Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 30, 1906, Image 5

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    I in ammw
Railroad Fare Rciunded Both Ways to
Out of Town Customers Upon
Most Generous Terms
Stocks Are Now Ready
Wo liaie about a Million Dollars WTorth
of goods in this one store- $1,000,000.00.
Wo shall be very busy all December, in
fact, we will sell more goods in Decem
ber than any other store in Sioux City.
Isn't it Worth Your While to Buy
Christmas Gifts Now?
Or within the next tin days? Your comfort is
worth something for wonderfully comfortable as
this store is its facilities ore taxed after the first
three or four days of December.
Think of the Charm of
First Choice
Plan to do Your Xmas Shopping:
in Sioiix City's lJijygrest, Busiest
-i -
Local Items
C, St. P., M.4 O. Time-Tabls.
Trains leave Dakota City at the fol-h.-ving
5:52 pm Omaha 7:36 am
10:00 am Omah 5:13 pm
3 :3T pm Norfolk 8 :20 am
9:01 am Norfolk 6.32 pm
7 :68 am Newcastle 10 :00 am
2 :08 pm 6:08 pm
5 :52 pm Omaha 7 :35 am
3:37 Norfolk 5:32
The llotald for all the nkws:
The freshest crackers at Van's re
ceived every week. ,
A son was born to Henry Gibbon
aud wife. Wednesday.
W A Niemeyer returned to his claim
at Steams, 8 D, Tuesday.
George Oribblo came tip from South
Omaha to spend Thanksgiving at home.
Hans Nelson was down from Hub
bard precinct Wednesday, on business
Mrs Thos Green, of Sioux City, was
the guest of Mr and Mrs I. .Uarriin
DrJll Dewalt, wife and son of
Sioux City, spent Sunday hero at the
home of Mrs Eva Orr.
Miss Gretchen Bullock went to
Omaha Tuesday evening to spend
Thanksgiving with friends.
Try a package of that new Red Cross
coffee ut Van's. You get a premium
with every package there are no
Mrs Joe Linristrom aud baby left for
Sheldon, Iowa, this week to joiu Mr
Lindstrop, who is working in u dr"j
store there .
Havo you tried the Sultnnna and
Tac-co In, mils of canned goods? Vmi
sells them. These goods havo stood
the test of the pnro food law.
Tim O'Connor, of Homer, passed
through hero Wednesday with a bunch
of foedeis, 80 in number, which lie
was tn kin to the farm to put in the
feed yard.
For Kent I will rent my farm of
125 acres of work land, near Nacoia,
Neb, for cash or on the Bhares Good
buildiiiKs on the land. John C Sul
livan, Nacora, Neb.
Second hand heating stove for sale,
at this office.
Grace Wilbur ate turkey at tlio Km
melt Uribblo home.
Judge R E Kvans made a business
trip to Norfolk Tueaiay.
S P Barnes, of Homer, was looking
after business here Tuesday.
Miss Fannie Lennox was here from
Allen this week visiting relatives.
Mrs Carl Ream and children of Ho
mer spent tho week with relatives here.
Sam Ronton made a business trip
to Fouea Saturday, returning Monday.
Geo Uasse, of Emerson, came home
for a good sipiaro meal on Thanksgiv
ing. M O Ayres weut to Omaha Wednes
day to viait Lis danghter, Mrs Geo
Don't forget
still in the lead
K l Etston and daughter Maty at
tended the funeral of Harold O'Connor
at Homer Saturday.
George Kohlmeier, of Coleiidge,
spent Thanksgiving with his brother
Ueury, of this place.
Mrs II O Dorn and Mrs J J Etmers,
of South Sioux City, weie O K S lodge
visitors here Saturday.
Mrs Harry Adair returned homo
from St Joseph's hospital Wednesday,
much improved in health.
Bert J Boucher, of Sioux City, was
a Sunday visitor at the homo of his
brother, George J Boucher.
Mrs Harriet Walden it here from
Wakefield visitiug at the home of her
daughter, Mrs Meil A Sobmied.
Breun's coffee it is
For sale at Vac do
Rubber roofing, tho best iu the
world for house or other buildings
better than shingles. See G F Bioy-hill.
Jos A Foye has rented tho City
Hotel and will open it to the public as
soon as ho can secure a suitable laud-lord.
Get it at Davidsons-It Costs Less
avidson Bros. Co.
Sioux City Iowa.
Mrs Sum Ronton aud children,
Grandpa Bouton and Mrs Chits Wad
dell aud chiUieu went to Pouca Wd
nesdav to spend Thaukstiving with
Mrs Boutou's mother.
Call at D C Stiusou's aud select any
thing you want iu tho line of silver
ware or lewelry for Christmas. Itm
goods ur ordered from an old reliable
wholesale house iu Chicago, aud are
Gussiw Adams, ou of G V Adams,
died Tuesday morning at his homo in
Sioux City, as a result of paralysis
from which ho hint been afHicted siuce
It fancy. Tim funeral was set for to-
dav. Ftiday.
Rev Lewis Jay Motschmiin, of Sioux
City, will deliver his celebrated lei
tti'ro entitled "Boys Becoming Meu,"
at Salem Lutheran church on Tuesday
eveuiux December 4. Dou t fail to
hear it. Admission 15a and -25c
-Proprietor of.
City F3a.t Msvrket
George Barnett has fluished up his
threshing contracts for this full mid
has pulled his machine in for the
set sou.
Call np No 1 when you want
goods delivered in No 1 order.
store is now stocked and tilted
No 1 Btylo,
No 1
up in
Mrs Charity Hart and daughters,
Lorainn aud Reiilali, arrived home
Saturday evening from Long Beach;
Nick Malier aud daughter, Mr Tot
Pfaff, of Sioux City, drove to Homer
Saturday morning to atteud the Harold
O'Connor funeral.
The Sunday school classes of Misses
Blanche and Graco Hamilton will give
a 10 emit supper nt the Wm Bangh
man homo this (Friday) evening.
Did San ford and family havo moved
here from Sioux City to reside, and are
occupying the ottage just eatt of the
Engle olhce, belonging to Henry Wood.
Miss Pearl Buddy, primary teacher
in the Dakota City schools, went to
Omaha Wednesday eveniug to spend
her Thanksgiving vacation with
friends .
Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand . Catb paid for hides.
I have for sale a choice lot of Poland
China male hots. They ure of the
Wilkes, TecuniHeh and Perfection
stock. Pedigree will be furnished
I with every pig that noes out. Address,
Fked Batklh, Hubbard, reb
Di D C Stitison and wifo went to
Lyo.is Wednesday to spend a few days
with r latives and friends. I lie (too
tor is still suffering from the effects
of the operation which ho underwent
for tho removal of gall stones a couple
of mouths ago.
Gny Cheney nr-ived home for a few
weeks visit, Saturday, from Tacoraa,
Wash, where ho is now engaged in the
ding bnsinei-s. erne llobinron,
another Dakota countv boy, is now as
sociated with him in business, and
both ore doing well.
Have you seen Van de Zedde's store
since ho has r lilted it aud added all
Commissioners Proceeding.
Dakota City, Neb , Not. 2. 190G.
Tho board of oounty commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment. Pres
ent, Woods Hileman, chairman; Thos
C Baird, Ed Morgae, and W L Ross,
The board made order for the county
treasurer to strike the taxes on the
following land : Lot 2 seo 3 28 9. for
the years 1843 4 5-7 8 9 1800-2 3-4 6,
alio to accept the principal less inter
est for the years 1896-8-0 to 1905, in
clusive, for a reason that a part of the
said laud is washed away by the liver.
Tho board approved the following
H L Smith, justice of the peace for
Covington precinct.
C W Sharon, constable for CoviDg
tou precinct.
Repot t of Fred Blume, county treas
urer, showing the uncollected personal
taxes for the year 1905 approved by
the board.
Report of Hans Bonuiokson, road
oveiseer district No 20, approved.
Report of J II Burcum, road over
seer district No 1. approved.
Mat-tin Uoimvig's bond for deputy
surveyor approveJ.
Bid of D M Ross for renting of poor
farm and care of paupers for year 1907
granted. Rent of poor farm $3 per
acre, board and care of poor $3.50 per
Claims allowed :
Kit wants ft lti-rtdford Mi'rCo, lumber ilil" i
.1 nil m MiimiiIiik, hrlilne work z m
A M Anderson, (mine S fx
(ieortm A Unnfi'lter, same IS Kl ,
J II Hurruni. same. Hli';
Henxe A Wrcen. straps, holla etc II '!
t'linst, IxhIuc. Iirliltte work "mm.
i II (iKlHirn, mime WM I
.lolin MminliiK, rnail work $ an on
.1 II Itiiivinii, same ;m (M
Kritnk llccm-y, same, claim 111.2ft, ull'it r
elms ikIk, km iiu- id mi
t'ounty Clerk ordered to write Hip follow
Inu wiirriints:
V It WiillaiMMtn roinl dlsl Noll Il
V 11 Wiillnee. on hiiimi- ft l
.1 V tlrny.on rornl district No )H i
John I K riiinper, on rond dlst No a .. H Kl
Skldniore A- Wnlwny, oil dlsl No tl S 7ft
Ski. Iimno Wnlwii) , on dlst Noft h,
Clntnis nllowed : I
S NV Kolt., repnlrliid well and :itl Join
Nell Chirk Aul Tel 'o, elnlm JHI.MI nlld . !l l
Win Hlley, hull rent . claim tin, allowed ft ill
S 11 Kuiii.. flection lxiird I i
II Meeker, siiine 4 m
J II Iturkp. Kiiine 4 I hi i
' II Smiley, miine 4
.1 M Mullens, siune ll I
' NV Sheren, kmiiic 4 HI ,
Ann liedke, smile 4 on
Hen Honderson. wime H III
Marlon W in le, name 4 l i
tco 'Hk, snnie 4 ui
lleriiuin Ktol.e, same 4 im
Joe liccdom, slime 4 ll
lleriiuin Kelize, kiiiiii' T nil
A J Nonly ke, snnie i i
John Uni ty, same I nn
Mike Miiloney, siiine 4 INI
It H llockwell, Kiiine I
t hus lieiiiu, Mime 4 en
II H WoihI, Mime 4 li
lli nry Liihrs, snine 4 mi
Hlver Klsher, snnie 4 nn
Tinny Hurt, snine I i"l
John l Hewitt, snine I ll
TIkwC Hiilrd, Mime ,. . . . 7 ml
Jus Klmi, kiiiiii!
Thos Murphy, same 4 mi
(ieo llnrrls, snnie 4 mi
.Ion n li Nixon, same 4 ml
linn I'nrdy. Slime 4 mi
t' II lHiKimn, snnie 4 mi i
Tom Crorthy, kiiiiii- 4 mi
Autoiii- Ijirsen, snine s mi I
Hert Hiirnes, same I mi
Jim- lilonnell. siutie 4 ml
Matt McKlverifim. same 4(0
lieo K Hiirnes, snnm s nn
Men's Column !
Published by Dow Clothing Co.
4 Well Fitting SHIria for Men J?
Fred Voss, same.
Carl Riisniilssen, snnie 4 ml
1! mi
S mi
i mi
ft mi
ft mi
Nels K rough threshed his crop of
spring wheat Tuehday, and reports a
yield of 25 bushels to ti e acre. This
i the best yield of spriug wheat re
ported this full.
W C and Bertha Kohlmeier, brother
and sister of Henry Kohlmeier, mana
ger of tho E & B lumber yard here,
arrived Wednesday from Cedar coun
ty, Mo, to npend Thanksgiving.
Van de Zedde still has a fine col
lection of oil paintings hanging in his
store that he is offering to his custom
ers at about half their actual value, in
order to close thein rut. These paiut-
iogs are fit to adorn any parlor or
drawingroom. Get your pick of thtse
pictures before they are all taken.
The Ladiea Aid society ot the M E
church, will hold a bazaar and serve a
general supper at the court house on
Fndav ufternoon and evening, JUeceru-
btr7,"l905. A large assortment of
useful articles will bo on sale. iuis
will be u good opportunity to supply
pymwwwwji muiiaitpaHWMUWJaaWHWH whoso new goods? Ho is receiving yourself with Christmas gifts. A most
( leo XV Thueker, same
Sinn Knox, snine
Win Uenlimer, snme
,1 M Ilerry, siimu
John U.vhii, slime
M K II It-key, same
.1 limes Klynn, same
I'iiiiI l'ley.c iinvassliiuelcf Hon rsturns
Jim Urown. snine
W I. Kosm, snnie
H li Orlhhle, hull rent
School Hist Noll, hall rent
Hclioo! I Hst No ."., hall rent 6 mi
Vtlhnte or Hon tli Sioux city, mill rent. 4 m
Cloppt llurtlett Co, supplies i :f
Perkins Hros Co, supplies 2 mi
(leo II HimKC, hull lent ft ml
Kred ltttimc, poslnue, etc Hi mi
.1 K I,eedoni, repulrlnit irrnder, etc tl mi
Kred Hrliricvcr A Co, mdse Wii
Itosiinne liiiiieiin.lMiiirdlnaToinKiirley 'JM mi
Miu llii lloliuvltr, survcyliiK 11
Id 7ft
' Itim
K II Ayres, repairing- rcMif on court r
II I) WoiMl. SUII1K 1,1
John II ileum, supplies 4 ftn
Board adjourned to meet December
15, 190(1.
W L Ross, Clerk.
It's the snme thing either way
joulookatit. Either we give you
a better shirt for the price, or the
same shirt for less.
Men are more particular about
their shirts cow than they ever were
Improved manufact ire has taught
them what to expect and what not
to accept.
Shirts used to be very carelessly
made just "slip on" things and
no one cared how they fitted.
Our shirts are made over very
carefully drafted patterns. They
fit the form with comfort and ease.
The body, the band, the sleeve and
the weight and fineness of material
roust be right.
White Laundered Shirts, plain or
pleated, long or short bosoms, tl 00
Coat stylo, narrow or wido pleat,
with atUched cuffs, $1.50.
Regulation Full Dress Shirts,
Starched bosom Fancy Shirts,
new and nest combinations, bos
oms and cuffs to match, small
figured, dark colors, solid blues,
(1 00, $1.50 aud $2.00.
Soft Fancy Shirts, with cuffs at
tached or detached, cot style or
plain, $1.00, $1 50 ot $2.d0.
Full linn of Flannel Shirts, me
dium, light ot heavy weight; grays,
bines, browns, tans aud figured
patterns; $1.00 to $3 00.
New Silk Scarfs.
Some very rich, new effects in
Silk Neckwear, four-in-hands and
sser.ts, made np styles, 50n.
New patterns in heavy rich silk,
in the new folded and wide end
fotir-in bauds, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50.
Sikcwl This Wem Short
lengths of fine silks, regular 75o
and 50o grades, made up aud on sale
in four-in-hands, at 25o or choice
35o. three for $1.1)0.
Unlined or Wool Lined
Gloves for Men.
Unlined. 50o to $2.50.
liiued, $1 00 to $3 50.
Fur lined, 3.50 to $5.00.
Boys' Haberdashery.
Standard makes and best values
in Boys' Furnishing Goods has made
this a safe place to buy.
Boys Blouses, plain or fancy,
50c, 75c, and $1.00.
Flannel Quirts, bine, tan and
gray, $1.00 and $1.50.
Fancy Shirts, with or without
oollars, 50c, 75c, and $1.00.
Sweaters, wool and cotton, 50o,
75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.50.
Boys'Suspenders, 25o.
Boys' Neckties, 25c.
The best Bovs' Hose, 15c; 2
for 25o.
Boys' Caps, all colors, 50c, 75c,
and $1.00,
Boys' Shirts and Drawers or
Union Underwear, 25o and 50c.
Men's Underwear.
More styles of good grades than
any store in town.
Fleece lined, 50c, 75c, and
All wool shirts and drawers,
derby ribbed orrlat, $1.00, $1,50,
$2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and 14.00.
Union Suits, cot tot, $1 00.
All wool Union Sui:s, $1.50,
$2.00, $3.00, and $5.00.
Keep Warm at Night
Keep the room cold but your
self warm.
Soft, iloeoed,
Night Shirts and
bill exactly.
Night shut 50c, 75o, $1.00.
Pajamas, $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00.
Domet Flannel
Pajamas fill tho j
Winter Caps
Boys' and JVten's
Boys' Golf and Jockey style
Caps, plain blue, black, worsted, T
tweed or; faucy mixtures, silk
lined, 50c, 75o aud $1.00.
Men's Golf, Yacht or Jockey
style Caps, plaiu black or bluo ,
Kersejs, drab corduroy, fancy
weaves and tweed tffects, 50c, i
75c, $1.00, $1 50.
Black plush, $1.00, $1.60, $2 00.
All Fur Caps, $2.00, 3.00 aud
$5 00. I
510-18-20 Fourth St. Sioux City, la.
These. Cold winter Days
Yon will not dread if you buy your wife the new
Heating Stove you promised her last wirter. We have
bargains in all kinds of stoves. Try some of our
Sootless Diamond Lump Coal
Wo carry a complete line of
Cooking Vtcnsils cvnd
new goods every oay, anil is better
prepared than ever to care for the
wants of his obi customers us well as
the new ones that nro daily dropping
in to take advantage of a well t ijuip
ped grocery establibhmeut,
At tho meeting of the O ld Fellows
of this place Monday night the follow
ing olhi-ers were elected for the n.su
iutcun: SW Foltz, noble grand
Louis L.irson, vice trund; John 11
Hr-uii), secretary; 1 red Duennog,
treasurer; Otto A Anderson, trustee.
An ouster supper will be served to the
members of the lodge at their meeting
of December 10
cordial invitati'
pre sent,
n is extended to be
Come in and examine the
best. Saw made tho cele
Atkins Silver
Steel Saw
A complete liuo of
Ilcvrd and Soft
ulwiiys in stock
m - . - bhw la In flit
1 Miri. an ui run a ... -
It nljouid cut eusily, cut cleuQly,
and rut with every iimveiuiiit.
I pn-frr an Atkini feuw. include
la "Silver Skm-I", nM-oguizid the
wnrld ovi-r tli3 Uni-nt cruicililu
itwl ever lilU'ie In onclentor muiJern
tim'. It ii hard, rlobo-irniirn'il iin.t
touch. It hol.Ua.tmrpiruitiiiK etlt'ii
ttmn uny other Kaw. In
liln.lu tai.;rj pi'rfi-etly froru ttili-k to
tlilu, from liamlle to tip. Thua it
iiiiike leeway fur il.elf. runs caklly
and tinea not hui-kls. lit tvinpef in
ix-rfeot. Wlien bent liv a cnxieu
thrmt, it apritifrs into liie wttlmut kinking.
Tlie AtkinSwcut mid do.- it lei of uy.
W niskH all tyin-a aud met (.1 ., tut only
one, (tradelhi' bet.
At the last meetiiiH of tho Pioneers
aud Old Settlers' association the Jg
itrar committeo run short of badges,
and as several more puid their animal
rfnpN nml werii entitled to badges the
committee ordered another supply.
There are Mill a few left, and any one
desli inc a 100G badRo cau secure one
for at this olhce or ol Wis i anuie
W Crczier
Tho Homestead, of lH-s Moints, la,
is an agricultural weekly of tho high
est class, edited by actual farmers,
who live upon and operate tlieir own
f ttrinH ami urn able to nut to the test
tlm town last Fridav and trot himself of exierianco all tho theories discussed
i.iir. rlio ti.-U l.v i-nteiiriff tlie nlil fit V in it oilnmilH. The Homestead has
Hotel, w here Claud aud Hurry Hait depaitmctits devoted to uorticnltuie,
have been looming lattlv, and help- poultry, dairying, slieep, veterinary,
int? himself to some jewelry. He got laws t ffeotitig the farmer, tho house.
rather bibulous riming tun evening, hold, Sunday school ana every iniei
ilimduveri a fountain nen which one. of est of the western farmer; and its edi
th bovs recognized, ami his arrert torials covet every question regarding
John Davies, a tramp printer, struck
Yours to PlBk.
Edwards & Bradford Lbr. Co,
11. F. Kohlvkier, Local Manager.
Dakota City, - Nebraska
followed. He was taken before Judge
J J F.imers, Saturday, and sentenced
to twenty davs in the county jail.
W li Wriuht. brother of Mrs Alice
Siib s. died Monday ut his homo at
Harris-ill, Neb He had been a suffer
er from Ciiucer of the stomach for ev-
eral mouths, ami had recently been to
an Omaha hosi.ital for an opera'toti
He never fully rallied from the effects
of the otwfHti in and gradually failed
until death relieved hua of liis sutler
ling, ills sinter, nirs Alice oiues, in
this idace. had been with him for the
nast month, and everything that lov
inpr hands could do was done to make
his burden liuhter. Ueceasea was an
old tiino rerident of this county, hav
iuc nassed his younger days on the
firm here, when he was familiarly
known as "Bub" Wiioht. ben the
soils, teeds, machiueiy, methods til
cultivation, breeding aud care of livo
stock, etc, iu which the farmers of
this section are interested. The Home
stead's contributors iticlude tho ublest
and most successful fanners, breeders
and expeiiinetir station workers iu tho
middle west. If you are a liomesiea i
reader, vou cannot fall to lie up to
date on all farm questions; and "Farm
Furrows," "Hints, Devices, huggesl
. . t i ... i i .. .... ,u
ions, etc, anil oilier vanillic iraiui
are an unfailing source of entertain
ment aud instruction. Tho Home
Htead ia 1 a vear to subscribers, and
subscriptions either singly or in com
bination with this paper, are laKen at
this office.
The mokt famous strike breakers in
the land are lr King's New Life pills.
The year 1903 will long be rnmera
bered in the home of F N Tacket, of
Alliance, Ky. as a year of blood; which
(lowed so copiouely from Mr Tscket's
Lungs that death seemed very near.
He writes: "Severo bleeding from the
lungs and a frightful cough had
brought me at death's door, when I
beg taking Dr King's New Discovery
for onsnnition. wih the astonishing
result that after taking four botles I
wascotupletely it-stored, and as time
has piovcu permanently cured.
Guaranteed for sore lungs coughs and
colds, at Leslies drug fctore. Trice
50c and $1 00. Trial bottle free.
Iltv Fremont Learner, of Toledo, O.
was recently ebcted president of the
City Ministerial association of that
eitv. ltev Learner is an old Dakota
county boy, a son of Geo Lenmer. I
moi happy rom LIFI
Great happiness came iuto the home
of S O Blair, school superintendent, ut
St Albuus, W Va, when his little
daughter was restored from the d'ed
ful coomplaiut he names. He says-.
"My little daughter had St Vitus'
Dance, which yielded to no traatmeut
but grew steadily worse until as a lust
reHort we tiied Llectrio Bitters; and 1
rt joica to say, three bottles effected a
complete cure." Quiok, sure cure for
nervous complaints, general debility,
female weaknesses, impoverished blood
and malaria. Guarantied by Leslio's
drugstore. Trice 50c.
Mrs Beardhhear o" Homer, left ou
Sunday for Grant, Michigan, iu re
sponse to a telegram si itiug that her
son-in-law, Geo Hajjar.ian, was dun
cerousdj ill with typhoid fever, uud
411 Pearl St., SIOUX CITY. IOWA
Good Teeth & Good Temper
Are characteristic of the
Atkins Saws always.
That is because they are
made of the best steel in the
world Silver Steel -by
men that know how.
When you are in town
We would like to have you
come iu and look over our stock
of Stovts. We have Malleable
aud Cast Ranges, and a full
line of Heaters.
A Trize Oak will plcaeo.
you at our price. 1
not expected to live.
Edwards Bradford Lbr. Co
western psrt of tho state Legau to set- J When liver and laiwels go on a strike,
tie up he moved west and located in they ipiickly settle the trouble, aud
Crawford, with his family. Of late
years be has conducted a hotel at
llirrimm. Neb. and was doinK a fiuo
the Diiufviua: work Koes nzht on
Best cure for constipation, headache
and dizzinebs. 'ioc at Leslie's drug
liev Lewis Jay Motsohmau, of Sioux
City, will deliver his ci lebruted lec
ture on "The Evolutiou of a Hoy, in
Salem Lutheran church Tuesday even
intr. December 4. Admission U5n and
15o.. Come and hesr him. Proceeds
for the benefit of the church.
First M E Church Hour of Service
10 a ni Sunday School
11 a m Preaching
12 m Class Mestiug
U :30 pm Ep worth League
7:at) p m Treadling
7:30 pm Prayer Meeting
A 11 evening services from May to
October will be held one-half hour
later. Elmkr F. Shkf:h, Pastor.
l'hout) uumber 33.
iiKO. TIMLIN, Viiiawr.
C6e Msxr Behind tKo Bsvnk.
TKstt'at Whivt Counts!
Contide your deposit with the man you know to be
houest, competent, upright and careful, iwenty
one years here in Jackson, less than fifty dollars
total losses. $10000 awaiting the first person
wionged. Ample capital, surplus, protection.
This, and more, back of
"The Bank tLt, always treat
Bank of Dakota County
Jackson, Neb,