KM Mi1 J'Wl ill PSssw II W I u II WI I HI ii it with alum food by the use of poor ..baking powder. Hav a delicious, pure, homemade muffin, cake or come in To te sure of the purity, you must use Royal makes a difference in your home a difference in your health Local Items Jay liliven bus leased tlie Foltz blacksmith sliop. Gasoline light plants for sale and in stalled by U F Uroyhill. Conductor Geo W Carter of Omaha, Visited Saturday with M O Ayres. Dou't forget Bn-un's coffee it is utill in the lead For sale at Van de ;dd,-s. Mi Florence Lewis of Sioux City, spent Tuesday af terno n here at the -Jos A Foye heme. 'Gene Nordyke and family were over . ! U from Sionx City Sunday visiting tLfeIis Mollie Broybill home. til I I Hany C Sundt and Edith Biermann I of Iliusliy Bend neighborhood, were granted a license to wed in bioux City Saturday last. Geo: Re C Blessing, of Homer, will hold u sale of fancy lred Duroc Jersey sows on Tuesday, February '2&. It will pay any one interested in hog breeding to attend this sale. George Ki'hlmeier, brother of H F Kohlmeier of this place, was here a couple of days the first of the week on a visit with his brother. He had just been transferred from the Edwards & . Bradford yard at Oneord to be rnata ger of the jard at Brownville, Neb. A E Waldvogle camedowe lust week and closed out his business ou his farm in the S.leni neighborhood witli a public sale ou Tuesday, and on Friday shipped his household poods to New castle, where he recently purcnased a fine general store. He also purchased a dwelling bous" in Newcastle which be willoocupy with his family. R R Time Table 7 C, St. P., O. Time-Table. Trains leave Dakota City at the fol bw'ntftime: NOHT1I BOUND. BOOTH BOTfND. 6:52 pra Omaha 7:35 am 10:00am Omaha ......6:13pm JiMI pm Norfolk 8:20 am 9l)l um Norfolk 6.32 pm 7:!8 am Newcastle 10:00 am 2:08 pm " 6:08 pm SUNDAY TrtAINb. 6:52 pin Omaha 7:35 am 3:37 Norfolk 5:32 CB4Q WEST No. 85 Local Freiit it 7:J0 am 11 " Passenger, Onihha una Lincoln EAST No 80 Local Freight 2:15 pm, 10 Local Passenger. .. .6:53 pm Sioux City, Crystal Lake ft Homer LK.AVK LEAVE DAKOTA CITY SIOUX CITY 7 :3( am 9:00 a m 10:10 am 11:30 am 1:00 p m 2:00 p m 2:30 p m 4:30 p m 5:00 p id . . 6:15 p m baturdav evening train leaves Da . T i i n .Oil kota City 7:15, returning leaves Bioux City 11:15. Sunday evening train retnrnibg leaves Sioux City 9:30. Have you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully illustrated monthly magazine of the wide awake West with fas-inating short stories, picturesque peiional point-of-view description of the interesting development of the West, and the romance and his tory of the wonderland ol the earth. Ask your local newsdealer for current issue or tend $1.50 foryear's subscription. The book. . " Road of a Thousand Wonders. 120 beautiful Western views in four colors will be included free. SUNSET MAGAZIHE FLOOD BUILDING SAM PRAHCIJCO II tl CALIFORNIA BAKIE3 POWDER a auierence in your cooximg. ROYAL is absolutely Pure. Mell A Sell in ied was up from Lin coln over Sunday. W L Ros and wife Vitiited friends in Sioux City Sunday. A daughter was born to Bernard Bonis and wife on Friday of last week. Will Barnett and wife of Sioux City, were guests at tho Geo Barnett Lome Sunday. Clifford Judd aud wife of Sioux City were over Sunday visitors at the M M Beam home. Tli" ni mrc id are getting busy, Rev erul flocks ol ducks and geese having been lighted. Misses Freda and Irene Hutzel, had llluQUQItf vitilfr rait It fitinmlu lit Ui'nnv f"-"""" 'ini nuu 1UCUUO 1U City, last Sunday. I am now prepared to do dressmak ing at the home of S L lionton. Prices reasonalble. Pearl Hoover. Don't fail to attend the George Bles sing tale of fancy Duroo Jersey Iiors at Homer, next Tuesday, the 26tu. C E Doolittle and C!yde C'rego were over to Jefferson, 8 D, Tuesday where Clyde was fignriug on purchasing a barber shop. Postmatter Kryger, S O Gilibs, Dr Warner and Mrs Perry Lattin of South Siouz City, were business visit ors here last Friday. Frank Brink, who killed Bessie Newton, of Ponca, in a fit of jealousy two weeks ago, was held for murder by the coroner's jury. Have you tried the Sultanna and Tac-co brands of canned goods? Van sells them. These goods have stood the test of the pure food law. Misses Pei la and Bess Stionson en tertained about thirty young folks at their home Saturday evening. A number of out of town guests were in attendance. George C bletsiug, of Homer, was a passenijer west on Tuesday morning's Norfolk train. Ho was on his way to attend some fancy hog sales in Wayne and Dixon counties. The Northeast Nebra-ka Odd Fel lows association meets at Carroll, on March 12. A good program is being prepared, and all who attend anj as m u red of a pleasant time. A regular meeting of Omudi lodge No. 5. A. F. & A. M., will be held Saturday evening of this week. It is expected that Grand Custodian Robuit E trench will be present. Arthur Delong, a former teacher in the schools of this county, but now in tho railway mail service, with a run from Omaha to lionesteel, was call ing on old friends here Sunday. All kinds of coul, feed and hay for sale at reasonable ptices. Fields & Slaughter Co. C E Blivkn, Manager, Dakota City, Neb. James and Cbarl- McDonald, of Belden, Neb, visited at this place sev eral days the pant week with their e usin, a W ioltz. Mr Doltz and wue ccompanied them borne luesdayior a bort visit. Walter Niebubr, who has been re eeiving treatment at a Sioux City bos pital for kidney trouble, has recover d sutlicieuuy to ruium to Wiuuelmtfo, wi.ere he is in the storo bui-mess and is also postmuster. Leonard 11 iss came ui from' Srhuv ler, Neb, Monday. His con, El L Bosk, w ill remove here from Svlmyler ith his family next wek and wii ocoupy the county poor farm, having leased it for the coming year. The Foye line txu-iieuctd consider able tiouMe with their track the past week. The frost is going out and leaves tha track uneven in places. force of men has been at work and the track is being put In shape as last as possible. nave you tried that new package ooff e that Van de Zedde is selling? It is ouly 30o a pound, and you get a idte disu with ecb package you bur, besides a chsnce to draw a sst of baudsouie dishes free. The coffee is worth the mouey and you get the diihes for Lothiog. They usually wani something from the pantry You remember the hunger you had - Home cooking count$ for much Jin the child's health; do not imperil biscuit ready when they A house for rent inquire at this oflice. A 11 lsrinkmnn, of Uubbant, was down on b isiness Thursday. The ice in the river broke up at this piuce Sunday night. Subscribe for the Herald, the beet ppr in the county. $1 a year. Fred Hughnrt has moved into the Krnmwiode house recently vacated by O M Gray. Mr aud Mrs E Leonard, of Leeds, lows, were Sunday visitors at the Wm Loretz Lome. Lee Parker lift lust Friday (or Cnnistota, S D, for a few weeks vitit with relatives. Del San ford moved into the Jack Lapsley lioiiho in tho southeast part of town this week. J O Thompson has moved to this place from Homer, and is occupying the Woodward house. Woods llilemau accompanied anotb or party of land seekers to Colorado this week, leaving Tuesday. Mrs John Lewis and son Lowren aud Miss Mabel Johnson, of Omaha, visited Thursday with Mrs R L Broy bill. Mrs W C McNamara and childnn are visiting at the home of Mrs MeNa mnra's parents, J J McAllister and wife. Andrew M Nelson and Miss Lena A uirscu, uotu ot hioux L;ity, were joined in marriage Saturday by Judge J J Elmers. A marriage license was issued Tues' day the l'Jih by Judge Elmers to Wil limn C Auleiich and Ethel F Shook, both of Homer. M O Ayres left Tuesday for Cody, Neb, to yisit his daughter, Mrs Homer tikeen, and to enjoy the spring shoot ing in that locality. Miss Mabel Cheeuey was thrown from a buggy while coming to town Monday morning. While she escaped injury she was pretty well plastered with mud. Judge R E Evans and Fred Dnen sing left Tuesday noon for Grant, Neb, where Mr Duensing lias somo lund in terests. Mr Evuns accompanied him to lo.jk after his interests. About lil teen students from St Cath eiine's aeademv at Jackson and ahon the same, number fiom the high school in tins place, took tlie state examina ou be'oro County Superintendent Boucher Friday and Saturday. The degree team of the MBA lodge this plwce went to Sioux City Wed nesday evening to put on the degree work for the lodge var the river. The lodge here boasts of one of the finext egree teams in this part of the state. There were thirty members in the rowd and they made the trip on the Foye street ear. CORRESPONDENCE S3 JJ (MO HUH Ji 3Ml HUBBARD. Spkcial Ookkespon IIKNCE. Fresh fish at Nordyke's every Fiiday Leave your order. Representative D n Hefferuan c ime hon;e from Lincoln Suturd'iv, return ing Sunday looming. Charles and Albert Schrempp went to bioux City Alouiluy. ttee our BtocK ol Hioes. Wn run please the most fastidious in this Hue Carl Anderson. Fred Illume, of Dakota Citv, transacting business here Monday. John Johnson shipped a car load o cattle and the Anchor Grain company a car of hogs to bioux City Tuesday, Dress shirts and wash shirts in all styles nt Cail Anderson's. Herman Renzo and aon Herman went to Sioux City Tuesday. Mrs Dan Harlnett and daughter Margaret, Mrs John Myers, danghte Mary and baby, went to Sioux City Saturday morning. Dick Myers went to Thurston Fri day morniDg on business. BCTliJBafMa John Smith and George Hayes were do n to the county seat Monday. I They made a trip from there to Sioux City and return on the Foye street ca. Our stock of spring bats and caps are bore. Call iu an! see thsni. Carl Anderson. Nordyke always bas fresh oysters in ulk. Thomas Long shipped two car loads of cattle, to Sioux City Monday. Grandma Nordyke, of Jackson, is visiting ber son Art and family tbis week. New hosiery and underwear in all tyl s and prices at Carl Anderson's. Jack lleffernan, Ed Long, Robert Mnndy and Ernest Goerii went to Sioux City Monday. Fred Bartels shipped tro carloads of sheep to South Omaha Tharsday evening. Smoked halibut and salmon at Carl Anderson's. Johnnie Green went to Dakota City Friday morning on business. Austin Veaeh, Sam Knox and Louis Long were Sioux City passengers Fri day. Mike Green went to Sioux City Fri day. George Hayes and wife went to Sioux City Friday. Painting and papsrhangiog. Esti mates cheerfully furnished. A A Sciirkmpp, The Painter. Prof Douohne was called to O'Neill, last Friday, on acoouut of bis cousins death. M V Dnggan went to Jackson Tues day evening to visit friends. Boy Armour shipped a carload of cattle to South Omaha Tuesday even ing. Sam Thorn and Bert Frarcisco each shipped a car load of cattle to Sioux City luesday. Art Nordyke went to Allen Wednes day to attend the hog sale held by bis brother George. Will Sheahau and family -removed here from Coleridge this week aud will farm the John Malony place this year. We have just received a new assort ment of glasswnre. Carl Anderson. Hans Nelsen and Herman Benze wero down to the county seat Monday. The Jas Nelson sale Wednesday was fairly well attended, considering the weather. Tom Long lias moved onto the Lea- bey farm, which he recently purchased. Robert Duggan left Wednesday for bis claim at Nowliu, S D. His broth er, will unggar, and Jack iieiternan, left Thursday for the same plaoe, where they have claims. HOMER. Spkcial Cohrbbponderce. Jimmy Alloway has accepted a po sition iu a lumber yard at Wakefield. 8 A Combs made a business trip to to Sioux City Thursday last. Mr McGlashan will vacate the farm he is on and move on one a mile from their present abode. Harry Hart, from Dakota Citv, and E Eunis and wife, of South Sioux City, were Homer visitors Saturday. Mrs Nelson Smith and Mrs Off Har ris went to Sioux City on Thursday's train, returning Saturday. Mrs Dr Stidworthy made Homer a short visit last week. Mrs Will Learner, who has been ou the sick list, is improving. Five davs of the week beginniug February 25th there will be special gospel services in the Lutheran church, both at 3 o clock in the afternoon and in the evening, Rev Dr Groh, of Oma ha conducting them. lie is spoken of as a very able speeker. Rev Combs, the pastor, will assist bim. Mrs Rosaliad Hagaraan, who ban been ill with typhoid fever for so long, is now able to walk about her room. Mrs Dr Burke accompanied her sis ter, Miss Kate Uussell, as far us Sioux City, returning Friday of lust week Bill MuDty, the second, has the smallpox at the home of Tim O'Cou nor, but Tim isn't in it. Garret Mason and wife were S'oux City vicitois last Thursday night, re turning Fiiduy. Another rase of smallpox at the home of Dan Purdy, his daughter, Miss Winnie Purdj, being the alllicted one. Bill Odoll has sold bis sawmill at Ul.hurg to Dave Appleton. May Altimus, of Dakota City, is vis iting her sister, Mrs Audry Alloway, thin week, and attend Q'leen Esther. Mrs W H Ryan returned from Chi cago, Tuesday much improved in health, after a several mouths treat ment iu a Chicago hospital. Fred Wallwy and wifa visited with Fred's parents in Emerson precinct last eek. Theo Duinoud's aud Ben Briden- haugh'a sales the first of the week ere well attended and good puces re- lized set we are prosperous in this pait of the oountry. Wu hear that there was auite an in terest shown in tbeHCommeri-ial Club" which whs started a short time ago. I'hat farmers as well as the town peo ple took su interest that was hardly nticipateil. This is as it should be. Let's all pull tog jt her, then all tliiugs will roiiin and without waiting too long either. We were pleased to see the jolly face Michael Green, ti prosperous farmer of Hubburd precinct, ou our streets Tuesday. Mr Green was looking for fence posts. He nas Homer is the id ice to g-t them uud at reasonable prices too. Rev Green, a We-lvan MetlirJlsf, s preaching this week in the Assembly church Mrs John Collins, of Blyburg, who had rputii a bad case of smallpox, is not recovering her usual health qnickly as her friends would like see. Married At the borne of Robert Smith and wife, at 4 :30 o'clock Wed nesday evening, Miss Ethel Shook to William Aulerich, Rev Christy per forming the ceremony. The happy couple left ou the evening train for South Dakota, the groom's old home, where they expect to reside. These young people will be very muck missed on the uic8 Kansas City, liw thitli fllinrn i Anil alan liv t.hir "J J merous friends, JACKSON. Spkcial Oobbesponoekos. Mamie Ryan is s ending this we. - with ber father, RN Ryan, at Lemurs, Iowa. Mr Ryan expects to be borne soon. The New State Telephone company bas moved its central office here from the Commercial hotel to the Fremont hotel. Mrs F A Wood, of Sand Toint, Ida bo, ariived here last week for a visit with ber parents, T B Jones and wife, of Vista. William Gill and wife returned from their wtddiog trip Monday and have gone to honsekeeping In one of O A Barber's houses, and will farm the Barber farm tbis year. Lore to Riley is visiting her friend, Lorraine Murphy, at Homer, this week. Dr Leahy spent Monday night in Ponca, Neb. Married, in Bioux City, on February 16, 1907, Henry C Sundt and Edith Biermann, who reside near Jackson. J A Hall left for Arden, Mo, Tues day to look after bis farming interests there. Frank Davey, jr, will have chaige of the store during Mr Hall's absence. Misses Mary and Margaret Boler re turned from Omaha Wednesday even isg and enjoyed their visit very much. Mae McGuire returned to ber home in Sioux City Monday, after teaching thiee weeks in the M Mitchell distriot, while the teacher, Miss llennessy, was nnder quarantine. Mrs Ctrrie Thompson is back from Kendall, Wis, where she bad been to see her mother and left her feeling much improved. George Sharp will move to near Homer, as soon as tho roads dry up. E J Mullally purchased a fine driv ing team from Frank Davey this week. Georgd Mougar and Joseph Gill left last Friday for Lamar, Col, to vis it a sister of Mr Mongar's. Mrs R W McIIale and childn re turned to their hoae at Fairbury, Neb, Saturday, after spending several weeks with ber parents here, Mrs Jos E Waruock and children are visiting Mr.i Warnock's mother at St James, Neb. SALEM. Special Corrksponi.enck. James Fisher purchased some more feeders for his yards. Sides Bros were busy shelling corn the past week. Leslie Bliveu did the work, furnishing power with bis new gasoline engine. Warren, the little son of Mr and Mrs I W Fisher, has been quite sick the past week. Born to Bernard l'.oals nnd wife, a daughter on Friday last. Miss Mae Altcimis visited relatives at Homer this week. George lleikes returned home from Sioux City, where he has been attend ing a bnsiness college. Geo Boals and wife, of Sioux City, spent several days in Salem last week. Sam Heikes shipped several ears of cattle Tuesday. W G Learner, Robt Lapsley and Ab Mason were among those who she'lod oorn last week. Every one in Salem is planning to attend Queen Esther, given at Homer by the Choral Union, at that place. Robert Lapsley left Tuesday for Julesburg. Colorado, to look over the cheap land proposition in that locality Mrs Wm Broyhill bas been q ute sick the past week. Neighbor Ward Joyce is out selling the farmers a mill that cleans all kindi of grain and be gtiarautets it to be the best. Sides Bros are delivering to Bleuk iron Bros nt Dakota City several thous aud bushels of corn. These young farmers bad an enormous crop of corn. Ducks and geese are thick and the local nimrods are bagging quite a lot during the muddy weather. We hear that fJol M J foreshoe is quite a favorite among the Pennsyl vania people. There may be hopes yet. The kind of weather we hove hud the lust few days will stop the farmers from chinking of sowing wheat. The 18th of February will be re memlirred lv Mrs Ueo learner, as quite a number of her relatives and frieuds took possession of the brick house aud helped her celebrate her 74'h birthday, and along with this orowd came a dray conveying the fancy pastries which the farmers wivis prepared and tue costly presents, ilie evening was spent iu telling titles and various old time games especially spinning the pan. in which many of the older people took an active part and redeemius forfeits. It was a fact well demonstrated that the older gen eration were more familiar with these popular games than the younger ones, Before lunch was served Mis Xjeame was presented with a fine rocker for being am prised and "Mr Learner handsome Morris thiir for not telling his wife about it. MACORA. Special. Oorrkspondkhcs Mrs Harington re urned Frida after a few weeks visit with friends in Sioux City. Will SUrk shipped a car load of cattle to South Omaha Monday. Maurice O'Connor, Henry Nugent aud Mat Kuhl wero passengers to Hubbard last Sunday sfternoou. Will Messersmidt shipped a carloa of cattle to Omaha Monday, Mae Heeney was a Sioux City visi or Wednesday. E D Voss and family left Tuesday evening for Grand Junction, Col. Mr Voss owns a fruit farm . Mr Voss and family will be very much mused as) bere. L Hchinkle was an Emerson visitor tol Monday. (Too late for last week.) Lne Schinkle and family returned Monday evening after a few days visit with Mrs Scbiukel's mother at Cor. cord. Neb. Mrs Annie Zsstrow and Henry Molt were married iueday aiternoon the koine of Steve llausen. They nil. . Angust and Bertha Anderson return ed home Wednesday, after a two weeks visit in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Nellie Heeney was a passenge r Jackson Monday. k I EDoitVt FVeessc Wo have a few Heaters left, and they will go at Right Prices. Remember tstovee have ad vnnccd and you will have to pay one-third more for a heater next winter than you will now. i Get onr before yoi buy. harness, either We have on band single or double. Our I TM W J F? is more complete than ever. We white Enameled ware which we We invite the ladies to call and examine tbis ware Yours to Please Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co. ! II. F. KoliLMEiF.B, Local Manager. 1 Dakota City, - Nebraska J Wm LOR.ENZ, Proprietor of- City EIcst MaHket Fresh and Salt Meats always DAKOTA CITY IF a pei son has devoted his time outside business or callings : during these tweuty-oue years, bis bank bas lost less than fifty dollars; IF no mouey of the bank ran be loaned to him, bis relatives or friends (as friends) nor used in speculation; IF be was born honest and bas lived HONEST and always within his means; IJT bis sole object in life is to safeguard the money of his depositors; IF be does EVKRYTUINU in banking, tt lowest living rates and be asks YOUR business now, will you not call? . All the above aud then home. f "The Bank that always treats you kioht" Before tKe Spring To people who are intending to do any kiud of building next spiirg or summer we will ssj come in uow. Let us figure your estimate. Get the Prices Yon will treatment find them courteous. low you Edwards& Bradford Lbr. Co Hubbard, GEO. TIMLIN, tfaiiaser. BE Harness at left STVRGES BROS., 411 Pearl St., Call and examino onr Sewing i limes I I I I I I 3 10 Year Guarantee giv en with each machine prices on Mac TNT a fine line of both farm and buggy lino of have jost received a shipment of sell at prices unheard of before. on hand . Caeh paid for bides. NEBRASKA. -. for 21 years to banking, with no X T Bank of Dakota County t Jackson, Neb, will find cur material right, and ear Nebraska. e saddles SIOUX CITY. IOWA