(Dakota County Herald DAKOTA. CTTT, X9XB. John H Ream, - Publisher It of nion would rather hold a po litical Job thnn make n living. If you would be light-hearted, quit .looking on the dark side of every tldntf. Poor Mrs. Sag?! The "burden of riches" In Lor cufo will bo found to lie ever. People could always dodg nn auto mobile successfully If the t:ix assessor was tlie chauffeur. The French grocer whose bride ran away with the host man at tin? wedding found rand In his sugar. Nothing makes n ni.ni feel more I in -portant thiin his ability to answer tin' questions of a small boy. Parisians are getting wise to the pnl on In tin? local fond supply. It is no longer a case of Paris preen. There Is no telling but that the King end the Kaiser put a bug In each oth er'! ear during their kissing bee. The Worcester Telegram litis adopted the reformed spelling. This will neces ltate a new Worcester's dictionary. A scientist lias discovered over ':, R00 germs on a $10 bill, yet there are rash people who are willing to take tho risk. A twelve-story apartment Is to lie built for New York bachelors. Won't somebody please do something for tho grass widowers? Mrs. Link Is suing for divorce on the ground of desertion, and the court ean now prepare to hear a few things about the missing Link. At the age of 17 a Kentucky girl lias been married three times and twice di vorced. If she started after the record, ber chance looks good. Mexican residents of Arizona are In favor of Joint Statehood, which partly accounts for the circumstance that American residents are not The whooping cough germ has been found. It took science a long while to locate a microbe which has never censed to call vociferous attention to Its where abouts. Another sign that the cause of univer sal peace is making progress may bo found In the fact that several thousand additional men have been put to work at tho Krupp gun works. A man who has a mania for pinching women has been arrested In New York. Why keep the poor fellow In Jail? It would doubtless be safe to put him In a trait-jacket and set him free. i China is to have a constitution, but the Empress Dowager recommends that It be adopted gradually. The Emperor himself probably thinks a constitution Is some kind of an arrangement for fas tening up the queue. ' . The German Emperor is quoted as aaylmt that any youth of twenty with out knowledge or education could go to any newspaper olllce In the world, and, taking a position on Its stuff, write ar ticles which would create sensations. The same youth would probably create a sensation as an emperor. There were fewer commercial fail ures In the United States In July of this year than In any month of July lu fourteen years only 738 In the wholo country. Business casualties are at their minimum. Great sinners some of our money mnkers have been, but the Hubllc conscience lg sound and the Lord oeems to be with us yet. On with the harvest and the dance, with shouting and the sound of trumpets ! From Lake Winnipeg southeasterly to the ocean by water is among tho possi bilities of the future. A route for a canal to connect the lake with Lake Huron bas already been surveyed, and the owner of an extensive system of western roads say that tho caiml will Boon be dug. What a magnificent trip for a man In a motor boat that would make, to ay nothing of a cargo of wheat to the Gulf of St Lawrence from 4h heart of the Canadian Northwest! It la a maxim of some sea captains bat It is better for sailors not to know 1kw to bwIuj. They will tako fewer chances if they know that tbey wlU be helpless In the water. The authorities of Amherst college have a different be lief as to the desirability of knowing now to swim. They hnve made swim tnlng one of the compulsory studies at Amherst This college was the first to establish compulsory gymnasium work. and all other college In this country now require that Will swimming also tieeoine the rule In the colleges? Tho theory that meu will avoid danger of drowulng If they do not know how to wlui does not seem to be supjiorted by the facts. Only a small proportion of 80! deaths from drowning tho past sum mer were due to foolhunllness of swim mer. Waders and bathers getting be yond their depth, people who rockid the boat or wero caught In storms, Usher men who fell In, all together make up a long roll of persous who might have saved their lives by a knowledge of swimming. The advantages of swim tnlug as an exercise are well known. The ajiort la moderation Ik one of tho liest of all method of securing a sym metrical development of tho whole body with the loss of superfluous adipose tissue. The attraction of the water Is o strongly felt by most ieople that It Is one of tho arguments advanced by certain scientists for tho belief that the original borne of all forma of life, In eluding the human race, was In the sea. When a man is reveling lu the sensa tion of being rocked by the waves he Is satisfying an Instinct Inherited from ancestors who a few million years ago lived In warm, shallow aeaa. However, It not TieeesMry to go bacfc so far as that There are reasons enough for liking the water In summer time with out seeking an explanation In atavletla tendencies. rmf. L. II. Itailey, of th Agricultural (Vdl"ire of Cornell University, has asked a hundred and fifty students who were bred on the rami and do not Intend to return why they seek occupation else where, lie has also asked seventy town bred students who intend to be farmers, and two hundred farm-bred studtiiU who Intend to return, why they choose farm life. The Investiga tion I not Intended to show anything about the total migration trnm town to country ami from country to town. The conclusion which can safely !o drawn is that the argument in conviction, weight nnd nobility of Ideals is with those who are going to be farmers. The I i'l 1 i i 'H of the students, some of widen Prof, Bailey quotes III the Century Mag ii. I ne, are marked by a line sense of what Is worth while lti life closeness to nature, Independence and healthful physical labor. The alleged social ad vantages desired by young men seeking the city are seen, by these other young men who have tried them, to be perhaps less helpful In tile development of char acter than the simple relations of tho farmer with his few neighbors. Very few of the young men who plan to bo farmers say much about making money, whereas 4) per cent of those who seek the city give the money consideration as a principal reason. Those who like the farm maintain that there Is a com petence for the good farmer, hut they seek other things thnn largo Incomes.' "I am Impressed In these replies," says Prof. Itailey, "with tho recurrence of such Ideals as love of the work that ono Is doing, education, study, personal In fluence, happiness, service, home. With thco young men their business Is to be an affair of tho heart We hear much aliout the greod of money and power and the great dangers that threaten our runaway society; but I wonder whether In the end the countryman will not still have hold of at least one of the reins." Dizziness, or vertigo scientific writ ers sometimes try to distinguish In sense between these two words, but practically, In popular usage, they mean the same thing Is a disturbance of relation to the outaldo world, a loss of the sense of equilibrium. There is more or less Inability to walk straight. or even to stand still, and often there Is nausea followed by vomiting. Vertigo Is due to a disturbance, either actual or reflex, of the nervous "center of equilibrium" In the back part of the brain, or in the seiul-clrcu- lar canals lu the ear, in which the ter minations of the nerves coming from the center of equilibrium are distrib uted. For tho moat part vertigo Is a reflex troublo duo to ome Impression which geU shunted off Its own route, as It were, through nerve fibers con necting with tho equilibrium center, and acts upon the semi-circular canals of tho ear. Thus It Is that dizziness Is n comparatively trivial affection, as a rule dlsogreoable enough, but brief and of no great significance excopt as a symptom of troublo elsewhere In the body. rerslstently recurring, transient dls- zlnoss Is often due to eye strain, that la to say, to errors In the formation of the eye not corrected by proper glasses. Wearers of pfpeetaolea can fre quently tell when a change In the eyes has occurred, necessitating a corre sponding change In the glasses, by the coming back of these attacks of glddl- noss, especially when the gaze Is sud denly moved from a near object to a remote one or the reverse. Vertigo Is a common symptom of dis orders of digestion seated either In the stomach or the Intestine. The treat ment for this form Is, of course, to treat the Indigestion or constipation. Another more serious variety of dls- zlness depends upon disease of the heart or of the blood vessels, especially those of the brain. Any disease of the ear Is apt to be associated with more or leas vertigo. The same la true of tumor or other dis ease of the brain, especially of the cer ebellum that part of the brain In which the center of equilibrium Is sit uated. The dizziness of seasickness, as wll as that of swinging or of rapidly turn ing about. Is thought to be caused by an irritation of the nerves In the semi circular canals by the striking against them of the fluid In these canals Youth's Companion. Financial Statement. Cltyman Is there much money 1q summer boarders? Uncle Glttein Not when we git through wtth 'em, by Heck I A newly married man feels fanny the first time a servant girl begins worn at bis bouse. SIP jl I'lous Drollery. The pious drollery and monotonous formality of the aver age church is enoui.ii to disgust the devil. Kev. D. It. ISroughtou, Baptist, Atlanta, Ga. Failure. A man who Is nlwiys an ticipating failure and taking n gloomy view of the future not only works half heartedly himself, but depresses his as sociates. licv. F. I). Tabling!', Presby lerian, Los Angeles, ('ill. The N 1 or the World. What the world needs Is not more secular knowl edge, nor more hcientillc skill, but a more thorough enlightenment concern ing Cod nnd Its relation to Him. Kcv. It. E. Wililnins, Evangelist, Untie, Mont The March of Civilization. Tho world Is nut outgrowing Christ. Re ligious traditions may try to un-Chrlst the centuries, but He still asserts Ills divinity In I he march of civilization. Ucv. F. C. lircmcr, Methodist, Normal Park, III. i'ho Point of View. All things about us, all phenomena, even capital and labor, and Its contentions can be con sidered from the sacramental jiolnt of view and spiritual lessons drawn from them. Kcv. T. F. Seymour, Episco palian, Peoria, III. Doing Good. There Is a largo place In the world for the man who goes about doing good. The man who knows the good and does It not commits a lu against society and imperils bis own life. Kcv. W. II. Found, Congrogn tlonalist, Chicago, 111. Moral Suicide. The Hellish man Is a moral suicide. Ills genius shrivels up, his name dies out, he has made an eternal blunder. The Ideal Is every thing. "As a man thluketh In his heart, so ho Is." Kcv. W. A. Hunter, Presby terian, Denver, Col. Cruelty. There bus never been a period In human history where nnlmals have been so abused, so maltreated, bo neglected, treated so Inhumanly as they have been In Christendom for the Inst 1000 years. Kev. M. J. Savage, ; Unitarian, New York City. Goodness. Gooduess does not mean exemption from tho common Ills of life. Every life has Its burdens, every heart 1 Its own secret sorrows. We would not ' minimize the cares which are lnevlt able. They nre not Joyous, but grlev-' ous. Kev. A. II. Goodcnough, Metho dist, Bristol, Conn. Discipline. Dltliculties are onlj an other name for discipline. The best men have started lite with what ap peared like handicaps which afterward proved to bo real helps. The only hnn dleapped boy In America to-day Is the son of the rich man. Kcv. C. B. Mlt chel, Methodist, Cleveland, O. The Cost. No man can do with case the biddings of Christ But the order ( Is, do them. "Well done" spells Bacrl- flco. It Is a mark of excellence to get that commendation, but the price paid for It Is understood to Imply a cross, a tomb, a resurrection. Kev. William Kors, Presbyterian, Northfleld, Mass. Church Hogging. Appealing for money for churches through fairs and bazaars Is a poor business Indeed. It Is a waste of money and strength nnd puts the church In the position of a beggar on the street asking for alms with n cord about his neck. Kev. C. L. Kloss, Congregatlonallst, Philadelphia, Pa. The Ship of State. Despite the cor ruption In politics, tyranny of trusts, monopolies nnd money jiowers, God Is still at the helm of tho ship of state. He guided the Pilgrim Fathers to America. Ho gave them the Bible as the Magna Chartii of all individual aud national greatness. Kev. '. S. Lti and, Methodist, Victor, Colo. Murrloge. Marrying well does not necessarily mean marrying wealth or position, which are too often sought after rather than compatibility and character. Every step of tho way should be marked with prayer, for "Blessed Is the house that Is establish ed In prayer." Kev. C. M. Meldon, Methodist, Providence, It. I. Self Kellance. The man or woman who Is swayed simply by public opin ion, who lives only for self Interest at the expense of conscience nnd principle, dooms himself or herself to extinction. Even the world learns to respect at last the few who dure to be truo lu the face of overwhelming odds. Kev. Donald Sage, Presbyterian, New York City. Foreign Missions. Christian civili sation is must promoted by Christian Interest In humnnlty as a whole. Some men hnvo n contempt for foreign mis sions, but Interest in foreign missions Is actually promoting Interest in hu manity, which reacts. Tho foreign mis sionary movement Is educational and, patriotic Bishop J. II. Vincent, Meth odist, Sprlugtlcld, Muss. Others. There are other religious systems In the world than Christianity, ltiiddha conquered greater tyrannies, overcame more arrogant pride, broke down the Iron walls of caste, made j.'.tl ful great sections of humanity, and Is to-day revered by more souls than take upon themselves the name of Christ, ltiiddltlsin and Christianity hold no monopoly of moral wealth. Humility, love and self sacrifice, though so little understood, so grudgingly practiced, these have worldwide foundations; there are many world-conquering tradi tions. Kev. J. I.. Jones, Independent Chicago, 111. 'lUv i'iiy Mull 4ucr'. Ill Snuash Y'd died, Eh, er ye'd bio ovcr'n watched one uv them city fuller? goln over th' place yentlddy. Eh Jay Wliat'd do? Ill Squash lie looked all over th place an' when he got to th' hogpen he lowed he'd like t see w here we bred th' pig Iron. An' I c'd hardly keep my boy from larfin' right In the durn fule's face. Toledo lllade. " When a lot of candidates attend picnic, we have noticed that on their return they talk more about the best I idtnuet than about the best speech. . V i i ,i vi ', t"0- f, 1 ' - -. -- . '! -)! - .' v. - v v - ' ' ' ' i." v ' i ' - , - v' fr"'-o" . 4i$&2&k$$& .if fei5 V ... . GREATEST NAVAL PAGEANT. at rart of Amerlra'a Tm.vy Re viewed br the President. The most Imposing naval pageant ever seen In American waters passed In review recently before President Itoosevelt In Long Island sound. A combined fleet of alxty-one naval ves sels, representing every type of ship In use in the navy except a hospital ship and a marine ship, greeted the Presi dent and a vast throng of sightseers on hundreds of yachts, excursion boats, launches and rowboats. There were forty-three fighting ships, ranging from the massive battleships, like the Rhode Island, of 10,000 tons, costing $5,000, 000, nnd from the powerful and fast armored cruiser, like the West Vir ginia, of 10,000 tons, costing $5,800,000, down to the submarine Shark, of 120 tons, costing probably $150,000. The combined cost of the ships, so far as construction was concerned, was prob ably more than $125,000,000. There were 15,2.15 men on the fleet, Including 800 officers, if each ship had Its full complement, and most of them did. This means that there were enough men afloat on the warships to supply a city of 90,000 people with men. (There were something like 1,100 guns on the combined fleet Three-fourths of tlie fleet upon which the President gazed has been built since the war with Spain. The President, on board the May flower, passed through and around the Hne of ships anchored In three lines, each 450 yards apart Then the May flower anchored nnd the three admirals of the fleet and all the commanding officers called on him and had lunch eon. Then the President visited the three flagships and troojishlp Yankee, Just back from a year's arduous work In Dominican waters, where he made a speech to the marines. Then he re turned to the Mayflower and spent the afternoon and the early part of the evening on board, rmnlnlng long enough to witness the electrical displays on the BEAB ADMIRAL EVANS. ships and nn exhibition of their search light work. The fleet was called officially the United States Atlantic fleet, under command of Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans. The fleet was divided up Into three squadrons, with Admiral Evans In command of the first, consisting of two divisions of eight battleship. Rear Admiral C. II. Davis was In command of the first division of the second squad ron, consisting of four battleship, and Rear Admiral W. H. Urownsou was In command of the second division of this squadron, consisting of four armored cruisers. The third squadron consisted of the monitors and armored cruisers under the command of (.'apt. C. W. TInrtL.tf nnrl I I n . .1 ml.,. 1) A 1,'Ll .. Then came two flotillas of toriiedo j boats, with two submarines, a troop ship, a water ship, a provision ship and three colliers. Ate Tin-in. A young New Yorker had made his first ascent lu his new airship, under Instruction from a profcsioiial aero naut. After an hour's gyrations, Ids car came tumbling to the ground. When he was picked up and found to lie not much hurt, the professional de manded to know what was wrong. "Why did you not throw over tho and and save yourself?" ho asked. "I did tho v. hole tin pounds of It" "Well, then, why did you not sacri fice the sandwiches you were carry ing?" "I did, Mr. Smith," sobbed the Jar red young balloonist "I knew they were extra weight, so as soon as the car started down I ate every one of them." If a girl of sixteen or seventeen Isn't pretty and attractive, her mother Should whip ber. GORGEOUS NIGHT SCENE AT THE OYSTEB BAT CHURCHMAN HIPPIE If Frank K. Hippie, president of the Philadelphia Real Estate Trust eoin pnny, had not been so conspicuous In church work his wrecking of that con cern would hnve been no less serious a blow to one of the lending financial In stitutions of the city and would have caused no less distress. But had he not been so prominently Identified with re ligious affairs he could scarcely have acquired such confidence as placed htm In a position where It was possible for blm to nilslnvest, by a system amount ing to theft. $7,000,000 deposited with tho Institution of which he was the head. The downfall of no other ninn in Philadelphia, save John Wananinker. could have created such a sensation ns the crash which followed tlie suicide of Mr. Hippie. So carefully were the circumstances of his death concealed by his family that It was not until after the exposure of his financial misdeeds that It became known how he died. He took laudanum and then lay down In his bathtub and turned on the water. For years Mr. Hippie had been a prominent flguer In charitable, relig ious and fiiKintial circles. He was su perintendent of the Sunday school of the Tenth Presbyterian church, as well as one of the trustees of Bryn Mnwr Presbyterian church. Ho was also treasurer of church Institutions, among them the Presbyterian General Assem bly. In several financial Institutions he was a director. Hippie had an ab horenee for tobacco and liquor, nis Sundays were spent In church or In religious meditation. Sunday newapa 1H?re he would not read, nor would he jide In street cars, unless the necessity ,was mt urgent. He could not be In duced to discuss matters of a business .nature on the Sabbath. His charities were large and every one who apjiealed ,to blm was generously helped. Hippie tiequltted himself well In all positions. He was deemed by all men as of un questloned probity. Since Its organization, twenty-one years ago, lie had been president of the Real Estate Trust company, and a di rector lu tlie Franklin National bank. Jle was also treasurer of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church. .treasurer of the sustenance coiuuiittc" of the Synod of Pennsylvania, treasu-er of the Presbyterian hospital, and A Jean treasurer or rue western seel.. ,i f the Reformed church holding t. .Presbyterian system, lie workl ac tively in the Tenth Presbyterian church. .lie was the counsellor of the aged and .the widows in their financial dilllcnl ties, the guardian of orphans and the trustee of estates. Owing to his con nectlon therewith the Real Estate .Trust company was made the dovosi tory of the Presbyterian church, from the general assembly down to the smallest organizations which found It nveilent to make deposits there. It Is not suggested that Mr. Hippie uialnalnod these associations for fraud uleiit purposes, or that his Intentions were dishonest Hut it Is certnln that after those affiliations had gained for Jilm a great financial power nis rellg lous professions did not Intervene be tween himself and the temptation to in vest trust funds in wildcat speculation, nor to practice fraud to enable blm to r7r . aai NAVAL REVIEW. AND HIS DOWNFALL. carry out his schemes. Whether re morse, the belief that he could not re cover his losses or the fear of discovery find disgrace led him to take his life will never be known, but It Is a fact that there was no suspicion against nlni until after his death. From the officers of the Real Estate .Trust company Hippie concealed his operations by a method of his own In dention. He kept a list of real loans and a list of bogus loans. The real loans were never seen by the directors. Tlie bogus loans were supposed to be good oues. To the auditor making ex aminations of the company's loans Hippie would present a list of what appeared to be first-class loans In ev ery refiiect and those the auditor would certify as correct To the board of di rectors, who had an amazing amount of confidence In their president, Hippie would take the auditor's certificate that the loans were correct and the direct ors at their regular meetings would un suspectingly and unhesitatingly pass them. In reality Hippie loaned the company's money to an amount corre sponding exactly with the bogus list on collateral of doubtful value, not ne gotiable or readily convertible. Neither the auditor nor the directors ever saw Hippie's real list of wildcat loans. Hippie wns 07 years old and up to the time of bis terrlblo exposure bis life was without blemish. Roaaettl'a Ghoat Picture. Gabriel Rossettl, poet and painter, was once visited by an East Indian prince, who said to him : "I wish to give you a commission to paint a portrait of my father." "Is your father lu London?" asked Rossettl. "No, my father Is dead," replied the Oriental. "Have you some photographs of him or any portrait?" "We have no portraits of him of any kind." "How can I paint a portrait of him, then?" asked the artist. "It Is Impossi ble. I could not think of attempting anything so absurd." "Why Is It ubsurd?" demanded the prince, gravely. "You paint pictures of Mary Magdalene and Circe and John the Baptist, and yet you have never seen any of them. Why can you not paint my father?" The prince wns so lusistent that Rossettl yielded In sheer desperation. He painted an Ideal head that was cer tainly oriental aud also regal lu Its bearing. The prince cam in great state to view It. When the canvas was un covered he looked at It steadily aud then burst Into tears. "How father has changed 1" ho cried. Everybody's Magazine. llrlwren Frlenil. Askltt Isu't that a new umbrella? Noltt No; It has been In my posses sion for nearly two years. Askltt Don't you think It about time you returned It? A farmer is kicking ou the opening of so much Indian land. "Gosh I We cant get enough rain on the land that la already opened," he said. S3 "Arabella," called the father from the head of the stairs, "is that young man gone?" "Yes, father. Complete ly." Teacher Why did the undents be lieve the earth to be flat? Bright Boy Cause they didn't have no school globes to prove It was round. "I, sir," began Bragg, "am a self made man." "Yes," replied Wise, "but why apologize now ? That won't help matters." Philadelphia Press. .Mrs. Madison How do you in;e yoir icw neighbors? Mrs. Dyer I doiVt iimw. 1 haven't tried to borrow uni- .Mrs. Madi.son How do you like yotor new kr thing yet. Town and County. Diggs I understand that Higglnsjl quite a clever financier. Biggs Well, he Isn't Why, that man never beat anybody out of a cent In his life. "Algy, don't you find married life more expensive than bachelorhood?'. "Well, It may be more expensive than a rigidly single life, but it's cheaper than courtship." Senior Partner There's one thing to be said In favor of classical music. Junior Partner What Is that? Senior Partner The office boy can't whistle It Chicago News. Mrs. FUji 1 have Just been talking to a specialist, and he says my brain vitality has all gone to my long hair. Do yiu believe It? Fill) Well, er I knew It hau gone! Detroit Free Press. Medical Student What did you op erate on that man for? Eminent Sur geon Five hundred dollars. Medical Student I mean, what did he have? Eminent Surgeon Five hundred dol lars. Puck. At the Garage. Boy Mr. Smith Is telephoning for his machine. Can you send it to him to-day? Head Man Don't see how we cnn. Why, this ma chine is the only one around here fit to use! Life. "Is there any available substitute for rubber?" asked the instructor of the class. "Yes, sir," answered Miss De Muir. one of the fair coeds. "I think 'stare' or 'gape is Just as good." Chl cugo Tribune. Green I cannot understand why De Short wants a divorce. Ills wife had nearly half a million when he uinrrled her. Brown Yes, and she has every dollar of It yet. That's the trouble Chicago Daily News. "Yes, I'm going to spend a few weeks nt Kiospmau's summer resort Mr stomach is all out of order, and I need a nst." "Well, your stomach will get a good rest there, too. 1 know the place." Chicago Tribune. "I supiose that some of your battle scenes are very realistic?" said the sympathizer. "Yes." said the bum actor, "I have Impersonated Napoleon at Waterloo several times when real shells were bursting all about me." Kansas City Times. "Mamma, what are twins?" asked lit tle Bobby. "Oh, I know," chimed in Dorothy, with all the superiority of an elder sister. "Twins is two babies Just the same age; three Is triplets, four Is quadrupeds and five Is centipedes." Harper's Weekly. "You'll have to fix the poem over be fore I cun buy It," said the editor. "There appears to be something the matter with Its feet "I would have you understand, sir," said the bard, with dignity, "that I am a poet and not a chiropodist." Cleveland Leader. "I would like a pound of your golf sausage," she said to the butcher. "Golf sausage? Sorry, madam, but we don't handle It. We have blood sausage, llverwurst, ham sausage, and other kinds, but no golf sausage." "Oh, dear, I'm so sorry. My husband said ho aiuch preferred the kind made in links." Milwaukee Sentinel. A little girl was out walking with her aunt ono day. The aunt bowed to a man they were passing. "Who Is he, Aunt Jennie?" asked the little girl. Mrs. Llttlelleld told her that ho was Mr. Melrose, the village undertaker. "Oh, yes," replied the child quickly. "I remember him. He undertook my grandmother." Harper's Bazar. GrtOWIH OF TROUT. Ave, Food aud Temprrature Seem ( Have No Dearlnu on Slse. The sakclluus foutlualls, which Is currently but luaceurutely tailed brook trout, was supposed for mauy years to be a small fish. Agasslz was largely Instrumental In exploding this fallacy, says the St. Paul Dispatch. It Is not an uncommon thing for an angler with ordinary luck to get a six or seven pound trout of this variety. It Is known that a trout may grow to weigh eleven or twelve pounds. There Is, however, great difficulty lu accounting for Its variation In size. In Northeastern Canada there are large streams and lakes In which only fingerlings have ever been found. In the Immediate vicinity of such waters three and four-pound trout are quite common and seven and eight-pounders ire not phenomenal. In all these wa ters i nistacca do not abound; there are no small tish of any kind except small trout. All the lish are pure tly feed ers. At some places. It Is true, frogs abound, but, taken as a whole, the dif ference lu food supply Is not an ade quate explanation for the difference in grow th. Tin-re Is no substantial difference la the waters as to temperature, size, ori gin nnd course. Climatic conditions are the same. The small trout taken to virgin lakes In which there are no fish have sometimes trrown to a great size, have sometimes remained small and sometimes have not thriven. The anglers who haunt these waters hava not yet found a satisfactory explana tion of this peculiar .onditlou of things. It Is ono of the uiysterles which lends fascination to the art. "You never can tell what Is going to happen when you go fishing." When you try to lie funny what M awful mass you uuke of it I