Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 08, 1907, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Continuation of the Homer Herald.
Subscription Trice. $1.00 Per Yer.
A weekly newspaper published at
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
mailt as second-claa matter.
Telephone No. 43.
The January
Thaw" it still with
The TVaterbarj Criterion, formerly
Ucated at Jaokaon, was conaamed by
fire Sunday morning. Several other
business hoascs were destroyed at the
same time. It is a question whether
the paper will resume publication,
Items of Interest Z
from our Exchanges
Decatur Herald : Mrs John Olbrey
is convalescing from a severe attack of
the r rip.
Hartington News : Todd Chrixtoph
erson, of Crofton, was a visitor in town
Yesterday.... Cland Baird returned
Friday evening from a business visit
in 8ioux,CitY.
Wayne Democrat : Tom Berry was
in town last Friday ou his way home
to South Sioux City. Tom reports his
family all well. lie is still with the
Edwards & Bradford company.
Randolph Times: George Stone, of
Coleridge, known to fame as the best
batter in the world, is asking f4,000
for his services as a baseball player
for the season of 1907. Pa Itourke of
Omaha says that Stone will get the
price, too. This looks like a big sala
ry for five or tix month work, and
amounts to about $23 for each game
played. But then, one of those three
baggers, or a home run is worth money.
Newcastle Times: Last week we
n ade a brief mention of the butanes
change that had taken plaoe hore, O
N Ilammarlun, proprietor of the Fair
store, having nold his buxinfcss here to
A E Waldvoglj, of Dakota City, Net).
The new man is a ploasant gentleman
to meet and we predict sucoess for the
new proprietor. lie will move his
family here. While wo welcome the
new man, we will be sorry to lose the
Ilammerlun family from our midst.
The Hammerlua family will move to
Anoka, in the near future.
Sioux City Tribune, 2nd: That
Crystal lake will be one of the pop
ular summer res arts this coming sea-
son is assured by the announcement ot
Joseph A Foye that he will erect on
the lake shore at leist a half dozen log
cottages or cabins, in style represent
ing in a marked degree a bungalow,
which is the popular style of arcliitoo
tuiein the west and northern woods . Mr
Foye lust week purchased a tract of
land on the west side of the lake, and
upon this he will erect the cottages.
This land is wooded and will make an
ideal summer place. Judge Elmers,
of South Sioux City, is also . contem
plating erecting a cottage at the lake
and it is said that several Norfolk peo
V pie will do likewise. Sijoe the open-
1 ing of the Foye line betwoen Hiout
;ity and Dakota City the tramo to
Sioux City has been 60 por cent better
than ever before, both i? butiness and
pleasure so kers. The theater seems
the attractive point, and hardly a per
formance takes piaoe but from twenty
to sevnuty-flve Dakota City people are
in attendance, mr cove announces
that there will be a change in the Bun
day ruoiiing time, beginning tomorrow.
The last oar leaves Sioux City at 0 :30
o'clock at night, instead ef 11:15 as
theretofore. Otherwise the schedule
will remain as before. Much annoy
ance has been caused the management
ot the road by ruflians along the line
Recently someone broke into a coal
shed and stole all the coal. When the
engine backed ia on the. aiding to re
jileuiah its supply of fuel the coal thed
was empty. Several hours elapsed be
tfore a team could secure more fuel,
the service on the line being tied up iu
the meantime.
T", i ; m it
iiitnerBOD Auterprisa : miss oieua
NcEntaffer was a Wakefield visitor
this week.... J Burton Kroesen of
Sioux, Neb, was an over. Sunday visit
or in Emerson. .. .Mr and Mrs W B
Leahy have moved from Sioux City to
E erson and live in S A Zapp's house
on Main street. Mr Lohy ia a flreuaau
on the Emerson-Omaha passenger....
On Wednesday evening January 30,
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr
and Mrs Geo Cook occurred the mar
riage of Miss Isabel Cook to Adolpu
Lamp. IIhv 0 II Churchill performed
the ceremony and about forty relatives
and friends of the contracting parties
were present. A sumptuous wedding
upper was served and many beautiful
presents reoeived. The happy couple
will live the ooming year on the farm
ast of the German hall. ...Miss Au
gusta Kellogg, daughter of J J Kellogg
and Tbos J Dealers, son of Mr and
Mrs L F Demers, "'ere married in
fiioux City Monday by a justice of the
peace. Mrs Webb Kellogg and Joe
Demers accompanied them and piloted
them safely through the vicissitudes of
the event. Tho griotn is the proprie
tor of a prosperous barbor shop at
Ilubbtrd wherti they will reside....
Jtx Wedaes Uy uioruing, January SO,
Mr Jioob Kreutzor, of Wall Ltke, Ia,
and Miss Margaret Hempen, of Emer
son, were married at the Sacred Heart
church by Father Burke in the pres
ence of a Urge number of friends of
both parties. Mr Kreutz-r iaa retired
farmer having farmed near Wall Lake
for twentr years and the bride ktut
bouse for the past three years for
Father Burke, coming here from near
Wall Lake where she made the ac
quaintance of the groom . They will
make their home at Wall Lake. Mr
John Liewer of Emerson and MUs An
na Weuztd, of Wall Lake were the
witnesses of the oeremouy. Mrs Man
en, of Whiting, Is, a ister of the
bride attended the wedding.
Commissioners' Proceeding.
Dakota City, Neb, Feb 2. 1307.
Boanl of county commissioners met
in regular session, members present,
Thomas C ltaird. chairman; Ed Mor
gan and John Sierx and W L Iloss,
connty clerk.
The following bonds were approved :
Andrv II Anderson, road overseer
district No 8.
E J Way, road overseer district No 14.
Henry ltiermann, road overseer dis
trict No 11.
W II Ryan, justice of the peace,
Otnadi precitict.
County el-rk ordered to strike tax
for year 1901 of John Danghtrty.
Clerk ordered to write warrant for
13.00 on road district No 4, in favor of
Fred Sunt.
Clerk ordered to write warrants to
the following parties on road district
No 15 for sppraising damages on the
Schindler road:
Kudolph Hchopkn 11 00
M I' Iiornn 8 00
Oeorttn Cook 8 10
James Ireland 8 '
Board made order for county clerk
to write warrant on general iund for
2J 00 to F P Culbertson for Farmers'
County treasurer ordered to not is
sne distress warrant on ffm Ouernsey
until further notice
Whereas, there is $5,000 in cash on
hand in the couuty general fund, there
fore the county treasurer is ordered to
transfer $G00 from the county general
fund to the railroad bond sinking fund
to take np two bonds, rios. 62 and 03
Claims allowed.
W II Ryan, linll rent for election I 6 00
A R Adams, boarding Jury 1100
Perkins Bro Co, supplies A HS
Bert Brnnfleld, cleaning chimneys. ... 8'00
II O Hunneh, wood and Haw ing of unrno 36 (10
D F Waters, ten months allowance to
Mrs Hlmmons 80 00
Fnale Printing Co, supplies 4129
Nebraska Institution for Feeble Mind
ed, care of Hay res antl Joyce HO 00
L M Iesllemdse n SO
Hiimmand 1 Htevrim Co, indue 6 GO
BBirxiie riTRn.
Ooo P Whaley, bridge work SO 00
O P Homo, Iron for bridges 4 75
K 3 Way. keg nulls 8 00
DO Water, lumber 27 il
Joe M Ieedoin, road work 8S 00
K J Way, name 80 00
Board adjourned to Feb. 4, 1907.
February 4, 1907.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
All members present.
Claims allowed :
DrJ 11 Leahey, twelve months rent
for Mm Hlminoim 12 o
Kred Illume, pontage, extra clerk hire
eto 85 1H
Mm Roxnnuo Duncan, care mid Ixmrd
of Totn Farley 45 73
Kill Mir Co, coal for John 1'eyson
and dim Wlckham 8 00
Kd Gordon, care John IVyson during
confinement with broken limb,
claim ; allowed SB 00
Mrs Kd (loVdon, lmardlng John Pey-
soti, claim f 10; allowed R 00
( car Hun Co, drugglHtH, nurglcal
droHlngH for John l'eynon 180
John MuIUiim, provisions for Charles
Wlckliani 00
K K IlevliiH, money advanced on tran
script In cane of Mate vs K'unliert... 8 00
K II UcvIuk, defending Del Morrison. . S5 00
Wm Nend, groceries toChos Wlckham 4 V0
Drs II P Warner and L lieVore, nt
tending John Peyson, claim 50; al
lowed 25 00
Ht Joepli' hospital, tioard and care of
tJuorge Hngre fig 05
Claim of Dr II P Warner for $11,
medioul aid to Andrew Nelson, re
Hoard made orcer allowing 8 per
month to John 1'eyton nntil April 1
Board made order allowing Charles
Wlckham, $10 per month nntil April 1
Board maue order for county treas
urer to strike the tuxes on lots 1 and 3
iu block 42, Covington, np to and in
cluding the year 1898; and on lot 4 iu
block 42, Covington, up to ana luolui
ing 1894
li appearing to tne board that pe
tition of Patrick Oorma'ly for a liquor
nowise lias been duly filed aocordiog
to law, and that proper notion had
been given as required by law and
that bond as required - by law had
been filed and approved by the board,
on motion of th board license for the
sale of malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors on lot 14, block 3, in Goodwin,
Henr, was grauieu ana allowed lor a
period of twelve months, ending Feb
ruary 4, 1908, and the county clerk
was ordered to issue said license on
payment of $500 revenue to the oonnty
Board adjourned to March 2, 1907
VV T. Unua ('lark
I 1
I Hub Hatchery May be Established at
Crystal Lake
,1 U Welliver, Washington corres
pondent for the Sioux City Tribune,
writes the following in regard to Da
kota county's favorite fishing resort:
Washington, D 0, Feb 2. The fa
vorite fishing gronnd of Sioux City
fishermen at Crystal lake will probably
bh made the seat of a big government
Cah hatchery, as a result of the efforts
of (jougressman Hubbard,
Mr Hubbard discovered that in the
omnibus UbIi hatcheries bill, providing
f 10, 000 each for establishing these at
tions in several states, tuere. was an
item for Nebraska. The location is to
be determined at the discretion of the
fisheries bureau.
Mr Hubbard promptly figured that
Cryntal lake was the best place in Ne
braska to looate the plant, and hunted
up Congressman McCarthy, of Pocoa,
in which district the lake is located.
lie Leedoa no argument to convince
him of the availability of that location
and together they started off to fiud
the commissioner.
They are confident as a result that
if the fishery is located on the merits
of the location, they will get it at
Crystal lake.
The conditions there are said to incut
ths requirements exaotly, good trans
pollution faoilitit-F, an ideal body of
water for the purpose, and convenience
to a city. These hatcheries, though
located by states will not be used to
propogate fish merely for the state iu
Which they are established. A hatch
ery at Crystal lake, will mean stock
ing with the finest fish the waters of
Crystal lake, the Big Sioux and other
streams iu that section, both of Iowa
and Nebraska.
Subscribe for the Herald, the
ptpu ia the county. $1 a year.
Bookchelf of Boyhood.
Rome eve I'd like to plant myself
Hjr boyhood's Ion j neglected shelf,
Ones more to 02 those volumes wora
Which modern pages make forlorn.
One more to let the moments speed
With Optic, CsHtlemon, Mayne Heidi
And "Boat Club" set, "The White Chief
Ah, these were books, I do declare!
"Jack Hazard !" Joy! Again we meet
By grace of Trowbridge tines replete !
And, 'pon my word, here's "Cudjo's
Cave !"
(Was Cudjo not a "dandy" slave?)
The "Scottish Chiefs" Is this, I ftiess,
With "Tlmddeus of Warsaw" yes !
And this (I loaned it o'er and o'er)
Is Stephens' "Left pn Labrador!"
Pass by that dog-eared trensnre? No!
Tis Scott's entrancing "Ivanhoe!"
(How often of Its glamour taught.
Have Tom and I in tourney fought!)
And here, Imploring boyhood's eyes,
The "Lsst of the Mohicans" lies!
Hnil! I lawk eye, L'ncas, Chlngaehgook !
("Deerslayer" is that next old book.)
Come. "Crusoe." nretty ragged, you
A hundred times read through and
through !
Tour woodcuts blurred. While this one
The far-marooned "Swiss Family!"
And look ! Their lonesomeness confessed,
"Aladdin," "Sinbnd" and the rest
Peer forth from covers stained and dim,
Awaiting cheek by Jowl with Grimm !
T'pon this faded back discern
The tempting wizard name of Verne!
The title? Must be "Field of Ice"
Or, no; some "trip" of strauge device.
Munchausen, here; that, Gulliver;
This, Coffin truthful chronicler.
(The oilier three, of course, are bricks,
But con't beat "Boys of '70!")
And you, O gift of gentler pen,
I-ouisn Alcott's "Little Men!"
And you, whom kindred soul creates,
'Hhiis Brinkcr;, or, The Silver Skates!"
But duty warns lnke mother's dread:
'Stop, my son ; time to go to .bed."
n vain I'd beg: "One chapter more!"
'nrewell, dear shelf of boyhood's lore.
St. Nicholas.
. A Narprlnti.
It wns pouring rnln, but tho twins
did not mind It one bit, because they
always liked ever so many rainy days
when they were mnklng a visit at
Grandma had a big attic, filled full
of tho most wonderful things that you
ever saw.
There were largo trunks full of queer
rulllcd conts nnd velvet knee-breeches.
And there were bouncing bandboxes
thnt held funny green calashes ond the
biggest poke bonnets Imaginable. And
then there wns the Noah's ark I
It was not like your pretty pn luted
one, which Is full to the very top with
wonderful menagerie.
It was only a little old black box
without any cover. And the animals!
Uncle Jacob cut thom nil out of some
pieces of wood with his jnck-kulfe,
ever to many years ago, when he was
not much older than the twins.
And these animals were just ns
funny-looking ns nil the rest of the
tilings up In thnt queer old garret.
There were blue cowi and pink lions
and red-nnd-blnck leopnrds, nnd when
Uncle Jacob had finished them he dis
covered that all the anlmnls looked
very much alike, so he wrote the name
on the hnck of each one In grent hluck
painted lctetrs.
roily nnd Tatty lied this Noah's ark
better than anything else In that whole
nttlc, and they thought It was every
hit ns wonderful ns Uncle Jacob did
when he bad finished It so many years
ngo. ,
So this rainy morning, after they
hnd finished their hrenkfast, these two
little girls hurried up to the attic nnd
ran straight to tho corner under the
caves to get their precious treasure.
Patty got here first, but when she
looked Into the box she said, "Oh! oh!
oh!" very loud Indeed.
"Why, what's the mntter?" exclaim
ed Polly, breathlessly.
"There's a live amnial In It!" whis
pered Patty. "There's a heap of baby
mice! A whole neat of them! And
they're pink, 'stead of gray and furry
Peep lu nnd see them, quick, Polly!'
Polly shivered. "I don't dare to,"
she said. And then something happen
ed thnt made botu children scantier
down those stairs In a terrible rusr
The mother mouse came honu!
"I guess we enn't go up In the attic
ever ngnlii," snld Patty, woefully,
" 'cause I'm not 'siHKlally fond of mice,
less they're in trajw."
Hut when Uncle Jacob went up Into
tho attic with her after ulnner. there
stood the Noah's ark Just where Polly
had left It The mice were gone. Kv
ery one of tnem: Aim tne twins arc
still wondering If the big yellow pussy
cat could tell them a secret, for she
was washing her face, and stio looked
so knowing and wise. Youth's Com
The Mother lllrd.
It has liceu said by observers of birds
that some of them will feed their young
if they are caged, and If they fall, after
a time, to release them, they will bring
thuui a H)lsou weed to eat so tliut death
may end their captivity. This Is hard
to believe, but an apparently well au
thenticated Incident la cited to prove It.
Three young orioles were captured and
were Immediately caged and tho cage
was hung In a tree.. The mother "oou
:ini calling to the little ones, nnd In
u Uttle while she brought tliciu somo
worms, sue coimuucu ror several iay
to fetnl them, without paying much at
tention to the icrsoiis who were ultout,
hut one day she brought them a sprig
of green lu tho morning, nnd disap
peared. In less than an hour the youug
birds were dead. Au examination of
the sprig showed that It was the deadly
larkauue. which, It Is aald. will kill
furt-grown onttls. There K Of course,
A possibility thnt the mother brought
them the sprig by mistake, but to Iks-
l'.eve that would he to doubt the pro
tective Instinct that nnturnllsts nttrlb-
ttc to birds and nnlmnls.
How to Walk t'patalrs.
rerhnps It has never occurred to the
boys and girls that there Is a good way
ond n bad way' to walk upstairs. Hear
what a well-known physician says
about It "There are few persons who
know how to wnlk upstairs properly.
Usually a person will trend on the hall
of his foot In taking each step, spring
ing himself up to the next stop. This
Is not only tiresome, but Is wearing on
the muscles, as It throws the entire
suspended weight of the body on tbo
leg and the feet. In walking upsrnlrs
the feet should bo places squarely down
on the stop, heel nnd nil, nnd then the
nsceiit should lie mndc without hurry.
In this way there will be no strain
on any particular muscle, but ench will
do its work In a nnturol manner.
Kddle drew u hnn sitting in a box.
When he ennic to look nt It he acci
dentally turned the slate on Its end,
and lo! the hen dlsnpiearcd and a calf
was In her place.
Doctor of That Country Telia of Ob
servations at Olymulan Game.
A German medical man publlshei
some Interesting comparisons made a
the Olympian games respecting the
size and stamina of tho heart of th
English, American nnd German com
petltors respectively. Dr. Smith snyt
that as soon as ho examined before the
games tho hearts of German sportsmer
he could prophesy that they wouU;
prove no formidable rivals. The size
of tho heart was so abnormally grent
that In contests requiring strength, en
ergy nnd endurance It was physically
Impossible thnt they should succeed.
Kosults proved the truth of this fore
cast, nnd It la notable thnt the few
German athletes who did win places
were In possession of the minimum
sized hearts.
In tho American sportsmen the heart
conditions were In striking contrast to
those of the Germans. Many of the
American athletes were found to pos
sess hearts smaller In dimensions than
the Hinnllest heart ever measured In
n German hospital. An invincible
sprinter possessed the smallest heart
among the, American competitors. A
German-American athlete, rather sig
nificantly, was found to have tho
Among tho Englishmen examined the
heart was found to be slightly larger
than thnt of the Americans, though
smaller than that shown by any other
nation. A parallel case which occurred
at tho games strikingly illustrated tho
difference In form between the English
nnd the Germnn athletes. In spite of
nn Indisposition n German athlete took
part In a certain contest. Subsequent
examination proved that his heart had
Increased at the end of the struggle
to double Its previous size. An En
glishman, suffering from the same In
disposition, returned from the contest
as winner nnd his heart had become
smaller. The writer jtolnts out that
by a wrong system of trnlnlng and In
judicious living German athletes are
doing much to cultivate heart and
nerve complaints on a serious scale.
Joke on the Profeaaor.
The scholarly William E. Bycrly,
professor of mathematics at Harvard,
was once asked by a student how to de
velop a retentive memory. The pro
fessor answered thnt ordinary mental
exercise was sutllclent to secure a
good memory, whereat the student ask
ed If he might test the mental capacity
of his Instructor. Professor Byerly
agreed and tho student nsked him to
listen to and remember several varied
Items for a test Ho began:
"One quart of whisky."
"I'm!" said the professor.
"Six pounds of sugar, n pint of sour
milk, three onions, half n gallon of mo
lasses and two raw "eggs"
"Uni!" said the professor.
"Two green apples, twenty-six pen
nuts, one and a half cucumbers and
four mince pies."
"I'm!" said tho professor.
"A package of starch, sixty-seven
cakes of yeast and the skins of seven
bnnnnas. Got that down?"
"Yes," answered Dr. Byerly.
"How does It taste?" asked the stu
dent. Illneaa Tblna Koeh Hair.
A Japanese physician has lieen con-,
ducting a series of experiments to as
certain whether the growth of tho hu
man hair Is affected by serious Illness
as Is the case with the nails and
some seemingly reinnrkablo results
have been brought to light by his in
vestigations. He has discovered, for Instance, that
every serious Illness has a marked
effect In diminishing the thickness of
the Individual hairs, ami by micro
scopic examinations ho claims to be
nblo to tell whether an Illness has re
ontly taken place and to give Its dura
tion. According to tho theories of this
Japanese doctor the illness has tlio
effect of making the hair thinner along
a part of Its length and the length of
tho thin portion Indicates the length of
time the patient has been ill. u Is
suggested thnt this fact. If Its truth can
Ik proved, may have Importance lu a
nuestlon of Identification.
And when you hear n man lionst of
his ancestors It's a safe bet that his de
scendants will have no occasion to
boast of theirs.
When a man has a Great deal of corn
to sell, he cannot understand the du
plicity of buyers.
Tonny-Torv y.
"As I
Public Sale.
Having decided to quit farming and
leave the county I will offer at public
auction all my stock and farm ma
chinery a my residence on the Geo
Boats farm, 5 miles west and 1 mile
north of Dakota City, mile from
Grace church, and 3 miles east and
1 mile south of Jackson, on
all the following stock and farm ma
chinery ;
1 gray horse, weight 1300.
1 brown horse, wt 1300.
1 bay horse, wt 120.
1 bay horse, wt 1000.
2 black mares, wt 1000 each.
1 registered Shorthorn bull, No
223908, coming 3 years old.
8 cows, 6 giving milk.
1 heifer, fresh in March.
3 steers.
4 yearling heifers.
5 fall calves.
6 brood sows.
7 spring shoats.
21 fall pigs.
140 pure brdl Plymouth Rocks.
2 lumber wagons.
1 spring wagon.
1 Minneapolis binder.
1 Blackhawk corn planter, good as
1 lister.
1 Moline riding cultivator, good as
1 walking cultivator.
1 sulky plow.
1 walking plow.
1 stirring plow.
1 Sterling disc.
1 Moline seeder.
1 3-section harrow.
2 sets good heavy work harness.
2 sets fly nets.
800 bushels of corn in crib.
100 bushels potatoes.
1 Willard steel range and other
household furniture and other things
too numerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 10 a m.
Free lunch at noon.
TERMS All sums under $10, cash.
On sums of $10 or over one years time
will be given with approved security,
10 per cent.
A A HALE, Owner.
A Ira Davis, Auctioneer,
Ed T Kearney, Clerk.
Public Sale.
Having disposed of my farm I am
preparing to remove from the county
and I will sell at public auction at my
ftum residence, G miles southwest of
I Dakota City, Neb, on
all the following stock and farm ma
chinery: 1 team of good work horses, weight
about 1200 pounds.
11 head of cows 3 with calves by
their sides, balance soon to be fresh.
13 head of shoats.
7 Jersey red brood sows.
1 thoioughbred Jersey boar,
3 lumber wagons.
1 Van Brunt 11-foot drill, good ae
1 Dcwton patoto digger, almost
1 Aapinwall potato planter.
1 Champion binder.
1 Twentieth Century hay stacker,
good as new.
1 bay sweep.
1 MoCormick mower, good as new.
1 McCormick hay rake.
1 three-section harrow, new.
1 two section harrow.
1 Aspinwall potato spiayer, new,
1 Blackhawk corn planter, complete,
good as new.
1 John Deere riding lister, good as
1 Stemwinder riding cultivator.
2 walking cultivators.
1 Xray sulky plow.
2 walking plows.'
1 disc cultivator.
1 Gale disc seven discs on each
1 Star endgate seeder.
1 spring wagon.
2 buggies.
1 road cart.
1 lawn swing.
1U tons good bay in stack on prem
l.uuu busnels oorn in crib on prem
50 bushels potatoes.
4 dozen black Laugshan chickens
Household goods and numerous
other articles will be offered in tbis
Bale to commence at 10 a m.
Free lunch at noon.
TERMS All sums under $10 cash
On all sums over $ 10, one years time
will be given on secured notes at 10
per cent.
M O Ayreb, Clerk,
n O Dorn, Auctioneer.
First publication Jan 11 4 w
In the district court of Dakota county, Ne.
Fred Hosenlmum (
vs. Notice.
Minnie Kosenlstum (
To Minnie Koseiihaum, non-resident, de
You will take notice that on the loth da
of January, A. U. 1W7, the plaintiff herein
r red Kosenonum, tiled ins petition agains
you In the olllce of the clerk of the dlstrlc
court of Dakota county, Nebraska, the ob
ject and prayer of which are that his mar
riage to you, the said defendant, be annulled
ui i4i decreed void.
You are required to answer snld petition
on or Is.fore the ism day or rcuruary, a. 1
Dated this loth day of January, A. D. HT
First publication Jan. 25 w.
Order of Hearing and Notice of Probate
of Wilt.
In the Couuty Court of
Dakota county
State of Nebraska,
County of I nkota
To LouKa W lukhiius, Anmllo Kclirlever
Fred Illume, Marie Illume, Kohcrt Illume
Oils Iseubiirg, 1 lira Wllktns, Krlu Schrlrv
er. Carl Schrlcver, Fred Kipper, Fandie
Kipper Dolly, Minnie Kipper l.uesebrink
llattle Kipper Mason, and loall persons In
terested In tho estate or Alwlne hcluieve
deceased :
On reading the petition of Frlt Kchrleve
prill lug mat Hie instrument II led in ini
court on the Kit li day of January, 1VU7. and
purporting to Is the last w ill and testament
of the said deceased, may Is proved and al
lowed, and recorded as the last will and tes
lament of Alwlne Schrlcver, deceased ; that
said Instrument lie admitted to proliate, and
the adiiilnlst ration ol said estate be grante
to Frlti hiluiever and Carl Schrlcver
It Is hereby ordered that you. and all pe
sous Interested In said matter, may. and do,
appear at the county court to be held lu and
lso Bell
arvwhere on earth . See or write ns before yon Borrow, Buy or Bell.
List your property with ns to
f. "It la Delicious'' 6
1 coffee
25 Cents per Pound $
Blended and packed from carefully (elected coffee by
I &
No 6 Front St. Homer, Neb. &
S f
"Good as Gold"
you should follow the Bull's
the "Silrtil Salstmnn" of
An Elegant New Hook of aoo papea, with hundreds of illustra- Cnnrfc that Cr-AW
tions from photographs, it tells the plain truth about the Best iJCtUd Uldl UIUW
It describes Grand Novelties in Flowers and Vegetables, of unusual importance, which
cannot be obtained elsewhere. If interested, WRITE TO-DAY, and the Book is yours.
W. ATLEB BURPEE A CO.. Seed Prowers, Philadelphia
for snlil eounty. on the I5th dny of February,
. l., H'l, at ioocKh-k a. in., to hIhiw rauye,
any there lie, why the Drnyor of the pe-
tloncr Hhonhl not be Knuiti'd. and that notice
of the pendency of Mild petition and that
the hearliiK thereof lie irlven to nil persons
nteresteu In mild matter' by piilillslilntf n
opy of this Order In the Imkota County
lie ia I1, weekly newspaper printed In said
ounty, ror three successive weeks prior to
snld day of hearing.
Witness my tin ml. ana seal or said court.
his 24th day of January, A. 1). Wt.
seal. County Judge.
First Publication Jan 11 6w.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notlco is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of salo issued by Harry H. Adair,
lerk of the district court In and for lnkota
ounty, Nebraska, and directed- to me, H. ('.
Hansen, sheriff of said county, coiiinmndlnii
ne to sell the premises hereinafter dcscrtl-
ed to sutlsfj ncertnlii JudKinent of the said
district court of said county and state, ob
tained at the October, line, term thereof, to
wlt : on the sth day of January, lwirt. In favor
of F. P. Glazier and attalnst Nicholas Myan
for the sum of elxhty-slx dollars and ninety-
one cents (ss.Vll, and elulit dollars and
sixty-nine cents (IH.fl, as an attorney's fee,
with Interest on said sums from January S,
IKK), at 10 percent, per annum, and his costs
axed at seventeen dollars and eighty cents
117.mii I. I have levied upon the following
described property, to-wlt: The north
twenty-four (1!4) acres of the northwest
quarter of section fifteen Ufi), township
twenty-nine CAM, north, range seven 17 1.
east, all being located lu said Uukotacounty
and state of Nebraska.
And I will, on Tuesday, the 12th day or
February, 1W17, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the south front door of the court
house in Dakota city, Dakota county, Ne-
iraska, proceed to sell at public auction to
he highest and best bidder, for cash, all of
the alsive descrllied property, or so much
thereof as may lie necessary to satisfy said
order of sale issued by Harry H. Adair.
clerk of the district court in and for Dakota
ounty, Nebraska, the amount due thereon
n the aggregate being the sum of one
hundred and twenty-two dollars and ninety
five cents ($132.1151, and accruing costs.
(liven under my hand this loth day or
January, A. V. 107
Hherift of Dakota County, Neb.
That is just what you are
doing when you fail to get reg
ular and sufficient sleep. Your
body requires this unconscious
period for repair work; with
out it your nerve energy be
comes exhausted, and you are
tired, worn-out, nervous, ex
citable; have headache, neu
ralgia, indigestion, poor appe
tite, or other ailments caused
by a lack of nerve force. Make
it your business to sleep. If
you are restless, take
Dr. Miles' Nervine; it soothes
and strengthens the nerves,
and brings sweet, refreshing,
life-giving sleep, and gives the
organs power to work natur
ally. Try it to-day.
"I had a severe spell of fever, which
left m In a very weak condition and
verv nervous I had aevere spells of
headache and neuralgia, and could
sleep but very little. Every effort that
as made to recover my strength was
of no avail until I hRiin taking Dr.
Miles' Restorative Nervine. After I
currmeneed to take the Nervine my
aleep was profound and restful, nnd
the palna In my hnd. an well as the
neuralgia pnlns. left me to a certain
extent and I ftrew prariually h.'tter."
821 lierylan Ave., lMvidure, Ills.
Dr. Miles' Nervine It sold by your
druggist, who will ouarantee that the
first bottle will benefit. If it fails, he
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
I Jn not an experU.
I Vment, but with proper culti-. f
V f ration, thry assure lucctfl X J
from the utitrt. liter have no
if doulite at planting uor disap
y polntmewta at harvest. Get J
Vf tot bifnret, euret, bet erope y
L at all dealer. l;ninon for over Jf
J jnyear. 1'JOl fcecU Auuu&l V
f free oa renuet. f X
d. w. FERRY A CO-j 1
I j-Detrolt, MlchC I
We have plenty of Money to Loan at . ft low
rate of interest on Dakota connty Farms. W
and But Real Estate of all kinds
Bell. I
Rest r A K IV9 I II IM I IX
fill III 1.1111 v w
This mark IQ1 now called a bulFt eye was
used by the ancient alchemists to represent
irolil. If voti want the choicest vegetables
Eye QJ wherever it appears in
Farm Annual for 1907
the world's largest mall-order seed trade.
Tliysician and Surgeon.
Calls promptly attended
Frequently each month to Iiome
aeeker'a territory.
Winter Tourist Rates
To Colorado, California and all
aoutbera resorts. Personally con
ducted California Excursions.
Homeseekers Excursions
Both one way and round trips to
points in western Nebraska, North
and South Dakota, Wyoming,
Colorado and other points west
and south. Oue fare plus $2.00
round trip, 30 day limit, semi
monthly. Free Lands
Write for folder describing how
. to obtain free acras of govern
ment land in Nebraska for mixed
farming and dairying.
Send for Free Folders
"A Good . Dairy District," "The
liig Horn liatdii," "Irrigated Land
in the Billings District," "Eastern
Colorado," "Personally Conducted
California Excursions," and "To
the Great Northwest."
Inquire for Details
A. J. Beasoneb, - Ticket Agent
L. W. 'Wakelet. G P A. Omaha. Neb
KILLthc couch
Dr. ling's
New Disscjvary
GOe &$1.00
Frca Trial.
Surest and Uuickest Cure for all
Track Markf
Copyrights Ac.
Anrone r..u" a ktei and decrWstlon rj
BtHcictv ujiruriMiH fir oim'in true iittiMe i
iitTpulion l l.rcl.alilf piUurantvl v CinnilllHr.
.lniirietlMiriiteattal. RANUPPflK oil f-t out
miii free, t'1'ta.t ifem-y fur MM'ur,iiiir putMii,.
I'iikmii latum tarouah Muna & Ce. rcel?e
rwri.il Huttc. wi-nuui cui.ru a, ui lue
Scientific flitttricait.
A hFir1ntni'f t1UmtrM(f! wpkltV I went el
u4nl.iit ft tnf K-iuniitlti Imirnul. 'IVrm. H
fnnr; tmir tntmitia, 41. 6oiabjrull newiM.Ir
It.ii OHIO, tit V 8U Waiilctitou,l.C.