Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 07, 1906, Image 1

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    . J
Cannon Declared When Last Dill
Was Passed It Wm tlie Biggest and
Slickest Steal He Had Ever Seen In
The Fourteenth National Irrigation
congress, held at Boise, Idaho, closed
its sessions after voting to hold Us
next congress at Sacramento, Cal., and
electing as president of the fifteenth
congress Gov. George E. Chamberlain,
of Oregon.
The attractions of the Jamestown
exposition had been cleverly present
ed, and on the first ballot for the con
vention city Jamestown was In the
lead. Sacramento, Cal., won, on the
second ballot.
There was some evidence Of discord
In connection with the election of sec
retary. D. II. Anderson, a Chicago
publisher, was the choice of the nom
inating committee. Ills published
Utterances in criticism of the federal
reclamation service were urged
against him, but the convention In
dorsed the nomination.
The shouters for ,-a hundred mill
ion more for Irrigation" came before
the congress with a minority report
from the committee on resolutions de
manding that the national congress
Authorize a bond Issue to raise a fund.
After a spirited debate the minority
report was voted down.
The commif.ee on permanent or
ganization announced the following of
ficers to d. -ect the affairs of the fif
teenth annual congress:
President, Gov. Shamberlaln, of Or
egon; first vice president, John Henry
Smith, Salt Lake City; second vice
president, B. II. Maxson, Reno, Nev.;
third vice president, George W. Bar
stow, Texas; secretary, D. H. Ander
son, Chicago.
Italian Lover to Keep Pact with
A dramatic scene occurred on tho
French line pier In New York, Just be
fore the steamer La Province left for
Havre. Among the passengers was
Luigi Contranrinl, 34 years of age,
who is bound for his old home In Loc
co, province of Lombardl, Italy, t
keep a suicide pact to die on his sweet
heart's grave.
Antonio Contanrinl, a brother of
the passenger, created a scene and
afterwards told his brother's story- He
said Luigi became betrothed to Jose
phine Bullliinl, a girl in his native
town. Her parents opposed the
match, preferring a wealthier suitor,
and Luigi, with his sweetheart's prom
ise to keep her faith, came to this
country to seek a fortune. He estab
lished himself in Beaver Okla., where
he secured a farm. Then he wrote for
Joseuphlne to come, but she replied
she could not; that her parents for
bade; that she intended to commit
suicide, and that she expected Luigi to
Join her In death. The news that the
girl had carried out her purpose fol
lowed, and Luigi sold his property at
Beaver and started for Italy to kill
himself on the girl's grave. Luigi
sailed on the LaProvlnce.
Wichita Coniutny Asks Commerce
Commission for Relief.
Three petitions were filed with the
Interstate commerce commission at
.Washington Thursday by the John-eton-Larimer
Dry Goods company,- t
"Wichita, Kan., against the Mallory
line steamers sailing out of New York,
'Atchison, Topelta and Santa Fe rail
way, Wabash and about flrty other
lines, alleging unjust and unreason
able discriminatory rates on cotton
fabrics and knit got.ds shipped to
.Wichita as against rates accorded va
rious shipping centers in the west.
They asked the commission to make
a ruling compelling the defendants
,to desist from the alleged unlawful
practices and to accord such further
relief to which they may be entitled.
Aeronaut Fulls 125 Feet.
Carl Smith, of Brooklyn, Mass., a
jprofesslonal aeronaut, fell a distance
of 125 feet from a balloon at the
Maine state fair grounds at Lewlston,
Me., and received Injuries which will
probably result In his death.
Two Negroes Hungcd.
Corneulius Coombs and John Will
Jams, negroes, were hanged at Pitts
burg Thursday for murders of a most
atrocious character. The victims wer
women of their own race.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Thursday's quotations on the Sioux
City live stock market follow: Butch
er steers, $3.75 4.35. Top hogs, $5.85.
Eight Jloonwlilners Plead Guilty.
Eight Wilkes county, N. C, moun
taineers indicted for Illicit distilling
pleaded guilty In the United States
district court Wednesday. The court
will announce the sentence later in
the term.
War on Cat lie lick.
The work of exterminating the cat-'
tie tick In the southern and some of
the western states la progressing satis
factorily, according to a statement by
Secretary Wilson,
Senator's ProU-gc Defeated for Gubrr
natorial Nomination.
Indications are that Gov. Davidson
rarrled the state of Wisconsin In the
primary election Tuesday by about 2
to I over Speaker I. L. Lenroot, of
Superior, who was backed by Senator
La Follette. Although fair weather
prevailed throughout the state, it Is
estimated that only 60 or 70 per cent
of the total vote was out. The greater
part of the voting strength was out fn
the cities, but the country vote was
light, owing to farmers being busy
and many not understanding or caring
about the r.ew primary election law,
which was given Its first test.
One of the surprises of the election
was the strength of W. G. Connor, of
Marshfield, for lieutenant governor.
He ran on the Davidson ticket, and
from returns leads Davidson. Connor
Is a millionaire lumberman, who two
years ago was chairman of the Repub
lican slate central committee. He was
opposed by John Strange, of Neenah,
a wealthy paper manufacturer.
Davidson is serving out the unex
pired third teim of Gov. La Follette,
who resigned to become United States
senator. La Follette espoused the
cause of Speaker Lenroot on the
grounds that Lenroot was an able and
a stronger man than Davidson, and
would conserve and advance the re
form legislation of recent sessions bet
ter. La Follette made a strong cam
paign for Lenroot, making many
speeches a day.
Both Davidson and Lenroot have
been ardent La Follette ..ien In the
paBt. Practically the only issue In
the campaign was the personalities of
the rival candidates, though the Len
root supporters advocated much pro
posed new legislation, such as regu
lation of public service corporation
and Improved primary election and
railroad laws.
Davidson apparently split even on
the half-breed vote and In addition re
ceived practically all of the stalwart
vote. The stalwart press was practi
cally a unit for him.
Working In Davidson's favor was the
prestige of holding office and asking
The nationality question was also
Important as Davidson Is a Norwegian
and, Lenroot a Swede. The Norwe
gian vote of the state Is heavy, but
there Is only a handful of Swedish
Morocco Will Not Object to Banker's
The Moorish authorities will inter-
pose no 'objection to tho removal to
'. America of President Stensland, of the
Milwaukee Avenue bank, of Chicago,
according to a Washington dispatch.
A dispatch to this effect was receiv
ed at the state department Wednesday
from Minister Grummere, at Tangier.
The state's attorney in Chicago
Wednesday received a message from
l Assistant Olson at Tangier, asking that
i he and James Keely, manager editor
of the Chicago Tribune, who made the
arrest of Banker Stensland, be ap
pointed to bring the fugitive back.
Gov. Deneen has made a written re-
J quest of President Roosevelt that Ol
son and Kelly be delegated to bring
.Stensland back. According to the as
j alstant attorney no warship will pass
I Morocco for fifty days, and if Olson
I and Kelly are delegated by tho presi
' dent they will place Stensland on a
j vessel coming to the United States.
Philadelphia I 'allure Grows Worse
Kadi Day.
Charged with having defrauded the
depositors of the Real Estate Trust
company, of Philadelphia, out of
.many millions of dollars, Adolph Segal,
la promoter of many enterprises; Wlll
lam F. North, treasurer of the trust
.company, and Marshall 8. Colllng
wood, assistant treasurer, were arrest
ed Wednesday.
I Segal was held In $25,000 ball and
the others In $10,000. They gave
! The failure, it la estimated, will ex
'ceed $10,000,000 before the receiver
finishes his Investigation.
Twenty Inning; No Runs.
The Joplln and Webb City teams of
the Western association at Joplln,
Mo., Wednesday, played a twenty-Inning
no-run game. Darkness stopped
further play. Tho pitchers were
Blaine Durbln, recently purchased
from Joplln by the Chicago National
league club, and Elmer Meredith, who
j was a member of the Kansas City
team wnen it won mo pennant several
years ago.
Dispute End In Murder.
As the result of a quarrel in Lock
port, N. J., Wednesiluy caused by a
(dispute over tho Gans-Nclson fU:ht.
(Joseph Lynch, 28 years old, was kick
ed on the head and killed. It is alleged,
(by a companion with whom he had
been drinking. John Condery. 41
years old, is under arrest, charged
with the murder.
Old Newspaper I Sold.
The Plalndealer-Ilerald, of Charles
4on, III., the oldest established newspa
per in Coles county, bin been sold to
B. B. Coke, of .Mattooii, ami W. 1".
'Andrews, of Charleston.
Lieut. Col. I'ettU Deud.
Lieut. Coi. James S. Pettlt, Klghth
Infantry, died at Ills resilience in
i Washington, D. C. He had been in III
health for a number of years. He v.as
appointed a cadet at West Point from
Ohio in 1874.
British Hatllmliip I-amidicd.
The British battleship LorJ Nelson,
sister ship of the Agamemnon, and
second in slse and armament to the
Dreadnaught, was successfully launch
ed at Jarrow-on-Tyne Wednesday.
Strong Effat to Stop War of Fac
As days end weeks pass with no ap
preciable diminution of the revolution
In Cuba apprehension Increases. The
most conservative testimony from the
country districts of the provinces of
Plnar del Rio, Havana and Santa
Clara Is to the effect that two-thirds
of the people in the country and small
towns of these three provinces are In
surgents In sentiment. If not In fact.
It Is generally believed that the iyv
ernment ultimately will subdue tho
Insurrection, but In the meanwhile the
crops cannot be developed, and it I
a grave question whether the rebell
ious spirit even then can be actually
quelled to the extent of restoring the
country to a normal self-governing
A realization of this Is ths cause of
the rcnewi.l of efforts, for the restora
tion of peace. Gen. Mario Menocal,
whom the people trust as one being
capable of bringing tho warring fac
tions together If such a thing Is possi
ble, came to Havana Tuesday and held
two conferences with President Pal
ma. Gen. Menocal, ufter the confer
ence, absolutely refused to make any
statement. Gen. Menocal, Gen. Ce
breco, who has been prominent In re
cent efforts to Institute negotiations
with the insurgent lenders, and a few
merchants and planters held a confer
ence Tuesday night to discuss tho pro
posal to make an attempt to open ne
gotiations with the Insurgents, and the
two gentlemen named Intend to call
upon the leaders of the liberal and
moderate parties Individually and see
what It Is possible to do. President
Pal ma has no objection to these ef
forts, but makes no promises or sug
gestions on behalf of the government.
Soldiers Kill Four Citizens and Make
Many Arrests.
Soldiers Monday night killed four
citizens and made wholesale arrests In
The situation at Shusha, Jevenshlr
and other districts in the southeastern
Caucasus, where the Tartar-Armenian
hostilities are In full sway, has grown
so serious that the viceroy has super
seded Gen. Goloehtakpoff, governor
general of Ellzabethpol province, by
Gen. Bauer, whose name was coupled
with that of Gen. Alfkhanoff in con
nection with tho strong methods by
which order was restored in the Cau
casus after the revolt last winter.
Kansas Attorney General to Make In-
Investigations of the International
Harvester company have been Institut
ed by C. C. Coleman, attorney general
of Kansas, to determine whether the
concern Is operating in violation of
the state anti-trust laws.
The attorney general stated Tues
day that in spite of the district courts
of Reno and Shawnee counties Tues
day all the Implement dealers of To
peka and Hutchinson would be sub
poenaed to appear before the district
Judges and tell what they know about
the operations of the company.
Washerwoman Heiress Dying.
In her modest six-room cottage at
McKeesport, Pa., Mrs. Jane Austin,
the "washerwoman heiress," Is dying
from blood poisoning. Her Illness is
the result of stepping on a thorn,
which penetrated her foot and broke
off. Although worth $500,000 since
the death of her father, several years
ago, Mrs. Austin still clung to the
simple life and lived In her small cot
tage. A Standard Oil Case.
The hearing on the motion to quash
the Information against John D.
Rockefeller as the responsible head
of the Standard Oil company was
heard In Flndley, O., Tuesday. Judge
Banker reserved his decision. The
trial will follow should the court sus
tain the Information.
Cruiser Boston In Port.
According to a telegram to the navy
department from Commander Coff
man, of the cruiser Boston, which was
reported on the rocks oft Peabody In
lands, Straits of Roasarlo, the cruiser
Is now In the port of Belllngham,
Wash. It Is believed she Is not badly
Wreck on Hock Island.
Four coaches of an eastbound Rock
Island passenger train were derailed
Tuesday morning by a defective
switch at Iowa City, la. No one was
hurt. The train was delayed many
Gov. Folk on Sick List.
Since his return to Jefferson
City, 'Mo., from the Bryan reception
in New York, Gov. Folk has been con
fined to his bed with fever.
Western INifrue Ball at Sioux City, lu.
Following Is a schedule of Western
Leugue games to be played at Sioux
City during the Interstate fulr:
Sioux City vs. Des Moines, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday. Sept. 11,
12, 13.
Games will bo called at 10 o'clock
each day at Mlzzou park so as to give
visitors a chance to ee the games ano
to uttend the fulr in the ufternoun.
Great floods In India.
A Lahore, India, dispatch says:
Floods devastated a large section of
the Hehsr dls'rlct. Whole villages
were obliterated and great areas of
crops destroyed. The Indigo crop Is
Roosevelt's Return to Capital.
President Roosevelt will leave
Kagsmore Hill for Washington Oct. 1.
Three days later he will make a flying
trip to Harrlsburg and York, Pa., and
deliver soseches.
Fourder and Editor of the Omaha
lice Falls Asleep and Does Not
Wake Strenuous Life Is Calmly
Closed Shock to Entire Community
Edward Rosewater, founder and
editor of the Omaha Bee, died all
alone, and suddenly, from heart fail
ure early Thursday evening, Aug. 30,
in tho district court room on the third
floor of the Bee building. Judge
Troup discovered the body on entering
his court room shortly before 9
o'clock Friday morning and at once
gave the alarm.
Mr. Rosewater was found sitting In
an easy posture at the end of one of
the spectators' benches, near a win
dow. He was apparently asleep, and
so natural was his appearance that
Judge Troup sought to awaken him at
first. He had evidently sat down,
overcome by exhaustion and died
shortly after sitting down, for there
was not the slightest evidence of pain
or struggle, or even a movement of
the body to Indicate that he had even
an Instant's suffering.
The funeral occurred Sunday after
noon with Masonic rites from the 'ro
tunda of the Bee building.
The body was exposed to public
view between the hours of 12 and 3
o'clock during which time many
thousands of persons of all classes
filed past the casket.
Edward Rosewater's will will be
filed In a few days. It Includes two be
quests of a public nature. To the
Wise Memorial hospital. In which he
was much concerned, he gives a sum
to be held In trust which is to bo used
In providing for the care and treat
ment of indigent persons, regardless
of nationality, creed, color or sex. An
other bequest Is to the Omaha board
of education, to be used In providing
for the expenses of a course In a tech
nological school of the son of an Oma
ha mechanic who has completed the
course of the Omaha high school. In
cluding manual training.
Taxpayer Pursued to Manila by Doug
las County's Assessor.
A tribute to the persistency of As-
jessor H. D. Reed, of Omaha, Is con
talned In a letter received by Mr. Reed
from Wilbur Mayes, formerly of the
adjutant general's ofllce, but now of
Manila. Last June the assessor sent
letters to oil persons In whose names
mortgages were listed and one of these
was Mr. Mayes. His answer Is as fol
"Dear Sir: Your letter of June 29,
1906, relating t tax on. mortgages Is
received. I beg to Inform you that
I sold my home In Omaha and came
to Manila, with my family. In May,
1905, forfeiting my residence In Doug
las county and have no intention of
returning. It's a strenuous 'system of
taxation you have that follows one to
this hot country and I'd like to know
if I may hope to escape It when I
pass to the next; if not there is not
much use In going. I have nothing of
value In Omnha except a host of
friends; tax them. Very truly yours
Wilbur Mayes."
Shot McCulla While Latter Was in
Compsny of Mrs. Pearson.
Bonde Pearson, of Hastings, was
Tuesdny bound over to the district
court for trial on the charge of mur
dering Walter McCulla on July 29.
McCulla was shot while In the com
pany of Mrs. Pearson In the latter's
home, and at a time when Mr. Pearson
was supposed to be on a trip to Wyo
ming. The accused was found in a
hay loft on his father's premises about
seven hours after" the shooting. Pear
son was released on u bond of $10,000.
Among the sureties are George T.
Brown, vice president o the First Na
tional bank, and Wllllnm M. Lowman,
resident of the Bank of Commerce,
Mashed a Mn slier.
Mrs. Waller, of Fremont, gave a
masher a blow one evening recently
which he will remember for some
time. She was walking on Kust Ninth
street, when she found herself follow
ed by a stranger, who overtook her
and made an Insulting remark. The
woman picked up a bottle which lay
near the walk and smashed It over his
head. She was not further molested.
Democratic Nominee Declines.
Thomas Carroll has declined the
Democratic nomination for member of
the legislature from Dodge county.
Thursday Hied his declination with the
county clerk. He states that he will
be unable to make the campaign and
to attend the sessions of the legislature
should he be elected, on account of
his business.
Would Stop Sunday Shooting.
An organlr.tlon is being perfected
in Center township, near Grand Island,
an exclusively country precinct, to
stop all shooting on the Sabbath,
Many of tho people of the township
refuse to Join In the effort, however;
because they want to do a little hunt
ing themselves, occasionally, on Hun
lay. Hunter Shot In ICg.
Henry H. Ijim'-eit, ,y Kearney, was
accidentally shot and sIlKlitly wound
ed Sunday evening in the llrst acci
dent which bus been reported this
hunting season. He was only forty
yards away from the gun at the time
and the charge struck his leg lie"
his feet. It Is expected that he w..
m all right in a few dnys.
New Catholic Church.
The contract for the building of the
Catholic cliurch In Albion has been
warded to Roberts & Parker, local
contractors. The contract price Is
about $34,000. and the church will be
one of the finest In that part of the
(tate. ,
Mail Carrier Commits Suicide.
HUuiley Morrow, of Geneva, com
gtftud suicide just before noon
Mhsrsday by taking carbolic acid. The
wody was found in a corn patch a few
rods from his home about 1 o'clock.
Gora to New York to Make a Oreea
Goods Purchase.
The green goods fake still continues
to be a fruitful source of revenue to
the projectors of the scheme and ft
Randolph man Is the latest victim. He
lost $500. Christian Luberger is his
name, and he Is a shoemaker. Some
one had sent him a bunch of the al
luring circulars, showing him how
he could obtain several thousand dol
lars of good stuff by Investing tlOO of
cold cash.
Through some means the easlern
green goods men had secured Lunec-
ger's address from a hotel register,
where he had been visiting In the east,
and sent him a bunch of the circulars
with the usual admonitions ancl In
structions relative to telegraphing.
Luberger was susceptible and bit.
So he gathered $500 of his hard earn
ed savings and went to New York to
close the deal.
He returned minus the cash, but
with some experience.
Addresses by E. Rowvvater, Jurigt E
tone nnl t ongressmnn Kennedy.
ThA tdortlon tf nt1nfrn et (hn Ilnllff
las. County Veterans' association at
Waterloo Thursday resulted as follows-
S V. Wilder nr.iulil.mt' Tl M
Haverley, secretary; Chris R tiger,
treasurer, n. Rosewater spoke at x
p. m. to a targe pa tin ring and pleased
the npntilp hv n ntrnliir nreHenttion
of features of the war of the rebellion
and the contrast with present day con
ditions, reference helng made to the
Insidious work of corporations and
cornorate nower to enslave the neODle.
as were the negroes of former days.
juiign uoruon mane a rew remarks,
and singing filled In the program.
Congressman Kennedy and Judge
F.stelle both spoke to a large audienco
at the pavilion In the evening. -
Miner Tries to Hire a 8eelal Train av
Grand Inland.
The Union Pacific railroad officials
at Grand Island refused to furnish a
special to Walter Scott, or "Scotty"
of Death Valley, who made a record
breaking run across the continent.
"Scotty" claims It Is spite work on the
part of K. H. Harrlman, who tried but
failed to beat the record of the miner.
When he arrived at Grand Island
Thursday Seotty declared thai the Ix
Angeles limited was too slow and ho
refused to continue with It, demand
ing a special. He wanted to start thir
ty minutes behind the limited nnd
hoped to pass it at North Platte, 187
miles away. While In Grand Island
he gave away considerable money. Ho
Is on his way to Death Valley.
One Man Killed and One Fatally In.
Jurcd In Nebraska.
A new motor car word burner that
has been put Into service by jfhe Union
Pacific road blew up Monday evening
near the town of Klbn.
Thomas Johnson, Kvnnston, Wyo.,
was Instantly killed and George Upde
graff. Grand Island, Neb., fatally
Conductor L. A. Westover. of Grand
Island, was blown fifty feet In the air
nnd Injured, but will recover. The
motor car Is n contrivance for burning
weeds alonn the liuht of wny. The
car carried a tank containing 650 gal
lons of gasoline, which exploded In
some manner unknown. The body of
Johnson was completely incinerated.
Gas Near T U.miuli.
While drilling for n well on the Pe
ter Cameron estate farm, about three
miles south of Tekamah, n heuvi vein
of gas was found at a depth of 65 feet.
The pipe was plugged and a small
vent made and Ignited which burned
continuously, making a blaze about
two feet high. Mr. Cameron will make
a thorough Investigation und endeavor
to use tho gns in his home for heating
nnd lighting purposes.
Train In Derailed.
Train No. 32 on the Omaha railroad
on Its way from Newcastle to Sioux
City, Wednesday afternoon had a mis
hap at Coburn, resulting from a de
fective switch. One coach and two
cars of merchandise were derailed.
One freight car was turned completely
over. The passengers received a good
shaking up, but none was seriously
W. It. Jlogan Dead.
W. B. Hogiin, known all over Ne
braska and the adjoining states as a
traveling shoe salesman for the last
twenty years, died at his old home at
Darlington, Wis., where he has spent
the last yetir In impaired health. Mr.
Hogan made his headquarters at Oma
ha the greater part of his business
Omaha Ice Men Are Fined.
The Omaha Ice, Coal and Storage
company and John Doe, its president,
were lined In police court by Justice
Cockrell on two counts each on the
charge of selling Ice under weight.
The fine amounted to $26 on each of
the two counts. The complaints were
made by W. Reusom and Mrs. C. W.
Ackerman, patrons of the company.
Must Face the Music.
C. H. Walker, who is charged with
securing money for stock In his fake
umbrella factory lit Omaha, transfer
ring It to his wife In Sioux City and
then when the Investor demanded the
return of his money, turning him off
with a personal note which is not
worth the paper It Is written on, must
stand trial In the Oniahu courts.
Boy Fulls In Creek mid Drowns.
Wlllluni llimcy. a boy 18 years of
age and an Inmate oi' the Institution
for the feeble minded youth, was
downed in Bear creek while fishing
in ar the Institute.
Alls-Ms Dies of III Injuries.
Henry Alberts, the aged German re
tired farmer, of Humboldt, who suf
fered severe Injuries from being
I rum pled upon by his driving hor a
week ago, died as the result of septic
poisoning which developed as the re
sult of the accident.
Rural Carriers Select Grand Island.
The state association of the rural
mail carriers, which closed Its annual
convention at Hastings Monday night,
voted to hold the next annual meetlnr
In Qrand Island.
The board of councillor of the rt.
braska State Medical association held
a special meeting at the office of th
secretary, Dr. A. D. Wilkinson. Tha
principal business for which tha meet-,
ing was called was that of determine
Ing upon a successor to President Dr.)
J. L. Greene, who recently removed'
from the state. Dr. F. A. Long, of
Madison, was selected by the board.
The board also recommended unani
mously that during the absence of Dr.
Wilkinson from the state this winter
the incoming president sheuld appoint
Dr. H. Wlnnett Orr to be- acting sec
retary. Those present at the meeting"
were: Dr. Wilkinson of Ulncoln, Dr.
J. P. Lord of Omaha, Dr. A. B. An
derson of Pawnee, Dr. I W. Shaw f
Osceola, and Dr. W. R. Young of Ans-
Chairman W. E. Andrews and Sec.
retary George E. Tobey certified to
Secretary of State Galusha the names
of the candidates nominated by tha
Republican state convention. The doc
ument contains the resolution approv
ing the proposed constitutional amend
ment creating a state railway commis
sion. Under the ballot law this ac
tion of the convention authorlzos the
election of officers to count all straight
Republican votes for the amendment
regardless of whether or not the voter
make a separate mark Indicating his
desire to vote for the amendment.
The legality of this portion of the bal
lot law has never been tested In the
courts and legal complications may
arise if the proposed amendment la
carried by straight party vote thui
counted for the preposition.
The Republican state committee,
appointed the following officers:
Chairman, W. D. Rose, of Lincoln,
present deputy attorney general un
der Norrls Brown; vice chairman,
William Hayward, of Nebraska City;
secretary, Clark Perkins, editor of the
St. Paul Republican; treasurer, Chas.
E. Morgan, of Omaha, The committee
voted to continue the headquarters at
Omahit and authorized the chairman
to namo an executive committee con
sisting of one member from each con
gressional district. Retiring Chair
man Warner. In response to a resolu
tion of thanks to outgoing officers,
showed that the old committee had
paid off an Inherited debt of nearly
$3,000 and had $1,500 on hand to
start the new campaign.
Hundreds of members of the labor
unions and auxiliaries of Lincoln and
Havelock and representatives of the
different workmen's organizations of
Beatrice and other cities of Nebraska
congregated on South ' Eleventh
street early Monday, where they form
ed In line to take part In the annual
Labor day parade, which started on its
march from Eleventh and K streets
through the business and a few resl-
! dence streets of the city. The parade.
; was a grana success atra one or me
best gtven In the city in recent years.
The committee on arrangements la
bored for several days planning for
! the affair, but tho absence of repre
sentation of several of the different
unions necessitated slight changes In
the original program.
George L. Sheldon's statement of
ante-campaign expenses shows that a
contest for the gubernatorial nomina
tion costs something in Nebraska. He
spent $565.98 prior to the convention.
It he contributes $500 to the cam
paign fund as Gov. Mickey did last
year, his expenses will exceed $1,000.
Mr. Sheldon, like Gov. Mickey, is a
well to do man. The statement filed
with tha secretary of state by Mrs.
Sheldon is as follows: Fall road fare,
$85.58; hotel bills, $97.10; livery team,
$2.75: telephone fare, $12.80; station
ery, $27.10; rent typewriter, 110; sal
j ary stenographer, $161.25; printing,
I $27.75; hiU rent, Germanla hall,
Blair, $12; postage, $11$. 95; badges,
$10; total, $55.98.
e e
Candidates before conventions have
filed expense accounts as follows with
the secretary of state: C. F. Steele,
$93.28; J. F. Boyd. $95; Carl P.
Coucher, Democratic nominee for sec
retary of state $16.70. J. J. Thomas,
of the Fourth congressional district. A,
P. Fltzslmmons. of Johnson county,
and Georgo Horst, avert that they
expundod nothing In their efforts to
secure nominations.
Word was received to the effect that
the cars for the new electric line from
Lincoln to Capitol Beach will reach
Lincoln soon, and that the line will be
put Into operation Immediately. This
Is a new line, running from Ninth and
O streets across the viaduct and two
rallea west, to Capitol Beach, a sum
mer park.
The state board of equalisation and
assessment held Its last meeting for
the year 1906 in the otllce of Gov,
Mickey Aug. 28. ' All members were
present except Treasurer Mortensen
The only business transacted was to
approve the minutes of the lust meet
Ing arid the record In general for the
current year,
Tho Lincoln Commercial club Is op
erating a bureau for the rooming of
visitors during tho fulr and on Bryan
day. The offer of rooms with a price
of $2.50 lodging was turned down by
the bureau and his rooms were not
listed. One dollar Is the maximum
charge and 50 cents the average per
e e
Norrls Brown has filed a statement
of $388.84 expenses Incurred In his
pursuit of thenomlnatlon for the Unit
ed Stales senate. Of that amount
1161.24 was for railroad fare and 117
for hotel bills. The balance was for
livery hire, stationery and postage.
Secretary of State Galusha soent
$34.80 for headquarters rooms and
postage and then missed the nomina
tion. J. A. Williams, Republican
candidate for railroad commissioner.
ays ba spent nothing.
UM ytsVwrwJA
130.1 Sir William Wallace executed at
Soiithueld. ,
1485 -Richard III. killed on Bonworto
field. '
1572 St. Bartholomew's Massacre.
1C30 Court of Assistant first held at
Cbarlestown, Mass.
1777 Amerlcsn raid from New Jersey,
into States Island. ,
17S0 Liberty of the French prss de
creed. .. .Mary Washington, mother
of George Washington, died.
1814 City of Washington burned by tha
1828 Dr. Frani Joseph Gill, founder of
phrenology, died.
1830 Insurrection of Belgians com
menced at Brussels.
1818 American ship Ocean Monarch
burned in Irish Channel; 170 lives
1S40 Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot,
. escaped from Austria.
1831 4Jroat riot in New Orleans, grow
Ing out ot the Cuban expedition.
1854 Japanese announced new policy of
commercial intercourse.... City of
Milwaukee almost destroyed by fire.
1850 The historic Charter Oak, Hart
ford, Conn., fell during a storm.
1803 Gen. Rosecrans arrived In front
of Chattanooga, Team
1804 Fort Morgan, Mobile . Bay, sur
rendered to Farragut. .
1870 Proclamation by the President of
neutrality in the Franco-Prussian
1877 Canal around the Des Moines
rapids on Mississippi river opened.
1882 British occupied fort Said and
closed Sues canal.
1883 Completion of the Northern Pa
cific railroad to the Pacific coast.
1884 Fooehow, China, bombarded by
the French.
18M8 Storm and flood created great dam
are In West Virginia.
18S!) Mra. MaybricV's sentence com
muted to penal servitude for life.
1800 Interest on money in New York
ran up to 12 per cent a month.
1S03 Attempt to assassinate President
Crespo of Venezuela.
1894 Japanese minister to Korea assas
sinated. 1805 Attack made on American mission
school at Fooehow, Cliitm.
1807 President Borda of Uruguay as
sassinated. 1903 Lord Salisbury, prime minister of.
England, died. I
1904 Mrs. Maybrfrk, after release from!
English prison, arrived in United
States. ,. .Great battle of Liaoyangv
1 between Russians and Japanese. . 1
The Illble la Foreign Lands,
The British and Foreign Bible Society
now distributes the Scriptures in no few
er than 400 languages. j
Tbis is one of the many Interesting
facts presented recently at the society's
meeting in London. j
Copies of the Bible are purchased, fraa:
the British and Foreign Bible Society for
cheese, eggs, arrowroot and many other
commodities. In the New Hebrides na-j
Uvea pay for the Bible in arrowroot. In
one of the New Hebrides Aneityum 4
so generous have the native Christians
become that during the last eleven years
they have grown and given arrowroot tcj
the value of $3,000 for the good ul tM
ChrUtlan cause and for starting otherj
churches. Nothing else Is used in these
islands for the purchase of the Scriptures)
but arrowroot, 15 pounds of which will
buy a Bible. . 1
In Saa, one of the British Solomon
Islands, Bibles are bought with dead docs
teeth. Other things used to purchase Hl
bles in different parts of the world art
Sarlsy, egg, pigs, goats, fowl and beads!
More Striet Snnday Uwi,
The laws recently enacted in Fran
and Canada aim at a more general recog
nitlon of Sunday, at least as a day o
rest. In France it is made a rule for al
commercial aud industrial establishment!
to close for this weekly day of rest, am
when in any case such closing would fx
prejudicial to the Interests of fhe publii
the law requires that an equal amount o
rest be accorded to all workers on somi
other day, or by shifts in rotation. Can
sda new Sunday law is far more drastiij
All tradiug or remunerative service i(
forbidden, except in works of actual n
cessity or mercy. Railrouds may not ru
excursions or handle any traffic which ca
be attended to on any other day. Itui
most remarkable of all, there are to be u
Sunday newspapers either published a'
home or intoned from abroad. All pu
llo amusements are banished. Heavy peri
allies for violations are to be imposed o
employers or corporations as well as o
Alcohol Itevoliattoa KsaKaercted.
The report of Internal Revenue Con
iiiissloner Ycrkes, who was ont to Ki
rope to Investigate the UM.'ot denature
alcohol, indicates that the promise of a
Industrial revolution throi gh the plurli
of this article ou the An-ericaa free 11
is worthless. He says the fact is tk
slcohol has not yet been harnesed for
iectlve and economical use In the lud
tries. Nowhere in Europe do they pre;
autos with alcohol or use it for light c
beat. Tb picture of the tanner distil"
alcohol with whi-h to operate !j
farm Implements I mere Action.