
der reefed canvas she pitched away
northward; but on board there was a
temporary first mate and no cabin boy.
A few moments later the little suf
ferer looked with understanding eyes
Into those of his friend. Seeing tho
tears In tbetn he forgot his pain and
smiled, a twisted, wistful smile. "Don't
bo sorry, Dave," he said. "I ain't
Give the fellers on the Lucy my best,
an' the cap. An' say, Dave," be whls
lered later, "tell your girl I'm awful
tickled you're goin' to marry her. I'm
kinder sorry I can't be at the weddlu',
though." After a long silence the
white lips opened once more. "Dave,
I hate to ask yer, but say, Dave, do
you think do you suppose Dave,
would you mind klssln' me Jlst once I"
As the lips of the man touched his
cheek the Jlttle cabin boy slipped into
portv Calcugo Daily News.
Italy's rmlmlltnc PoBalMtea.
font strikingly curious population sta
tistics are now being pnlilhed In Horn.
Rome years a;o the Italian population
a-as one of the moot prolillc In Europe,
ind in one period of twenty years increas
ed from 2S.(MM).0(Hi to n.lsKt.)00. Now
the tendency Is strongly In the opposite
lirection, while, at the same time, etnl
tration which now reaches million souls
I year ia leaving whole rural districts de
populated. The annual inrrtaae had de
fined from 7.08 per 1,000 In 1901 to
1.1 in 19011. In the flouriahing industrial
liatricts there la avme progreaaive in
?rese, but in the rural provinces, like
Labium. Apulia, Sicily aud the Cam
pngna. It dwindles down aa low aa 1.1
per 1,000. I,omlun Globe.
Dnrlna: Thla Stoat h.
Now U the time to get the rheu
matic poisons and foul nclds from the
blood and system, stile an eminent
authority, who says that Iihetunatiauii
and Kidney trouble ure caused by the
blood, which often becomes sour from
excessive nobis, and also tells what to
do to make it pure and healthy.
Get from liny good prescription phar
macy one-half ounce Fluid Extract
Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar
goit, three ounces ConiiHuind Syrup
Sarsnpurilla. Mix by shaking in n
bottle and take a tcaspoonful after
meal nnd at bedtime.
Just try thl simple bh-od cleaner
and tonic at the first sign of Rheu
matism, or If your back uche or you
feci that the Kidneys nre not acting
right. Any one can easily prepare this
mixture at home.
The) Uuatnraallkf View.
"Spooner is a poor man," said Seuator
Lotsmun, "and I don't blame him for re
fusing to waste hiuiaelf on that job any
longer. Hy George, sir, t'nited States
Senators ought to be graded aecoriliug to
their ability and efficiency and draw sal
aries in proportion." Chicago Tribune.
There la more Catarrh In thla section of
the rou o try than all other dlxeasea put to
gether, and until the laat few jrenra
upaotfd to b. Incurable. Kor a great many
yeara doctor, pronounced It a local dl.eaae
and preaerlbed local remedlea, and by con
tmitly falling to cure with local treatment,
pron.unced It Incurable. Kcleno haa prov
en catarrh to be a constitutional dlaeaxe
and therefore requlrea eonatltiitlonal treat
ment. Hill'. Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by r. J. Cheney it Co.. Toledo. Ohio. I. th"
only eon.tltutlonal cure on the market It
la taken Internally In doaea from 10 drop,
to a tea.ponuful. It acta directly on the
blood and nuroua surface, of tb ayatem.
They offer on hundred dollnra for any cae
It falla to enra. Bend for clrcnlara abd tes
timonial.. Addre.. r. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Drurcl.t.. T.V
Take 11.11'. family Fill, for eon.ttpatlon.
Not Worth Notlcla.
"I'll sue the scoundrel !" exclaimed
Algy, in a terrible rage. "He calls me a
blithering idiot 1"
"I wouldn't pay any attention to It,"
counseled Percy. " 'Blithering' doesn't
really mean anything, you know."
A Natural Remedy Garfield Tea 1 It
Is made of simple Herbs. Take it for
constipation, indigestion, sick-headache;
it regulates the liver, purifies the blood,
'jrihgs Good Health.
Uot 'Ktl Mixed.
"Officer," said the man with the slight
limp, "I'm a stranger here. Can'You tell
me where I will find a numismatist?"
"Yes, sir," responded the policeman at
the crossing. "There's one down there in
the next block, on the fourth floor of the
building with the brown front. He'll take
'cm off for you for 50 cents apiece. First
ue free." Chicago Tribune.
The largest pontoon bridge in the world
Is at Calcutta, and is a permanent structure.
ItrhlnK, lUreaiujr Sores Covered
Body otlilnic Helped Her Cotl
eur. Cures Her In Five Harm.
"After uiy granddaughter of about
seven years hud been cured of the
measles, she was attacked about a fort
night later by a furious Itching; ond
painful eruption all over her body, es
pecially the upper part of It, forming
watery and bk'edlng sores, especially
under the arms, of considerable size.
She suffered a great deal and for three
weeks we mrsed her every night, using
all the remedies we could think of.
Nothing would help. We tried the
Cutlcurn Remedies nnd after twenty
four hours we noted considerable im
provement, and after using only one
complete set of the Cutlciira Remedies,
in five consecutive days the little one,
much to our Joy, had beeu entirely
cured, and has been well for a long
time. Mrs. F. Uuefenaeht. It. F. D.
No. 3, Bakersfleld, Cul., June 125 and
July 20, UKMI."
Mrs. Wlaalesr's uisi Mm
tMthlaci aafMaa tkm sum. lafl
lu. tf,'- mmwm wis. JU. fc tan bs
ism Im Ohll.n
a pretty face, a grod figure, but
sooner or later learn that the
healthy, happy, contented woman
la most of all to bo admired.
Women troubled with falntinfj
spella, lrregnilarities. nervous Irrita
bility, baokache, tho "blues," and
those dreadful drafrglnrr sensa-tlons,
eannot hope to bo happjf or popular,
and advancement in either home,
business or social life la Impossible.
The cause of these troubles, how
ever, yields quickly toLydia E. Pink
hain'a Vegetable Compound made
from native roots and herbs. It act
at once upon the organ afflicted and
th nerve centers, dlsnellinir effec
tually all those distressing syrnp- .
torn. No other medlolne in the country has received such unqualified
indorsement or has such a record of cure of female ills ns has
Lj dia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound
Miss Emma Runtsler, of 631 State St., Schenectady, N. Y., writes:--"For
a lorn time I was troubled with a weakness which seemed to
drain all mv strength awav. I had dull' headaches, was nervous,
irritable, and all worn out. (Jhanolnp; to read one of vour advertisement
of a caso similar to mine cured bv Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, I decided to try it and I cannot, express my RTatitude for the
benefit received. I am entirely well and feci like a new person.
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ia the most successful
remedy for all forms of Female Complaints, Weak Back. FaUinff and
Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and is invaluable in pre
paring for childbirth and the Change of Life.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to women
ffm-tnfffmm tnv frtrm of female wenkne are invited to
promptly comuiunleato with Mrs. l'lnkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her udvice
(a frnn n.nd nlurnvs belnfnl.
v r JM
kThe highest degree of style, fit and workman-
, ship an embodied in these splendid ahaes.
i mere are ease inal eqnal (hem Is assearaacc
1 sad wearing enallty at (be price. They are
Ttiat'anrhat th.n.me meant. That's arh.t s ,! .tit M-
all Beans wear "Henorbtlf shots. Demand them of your dealer
in Mil. bold every wnere. u you cannot get them
write to ut.
We alto make the "Weslern lady,' and the
I "Martha fYtsklngioo' comfort shoes and a full line
of men's, women's and children! shoes. Our trade-
I mark It stamped on every sole.
F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co.,
Milwaukee. Wis.
.... aB-t-v.T-
ryyasjosr aw
,si IE I
( 111 1!
S. C. X. u.
Xo. 11 1007.
For Emergencies at Home
fbr the. Stock on the Farm
SloaKs Limmeivt
Is awhole medicine chest
Price 25c 50c 6 1.00
Send For Free Booklet on Horse. Cattle, Hogs S Fbultry.
Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass.' '
$3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES
Meo'. Shoe., 5to ei.AU. Hoy.' Nhosa, S3 to ei.MS. Women'.
Hlin... M4 to M1.A0. Mlwea' A Children'. bhosa.BK.SS to SU.OO.
W. L. Douglas aiioet ara recognized by expert judtpa of footwear'
- to oe ins uom ia aiyis, ut snu wearproo.uc.ea in vuia country, cacn
part of the shoe aud every detail of the making is looked after
ana watcnoa over by skilled shoemakers, without regard to
time or cost. If I could take yon into my large factories atl
Brockton, Mast., and thow yon how carefully W. L. Douglas)
shoes aie made, you would then undent and why they hold their shape, fit bettor.
wear luuKnr, sou are ui grnavar tsius (nan any ovnnr ruasen.
W. UTkxi.Im riftm. nd prtc a lUmpM on th. bottom, which protect, th. wwirer .ralfint nlrs
price, and nirrrlor tho.h T.k Nm uhtHiit. Sold b tn. hcit tho. rtulcrt .rcrywh.ru.
! IMir iVilm and wMili. t'alf mmitd Jm. W.lltOVlut, ttncklaU.
V vf '
Jl -e T jssr m
d 'Vv--- v a
r. -.,-,
f u
A Friend
in Need
THAT thin, little, 10-cent
Box of Cascarets.
When carried constantly in your
Vest Pocket, or In "my Lady's" Purse it will
ward oif ninety per cent of Life's ordinary Ills.
Eat one of the six candy tablets contained
ia that TrVest Pocket Box" whenever you
suspect you need one.
It can't hurt you, and is sure Insurance
against serious sickness.
When you have Heartburn, Colic, Coated
Tongue, Suspected Breath, Acid-rising-in-throat,
Gas-belching, or an incipient Cold,
take Cnscaret.
Remember, all these are not merely Djs
comforts, but indications of a serious Cause.
Nip them in the bud eat a Candy Cas
caret. Cascarets don't purge, nor punish the
stomach like "Bile-driving" Cathartics.
They act like Exercise on the Bowel
iau.ni .uiwraassgay ns tf. It fitfUlll. Jii't jny.Wi
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Muscles that propel
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Cascarets ward off, or
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Six Shots
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The Vest Pocket box carried constantly
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At all Druggists. 10 Cents a box. . n
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Tsry flve la ceM aate kettsr ttaw sty ethsr r. lies sea