Dakota County Herald Continuation of the Homer Herald. JOHN B. HKAM, PI BUBHKIl. Subscription I'rice. $1.00 1'er Year. A weekly newspaper publisiied at Dakota iiy, Nbrnka. rprmitmion hns been granted for tbo transmission of this paper through the mails as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. Bixby in Lincoln Journal: There waa atothfir Graves on the ticket up in tlx Third district to which fuel ?da of the anion papers attribute the debat of the jndge of that name who was ruming for congres. If the domocrat uU all read but if they onld, there would be fewer democrots. o there yon are." One of our democratic exchanges is responsible for the following: "Arthur 3rinbane, editor of flea rat's newspnpers in New York, gets a sal ary of I100.0UO a year. Think of it a salary twice as Urge as that of the president of the United States! And yet the man who pays this salary to one of bis editors wielus to be preti dent at $50,00C." The Fender Republic makes the fol lowing prediction, if , and it probably wouldn't take much to induce it to aop Krt Hryan: "If the next republican congress fails to lower tariff duties or trust pro ducts, fails to regulate railroad rales and control the trusts, the paity will be tit rned bottom side up at the text election and V J Br van will issue his bland smile from the presidential l L....t I IICMIS Ul IIUCIC&l from our Exchanges :-K?l40lOl.OW West Point Itepnbliean: Mrs Ella DeBell is visiting her mother, Mrs Jiruuer, having arrived here lust even iug. Wayne Democrat: "Mill" Jastram left Sunday evening and Alex Uoltz Monday morning for West Point to at tend the funeral of Christian .lustrum, father of the former, and also of Airs Alex Holtz, deceased . The old gentle man was some eight; years of age. Ponca Journal : Mrs A L Senrtn liaugu, Mrs W J Armour, Mrs W Mnusou aud Mrs A N Porter eutoitain cd about eighty guests at a social tea at the home of Mrs W J Armour last evening. A four course luncheon was elegantly nd tastily served. A de lightful time is reported by all. .Ponder Timos: Mrs Chrouister, of '8untli 8ioux City, who was a guest at the J VV Chambers and J no Bjork . homes, returned to her homo Monday. ....Word from Arizona states that 'Henry Neibuhr who busbi'HU suffering 'from a biokeu leg is recovering nicely. The accident was caused by a horse falling on him. 'Emerson Enterprso: Anton Wilkio s is pi inning to build a new residence on the south side of his half section ' farm as soon as he oan make proper arrangements. .. .Ross Monroe pur - chased a corn husking machine this week and now has it at work. It will "pick about ten acres per day and cost, freight included, $360. He is pleased with the new machine and is indepen dent of the threo and four dollar a day corn buskers. ... Henry llauton who is receiving treatment ut tue- German Lutheran hospital, in Hioux City, for u wound in tbo side which he accident--ally received, ia reported to be getting along nicely. His wound is not dau gerous but he must remain in the hos pital about three weeks. Ilia father, Jem Hanson, was over to see Lint Wednesday ... .The community was mnrprised and (moved to learn of the .death of Mrs Goo Holekamp on Mon xlay, of Bright' disease and diabetus. IB he had been in poor health for some time, but it was not generally known that alia was dangerously sick. The funeral oourred Wednesday from her lata residence, conducted by Itav II C Dayhoff . Lilly, daughter of Mr and Mr O It Bryce, was born in Dixon county, Nob, Feb, 2, 1885. Her aiotu r departed this life in 1897. She was married to George Holekamp, June 11, l'J05. Died in Emersou, Neb, Nov 19, 1906, aged 21 years, 9 mouths aod 19 duy. tier husband, father, three sis ters and one urctuer, besides many other relatives and friends, mourn her early death. Big Bargain Week. During the week of December 21 to 23 inclasive, The Nebraska State Jour ual will accept $3 from mail subscrib ers for the whole year of 1907, without fJunday or $1 with Sunday. The reg ular price is fl and $5. This out price is only good duiing the bargain week, aud all you have to do is to mail your remittance to the Mate Journal, Lin coln, Neb, during that time, and you will receive the paper tun whole year of 1907. Such a out price is possible on account of large savings mad by takiug solicitors off the road. Instead of payiDg out railroad fare, hotel bills aud other eipsusn, these savings aie given to our subscriber 'direct by this big bargain offer. The com ng shbsiou of the legislature will be the most in teresting oue ever held in the history of the state, aud no matter what your lolitics are you should read The State Journal during thia time. Iteforoia -will be made in our present laws, re forms that intererest you in dollars and cents. No matter what other pa pers you are taking, during such a ses sion of the legislature you should be a Journal read sr. Write a postal ask ing for a sample copy. The Journal tands for all that i best for Nebras lean and wants you to fed that what ever is for the publio good is for it good. There is a new deal in Nebras ka governmental affairs, and yon uhanU l,a watrdiinir Hurt tnnvn. Farm en and all other producer of the stata are vitallv interested iu what will be done at Lincoln next winter, Ramein - ber the Bargain Week December 21 to 28, The Journal i the paper for you. I CORRESPONDENC 2J & HUBBARD. ) HrrciAi. rnRHKsroiiKWc'r. ,Tas Ilartnett and Joe Hogan were the first to finish corn bunking around here. They got through last week. We have a fine line of dr.tss shoes, and nothing would bo nicer than those for a Christmas present. Carl Ander son. Fred Bartles received a ear joad of sheep from South Omaha Sund'ty and five cars Wednesday. Katie Finnogan and Mrs Phoebe Luther, of Sioux City, were visiting fii.juds and relatives here oar Sunday Faney gloves and mittens, and ev erything in that line, suitable for Christmas presents, at Carl Ander son's . Mrs Leon liouck is visiting relatives over at Jackson Mr Bonck'a sister. The Dnggan and Heffernan saloon was burglarized Saturday night and a quantity of liquor arid cigArs taken. No clue has been found that would lead to to the detection of the parties who made the haul. Mrs Mike Green wont to Hioux City Wednesday morning. Dolls for children, at Carl Ander son's. D J Connelly shipped a car of cnt'le to Sioux City Thursday morning. Mrs J Wheeler and daughter Fran cis, and Roy Wilsey were city choppers Friday . Myers Bros shipped a car load of hogs to Sioux City Saturday morning. Wo have a supply of pure maple syrup the best to bo hail try some of it, Carl Anderson. Mrs E W Wilson went to Dakota Cit.v Saturday to attend a meeting of tbo O E S l .dge. It J Cobleifth, wife aud threo chil dren an 1 Miss NelLe Ileeney wcie Sioux City vinitors Saturday. Johanna Mundy went to Nacora Sat urday morning. Fred Bartels and son and Mike Far rell were dowu to the City Saturday Toys, month organs, etc, thing to plen hi tho children at Christmas limo. Curl Anderson. John Duggun was a Sioux City viiit or Suturday. Sam Thorn and Jack Ilartnett ship ped a car loud of cattle Monday. Mike Farrell shipped a car of cat tle Tuesday. Fancy China dishee, suitable for Christmas gifts, at Carl Anderson's. aiary u uonnor aud Mrs Hoy were city visitors Wednesday. Mrs Ed Manrioo went to Council Bluffs Iowa, Wednesday. Juhu Campbell anl wife and Tearl Tucker were pnssengcrs to tho city Wednesday . Nothing would make a nicer Christ mas present than oue of those line nickel plated Rochester lamps at Carl Anderson. Mrs J W Ryan and daughter Mary, of Jackson, visted relatives hero Sun- da v. Florence Gilflllun, teacher in dis trict No 20, took the train hero lant Friday morning for Sionx City, in an swer to a telegram stating that her mother waa seriously ill. Try u me-il at the Nordyke coffee house when in town. Lunches and meals served at all hours. HOMER. COKIIKHFONHKHCK. Henri A I Geo Whaley had quite a ruuaway last Friday. A loose horse ran by his team while he was unloading bay and Irigntened them. Ilia hay was scat-t-rtd, the rack demolished, and anoth er wagon broken. Mr Whaley got a a good shaking up. Mrs Will Learner came to town Thursday and had a check cashed to go to Sioux City. It is needless to say that it was a good sized check. On her wuy home she lost her pocket book with the money. Will came back to look for it and found it. If you lose your money call on Will, he will ho sure to be auco-ssful in getting it. If you want to know how he man age it, ask him. I believe all tow ns Lave some one thing they are particularly noted for. Homer is noted for its many and va ried church organizations and. now we hear of still another. Some ay the name of this new one is "I am more holy than thou." They are to have uo dicipline, ouly their 'own sweet will." Tiiera will be a committee of threo ap- I iu u ii-u u ioua alter me oiuer entireti es ui d report at the next regular meet inp. They have two mottoes. "Let he that l without sin cast the first stone" aud "Evil bo to him who evil thinkfi." Three thoroughbred Poland China boars for sale. Chief Paxton, No, 110807; Taxton Junior, and Armour's Champiou Boy. Call or write, Marvin Armour, Homer, Neb. Mrs Carl Ream and children visited a few day at Dakota City last work. Jiminie Alioway departed for Oma ha last week, where be will enter a barber school. Nick Maher and dauRhter, Mrs Pfuff, were down to the O'Connor fu neral Saturday, Harold O'Connor, who was reported to b i so much better last week, died on his way to New Mexico, aud was hur ried from tho Catholic church iu this place Ust Saturday, Father English olllouting Tom Sullivan was down from Jack son, Saturday, Mr Gertie Beat waa a passenger for Dakota City baturday night. Mrs Thomas Green aud son Frank, who were down from bioux City to at' tend Harold O'Connor's funeral, re turned ou tho Saturday evening traiu Mr Green i Harold' aunt. A few things Homer needs: A bakery, auotuer butcher bhop, a dent iat who resides here, a few mors bouses for rent and a tew btave(?)mcu to go slumming. Frank Combs and family went to South SUu City for their Thatlisgiv lnR dinner. 1 Wo heard a man say a few day ago that be aw men throw away bottle that they had drank whisky from, and ' few spoonful remaining ia the bot - ties, boys wonld pick them tip and drink what was left. So much for a dry town. And he ha seen loads of whisky battle on our street and still it is a dry town. And fights and ru mors of fights, and it remains dry town. Mrs Mart Mansfield, jr, lias gone to Preslio, 8 D, to visit her sister, Mrs Alyn. The passenger train being two honrs late Monday treeing Mrs Mans field went to South Sioux City on the freight train. A teacher not a thousand miles from nomer, in a country district, was ex amining a class in history when she asked one girl "In whose honor was the city of Baltimore named." The answer was quickly given by a girl of the class, "God Baltimore." A pleasant surprise was given Aud Alioway on Tuesday the 27th, it being his birdiday. His friends presented him with a gold watch, something he says he has been wanting for a long time. There will bo a Christmas tree in the M E church. This is supposed to be a dry town. Well, there must be a lot of mescal beans used here. JACKSON. . Special ('oBiiESPosnKiten. J W Finnell and sister. Mrs J M Brannan, took in the White Minstrel performance at the Grand Saturday night. Biv Fr Moriarly, of Benson, Neb, is here visiting friend and to spend Thank-giving with his mother and sister. A family dinner will be given at the homo of bis sister, Mrs John Duggan, at Goodwin. Rev Fr McCarthy spent several days in Omnlm last week, it being his first visit there since corninc to Jack son. D.iisy Reed spent Sunday at the home of Jessie Graves, near Hubbard. Born To Sam Itieunauiau and wife, November 2G, 190C, a daughter. Mrs J A Hall, Mrs D F Waters and her mother, Mrs Margaret Ryan, were visiting tliti Jackson patients at St Joseph's hospital Tuesday. Maagie Boler is visiting friends in Omaha. Grace Reniger home of her aunt, is visiting nt the Mis James Collier, near Ilnrimgtop. Mr Mary E Ryan and girls over Sunday visitors iu the city were with friends. Rov Fr O'Toole, of Newcastle, was in Jackson last Thursday, at the paro chial reniden :o. W T Bartlott le t Tnesday morning for Tulesburg, Col. several parties from Sioux City accompaying him with a view of purchasing land there. Mrs Paul frharp '-ent to St Josi-ph's hospital Wednesdiiy, where she will re ceive treatment, with hope of beiug benefited. Tlios Sullivan attended tho funeral of Harold O'Connor at Homer Satur day, he being a pal: bearer. Our sym pathy is extended to the bereaved family. M T Beacom, with the Atlas eleva tor company, has gone to his claim at Nolen, S l. His futher, M M beaconi. of Hubbard, is staying in the olovator during his absence. J C O'Neill waj taken to St Joseph's hospital Suturday where he under went au operation and is doing as well as can be expoeted. Mr O'Nnll has been ailing for the past year, so his friends here hopo to see him fully re cover his good health from this crit ical operation. Ed T Kearney receives very inter esting letters from Gertrude who is spending tho winter with her grand parent at Santa Cruz, Calif. She says that they still have quakes there one quite severe one last week, but they don't mind it any more there. Santa Cruz ia a summer and winter re sort and something going ou all the time. We notice there is going to be a change iu postage stamps issued by the government dnring 1907. They are to bear the name of the otate and city in which the postnfflo i located. Twenty-sii of the C.OOO postofllces will have these names engraved upon their stamps, while in case of the other postoihVea the name will be printed across the stamps after they are en graved. Tho idea isn't new whatever, a it has been done for several years iu New Mexico. Dr Leahy has purchased from M Heenan, of ViHta, the beautiful snuu of black horses formerly owned by Fr Moriarity. E B Spauldiug and wife of Sioux City, viHi'ed over Sunday at tho nome of Ed T Kearney and wife. 0 M Gray, of Dakota Citr. who has been threshing around here for several weeks, had a bad accident happen Saturday afternoon while tiking out a uew engine just purchased in Hioux City. When up above George Teller', iu no e way the engine ran off the bridge, turning completely over, break ing u up considerably. Air Gray, with help, succeeded in getting it out by Sunday evening and will have to ship it back. He will get some re pair for the old one and finish bis contracts here. One fortunate thinir about it waa no ne was hurt, but it is a big loss to Mr Gray. The Misses Phillips, of London. Cauada, were vixiting at the J J Mo- Uride home here several day last week.- They are sisters of Mrs Jas Keefe, of Sioux City. ihanksgiving passed off quietly here. Several entertained frieuda at their homos. It F Sawyer aud wife eutertaiued E W Nordvke and familv. of Sionx City; J M Barry aud wife bad company from Sioux City ; Kate Sul livau spent the day with her folki here. In the evening there waa a ball in Riley' opera bouse. Several other family dinners were given. M J Mo Million, of Waterbury, spent tbe day with hi family here. All our school maims were home. MD A ClOC CALL. "A dangerous surgical operation, in volving the removal of a malignant nicer, a large t my band, from my daughter bin, was prevented by the application of Buoklen' Arnica salve," say A C Stiokel, of Miletus, W, Va. "Persistent use of the salve completely j cured it . Cures cuts, burns nd in ju Jrie. 25o at Leslie's drug tore. NACORA. Special fnanrxpos hhmc. D L Leap arid wif. entertained Frank Foltz and family, sls PT Wat non and family at Thanksgiving din ner. Mrs E D Yohs's, sister is hero from Clinton, Iowa, to spend Thunkngiving with her. Mae and Rose Heeney drove to Em ersou Tuesday. Miss McGlnshan went homo to spend Thanksging. C O'Connor wn an Emerson visitor Monday August Voss was an Emerson visitor Wednesday. Quite a number from Homer, Dako ta City and Hubbard attended the Sunday school convention here last Saturday. F O Heyer has accepted a jwsilion a1 Hartington. Bryan Buchannan, of Wanca, has charge of this statiou now. salemT Kpp.riAi, Cnimr.Bi'nji.KNCK. Harry Brown is laid up with a eore hand, oansed by a rusty dsi'I. John Ilazlegrove has been leveling np several of our roads and they ate in fine shape now. Good roads mean great satisfaction among the farmers. Esther Learner left Wednesnay for Lincoln. She was accompanied with two large market baskets filled with good things for her brother and sitder, who will enjoy iomo of Dakota coun ty's turkey. C J Oeieter, Frank Learner and T W Gribble each received several car loads of cattle to feed during the win ter. H C Gibbon and wifo report a fen pound boy at their home, who came to help them eat Thanksgiving turkey. A general sgent from the Elgin But ter Co, of Elgin, III, was out consult inc; with tho Lakeside d iirvman, I W Fisher, ns to tho advisability of sturt ing a brancu house iu Dakota county. We hope it will be established, as we do not want to be behind the times. Quite a number from heri were over to witntss the Yankton-Morningside football game Thanksgiving. The chicken pie social given by the W H Si F M society of Salem was very excellent. It ia hoped that tbii will not be the last one. Lutheran Church Announcements. Preaching Sunday morning at Sa lem at 11:00 o'clock, Sunday school at 10 :00. Preaching at Dakota City 7 :.'i0 p m, C E (5:3C, Sunday school at 9:15 a m, Miaeion Bund nt 3:00 p iu A cordial welcome to all. BUSINESS LOCALS Imported draft stallions, $1000 each. Home-bred registered draft atnllions, rMO to $800. Halt Bros, Osceola, Ia . If any of our miliHcibers desire the addrtBS changed on their Herald ly reason of the establishment or chancres made in the rural routes, or fur any other reason, just diop us a postnl and the change desired and it will hnnnide, Home-bred draft stullioue, $201) to $000; imported stallions, your choice, tlOOO, F L Stream. Creston, In. Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, al sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimerc. The best iin ported horses, $ 1000 each. Home-bred registered draft stallions, $23U to $750 at my stable doors. A. Latimer Wilson, Creston, la Klrst I'ubllcuMon Novemlier 2 ; . Sheriff' Sale. Notice Ik hereby Riven thnt by virtue of nit order or kuIu Inkiicu ly Hurry II. Adnlr, clerk of t nc district court In 11 nd for J inkotn county , N-'hniskit. mid directed tome, H.C. HiiiiHen, NheritT of Hitld county, com mum 1 1 iik me lotted vile premiKCH lierelniifterdeMci'llied to Kiillsfy one certain Judunient of the Mild dlNtrlct court of Huld county and htate, ol talned nt the (Vtolr, A. 1. Hum term there of, to-wlti on the 1st ilny of October. HUM, In fnvor of A. It. Jm-kson, nod iifnlnst Kusnn Mr h duller, 111 Administratrix of the Kstate of Michael Hchlndlcr, Deceased; Su san Schlndler, Will Schlndler, Mary Schln dler, John Hehlniller. Hose Schlnoler, Frank Hchimller, K.ildle Schlndler. Annie Nclilnd ler, and Frieda Schlndler, for the kuiii of sixteen hundred thtrly-elnlit dollars and neventy-flvo cents (fltlHN.Hii, with Interest on said sum at 1) per cent per annum from (K-tolier I, huftl, and his costs taxed at thirty dollars and sixty-live cents (fUMIM. I have levied upon the following described property, to-wit: Tho south half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-six fjrt), township twenty-seven 1 5T7 . mime six (til east, nil lielntr located In said Dakota county and state of Nebraska. And I will, on Wcdnssdny, the nth day of December, ll), at 11 o'clock a in. of said day, at the south front door of the court house In Dakotat'lty, Dakota county, Nebraska, pro ceed to sell nt public auction to tho hlKhest' and Is'st bidder, for cash, all of 1 ho alsive dcscrllM'd property, or so much thpreof as may In necessary to satisfy said order of sale Issued by Harry II. Adair, clerk of the district court In and for Dakota county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon In Ihc HKicreanle U'tnu the sum of sixteen bund ed sixty-nine dollars and forty cent I lli'nin.- loi, and accrutiiK costs. (.tven under my hand this 1st day of Novemlier, A. I), lima. II. C. UANSKX. Sheriff of Dakota County. Neb. )R. C H. MAXWLLL, riiysician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended DAKOTA CITY, NEbltASKA Lllil, CO YEARS EXPERIENCE Track Marks Designs rf sfnx ' Copvriqhts Ar. Anmnn t..ili' n nkudi mi.l itcMTlpllon ni q'llukl; lunurtiiiil mr fpinion fm wIii-Mmt mi IliVHIHlnn n l.Rll piltelllHM'i. CuiiII'IiiiIi-h. i.mn-inoilf ri'nniluntlp.1. r,NCi6rj1K on l' miut it'll liio. l-t.t itaeiM'V ttrilt'liliiiu ItuletV rMtftna tanuu ilirounh Miimi :t In. rucolv tvfeml n.itut, will. nut tiiKruu, ml lie Scientific Jfoicricast. A lmn1omil HluMrntiM wwhlT. I nropt e?r- iiliillnii nf imr fiemlUit ("uriiHk H'iii.. I j Ti"r: (our moniU. AL tioia byll rofcitlerr MUNN &Co.3C,Bro"d-5f- New York Mr... 1 6ii,, nf V FU WMhliiuion. 1. c. KBLLthe COUGH and CURE ths LUNGS Dr. King's WITH flew Hissovery forC rONSUMPTIOSi Prlc 0UGHS and iOLDS 50c & St. 00 Fret Trial. Surest and Quickest Cur for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Soda Crackers ana WILL 1 j I Our Holiday Preparations Have Been Completed. Our different departments are filled with Rich New Goods Adapted for Holiday Gifts. Our many customers and friends are urged to make their selections early this year, as the season bids fair to excel all previous years in the magnitude of our business. rn assortment of f j. T nxun Q rri i nr I WE INVITE you a'0 uut-OT- ownoervicei ma 0 stobe vo haD- D I A 11 O PI DS VUARTER8 WHEN i. v.r, L.r(. new Catalog rives you tbo voc come to thpt cm-. opportunity for Successful ASD PBICES Sell clion beck's Vary RtB.sono.bU 0tr1' lUUU . -MOISTED EVERY WAY- WatChCS, JeVel."V, iiuuiiwu) wnMj ARE HOl'SEHOLD WORDS R,"i-,ocK.t"0 " ft-i OllV6rWar6 Lamps, Cut Glass Bi-oita Combs Upon ai,r,jcatioll we wln aen(i y0u our Umbrellas, Clocks, Jew- new iiinHtiated catalog. elry, Chains, Bracelets fountain pExs Engraving on All Goods Without Charge Combs, Novelties KNIVES AND FORKS , , ... spoons, tea sets All Orders by Moil The Beck Guarantee toilet beth 5 or Express Prepaid with each article en Mondamln Corner, S Hub of C City -a ii A & MPT f V4 IF 2V- 2 The Pain Family You know them ; they are numerous, and make their presence felt everywhere. The names of the family are Head ache, Toothache, Earache, Backache, Stomach ache, Neu ralgia, etc. They are sentinels that warn you of any derange ment of your system. When the brain nerves become ex hausted or irritated, Headache makes you miserable; if the stomach nerves are weak, in digestion results, and you double up with pain, and if the more prominent nerves arc af fected, Neuralgia simply makes life unendurable. The way to stop pain is to soothe and strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti-rain Tills do this. The whole Pain family yield to their influence. Harmless if taken as directed. "I flncl nr. Mills' Anll-Paln Pills an exivlli'iit remedy for ivrri'niln( liend 11 '!io. ncuinlKlrt and dlHt rexsniK iuiiiih if 11 U Hin ts. 1 have used them for thn past even yean in this laparlty with the host of results." MI18. JOK AiKiimi.L. 1'iiu. Ind. Dr. Miles' Antl-Pa'n Pllli are sold by rour drugglit, who will guarantee that he tirtt package wdl benefit. If it fade, he will return your money. 2S dotal, 23 cent. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind anything you choose milk for instance or alone. At every meal or for a munch between meals, when you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant corner, in the morning when you wake hungry, or at night just before going to bed. Soda crackers are so light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at iimes when you could not think of eating anything else. But as in all other things, there is a difference in sod crackers, the superlative being Uneeda Biscuit a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is preserved for you. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY H. BECK CO. Sftc Sioux City Jewelers Will 52. Beck Co. i.iysr.r-..i & K XS N 1 U r W N N i N N N "She Herald, and New Edea StTe Only - $1.50 f, rrVi ti ! ! ! ! ! a pARM LOANS arvwbere ou earth, bee or LibI. your property witu us c,e,by;,b5arner 1 Elmers A.1 "It is Delicious9 en it en 33 XJT BL coffee 25 Cents per Potsnd lilendol and jiacked from carefully telected coffee by BUCKWALTER'S No 6 Front St. Homer. Neb. IT PAYS TO TRADE AT BUX. i 9 n 5 For 2S Yomi-a Ka Sioux City Jwlr 23a We bavo plenty of Money to Loan at a low rate ot interest on Dakota county Farms. We also Sell and Buy Real Estate of all kinds write us before you liorrow, Buy or Bell. to bell. Farm lands Real Estate END 'IV 'IV 'iV IT 1 -i i ) 7 I" )