Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 05, 1907, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Continuation of the Homer Hertld.
Bubscription Trice. $1.00 Ter Yesr.
A ir:Hy newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission has been prantod for the
transmission of this paper through the
mailt m second-class matter.
Telephone No. 43.
The Nebraska Experiment Station
baa just issued Balletin No S6, con
taining an account of the principal in
sects which were injurious to wheat in
this state during the past two years,
with suggestions for their control and
distraction. The bulletin may be ob
tained free of cost by residents of Ne
braska upon writing to tha AgrionltU'
ral Experiment station, Linooln, Neb
Items of Interest
from our Exchanges
Newcastle Times : The Coyle boys
were Jackson visitors Sunday,
Thurston Gazette:
beard and Percy Ilale
from Hubbard Monday,
Ed Clinken-
drove down
Emerson Enterprise : Mr and Mrs
M McEntarff er went to Homer Tuesday
for a few days visit.
Pender Times: Walter Niebuhr
ame down from the Winnebago
Agency Wednesday and looks fine not
withstanding his recent hospital expe
rience. Ponra Journal: Mrs W J Armour
was at Sioux City last Saturday...,
W W Armour and wife, of Dakota
-county, are spending a few days at the
home of their eon, W J Armour,' in
this city.
Sioux City Journal. 3rd: Charles
Broyhill, 416 Eighteenth street, met
with no success in bis effort to locate
the body of Daniel Noonsn in the Floyd
river with grappling hooks Monday. A
spiritualist told Mr Broyhill the body
was in the river. t
Oakland Republican : The Misses
Edvina and Dora Youug left last week
for about three week's visit with rela
tives at Lincoln, Omaha, Council
Blnffs and Missouri Valley.... Dow
Wilson was taken quite siek with rheu
matism Monday at his home in Homer,
Neb, where be shipped bis goods Sat
urday. Dow has been quite poorly
the last two weeks.
Omaha Bee, 31st: The meat mark
et of Joseph Stallebories has been
closed by the Sheriff on sn attachment.
Stallebories has leit West Point and
Ilia present whereabouts are unknown.
The suit was at the instance of the
Nebraska Stats bank, of West Point,
which held an unpaid note against
him. Ha bad been in business here
about a year and bis reputation was
Hartington News: Todd Cliriato
phereon, of Crofton, was a visitor in
town Monday . . .Misses Jennie Briden
bangh and Olive Hester, of Coleridge,
were Hsrtington visitors last Thurs
day evening and attended the de
clamatory contest.... Z M Baird re
turned last Friday from a visit at Sioux
Jity with bis son, Claud, He reports
Lim greatly improved and thinks he
will be able to roturn aome the latter
part of this weok.
. Lyons Mirror: Dave Neiswanger
waa here frsm Dakota City Tuesday.
....Mrs Bert Sheldon, of Bancroft,
waa here to visit this week before ber
departure for her new borne in S D.
She waa aooompanied by her neioe,
-Sylvia Lampaon, who is also a nelce
of Mrs MM Warner.... F D Wilson
baa moved his family to Homer, Neb,
where he will take charge of the
Standard Oil business, delivering to
all the adjicent towns. ' Mr Wilson's
grand father, the late A O Rogers,
who used to live east of Lyons, waa
quite well known in Dakota oounty,
having at various times hauled lime
from the Col J F Warner kiln east of
Homer for some of the older houses of
Decatur and tbe Blackbird country
II D Rogers, a brother of Mr Wilson's
grand father, used to live in Dakota
City and Covington, having been elect
d on the democratic ticket for assess
or at the latter place, Nov 5, 1878.
Sioux City Tribune, 1st: Grappling
hooks were borrowed at police head
quarters this morning by Charles Broy
hill, wbo is urging them to drag the
Floyd river for the body of Daniel
Noonan, who disappeared from his
home about six weeks ago and has not
been seen since. Broyhill explained
that a prominent spiritualist bad seen
tbe body caught on a snag in the river
between tha traction company's bridge
and the raiload bridge. He has full
confidence that the body is there as seen
in the vision and has been at work all
day polling about tbe stream in a boat
and grappling for tbe body. Accord
ing to the spiritualist's story Noouan
fell off the bridge at night and bis
4ody aank. Caught on a snag it fails
to rise aooording to the theory. Broy
hill lives at 410 Eighteenth street and
waa an aequaintanoe of Noonan and
bis family. He told bis story to Chief
Dineeu this morning and asked per
tuisston to use the books kept by the
'police. .. .Quotations on tolls over the
oombiuation bridge slumped agaiu to
lay, when the Great Northern railroad
company issued a tariff providing for
round trip tickets to points ou tho
- line in Nebraska. Thia tariff quotes
the toll aa low as 10 cents, whita the
passenger fares will be lens than 2
cents a mile in many icstanoes. In
tue past lne railroad companies
asmg the combination bridge buveool
leciea a iuii zo cents eacu way as
bridge toll . In tbe new tariff only 10
cents la collected eacn way, while the
' round trip from Sioux Citv to South
S.oux City will be 25 cents in the fu
ture, which is 12 ctfuta for the mileage
and 13 cents for two trips over the
combination bridge. This is the low
est schedule of rates ever made by a
railroad company in tho went, as it is
permanent, and the round trip tickets
sell for almost li cents per mile, or an
amount equivalent to what was former
ly the ono way fare. This means that
a permanent rate from these town to
Sioux City will be sold for what is
equivalent to a rate of one fare for the
round trip, if sola at 3 cents a mile.
Rome of the round trip rates are as
Station Miles,
South Sioux City 3
Allen, Neb 31
Laurel 45
Randolph 60
Osmond 73
0 25
riainview. .83
O'Neill 130
had so seriously affected my right lung"
writes Mrs Fannie Connor, of ltural
Route 1, Georgetown, Tenn, "that I
coughed continuously night and day
and the neighbors prediction-consumption
seemed inevitable, until my bus
band brought home a bottle of Dr
King's New Discovery, which in my
case proved to be the only real cough
cure and restorer of weak, sore lungs
When all other remedies utterly fail
you may still win the battle against
lung and throat troubles with New Dis
covery, the heal cure. Guaranteed
at Leslie's drug store. 50o and $1
Trial bottle free.
Roy Armonr shipped a car of stock
from here Saturday.
Fresh fish at Nordyke'a every Friday
Leave your order
Mrs George W Rockwell, an old and
respected resident of this precinct,
died Tuesday evening, April 2, 1007.
She bad been ailing for somn time
Jas llartnett ia all swelled up over
the result of the village election. He
was high man.
The Yeoman dance held here Wed
nesday evening wss largely attended
and all had an enjoyable time.
Mike Waters is arranging bis fishing
tackle for a trip to the lake the first
suitable day.
Best grade of macLine oils and axle
grease, to grease wagon with when you
come to buy your groceries at the
cheapest and best place ia town
Carl Anderson.
Henry Rooney and Tom Farmor
left Wednesday for a trip to Colorado.
Hans Nelnon shipped a car of cattle
to Sioux City Wednesday.
Frank Brink, who was tried for kill
ing Bettsie Newton at Ponca recently,
and was adjudged insane, passed
through here Wednesday en route to
the Norfolk asylum. Brink was well
known here, having resided here at
one time.
Two good driving teams for sale.
Dau Hartnett.
Use our ruroo Star tea, and get a
nne nana painted cup and sauoer
with every two pounds that you buy.
Carl Anderson.
The Knights of Columbus held
memorial services Monday for M J
Malone;, whioh were largely attended,
fattier H.uglisti outdated.
A large contingent of the "beauts
and chivalry" from here will see Queen
Lstber at Jackson Friday night.
Airs John mavan, or JNaoora, was
visiting friends here Tuesday.
Annie Qninn came up from Omaha
to spend the week with her sister
Hats for men and boys. All styles
and prices, at Carl Anderson s.
There will be memorial services for
John Roony and daughter. Mrs Ernest
Frost, on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs
Gearen, of Sioux City, will preside at
tbe organ.
Don't forget the entertainment and
basket social next Monday evening,
April 8. Entertainment begins at
8 o'clock sharp, Ladies, be sure and
bring your baakets.
Mrs Frank Uffling and Mrs Pat Dug
gan were shopping in Sioux City Tues
Mrs Joe Hagan was a passenger to
the city Wednesday.
Mike Green and wife were Sioux
City shoppers Wednesday.
Four cans of Fremont sugar corn for
23 cents, at Carl Anderson s.
Benedict Cullen went to Jackson
(Tuesday of last week to accept a po
aition in the meat and grooery store of
John Ryan. Hen is a bright boy and
we all wish him success.
B B Gribble was a Dakota City vis
Itor Tuesday.
Mrs John Howard and daughter
Margaret were down to Sioux City
John U Smith was shopping in town
Last week the correspondent for the
Herald made a mistake bv aavinir that
Herman Renze purchased a new piano
and put it in bis home. It was a piano
which was rented by Miss Kellier and
placed in the school house for the pu
pils to praotioe ou.
Bring ns your produce, cream, but
ter and eggs, we pay tho highest
market pnos. Carl Andersen.
The fall wheat fields are showing up
nne in this vicinity.
Herman Renze is cutting down the
trees in front of his house.
Stats Representative D 0 Heffernan
will be home rriday of this week.
John and Dick Myers left last Sat
urday for Texas. They expect to be
gone a month.
The farmers aronud here are all get-
ting their email grain in and (be soil
in shape for the coru crop.
Evaporated apples, 0 pounds for 1,
at Carl Anderson's.
Chas Schuoenian was here Wednes
day, representing a wholesale liquor
Uouite iu bioux City.
Father English's horses look fine
siuce tb.ey were clipped.
Johana Mundy was on the sick list
If you need a new buggy go to
Rente and Oreen, for thoy have a full
Tbe village eleolion passed off quiet'
ly Tueidsy, and the following trusters
were elected: Jaa Ilartnett. Jos Ha-
gan, T r McUee, frank, Heeney, u r
Cain and D O Hcffernan. The two
last named will draw straws for a seat
on the board.
Itnnzi and Oreen Lave a fine assort
ment of maohioery on baud and are
as busy as bees filling their orders.
Rev J E English attended the forty
hours devotion which closed Tuesday
night at Jackson.
Mi and Mrs Hoy Wilsey returned
home last Sunday evening.
Nordyke always has fresh oysters in
Special Corrkapoudfscs.
M T 6acom spent Monday in Ho
Mrs M J McMullen visited Mrs
Droel in Waterbury the last of
week. .
Frank O'Hanlon who bad been in
Omaha the past week has returned
John Hogan baa accepted a position
as clerk in the general merchandise
store of J A Hall.
Jas P Boler and bis friend Mr Don
ley returned to Omaha Tuesday after
spending faster vacation with Mr
uoler s folks here.
.Tm. nt I. !H.
lh. Pn.vv elevator nonrnanr A Naenra
snent Easter with bis folks here.
v..ir t?;i ft w.:,.; v
th. railwav mail rvir, it Rinnx Til
"" J "was, caauiiuasivu w a
Frank Hoiran. who was in th em-
ploy of the Curtis Sash and Door com
pany of Sionx City, came home Mon
Mrs Mary Hennessy has been quite
sick the past week with la grippe.
Mrs W Brown, of Page, Neb, is
here visiting her daughter, Mrs Jaa
I'atricK u iseui, who lias been con
fined to bis bed this week continues to
Mary Z Boler, who teaches in the
John W Twohig district has been un
able to teach this week being confined
to her borne with an attack of li
Mavme McCabe, of Ponca, was visit
ing several days at the John Boler
Misses Mary Sullivan and Anna
Quinn, teaohers in the Omaha schools,
are spending their Easter vacation
with their parents here.
wnuo Martin ilennnessy was nu-
bitohing bis team Monday night, one
of his horses kicked him in the stom
ach. At first it was thought it would
be serious but be is getting alojg all
right, only be feels very sore.
The people are looking forward to
an evening of pleasure when Queen
Esther will be presented here Friday
mgut. A lull bouse is expected.
Benedict Cullen, of Hubbard, is
clerking for John Ryan.
Jess White is assisting M Zulauf in
his barber shop.
Ia the Catholic church here Sunday
announcement was made of the mar
riage Lee 0 Kearney and Misa Loretta
Riley, two of Jackson's most popular
young people.
Rev Father Byrne, of Ponca, Fr
Burke, Emerson, Fr O'Toole, New
castle, Fr English, Hubbard, Fr De-
vane, Dixon, assisted Fr s McCarthy
and McDad. with the forty hours de
votion which was held here the first of
the week.
A case of smallpox is reported at I
the borne of Joseph Hodgins near Vis
ta, Mrs Ilodgins being taken down.
Eugene Kennelly has been appointed
rural mail carrier on route one, Frank
Riley having resigned, his appoint
ment to date from April 16, 1007.
nr.. d u.;tu ..j 4.nvi.. r.
L, Pon m here TiBitirjgIrB 8mith.B!
sister, Mn J M Brannan.
Tbos Murphy, of Homer, was visit
ing friends here the last of the week.
Airs Frank tiavey visited ner son
John P at Emerson Monday.
Special Con ass for d rob.
Charloit Kelly is home from Sioux
City where she is attending school.
Mary and "Babe" A ah ford are spend'
ing their faster vacation at home.
Tbe insurance adjusters were here
this week and paid the inanranoe on
the town hall which burned last week,
Tim O'Connor shipped three cars of
cattle Monday.
O J O'Connor's have gone to their
Cherry county ranrh.
Mabel Johnson and Beasie Robertson
went to Norfolk Thursday to attend
the teachers' meeting.
Died, at her borne four miles west
of homer, April 3, 1907, Mrs Geo
Rookwcll. Interment Friday at 8 p
m at Grove church cemetery.
Mra E W Stevens and son will at
tend "Queen Esther" at Jackson Fri
day evening, going with the company
from Ilonier. They Will return to I
their home at Missouri Valley, Iowa,
Tbe smallpox is a visitor at the
Whaley home.
Welingtion and Ulen Hmitu were
Sioux City visitors Wednesday.
Will Odell is ciroalating a petition
for a saloon.
JimmiB Nelson was down from Da
kota City Wednesday.
Joe Maney was a Homer visitor this
Mrs E W Stevens and son and Mrs
T V Curtis and daughter spent the
day Wednesday at the Nelson Smith
Mrs Shepardson
and Mra Osborn
drove to Sioux City Thursday of laat
I week.
Bert Barnea. wife and ebild. of
Waterbury, were visting relatives in
these parte last week.
ilie i.aater dance Aloud ay evening
was not very well attended.
Mrs Bancroft waa a Sioux City vis
itor Tuesday night.
Mrs EW Stevens and son Lauren,
of Missouri Valley, Iowa, are guests at
the T li Cnrtia Lome.
Lena Wilkina, of the Free Frees,
waa a Sioux City passenger Saturday
evening, returning Monday.
Mra Hud Orr, who was ill for some
time, died Monday. Funeral services
were held in the M E church at this
place Tuesday, interment in Omaha
Valley cemetery,
Seth Uuoklund accompanied Bert
Barnes of Waterbery to Kit Carson
county, Colorado, Monday.
The town election seemed to be a
very quiet one. L J tkbuett on tbe
citizens ticket and Verne Lake and
Will Winch, by petition, were duly de
clared elected.
Rose Heeney came down from Allen
Friday evening to spend Easter Sun
day with ber parents here.
Lne Chinkle and family departed
for their new home in Foster, Nebr,
the latter part of last week.
Margaret Voss was taken to St
Joseph's hospital in Sioux City last
c iu;, ior treatment.
Mrs Salma Mnlleter was a visitor
at Carl Voss's one day last week.
Opal Gigear, of Emerson, was a
gues- at the Heeney home ttie latter
part of last week.
Charles Ranchman, of Jefferson. R
D, was a visitor at the Heenev home a
few days this week.
Mr Peterson has moved bis familv
here and will have charge of the ele-
""" iTlr "any wno nau
i 1. T r i .
?1,We f or P" threft " "8,
u" 'murBBa lo n18 u'me " '"son.
i n ir w-
v aoa wne were umerson
. Cj.-.T-.
"" ""J
Carl Voss was a passenger to Sioux
WJ 8 oaturnay
Bprcial Corrkrposlkncr.
Ray Lapsley is looking for his new
buggy every hour of the day.
Geo W Learner and erstwbilo re
porter for Songbird on the Eagle staff,
has assumed the entire control of tbe
midnight rides between Salem and
Dakota City,
According to all reporls there will
be more potatoes planted this year in
Dakota county than corn. Some of
the large potato growers are going to
put in from fifty to seventy acres.
Several of the base ball magnates
witnessed the White Sox get trimmed
by the Packers Wednesday.
Mrs J J Learner left Thursday for
Rapid City, 8 D, to join ber husband
who is located in that city.
Southeast Salem is making all prep
arations for a wedding and it certainly
is very evident, so it would be well for
the boys to tuno up the cow bells.
First publication April 5
Liquor Wotice.
Notice Is hereby Ktven thnt Carl Freiler-
lckNOii ho tiled IiIh application and petition
with the village clerk of Hublxinl, Nebr.,
for a lleenHe to well mult. HDlrltuoim and vin
ous liquor In the vIIIhko of Hiihlmnl, Dako
ta county, Inuhraxkn. for the lineal year be-
trlnnlim on the 1st clay of May, 1WI7, and
ending on the itnth day of April, linn.
tjnri f rediTiekHon, Applicant.
First publication April 6 4w
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition
for Settlement of Account-
In the County Court of Dakota county.
Htate of Nebraska. 1
County of Dakota. "
To James Tliomua Ijcahy. Mary Carman.
MattKie Nugent. Anna (Jearen. Andrew
I-eahy. Waller Leahy. William Ixahy. Kiln
Carney, and nil persons interested in the
estate of Julia Ijhey, deceased:
On readmit the petition of Andrew Iahy
praying a nnnl settlement and allowance of
his account tiled in tills court onthoinith
day of March, ltsrr. and that a decree (lis
tributinK mid nsslKiitiiK the residue of said
estate lie entered, and that said executor lie
It is hereby ordered that you. and all per
sons Interested In said matter, may. and do,
appear at the county court to be held In and
lor said county, tin me uru day 01 May
A. !., lis T. at 10 o'clock a. 111., to show cause,
if any there he, why the prayer of the pe
tloner should not be granted, and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and that
the hen ring thereof lie given to all persons
Interested in said matter ny publishing a
copy of this Order In the Dakota County
Herald, a weekly nowspaper printed in said
county, for four successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
.1. J. K.IMKRS,
ska I,. County Judge,
First Publication March t6w.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of sale Issued by Harry H. Adair,
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county. Nebraska, and directed tome. H. C,
Hansen, sheriff of said county, commanding
me to sell the premises hereinafter describ
ed to satisfy a certain judgment of tbe said
district court of said county and state, ob
tained at the October, lvue, term thereor, to
wit: on the 8t h day of January, llsM, In favor
of F. V. Ulaxler and against Nicholas Kyan
for the sum of elgnty-slz dollars and ninety
one cents (tNrt.Vlh and eight dollars and
sixty-nine cents (tH.Mt), as an attorney's fee,
with Interest on said sums from January 8.
inn. at 10 percent, per annum, and his costs
taxed at seventeen dollars and eighty cents
(I17OI. 1 have levied upon the following
dcscrlhcd property, to-wtt: J he north
twenty-four (24) acres of tho northwest
quarter of section fifteen (lft), township
twenty-nine (tt, north, range seven (7).
east, all being located In said Dakota county
and state of Nebraska.
And I will, ou Tuesday, the SOtb day of
April. 19117. at 10 o'clock a. in. of said
day, at the south front door of the court
house in Dakota City, Dakota county, Ne
braska, proceed to sell at publlo auction to
the highest and best bidder, for cash, all of
tho alsive described property, or so much
thereof as may lie necessary to satisfy said
order of sale Issued by Harry H. Adair,
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon
In tho aggregate lielng the sum of one
hundred and twenty-two dollars and ninety
five cents (122.Ml, and accruing costs.
(liven undur my band this zMtb day of
Mureh. A. D. 1807
HherlfT of Dakota County, Neb
Subscribe for Thb Hebald
year. -$1 per
Physician and Surpeon.
Calls promptly attended
Colorado Lands.
Do you want to make 50 to
100, per cent on one, two or
more of the thousand dollars
that is now bringing you a very
small, if any, income. If you
do, come with me to Julesburg,
Colorado nnv Tursdav of the
., , . ., . .
month and investigate the rich
and productive but cheap lands
of Sedgwick county, Colo. The
land will positively advauce 50
per cent and upwards during
the present year above the price
at which they can now be
bought. Cheap rate excursions
every Tuesday. Write or call
for more information and litera
ture about Northeast Colorado.
j 0M& j
Th Coknr
It wss In my foreign travel,
At a famous Flemish inn.
That I met a stout ish person N .
Wit a very ruddy skin ;
And his hair was something sand,
And was done In knotty curls,
And was parted In the middle,
In the manner of a girl's.
II wss elsd In checkered trousers,
And his coat was of a sort
To suggest a scanty pattern,
It was bobbed so very short ;
And his cap was very little,
Such ss soldiers often use ;
And he wore a pair of gaiters,
And extremely heavy shoes.
I addressed the man In English,
And he answered in tbe same.
Though he spoke it in a fashion
That I thought a little lams;
For the sspirate was missing
Where the letter should have been.
But where'er it wasn't wanted,
Tlo was sure to put it In !
When I spoke with admiration
Of St. Peter's mighty dome,
lie remarked : " 'Tis really nothing
To the sights we 'ave at 'ome I"
And declared upon his honor
Though, of course, 'twas very queer-
That he doubted if the Romans "
'Ad the hart of making beer !
Then we talked of other countries,
And he ssid that he had heard
That hAmericans spoke hEnglish,
But he deemed it quite habsurd;
Yet he felt the deepest hintcrest
In tho missionary work,
And would like to know if Georgia
Was in Boston or New York !
When I left the man in gaiters.
He was grumbling, o'er his gin.
At the charges of the hostess
Of that famous Flemish inn :
And he looked a very Briton
(So, methinks, I see him still).
As he pocketed the candle
That was mentioned in the bill !
John G. Snxe.
A ruddy drop of manly blood
The surging sea outweighs;
The world uncertain comes and goes,
The lover rooted stays.
I fancied he was lied
And after many a year
Glowed unexhausted kindliness,
Like daily sunrise there.
My careful heart was free neain;
Oh, friend, my bosom said.
Through thee alone the sky is arched,
Through thee the rose is red ;
All things through thee take nobler form,
And look beyond the earth ;
The mill-round of our fate appears
A sun path In thy worth.
Me, too, tby nobleness has taught
To master my despair ;
The fountains of my hidden life
Are through thy friendship fair.
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Can It De that Man Likea the I'n
tldy Woman?
Oh, woman, in our hours of ease you
frequently contrive to please. But, ah,
you Mil our bitter cup when you lnsleit
on "tidying up."
It is this passion for arranging things
In an apparent orderliness) that causes
tbe real conflict of the sexes of which
the poets tell us so much, according to
an English thinker. It Is tbe sharpest
rock on which the ships of matrimonial
happiness can split It Is the fly In the
amber, not to mention the little rift
within the lute, which widens soon and
makes the music mute.
A man and this fact cannot be too
strictly insisted on Is guided by mem
ory In bis dealings with bis books and
papers. lie puts the r-anuscrlpt of bis
new novel under the tobacco Jar and
his pipe on the floor by the coal scut
tle. When he next needs these things
he has a clear mental picture of their
whereabouts. He goes with unerring
step and retrieves bis valuables. A
woman cannot understand this. She
has a mania for arranging things, and
placing papers In Inaccessible diawers.
Much misery is thus caused. A con
temporary haa the following piquant
passage: ,"As an observer of women,
I bave been much struck by the fact
that the women who are most attractive
to the opposite sex are Invariably the
women who have poor housewifely qua
lities. The passion for tidiness nud all
things In order about them Is the heri
tage of the old maid." Ro there If
one may be permitted the expression.
Any telephone exchange using hand
generators for rluglng up subscribers,
will And a water motor much more
convenient, as the oierator only needs
to press the foot lever to ring up and
the bell will continue rluglng as long
as the lever Is bold down. Another ad
vantage Is that the motor and generator
may be plnced at some distance from
tbe switch board, thus doing uwny with
all noise. Ona S. Ilaruias iu Popular
Singleton What have you In that
package, old mail? Wedderly An ash
receiver. It's a preseut for uiy wife.
Singleton What! lo. don't mean to
tell uie she smokes Igarettes? Wed
derly tin, no. oni ;t sue has an asu
receiver for me to ,ut my cigar ashes
in it will save tur the trouble of
sweeping them up. Bee? Chicago
A notiody Is a man who is always
boasting 9t blr ancestors.
You are sure to raise a crop if you use the No. 9.
315-17-1!) Pearl Street, Sioux City. Io.
Do yotx want
to sell yowr farm?
The quick, sure way is
to put a want-ad in
5?e Omaha, IBce
The Rates are One insertion, per line 10 cents.
Two or more consecutive insertions, per line,
6 cents each insertion. Each insertion made on
odd days, 10 cents per line.
All advertising runs in both morning and
and evening papers without extra charge.
Count Six Words to at Line
Address Want-Ad Department, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb.
Within everybody's reach reaches everybody
exclusively lmroauce some irnm imiwu.". - ""'
CREATIONS In Vegetables that Nature X,,..
. . . i L T ...
has vet Droduced I
II you woma inte m hi w mmt mm 0 mm mm mwm
this elegant work. DO NOTr DELAY WRITE TO-DAY I
you should tend lor
Vita, G
NortK- Western.
Through Tosr!at Geira Dally, M lnnBk.polia evivel
Si. Pa,ul to Pskwolflo Coavatt Pottit.
If yon contemplate a trip no matter where, for rates and
other information call on or address
Division Pass'r Agt.
City Klesdt Msrlket
Fresh and Salt Meats always
It is Delicious
25 cents per Pound
BlendoJ and packed from carefully selected coffee by
Btxck: waiter's
No. 6 Front St. Homer, Neb
than ever before
Specialties we now
MV.IM Inlndlni lh mm wmarlrokl. TWO NPW
- 't.. "is - - .
CO., Seed Growers, Philadelphia
One-Way seeond class colonist tickets will be
00 sale daily, March 1st to April 30th to Port
land, Seattlo, Tacoma and Puget Bound points.
Proportionately low rates to points in Alberta,
British Columbia, Idaho and Montana.
Speoial homeseekers tickets will be on sale first
and third Tuesdays of March and April to many
points in Idaho, eastern portion of state of
Washington and also to a large southwest terri
tory. The rate will be about one fare plus 12.00
for tbe ronnd trip.
Agent, Dakota City.
Proprietor of
on hand . Caeh paid for bides.