Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 19, 1906, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Continuation of the Homer Herald.
uWriplion Trice. $1.00 Tet Yesr.
n weekly newspaper published al
Pnkota ( ity, Nebraska.
IVrmit.sion hns been granted for tbe
transmission of tliia pnprr l)irott;h the
mailt as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 4.1.
Republican Ticket-
rnltnl States Senator Norrls Hrown
Oiivcrnor (leorgc I.. Sheldon
Mcutcnnnt Oovcrnor M. It. Hopewell
Secretary of State dco. C. Junkln
Auditor i K. M.Senrle
TmiMirer Hrl"
Attorney General W. T. Thompson
tlnllHiiv rntt.mlwnlfilllrfl
' . If. .t. Wlnnott
.. . ' KolsTt Cowell
" J. A. Williams
ljind Commissioner H. M. Knton
Huncrintcndciit J. I McHrlcn
Congressman Third KM riot J. F. Bnyil
Senator Klgbth Dlst rlrt ... .(fro. W. Wlltf
Sixteenth District V.J. Wchiri
Citizens and Republican County Ticket
County Attorney F. H. Merry
Commissioner Third IHtrlct . . John Klerk
If you approve of the splendid work
of tllo fltht session of the 59th con
gress, vote for Judge J F Boyd, rcpub
lieaii candidate for coLKress, and for
mom of the name kiud of legislation in
the tiOth congress.
George W Wiltse, of Randolph, re
tmblicau nominee for state senator, is
a man that can accomplish something
jf .-tit to the legislature, lie la a niaii
of executive ability, nud what is more
lie is u Roosevelt republican.
r S Beiry, tlio ci'izohs and ropubli
can caudulate for county attorney, is
not making a house to Iioiihm campaign,
J i 4 husiuess demand hit attention to
u ei-i tiiu extent, and besides, the in
tclligetit voter or today dots not care
to h buttonholed and told bow be
should vote when he ia personally ac
quainted with the candidates.
from our Exchanges $
l'onca Leader: Mrs Wm Berry re-
turned from Coburn Jnnction batur
day evening .
1'ender Titr.ea: 0 L Spencer ia hero
cloning out his real estate interenta on
the reservation.
Wayne Deniociat:
and grandson went
Tuesday on a visit.
Mrs C J Ilmdell
to Dakota City
Newcastle Times: Mr and Mrs Ho
gan went to IInbhard laat Haturday to
attend the funeral of an old neighbor.
Thurston Gazette: M A Bancroft of
the Homer Free Tress was here from
Saturday night until Monday after
noon visiting his fawny and closing
up the deal whereby the Gazette pass
cs from his hands.
Tender Republican: JD Clanssen
went to Hubbard today, where he
owns a farm . . . .The republican re pre
sontative convention met at the village
ball in Tender last Monday afternoon
and nominated O J Weboig of Cuming
county for representative for the float
district comprising Cuming, Thurston
and Dakota counties.
John 3ierk, the t ilizeua and repub
lican candidate for county commis
sioner, waa not nominated to that
ofllce for the solo purpoo of accom
plishing something for hia own indi
vidual benefit. He was nominated to
aorve the bet interests of the county
at large, and ia broad minded enough
to do this. Vote for Sierk.
To the votera and Citizens of Dakota
County :
I ia no way sought or deiired the
the nomination for county attorney.
All who understand the facta know
that my nama waa pro-ontid before
the citizen o invention without my
!oiinout and against my withes iu the
mutter. In responding to tlm call and
a-ceptmg the nomination of the citi
zens aud republican parties, which
Lure nominated me, I leg leave to
make the following statement:
I consider it an honor to be a nomi
nee for attorney of Dakota county, and
I deeply appreciate the confidence in
luf integrity and ability which prompt
ed my nomination. I shall do the
Lust I can to merit thia oaufldence,
and all I can honorably do to bo elect
ed on November' the Cth. However,
my busiucs ia snob that it will be im
possible for me to devote much time to
tue campaign or make unytbing like a
thorough oanvaa of the county At
the time I was nominated, and sinco
tlmt time, a very large number of
v.iter (many of them being among the
heaviest tax payers in Dakota county)
li ive voluntarily assured me of their
tippcrl and earn ant efforts should I
-cpt the nomination. I shall be
:uipelled to rely upon them a great
nem io promote my campaign
Again 1 consider any attorney ia
ta-ruij., nonoreu who may be elected
-attorney of this county. And when
Hooted. I believe be should consider
the office a pubho trust; that he should
fn that law ind order are maintained
ami tiiat the property and the rights
iuo county ana its citizens are pro
reeled: prosecute, when prosecutions
uv necessary, without fear or favor
huU without regard to political pres
tige. friendship or aeatuneut. I be
iu ve tuat he should be honest and
ri tare and reliable, stand for hia con-
v; tiona, and work for the best intoi
est of Dakota connty, and not for Lis
os'n interests or future political favor.
x believe that he should do hit dutv
villi the leant expense possible, anil
tuat lie should be economical aud care
'J tit or tue tax payers' iuterests
IUe above things I believe and if I
tarn elected I shall do my dot? as
county attorney to the best of my abil-
uv an i as my sense of right and eon
rviron, uirnct, "uetner or not 1 am
sincere in theso things ia for you to de
lernsine aud judge. I have lived
among yea for over three yeara; dur
mg iuu tame l have enjoyed a good
ii'i m proniaoie law business. I am
wining jom should investigate my pro
femion! ataodiug and business nuith-
ojs ami jorra your own conclusions
it. after so investigating, yo deem
me wortfiy and capable aud feel that
you ,Cttl oouacieutionsly give me
.your support I ahall be glad to
.nave it.
Naturally, since I have accepted the
nomination, 1 very earnestly detdie to
eieoiea. My opponent as earestlv
dt sires that he may be elected. Hia
desires ana my desires sre of little im-
-portauce. our interests and th
oonuty's best interests are of greut im
portance. He man should be elected
to public oflloe because he wants it or
needs tlie olfioe. I believe it one's duty
to voU for the man whom the oflloe
.needs end who will beat serve the
1 respectfully aolicit your considers
'- and your sapport.
Fbed H Bebbv.
Lutnerssi Cnsircb Announcements.
Tie aching Bunday morning at 8a-
ietn at iu:ou o'clock,' Bunday scbeol
rreaebing at Dakota City 8 ;00 p
m, vj c. i I'm, nnnnay r)03l a
:mib, lesion Hand at 3 ;0 p mt
A cordial velcome ta all.
Ilartington Nows: Bessio Varvais of
Emerson visited with relatives in this
city the latter part of last week....
Mrs W W Tilgrim of South Sioux City
paasod through here Friday on her
way to Crof ton to visit friends . . . .John
1'rovancha of Emerson and Chas Var
vais of Hubbard arrived here li at
Thursday evening for a short visit with
relatives. They returned home Satur
day. T'.ock Rapids, Io, Special in Sioux
City Journal, 10th: Rev H H Bnrch,
p.intor of the Congregational chinch
here, has resigned his charge here and
accepted a call from the Congregation
al church at Aurora, Mo. At a meet
ing of the society held last night after
the evening service it was decidod to
release him from hit contrrct Novem
ber 10th. Rev Mr Burch has been
here since January, l'J04, and waa one
ot the aioat popular ministers the
church has had, and the society and
members of the congregation are sorry
to lose him. For the past year his
health has been poor and a change
from the rigors of a northern winter t
tho milder climate of the Ozark
mountains will, it is hoped, prove ben-eilcial.
Emerson Eeterprise: Mr and Mm II
O Armour loft today for their now
home at Spencer, Neb, where Mr Ar
mour has a drug store. They have
hosts of friends here who wish them
the best of success in their new home
Mr Armour is a first-class druggist, a
good business m in and will doubtlens
meet with the best of success in bis
new location .... Mr and Mrs H O Ar
niour were given a farewell reception
at tlie Udd follows hall Friday even
ing. Aftir lodge, the Rebekahs filed
in, Mrs Armour was sent for and a de
lightful evening spent. On Wednes
day evening the ladies of the Eastern
htar also gave a farewell paity in
honor of Mr and Mra II O Arnisur in
aiasonio nan. liurresuments were
served and a pleasant evening spent
Spbciai. Corkkhpoxdknck.
D C Heffeman was a county seat
visitor Monday.
Try a meal at the Nordyke coffee
house when in town. Lunches and
meals served at all hours.
Henry Thomson waa down to Dako
ta city Tuesday on business.
For all kinds of corn buskers sun-
plies, moll aa jackets, overalls, mit
tens, etc, go to Carl Anderson's.
Jon Leedorn, county surveyor was
doing sotae surveying at Emerson
Ttuaday, assisted by Martin Holmvig
of Sioux City.
We now bavo a big supply of puie
muple syrup. Trj a oan of it. You
will like it. Carl Anderson.
Mrs Tatrick Jooea and daughter and
Mra Jaa Howard went to Sioux City
Friday morning.
r -r. . .
uiyers uros etiippad out a car of
uogs Baiurday and one Tuesday.
Ha. lluta. fX - - 3 . .
'u"w uress puuis lor men
anu ooys at uaii Andersons
Sirs Joe ilagan and daughter Marv
M... T'll-.. 'in i-.. ..... '
uuru xuuruiuu ami children au:
1 fa litrn Kf . I m.. t l .
.U...U..H oihuuii; ion cuiiiireu were
passengers to Hioux City Saturday.
v uri Anderaon sella the Aiken hunk
itg piu, in veuted by Smith and Davia of
A meg, AO, lor 6l)e. BO0d lnmkina
I I. . . . . . D
uuons iroiu iuo IO 0U0,
Ueo limlin transacted bniina in
oioux uity Tneiday aud Wedueaday
1 tiave lor sale 5U') bushels of f
aen wheat. Tula is the) No 1 Turk.,.
Red, and u the bunt to be had. (!nli
ana m a me. 'renk Ufl nc.
a v
a j rtordvk went Io Ki.Ti Pit.
Hjt.. "V
Carl Anderson soils dnok .
ion ueeu oue now.
Jacic uartnetl aLd w.f r..l .1 rr
nonius were bioux Uity
ttt a
e have a line (hia of ti ir fau.i
giove aud imtteus, 60j per
Carl Anderson.
AI Bohrimpu went it II
i.v. .
A-rana Aiiisar was a eountv
visitor Tuesday.
I'ttrj Aoiltfroon oan s 11 vmi l.ia.
. . 1 . . .
eoai, jsus,nn calfor Ualloway, cheap-
or iu.u any oi.e on earth, nualny 0on
and wife, and a boat of other relatives
and fiiends.
Mrs Sadie Locmie Abbott, from
Woodstock, Vermont, ia the guest cf
relatives and friends in and around
A few days ago while Louis Smith
aa nuloading oal at bis residence the
hoises stsrted and liouia waa thrown
against the edge of the wagon box,
bruising bis side quite badly and
breaking to ribs.
Cora Midkiff dtives from the farm
every day to school in Homer. Mon
day morning while near lioma smiths
place the horse became frightened at
something and ran away, the buggy
struck the railing on the bridge throw
ing her out. Both buggy shafts were
broken. The horse after doing all the
mischief be could went a little further
and stopped to view the remains. Miss
Cora was plucky enough to ride the
horse home and report damages and
then come to school.
Mrs Sarah Smith and Mrs Louis
Smith returned Thursday from their
visit with Mrs Jastram at Franklin,
Will Oeblerking'a team ran away
with a load of potatoes in nomer a few
days ago. We did not bear if the po
tatoes were damaged or not but Will
was, to the extent of a cut face and
bruised shoulder.
Mrs Dr Burke and sister, Miss Rus
sell, drove to Sionx City Saturday.
Two of Off Harris's children were
on the sick list last week.
Will Winch repoita a twelve pound
boy at bis house.
Frank Mansfield, who lias been
orking at job work ii a printing oflico
in Kansas City, is here to visit.
Elmer Shook is a Homer visitor.
The Lutherans and Methodists are
each organizing tew choirs.
Rev Combs and wife visited at the
Rev Berg homo inTouca last weok.
Annt Louisa Cleveland is still con
fined to her room with rheumatism.
Mrs II B Smith, who bas been to
Wisconsin to viait her aged father, ro-
turned Saturday and ia now visiting
her daughter, Mrs Oliver Smith.
Mrs Mart Mansfield ar has gone to
Rock county to help her husband prove
up on bis sluim.
Will Uolsworth bad an experience
one day last week that be will not
soonfoi'get. While threshing in the
bluffs something abont the separator
become loosened and threw it out of
gear, causing a whirring sound which
frightened the horses and away they
went. Mr Uolsworth was on the
horsepower and the way it Hew around
wa a caution sweeps and bolts be-
they are busily engaged threshing and
diggiug their jiotatoes. The yield of
potatoes is very good where the recent
flood didn't strike them. Several buy
ers were here and a nnmbor of farm
ers bavo shipped a car each.
Mary Z Boler returned Sata day
evening from a six weeks vit-it with
friends in Omaha and Blair.
John Waters returned from his six
weeks' outing through Montana and
Dakota, feeling greatly recuperated.
Sam Brennaman bas disposed of bis
livery stock to a party from Lemars,
J C Taylor shipped a car of fat cat
tle to Sioux City Tuesday.
E D Voss and family spent Sunday
at Wayne with friends.
Rose Ueeney came over from Allen
and tpont Sunday with her parents
Caddie McOlashan, Mary Ilarty and
Mae Ueeney attended the teachers
meeting at Emerson Saturday.
Ida Ueyer of Winside, vssited her
brother Frank, of this place, between
trains Saturday.
Attorney F S Berry of Emerson was
a business caller here Tuesday
James Heeney shipped a cr load of
bogs to market Tuesday.
Maurice O'Connor is improving bis
town property by having a kitchen
built to his residence.
Lou Sninkle was an Emerson
enger Monday.
Dan Hartnett, of Hubbard, was a
caller here Monday.
John Manderscheid of Sioux City,
was a business caller hero Tuesday.
MrsL Schinkle's mother came down
from Concord and spent a few davs
Mrs Frod Hume canio np from Da
kota City Wednesday morning to visit
friends here a few days.
Mrs Simmons was n passoDger to
Emerson Wednesday morning.
Sheriff Hansen wai here on business
Tuesday afternoon.
About a score of our young people
were moat royaly entertained at the
home of Murrell and David Hileman
last Friday evening.
The potatoes are fast being moved
to market to make way for the bumper
corn crop.
Minnie Learner and Ollie Hale at
tended church at Homer Sunday evening.
Food Value
of a Soda Cracker
You have heard that some foods furnish fat,
other foods make muscle, and still others are
tissue building and heat forming. '
You know that most foods have one or more
of these elements, but do you know that no
food contains them all in such properly balanced
proportions as a good soda cracker ?
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water, are richer
in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much
higher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made
from flour.
That is why Uneeda Biscuit should
form an important part of every meal. They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to you in a package that is proof
against air, moisture and dust the price being
too small to mention.
; 5;"
Attend the Rally at Homer Monday Night
Tho "Warbler" is scrambling bard
gan to fly in every direction, and Will to keep up with it competitiis
thought his time had come. The rest
of the threshers stood around powerless
to stop tho wild race and were ready
to pick up the pieces, if there were
any left of Will. Finally one of the
horses fell down and tboy did not all
fail like the soldiers but stopped, and
with no one hart except Luther Triest
who was hit with an iron rod giving
him a lame shoulder. Every one
agreed that it waa a close call for Will
Uolsworth, and it would have been
closer f Harry Rasdal bad not staked
down the power so well.
Roe MoEntaffer and family of Emer
son visited at the Hand R jckwell home
Sunday and attended church.
Ed Wilkins, who bas been visiting
his uncle in Montana all summer, has
returned and is helping bis father
gather bis bumper corn crop.
. .. Will Oehlerking bas sold bis farm
to some of the Rider family and bas
bought land at South Sioux City.
Jimmy Allowav. wim ia vnriin
the Edwards & Jirmifor.l I
Homer, hsa been traoafered to i!,n.
cord and will assume his duties there
next Monday.
Bert Kioeariaon tlie sick list ty
phoid faver I believe ia the ailment.
Miss Edith OurU. of Atwater. Minn
u visiting br parents, Luther Priest
Mr Hodgins and wife of Tonca tpeht
ounaay witu tier parents bore
Gerald Dillon went to Dakota City
Monday to bear Hon Ueo U Sheldon,
republican candidate lor governor,
speak at the court house tuere that
afternoon, and came borne a better
republican than ever.
Lee 0 Kearney left Monday to visit
his parents at Elkton, B D.
Mrs J A Hall and daughter Oer
trude were shopping in the city Satur
James Krtmper baa beim confined
to hia bad the past week with a bad
oold .
Tuesday morning a message came
to Teter Bryan sa ing bia son-in-law,
J O Smith, bad died Monday night at
Mt Joaopb's hospital, Omaha, where be
bad gone two weeks ago to have an
operatiou performed, but later typhoid
lever set in atlU eansed his death.
Deceased leaves a wife aud ten child
ren to mourn hia death. Thos Bryan
left for Omaha Tuesday.
LE Hutchison, wife and children
are here visiting Mra Hutchison's var
ems, j uouge aud wife.
mra isani Urennaman waa on thtf
sick list the past week.
Fr McNaniara of Bloomfleld, visited
rr ivavanaugh here Tuesday after
noon, wiuio on his way home from
Newcastle, where he bad taken part
iu iony noura uevouon, that waa held
tuero the Urat ox the week.
MraJTMcEwen of Westtield,
ia here visiting her folks.
Mra J B Smith and daughter and
.'in juoa Justus and crriMren . -..
iting friend in Sioui Ci't thia week
iura j kj nicUouigle and little bov
went to Highland. S D. Ta,,l tn
a, .end a week with Mr McOouigle who
w nmjiug on uia claim there.
Wrai. War nock jh here viailinw .
.1.. u i . .. -u -
mo uuiue oi uer son U A liarlier.
T - a mm
A.(ie Murray is working in (I,
If ' O" wmv
uii-iey restaurant.
Mrs Ed Kearney arrived borne from
IWO weeks' visit with fr ..n.l.
Omaha, Friday.
w i Uart.ett male a businKM
ii Tonca Monday.
T Hickey left foi Tender last v
where be expects to remain ihia win.
The condition of Mra Paul ki,...
who baa been conllned to bar bed the
past three weeks, remains about the
John W Ryan was- on tlm n.w
Tnesdsy with a cav of hogs.
Mrs S F Tavlor left Tuk1. ..un.
a j V I I U"
ing lor a two weeks' visit will. i...
daughter at St Charles, 111.
The weather the past week Las been
very favorable for the farmers, and
Milton Forcshoe finished making
hay Saturday. Owing to the recent
high water that swept down across the
swamp, Mr rcresuoa was somewhat
Some much needed improvements
are being mado at the Meridian school.
Francis Joyce, who ia attending
school at Sioux Falls, has been suffer
ing with a aevere cold . She ia being
cared for at a hospital of that place.
Harry Brown is continuing making
numerous improvmeuts ou his farm.
Howard Lapsley was a (dan cupid)
visitor to Watevbury Sunday.
Nell COmbs spent Sunday at the
Milton Foreahoe home.
We wonder wbat "Songbird'a" opin
ion is now, since be read the article
published by Tom Sullivan.
Subscribe for Thk Herald $1 per
One Quart of
Makes a Barrel cf Medicine or Lice Killer
Liquid Koal Cures These:
. I.ung Fever Corn Stalk I'lscnsa Inflnnintion of Bowels
Hon (Jholorii Colic
(blunder Swine I'lninio
1'lnk Kye Intestinal Worms
Influenza Tulx'rculosl-J
Anthrax Tape Worm
Texas Fever Poll Kvll
Koun Chicken Cholera
I.ock-Juw BUml Staggers
Furcy Mniitte
Scours twisul Gleet
liquid Konl uctx Aftnn nppetlxer and vilnller. No lils
eoso nerni can escape It. This Is the reason itciiies.for when
the Kcrm Is destroyed the disease is none.
I .linn orni
(low Choleru
Foot Hot
Black Iiftr
Alxrtion lu Cows
n . . . . .
j nn process or ninmiiK Liquid Konl requires three dnys. The process of
compound embraces every Ormtciilc. Amu.. nil.. m..i in.i.,r....i...,t T......I i.. ...
until every objectionable feature Is eliminated. Iielnir noii-polsonous and hai inle's!
loriiuila: .. , per cent creosote, which embraces cresy lie acid ; SIS per cent llmilc
in these Is KUlplior, lKrux and niinhlhnl nml otln.r r,.iw..u.,l uuni. r 1....1.1 u-....
stroimer In unltseptle unci germicide agents than any preparation of similar nature on tlie market.
reduction requires !W0 degrees of lient. Th
n coal, treated chemically with an alkaline lxute
h. Liquid Koal Is made from the following
1 gases, :!', per cent soft son I). Stisrjended
I Is guaranteed to lie at least 20 per cent
Hog Cholera
First publication Oct ltf 6w
Sheriff's Sale.
Notion Is hereby given that ly vlrtno of
nn order of sale issued by Harry H. Adulr,
clerk of the district court in and for Imkota
county. Nebraska, and directed tome, H. (1.
Hansen, sheriff of said county. commanding
1110 to sell the premises hereinafter deso rill
ed to satisfy a certain Judgment of the tialit
district court of said county 11 lid HUitc. ol
tallied nt the Octolicr, lljfi. term thereof, to
wlt: on the Nth day of January, lum, in favor
of F. V. Glazier and against Nicholas Kyau
for the sum of eighty-six dollars and ninety
one cents ItNil.M). and eight dollars and
sixty-nine cents tX.w), as un attorney's fee,
witn interest on said sums from January H,
ll. nt 10 per cent, per annum, and his costs
taxed nt seventeen dollars and eighty cents
1 117X11. I have levied upon the following
lU'scrllx'd property, to-wlt: Tim north
twenty-four 121) were- of the northwest '
quarter of section fifteen (Ifi), township
twenty-Hue tutu, north, range seven 171, I
east, all lsln? located In said Dakota county
and state or Nebraska.
And 1 will, on Tuesday, the nih day of
November, Ham, at 11) rloek ft. in. of said
day, nt the south front rtofir of the court
house In Dakota City, Dakota cotmty, Ne- '
hrnskn, proceed to sell at public miction to
the highest and liest bidder, for cosh, nit of
the alsive dcscrtlicd property, or so much
thereof as limy tie necessary to satisfy snld
order of sale Issued by Harry H. AOiiir.
clerk of the district court lu and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon
In the aggregate Ixdng the sum of one1
hundred and twenty dollars and flflv-seven
cents Ifiaiji), and accruing costs. '
(ilven under mv (mini this 1st l rl,iv ,,f
Octolx-r, A. D. iwm.
11 C. liANBEN.
(sheriff of 'lukotll County. Neb.
First Publication September Jl-6w.
Sheriff's Sale. '
Notice- Is hereby given tlmt by vlrl,t" "f
ti order of s.,1,. immh-.I by Harry II. Ac"!.
Clerk of the district court In and for Hnko.'
cimtity, Nebraska, and directed to mo. H e '
me to.ei. the pr.-nds herVi;.
tosa ly one certain Judgment of the said
district curt of said county n, state" bl
.'I'J'r1 "t.1th,, "'UoiiiiieU February. A .It.
term t isreof, to-wlt: on the 11th day of
June, l'jutl, in favor of Kd. T. Kearney ami
aaalust Fnin Tracy. Orplm Tracy. . A.
lr".'7,..K- J- T''y. Anna Kohl. Phil, ii
Kohl. Mary Ague Frazler, Mary A. Kver-
'I":l.N..yl,' '.'-i',yl". John Hever.on.
Patrick Heennii, Fred illume, treasurer t.f
the county of Dakota, the iioiini.
ta, and the southwest qnnrter of the srruili
west quarter of section 4. tnwnship ai
north, of range 7. east of the t li principal
meridian, for the sum of two hnndred
twenty-two dollars and slit ..m. 1 m
Ixslle an attorney's fee nnHaiiitliig' to
lunili-twii dollars and iwenr4 ......
ifTJM). with Interest on said niiihw at In .-
cent. rx-rnunum from the llthdiiv ;1 .fun i
llm, ami Ills costs taxed at foilv J.,iu..
and eight cents iiiiuini. ;
1 nave levied upon the following de.'Tirw,
property, to-wlt: 'n. southwest quarter or
the southwest aiuirler of ,.,.ti..n
fouriyti. townvhlp tweuty-ulne tv, north
of range seven 1 Least of the eth prlin-loM
meridian, all lsln lM-uted In said v l,
county mid state -f Nebraska.
Aim 1 win, 011 Tuesday, the Stlrd day of
Cli)lT. at 10 oVIiu-li am. if ...l.l .1....
at the south front dxr of the court house In
DakMClty, Dakota, county, Nebraska, pro
ceed'tosrll at public miction to tho highest
and Is-st lildder. for eli. nil t.r th.. u.v.
described property., itr so iniicli 1 1... .-.,.. ....
nay is mvesnrv in amturv .ui.i ....- ...
sale Issiml hv llail-v Hi . A. lair. ....rl. . 1... I
district court In and fr Dakota couniv '
i'i i'in..n, uu' iiiiuiii. (iiw uiereon Ilk flhu
... Kn.r- is-inii me sum or two liunilr...!
lulity-four do iirs nml nlu..t v-f..,..- ........
1 1 . . - - v..
,.-.,.iri',niiii r. criiiug costs.
I'lvcil iiiiner mv lil.lifl. Oil. Vl.. aln ...
ii.... 1. ""a-
Khrt(Tof imkota County, Neb.
is a freo germ disease the germ being first found iu
the alimentary caual aud so l'Tg n it is conliued in
that 01 gan it is comparatively haruileks. When,
however it penetrates the lungs, liver and other or
gans it causes fermentation, itflamatioti and detrac
tion of live tisanes, fnrnishiug food upon which it
thrives and multiplies with wonderful rapidity, in
some cases a generation of an bour, cautiug death to
the animal before the owner Las diecovtred that it
was diseased. Thus through reasoning two facts
stand out clearly: First, that Hog Chtlera cannot be
treated successfully unless treatment bus commenced
before the germ has reached the period of rapid mul
tiplication. Second, that a germicide miiBt be ad
ministered, and therein lies the whole seiret. A's we
pass down the list of various germicides, we are com
pelled one by one, to reject them, cither because of
ioifllcieucy or inadapil.ility uutil we reach LIQCID
KOAL And wky choose LIQUID KOAL? Becuuse
it is the enly known germicide that will pass through
the stomach into the intestiues, and from there into
the bb od, permeating the entire system, and utili re
tain its germicide properties. It is a compound em
bracing every practical germicide, antiHtptio disin
fectant property found in coul, treated chemically
with an alkaline base, until every objectionable fea
ture is eliminated, being non-poisonous and harmless
to animal rcouomy. It contains cressel and quaicel.
It is these bydro-carlion compounds found in smoke
that-ourea a bam, destroying by its germicidal prop
erties all germ life.
Liquid Koal as a Lice Killer
When diluted with water in the propyl lions of cne
part of Liquid Koal to fifty parts water it is the best
lice killtr on the market. It is not expensive to use
because it forms a perfect emulsion with water rhen
..mixed in this proportion .
Worms in Hogs
The bog ia more affected with intestinal worms
than any other domestic animal. These worms are
created ky impure accun illations along the intestinal
tract and generally produced by poorly digested
The nature of the bog and bia manner of eating
make bim more susceptible to intestinal worms than
uny other animil. Under the present domestirkted
conditions he is not allowed the use of hi natural' in
stincts to obt.in the necessary elements that wonld
destroy these intestinal paratites. Being shut up in
a peu, be is not allowed to follow tbe dictate of Lie
nature. The hog that is wormy can neither grow
nor thrive for tho reason that the worms deatroy all1
tbe nutrition furnished in the food. Liquid Koul put
in the drinking water in the proportion of one quart
to a barrel and given them twice a week will destroy
all intestinal worms and keep them free ftorn their
formation and multiplication. It strengthens the ap
petite and tone up the system.
Phypician and Surgeon.
Calls prow ptly attended
-i4 mlSfcCT,;
Deimont, December 17, 1902.
I have used Liquid Koal for hog cholera aud found it all vsn
claim for it and more too. I used it ou oue that was sick, so hick
it could not get up, aud the next day it was eating and drinking
again. I have never lost a bog sinco I commenced using it
Emantal lioUN.
Wausa, Nebraska, December 16, 1902.
I have used Liquid Koal for nearly a year and fiud it an excel
lent article to keep hags in a healthy conditiou. and as au appetizer
it has no equal. Albkut Anokilson.
Ilartington, Nebr, December 10, 11)02.
Deah Sirs: I am a user ot Liquid Koal and am well pleased
w ith it, would not try to do without it. I fiud it useful iu a greaS
many ways. I have had no tick hocrs since I commenced usiag it a
YeT ago. Ia my xpiuiou it is the best and cheapest hog etiolertw
preventative on the market today. You can nae this as yott wish.
Anyi ue wishing to know more about thia pleaan write to me.
Enoch ICly.
L'quid Koal is maanfoctnred the
National HclW w
E. E. BAKRAGER, Preslc
Capital on quarter" m.Ill&fi.
Principal Office, Sheldcn, Iotf.
Blanches. Minneapolis, lfnn., Gleudive, Won.
Lewiston, Idaho, York, Nebraska,' Oklahoma1 City,
Oklahoma. j
For Sale and Guaranteed by
I,. ML ILeslie,
Devlcota City, Neb.