WOMAN RULES KICKAP00S. I'm H3:'- -j '- , ji jLi-jJi- -u, m'T .;..! .' .; l iuxluw u- ' .- "V 'VAt - - "Z. JL . O - Mini tr. rsv r. rrz.ffi CONCLUSION. Tne henrt of London Is surrounded by weak lungs. The latest expert In vestigations show that within a radius of two miles from Charing Cross, near which the Hotel Cecil :s, there Is no ozone In the air whatever. The device uggested by Dr. Ves Vcuux, the luug specialist, last year, that fresh air be brought Into the city by means of tube railways and the bad air pumped out by the same channels, has not as yet been put Into operation. The city still deserves the name of "Smog," which lie gave It, telescoping tlio two words, y psanoke" and "fog," together Ingenious ly. This "smog" Is a good deal Lnotlced as the strange? starts out to Eaee London by way of the Strand. (J ' In Fleet street Is a hairdresser's shop L which elicits attention by Its claim, In- 1 former palace of Henry VIII. and Car dinal Wolsey. There ere newspaper offices Innumerable In Fleet street and 1n the narrower streets that lead away from It Near by Is Chancery lane, the chief legal thoroughfare, of London. Hidden off here, on the right, Is the Temple church, which the Knights Templar built In the twtlth century In Imitation of the Round church of the Holy Sepulcher at Jerusalem, when they returned from their first two cru sades. On this side Is Fetter lans, where the White Horse lrwi once stood, most i famous among old coaching houses. Down Bouverle street to Wbltcfrlars, (formerly crowded with thieves and debtors, who sought the privilege of i sanctuary which the old church con- t erred. A ride on the top of an omnibus gives the tourist the proper Idea of busy London. Not only does he see much, but he gets In touch with an Interest ing phase of life. From whatever cause It happens, the pride In race and coun try which these old irlvers feel, their respect for royalty and government represent pretty fairly the highest pa triotic spirit of England's lower middle class whom misguided foreigners some times pity. There Is a sturdiness and Independence about them which marks them as belonging to a ruling people, and, what Is yet morn to the point, their respect for their sovereign Is like an extension of their own self irespect They speak of the king as tf !be were an elder brother, the head of .their family, whom they affectionately revere. After a day In London a visit to the THE HUNTING SI'ASON. Cincinnati Post MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. Madison Square Garden, where Wil liam J. Bryan spoke Iu New York, Is one of the notable atructures In the city. It stands at 23d street and 5th avenue and looms up In what architects call warm tones" and Is surmounted with a tower planned after the historic Glr atda at Seville, Spain. It Is capable of housing anything from a circus to a chamber concert, and In It have been held many notable meetings. The an nual hor3e shows are held within lta MADISON 8QUABE OABDEIf. walls, and the number of sporting events that have taken place under Its roof ate almost without number. The roof of the garden Is crowned with ar tistic domed turrets and the main cor ner of the structure has an Imposing coluanade thut Is beautiful In deslgu. The architect of the building was the late Stanford White, who on the night of the 2Mb of June last waa shot and kllll by Harry K. Thaw la the roof country Is a dreamy contrast. It Is a wandering through charming fields and winding country lane conflued by hedge rows and ancient stiles, where the lark's wing song of ct-stacy echoes amid Infinite variety and pastoral re pose. The traveler crosses the battle field of Shrewsbury, pusses a village that contains the remains of a British bill fort, crosses a dike built by the early Saxons. He comes Into Wales, land of curious names, crossing by the high viaduct the lovely valley of the Celrlng. The massive round tower of Chirk castle comes lnti view, then by a second lofty viaduct the river Dee. and the magnificent oaks of Wynnstay Park. Chester Is :ench3 across a great Iron bridge. This, the capital of Cheshire, is the quaintest of all old English towns, and most mediaeval In aspect. Here almost every American stops first, and wanders around wide eyed and admiring. Every stone of the old walls is Interesting. I'hoenlx tower has Its tragic memory graven on It Its Inscription tells how Charles I. stood here watching the defeat of his troops on Rowtou moor some 201 years ago. Where the canal runs along the north wall there was once a moat The tourist who takes a rapid scurry over the Island wishes always to take In as a last reminder of merry England the bench of Margate. Margate has all kinds of Coney Island attractions. Iu fiction Its name Is mentioned with far greater frequency than Coney Island Is. In English stor'es people are always running down to Margate, pro vided they do not go to nearby Hams gate, which Is a notch or so higher up the social scale. Of these two re sorts Margate Is the smaller, and to this fact probably Is due the effect which It gives of having the larger number of temporary guests. It has for the entertainment of Its visitors a "Hall by the Sea," where concerts are held. It also has two theaters, a kur saal, a grotto, and an opeu air theater with promenades and a band stand. Dath houses are scattered along Its beaches. Liverpool is stamped all over with the word "America." There are Ameri can ships In the harbor, and American goods on the docks. There are carts plied high with American cotton, and, best of all, upon the mainmast of a great liner Inviting to a tomeward Journey, the stars and t-trlpes float proudly, as the giant steamship rides down the Mersey towards the sea. (The End.) p gi.rdeu surmounting the structure. The stutue of Diana, which stands on the pinnacle of the Uiralda tower, was de signed by the celebrated sculptor, Fred erick MacMonnles. Leluhtoii and III Critic. The lute Lord Lelghton, president of the Uoyal Academy, once hud a chunce to learn something about blmsclf that perhaps he hud not suspected. Ills chunce came to him at a picture gallery where his painting, "Helen of Troy," was on exhibition. He Joined the group of ladles who were standing before It Just In lime to hear one of the numler say : "It'a a horrid picture simply hor rid !" "I'm sorry, but It's mine!" Lord Lelghton exclaimed, Involuntarily. "You don't mean to say you've bought the thing?" questioned the same Judy. "No, I painted it," the ortlst humbly replied. The critical lady was momentarily abashed; then she said, eiiHlly: "Oh, you mustn't mind what I say." "No, Indeed, you mustn't," another began, earnestly. "She only said what everybody else U saying!" Youth's Companion. Toaaetl. "Dubley has an auto now and he doesn't seem to do anything else but chase around tho country in It" "Yes, he's very strongly attached to his machine and " "He wasn't the last time I saw him on tho road, lie was about twenty feet above It." Mot fur llliu. "I thought you said that lawyer would get my father's property for we." "Didn't he get It for your "Mo; bat be got It" Houston Fort. The Klckaioo Indiana, known the country over aa the most persistent wanderers on the western continent, have taken Into their tribal council as a chleftess one of their women and on her advice they have renounced alle giance forever to the United States and settled down for all time In the moun tains of old Mexico. The woman who Is to direct the destinies hereafter of the Klckapoos has thwarted the plans of this government to Induce her people to return to this country and has de clared her Intentions of Ignoring all fu ture overtures that may be made to thorn by Washington. Mexico, recogulz tng In the Klckapoo an Industrious red man, skilled Iu the art of fighting and hunting and being an exceptionally cleanly Indian, has insured him a per manent home In the neighboring repub lic, guaranteeing him facilities for fur thering bis agricultural and stock raising plans and giving him ample ter ritory over which he may roam unmo lested. . Only recently the United States offi cial at Washington sent an agent to Mexico to see If the tribe could be In duced to abandon its plans for adopt ing Mexico as Its future home. De signing the purpose of the agent Chlef tess Wapahoka, who Is about 45 years old and a very shrewd woman, appeal ed to President Diaz, who ordered that the. Washington representative leave the reservation at once. For years Chleftess Wapahoka has been striving to get the remnants of her once etrong tribe together on the other aide of the border and her life's ambition has been realized finally. In bands of a dozen or so the Klckapoos have been quietly crossing over the Mexican border. Hav ing got her people together, Wapahoka has determined that the tribe shall re main Intact In the future and to that end she has enforced from the men a pledge that they will abandon their wanderings forever and live out their lives peacefully in Mexico, being In turn recognized as their leader. The Klckapoos fought under Tecum seh against Gen. William Henry Harri son at Tippecanoe and were prominent as a fighting tribe until their final de feat by Gen. Zachary Taylor at Fort Harrison, following the outbreak of the war with England In 1812. Originally the Klckapoos lived In tho upper Ml slsslppl river country and belbnged to the Algonquin family. Gradually they moved down into Illi nois and roamed over the country be tween the Mississippi and Wabash riv ers. Iu the early history of the coun try they were bitter toward the Eng lish and supported the colonists against England In the war for Independence. Later they turned against the colonists and a state of war against the Klcka poos was continued until 1702. It was In 1811 that they fought under Tecumseh. In 1815-10 treaties were made with the government by which they gave up their lands In Illinois and removed to a reservation In Kansas on A HONEY IN IT. VXN',s,',',sNVN,,'4 When the Salvation Army first came to America, twenty-live yeara ago, says the author of "The Prophet of the Poor," it found a ready advocate of lis methods In the Rev. Thomas K. Beech er. Mr. Beecher bad Just had a lesson, in parable form, from a certain "Broth er" Anderson, which he never forgot Brother Anderson was at that time the pastor of a colored congregation i which was noted for the noise and en thusiasm of Its services. Incidentally the old man wielded a whitewash .brush, but he was known ns an exhorter of no mean ability. One day he per suaded Mr. Beecher to address his con gregation. The occasion seemed a good one for reproving the congregation for their uprourlous methods, and Mr. Beecher Klld so. "Let all things be done decent ly and In order," he -oncluded. Then Brother Anderson rose to speak. "I love Brudder Beecher! 1 love to hear him preach dls afternoon," he eald. "He's our good frlen'. And he say dot some folks goes up to glory noisy 'u' shouting, and some goe still like, 'a if they's ashamed of what's In 'em. Ami he say we better Im more like de still kind, and de white folks'll like us more, lie say de loys and ge ts atan' In de do'way and luugh at us, and mock at us 'cause o' de way we goes on. "Yus, I tuHi de lsys and gels stau' 11 las winter roun' de door, an' under de windows, an' luff ; and dey ecp In ;end luff. But I 'member what I suw lus summer among de bees. "Some of de hives waa nice nn' clean Ian' atill, like Tipectnbln meetings, and I do odder' was a bustln wld honey. De bees kep' a-golu' and u-coniln' In do clover; und dey Jos k"p' on do ouUUle. Dey wa'n' !. Dey couldn' make do honey for darselves. Dey couldn' fly to do clover an' to de honeysuckle. I)ey Jes' hung roun' de hive und lib ou Uo dxlypln'. the Osage river. Itemnants of the tribe were In Illinois as late as the '40's. Following the removal to Kansas a degree of civilization was established for a few years. Then the predatory and savage Instincts of the Kicknxos resumed the ascendancy and their war riors went out kllllug and horse steal ing, making raids on tne people of neighboring States and at length turn ing upon the Uulted States Indian agents, one of whom they murdered In 1854. They were then removed to a reserva tion In northern Kansas, near Atchison. Some of them gradually settled down on separate holdings and became fann ers and citizens. The remainder fled to Mexico about the time the Civil War began and lived by raids over the fron tier for booty. In 1S73 there were only 300 In Kansas, while the number In Mexico had grown to l.ooo. After the majority of the Mexican Klckapoos were returned to the United States all that were left were removed from the frontier by Mexico at the re quest of the United States and settled ou good lands In the mountains of the State of Guerrero. They longed for their old home around Snnta Rosa 1,200 miles to the north, and gradually drifted back there. At the present time very few Klcka poos are remaining In Oklahoma. They have flocked to their kinsmen In Mexico whenever an oiportunlty has presented Itself. Their removal was opioaed at first by the government, but finally they were allowed to move when they desired to do so. No Indian In moving was allowed to take any live stock or prop erty of any kind which had been fur nished him by the United State gov erument Their lands In Oklahoma, six mllea south of Shawnee City, are leased out The rentals average $100 a year for an average farm of eighty acres. This fund will support the Indian and furnish all the luxuries he desires. For years the government has made an annual appro priation of $8,000 for the Klckapoos, this fund being disbursed by the Indian agent for agricultural Implements, stock and wearing apparel. Some time ago the Indian department at Washington was informed that un lawful Inducements were being made to the Klckapoos to part with their hold ings, nnd that their removal to Mcxlo was part of the scheme to do them out of their lands nnd cattle. It was alleged that the price paid for these lands by white iieoplo has in no Instance approached the real value of the land, and the department officials believe that In some Instances at least, the Klckapoos received nothing for their lauds In this territory, but were to get iu exchange other lands In Mexico, practically without value when compar ed with the rich agricultural lands they held in Oklahoma. Since then the gov ernment has been Investigating these charges and sent an osslstant United States attorney to Mexico to secure, if possible, evidence thut would bear out these charges. "So de boys an' gels bang' roun' yar. Oome In we'll show you how de gospel bees do. Come In an' we'll lead you to de clover. "You won't come In? Well, den, poor things, den stau' roun' de outside an' have de drlppln's. We'a got honey In dls hive." "As he spoke," said Mr. Beecher, "I seemed to see my own sermon shrinking and fading away." Ulll'a I.Mlle Joke. "Bill, y' got any observashuns t' ar ticulate b'fore we elevate y' t' prom lnens in th' community ?" asked the leader of the posse who was about to administer Justice to Freehorse Bill at Paralytic Stroke, Ariz., recently. "Don't know but I hev," answered Bill. "Well, let 'er go klnda prompt. Bill, ess there' others which Is cry In' f'r our lovin' attenshuns," suggested the leader. "Why, ull I gotcr say Is thut each o' you gents remind me of u countertltter durin' this proceedln'." "What Vh nieun, Bill?" asked one of the posse, not relishing the slmillti;de. "'Cause why," continued the pris oner, "yer pnHsIn' u bad Bill." In a little while the ros caught on und till was over. Toledo Blade. Iluar aa Kirr, "I suppose," said the old time friend, "that your folks no longer feel the anxiety about social matters that they once experienced." "Yes, they do," answered Mr. t'um rox, "mother un' the girls lire now as busy kec!n' other women out of so ciety as they once were gettiu' In themselves." Washington Star. F.qnal Iu I be --aalu. Benevolent Guest I lwpc, my deur Mrs. Flutbrane, that you never allow the sauce of your hospitable meats to be seasoned with acerbity." Puzzled but Plucky Mrs. F. Dear me, no, sir! We always use paprika. Baltimore American. The amateur cornet player Is a little won than uny other amutuur. ADVANCE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT. The capacity for self-government does not come to man by nature. It Is an art to be learned, ns well ns an expression of character to be de veloied among the great numbers of men who exercise popular sov ereignty. To reach that goal toward i n-lilh we iircHtliiir forward, the 4 f ewJ KVMull,8 of tne nmltltade, we must f&CV'Jr first Acquire the knowledge that tunu root, comi from universal education, the wisdom which follows practical experience, thnt personal Independence nud self-respect befitting men w ho acknowl edge no superior, self-control to replace that external con trol which democracy rejects, respect of the law, obedi ence to the lawful expressions of the public will, con sideration of the opinions and Interests of others equally entitled to a voice In the State, a loyalty to the abstract conception of one' country a Inspiring as that loyalty to personal sovereigns which has so Illumined the pages of history, the sulsardlnatlon of ersonal Interests to the public good, and love of Justice, mercy, liberty and order. All these we must seek by slow aud patient effort No student of our times can fall to see thut not America alone, but the whole world, I swinging away from the old governmental moorings nnd Intrusting the fate of civilisation to the capacity of the popular mass to govern. Nor can we fall to see that the world Is making substan tial progress toward more perfect popular self govern ment Xowhere is this progress more marked than In Latin America. Out of the wreck of Indian fighting, race con flicts and civil wars strong and stable governments have arisen. Peaceful succession In accord with the people's will ha replaced the forcible seizure of power permitted by the people's Indifference. The rule of law supersede the rule of man. Property Is respected, Individual lib erty Is respected, and the national faith Is held sacred. This progress has not been equaled everywhere, but there ha been progress everywhere. VALUE OF TAKING NOTES. A friend of mine who has Just come back from Japan, where he hns been engaged In a military mission, tells me that over there the notebook bnblt Is common. The little, shrewd Japanese while In conversation with you, has a frequent knnck of (Jottlng down a statement you may make on a tablet be carries with him. My friend described it as an embarrass ing hnblt at first to one unaccustomed to It "You see, remarked a Japanese gentleman who first to hi surprise, favored him In this manner, "whnt you have said Is valuable. I have a good memory, but I may for get even to think of what you say If I do not make a note of It. Thank you very much." Gladstone was a great man at notes, and with his mnr velous memory he wns able to recall In almost every predicament some saying which helped him to light or to encouragement He wa an Indofatlgnble gatherer of the wisdom of other for application to the affairs of the moment In that respect he wa much like the great Lord Lytton. 1 , President Roosevelt some time ago advised young men t make a note ench day of the answer to tho question, What have I done this day to better myself? He de- WINDS AND LEAVES. "Wet winds that flap the sodden leaves! Wet leaves that drop and fail 1 TJnhappy, leafless tree the wind bereave; Poor trees and small I iAH -of a color, solemn In your green I All of a color, somber in your brown ! All of a color, dripping gray between, When leave are down I Oh, for the bronze-green eucalyptus spires, Far flashing up against the changeless blue! Shifting and glancing In the steady fire Of sun and moonlight too I Deep orange groves ! pomegranate hedge. bright I And varnished fringes of the pepper trees 1 And, ah 1 that wind of sunshine I Wind of light! Wind of the seas I Charlotte Perkins Stetson. RUCEWICH had been living In his new home about a week when Cooke Introduced himself a a neighbor. The bouse KrucewlcU had taken and the premise surround ing it were not In very good condi tion, a circumstance that had been con sidered in the rent and the newcomer waB standing In tho weedy and littered back yard, contemplating the ram shackle gate of the old fence, when Cooke stroll'd up. "You've got a Job before you fixing thl place, I ahould say," ho remarked. "I Beem to have," assented Kruco wlch. "I've got to get a man to mow down these weed about the first thing. Too don't know of anybody, do you?" "Mow 'em yourself," suld Cooke. "Shucks! That's no Job. You'll have to take the scythe to 'em, though." "I haven't got a scythe," said Kruce wleh, "and I wouldu't know how to use It If I had." "Easy," said Cooke. "I've got one. I'll go to the house and get It and show you how to swing It No trouble, It' Just across the alley. Cooke's my name. Just wait there a moment." Before Krucewlch could remonstrate he bad bustled away and In a minute or two he returned with a scythe. "It lsu't everybody who knows how to use a scythe," he said. "But I wus brought up In tho country and wlieji I wus a boy n mowing machluo wns a good deul of a curiosity. Here's tho way to hold It. See? Now you bring It around close to the ground this wuy." He started off aud mowed a swath the length of the yard and then stopped and mopped bis face as Krucewlch came up. "Sny, that' fine," said Krucewlch, admiringly. "I believe that bents a lawn mower, anyway. Let me try It" Cooku handed him the scythe, show ed him how to place his hands again and then stepped back. Krucewlch brought the Implement around with what would have lieea a beautiful sweep If the point hud not stuck Into the ground. I HIS ONE FAILING. J Dy Ellhu Root. clared thnt It required a considerable amount of cournga to ersevero In the practice honestly a man had so often to fill up the day's record, "Nothing." It was Just the getting annoyed with thnt dlsngreeable confession, he declared, thnt helped a man to the resolution to have something else to record, and the system did Its ob servers nn Immense amount of good. It rendered shirking doing whnt one ought to do more difficult A wise system of making note means much In life. BOHEMLA LURES A round It. Bohemln to-day I an affected sign manual which stands for license that Is without social penalty. Once In Its best possible sense bohemla might have stood for an easy disregard for the formal usages of society nnd social relation. It wns an npology to a friend for a cold dinner served In a dark bedroom on a makeshift dressing table. It was a frank confession to the bo hemlau's circle of acquaintance thnt he wns Immune Inrgely to the things thnt required money In social con tact. Bohemia In the modern usage, however, Is the af fected, posing aggressions of the affected, posing bo hemlan of every type. License and immunity Is Its motto and Its plea. At 2 o'clock In the morning bohemla Is re spectable before the written low, where at 2 o'clock In the afternoon It would be locked up In police stations. The most bohemla n spot I know of to-dny Is in the home of a mnrrlcd couple who hnve two children. There Is no servant In tho household. The home Is home w.hen It Is desired thnt It shall be. But home as It Is, It Is sceondnry to the household bohemlnns. To the chance friend at mealtime there always Is a plate rendy. Home Is not accepted as the place for mere household cares. Should choice between the piano and the washing of the dishes present itself, the dishes go unwashed. This Is bohemla. All else In the common acceptance Is close to the line of danger and death. By E. a. M In nick. THE YOUNG MAN "That's funny," ho Bald. "You want to keep the point raised," said Cooke. "Here, this way." He made a complete circuit of tho ynrd this time. Krucewlch, though watching him with Inteuso Interest, had waited for him to come back. Then he took tho scythe again nnd made a few more Ineffective motions. "I don't seem quite to get the hnng of It yet" be said, handing the scythe bnck again. "You seem to do It so neatly and easily. "You have a sort of drawing stroke, hnven't you? Show me again. If you don't mind." There's n knack, of course," ob served Cooke, complacently. "Now watch." Off ho went again, the weed falling smoothly before him nnd being car ried ulong the heel of the blade to reg ular windrows as he went Krucewlch could not restrain his ndmlrntlon. "It seems wonderful to me," be snld. "I must have Mrs. Krucewlch see this. Just excuse me a minute, Mr. Cooke." He went Into the house nnd returned with bis wife, to whom be presented his obliging neighbor. She seemed even more enthusiastically appreciative than Krucewlch, If possible. "Why, there'a really nothing remnrk- ablo about It," suld Cooke, modestly, after he had made another circuit. "Aren't you awfully tired?" asked Mrs. Krucewlch, solicitously. "Thl Is mere play," laughed Cooke, starting another round. When be had worked back to the place of beginning Krucewlch Insisted that be should stop. "I ll hunt up a man," he suld. "No use of your tiring yourself out. Tuke off your coat, anyway." Cooke shed his coat and In tho course of half nn hour the lot was mowed. "My!" exclaimed Mrs. Krucewlch. "I low much better Is does look I" "I should think If I sowed seed on It now and wutered It well " begun Krucewlch. "Not without spading It up," snld Cooke. "You want to get these weeds burled or they'll grow up agulu." Tho next morning Krucewlch started to spading. He had got n piece per hap four feet square doue when Cooke came up. "You don't seem to be getting nlong very fast," ho commented. "Why, the sod seems u llttlo tough "It Isn't the soil, It that npado you're using," said Cooke. "You can't expect to do much with that and you nreu t turning u wen unuer. i guess you never did a great deul of this sort of work, ehr "Not a greut deal," admitted Kruce wlch, abandoning the spade to hi neighbor's grasp. "Perhaps It would be better to have It plowed." "A little patch like this? Nonsense, "aben't voir Awruixv tibed?" YOUTH TO DESTRUCTION. Dy John A. Nowtnnd. If I were searching for the one pitfall into which more bright young men of the cities had gone to oblivion than are recorded In any other metropolitan trap, I should go no far ther than the Initial "B." Bohemia 1 What a century of dead ambitions, dead hopes nnd dead bodies of men and women alike I What a death's bead of emptiness and whnt a cover of life nnd light aud music has been conjured IN POLITICS. By Jchn T. McCatl. A mnn In politics who hasn't the courage of his convictions and the nerve to speak bis mind when the opportunity cull for It Isn't much good to any political organization, as suming always he Is loyal to the principles of the party he affiliate with. Every young man ought to take enough interest In politics to vote at the primaries. If we could get the young men to take an Interest In the primaries there would never bo any clamor about crooked elections. To have the couruge to take the Initiative n politics 1 more essential than In any other business, and It require more good Judgment to decide how to use It after you have discovered that you have It. There Is no rule for success politically. Some men are born to It, some men achieve It, some buy It, and others stenl It, and after they have It few men know what to do with It, and yet they're always rendy to fight to keep It from being taken away from them. See here." He Jabbed the spade Into the ground, forced It down almost ver tically with hi foot, wrenched back and dropped the Inverted clod well- forward. "It takes muscle to work like that" said Krucewlch, as the third spadeful was turned over. 1 Cooke mndo no answer until he got to his end of the row. Then he said, 'It Is pretty hard with this spade. I've got n good one over at the house. I'll run over nnd get It" 1 Certainly Cooke's spade did tho work far more effectively. Krucewlch, smok ing a cigarette as he watched the ener getic Cooke, admitted that It did. "But I dou't want you to spado up the wholo garden," ho snld presently. "Let me try It for a while." "You're not going deep enough," said Cooke. "You don't want to bold the spndo sluntlug at least, not o much on the slant The way you do you Just skim off the top. Now you look." "You're a wonder," said Krucewlch. lighting another cigarette. He showed Krucewlch bow to sow his lawn seed; be Bhowed him how to fix the bnck gate, how to repair the fence, how to trlng It for cucumber vines. He showed him bow an out house should be built and bow beau and potntoe should be billed and kept clear of weeds. He showed him how the blades of a lawn mower should be filed, how the lawn should be rolled to make It even enough for croquet how paint should he applied to a porch, how a wheelbarrow should be used. Al most any time you could see Cooke In the gnrden with his coat off and his shirt sleeve rolled up nud Krucewlch lounging near smoking and watching him admiringly. The Krucewlch place In course of time came to look ns neat und well kept as uny In the suburb. One of his office friends who wa over to spend the Sunday complimented Krucewlch upon Its appearance. "It must tuke a lot of work," he said. "You bet It does," said Krucewlch, feelingly. "But It' worth It A man gets a certain satisfaction In Improv ing bis home. Ygu ought to have seen the place when we first moved In." Here he stopped to wave his baud cor dially to Cooke lu his garden across the street. "That's a pretty good sort of a chap," said Krucewlch. "IIe' Just got one falling everlastlugly butting In wheu you'ro starting to do unythlng und trylug to tell you how It ought to be done." Chicago Dully News. Mltfht Mot I'M It. A Bulesiuau was Bent to cull ou Mr. C , "tho meanest rich man lu tho towu," to try to Induce him to pur chase u lot lu the new cemetery. Ij a half hour ho wus back ngalu. "Couldn't get him, eh?" said the su perintendent , "No," said the salesuiun. "lie ad mitted that the lots were fine ones, but ho said that If he bought one be might not get tho vulue of hi money In the end." "Why," snld the superintendent, "there' no fear of that. The man will die some day, wou't be?" "Ye," snld the salesman, "but h say be might be lost at tea,"