Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 22, 1907, Image 7

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    1IU Conataacr.
A irtory Is told of General Sir Alfred
fioraford, who believed In a celibate
rmy. A soldier once nought bis per
mission to marry, saying be had two
food conduct badges and $23 In the
aavlng bank. "Well, go away aid
Bit Alfred, "and If you come bark this
Cay year In the same nilud you shall
marry. I'll keep the vacancy." On the
annlverasry the soldier repeated his
request "But do you really, after a
year, want to marry?" "Yes, air, very
much." "Sergeant ninjor, take hit
name down. Yen, you mny marry. 1
never believed there was so much con
stancy In man or woman. IMght face.
Quick march !" As the man left the
room, turning his head, ho said: "Tank
you, sir. It Isn't the same woman."
Positively cnrctl by
theso Little Till.
Tucy also relievo Dis
tress from Dyspepsia, la
digestion anil Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy lor Dizziness. Nausea,
Drowsiness, Bad Taste
In the lloutn, Conted
Tonpue, Tain In the Side,
p ' T-
regulate tbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuino Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
A Positive
Ely's Cream Balm
it quickly .bsorbed.
Cives Relict at One.
It cleanse, soothes,
heal and protect
the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh
land drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and Sn.eil.
Full size CO eta. at Druggists or by intiilj
(Trial size 10 cts. by mail.
( Ely Brothers, CS Warren Street, New York,
For Baby's First Bath anil
Subsequent Baths.
yBecause of its delicate,
: emollient, sanative, anti
; septic properties derived
from Cuticura, united vith
i the purest of saponaceous
,-fgredients and most re
freshing of ilower odours,
I Cuticura Soap is all that the
s fondest of fond mothers de
siresforcleansing,prescrving and purifying the skin.scalp,
.hair and hands ofinfantsand
J'children. Guaranteed abso
lutely pure and may be used
from the hour of birth.
rppot- T.ondoa, 27 Cti a r tortious flq.: Par". 5
Bur dc i Pim: hotter Drue A 'h. iu. Corp.. IK-Hoa.
Oter TO. ooo American farmers who hare settled
lu anada dm, m; thr past lew years leal it y to llio
(act tliut dm". a is, bt-yond question, the reulcit
linniiitf Jan J in the world.
Oyer Ninety Million Bushels
el wheat Iroru the harvest ol 1906, means cood
money to the fuimrrs ot Wfsti-m Canada when
tin- world ha- to be trd. Cattle raising, IJairwnt!,
klixed r-armint: areaibo probable callings. Coal,
wood, water in abundant e; ctiuuiics and schouis
convenient; niaiketi. easv ol access. l.ics low.
' hut advice and information address the
Su perirtt-iidrnt ol ltnniiyration, Ottawa, Canada,
rl. the authorised Canadian tjovernment 'Bear,
J. D. Si nil, bupenuteiidrnt ot linniiirriliuii,
Ottawa, l.'.mrfda, or K. T- Holmes, US Jackson
St., Si. l.'iiil, Minn, and I. M. M icLaihlan, lioa
'C'. i'l- L-:' ni So. Dakota Autl.orued (iomrn.
tfrot ::t :.
l'JoaM saJ 5V;r. fna u this tlrrtiar.?:t.
i. am
MVlUtLl, .it) VI HIT. IV A.
' J9BBnSi ROBOT To convince any
V HUH j WoniKM that Pli.
JJ Pi? f i3 la Hue Aiillwutle will
i n r jf Improve lier lienltb
H hB Kpits V&m B"d do all we claim
isllKJlir (i S e will
tend her absolutely lira a large trial
box ot i'aicine with loek ol uistruc
loni ana frcnulne ten jiiimlal. hmd
lyour wuiie and address o.i a postal vuid.
u a hi w ha i;-raiTn .,:
fectlnns, iiiih as naval catarrh, ur-lvlo
caUTi li and lnllajjiin..aon euuxed by Jui.i
nine lll; soio e)ei, hora throat and
inouth, by duect Ifn al treiitnient. ltrur.
atlv. power our tin mj tiouhli s U rmta
ordlnaiy and rtve. Inuwdiuto rWitf.
1 boiisands of wuuit u are ujlnn and rco
onuiif udniK It fvi ry d y. bo c nts lit
roKVl't s or hy mail. ItViiK-intw-r, how evT,
IT 4 tsXsl lOtl Mil Hi.SU TO I'll V IT.
TUB K. i'AXTOM CO., Ilu.lua, Mwm.
mm Art Aared.t.
Edward Rose water, founder and edi
tor of tpe maha Hoc. bad a aJicera
love of art He hated pictures that In
dicated scrimped work, so called tm
irtsslonlstlc pictures that were jierely
rouKh and hurried sketches and so
called portraits that bore no likeness to
their originals. A young painter
showed Mr. Kosewater one day a por
trait of a mutual friend.
"That a portrait of Smith r the edi
tor exclaimed. "I'd never have known
"Oh," the artist exclaimed, "I didn't
try for n likeness, you know. I tiled
for an effect an effect In grays."
"I know a man In New York," said
Mr. Hosewnter, "who had his portrait
painted last yonr. It cost hlra $4,000,
nml he win very proud of It. When It
catue homo he showed it to his took.,
"'Well, Mury.' he said, 'how do you
like this imrtralt?'
"'Sure, sir,' said the cook, 'it's love
ly. It's beautiful. It's divine.
".'And. of course,' said my friend,
you know who It is?'
" 'Oh, of course I do, sir, said the
conk. 'Of course, of course.' As she
spoke she kept drawing nearer to the
picture, stuily'ini? It more and more
closely. 'Of course, sir,' she said. 'It's
you or the mistress.' " I'.ufTalo Kiifiulr
cr. A I'i'rttjr liiperlinent,
A very pretty effect may be produced
by using some nnlline dye in powdered
form In alcohol. Till a small glass
with the alcohol nnd drop the smallest
portion of the dye on Its surface. It
will shoot down through the liquid,
like n strand of color, dividing Into two
branches, which will subdivide again
and again until you have, apparently,
an Inverted plant In miniature growing
before your eyes. An arrangement of
mirrors may be made to throw the re
flection of this on a screen or a wall,
and the enlnrged shadows will be very
Interesting to watch.
"Fellow citizens." exclaimed the rising
politician, "I am not ashamed to say that
I got my start in life by selling news
papers 1"
"You oughtn't to be nshamed, either,"
shouted a man iu the audience. "The
newnrupers gave you jour start in poli
Head the Eiperleure of a Minnesota
Woniaa and Take Henri.
If your back aches, and you feel
sick, languid, weak and miserable day
alter day don t wor
ry. Doau's Kidney
I'll Is have cured thou
sands of women In
the same condition.
Mrs. A. llclman, of
Stillwater. Minn.,
says: "lint for Doan'i
Kidney Tills I would
not he living now.
They cured mo In 1S99
and I've been well
since. I used to hnve such pain In my
back that once I fainted. The kidney
secretions were much disordered, nnd
I was so far gone that I was thought
to he at death's door. Since Doan'i
Kidney Tills cured me I feel as If
had been pulled back from tho tomb."
Sold by all dealers. HO cents n box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
Trouble for .Notlitiiu,
To smuggle n human skeleton ink
Canada from Detroit n medical -tu-dent
dressed it in female attire nnd.
seating it by his side In a buggy, cross
ed over the boundary line. After he
got safely into his house he learned
that there Is no custom duty on ske'.e
Her Ooo k I ii k Wan Had.
Mrs. T.urnitt I can't keep n cook ta
save my life.
The Doctor Well, you'll have to
keep one if you waut to save youi
husband's life.
IIome-Made Catarrh Cure.
Any one can mix at home the
best remedy of its kind known. Tho
name "Cyclone" is given to the follow
ing prescription, it Is supposed, be
cause of its promptness In driving from
fie blood and system every vestige o;
catarrhal poison, relieving this foul and
dread disease, no matter where located.
To prepare the mixture : Get from ntiy
good pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid
Extract Dandelion, one ounce Com
pound Kargon and threo ounces Com
pound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shako well
and use In teaspoouful doses after each
meal and at bedtime.
This Is a harmless. Inexpensive mix
ture, which has a peculiar action upo'u
the elimlnative tissues of the Kidneys,
assisting them to illter nnd strain from
the Mood and system all catarrhal
poisons, which. If not eradicated, are
absorbed by the mucous membrane,
and an open sore or catarrh is the re
sult. Prepare some and try It, as It Is the
prescription of an eminent catarrh spe
cir.list of national reputation.
Eleven thousand couples hare beet
married by Itv. Dr. Mitchell, of Soutl
r.eith, Scotland, during his ministerial cik
Sixty years ago Allcotk's Tlaoters wer
were lirst introduced to the public. They
are to-day the world's itumlurd plasters.
Thin invention lias been one of the
ttreatest blesainsa imaginable and affords
the iiuickest, cheapest and best means ot
lietiling and relief for certain ailments,
hat has ever been discovered.
Allcoik's are the original and genuine
Porius plasters and are .old by druggists
in every part of tbe civilized world.
T ' '
The cow tree of Venezuela give off an
excellent sap very closely resembling aui
n-.a! milk in Its client ical nature.
Host to Trap Wild A.lrnaU.
0- age trap book illustrated, picture 49
wild aiiiniaU in natural colors, also I ar
omelerA calendar, a mo gun A trap catalog,
also iiricf on raw furs. AH sent post paid
lorlifc stamps or silver. HIKE to those who
dhip to. or buy of uh. Address Kur Dept.,
N. W. Hide t Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
Russia suffers from forest fire. It ta
not unusual for fire to destroy 250.OU0
acres of forest a year.
Oalr Ans "lUtflMO QVINIMJ"
That Is LAXATIVE PIIOMO Quinlns. Blnl-
lariy iiaui.U lemeiika K jiuetinied decolve. Th
first aiid oi'U-ln. 1 (old Tablet I. a WHICH
PK KAilE with kylsck and red lettering, and
bear, ta slgoutur. ol E. W. GKOVsC. Sc.
All IS.rnued bnt lllin.
Mrs. Ilasfyuint.h I J4.J a dozen pro
posals before yours, all from smarter
men than you too. Mr. Ilastymateh 1
They must have been. Htm did the I
uutnu.v to crawl out oX Ul
J 1. 1. ! ...
"Doctor, whnt Is good to tnke to cure
the redness of my nose?" "The pledge."
Houston Tost.
Knlcker Primitive moo plowed the
earth with n sharpened stick. Mocker
You don't mean to ny golf dated
back that far! Scissors.
"The diiitors have llnally agreed
Uxin the cause ot Jink's illness." "Did
they hold nuntlkT consultation?" "No
n post-iiiorifin." Headlight.
"lleiv. hold my horse a minute, will
you?" "Sir: I'm a memlier of Con
gress:" "Never ml tut. You look hon
est. I'll ta:;e a chance." Courier
Mrs. llci'jvck -Shame on yon for
growling alio:!'. Dr. T.oitis. Didn't he
Just bring you hack from the Jaws of
death mid-- Hcupivk (wearily) And
hack to the .1 iws of life P.orrnwed.
Woman Now. If you don't leave at
once I'll call my husband mid he's an
old Harvard football player. Tramp
I.ndy, If yer love him don't call him
out. 1 used to play will Vale. Judge.
Cynthia Oil, what n world this is
for a woman ; 1 do wish the Lord had
made me a man I Molly Why, my
dear, maybe he did and you Just
haven't found him yet. American
"There Is only one ordained mission
ary In the world for !)tl(l,U(l(l heathens,
yonr excellency," said the cannibal.
"Well, I got mine," said the cannibal
chief. rubbing his Hps. - Yonkers
"John, dear," wrote n lady from the
continent, "I enclose the hotel bill."
"Dear Jane. I enclose a cheek," wrote
John In reply, "hut please don't buy any
more hotels at this price they are rob
bing youl" Tit-IMts.
"Why dm't you let Willie play In the
street with the rest of the kids?" snld
Mr. Wise. "I'm afraid It will spoil his
clothes:" was ' tho wife's at.swer.
"Thuiideration '." exctnltned Wise, "we
can buy clothes, lint we can't buy
brains:" CMpiicd.
Mrs. Dennis (to her husband, who
smells a strong escape of gas some
where nnd Is about to strike a match)
You're never after looking for a leak
wld a lighted match, Mick? Mick
Ilould your whist! They're safety
mutches! I la If-Holiday.
"Doctor, can't you give inn something
to relieve my sleeplessness?" "Yes; I
could prescribe, a sedative, hut drugs
would do you nn real good. Instead of
that let me recommend n large, fat
onion, to he eaten raw Just before go
ing to bed." "Why, doctor, that's ex
actly what keeps me awake." "How
can it possibly have that effect?" "My
wife eats It." Chicago Tribune.
liohson You look all broken up, old
man. Wlmts the matter? Crnlk I
called on Miss Truyns hist night, and
no sooner had I entered the parlor than
her mother appeared and demanded to
know my Intentions. "That must have
been rather embarrassing." "Yes; but
that was not the worst. Just as tho
old ladv lluislieil sneaking. Miss Truyn
shouted down the stairsMamma, mam
ma, he isn't t.'ie one:'" London Tit-
A Scotsman the other day went to n
Iximlii dentist with a toothache. The
dentist told him he would only get re
lief by having it out. Scot Mon, then
1 must lino gas. While llie dentist
was getting It ready the Scot began to
count his money. The dentist said,
somewhat testily, "You need not pay
until It's out." The Scot replied: "I
ken thnt, but ns ye're nhoot to mak' me
unconscious 1 jist want to see hoo I
stan'." Sporting Times.
The piiblic-splrlled lady meets the
little boy on the street. The I.ndy
Little Uiy. haven't you any home? The
Little Hoy oh, yes'iu, I've got n home.
Tho Lady And loving parents? Tho
Littlo Hoy Yes'm. The Lady Are
they bringing you up to be a good and
helpful citizen? The Little Hoy
Yes'm. The Lady Will you nsk your
mother to come and hear it talk on
"When Does a Mother's Duty to Her
Child Hegin?" next Saturday after
noon? The Little Hoy (explosively )
What's th' matter with you, inn ! Don't
you know me? I'm your littlo boy !
Cleveland Tlaln Dealer.
Tli- litrn of lnetft.
Simply because n bee has no ears on
the sides of its head it is no sign what
ever that It Is wholly without some
sxirt of nn auditory nerve. This Is
proved by the fait that grasshoppers,
crickets, locusts i.nd Hies all have their
ears situated In ipim-r places under
the wings, on the middle of the liody
and even on the sides of their legs.
The common house lly does Its hearing
by means of some little rows of corpus
ell's which are situated on tho knobbed
threads which occupy the place which
aro taken up by the hind wings of oth
er species of Insects. The garden slug
or shi lless snail has Its organs of hear
ing situated on each side i f Its neck,
and tho common grasshoicr has them
on each of its broad, tlat thighs. 'Jo
some of tho smaller Insect they nre
at the bases of th wings and Iu others
on the bottom of the feet. Seranton
A I'nriiaalive of I lie I'ulplt.
Doctor Hacuii, u New England clergy
man of long ago, was reproached by a
friend with some pronounclatlou which
was not "according to Webster."
Webster lived in his parish, und the
doughty o!d divine was not disposed to
be snubbed with the dictionary.
"What right has Webster to dictate
my pronoumiatlon?" ho demanded,
haughtily. "He Is one of my parish
ioners, and ought to get his pronuncia
tion from me, and not I from him."
M-uior jr,
Someliody of n psychological turn ot
inlnd once asked Lord Ro-iclicry, "What
Is memory?"
"Memory," Rosebery replied, prompt
ly but somewhat pensively, "memory
Is the feeling that steals over us when
we listen to our friends' original stories,"-
Use the hammer of truth when you
tuiva occuslou to nail Ilea,
No farmer makes money In raising
Inferior horses.
I nirot-.uity in tne size ot eggs can
best be obtained by keeping one stand
ard breed of hens.
Hood wool Is not produced by sheep
that are starved and fed alternately
liveliness or wool (loiiendK uihui even
ness of condition of the sheep.
It Is not the cow that eats tin- most
or the cow that eats the least that is
the best cow, but the cow that makes
the best use of what she does eat.
It Is not good ikiIIcj- to force the
growth of colts by giving them stiiu
niatlng foods nnd overfeeding them
The overgrown horse Is seldom a dur
ii hie one.
In studying to increase the iiuiiiImt
of bushels of grain mis-.tl, study also
to Increase the number of pounds of
butter made per vv. The mr.nlicr of
pounds i vor TJO per year are the ones
that help your bank an-ouut.
"Ivoeplng the Femvs Tight" would
make n good text for a sermon to tunny
farm congregations. If there Is any
thing that is aggravating it Is to chase
after stock that has broken through
fences. Such u thing is sure to happen
when you are the least prepared for It
Iu script urn I times the Wise Men
lived In the Hast, hut that's not true
to-day. Farmers of the West are wiser
In their day and generation than those
In the East- they know enough not to
deplete the fertility supply in their
i ne larmer now lias available a
library of iij.ooo ,of books, pamphlets
and iH-rlislIcals relating to agricultural
science. At the rate of r.HH additions
during the year, the Department of
Agriculture will soon have the most
complete collection of this class of lit
erature In the world.
Ton for ton, many farmers are (hid
ing that unthrashed oats, cut when the
grain Is in the rather soft dough
(milky) state, and cut tine with a stalk
cutter, are better than meadow hay,
cut equally fine, to feed cattle, es
pecially milch cows. As a rule, good
farmers raise far more weight of outs
to the acre than of hay.
According to the results obtained by
three years of experience on forty
farms In Minnesota, farm labor costs
about twelve cents an hour and horse
labor about seven and a half cents,
A farm laUirer can be boarded for
?K!' n year and a horse kept for about
?SO. I lay can be produced for or.e-half
and grain for three-fourths of the cost
of raising corn.
Corn Is low in price some years In
certain localities. It Is possible that
next season mere may lie hut hair u.
crop, hut the excess over that required
for consumption may bring good prices.
Farmers who have tin) much grain on
hand, with prices ruling low, should
endeavor to Increase the number of
animals ou the farm In order to con
vert the com iuto something more
One of the best locations for n gar
den Is the strawberry bed that has been
abandoned, as strawberry beds are
usually well manured and carefully
cultivated, while the shading of the
soil by the plants conduirs to the for
mation of humus. An oNcollent plan
to treat the bed for a garden Is to ap
ply plenty of well-rotted manure now,
If It can be done, and then plow the
lied In the spring, working the top soil
fine with a harrow and rake.
It Is a mighty good policy to always
have some limiting capital on hand.
Many men have gone bankrupt iu their
business operations just because they
didn't have u little cash ou band to help
them out In a pinch. There Is no rea
son why the fanner, as well as any
other business man, shouldn't he thus
prepared to tide over a period when
receipts run low. There is nothing
that makes us more uneasy than to
see our reserve fund running low.
Plan to have something coming In
every month.
Illrd livvu-jr Wen If I iinei-l m.
Few kinds of insects are so Inimical
to the health nnd, existence of fruit
trees and other crop plants us the
scales, and, owing to their small size
and peculiar habits, few are so dilfl
cult to i-ope with. It has been gen
erally supposed that birds lend no as
sistance in the destruction of scales.
This prove to be an error, for the
Riologlcal Survey ha already found
that more than lit'ty species of birds
cut scale Insects. Not only Is tlfls
true, but In the ease of certain spe
cies, as the grosbeak, scab's have been
ascertained to form a large percent
ige of the food.
(; I line ii ic Crop In MUliiurl.
According to u Missouri Experiment
Station bulletin, the cultivation of glu
eing for the Chinese market has bo
come an Imporlnut Industry, notwith
standing the fio t Unit It takes live or
six years to mature a crop. While the
crop is exceptionally valuable, the cul
tivation of glu.M-iig has hii'ii found to
possess disadt milages Hie same as most
ol In r ciillhalcd c'ops.
It appears that we vera I fungus dls)
enses have broken out Iu tho ginseng
plantations, wniie of which are ex
trtuiely bcrloi: uul Infectious, large
areas often being destroyed In n sin
gle week. However, the particular or
ganisms causing the damage have been
recognised and methods for keeping tho
diseases under control have now been
worked out.
The Onion Patch.
Experience with onion rinsing cover
lug several years leads to the belief
that the most economical as well ns
the most satisfactory preparation of
land for the crop consists In a summer
fallowing of the pice of hull to bo
used the season licfore one wishes to
raise the onion crop. This stnuld con
sist of suircssivo plowings and disk'
lug, which will result lu bringing to tho
surface, germinating nnd killing Just
ns much of the weed seed in the soil
ns iiosxihlc. The decrease In the cost
of weeding coupled with the satlsfac
tlon of having- the cir.ip lu a clean con
tilt Ion will pay fur the rental of the
land three limes over. A lino clover
meadow which was remarkably free
from weeds last season and th" second
croii on which was plowed under last
SepteinlsT now show s no etui of pigeon
grass, which must have Iain dormant
tVrough last year, the presence of
which will verv largely Increase the
cost of weeding. If the piece of land
selected for the onion patch Is not
known to be reasonably free from
weed seeds the plan of summer fallow
lug will lie tound by far the most sat
isfactory. The It la lit Kind of Cow.
Many breeders of dairy cattle have
not fully grasped the height and tlie
depth nnd breadth of their profession.
There are too ninny who think It Is
simply the reproduction of pedigreed
live stock. It Is more than that. It
Is the bringing together In one iiulmal
of tlie capable milk producer and tho
mother annually of a strong, vigorous
calf. Mr. Serlbuer, a very successful
breeder, says: "In my estimation, u
prolltahle cow Is one that can produce
year after year a maximum yield of
butter t n cost that represents a good
profit to the owner. She must also
produce one healthy calf each year.
Phis ought to be one of the requisites
of the sire which Is to head the hTrd.
See to It that he Is from n productive
strain of regular breislers. lie will
Intensify his weak Hilnts, as well as
reproduce his good qualities lu breed
ing, lie ought to be as nearly perfect
In dairy conformation and dairy make
up ns possible. With h II the care we
may exercise In the mating of our ani
mals, some faulty ones are sure to
develop. We must figure on that. If
we have looked well to this end, to see
that the sire Is right and that the
dams we are to use for foundation nre
right, we have gone n long way toward
developing the profitable row." Rlood-
ed Stock.
Hoar lloiiNrn.
According to the observations of W.
Dietrich, of tlie Illinois -Experiment
Station, the following suggestions as
to the location and construction of hog
houses are given :
"A hog house should he located so
that It Is well drained, well lighted, and
gives access to pasture. gid shade,
pure running water and clean mud
"The two principal kinds of hog
houses are the Individual houses and
the large houses with Individual pens.
aeh has Its points of advantage.
"For sanitation the building should
be constructed so thnt It Is dry, ven
tilated, free from dust and drafts and
so that the direct rays of the sun fall
uniii the floor of the iens at the
time the winter crop of pigs Ui far
rowed. These rays should also be ex-
luded during the summer.
'The building should be made serv
iceable by being built so that It can
be used every day iu the your, and ls
arrauged so that the largest amount
of work may ho performed with the
smallest amount of labor.
'For large houses gates and parti
tions made of wire are heat, because
they do not obstruct the light and heat
rays from the sun. do not hide the pigs
from view of the attendant, nor from
n-li other, and do not furnish lodg-
picut for disease germs.
'The large hog house Is operated ho
that two litters per year are farrowed
mid grown for market, and so that
the pigs are put on the market at the
most favorable season."
w lnlerer.1 In I'ent.
With a rapid stripping of the great
forest areas of tlie north and west to
supply the enormous lumber trade of
the country and a somewhat slower
yet Just as sure consumption of the
hard wood and coal supplies of the
central and western Stales for use as
fuel, attention Is now being directed
to the vast yet untouched deposits of
peat to be found tn the north confrul
States. According to the State (Jcolot?-
cal Survey, northern Iowa ami south-
rn Minnesota alone contain In the
neighborhood of '.'.'i.imm.i.'ioo tons of js-at.
much of It, due to drier seasons and
drainage systems, being iu a partially
dry condition. The deposit -of piiit
which Is nothlnu but the accumulation
of the decayed vegetable mutter of e,.i-
rations past, covers hundreds of acres
and varies from four to ten feet lu
thickness. Plans are already ou foot
for the establishment of plant wlflch
will press and tlry the peat and put It
on the market. Those who have tested
the fuel qua lit lea of jieat state that it
Is superior to the best hard wood and
Is surpassed by coal only In the respect
that It contains fromcwhnt more carbon.
eat Is far tuiperlor to coal lu that It
outalns no sulphur, makes little
smoke and no soot or clinkers. It
makes n fine while ash. giving a fire
that Is very hot or mild, a occasion
requires. Trotidcd it can be put In
i-oliYciilcnt shape and placed on tho
market at a reasonable price, which
seem entirely likely, the
demand for
to b euor-
this new fuel Is bound
la acknowledged to be the moat ano
cessful remedy In the country for
those painful allmenta pcouliar to
women. 1
For more than 30 years It has
been curing Female Complaint,
such as Inflammation, and, Ulcera
tion, Falling and Displaeementa,
and consequent Spinal Weakness,
Backache, and is peculiarly adapted
to tho Change of Life. I
Uncords show that It has cured
more eases of lYmnlo Ills than any other one remedy known.
Lydia P.. Tlnkhnm's Vegetable Compound dissolves and epc1n
Tumors at an early staffe of development. DrasrlnpSonsatlonacnuHin-r
pain, weight, and headache nre relieved and permanently cured by its use.
It corrects Trrerrularltipa or Painful Functicni, Weakness of the
Stomach. Indigestion, Wonting, Nervoni Prostration. Headache. Gene
ral Debility: ul., IMrxincsa. Faintness Extreme Lassitude. "Don't cam
nnd wnntlolieleCtalotie" feeling, Irrltabllitv. Nervousness. Sleeplessness,
Flatulency. Melancholia or the "Blues." These aro sure indications of
female weakness or some organic derangement.
For Kidney Complaints of either acx Lydia E. Piukham'a Vegetable
Compound is u most excellent remedy,
Mrs. Pinkham'5 Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from anv form of female weakness are Invited to
write Mrs Tinkham. Lynn, Mass. forndviee. She is the Mrs. Plnkhmna
who has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty
years, nnd before t hnt she assisted her mother-fn-law Lydia B. Tinkham
in ndviaing. Thus sho is well qualified to guide sick "women back to
health. Her rsdvieo is free nml altvava hplnfnl.
foot. Insartna
be worn all year round.
Three styles, low, medium and h'gh. Your dealer will
supply you. If not, write to us. Look for the name and
trade-mark on the sole.
We alto make the popular "Western Lady shoes.
FPFP Send the name
a muu Martha Washington" shore am
wewill send you free, postpaid, a beau'iful
picture of "Mirths Washington,
F. Mayer Bool &
1 -r
3. :"
How to Exercise the
Your Intestines are lined Inside with
millions of little suckers, that draw the
Nutrition cut of food as It passes them.
But, If the food passes too slowly, It
decays before it gets through. Then the
little suckers draw Poison from It Instead
of Nutrition.
This Poison makes a Cas that Injures
your system more than tho food should
have nourished It.
You see, the food Is Nourishment or
Pol3on, Just according to how long It stays
In transit.
The usual remedy for
this delayed passage
(called Constipation) Is to
take a bi dose of Castor Oil.
This merel makes slippery the passage
for unloading the current cargo.
It does not help the Cause of delay a
It does slacken the Bowcl-Musclcsmore
than ever, and thus weakens them for
their next task.
Another remedy Is to take a strong
Cathartlo, like Salts, Calomel, Jalap,
Phospate of Sodium, Aperient Water, or
any of these mixed.
What does the Cathartic do?
It mere flushes-out the Dowels with a
waste of Digestive Juice, set flowing Into
the Intestines through the tiny suckers.
But, the Digestive Juice we waste in
doing this today is needed for tomorrow's
natural Digestion. We cannot afford to
lose it.
That's why Cascarets are the only safe
medicine for tlie bowels.
evil ni$ht lon
neurexlicK. or
a m,
aw 1 m v a i g m . a a
kills the pain quiets the
nerves end Induces sleep
At eJI dealers! Price 25c 50c &H00
Dr E&ri S.SIoejv, Bosfor,Ma.ss.U.S.A.
Dates and melons aro alnaost the
only food of many of tho poor In Jeru
salem. Usually ouly oue tucal a day
la takan by them.
Ft f m SI TIM.' Huh sii til
I I O l-.r..all; nrdl
inibki. R.xlf.1 t rSlrUt kutU. .ait a m
tsTai. KLiAa; 14-i Ml a turn), rtH...ii.U,
r .
Martha Washington 0
Coolort S!t09
m . . . .
' are made lar geauine camtort. It
is a pleasure and relic: to wear l htm.
'Here are bu1lH to button er laca
to lace. You lust ttio them ma and
at will.
The elastic at tbe aides expands and
with the natural motion of the
B cried ease aad comlort. Can
of a dealer who does nol handTi
Shoo Co.
They do not waste any precious fluid of
the Bowels, as Cathartics do.
They do not relax tho Intestines by
greasing them Inside llko Castor OU or
They almply atlmulato tha Bowel
Muscles to do their work naturally, com
fortably, and nutritiously.
And. the Exercise these Bowel Muscles
are thus forced to take, makes them
stronger for the future, Just as Exercls
makes your arm stronger.
Cascarets are as aalo
to use constantly as theay
are pleasant to take.
They are purposely put up like candy,,
so you must eat them slowly and let them
go down gradually with the saliva, which
Is in itself, a fine, natural Digestive.
They are put up purposely In thin, flat,
round-cornered Enamel boxes, so they
can be carried In a man's vest pocket, or
In a woman's purse, all the time, without.'
bulk or trouble.
Price lOo a box at all druggists.
Bo very careful to get the enuln.
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold In bulk. Every tablet
stamped "CCC." 7ltv
We want to mi to ear friends a Uaatibl
Freach-Himlrned GOLD-FLAIED HUNBON nuX
bari-enanieltd in colors. It U a beamy for ths
dreasinc Utile. Ten cents in stamps is askt as a
measure ot good faith sod to cover cost ol Cascae
ets with which tfu dainty trinket is loaded.
Send to-day, -.entloninc this paper. Address)
Sterling Keiuedy Company, Chicago of Now Kaffc.
i i 1 1 ii jh ijii iiimiuaniaj
l -J!- ,
" 1 ! '
i ft . '"l
as itaiy.
from toothache
Oar catalogue
.lll ik... .1 i
Unlit tut rnllnat.
llill mmrti lar ! .
4. 4. . WsUta'l fcOl, UmrU
nllM liil. Tra k oa. r
Vol. Wawilinnla, ill
B, O. ti. V.
No. laofjf
if I