Dakota County Herald Continuation of the Homer Herald. JOBS H. REAM, PUBLISHER, Subscription Trice. $1.00 Tor Yeor. A weekly newspaper published at Dakota City, Nebraska. Permission has been granted for the transmission of this pAper through the mailt m second-class matter. Telephone No 43. We know of one line af railroad that Mr HarrimiiD does not control jnst at present, and that is the Bioux City, Crystal Lake & Homer. Among the important bills intro duced in the Nebraska legislature on Thursday, January 3rd, the first day of the session for the introduction of bills, were 8 F. No, 2 by Senator King, of Folk county, to abolish free passes. It is a copy of the federal law on the same subject with the ex ception of the omission of managers and superintendents of soldiers homes. These were omitted from the clans of persons exempt from the law for the reason that such persons in Nebraska are public officers receiving salaries from the state. Another is 8. F. No. 1, introduced by Senator Latta, of Burt county, for a 2-ccnt passenger faro on all railroads in the state. IT. Boll No. 5, to provide and establish a system of local option by counties on the qnstiou of granting license to sell intoxicating liquors to be used as a beverage. II. 11. No 2, by Culdico, of (saline county, is of interest in this vi cinity. It is to nmend section 7, ar ticle 2, chHptr 31, and section 3, ar ticle 2, chapter 31, of the compiled statutes of Nebraska for 1901, relating to the game law. Section 7, artiole 2 is in regard to the length of time game or fifth shall remaiu in the possession of a person after tlio close of the open season. Section 3 article 4. is in re gard to the procuring of a license for residents of the stale. Against Free Passes. Following is the bill introduced by Senator King, against the issuance of free passes by railroads in the stole of Nebraska: For an act entitled, "an act regulat ing and limiting the issuance, giving away, receiving and using of free tickets, free passes, or free transpor tation in any form, for transportation of passengers over any and all liaes of railroad within the state of Nebraska and to provide penalties for violation thereof." Be it enacted by the legislature of the state of Nebraska : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any line or lines of railroad in the state of Nebraska, or any ofHoer or agent of any such company or corpora tion to directly or indirectly issue or give, any tree ticket, free pass or free tranportation in any form, for the transportation of any passenger or passengers, on or over any line or lines of railroad, or any part thereof. so owned or operated by it in the state oi .Nebraska, to any person or persons cxopt to persons witnin tue cusses hereinafter designated and limited; and it shall also be unlawful for anv person or persons not included withiu the classes hereiaafter designated and limited who shall acoept and use any euch free ticket, free pass or free transportation in any torn? (so issued and given in violation of the provisions of this act) for travel on and over any line or lines of railroad, or any part thereof in the state of Nebraska. Pro vided, however, that nothing contained ia this act shall be construed to pro hibit or make unlawful the issuing or giving of any such free tioket, freo paas, or f roe transportation to persons within the classes hereinafter desig nated and limited, or the acoeptanoo and us of the same by persons withiu such classes, viz. OfHoers, agents, boua fide employes, surgeons, physicians and attorneys at law of such railroad com pany and their famtlies, ministers of religion, traveling secretaries of rail road young men's Christian associa tions, inmates of hospitals and charit able and elemoaynary work, indigent, destitute aud homeless persons, and to auch persons when transported by . charitable societies or hospitals, und the necessary agents employed in such transportation; inmates of national hospitals or state homes for soldiers and sailors, iuoludiug those about to enter and those returning home from such institutions, necessary caretakers of livestock, poultry and fruit, em ployes on sleeping oars, express cars and baggage oars, railway mail service employes, postomee, customs and.im migration inspectors, newsboys on trains, baggage agents, witnesses at tending any legal investigation in which the railroad is interested, nd persona injured in wreeks and phyai oiana and nurws attending thereon. Provided, fu-ther, that the provisions oi tnie act anall not be construed to prohibit and make unlawful the inter change of passes for the officers, agents and employes and their families of other railroad oompaoies, nor pro hibit any railroad company froea carrv lag passengers free, with the object of providing relief in oases of general panic, pestilenoe or calamitous visits tion. O at , oec. x. Any raiiroaa company or eorporatin, or any person or persons J i . : - I . 1 ... m ... iiuitiu kuj in tun provisions OI tuls aot shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor and for each offense, or con viction thereof, shall pay a f ne of not leas than $100 n r more than $1,000. Sec. 3. Whereas an emergency ex Ists, tliis act shall tike effect and be in force from and after its passage aud approval. m i Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:00 o'cloek, Sunday scheol at 10:00. Preaching at Dakota City 7 :30 p m, O E 0:30, Sunday school at 9:15 a ru, Miscion Band at 3:00 p m A cordial welcome to all. THE RIOHT NAMC. Mr August Sherpe, tlie popular over seer of ttie poor, at Fort Madison, la, ays: "Dr King's New Life Pills are rightly named ;they act more agreeably, do more good and makeooe feel better than anv other laxative." Guaranteed to cure biliousness and constipation. 25e at Leslie's drug store. I Items of Interest 2j from our Exchanges $ X aotc aowx tfjfj wyM iiotc Doa d Newcastle Times: Wm Scollard, of Vista, was among the arrivals hern Tuesday . lie is operating an elevator at Vista. Waterbury Items in Ponca leader: Hazel Delany was here from Dakota City last week visiting at the J V De lany home. Thurston Items in Tender Times: Bert Barnes was down from Dakota county the first of the week. ...Ru dolph and Johnny Ilediger were call ers at Hubbard, Neb, Monday. Ponca Journal: Hon J J McCarthy left yesterday to assume his duties at Washington during the coming session of congress .... Mrs W J Armour 6pent the latter part of last week and the first of this visiting relatives in Dako ta county. Waterbury Criterion : Edward Car penter, of Seattle, Wash, is visiting his brother John Carpenter, and other rel atives in Dakota county. Mr Carpen ter had not seen any of his relatives for twenty yoars, having went west when a young boy. Pander Times: John Ash ford, of Homer, was in town last evening. ... Hon D C riefferuan, of Hubbard, was in Pender, last week, getting the views of his constituents regarding legisla tion. The Times wauts to prophecy that Mr lit ffurnan will mako a good record. Emerson Enterprise: J B Kroesen, of South Kioux City, ate New Years dinner at W Y McLaughliu'a . . . .Misses Sylvia and Elsie Francisco, of Hub bard, spent Now Year's with their aunt, Mrs Delima Zapp....Wm Bier mann, deputy sheriff of Dakota county was Id the city Wednesday on import ant business. Ilartington News: Misses Rose and May Ilenney, of Nncora, speut Sunday with friends in this city.... Will Schrempp returned to Sioux City Tues day and Al Schrempp returned to Jackson, Wednesday.. . .Mr Bodreau of Emerson, and daughter, of Siou City, returned to tbeir home Saturday after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr and Mrs ('has Provanoha. Ponca Leader : Miss Zoa Harris re turned Saturday from a visit with her cousin, Mrs S B Lopp, at South Siou City.... A part; of young people went to Jackson Friday afternoon to be a( a dancing party there in the evening 1 he party was composed of Misses Jessie and Marian Halstead, Amy Mo uartuy, Mary Ale"aue, and Messcr Chas McCarthy, Frank McCabe, Ous Leflgren. Miss MoGabe remained fo a few days visit. Pender Republic: Representative tiellernan was in town Saturday inter viewing tue big democrats of this vi ciuity in regard to legislative matters ... .Mr and Mra Byron Sutton, of Car ringtoo, Si D, visited at the Methodis parsonage over New Year's.... M M Warner of the Lyons Mirror was in town Saturday gathering material for the second edition of his Ancient Histo ry of Dakota County. Sioux City Tribune, 6th: Mr and Mra E W Nordyke, of 813 West Fifth street, entertained at New Year's din ner. Those prosent being: Mrs Mary u XNoravke, Air and Mrs U V Sawyer, Miss Francis Sawyer and Miss Bertha Sawyer, of Jackson, Neb, Mr and Mrs A J Nordyke. of Allen, Neb; Mr aud Mra A J Nordyke and family, of Hub banl, Neb; Mra Brovhill and familv. of Dakota City, Neb; Mr and Mrs C O uoggs, of Sioux City. District Court. The term of district oourt which was la session since the 3rd last adjourned juonrtay aiternoon aine die. r . . In the Shell vs Lambert assault case. .i. - i- j . ... . ... ma jooga overruled a rnotiou for new trial last Friday afternoon and sentenced Lambert to one year in the peuittjutisrj. iri it . . it n xuo iveuneuy vs ook urn case, in uioh Hokum was charged with as sault with intent to do great bodily injury, was the next case tried. The case was given to the jury Saturday evening and on Sunday a sealed ver dict was returned. When court con vened Monday morning the verdiot was read, which was an acquital for i lie deienuant. The sale was confirmed in the Better vs i innerty ease. This case whioh in volves the sale of the Pinnerty place known as Finnerty'a boat yard, will be appealed to the supreme court, the ap- I . . . - - peat uonu obing nxea at nw. The Hall vs Hennessey assault case was dismissed for want of prosecution. In the Kinkead vs Tnrgeon ease the judge instructed a verdiot in accord ill. t M .a uo witu s oecree oi me supreme court. Xbe next regular session of district oourt will convene here on February 4 uereauer tne Brat day of each regular term is set apart by the judge tor ueanng applications for citizenship. CURIO OF LUNO TROUait. "It is now eleven years siuoe I had a narrow esnapa from consumption," writes C O Floyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, 8 C. "I had run down in weight to 135 pounds, and coughing waa constant, both by day aud by night. Finally I begs taking Dr Kiug'a New Discovery, aud continued this for about six months, when my cough and lung tioul le were eutirely gone aud I was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." Thousands of persons are healed every year. Guaran teed at Lenlie's drug store. 50 and $1. irial bottle free. HOW TO CUai CHILBLAINS. "To enjoy freedom from chilblains writes John Kemp, East OUfleld, Me, I apply Baoklen'a Arnica Salve, nave also used it for aalt rheum with excel lent results " Guaranteed to cure fever sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burns. wounds, fr at bites aud skin diaeasea. 25o at Leslie's drug store. Commissioners' Proceedings. Dakota City, Neb., Jan. 2, 1907. Board of county commissioner met for settlement with county treasurer; all members being present. Board ad journed to Jan 3, 11)07. Dakota City, Neb, Jan 3, 1907. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment; all members present. Board contioaed their set tlement with rounty treasurer. Board adjourned to Jan 4, 19(7. , Dakota City, Neb, Jan 4, 1907. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, all mem bers beirg present. Board continued their settlement with county treasurer. The settlement shows that on July, 1900, there was a balance on hand of $2o,2.r0.49. The total collection sinoe July 1, 1900 are $53,499 22, the credits as shown by vouchers are $47,647.80 leaving a balance on hand of $31,. 897 91. Board adjourned sine die, Dakota City, Neb, Jan 8. 1907. Hoard of county commissioners met in regular session, members present, Thomas C Baird. chairman; Ed Mor gan and John 8ierk and W L Ross, county clerk. The following reports were approved by tne board: w Li Boss, yearly report approved Harry II Adair, yearly report bp proved. George J Boucher, report since Au gust 18, 1900, approved. E II Loomis, bond for road overseer district No, 7 approved. II F Cain, bond for road overseer district No 7, approved. Patrick Gill, bond for road overseer district No 7. approved. Dennis Quinn, bond for overseer dis trict No 18, approved. Application for purchase of school land filed by John C Smith presented ior appraisement 10 me se t sw t, sec 30 28-7. Approvers appointed, Thom as U Baud, Ed Morgan and John Sierk. Hoard made order that the county treasurer correct poll tax for year 19J1 of John Dougherty and to accept taxes for the years 1889-1890 on the as sessed valuation of $40 40. ' Board ordered county cleik to write refunding order to W E Shane for $5.10 paid under protest for the reason property was assessed too high. I. i 11 . . . rt i i x erains uros uo awarded tue con tract for books for tue year 1907. Da kota Count Herald awarded the con tract far ' arnishing soratch pads, priniic.' i i dockets and election tick ets. Eogle Printing company award ed contract for countiny printing, fur nisuing letter heads, envelopes and legal blanks. Board made order that the sheriff may appoint a deputy to be paid out of salary provided by law out of fees of his office. In the matter of providing for the neoessary help in the county clerk's oiuce ior tne year 1U7, it is ordered by the board that the county clerk may empioy sucn nelp aa lie may rind ne cessary for the prompt and efficient performance of the duties of the office and pay for the same out of the fees of his office uot to exceed $00.00 per montu ior tue said year. Board made order to allow county treasurer $50 .00 for clerk hire in hia oflloe for year 1907. oalary of county superintendent fixed at $80.00 per month for the ensuing year, 1907. Claims allowed. . COUMT Y GR.1RRAL rUND, J J McAllister, 4th quarter salary (175 00 w l, Iloss, cwih 8eo Hammond A Htephens Oo, supplies... 6 415 Dan Hartnntt, care ot Tom McOnnn.. 82 80 Homiiim Duncan, care of Tom Knrley. 17 80 Ooorno J Boucher, 4th quarter salary. 2! IS Nel Olnrk Automatic Tel Co. 'Plw.nn S no Samaritan hospital, care Ku O'Brien.. 01 00 Oil Maxwell, medical services 24 00 HRirtOK rilHD. Prank Ufflng, bridge work I 1J 00 V O HelTurnnn same., on no Jna DeloiiRbory, samo 8 00 Pat Gill, samo oo Hani Bonnlekson, same g oo Isenborg A Botoke, hardware 11 JO ROAD rpND. uu llcfTcrnan, road work 48 06 Pat Gill allowed $30 on road district No 7. The following estimates were made for the year 1907: uouniy general fund Emoo 00 Bridge fund smio oo Kallronil bond sinking fund snno (X) Knllroad bond Interest mm) 00 County rood fund turn no ltoad district Indebtedness fund.... 4000 00 Board adjourned to January 9, '06. January 9, 1907. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All nienibeis present. Board selected sixty names from which to selaut the jury for the next term of distriot court. Clerk ordered to write warrant to Mary E Ryan for $85 on road distrmt No 4. James Coughtry appointed ovorseer road distriot No 2. John Sierk allowed $3 on road dis trict No 14. Claims allowed: (iKniEAt rnsn BBQrlbble.mdseto Feckham; claim I41.7A, allowed I 40 no State Journal, supplies t 00 ROHlleman, wire fencing for poor '" M M H A B Lbr Oo, mdse gj 86 W M lllleumn, rommlHKjoner salary, M to W L Ross, 4th quarter salary U4 go R L Broyhlll, repairing walks J fin Wm Blerman, bailiff n,, Moll A Kchmled, supplies s 88 Hurry H Adair, 4th quarter salary... lau 78 Witness fees State va Lambeit: Joseph Mchell ir 80 Newton Tree a Mrs 11 Nordyke... 4 Beatrice Nordyke 4 oo John V Hides 4 j,), Koln-rt llollmun H) 10 ! .restou Kolts 10 10 Harry Randall 8 00 1 ) B eitld worthy , e ill oe Mlnrkey.. 10 00 1 10 IU O'donnor oh n Aslifi T 00 udd )dell n on WmlMell 9 ) O Bnlrd j on B Mckinley g wl Roliert Kmlth.. 8 oo 8 40 a 40 T on ft oo II 10 40 M 06 00 (10 John Iturcum John Nixon Thos Ash ford Jr ,'" Will draws K K Bevlns II C Hansen, 4th quarter mlury 'id Morgan, com. salary, 0 Balrd, same tVitnfss fees State vs Souknw: ( M K Konnelly IJ 00 RJ tsnhry , not) Mrs M K Kennedy a 00 Thos IicKiinn W 0" Hick no John iH'lotiKliery It JBHmlth Jerry Mr Bride , 7 0 Joe Breiiniin 7 ! Mmtitle Murray 7 00 Mary O'Brien 7 on Wm Brown lg HO John Burns u 00 Frank Hendricks 12 no H O Hnnsrn 10 V J Kennedy , i on Mike Ilearom so Lawrence Krlorh a jo J T AuUen r bo Witness feel State vs Hennessey: Frank Hendricks v no Wm Mlier n no Jim Kennedy p no Ohas Jordan 3 on BKiixiR rt;Nn ii 11 iniKfrnn, bridge work 4 80 BAB Lbr Co, tiling j i W M Htlcmnn, bridge work 8 on K A B I,br Oo, hardware R6 nenry ioomls, bridge work IS 80 Dennis Quinn, same Kl 00 1 T Watxon, same , ss on J T Daley, same 73 on road n-ND r T Watson, road work in 00 Ohas J Goodfellow, same 10 60 Henry Loomis, samo 14 () Dennis Quinn, samo 45 00 J T Daley, same 44 no BearJ adjourned to Feb. 2, 1907. W L Ross, Clerk. Notice. In the dlhtrlrt court of Dakota county, Ne braska. Fred KoHeiiluiiim ( vm. I Notice. Minnie Koxt'tilmum f To Minnie Hrmenlinum, non-resident, de fendant: You will tnke notice that on the 10th day of January, A. l. li"7, the plnlntlfT herein, Fred Koxcnlmum, tiled his petit Ion iitinliist you In the oltlcu of the clerk of the district court of Dakota county, Nelirnskn, the ob ject and prayer of which are that his mnr rlaife to you, the said defendant, Is- unnulled and decreed void. You are required to answer said petition on or before the ixth duy of February. A. 1). Ili7. Dnted this Kith day of January, A. D. !!". Fkkk IIohkn n A tTM. First Publication Feb 10 6w. Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hereby Klven that by virtue of an order of sale Issued by Harry H. Adair, clerk of the district court In and for Dakota county, Nebraska, arid directed to me, II. o. Hansen. sherltT of said county, commanding me toned the premises hereinafter descrll ed to satisfy a certain Judgment of the sulci district court of said county and state, ol talned at the ctolier, I una, term thereof, to wlt : on the Nth day of January, lil. in favor of F. 1'. Gla.ler and against Nicholas Kyau for the sum of eighty-six dollars mid ninety, one cents (Jxil.itli, and eight dollars and sixty-nine cents (SS.HU), as an attorney's fee, with Interest 011 said sums from January 8, 1110. at 10 percent, per annum, and his costs taxed at seventeen dollars and eighty cents (SI7.HD). I have levied upon the following descrl(s-d property, to-wlt: The north twenty-four C(4I acres of the northwest Quarter of section II f teen (Ml, township tweiity-ntno (2D), north, range seven (7), east, nil being located In said Dakotacounty and stute of Nebraska. And I will, on Tuesday, the 12th day of February, lli7, at 10 o'clock a. 111. of said day. at the south front door of the court house In Dakota Oity, Dakota county, Ne braska, proceed to sell at public auction to the highest and Is'st bidder, for cash, all of the Hlsive dene lined property, or so much thereof ns may lie necessary to satisfy said order of sale Issued by Harry 11. Adair, clerk of the district court In and for Dakota county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon in the aggregate lielng the sum of one hundred ami twenty-twodollursand nlnety ttve cents (SlSMtil, and accruing costs. Wlvcn under 111 v hand this lot li rlntr nt January, A. D. ll7 H C. HANSEN, Hhcrlffof Dakota Oounty, Neb, Notice of the Opening of Books for Sub scriptions of Stock of th Sioux City, Crystal Lake and Homer Railway Company. Books for the suliscrlptien of stock of the Sll,.,,ir nitw T I. it .. way Company will l open ut the ottice of ... , ,.,,n, i.t i.'nnutn t 'I ij , J 'KO l I OU II ty, Nebraska, on tho sisth day of Januarv IUI7. nl tlio hniim. III 1 ..n 1. .. ... Untie open until a sufficient amount of nn in nuunuruiuu. Dated December !, lixifl. JOHKPH A. FoVK, ) Harry A. Foyk, J Incorporators Bkrt H. Fotb, ) BUSINESS LOCALS Imported draft stallions. SlOOOeach Home-bred registered draft stalliona. (300 to $800. HaitBroa.Osoeola. Ia. We can now furnish the New Idea (a woman's magazine) in connection witli the Herald for f 1.80. The regu lar prioe for the magazine ia 50o This is a bargain that you eannot af- lord to miss. Call at The ITeraM nffina an,1 rot sample copy of The New Idea Mas-a- aine, a magazine for women. It will only cost you 80o a year in oombina Jit ftt rr i uu w iui ius neraia. Home-bred draft stallion. 1250 to fbllt); imported stallions, your choice, fiuuu, !' L, Mtream. Ureston, Ia. The best im ported horses, $1000 each Home-bred registered druft stallions. to iuo at my stable dcors. A Ijatimer Wilson, Crnston, Ia. Subscribe for the Herald, the best ppr m the county. $1 a year. If any af our subscribers desire the address changed tin their Herald by reason of the establishment orcbsnges made in the rural routes, or for anv ether reason, just drop us a postal and me change desired and it will be made. Ten Farma for Sale. Good ones, al sizes and kinda. Warner & Eimera. Second band heating stove for sale. at this office. . When you havo a news item that yon would like to see in priut, ring up it I 1 skT t n ... . . me neraia, no. ta, and we 11 print it. )R. C H. MAXWELL, riiysician and Snrpeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA CITY, KFBRARKA Tfcm.MfMrf'll tatfnMl4lfttt?ftrtrJ Btt th ! any othri t pintmi. ia awmail ! tbosf My W acctuftcy ana friatplidty MeCftll's HI fTtuOttw I FitMioa) hat m9 yimnbstr ,hu any othor LJen' Uaf im. On ft' uotcfipitoM (u riunibri) ota 50 evplftt l-atvU lrti fr'r ftwbaCtHbc today. Lady A ma Valed. tHJonwa prmtaaii af IfWial cak cmntiiiirn. Faitarn 1 lotu( oi fco da airna) and frasvtium Catalogue IbBowutf yjO to.um ml it AiOraaa THl alcCAiX CO haw Yartt t One Quart of Liquid OAL, Makes a Barrel of Medicine The process of making Mould Koal requires three iays. The process of reduction requires RW degrees of heat. The compound emhroces every (iermlclde, Antiseptic and Disinfectant found In coal, treated chemically with an alkaline base until every objectionable feature Is eliminated, being non-poisonous and harmless. Liquid Koal Is made from the following formula: HH'-, per cent creosote, which embraces cresyllc acid : KX't per cent liquid gases. KB1 per cent soft soap, (suspended in these Is sulphor, borax and naphthol and other remedial agents, liquid Koal Is guaranteed to lie at least 30 per cent stronger In antiseptic and germicide agents than any preparation of similar nature on the market. Hog Cholera is a free germ disease, the germ being first found in the alimentary canal and so long aa it ia confined in that organ it is comparatively harmless. When, however it penetratea the lungs, liver and other or gans it causes fermentation, ioflamation and destruc tion of live tissues, famishing food upon which it thrives and multiplies with wonderful rapidity, in some cases a generation of an hour, causing death to the animal before the owner has discovered that it was diseased. Thus throngh reasoning two fasts stand out clearly: First, that Hog Cholera cannot be treated successfully unless treatment has commenced before the germ has reached the period ef rapid mul tiplication. Second, that a germicide must be ad ministered, and therein lies the whole secret. As we pass down the list of various germicides, we are com pelled one by one, to reject thera, cither because of in fficieucy or inadapibility until we reach LIQUID KOAL. Aud why choose LIQUID KOAL? Because it is the enly known germicide that will pass through the stomach into the intestines, and from there into the blood, permeating the entire system, and still re tain its germicide properties. It is a compound em bracing every practical germicide, antistptio disin fectant property found in coal, treated chemically with an alkalire base, until every objectionable fea ture in eliminated, being non-poisonous and harmless to animal ecouoniy. It contuina cresset and quaicel. It is these hydro-carbon compounds found in Brooke that cures a ham, destroying by its germicidal prop erties all germ life. m iquid OAL Liquid Koal is manufactured by the National Medical Co. E. E. BARRAGER, President. Capital one quarter million. Principal Office, Sheldon, Iowa. Branches: Minneapolis, Minn.. Glendive, Mont. Lewiston, Idaho, York, Nebraska, Oklahoma Ciitv. i.i Oklahoma. Homeseeker's Excursion Rates Frequently each month to home' seeker s territory. Winter Tourist Rates To Colorado, California and all soutbera resorts. Personally con ducted California Excursions. Cheap Excursions To Salt Lake City, January 15, 16, 17. To Denver: January 20, 21, 22. Free Lands Write for folder describing how to obtain free 640 acras of govern ment land in Nebraska for mixed farming and dairying. Send for Free Folders "A Good Dairy Diatrict," "The Big Horn Basin," "Irrigated Land in the Billings District," "Eastern Colorado," "Personally Conducted California Excursions, " and "To the Great Northwest." Inquire for Details A. J. Reason fr, - Ticket Agent DAKOTA CITY, KF.B. L. W. Wakelkt, G r A, Omaha, Neb KILL the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS Dr. King's WITH ki Discovery FOR CI rONSUMPTION Pries 0UGHS and 60c $!. 00 Fres Trial. OLDS barest and ttuickeat Cure for all THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Liquid T.nng Fever Torn Hog i hole ra Colic (landers Swine l'lnk F.ye Intestinal Worms Influenza Tulierculosls Anthrax Tape Worm Texas Fever Poll Rvll Roup C'nlcken t'holers Ixs'k-Jnw Blind Htaggers Farcy Mange Hcours Nasal Gleet or Lice Killer Liquid Koal acts as an appetizer and vlvallzer. No din ease germ can escape It. This Is the reason it cures, for when the germ Is destroyed the disease is gone. Liquid Koal as a Lice Killer When dilated with water in the projiottiont of one part of Liquid Koal to fifty parts water it is the best lice killer on the market. It is not expensive to use becsnse it farms a perfect emulsion with water whan mixed in this proportion . The beg is more affected with intestinal worms than any other domestio animal. These worms are created by impure accumulations along the intestinal tract and generally produced by poorly digested food. The nature of the hog and his manner of eating make him more susceptible to intestinal worma than any other animal. Under the present domesticated conditions ha ia not allowed the use of his natural in stincts to obtsin the necessary elements that would destroy these intestinal parasites. Being shut up in a pen, he is not allowed to follow the dictates of his nature. The hog that is wormy can neither grow nor thrive for tho reason that the worms destroy all the nutrition furnished in the food. Liquid Koal put in the drinking water in the proportion of one quart to a barrel aud given them twice a week will destroy all intestinal worms and keep them free ftom their formation and multiplication. It Etrengtheus the ap petite and tones up the system. Delmont, December 17, 1902. I have used Liquid Koal for hog cholera and found it all you claim for it and more too. I used it ou one that was sick, bo sick it could not get up, and the next day it was eating and drinking again. I have never lost a hog since I commenced using it Emanual Hohn. Wausa, Nebraska, December 16, 1902. I have used Liquid Koal for nearly a year and find it an excel lent article to keep hogs in a healthy condition, and as an appetizer it has no equal . Albert Akdeksom. Hartington, Nebr, December 10. 1902 . Dkab Sibs: I am a user of Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it, would not try to do without it. I find it useful in a great many ways. I have had no sick hogs since I commenced using it a year age. In my opinion it is the best and cheapest hog cholera preventative on the market today. Tou can nse this as you wish . Anycne wishing to know more about this please write to me. Enoch Ely. For Sale Hr. M. E6e IHIerald and New Udea Only The Herald for all the News Dakota County Farmers Institute February Q and S EDakota. C5ty, Neb 1 Koal Cures These: I I Stalk Disease Inflamatlon nf Rowed 1 Plngne Dung Worm t Distemper Cow Cholera Foot Hot Black Ig AlKirtlon In Cowi Thrush Catarrli Hots (scratches Worms in Hogs and Guaranteed by Dakota City, Neb.