Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 05, 1907, Image 5

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A Good Chance to Visit
Pacific Coast
March and April one-way rates to
Li tab, California, Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho, Montana, Big Horn
Basin, nearly 50,' redaction.
Daily, through Standard and
Tourist sleepers.
Homeseekers Excursions
Frequently each month from
Eastern Nebraska to Eastern Col
orado, North Platte Valley, Big
Horn Basin.
Landseekers' Information
Valuable, free information to seek
ers of (iovernment lands and to
prospective pnrehasers of all kinds
of deeded lands along the Bur
lington Route. Write Lanseekers'
Information Bureau, 1004 Far-
Dtm St., Omaha, Neb.
R. J. Reaioner, - Ticket Agent
Ij. W. Wakklet, Q P A, Omaha, Neb
When you have a news item that
jou would like to see in print, ring np
the Herald, No. 43, and we'll print it.
If you arc in this condition,
your nerve force is weak the
power is giving out, the or
gans of your body have
"slowed up," and do their work
imperfectly. This failure to
lo the work required, clogs
the system and brings distress
and disease. When the nerves
are weak the heart is unable
to force the life-giving blood
through your veins; the stom
ach fails to digest food ; the
kidneys lack power to filter
impurities from the blood, and
the poisonous waste remains in
the system to breed disease.
Jvcrvc energy must be restored.
Dr. Miles' Nervine willnlo it,
because it strengthens the
nerves; it is a nerve medicine
and tonic, that rebuilds the
entire nervous system.
"t-Weral years wro I was all broken
.down. I wns nervous, worn-out, could
not fIopp, and was In constant pain.
I nr torod for months, nml nn.-illy the
doctor said ho could do nothing for
me. I beRan taking Ir. Mllrs'
Nervine, nnd used altogether eight
bottles, nnd I beenme strong nnd
healthy, and now weigh 170 pounds."
108 Ellsworth Ave., Allegheny, Pa.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your
druggist, who will guarantee that the
first bottle will benefit, if It fails, he
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
dflnstructive Interesting.
"Correct English
How to use it"
Josephine Tubck Bakbb, Editor.
Course in Grammar,
How to Increase One's Vocabulary.
The Art of Conversation.
Shall and Will; Should and Would :
. Mow to Use Tnem.
Pronunciation (Century Dictionary).
Correct English iu the Home.
Correct English in the school.
What to Bay and What Not to Say.
Course in Letter-Writing and Punctu
ation. Alphabetic lift of Abbreviations.
Business English for the Business Man,
Compound Words: how to write them.
Studies in English Literature.
$1.00 a year. Send 10c for a copy
Correct English, Evanston, 111
iitv ttiii rt pri.rdi)y 'onnvtif'i-
W: fri''. t Hiitr iur t ur :-.(f vutmiiM.
iviprtfi luueii ihrouuh Mtinii A Cv. tccolr
A .m.i1iirni. I1lntnii"1 weoklr. T.nrrpst if
,vHH.i "f i.nr i,tuMi'iiu.i lournnl. 'I .tiii. W a
n ; liiur nii'.ui, M. buiu Uyait nnutim.fl
.. .. r ft.. V'aaMnvnm. 11. .:.
prove their worth at harvest
time. After over fifty years of
success, they ere pronounced
the best and surest by careful
Slanters everywhere. Your
ealer sells them. 1M7 See4
,Aaaaal free on request.
The Hetald for all the news:
'T ler3
are the most appetizing, health
ful and nutritious of foods
Much depends upon the Baking Powder
Local Items
Deputy U 8 Marshal Sides went to
Omaha on business Wednesday.
Chas Goughtry has gone to Omaha
to serve as a petit iuroi in the federal
Don't forget Breun's coffee it is
still in the lead. For sale at Van de
Tom HpAtn haa rcnt.cxl tlia TToi-t
farm in Hubbard urecinct. takinor pos
session this week.
A big delegation of "fans" went to
Sioux City Wednesday to see the
Packers clean up the White Sox 3 to 2.
Lucas W Needbam of Winside, Neb,
and Augusta Gigear of Emerson, were
joined in maniage Wednesday by
Judge Eimers.
George Baruett lias moved his saw
mill to tbe Fo.ie park at Crystal lake
where he is converting some of the
big cottouwoods into lumber.
All kinds of coal, feed and Lay for
sale at reasonable prices.
Fields & Slaughter Co.
0 E Bliven, Manager,
Dakota City, Neb.
John Bur:um was up from Omsdi
precinct Wednesday and was a caller
at the Herald office. Mr Burcam
says there are still a few cases of
smallpox in Blyburg, but they hope
soon to stamp the disease out entirely.
Mrs J W Orr, of Blyburg, passed
away at her home on the old Cassman
place Monday. Her death was due to
complication of dropsy and consump
tion. The funeral was held Tuesday
2 o'clock, interment being in the
Omaha Valley cemetery. The sympa
thy of the community is extended to
the bereaved ones.
Two weeks ago an item appeared in
the Salem correspondence in the Her
ald saying that "Miss Susie Knox had
lost her understanding while going
home from school on foot," It was
meant as a joke, and referred to that
yonng lady losing her rubbers in the
gumbo while going borne from her
school. Her friends inferred that she
was ill. and we take occasion to cor
rect the mistake and say that the young
lady is well and happy and teaching
school in the Parker district.
R R Time Table
. C, St. P., M. ft O. Time-Table.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol
lowing time :
6:52 pm Omaha 7:35 am
10:00 am Omaha 5:13 pm
3:37 pm Norfolk 8:20 am
9 :01 am Norfolk ...... 5 .32 pm
58 am Newcastle 10 :00 am
2:08 pm 6:08 pm
5:52 pm....... Omaha 7:35 am
37 Norfolk 5:32
No. 85 Local Freight 7:30 am
11 " Passenger, Omhha
and Lincoln 12:32 pm
No. 86 Local Freight 2:15 pm
10 Local Passenger. . . .6:53 pm
Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer
7:00 a m 9:30 a m
10:(0am 11:50 am
1:45 pm 3:00 p m
3:30 p m 4:45 p m
5:45 p id 6:30 p m
Leave South Sioux City for Sioux
Oity 7:15 am; 9:00 am; 10:15 am
1 1 :30 am ; 2 pm ; 3:45 pm ; 6 pm.
Leave Sioux City for South Sioux
City 8:40 am; 9:30 am; 11:10 am;
11 '45 am ; 3 pm ; 4 :45 pm ; 6 :30 pm.
Suturdav night traiu leaves bioux
City at 11:30 pm.
Snuday, leave Dakota City. "J MO a
m; 1 p m, 2:30 p m 5 p in. Leave
bioux City, 11 MO a ru, ' p in, J MO p
m, 6:30 p ru.
W. C. Eckh&rt
Scientific Refractionist.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses
Accurately r ltted.
Coi saltation and Examination Free
Office at residence.
For field and garden seeds of all
kinds, go to O F Broyhill's.
L M Leslie and daughter Ruth are
home from a trip to Omaha .
Myrtle Roberts is spending her
spring vacation at her home near Good
win. W L Boss left Wednesday for Mnr
do, S D, to look after his laud interests
Freda llntiel departed Monday for
Paducah, Ky, where she will attend
Grace Bix came down from Wake
field Sunday to visit at the D II Ha
ger home.
George Wilkina is here from Mason
City, Iowa, on a visit with relatives
and friends.
Mildred Spencer began a two
months term of school in the Hileman
district Mouday.
O, why do you eat old dry peanuts
when you can tret them fresh roasted
every day at Van's.
Miss Mildred Spencer began a two
tnouthb' term of school in the Hile
man district Monday.
American Hog Fencing.
Sioux City, Iowa.
James Fueston accompanied Glen
Armour on a laud seeking tour of
western Nebraska and eastern Colora
do Tuesdav.
Have yeu tried the Sultanna and
Tao-co brands of canned goods? Van
sells them. These goods have stood
the test of the pure food law.
Mrs Harry Adair was a passenger
to South Omaha Sunday, to see her
brother John Gribble, who is seriouly
ill. She returned Wednesday.
Minor Hosmer, formerly with tbe
Eagle, was here over Sunday from Le
ft! ars, lowa, where he is now employ
ed in a job printing establishment.
Mrs John Matz moved to Sioux City
the first of the week to keep house for
her sons, who have employment there.
Carl Matz will move into the bouse va
cated by ber.
H P Shumway, of Wakefield, Neb,
was in town between trains last Fri
day, and called on some of his old
friends. He was enroute to Ponca to
attend district court.
.Frank Brink, who was tried last
week at Ponca for killing his sweet
heart, Bessie Newton, in a fit of jeal
ousy, was adjudged insane by a board
of insanity and the trial came to a
sudden end. Brink will be sent to the
Norfolk asylum.
The Foy street oar line is giving a
temporaiy service of three trips a day
this week, leaviug Sioux City at 9 am.
2:15 pm, 4:dU pm; leaving Dakota
City at 10 am, 1 :45 pm and 6 pm .
The track is beiug put in shape for
tor the new gasolene motor oar which
expected here in the course of a
week or two.
Tte village election pasHed off quiet
ly here Tuesday couriering the pre
mature eflort ""Inch was made to de
feat one of the candidates on the tick
et. Seventv-six votes were polled,
with the following result: Harry U
Adair, 67; Geo J Boucher, 47: S A
Stinson, 61; Wm Haughman, 17, and
twelve scattering.
At the village election held in South
Sioux City Tuesday, J S Bacon, G
Doutht-tt and W A Morgan were
elected, out of a field of eight candi
dates. Mr Bacon is the agent for the
Great Northern railroad, Mr Douthett
is employed on the government works
in Sioux City and Air Morgan is man
ager of the Emerson Merchandise com
pany at Lnx rnon.
In speuking of an operetta, "Little
Red Biding Hood," given by the gram
mar school, of Palo Alto, Calif, the
Palo Alto Times comments as follows
on a iorraer Uakota county girl, who
took the leuding part iu the operetta:
"Louise Bille, us Red Biding Hood,
filled her role with a remarkably good
Btage presence. Sbe has an excep
tional voice for so young a u tiger, her
notes being sweet and clear, uud has 1
promise of being one of Palo Alto a
coming soloists."
Mrs Geo W Rockwell, one of the
old and respected residents of Omsdi
precinct, died on Tuesday, April 2ud.
She had been ailiog for several mouths
but her death was not looked for. De
ceased came to Dakota county with
her husband in the fall of 1869 and re
aided here until her death. She was
a noble, christian woman, and leaves
a host of sorrowing relativea and dear
friends to mourn her departure . Tbe
funeral was held today (Friday), in
terment being in the Grove Church
cemetery west of Homer.
I A honce
for rent inquire t this
A pair of shoes for CO cents,
they last. D 0 Stinson.
All the iatest designs in wall paper
at L M Leslie a drag store.
Maurice u Uonnor, oi flaoora, was
here on business Wednesday.
Two teams of horses for sale. Call
and see them. D G Stinson.
IX j ijenderinK, oi Emerson, was a
business visitor here Monday.
Ten Farms for Sale, Good ones, al
sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers
Max Easton and wife were over from
Sioux City Sunday visiting relatives.
Attorney Al Pizey was here from
Sioux City Saturday on legal business.
Hubert Phillips cam down from
Raymond, S D, last week to visit rela
Rev E H Combs, of llcmer, called
on Rev Oberholtzer the latter part of
the week.
Read the Herald and compare it
with other papers in the county for
lecal news.
Mrs Geo Pranger went to Coleridge
Wednesday to spend a few days with
her mether.
Georgia Niebuhr came np from her
sohool on the Omaha reservation to
spend Easter.
Mrs M D Berg and son Paul, of
Ponca, visited at the Lutheran parion
age lust week.
Frank Lake, wife and daughter, ef
Sionx City, spent Sunday at the Ro
land Orr home.
A daughter was born to Ward
Austin and wife, of South Sioux City,
on the 24th tilt.
Wm Bouton left for Raymond, S D,
last Friday, to visit his children, who
are located there.
Rasmus Frederickson and family,
of Homer, were guests of Sheriff Han
sen Monday night.
When you get ready to paper your
home, order your wall paper at L M
Leslie's drug stoie.
Rev W O Eekhart conducted Easter
services in the Liutheran church at
Yutan, Neb, Sunday.
Have you tried those fresh roasted
peanuts at Van's, hot from the roaster?
fhey are surely dandy.
Bessie Robertson was home ircm
Emorson Sundav. She holds a posi
tion in the schools there.
Bert Fove is home from Kalamczoo,
Mich, and is again on duty as conduc
tor on the Foye street car.
Children who go to Van's can gut
two cents worth of candy forone cent,
and a whole lot of it for five cents.
Will S Jay was here from Lincoln
several days this week at tbe bedside
of his mother, who is seriously ill.
Blackhawk corn planters, Rock
Island discs, and all the best makes of
farm machinery at G F Broyhill's.
Gns Bartels was over from Lawton,
la, last Friday on business. He is well
pleased with the farm he purchased
there .
Francis Reed, of Sioux City, spent
Sunday and Monday at the home of
Neva Best, who aooompanied her home
Misses Mildred Burkett and Mary
Maxwell went to Omaha Wednesday
to spend a few days at the Wm P War
ner home.
Rev Shafer returned home Monday
evening from Decatur and Lyons where
be oonduoted quarterly conference for
DtDK Tyndall.
Miss Pearl Boddy, primary teacher
in our schools, went to Hartington last
Friday to spend the spring vacation
with relatives there.
Misses Nellie Lindsay, of Phillips,
8 D, and Helen Hill, of Springfield, S
D, were guests of Miss Lottie Orr sev
eral days the past week.
Cart is M Rohrbaum, of Peterson,
Iowa, and Pearl Smith, of Cherokee,
Iowa, were joined in marriage by
Judge Eimers Saturday.
Otto Danielson and wife, of Emer
son, and Ueru ilutoiuus, oi Bioux
City, were here Monday enroute to Ho
mer to play for a dance.
We can furnish the Lincoln Evening
News in conneotion with the Herald
for $2 80, This offer is good only du
ring tho week of April 22 to 27.
We have a good five room house,
centrally located, one block from street
car line, good water, some fruit, for
sale or rent. Call at The Herald Office
Henrr Bartels. of Wakeueia, was
visiting relatives and friends here
abouts tbe first of the week. He had
been to Sioux City with a shipment of
Van de Zodde will sell you the
choicest flower and garden seeds, in
packages or in bulk, and when you
have purchased seeds to the amount of
50 cents he will make you a present of
a gold fish.
All who have relatives and friends
buried iu the Dakota City oemetery
should see to it at once that their lots
are cleaned off. It is much easier to
do this work now than to wait until
the glass gets a start.
I am sow ready to take orders for
painting and paperhaugiug. Will
furnish estimates on auytuing in this
line of work. Le;ve orders at Les
lie's drug store for anything in this
line. Bert Uraheld.
Have you tried that new package
coffre that Van de Zeddo is selling?
It is only 3(Jo a pound, and yon get
a nice dish with each package you
buy, besides a chance to draw a set
of handsome dishes free. The coffee
is worth the money and yon get the
dishes for Lothiug.
R J Ressoner, agent for the Bur
lington at this place, left Tuesday, ao
oompanied by two cousins from Bioux
City, for Ashland, Neb, where be will
apend a few weeks at bis eld home and
endeavor to regain his health. He ex
pects to be back on duty in the course
of a conple of weeks.
For Ssle.
Two milk cows for sale; also one
yearling Hereford bull. Wm Lahrs,
Dakota City, Neb.
"When my friends thought I was
about to take leave of this world, on
account of indigestion, nervousness and
general debility," writes, A A Chis
holm, Treadwell, N Y, "and when it
looked as if there was no hope left, I
was persnaded to try Electrio Bitters,
and I rejoice to say that they are curing
me. I am now doing business again as
of old, and am still gaining daily."
Best tonie medicine on earth. Guar
anteed at Leslie's drug store, 50o.
First MB Church Hours of Service
19 a m Sunday School
11 a m Preaching
12 m ...Class Meeting
8:30 pm fcpworth League
7:30p ro Preaching
7:30 pm Prayer Meeting
A 11 evening services from May to
October w II be held one-half hour
later. Elmkb F. Shafer, Pastor.
Phone number 33.
Through blood poisoning caused by
a spider bite. John Washington, of Bos-
queville, Tex, would have lost his leg,
which became a mass of running soies,
bad he not been persuaded to try Buck-
len's Arnica Salve. He writes: "The
first application relieved, and four box
es heaUd all the sores," Heals every
sore, 25c, at Leslie's drug store.
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaohing Sunday morning at Sa
lem at 11 :80 o'clock, Sunday aoheol
at 10:00.
Preaohing at Dakota City 8 :00 p
m, U JS 7:00, Sunday school at
9:45 a m. Mission Band at 3:00 p m
A eordial weloome to all.
The Mother and Her Girla.
"Do not be nnduly disturbed, deer
mother, at the dawning of a day almost
sure to come in your eipeiienoe with
your girls," advises Mrs Sangster in
Woman s Home Comoanion for April.
"If they have strong characters, if they
are able to stand on tbeirown feet, they
will reach a station where tbe train they
lake may lead 'them away from you.
Girls have said to me, with a shade of
saduess, that they regretted they must
sometimes make decisions of which
their mothers did not approve. One
of the temptations to which we fallible
mothers are liable is that of ignoring
the obvious fact that grown np daugh
ters or daughters nearly grown are not
babies any longer and are not to bo
compelled to yield their individuality
to ours. There are crises iu youug
lives, and the only thing for a mother
to do, having given such counsel as
she thinks best, is to leave her daugh
ters entirely free to work out their
own problems. Enormous trouble and
overwhelming disaster may follow in
terference ir. the management of other
people's lives, and although daughters
are part of your own existance, yet you
cannot treat them as if you were an
autoerat. Oive your daughters room
for individual expansion and liberty of
The prioe of health in a malarious
district is jnst 25 cents; the cost of a
box of Dr King's New Life Pills, "writes
Ella Blayton, of Noland, Ark. New
Life Pills cleanse gently and impart
new life and vigor to the system. 25o.
Satisfaction guaranteed at Leslie's
drug store.
Real Estate Transfers.
Charity Hart to Peter Ij Laraon, lot S
in mock i, Kin i way ouunion to bo
Hloux (Jlty, wd tO
S O Glbbi to Rd T Kearney, north fi ft
of Houth 72 reel or loin v. iu ana n, in
Mock 18. original plat of Houth Hloux
Olty, wd 41500
Andrew Ihy to Thos B Lour, nwW
notion excepting awHRWHOl '
aid nwi-and railroad right of way.
wd 4100
Ernest Knke and wife to Minnie J
WIltHe, lot 1 Iu neetlon 84 and part of
lot II In section U6-27-4, wd MX)
Oeornte 8 Wellington to Fred Wallwey,
undivided hair interest in tot s and
o 10 feet of lot A In block 8, Hin.tu's
addition to Homer, wd 900
Catherine Glbba to H ;0. Olbbs. lots 7
and S In block 17, and north 29 feet of
south 72 feet of lotas. lOand 11 In blk
is, original plat of Houth Hloux Olty,
wd 1
One Dollar Cheaper.
Daring the one week of April 22 to
27. inclusive, the Lincoln Daily News
will accept 12 from mail subscribers
for a whole year to May 1, lf08. The
regular prioe is one dollar more than
that. This cut prioe is good only da
ring this Bargain Week, and all you
have to do is to mail your $2 to The
Daily News, Lincoln, Neb, during that
time, and you will receive the paper
until May 1, 1UU8.
The News does not receive any free
railroad tickets, and has out off sev
eral traveling solicitors. Instead of
paying out railroad fare, hotel bills and
other expenses, these savings will be
given to our subscribers direct by this
big barguiu offer. More things are be
ing done this year for the people in
Nebraska than ever before. The new
deal seems to suit everybody who has
not had some sort of pull Tho Lin
coin News keeps in tbe midst of the
fight and wants every man who be
lieves in a square deal on its list.
At 12 for a whole year there is not a
family in the state that cannot afford
a daily paper. The News has the rep
utation of printing the truth and print'
ing it plainly, no matter where it hits
Its tue liveliest, snappiest newspaper
proposition in Nebraska and if you be
come a subscriber at this cheap rate,
you will stay with it for a long time to
con e . Remember the bargain week
April 22 to 27. The price will be (3
after that week.
It any ef our subscribers desire the
address changed on their Herald by
reason of the establishment or changes
made in the rural mutes, or for any
other reason, just drop us a postal and
the change desired and it will be made.
You will never be too lute nor lose
any time at the Unique theater, David
son block, Bioux City oontmou enter
tainment. Oreatest moving pictures
ever seen. Ladies aud children especi
ally invite!.
(Subscribe for the Uerald, the
ppr in the county. $1 a year.
Old nepers for sale at the lierald
effloe 6 cents per hundred.
n A 4 1
Guaranteed absolutely tbe strangest
and best fencing on the market
Get our
Call and examine our
vfe3i- Sewing j
JrrJ Machines j
til V V 1 . 10 Year Gnarantee giT-1
I (jr'o ilV enwith cach machine
-rpls '
before yon buy. We have on hand a fine line of both farm and buggy
harness, either single or double.
Our line of
i jni w Ar
is more complete than ever. We
white Enameled ware which
We invite the ladies to call and examine this ware,
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. !
II.F. Kohlmeif-r,
Dakota City,
rm j
in Sawyer and Bayfield Counties in tracts of 40 acres or more, with or
without a house at from $5.00 to $15.00 per acre. Good soil, running
water, plenty of timber for fuel, fine climate, no blizzards, no drouth,
close to markets, Minneapolis and St. Paul on the south, Duluth and
Superior on the north. Best of railroad facilities, schools and churches
already established, an Ideal dairy country. If you want a "square deal"
Buy R.R. Ticket to Hayward, Wis. 403 Chlppswa Rid, CHIPPEWA rALLS.WIS.
Absolute Oi
We offer oar customers every convenience, every favor, EVERYTHINO
consistent with safe banking, nothing more. Whoever borrows from
us, be he friend or foe, friend or relative, the riohest or poorest, our
largest or smallest depositor, cannot get a single dollar unless wa feel
absolutely SURE that that dollar and interest will be repaid. In
twenty-one years past, loaning some millions of dollars, less than
fifty dollars has been lost and we confidently expect to collect even
that, in time. So, ask any favor of ns we can giant and it is yours,
but you cannot get one dollar on a poor note, no matter what jour
standing or claims. Bank of Dakota County
"The Bank that always treats jou bight", Jackson, Neb,
A A. -1 A A A. A A, A A A A A. A A A A A
Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co
GEO. TIMLIN, Nanaeer.
sxivd Saddles
4M Pearl St.,
Horf Fcncicirf 11
1 i at.
Prices to
10 Tear Guarantee giy
en with each machine
prices on
have jnst received a shipment of
sell at prices unheard of before.
to Please
Local Manager.
- Nebraska v
& isrwtf it ir;
key dote that pervades
of business done here.
every detail
Stop to Think.
'One Mimruto
of the washing machine ques
tion. Then come in "One Min
ute" and see the machine that
will do your work better, faster
and easier than any other.
The high speed of the fly
wheel under the tub gives more
power and less work.