Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 15, 1907, Image 4

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Dakota County Herald
Ccntmuation of the Homer Herald.
Jus b. heam, rt BusiiF.n.
Wubocriplion Trice. $1.00 Ter Yr,
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota Liity. Nebraska.
Permission bus been granted for tbe
transmission of this pnper through the
mailt as second-claM matter.
Telephone No. 43.
In ((peaking of business names m
Nebraska town, an excarige cites the
following: Aibinnhaaan undertaker
named Horse, Falls City a milkman
named Waterman, lif-Btrice a doctor
named Killnni, Grand Inland a bntoher
named JSlmicriiter, Cluidroa a coal deal
er named Skinner, Kearney a politi
cian named Graft, Chester a merchant
named Fabrique and Broken Dow
sheriff named Leisure.
The mission of tho newspaper it in
telligently and fairly Kt.itod in the fol
lowing paragraph by 1'rcnsand Prir-tr:
"The newspaper is not a police force
for the pntiUhiuent of rriine, it is no
a promoter of personal ambition; it is
not the inquisitor to 11ml out the bid
den mis of a community. The news
paper of today is a moral furoe in edu
cating opinion, not in punishing crime.
It is an educational force in dissemi
nating intelligence not in ridiculing
ignoranoe. It is a promoter of mate
rial prosperity br stimulating the in
dustries, not by abusing tha indolent.
It is a stimnleut to good will in tbe
community by seeking the good rime
of people, not by exposing their short
comings. &
HCIH9 ui ni.sic&i
1 from our Exchanges
Wayne Democrat: Mm E J Ray
mond wan a passenger to fcioux Gity
Saturday. .
Newcastle Times: AE Waldvogle
is having the interior of Lis store
painted and papered.
Winnebago Items in Pender Times:
Ashler LondrosU was in Dakota City
Saturday. . .. Hart & Doolittle, of Da-
kot City, were visitors Tuesday,
Preston Foltz came over from Dakottt
City Monday to work for Ashloy Lou
Wat3rbu"' Items in Ponoa Leader:
Miss Kste Delaney camo np from Klmx
City Saturday evening and was the
guest of Jake Del any and family....
Hhermsn Sayre came home from Be
atrice Nebr, Tuesday evening, lie
lias been there a good many years.
He may remain for some time.
Ponca Leader: Atty Fred Berry, of
Dakota county, was in Ponca on legal
business Tuesday ... .Mrs O W Fisher
and child, of Dakota City, Mrs W O
Beers, of Hioux City and Miss Ger
trude Mikesell, of South Sioux City,
were the guesti of Mr and Mrs W F
Mikesell last week.
Hartington News: Mrs Martin Oes
terling 'vent down to Ltnrel Tuesdur
for a short viit ...Claud Halrd suf
fered a severe attack of appendicitis
Tuesday. Ha was taken to the 8a
tnaritan hospital, Hioux City, thU
morning for treatment. We wish him
a speedy and permanent recovery.
Lyons Mirror: Louie Neals return
ed to the Soldiers home at Milford,
Monday morning, after making his
daughter, Mrs J as Lambert, a two
"Wffiks visit at Decatur. .. .Geo Bless
ing, of Homer, and A I Davis, auc
tioneer, of Emerson, were among those
who atttended the LaRne iyjg sale
herd Friday. Mr Blessing's father,
Louis Blessing, was amoug Nebraska's
earliest pioneers.
Sioux City Journal, 10th: A party
of hioux City friends were pleasantly
entertained 1J Mr and Mrs J A Foye
at their home at Dakota. City on Fri
day. The party rode over ou the ntw
, iotarutban line as the guests of Mr
r ye. Alter niucuoun, wtiicit was
served in four courses, they enjoyed an
afternoon of visiting. Mrs Foye ac
companied tha partv, which iuoluded
Mrs C C Wales, Mrs James Haley,
Mrs L B Cutting, Mrs Brigham, Mrs
Vost and Mrs Harry Foye, on the re
turn trip.
Emerson Enterprise: While com
ing from Hubbard Saturday H B Hem
street struck a piece of bad roads,
broke a wheel and was thrown out,
bruising him considerably. Fortuuate
ly the team did not rnn away,, ..Mrs
John Couuors, Mrs W II Crahao and
Mrs W O Ryan went to Jackson Wed
nesday to see. Rtobard Ryan who
has been very siok and who has just
returned home from the hrspital at Le
mats.... Co Atty Berry filed a com
plaint agsiust Carl Wolfe, oharging
him with selling liquor illegally at Na
cora. When the aneriff went to serve
tha warrant Walfe had been given the
tip and disappeared but the otlloers of
the law are stil' looking for him,
year ago to lake a pofl ion in David
son a store. J he iinde is a unnglitcr
of Mr and Mrs William Cross, 1413
Boulevard. Mr Cross Is a foreman fn
the Chicago, bt Paul, Minneapolis and
Omaha rail-od shops. Both the young
people are very popular io their set in
biout City. Miss Cross for several
years bas been well known, and during
Mr Moor s residence here he has made
many friends. The ago of each, as
given t Judge Eimers, is 23 years,
....That it duos not always tay to
"jolly' intoxicated customers is the
dearly bought experience of Bert
Mnsley, aged 19, of Ilnbbard, Neb,
who is locked up at the police station
charged with intoxication. Late Hat
urday afternoon Mostly was taken
from Dr Mahood'a office in the Securi
ty bank building, where he was doing
a "bug house" stunt with a big pocket
knile. With bis iibt eye driven in
ont of sight and tho top of his head
deeply corrugated, Mosely meandered
up to the door of the "bull pen" end
told his tale of woe most plaintively
lie said: "I am a waiter in a retau
rant at Hubbard and when the boys
with to much 'pquirrcl whisky' aboard
drop in I always try to jolly them
along. But this time I guess I went
too far. A bunch dropped in Friday
night and when they staited to guy
me I passed it back, kind of easy like,
as I thought, but I guess I made it too
strong. I was down like this cutting
a sandwitch (here Mosely storied and
went through the motions of a ham
sand-icu man) and when I raised np
one of the guys swatted me with a chair
an iron chair at that. You can see
what lie did to toe: I was too badly
battered for the doctor at Ilnbbnrd, so
he gave me a drink of whisky and sent
me to Hioux City. Dr Alaliood bad
just finished dressing Mosley's wounds
when the young man became violent,
He drew a long bladed jiickkuife and
was gashing at the bandages and bis
throat when the doctor hastily called
the police. To the police Mosely had
all the appearances of belr g drunk and
was so charged on the slip. He bad
not enough money for a bond.
Bionx City Journal, 11: Taking
their frieuds entirely by surprise,
Emanuel Moog, head of the domestic
department of Davidson Bros Co, and
Miss Florence Dick Cross, a pretty and
capable young woman who is oflha
rmnager for the same firm, were quiet
ly married at South bionx City yester
day noon by Judge J J Eimers. Mr
Moog snd Miss Cross took the intomr
ban train over to South hioux City, ao
oompauied by Miss Margaret Cava
naugh, head milliner for Davidson
Bros Co. They went at once to Judge
Eimers house, where the marriage was
soltiinuized. Upon returning to the
city, Mr snd Mrs Moog went to the
home of the tr room's sister, Mrs Ike
Meyers. 1502 Pierce e'reet, and told
their friends what they bad done.
They then proceeded to the West hotel,
where a diuuer was awsitiug them.
After dinner they Jsparted last night
for Chicago on two weeks' weddiag
trip. They will take up their old po
sitions upon returning. Tha groom,
wbo is son of Isaac Moog, of Kansas
City, Slo, came to IS ton i City about a
Taking Examination at Dakota City,
Hear the forlorn crow of the cock at
early morn I Hesr tho hurrying foot
steps and merry laughter of the happy
crowd as they trot along in haste
wondering if they will catch the tr.ii
which makes a world's record rim from
Jackson to Dnkata City.
After spending about sixty short
minutes in the depot, the grand old
locomotive comes steaming and pnfllug
along the platform. The conductor
cries an aooaru ana tbe eager
crowd clamors and climbs si as to be
sure to get on in time, enclr jumps into
a cushioned seat and restlessly ride
te Dakota City.
All thonghts are now bent on exam
nation, ail nave looked over the reo
orde of great men and great nations
ana eatu wonders and ponders, ever
wishing to know what great stab he or
she will make at glory and lame.
Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us
Foot-prints on the Bauds of time.
Good marks are my heart's desire now
Uttered load or unexpressed
At each shrine I'd vow a dire vow
To secure well-answered tests.
We have, after thirty minutes speed
iuo, arrived in Dakota Ciiy; our old
friend and enemy the court house
first meets our eyes. The crowd of
talented genisuses go parading down
Gumbo Avenue te the court house:
they asoend a flight of stairs, knock at
the door and are admitted into the
superintendent's office.
Here there is paper and pens and
writing utensils
With questions and twitters for
thinkers' credentials,
Use your head not your hand for in
answering such
"Gray matter" not llouiish will profit
you much.
Every one is seated and the puzales
are banded to each, now such heavy
breathing, and such nervousness indi
cate something strenuous.
Those at work on the examination
are thinking like woild thinkers each
one pulling his all into his answers,
hoping that two zeroes preceded by
the diget "one" in hundreds' place will
well repay him for his trouble.
Aft?r the examination is over and
the train is not due for an hour or two,
the spare time is spent lu trying to
walk Across the streot, which attempt
is a more arduous task than the unini
tiated imagine. If a person has a good
telescope he may possibly make out
what la on the other side of the street,
! the naked eye, of course, will be of no
use here.
Listen to the old ladies nn the oorn
er admiring the new street oar line,
and tbe possibility of the burg beoom
in g a great city I Here oomes the en
gineandoar. Now take a few miu
utes to look it over. It stops, all drip
ping with water. The old boiler has
been leaking for a few years, and they
have not bad time to fix it. At a well
in Dakota City it is again filled and ia
ready to make a alow run back to the
It is almost time to leave for one of
the "spots of ore at ion" Jaskson; our
train is here at last; after admiring
the town and its sights, we are ready
to return, weary and worn, to "Home,
Sweet Home.
Jackson, Neb
Micliao) J Maloney, one of tho
younger pioneers of the county, diea
Sunday night, March 10, 1907, and was
uried from St Patrick's church, Jack
son, Wednesday, Interment being in
St John's eemotery.
Despite the bad roide and inclement
cather, one of the largest gatheiing
of friends ever seen in Jackson, at
tended the funeral. There was a large
outpouring of Knights of Columbus,
about twenty coming from Sioux City
and many others from Ponca, Emer
son, Homer, Hubbard and Dakota
No death iu recent years seems to
cause such a feeling of universal sad
ness as that of Mr Maloney. Iu tu
prime of vigorous manhood, with a
loving wife and five yoimg children,
with seemingly a long and happy life
before him, he was stricken, in the
strength and vigor of youth.
Michael J Maloney was born in old
St John's, February 24, 1861, his par
ents being among the oldest settlers
of the comfy . He was married to
Miss Ella Barry, daughter of Patrick
Barry, one of the original colony, on
April 28, 1896. Five children, Mary,
Nellie, Mildred, Joseph and James
survive him.
Death seems ever sad, nor does its
frequent occurrence in our midst and
the certainty of its coming lessen the
shock and sorrow of the separation.
With the aged, death is not unexpect
ed, but when one like the deceased,
who, up to two years ago, wss the
picture of health and strength, is
taken, and when as in this case, small
children survive, death seems indeed
sad. About two years ago be suffered
a sovere attack of typhoid fever, snd
on recovery, wator lormeu on nis
lungs and be has been a sufferer since
This winter he seemod to be recover
jng from this trouble, but a week ago
he was attacked with pneumonia, and
ia five days was dead.
bolemn nigb mass was held over
the remains, Father McDado acting
as celebrant and Fathers McCarthy
and English as assistants. At its
close Father English preached a strong
and beautiful funeral sermon, that
was full of sjmpatby and hope for the
bereaved relatives. The Jaekson choir
was assisted by Messrs Todd and
Keiffe of Sioux City, who were in at
tendance with the Knights.
The sympathy of the community
goes out to the mourning widow and
children, and tho memory of him who
has gone before will long live with
all, who knowing him acd his sterling
qualities, could but love him.
SMfigS f3PC2KV
erj iw
i V
LION tie KESTKRGAT is a bay Belgian Stallion, weighing 2200 pounds, and was imported August 10, 1900.
He is now owned by Harry K. Brown, Dakota City, Neb., one of the best breeders of horse flesh in Dakota county.
This horse will make the season at Dakota City and Homer. Until April 1st he will be at H. E. Brown's, He
has action like a coacher, and his colts will make your family wear diamonds.
1 4
The Ileiald for all thu skws: rf s f r".
ibsoribers desire the VT l II ( MO l
Ib'ishment or changes Q sT JJ
ral mutt-s. orforanvl- ' 4f
address chang
reason of the f
made in the i
other reason, just diop us a postal and
the change desired and it will be made.
When you have a news item that
yon would like to see in print, ring up
the Herald, No. 43, and we Jl print it
Subscribe for the
pipsr in the county.
Herald, the
$1 a year.
To continue young in health and
strength, do as Mrs N F Rowan, Mo-
Donough, Ga, did. She says:" Three
bottles of Eleotric Bitters cured me of
chronio liver and stomach trouble, com
plicated with auch and nnhealthy oon-
dition of the blood that my skin turned
red as flannel, I am now practically 20
ears younger than befere I took Elec
tric Bitters. I can now do all my work
with ease and assist in my husband's
store." Guaranteed at Leslie's drug
tore. Price oOo .
Report of the Condition of
Tho Bank of Dakota
"The Bank thst ALWAYS treats ym. EIGHT"
of Jackson, Nebr., charter No. C51,
(incorporated) in the state of Nebraska,
at the close of business Februury 23,
Real Estate Transfers-
John W Ha.h-g-rove and wife to Kurnli
J wootl, lou 11 and it In block ill.
Dakota City, wit f
Elijah Church nml wlfo to (kirn Ij
rsplKlHHirn. north 10 acre of se'-tiio1
section wil
ane K Hnll to J J K.lmer, lot 13 In 1)1 k
S, OiiUttl 8outh Kloux Olty, wd
Henry llrlnk mnn and Henrietta Brink-
limn to Adolph 11 Hrlnknian, '
section 82-SW-7, wd
KnrnnHt Voas and ife to A Hchwnrtz.
wv4 lot 7 and lots 8 and 9 111 block 1,
Nscora, wd .-
antes F Toy and wlfn to (littewiiy Im
provement do, lot, in spcuoii aa-Mi,
Thos lionit and wlfo to Kntlo HetTer-
nnn, lot Vlu block VI, lliilitmrd, wd...
Gerhard Schutts and wlfn to Wllhclm
litnikel, and Mfi iioj-i sectlt n
ll-iM-6, wd
W i OKden to K A Wood, o!i sw& see-
avio mir sows urc.
The happiest mother iu the little
town of Ava, Mo, is Mrs 8 Ruppee
Khe writes: "One year ago my son wss
down with such serious Jung trouble
thst our physician was unable to help
him; when, by our druggist adrioe
began giving liiui Dr King's New Dis
novery, and I soon not i cod iuiproveuiet
I kept this treatment up for a few week
when be was perfectly well , lie has
worked steadily since at carpenter work
Dr Kiust's New Disoovery saved hi'
life." Guarantoed bestoouuh and cold
cure by L M Leslie, druggUt. &0o and
11.00. Trial bottle free.
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaohing Sunday morning at Sa
lent at 11:60 o'clock, Sunday sohsol
at 10:00.
Preaching at Dakota City at 8 ;00
o oloek p m ; Sunday aoaool at 9 :45
iu; O at 6:80 p m
A cordial welcome to all.
Tinnns and dlHconntx 1
Overn raft a. neen red mid uiimcc urcd
IiiinktnK house furniture and fix
Current expeiiNeH and tuxes paid..
Due from nut I.HtntcHiid
private hunks and
Uuikerx t
Total cash ou hand
rnpltnl stock paid In
Murpius ruiHi
lTndlvlncd profits
Individual deposits sull
ied to check Itl.Nia 13
IK'IiihikI certificate ot
deposit 1.850 DO
Time certificates of de
posit Kti.non w
Total.....' f
Stats or Nkiikamka, i ...
Oounty of Dnkotii.
I. Ktl T. Kearney, cannier or the nlxve
named hunk, ilo sileinnly swear that the
nliove. statement Is acorrect and true copy of
tho report made to the stmt) liankliiK iHMtrd.
P. M. Kkaknky. director. (. ashler.
B. K. KRAKNKY. IU rector.
HuhrcrllsMl and hwurn to lieforo me this
Ith day of March, Ilf7,
; Notary Hnlilic.
1 17.RSS S4
l ln 84
n.am no
II IU 71'
iM.om eo
..mm on
Wl 75
lttt.&iu w
V B Ruekwalter to Ralph J Noirls, part
ui w?4 i;'4 Mvcviuu ii--n, wa
Zllpha Wsrnoek et fil to Mrs Hoplila
Hall, hlisik 11, HlKhhtud I'nrk luhll-
tlon to fc)ineron, wd
K M'nldvosle and Mur.r L WulcHoula
to J H Ijike, iwV4 e' section M, and
UVit uw'i section SI, all In liH-8, wd
Tilhble A Korlies to (lonsumers lee Co,
lot 4 in section bu-H'-mi, wd
CnthsrliiH M Hchlelch and huslmnd to
Henry hchwarUJIoU 1. . a and 4 lu
e.uUona-gU-7,qod 1000
J J McCarthy and wlfo to Henry Hchoe-
iiinK, un?A nu ivvi section
W-fl-S, wd lJOOO
W J Hunt, Kmn h and K B I.lttle
to IxiuU Koost, part of ne1 section
84--8. wd
Louis Hoost and wife to Herman Koost
part or ntH section S4-Z1MI, wd
Louis KrKMt and wife to Albert Hoost,
part of nH secllou 84-SV-H, wd
W J Hunt. Kinma L and P B Little to
Iwls Ulanohard, part of neV section
WHlMi. wd
Tealls DeWalt and husbnnd to (lust
Htubner, lot 1 lu block M. Dakota
CHly, qcd
P Mathewson to Minnie Hchopke
Mtark, swH and of S of i
section 17-27-7. wd
MAranret K (4oodell et al to Martin A
Hprt infer, nwSi and neV section
8-28-S. wd
Win Sennits and wife to John Hohde,
nel4 sectlou Hl-'J7-, wd ,
It V Jordan and wife to Pellet lohrau
nuU sec lion -7-S. wd
First publication March 1 Iw
Probate Notice to Creditors.
In the county court of Dakota county, Ne
In the mutter of the estate of Alwlne
Bchrlever. deceased.
Notice Is hereby irlven that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the executor
of said estate, Is'fore me, County Judire
of Dakota county, Nebraska, at the county
court room, 1 u wild county, on the 2ttth day
of June. 1MI7. on the !th day of July, IW7,
and on tue iiHti nay or August, at
in o'clock a. m., each day, for the purpose
of presenting their claims lor examination,
adjustment and allowance, S.x months are
allowed for creditors to present their claims
and one year for the executor to settle
said estate, from the 515th day of February.
IWf. This notice will be published In the
lakota County Herald, a weekly newspa-
Dcr. for four weeks successively prior tu the
Kith day of June, 1V07.
Witness my band, and seal or said court.
this gblh day of February, A. P. rj.
sbai.1 County Judge.
will be paid to any person who
can find one atom of opium,
chloral, morphine, cocaine,
ether or chloroform or their
derivatives in any of
Dr. Miles' Remedies.
This reward is offered be
cause certain unscrupulous
persons make false statements
about these remedies. It is
understood that this reward
applies only to goods purch
ased in the open market, which
have riot been tampered with.
Dr. Miles' remedies cure by
their sticnjjthening and invig
orating effect upon the nervous
system, and not by weakening
the nerves.
"T roTisldr that there are no tetter'
romed.es put up thnn Ur. Miles'
Nervine, Antl-I'uin I'ills, and Nerve
and I.iver Pills. We have UHcd them
for years, and recommend tliom to
many other. My wlfo Is using the
Ncrvino, and considers It the bent
medicine In the world. A. lndy friend
of mine, who wns iilmost n total iif-rv-ous
wreck, through my eernest solici
tation hua used Fevernl bottles of tho
Nrvln vlth wonderful res'ilta.'
WIL CROUE, Salt Lake City. Utah.
Dr. Mll-s' Antl-Patn Pills are sold b
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first package will Benefit. If It
fails, he will return your mansy.
29 doses, 25 cent. Never sold In bulk.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Wosld yoa like
sell Gtztl
The easy way is to
put a want-ad in
and tell the people jhat
your business is for sale.
A tKrec line sxd.
3 times 25c; 7 tinges
bont 15
Within everybody's reach reaches everybod
than everbtfore
ides our fatnnua SDecialtlrs
exclaslvely Introduce some most Important NovelbM, including the most remsrVable iwi
you should send tor this elegant work. DO NOT-DELAT-v Kl I U iu-dayi
W. AT LEE BURPEE &. CO., Seed Growers, Philadeiphia
Mr D N Walker, editor o( that siiiov
journal, the i.nteriirifo, Xiouiaa, a,
say a. Iran a nail iu my foot last week
aul at onoH aiipliuii Uuokleu'a Arnica
S-ilro, No itinamution followe.i, the
! 1 1.1 .MM.
aaive BimiiT ueaieu me wouun. Heals
every sore, bura and akiu dueaae,
Guaranteed at Lealie'a drug ntjie25o,
fdatray Notice).
Notice ia hereby given that I have
taken up ai eatraya at uiy premiaes,
mile eatt of Homer, ona bay pony, U
or 10 yeara old, white feet, white atrip
in forehead, aaddle aoar, branded on
hip, lam ia left abonlder. One atraw
berr roan poor, weight about 700
uwner u uereuy requeated to prove
property, pay chargea aod take tbe
aame away.
(febl5-3.) TJOConnob.
PaUd February 13, 1007.
First Publleatlou Keb 10 6w.
SherifTa Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an ortler of sale lHued ly Harry II. Adair,
clerk of the district court In ami lor nnkota
oounty, Nebrakit, ami directed to me, li. O.
llaiiHun, snerirr oi snui eiHinty.rniiiinnnuing
me to sell the premises lierelimfter describ
ed to satisfy a eertiiln JudKment of the hiiUI
dlHtrlct court of shUI county ami state, oli-
tatneu at the K'totMr, IWW, term thereof, to-
wit: on the Nthduy of January, In favor
of V. V. (Hauler ami aaalnnt Nicholas Kyan
for the sum or eiichty-six dollars ami ninety
one eents (NH.vl, and eiKht dollars and
slxty-nlue cents $N.im, hm en attorney's fee,
wliu interest on stkui sums irom January a,
luntl. at 10 oercent. tier annum, and bis costs
taxed at seventeen dollars nud elutity eents
t$l7Ji. 1 lutve levied upon the followlmi
deserltied pmperty, to-wlt: The north
twenty-four (1141 acres f the northwest
quarter of section fifteen tin), township
twenty-nine roi, norm, rniiKM seven 17 1,
eiist. all lieltni located la salu lukota county
and state of NeoriiHka.
And 1 will, on Tuemlny, the lot li day of
M.krcli, 1WI7, at 10 oVIis-k a. in. of mild
duy, at the south front door of the court j
house In nakoiu fiiy, intkoia county, ise
braska, prtKwiHi to sell at pulillu auction to
the tilKhest and l't bidder, for cash, nil of
the uliuve dcscrllied proiierty, or so much
thereof as limy lie neccHMtry to satisfy said
older of sale Ixnued by Harry II. Adair,
clerk of tbe district court In and for Iiakota
county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon
ii the auarvaatu lielnif the sum or one
hundred and twenty-two dollars and ninety
five cents (llW.ufti. and accruing costs.
(liven under my hand this Ulu day of
February, A. I), luuf
Sheriff of Dakota County. Neb.
Marob 5th and 19th, cheap excur
sion rates; alao daily low tourist
rate to the Gulf country. Colora
do, Oklahoma, Arizona, Old Alex
ioo, New Mexico. '
A Good Chance to Visit
Pacific Coast
Marob and April one-way ra tea to
Utah, California, Oregon, Watm
iugton, Idaho, Montana, Big Horn
Basin, nearly 50o reduction.
Daily, through' Standard a ad
( Tourist aleepers.
Homeseekers Excursions
Frequeutlv eaoh month from
Eat.te.rn Nebraxka to Eastern Col
orado, North Tlatte Valley, Big
Horn Baaiu.
Landseekers' Information
Valuable, free information to seek
ers of Uovernnieut lands and to
prospective purchasers of all kind
of deed'd landa along the Bur
lington Route. Write Lanseekera'
In ormation Bureau, 1004 Far
nam Bt., Omaba, Neb.
, Physician and Sargeon.
Calls promptly attended
Via. CM
40 Oue-Way second r.laas coloniNt, tickets will be
oa sale daily, March 1st to April 30th to Port
land, Seattle, Tacoma and Puet Bound points.
Pioportionatnly low rate to roints in Alberta,
Biitibh Culmnbia, Idaho and Montana.
Through Tourist Ctvrsi Dally, Mlnnatvpolla
St. Pe.'ul to Pevolflo Coevat Poltvta.
Trip .
Special homeseekers. tickets will be on sale first
and third Tuesdays of March and April to many
oiota in Idaho, eastern poition of state of
Washington and also to a large southwest terri
tory. The rate will be about oie fare pins $2 00
for tbe ronnd trip. .
If you contemplate a trip no matter where, for rates and
othor information call on or addrets
Divihiou Pasa'r Agt. Omaha.
Agent, Dakota City.
R. J. Reasoneb, - . Ticket Agent
Dakota, cty, hib.
L. W. Wakelet, O P A, Omaha, Neb
No Fuel Famine in Northern Wisconsin
Wo waitlor " the railroad to haul mors coal t A errs of fuel on your
own land i sud rurnt (.lost in to luur spleudid citica; railroads,
schools, churches, fins soil, ;d watr; land ocr on ths market be-
Chippewa Bld., Chippewa rails.
Boy Railroad Ticket to Bayward, Wis, Wisconsin
toe cnance w jmirmeuiuwn your own farm and stoo
ioe- rent. We an waiting- to UU you all about it. We will build a
sa lur you tl you ask us. Land ts.oo to S11.00 oer acn. Writs
ay, tomorrow may be tuo lata. Address:
The Herald for all the News