Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 05, 1906, Image 4

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    Dakota County Herald
Continuation of the Homer Herald.
(subscription Trice. $1.00 Tcr Yesr.
A weekly newspaper published At
Dakota City. Piebraska.
Permission has been granted for the
transmission of this paper through the
rtinilt as second-class matter.
Telephone No. 4.1.
Republican Ticket.
rnlted HUtei Senator Norrts Brown
Governor Oeonw I Sheldon
Lieutenant Governor M. R. Hopewell
Secretary of State 4,.Oeo.O. Junkin
A ml I tor K. M.rtearlc
Treasurer I J. Brian
Attorney General W.T. Thompson
llnllm-iLV ntitntnlmilnnprs
. II. J. Wlnnett
Hubert Cowell
J. A. William
I And Commissioner II. M. KHton
SiiDerintendent J. I McHrlcn
Coiurressman. Third IMstrlrt J. F. Boyd
Elehth District.... (loo. W. Wlltso
Citizens and Republican County Ticket
County Attorney K. H. Berry
Commissioner Third District. ..John Klerk
Republican Repiesentative Convention.
The republicans of the ICtli rcpre
tentative district of Nebraska, are
hereby called to meet in delegate con
vention, at Pender, Tbnrston county,
Nebraska, in said district, on Monday,
October 8, 1900, at 2 o'cluck p m, for
the purpose of placing in nomination a
cnneidate for representative for said
district to be voted for at tbe next gen
ral election, and for the purpose of
transacting such other business as may
come before the convention. The
basis of representation is the vote cast
for Charles It Lot ton, republican can
dilate for supreme judge in 1905,
being one delegate for each 125 votes
or major fraction thereof, and one
d. legate at large for each of said
counties in said diatrict, giving Cum
ing 9, Dakota 0, Tlinrston 5.
It is recommended that the dcla
gates present from each of avid coun
ties be permitted to cast the full vote
of their respective delegation.
II 8 Smith,
J E Bkown,
Judge Edgar Howard seems to wax
quite indignant over the intimation
that Judge Graves, the demcratio
nominee) for congress ia the Third Ne
liraaka diHtriot, has ridden on passes
since he was elected to a place on the
district bench. Judge Howard do
cln res that "Judge Oraves says be has
bot ridden mile on a railroad pats
inoe he took his seat ou tho district
bench several years ago," and ehal
lengea The lies to bring on proof to
the contrary. Wa fcavo no record of
wh it Judge Graves says. If he will
i it it in writing that he never asked
for a pass since be became judgo we
may accommodate the desiro of Judge
Howard for further enlightenment,
Omaha liee.
The biggest booat that has been given
the candidacy of Judge Boyd in the
'Third district ii the bolt of his nomina
tion by tbe Pender Republic, which pre
tends to baae its opposition on the
charge that he once rode on railroad
pusses." The Pender Ilspublio is knowu
far and wide as the thick and thin
mouthpiece of the ring of Indian land
rafters, who have been despoiling the
Tioor Indiana on the Omaha and Winne
bugo reservations. Its opposition to
I lord meaue that the land thieves and
i hair abettors do not regard the republi
iDO andidate as a eats man for them
mid that they prefer bin demooiatioop
ponent, who jives nearer to tuo agency
nod is better known to thorn. The
Thurstou county delegation, which was
i.aawd by the ringsters, was against
u.iva lor nomination, wiiicu was one
nuark to his credit, and their oontinuod
-opposition should strengthen him fctill
ifanhor with decent and honest pooplo
republican and democrats alike
tlirougbo.it the district -t-Omaha Bee
Rrr.riAt. CoBRrspoDKNcr.
Dan Ilartnett and wife were city vis
itors Wednesday.
IJnug us your farm produce, we pay
tbe highest cash price. Carl Anderson.
Tom Pnpgan is very low with can
cer of the liver.
John Green and Frank Ileeney
went to Omaha Wednesday to see the
When you want a good duck coat
for fall, go to Carl AndenonV All
sizes and prices.
D J Connley and wife went to Sioux
City, Wednesday.
Myers Bros shipped a car load of
hogs Thursday.
Try a meal at the Nordyke coffee
house when in town. Lunches and
meals served at all hours.
Mary O'Connor went to Sioux City
Mrs Carl Anderson was a Dakota
City visitor, Thursday of last week.
For all kinds of corn buskers sup
plies, such as jackets, overalls, ' mit
tens, etc, go to Carl Anderson's.
Mrs John F Myers was down to the
city Thursday of last week.
W L Dodge shipped a car of his
tborobred Hereford to Harlan, lows,
Wednesday, to a party there who is
gokg into the fancy cattle business.
He shipped a car of hogs to Sioux City
the lime day.
Soe our line of pookctknives for
boys, they cant be beat for the price.
Cail Anderson.
Alice Deacotn was a passenger to
Omaha Tuesday, where she will visit
friends and take in the carnival.
Mrs Louis Deroin was up to Emer
son Wednesday.
Myers Bros shipped out two cars of
grain Wednesday.
We still have a few of those nickel
plated Itochea'er lamp and cole blast
lanterns. Carl Anderson.
Jjouis Herman or Homer, was in
town Wednesday morning, bringing
the Collins Bros orchestra here to take
the tram.
Rural route No No 2 was estsblishel
from this place October 1st, with Pearl
Pcrsenger as carrier.
I our cuns of corn for 25 cents at
Carl Anderson's.
Mrs Hans Nelson was
to the city Wednesday.
Joo Leeuom is back from his trip to
ths DakoUe, where be went to look
up a location in the livery busiuess.
He has tot decided jet where he will
We can sell you a good, lnavy pair
of 11x4 blankets for $1. Carl Ander
M Fitzmmons and wife wero Sioux
City shoppers Wednesday.
Dun Ilartnett is figuring on build
ing a flue new barn thU fill.
I have for sale 500 bushels of fall
seed wheat. This is the No 1 Turkey
lied, and is the best to be had. Call
and see me. Frank Ufilng
ToUnPeokhara, an old resident of this
place, died late Saturday night. He
was found dead in bed about 11 o'clock
that night, by bis ton Willie. He bad
been threshing that day and after sup
per, not feeling well, went and laid
down and wben found later life had
left him. The funeral services were
held Tuesday, conducted by Father
English, and tbe remaius were inter
red in the Hubbard oemetary. De
ceased came from Ireland, and wi s in
bis 67th year. He loavea five children.
Mrs L li'iuck, of Long Pine, Neb, and
Willie, E Iward, Lizzie and Mamie.
of this placo.
Ben. Mr Kearney left Wednesday
to stay the remainder of the week.
Mrs J W Finnell visited friends in
Sioux City Monday and Tuesday.
L C Kearney and J M Millen saw
"Peggy from ram" at the Grand
Monday night.
J nines Jones was visiting bis parents,
T B Jones and wife, several days last
week, before returning to Omaha to
resume bis studies at the college of
Mrs L II Justus is visiting at the
homes of Mrs Will Mann and Mrs Geo
Thompson this week.
James Boler left for Omaha Monday
morning to attend the Creighton uni
versity again this year.
M J McMullen left for Waterbnry
Tnesdav evening where be expects to
work in an elevator.
W T Bartlett was doing business in
Ponoa Wednesday.
Miss Celia Brady spent Sunday here
at the home of her prrents.
Miss Julia Nelson has gone to Sioux
City to do dressmaking this fall.
James Kramper and sister Anna re
turned from Omaha Monday evening,
after spending a week visiting friends
William Haitnett bought a load of
feeders at the yards in Sioux City last
Mrs Mary E Nordyke lsft for Bloom
field. Neb. where she will visit i
month at the home of her daughter,
Mrs W C Mitchell.
Rev Fr Moriarity writes that he is
very well and nicely situated at Ben
son, Neb,
J J McAllister, of Dakota City, was
in town Wednesday.
A conference was held here Tues
day a number of priests of the dio
cese being in attendance.
ft i I
It-.- - I
from our Exchanges
Ponta Journal: Dr G A Youugre
ports a flue baby boy at the U
St idiog home which arrived Sunday
Ryder, N D, News: Mr A Seymour
is a recent arrival from Dakota City,
Neb. He has purohased a farm just
an or town.
Oakland Republican: Mrs S
Karnes, of Homer, transferred here
Monday from visiting in Omaha and
Council Bluffs.
Decatur Herald : Aa we go to pi ess
we learn that Miss Ruth Miller and
"Glen Olbrey were married in Oaaw
Wednesday. Congratulations,
Decatur Items in Tekamah Herald
.o i unoyce went to Dakota city on
Monday. ...Mr Louis Neal returned
1o tbe soldiers' home at Milford last
"Emerson Enterprise: II O Armour
p-irchased drug store at Speucer,
eb, last week. Dr Geo Armour ha
harge of it at present and H O will
rot move out for awbile preferring to
.titke life easy.
Tonca Leadei : Father Byrne went
'to Jackson this afternoon.... J VFear
eon made a business trip to Dakota City
Jtieeday alternoon....l Ualstes
.made a bna'neas trip to Sioux City an
- ..Dakota uity naturday.
Thurston Items in Pender Times
TUr Westfall of Dtkota City, visited at
the P M Barnes home the first of the
week.... A Nash was a passenger to
'Omaha last Batnrday. Lie aooompa
uied bis daughter that far on her way
to Haskell, Kansas, where she will at
tend sobooL
Lutheran Church Announcements.
Preaching Sunday morning at Sa
lem at 11.00 o'clock, Sunday school
at 10:00, C E at 7:30 p m.
Preaching at Dakota City 8:00p
m, U K 7:C0, Sunday school at
9:45 am, isaion Band at 3 :00 p m
A cordial welcome to all.
or boy, man or woman, is quickly out
of psin if Bncklen s Arnica Salve is
applied promptly. J G Welch, of
Tekonsha, Mich, says, I use it in my
family for cuts, sores and all akin in
juries, and find it perfect" Quickest
pile cure known. Rest healing salve
made. 25o at L M Leslie's drug store
The terms of court for this, the 8th
judicial district, for 190G, are as fol
Cuming .
.Tnnunry 22, September 10
Jmiuiiry ?M, September 17
April it, OctolsT IS
, February li. October I
March 6, November 1?
Maich 19. Decembers
results from chronic constipation,
which is quickly cured by Dr King's
Life Pills. They remove all poisonous
germs from the system and infuse new
life and vigor; cure sour stomach,
nausia, beadacho and colic, without
griping or discomfort. 2Go. Guaran
teed by L M Leslie, druggist.
"My mother has suddenly been made
young at YU. .twenty years oi intense
suffering from dyspepsia had entirely
disabled her, until six months ago,
when she began taking Electrio Bit
tern, which have completely cured her
and restored the strength and activity
she bad in the prime of life," writes
Mrs W L Gilpatrick, of Danfortb, Me.
Greatest restorative medicine on the
globo. Sots stomach, liver and kid
neys right, purifies the blood, and cures
malaria, biliousness end weakness.
Wonderful nerve tonic. Price 50o.
Guaranteed by L M Leslie's drug store.
Imported draft stallions, $1000 each.
Home-bred registered draft stallions,
$300 to 800. Halt Bros, Osceola, Ia .
Ten Farms for Sale. Good ones, all
sizes and kinds. Warner & Eimers.
Soda Crackers
Home-bred draft stallions, $250 to
$000; imported stallions, your choice,
$1008, F L Stream. Cres'ton, Ia.
The Herald and tho Minneapolis
Dally News for $2 . Here's a chance
to get a whole lot of reading matter
for a li tie money. Ask for a copy.
The best im ported horses, $1000 each.
Home-bred registered draft stallions,
$250 to $750 at my stable doors. A.
Latimer Wilson, Creston, Ia.
When you hav a news item that
you would like to see in print, ting up
the Herald, No. 43, and we'll print it.
anything you choose milk for instance or alone.
At every meal or for a munch between meals, when
you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant
corner, in the morning when you wake hungry, or at
night just before going to bed. Soda crackers are so
light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at
times when you could not think of eating anything else.
But as in all other things, there is a difference in sod
crackers, the superlative being
Uneeda Biscuit
a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri
tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed
a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is
preserved for you.
Special CoBRKsponnKNCB.
Jirs J lii McGociKle was visitinar
menus in ilubburd Tuesday.
Kate Sullivan of Sioux Citv mcnt
r- . .... . . .
ouuuay wuu her folks here.
Miss Francis Sorenson. of Hubbard.
is attending school hare and btsvinn
at the home of Wm Haitnett,
Fred Krumwiode and wifo are the
happy parents of a baby boy their
first born.
Mrs Ed T Konrcey left Monday for through, and
Spkciai, Oorrksposlenck.
Mr and Mrs Zeller, of Sioux
spout Sunday at the Addie
The little daughter of Chester
kes and wife has been quite sick.
Mrs B O nileman and daughter
Pearl went to Omaha Saturday to vis
it relatives and take in Ak-Har-Den.
The Farmers Rural Telephone com
pany, of South Salem, are now con
nected with central at Dakota -City.
Charles Heikes witnessed the ball
game in Sioux City Sunday.
I W Fisher is erecting a magnificent
two story cow barn.
Thomas MoGlashen and wife spent
Sunday at the Waterman home near
Milt Foreslioe took in the dance at
Homer Tuesday night.
Robt Altemus, of Sioux City, and
Audrey Allowav, of Homer, spent Sun
day at the Altemus home of this place.
Staok threshing has now began in
earnest aud the thresher whistle can
be heard in every direction.
Tho cattle are now being brought
home from the pasture and this is the
time of vear the farmer dreads most
to have the stock around, as time and
feed are soaroe.
Is Col Learner hunting boar or a
much needed housekoepei .
Elmer Blessing and Emmett Uiib
ble are in Montana on a sheep buying
Frank Learner and Tom Gribble re
turned Wednesuay from their trip to
the Shoshoue reservation. Neither of
them filed on claims, as it is reported
thut the irrigation project has fallen
the land is worthless
First publication Kept II 6w
Sheriff's Sale.
Notloo Is hereby itlven thnt by virtue of
nn order of snle lusued by Hurry II. Aclnlr,
clerk of the district court in mid for Dakota
county, Nebraska, nnd directed to me, H. v.
Hansen, sherltT of said county, coiiiiiiiiikIIiik
me to sell the premises hereinafter (lcscrl!
cd to swtlsfy a certain JuilKnieiit of the Mild
district court of snVI county nod state, ol
tallied at the Octolier, Im'iS, term thereof, to
w It : ou the Nth day of .lanunry, li). In favor
of K. P. (Hazier and luialnst Nicholas Kyim
for the sum of elKhty-stx dollars nnd ninety
one cents ($MI.DI. and elKht dollars aud
sixty-nine cents ($n.(Mi), as nn attorney s fee,
with Interest on said sums from J ii nuary M,
Ht(, lit 10 percent, per annum, and his costs
taxed nt seventeen dollars and elKhly cents
17.ho. I hnvo levied upon the following
'described property, to-wlt: The north
twenty-four (241 acres of the northwest
nuurter of section fifteen IIA), township
twenty-nlno (swi, norm, ramie seven (71,
east, all being located In said Dukota county
and statu of Nebraska.
And I will, on Tuesday, the Kith dny of
(VtolH'i-, liK), nt lo o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the south front lior of the court
house in Dakota city, niikoin county, e
braska, proceed to sell nt public, auction to
the liiifhcst nnd lxst bidder, for cash, all of
the alsive descrllx-d property, or so much
thereof as may 1st necessary to satisfy said
order of sale Issued by Harry II. Adair,
clerk of the district court In and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, the amount due thereon
in mu RKKrcKntti Drill? ino sum oi one
hundred and twenty dollars nnd llfty-seven
cents (tr.Hl.fi7), and nccruliiK costs.
(ilven under my hand this l'Jtii clay or
Scptcmlmr, A. D. Iuik).
Sheriff of Dakota County, Neh.
Read "The
for All the
One Quart of
Makes a Barrel of Medicine fir Lice Killer
Liquid Koal Cures These:
Inf.nmntion of
I.uiik Worm
Cow Cholera
Foot Kot
Black UK
Alsirtlon in Cows
SScra trims
I.iiiik Fever Corn Stalk Disease
Hon Cholera Colic
Olftiiders Hwlno Plneue
Fink Kye Intestinal Worms
Innuenza TuIhtcuIosIs
Anthrax Tape Worm
Texas Fever l'oll Kvil
Roup Chicken Cholera
I,ock-jaw I'.llnd (Staggers
Farcy Mange
Scours Nasal flleet
Liquid Koal nets nsan appetizer and vitali.cr. No dis
ease derm can escape It. This is the reason It cures, for when
tho gurin Is destroyed the diseaso Is cone.
Tho process of mnklnff Liquid Konl requires three days. Tho process of reduction requires .tV) degrees of heat. The
compound embraces every Ocrmlclde, Antiseptic nnd Disinfectant found In coal, treated chemically with no alkaline Iwise
until every objectionable feature is eliminated, Ix'Iiir non-poisonous and harmless. Liquid Koal Is made from the following
formula: iUiS per cent creosote, which embraces cresyllc acid ; ifcl!- per cent liquid Buses, HH'i per cent soft soap. Suspended
In these Is sulphor, lKrax aud nnphthol and other remedial agents. Liquid Koal is guaranteed to be at least 20 per cent
stronger In antiseptic und germicide agents than nay preparation of similar nature on the market.
Omaha to risit and take in Ak-Sar-: without it.
Ltat of SoKools of th County, Giving NtKtn of
tho Director tnd Tsaohsr, avlaio Post'
of floe Addr of Esvch.
(Director's address snino as toucher's, unless otherwise stated.)
First Publication September 21 Gw.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of
nil order of sale issued by Harry II. Adair.
clerk v-S-VW'l-Mrik t court In and for Dakota
county, Nebraska, nnd directed to me, H.C.
Hansen. sherltT of said county, commanding
me to sell the premises hereinafter descrllx-d
to satisfy one certain Judgment of the said
district court of said county nnd state, oli
talned at the adjourned February, A. D.
Ill term thereof, to-wlt: on the llth day of
June, hurt. In favor of Kd. T. Kearney, nnd
iignlnst Frank Tracy, Orpha Tracy. (. A.
Trncy. It. J. Tracy, Anna Kohl, I'hll. H.
Kohl, Mary Agnes Fra.ler, Mary A. Kver
SOU..I. N.Coyle, J. F. Coy le, .lohil Heverson.
Patrick lleenau. Fred Hlume, treasurer of
the county of Dakota, the County of Dako
ta, and the southwest quarter of the south
west quarter or section 24, township 2ti,
north, of range 7, east of the llth principal
meridian, for tho sum of two hundred
twenty-two dollars nnd sixty cents ( $-.'22.ii(il,
lN-stdcs an attorney s fee amounting to
twenty-two dollars and twenty-six cents
Xr.'.'-Nli, with Interest on said sums at In per
cent, per annum from the llth day of June,
ham, and his costs taxed nt forty dollars
and eight cents (in.ii,
1 have levied upon the following descrllied
property, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of
iiin southwest quarter of section twenty
four (211. township twenty-nine 2I)I, north,
of range seven 171, east of the Hth principal
meridian, all ls-lng located In suld Dakota
county and state of Nebraska.
And I will, on Tuesday, the 2:1 rd day of
OcIoIht, hmtl, at III o'clock mil. of said day,
nt the south front door of the court house in
Dakota City, Dakota county, Nebraska, pro
ceed to sell at public auction, to the highest
nud best bidder, Ue rash, all of tho above
described property, or so much thereof as
may 1st necessary to satisfy suld order of
sale Issued by Harry II. Adair, clerk of tho
district court In and for Dakota county,
Nebraska, the amount duo thereon In the
aggregate Is'lng the sum of two hundred
eighty-four dollars and ninety-four cents
($iS4.W, and accruing costs.
(liven under my hund this 21st day of
Septeinls r, A. D. ltKMt.
Sheriff of Dakota County, Neb,
Hosr Cholera
Ii. Koss
W. A. llelkes
Kdwln Morgan (Dakota City)
J. At J1U1I
W. W. Ilenlnger..
Thos. Crosby ,
Frank Hecney...
D. W. Hoeh (Dakota City) ,
N. K. Smith
John Hiireum
L. Jeep
1J A. J. Parker
IHtilon Armour
14 Weo. C. Warner...
lftjohn Hartnutt...
lSCarl ljtrseu
17 K. 11. UhhuIs
15 hu.l VHM
l'HIieo. Hnrnes.
Subscribe for the Herald, tbe
jnpr l the county. $1 year.
Max Nelson
Mike Mitchell
S. It. Polly
K. J. Mots
.1. W. i wohlg
Henry Wnllwcy
Wm. lloerts
John Hush
Nels Andersen
Chris Horenseu
James Harden
Mrs. Flora li. Ash ford...
Ben Rondorsou.
Theo. Peters. . . .
John O'Neill....
(ieo. Teller
James Ileeney ,
it. II. Stolse. ..
I. A.OImstcad .
W. II. Pntchln, Dakota City.
W. I.. Host,
Myrtle Kolierts. " "
lllancho Hamilton, " "
Pearl Itoddy, " "
Gwendolyn Hock well,
Helen O'Neill. Jackson.
Sister M. Itenetta. "
Sister M. lldefouse, "
Sister M. Felioln, "
Sister M.Ortrudo, "
Helen Hnrty, "
Ixiretto Duggnn, Goodwin.
K. it. IWmohoo, Huhlmrd.
Mary Qui nil, "
Anna Klllackey, "
Amy Hymlll, Homer.
Nell Combs, "
MaU'l Johnson, "
M. I. Kills, South HouxCity.
L. It. Hunt,
Mrs. Cora Kills, "
Kthel liu i ke, "
Ida Jeep.
Anna Burtlott, "
Alice O'Neill, "
!( telle O'Neill,
llessio KolMrtson, Dakota City,
l.lile Mcohudinn, " "
Helen Ornnger, Homer.
Nellie llogall, Huhlmrd.
Kv Klnnear, Homer.
Anna Pliiceu, Hublxird.
Minnie .ink, Walerbury.
I aura Kittson, "
Floreiicoilllllllnn, Huhhnrd.
Catherine Hennessey, Jackson.
Anna llarty, imkota City.
Claire ijipsley, Koutli Sioux City.
Frances Coriile, Juckaon.
AniiaChristeUHeo, Finer sou,
Kels'ei a Knox, Hublstrd.
Iiael Penry, Jm-ksoii.
Lucy Jones, Hublstrd.
Mary Timlin, Waterlsiry,
Alice Malady, Koi'lh Sioux City.
H. H. Clark Homer.
Kutherine Uulnn, "
Kihhi Smith, "
Mais I llarvvy, "
Cmldlit McUlashan, Kmerson.
Heaslo Turner, "
Mary Clark, Jackson.
Anna (iood fellow, "
Mary llarty, Nacora.
Marguerite Tarrant, Emerson.
W.J. Seelcy, Prln.. Kmerwin. lolnt tllst.
OKO. J. llOl'CHKR. Cot RTT filfkRlKTITPK NT. i
t "The Dank that t
Always T
f. treats you
RlgKtM t
Keeps you "hustlin" to live up
that. Been doing it for oyer
20 years.
1100.00 hung up for the first
persou whom the Bank has
wronged and refused to right.
Very Low Rates
just now, on real estate and t
cattle loans. X
Call and see us
Bank of Dakota County J
Jackson, Neb,
Physician and Surgeon.
Call promptly attended
is a ree germ disease, the germ being first found in
the alimentary canal and so long a it is confined in
that organ it is comparatively barmlefs. Wben,
however it penetrates the lunge, liver and other or
gans it causes fermentation, inflamatiou and destruc
tion of live tissues, furnishing food upon which it
thrives and muUip'.itu with wonderful rapidity, in
some cases a generation of an hour, cautiug death to
the animal before tbe owner Las discovered that it
was diseased. Thus through reasoning two fuels
stand out clearly: First, that Hog Cholera cannot be
treated successfully unless treatment has commenced
before tbe germ has reached the period of rapid mul
tiplication. Second, that a germicide must be ad
ministered, and therein lies the whole secret. As wo
puss down the list of various germicides, we are com
pelled one by one, to reject them, titber because of
im fliciency or inadapibility until we reach LIQUID
KOAL And wky choose LIQUID KOAL? because
it is the enly known germicide that will pass through
the stomach into the intestiut s, and from thereinto
tho blood, permeating the entire system, aud ftiii re
tain its germicide properties. It is a compound cm
bracing every practical germicide, antistptio disin
fectant property found in coal, tree ted chemically
with an alkaline base, until every objectionable fea
ture is eliminated, being non-poisonous and harmless
to animal economy. It contains cressel and quaicel.
It is these hydro-curbon compounds found in smoke
that cures a bam, destroying by its germicidal prop
erties all germ life.
Liquid Koal as a Lice Killer
When dilated with water in the proportion! of one
part of Liquid Koal to fifty parts water it is tie best
lice killer on tbe market. It is not expensive to use
because it forma a perfect emulsion with water rhen
mixed in this proportion .
Worms in Hogs
The bog is more affected with intestinal worms
than any other domestic animal. These worms are
created by impure acctta nlations along the iutetiual
tract and generally produced by poorly digested
Tbe nature of the beg nnd bis manner of eating
make him more susceptible to iutestiuul worms than
any other onim-il. Under tho present donu st'eated
conditions be is not hllowed the use of bis natural in
stincts to obtiin the necessary elements that would
destroy these intestinal parasites, lieing sl ut tip in
a pcu, be is not allowed to follow the dictates of his
nuture. The bog (but is wormy can neither grow
nor thrive for the reason thut tho worms destioy all
the nutrition furnished in the food. Liquid Koal put
in the drinking water in the proportion of ono quuit
to a barrel aud giveu them twice a week will destroy
all intestinal worms and keep them free fiom their
formation and multiplication. It strengthens the ap
petite and tones up the system.
a urn
M y . Urn
Delmont, December 17, 1902.
I have used Liquid Koal for bog cholera and found it all you
claim for it and more too. I used it ou one that was nick, so hick
it could not get up, and the next day it vas eating aud drinking
again. I have never lost a bog bince I commenced using it
Emanval Hoh,
"Wausa, Nebraska, December i6, i62.
I have Used Liquid Koal for nearly a year and find it an excelJ
lent article to keep hogs in a healthy condition, and as an appetizer
it has no equal. Albert Andehson.
HartinRton, Nebr, December 10, 1902.
Dkab Sirs : I am a user of Liquid Koal and am well pleased
. with it, would not try to do without it. I find it useful in a great
many ways. I have bad no sick hocrs since I commenced using it a
year ago. In my epiniou it is tho best and cbeapeht bog cholera
preventative on the market today. You can use this as you wish.
Anyrue wishing to know more about this please write to me.
Enoch Ely.
Liquid Koal is manufactured by tho
National Mcdica
E. E. BARRAGER, President.
Capital one quarter million.
Principal Office, Sheldcn, Iowa.
Blanches: Minneapolis, Minn.,
Lewiston, Idaho, York, Nebraska,
Olendive, Mont,
Oklahoma Uity,
For Sale and Guaranteed by
1L. IyS ILeslief
Devkota. City, Neb,