Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 02, 1899, Image 8

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    .... . .. .
Vessel Jm Caimht in Typhoon and Ar
, rlTN at Manila in a Sinking Condi
i tlon - Soldiers Kept Balling: for Daya
? I 1a Ignorance of Their Danger.
f The army transport Manauense arrlv
H at Manila, thirty-three days from Han
Francisco. She narrowly escaped foun
dering with all on board, aa her engines
broke down anO ahe rolled three days at
lh mercy of typhoon. The Mananense
bad on board Lieut. Col. Webb llayea
and three com panic of the Thlrty-lirst
infantry. The officers and soldiers were
fcepfbaling for twelve day and it was
almost a miracle thut the vessel reached
Manila. The steamer, It Is claimed, was
nnseawoitby, undermanned and short of
When the Mannucnse anchored In Ma
nila bay there was several feet of water
In her hold and 400 grimy, greasy, hun
gry, exhausted soldiers and sailors who
bad been passing buckets of water for
two weeks, night and duy. First Assist
ant Engineer I.nnlenvy wns under arrest,
and, according to Col. Webb Hayes' offi
cial report, the chief engineer would also
hare been under arrest if there httd been
anyone to replace him.
Men Ignorant of Danger,
t The colonel's report also declares that
he captain of the vessel told hlra that
the only thing which brought them
through was the fact that the men were
greenhorns and failed to realize their
idaugcr, while experienced seamen would
(have deserted the ship and taken to the
(boats in uiidocean.
: The Mnnawnse I a chartered ship fly
ling the British flag. She started from
;San Francisco accompanied by the trans
port Tekin, which carried the remainder
of the regiment and encountered heavy
seas to Honolulu without accident.
After starting it developed thut she was
undermanned and soldiers had to be de
tailed to act as firemen, coal passers and
waiters and to do other work. Before
reaching Honolulu the crew concluded
that the ship was not safe and the ma
jority agreed to desert. Though tbey
were closely watched, many of the crew
succeeded in getting away and the Ma
nauenso left Honolulu with less than half
her crew. The vessel sprung a leak and
r.n investigation resulted In finding sev
eral feet of water In her hold. The steam
pumps were tried, but failed to work, and
there were no band pumps on board,
ilowever, forty-aix buckets were found,
others were improvised and the soldiers
not employed in working the ship were
organized Into five shifts and, stripping
and forming lines, they began baling, the
officers working with the men, passing
the buckets, which were sent up to the
deck by a windlass. The baling continued
until the ship anchored at Manila.
Machinery Is Disabled.
The same day the leak was discovered
the machinery collapsed and the electric
lighting plant and evaporating, distilling
end refrigerating apparatus failed to
work. There were no lumps and the few
rundles found were exhausted nfter k
few daya. During the lust week of tlw
passage the Manauense was in utter
durkuess at night. She bad been rolling
heavy seas all the way, but Nov. 'i
( encountered a typnoon ana pttenea
1 tossed alarmingly. Tho l'ekln be
ne separated from the Munuuense in
storm. The water rose rupldly and
firemen could only feed the tires by
ig lifted on the s '.oulders of the other
through water waist deep.
le typhoon lasted two days and a half
in the midst of it the enginea stopped.
officers held a council anil found that
were 420 persons on board, with
tm Uiov l sccouiiuouunons lor xio.
I , I n meantime the men below, Ignor-
am OI r t,ALr(T'1o i;n ii, i?i e inniiig
DUCKeia Silly -Uj-Q'H. wu" ' luriHiiip runeu
helplessly onTTNienn with hatches clos-
aA ft. ttmt wiNKintonnA iintil the tv
phoon passed. ThrouSut the remainder
of the voyage the enginea of the Mana
uense failed frequently and the "ship
would roll for a few honrs while the en
gines were repairing. Then the ateamer
would proceed again for a few hours.
i The meat and vegetables rotted becunse
of the failure of the refrigerators and
were thrown overboard. The officera and
soldiers were utterly exhausted when
they reached Manila. They declare the
engineers were grossly incompetent. The
officers also say. that the behavior of the
troops was beyond praise. lor daya they
worked In the dark, suffocating hold with
water, sometimes up to their shoulders
ftnd'Dlanks washing about in a manner
dangerous to life and limb.
State Trust Com puny Tukca Charge of
New York Publ lulling House.
The difficulties under which the New
fork publishing house of llnns'r & Bros,
baa, according to rumor, been laboring
for many mouths, resulted Tuesduy. In
the entire business passing from tho
hands of tho Harpers into the control of
the State Trust Company, aeting as trus
tees for J. 1', Morgan & Co., holders of
f3,500,OU0 in mortgage bonds. The trust
romnany has appointed George 1$. .M.
Harvey, who was recently elected presl
dent of Harper & lfroa., as Its agent to
take charge of the property, and it is
thought a reorganization may bo effect
rd, which will Insure tho continuance of
the business under the old uame, but
ninler Mr. Harvey's management. Ik
sides the amount of the mortgage liar
per tc Bros, have unsecured liabilities of
about $i;,0O0,OO0.
Argentina's president baa a (7,500 unl
King Alfonso of Spain has a new au
Kx-Presldent Plcrola of Peru hus $50,-
Eurl of Harrlugtou owns a grocery
iu Loudon,
4 ue ucseenuunn oi vueeu iciunu uor
The l ii iiinl DT fli'asi I'liii li Inn Nicolnie-
wltch is a Uusslau uuu.
Lord Lister ranks Sir SVllIlnm Turner
as the foremost living anatomist.
All of the Danish princesses ore taught
to sew aud uiake their own dresses.
Queen Victoria advocates sensible foot
weur aud practices it by weurlug felt
1 he Iuke of Hichmoud and Cordon, lu
liis t-igbty-sccond yeur, goes fishing ul
1'ioKt daily.
The Prince of Wales lneeted the
Scots (J nurds prior to their depurture tor
tfoutb Africa.
The Crowu Priuee of Gcrmauy be
Tmes of age next May and will have as
bis separate establishment the old castle
ut Potsdam.
The horses in Queen Victoria's rubles
re being drilled In the prcseno of mo
tor cars to make tbuiu safe for driving
jBuuoDtf automobiles.
Mlsa Lillian Pauneeforte, daughter of
(Hir Julian Panncefote, th British Am
hassador to Washington, will be married
in February 22, Washington's birthday,
to Itobrrt Bromley, honorary secretary
the British Embassy. The wedding
late, it was stated nt the embassy, was
elected by Miss Panncefote without
thought of the coincidence with Amer-
lea's holiday, but all concerned are now
delighted with tho bappy choice, Sir
Julian himself having stated that he Is
very much of an American;' The wed
ding will be celebrated at the embassy
and will be one of the brilliant events of
the Washington season. Miss Paunce-
foto is the first child of an Ambassador
to be married at the United States cap
ital. The I'resident and all the member
of his cabinet, with the entire diplomatic
corps, will attend the ceremony. .
A question of precedence has been set
tled by Secretary Porter, the official so
cial arbiter at the , White House, Occa
sionally the wives of cabinet officers arc
unable to take their, place in the official
line at the state receptions. Under such
circumstances u daughter frequently acta
for her mother anil the momentous ques
tion has been whllher this daughter
should take the pmce In the line which
her mother would occupy or go to the
foot of the class, i Secretary Porter has
decided that tho substitutes must go to
the foot of the line, below Miss Wilson,
daughter of the Secretary of Agricul
ture, who Is tho regular representative
of her futlier, but who tukes tho foot of
the lino because ho is legally nt tho foot
of tho cnbluet succession. Mr. Porter's
uecision puts an and to a social uiscus-
slon which had In
t the elements of some
heart burnings, n
il the matrons of the
cabinet are overjJyeil at the fact
I: :-
Tho Huberts ciLo Is an annoying one
to both parties.
Public sentiment is
against allowing
he Mormon member to
hold a sent iu Qmgress. Mr. Huberts
contends that th
constitution of Utah,
accepted by the
,'nltcd States Govern
ment when tho Si
ut u wus admitted, pro-
hi blted polygamic
is marriages, but did
hot prohibit men
who had plural wives
from living with
them and curing for
them and their fatuities. The Hepublicans
want to expel Hi
berts because he Is a
polygamlst, not 14
cause he is a Mormon
r a Iemocrat.
The Democrat a do uof
want to have hiid
expelled because he is
hey do not care to do
gam Int. They hesitate
a Democrat, but
fend him as a pol
at Inviting him to
tho Democratic caucus,
but they do not (lire to deny him admis
sion as a good 1
emocrat. Neither sido
cares to have it niiudn a party issue.
Mr. Madden, the fourth assistant post
master general, In his annual report tells
how fourth-class 1 postmasters sometimes
Increase their compensation, which is reg
ulated by the number of stnmps that are
old nnd canceled In their offices. Many
postmasters who are merchants arrange
with tho wholesale dealers with whom
they buy goods to send aa much as possi
ble by mall as fuurth-cluss matter. The
wholesale, merchant puts n single i!-ct nt
tamp upon a package, aud when it ar
rives at its destination the merchant post
master adds a sufficient number of postage-duo
stamps to cover the deficiency,
which muy run into dullurs in a month.
Then he credits himself with the commis
sion on their cancellntlonunder the ex
isting rules for the regulation of compen
sation of postmasters of the fourth class.
Members of both houses of Congress
are receiving largely aigned petitions of
symputhy with the Boers, which atk that
Congress shall interfere to protect them
from the rupucltms policy of Gieut Brit
ain by insisting upon nn arbitration of
the questions at Issue. While Congress
has nothing to do with the fortiru af
fairs of thit country, and is expressly for
bidden to interfere with them, there will
doubtless be an effort to respond in some
measure to public sentiment by the intro
duction and the possible pussage of a
resolutlou of sympathy.
For thirty days the families of the ad
ministration will abstain from all social
pleasures out of respect to the memory
of the late Vice I'resident. The ludies of
tho cabinet have .withdrawn acceptances
of several dinners and a number of Inter
esting affairs have been abandoned. All
the houses of members of the cabinet will
be closed until the 1st of January.
The' Navy Department has awarded
cniiht-acts for building the six unprotected
cruisers of IlJtH) tons authorized by the
lust Cengress.
ISO tea of Current ISvcuta.
The Pope proposes to make a New
Year's address to nonagenarians of ull
George Hite, 7. Louisville, Ky., got the
carbolic acid bottle instead of the whis
ky and is dead.
Burt ll.irviu, 1(1,
caught in a tliufi.
Fort Worth, Texas.
His legs, uruis aud
head were torn v(T.
Whltect'p .outlines are numerous near
Conway, Mih.r where Joe I.utlorv was
burned nt the stake.
Shingle inaiiufnctiirers of Washington
Stute, iu an endeavor to force up prices,
liut down for sixty days.
Col. Henry Ionian, Tom-ka. Kan.,
widely known as the author of the "Old
Suiitu Fe Trail," is dead.
Mis Fieri Johnson, Jewett, Texas,
dropH-d n lump on the floor. House wus
hui'iii'i) ami she was cremated.
A panic was caused by falling meteors
in Kussiu, the people U'licving the end
ut I In- wu Id wus about to come.
UuuiorJl iu Mexico that Gen. Dim will
rcfuie rtmyduatiAii for the presidency.
People duuiVl that he keep the office.
The AlfiieriX" Public Hculih Associa
tion ha' decla'd cinphatlcnlly against
the use ( food pVcrvnUvc preparation.
Complete Collapse of the Most Glaring,
Hwlndlc of Kecerjt Years.
The "Franklin syndicate," the empty
nhell of which the New fork police are
now carefully guarding, rrcsents one of
lho' typical cases
which will probably
continue to con
found the lawmak
er and sadden the
economist until the
Of course, the
"syndicate" was a
barefaced swindle.
There was nothing
new in its plan.
Hcorcs of like swin
dles have run their
course, milked their
w. F. m M. r.n. victims and been
copiously exposed In the newspapers. The
only novelty nbout the New lork con
cern lay in the circumstance that it out
did all predecessors in the openly frauda
lent character of Its scheme. In short,
it promised depositors a return of 10 per
cent a week to be won In stock exchange
speculation. It actually pnid this rate on
deposits for more than a yenr and at the
time of its collapse is said to have bad
on hand something over f 1,000,000. Iht
wonder is where people of so little aense
got so much money. One day Just be
fore the collapse Miller claimed to have
taken in $80,000 and pnid out $30,000 iu
Attention wns directed to the place,
but, In the absence of complaints, the
police and district attorney were unable
to act. The banks shut down on the
syndicate, however, when depositors be
gan to grow alarmed, and demanded their
money bnck. Miller announced that he
would not pay a dollar without a week's
notice. Later the house was seized and
closed by the police. There were forty
employes in the oflice when it wns schv
cd. They were allowed to go. The po
lice also took charge of $13,000 in cash,
Miss Annie Gary, an employe, who lived
in apart. iients adjoining t ho building, had
$!),(KK) hid awny in an old lounge.
The dally mail received at Miller s of
fice amounted to aboitt three tvagou loads
Nearly every letter contained money. One
of Miller's trusted employes Is responsi
blc for the statement that tho Iranklin
syndicate man hud taken in over $4,000,
000. Promoter Miller is Indicted and in
hiding. He may be captured nnd sent to
the penitentiary, but thnt will neither
reimburse his dupes nor prevent a new
crop of innocents from rushing, into the
naro tho next time a swindler asks the
privilege of making n fortune for them
out of hand.
Prisoner Convicted hh Kills Glenn Is
Is a comely young woman In jail nt
Hillsboro, 111., the Ellis Glenn, ' alleged
forger nnd fugitive bridegroom, who
courted Miss Ella Dukes, or Is the pris
oner Ellis Glenn's twin sister Imperson
ating him nnd ready to suffer the law for
his sake? This question has agitated
ull Hillsboro. The prisoner Is certainly
woman, and, It Is claimed, she donned
male attire to atone for her twin broth
er's alleged crime.
Ellis Glenn, engaged to marry Mis
Ella Dukes of Hillsboro, was Indicted
for forgery aud Miss Duke's father uud
uncle went on his bond. He went to St.
Louis a few days before the wedding day
"em is OI.KNM,"
Wonisa ho spumed UtKifiiinB tu nhietd hct
and disappeared. It wus telegraphed a
St. Louis newspaper that he hud been
drowned ut l'liducith, Ky. There hu was
arrested. Later he pleaded guilty and
was tukeu to the Chester penitentiary.
Then it was discovered thut "he"' was of
the feminine gender, and she wus brought
back to tail ut Hillsboro. ' '
The prisoner suvs her name is Kills
f!l..tm Mini ttk.it ti,.p twin I, ri, tiler Ui KttM.rt
Glenn. Her brother, she says, was a pri
vote detective, and wus iu Hillsboro In
the dixguise of a sewing machine agent.
He tied, she says, from the forgery indict
ment, and she joined him at l'uducah,
Ky., and determined to sacrifice herself
for her brother, so that he might have
hi liberty to nrove his innocence.
Miss Dukes says the woman in juil Is
llllu ll'tin win i.iiiirt.xl lu.r nut! won
her love. The llillt-tioro people SHy she
lived with tlieni ns i;ins tilenn, man,
eighteen months. The prisoner says she
saw Mixs Dukes but once, for live mill-
i.ti.u liu. i liiL-.ia mill lu.r futlier wa V
I hey ai'e ready to help Miss Glenn, who
they knew ns a man nnd us future nus
bund und son-in-law.
There is a growing curiosity ns to how
Mac.Vrtliur will Dagupun out.
That Chicago robber who travels iu a
buggy doesn't have to be coached ou lue
tic. An Iudiuna clergyman says he has re
ceived a visit from Satan. He makes uu
mention of u desire to return it
John Bull's press censor uud the Parii
journalists could uever remain oouteutej
iu the same mutual adtulratiou society,
, ct lixai M iia P
W f
v '
Cjrf) HE first year of married life may
j7 be compnred with the first -at-
tempts of a baby to walk warily
and swiftly, snys a woman of the
world. By stumbling and overbal
ancing Itself does the infant loarn how
he may locontote with safety to himself
and without treadlnz on tho toes of his
The angles of our characters, we be
ing usually agreeably unconscious of
them, become unpleasantly revealed to
us because they get In the way of our
partner for life. And lie whom we con
sider faultless proves to hnve angles aa
well. Each has to learn the other all
over QRaln In the Intimacy of marriage.
Matrimony Is a splendid institution
for the elimination of self-will. By the
time those angles above referred to
have become rounded and Inaggresslve,
the nature of their owner has under
gone a change of which he or ehe may
possibly be unaware. All the same, it
Is In the nature of discipline, and dis
cipline la not Invariably pleasant.
When true love helps In the process
It may be comparatively painless. The
love acts as an anaesthetic; or, to vary
the simile, lore Is as the skilled den
tist, who minimizes the pain of his op
eration's. When there Is marrlnge without love
tho discipline of adjusting the two na
tures to each other and to the necessi
ties of a double existence may be lik
ened to the unskilled operator, who
gives hie pntlents the maximum of pain
with the minimum of benefit.
Duchess of Sutherland.
The Duchess of Sutherland, who has
Just published nn antl-soclallstlc novel,
Is the wife of one of the richest noble
men or England.
Though still a young
woman she has been
prominent for some
years In philanthropic
and temperance work.
Tho town house of
VflM "how places of Lon
don. The Duke s fath
er, whom he succeed
ed In 181)2, startled
IASO. London society, nfter tho death of bis
Invalid wife, by marrying the widow of
bis iramekeoner. Mrs. Blair. To add to
the complications of thu situation Mrs.
Blair beenmo a widow through an un
fortunate accident on tho part or the
Duke. While huntlug one day ho acci
dentally shot Mr. Blair, nail it was
while calling on Mrs. Blair to express
his sorrow and sympathy tha: he fell
In love with her. She wns then over
40 years old. but as the Dowager Duch
ess te still a somewhat prominent and
extremely Interesting factor In English
society. The present Duke-owns 1,400V
000 acres of Euglish land.
Plump and Comely.
As a rule the Cubnii woman Is round
In figure and pretty In feature. Her face
la seldom vivacious one looku In vajn
for tho beauty or expression. Her hair
Is orten a glory to her, and Is sometimes
of that blue-black shade only possible
with the daughters of Southern Europe
and their descendants, though occasion
ally tho Cuban glfl varies the program
by being a blonde, and to be plain, rath
er fat.
This ludy Is often a woman nt 12, and
the mother of a large family at 10 or 20.
So pretty In her youth, In age she be
comes lean and dried, or fat aud un
wieldy. She fades early, and, for want
of strength of character. Is apt to lose
control of her husband, who, neverthe
less, still continues to need such con
trol aa badly as any man of his times.
But whatever ahe may grow or seem,
her eyes never f'ide. To the last,
through all vicissitudes, they are big
and black. Boston Traveler.
Wants the I.uw Chunked.
Miss Margaret Lee, of Brooklyn, has
Instituted a movement for the repeal of
tin! copyright law now lu force, by
which the authors
right to his books
ceases to exist forty-two
years after
"The Idea suggest
ed Itself to me," she
said, "on seeing a
chance newspaper
statement that sev
eral large editions
of works by Amer
ican authors, copy
righted previous to ISo", were soon to
be lusut'd. It seems to me a scandalous
thing thnt tho writers, several of whom
are still living, should have no profit
from the transaction. The law Is sixty
eight yenrs old, anil Is old fogy to the
last degree."
LenKth of the Skirt.
Trailing ureases hnve ulrendy proved
so uncomfortable nnd unsuitable for
walking that a number of our most"
noted ladles tailors have decided to
make a virtue of necessity by setting
fortjt tailor rouud aklrt for traveling
and walking uses.
By a round skirt ! not in en tit oue of
short length and devoid of h certain
graceful sweep, but a carefully sloped
model whose greatest length sweeps
the ground about t.vo or three Inches
Juat at the back, sliys the New lurk
I 'oat.
Deml-trnlns are retained for cere
monious calls, made lu a carriage, for
ufteruoou entertainments, and for pret-
I ty house gowns, and the lung train ap
pears otily on toilets for cluuorute dress
Kit rt-ut lou Needed.
No homo should consider itself well
orugulxed thut does not make some
appropriation for recreation. The
amusement need not cost more than
car fare to the free Illustrated lecture
or concert, or perhaps only time nnd
desire to walk to tho park, where
luncheon may be carried from borne;
- jfi
but recreation of some decent and en
joyable kind there should be. There
Is no borne so bumble but that Its hos
pitality should be extended sometimes
to friends, though It be upon the scale
only of friendly chat nnd apples nnd
popcorn. American Kitchen Maga
zine. Honnewlfe and Domestic.
The first effort a woman can make
In the management of ber household is
toward preserving a demeanor of digni
fied amiability. If she wishes to exact
deference, respect nnd good will, let her
make a fair exchange In offering kindly
words, a "thank you" for little services,
a good night and good morning, and In
variable gracious civility without fa
miliarity, says the Philadelphia In
quirer. The second crt to study Is that of be
stowing tactful correction! To an
nounce that the soup was unfit to eat,
and the coffee abominable Is discour
aging and Irritating to a cook, especial
ly when the reprimand Is given In an
unpleasant toue, as too many misguided
women honestly believe Is the one and
only Impressive means. The truly Im
pressive method Js to talk the matter
over quietly after the meal, point out
exactly the fault In tho dl&h, repeat
none of the family criticisms, and by
advice and encouragement stir the ser
vant's pride and confidence.
Takes to the Sta&ce.
The latest recruit to the ranks of trag
edy actresses Is no less a person than
the widow of the late President Bar--jp.Sjlt.
rios.of Guatemala.
f''l5-r v IlL'r husband -was
fjv' u s s u s s maieii in
February. 1S0S. bv
fv,-i&?a I!,,tlsl' 'object
(p J y A -frfi!? named Oscar Sol
ry; injer, who was
-TiiJ: i pursued and killed
-";.' , tho r.lnn.l. ,f
theruui'dered Pres
ident. Mine. Bar
rios took refuge In
this country . and
lived for some
m o n t h o In San
mm;-:. UAiiKtos.
Francisco. It was supposed at the time
of her husband's death that he had left
a fortune of seevral million dollars, but
eventually almost all of the property
which stood In his name was seized by
alleged creditors and the widow was
unablo to get any satisfaction from tha
men who, after a number of attempted
revolutions, succeeded to the govern
ment. She has since studied for the
stnge. , r
What a Quiet Girt Docs. '
The quiet girl never wears high colors
Iu tho streets; you do not see her flaunt
ing In brilliant checks when they hap
pen to be In style.' When high bats are
"In" she does not pile hers so high that
It sweeps the cob r -bs from the' sky.
She does not wear tho longest truln to
her tea gown! nor the greatest uumber
of bangles when bangles reign.
But because she does not chatter and
giggle, and make fiersolf conspicuous at
matinees, does not announce her con
victions on all occasions nnd on all sub
jects, and profess her admiration at ev
ery hand's 'turn, ,it, must jtot be sup
posed that she has no Ideas or convic
tions or enthusiasm. She la quiet be
cause ehe has no power. to make herself
heard, to change her condition, or be
cause she is maturing that power.
In the meantime It is the quiet girl
who marries earliest, who makes the
best match, who fills tho niches which
her more brilliant sisters leave vacant;
who manages the servants, runs the
sewing machine, remembers the birth
days, listens to the reminiscences or the
old, and often keeps the wolf from 'he
door. Woman's Life.
A Good tooth lowdcr.
In order to keep flip teeth In gooi
condition absolute cleanliness Is neces
sary, und they should be brushed night
and morning with some good powder.
Here Is an excellent one: Take half nn
ounce each of powdered orris root nnd
prepared chalk and add to them one
tenspoonful of bicarbonate of soda.
Mix thoroughly. The soda acts ns nn
antacid and iieutrali7.es the acids of
the mouth, while the chalk nnd orris
nre grit-y enough to remove any parti
cles of food which may cling to the
Millinery Fad.
An old fad lu the milliner's denart
ment Is showing the feet of the birds.
The doves and birds thnt decorate beau
ty's headgear hang nnd dangle then
feet over the brim lu a most curious
and ungainly fashion.
It la unattractive. It's not becoming
aud It is most decidedly startling. But
it is the correct thing.
The feet are shriveled and vellow. mm
anything but .an ornament, but they
are useu as such. .New York Telegram
Kules for Hospitality.
Do not Intrude into your hostess' af
Go direct when the call or visit U
Do not make a hobby of personal In
firmities. Do not overdo the matter of enter
tain incut.
Do not forget bathing facilities foi
the guest.
"Make yourself at home," but not too
much so.
In ministering to the guest do not for.
get the family.
Ho not make unnecessary work for
others, even servauts.
Do uot gossip; there are better things
In life to think about.
Let no member of the family lutrude
In tho guest chamber.
Conform to the eiintom of the house,
especially as to meals.
Be courteous, but not to the evtent of
surrendering principles. (
When several guests are present, give
a share of attention to all.
Introduce games or diversion, but
only such us are agreeable.
Better simple food with pleasure than
luxuries with annoyance and worry.
Have it comfortable room lu read!
Iiets, adapted to the needs and tastes
of the guest.
A guest need not accept every pro
posed cntertaiumetit; he should be ceo
btderate of himself aud host.
The Effect of Lateness la Imparted to
Costnnie, Mat or Bodice by Some Lit
tle Trick of Ietall-8orae Polonaise
en Xrs etrrecpoodenee!
UST a trifle of
detail serves to
a costume, a
bat or a bodice as
the latest. So it is
worth while to con
sider details, that
the new selection
may do the wearer
credit, or so that
the garment all
ready on hand may
safely , disguise its
date tinder some up-to-the-minute
of finish. In many
respects there may
be nothing about a
fancy waist that Is
not somewhat con
ventional, but there Is pretty snre to be
somo new touch about the neck. Here
originality of finish, though it may be
neither rich nor elaborate, will supply
ample evidence that the waist Is tip to
dote. Pictured proof of this is here In
a waist of polka clotted lavender nnd
white silk, with yoke and revers of cream
Ince. This was pretty, but hardly dis-
tinctive without the novel four-in-hand
of violet ribbon. It was knotted at the
throat, disappeared within the yoke, but
popped out ngain and wns in sight to the
waist line, a pair of velvet tubs holding
it. The device is well worth copying, and
there are others as effective. A stock
scurf may he topped at the portion that
passes about the neck by nn overturned
edge of linen, muslin or lace, the scorf
ends being fringed out in knotted tassels.
Or the yoke will extend without neck
seam in a .high collar shaped up about
the ears as only the lutest collar is. Then
the guarantee of newness may le in u
scurf of velvet, usually black, that passes
about the neck once, is drawn well down
in front nnd kiioUedJberc. .(lie ends fall--ing
to the Wfiiet.' if sutjh ends pass
through the yoke, they may be tied once
or twice more in bow knots.
Fringe is another unmistakable sign of
this season. Women have been a long
time coming to it, but it is here in force
and lends itself beautifully to current
fashions. It is applied in many ways.
Cloth is heavily embroidered in silk, the
ends of silk being knotted into a fringe
at all the edges of the cloth. Net enrich
ed by passementerie is fringed nt the
edge, aud passementerie nnd other "mo
tifs," as they ate called, in silk, net em
broidery, etc., nre finished with fringe.
The most swagger thing Is to have the
fringe made on the material, but it is
swagger enongh to buy fringe by the
yard and apply It. Lovely results are
shown In expensive cloth costumes.
A Jill
1? J
where bodice drapery und short overdress
are made of embroidered cloth or crepe
with fringe knotted in. Lace edged wilh
friuge, too. is beautiful, and is applied
iu various ways. The fringed dress
shown here had a long polonaise over
dress of soft pink cloth from beneath the
scallops of which u piuk silk underskirt
showed. The short polonaise was friug-
ed crepe to match, the crepe eint'jtjfclcr- I
ed iu caslmicjx-Uku4iV W ItrrcTuakliurT
part ofthe elaboration of the bodice us
iu th
the I
effects n polonaise over a double
which is u fashionable trick just
nd which, hi another form, appears
third grown of this row. Of the
ii it may be said that it cuts up
-nre a good deal, but it is HtylUh
' MiietimcH( suits one's cloth finely, so
'l th i nn idcrutioii. The polonaise
for h u tjkii't is usually rather elabo
rate, i tilt, f ringed one just described.
It is i.Hually scrolled, or cut iu scallops
or poi') s 8n'l shaped down iu front. The
skirt N.:,)wiiig I ii low is usually of some
cluboru,,., materiul. It may match the
yoke or waistcoat, which the polnaie or
dinarily iiows. lor it may be a piece of
eiubroii..r.i .ml contrasting In coloring
with all the rest. The Dual uudeiaLlrt
may bo only a few inches deep, or It ma
show almost to the knees. Sometimes
the first overskirt Is slashed to show the
under one, and in some cases both over
skirt and polonaise are slashed to the
hip. In this model the lower skirt, was
corn colored silk, next ft was the mime
silk embroidered In nrreen and gold and
the polonaise was sage green broadcloth.
Tnckcd silk gave the yoke, and black
velvet on the bodice was cleverly arrang
ed to relieve princess severity.
Between these two cstnmes !s one of
the gowns that by current standards are
classified as simple, though they usually,
are marked by exquisite fit and high
grade materials, so are costly product.
This one was a warm brown camel's
hair, black looped cording supplying tba
only trimming. The belted polonaise to
very popular and suits almost all figures.;
The princess form of it Is just the thing
for a fine figure, and a belted polonaise;
like thia one is a little less trying. The
belt should dip in front, and when there
is a buckle it should emphasize the down
pointing. In this trickery the pictured;
belt and buckle give a helpful hint. The
current variations of the princess cut are
so many and their divergences from the
original are so cleverly disguised that one
is apt to get the Idea that princess
gowns art! more plentiful than they really,
are. The fact is that very few women
dare don tho entirely unrelieved princess.)
Very pretty softenings are secured by.;
stitchings or other elaboration, and some
of these quite change the gown in its ex
actions from the wearer. In th's picture
is one, a lovely dotted black net gown'
made over pink silk, bands of black lace
passing from collar to skirt hem. A'
wreath of black lace rosea marked the
j-oke Hue, another below the knees and a
third at the head of the skirt flounce re
lieved, without breaking, the princess
line, which should extend unbroken from
throat to edge of skirt. Bauds of velvet
ribbon nre used ill this way, converging
from yoke line to waist, uud from there
spreading below.
Painting nnd embroidery ore among
the most extravagant notions. The rich
woman may pay whatever price she likes
for such decoration, and the possessor of '
a short pocketbook cau do the work for
herself, perhaps. Then she has to con
sider the question of dressing up to it.
Silk, satin and cloth arc embroidered and
painted. , Compromises are effected whtn
rintrit-inir la !uitm! nn flnth hv Amhcntft
- - -.- f
ering into place painted designs in sir
lu the next illustration is a pastel gn' ,
cloth gown with a flight of bird.
painted silk applied on the cloth belo-Jj
wreath of embroidered flowers.
most elaborate gowns, as well as of the
simpler toilored ones. As a rule the
bolero is long nt the bnck. That pictured
here provides a pretty variation iu a
bolero fastening to outline a yoke and
curving away again to show an under
bodice. Sometimes a costume shows
polonaise back, and bolero-nnd-overdress
front. Very often there is a suggestion
of a skirt line under a double overdress,
away down at the hem, just to give a line '
of color matching yoke, or finish of bo
lero. This was the case in the model the
artist chose. Scarlet ladies' cloth was
its main material, Its stitching was black
and green, and bolero nnd skirt hem
were embroidered In the same colors.
CupyrigUt, 1S90.
Uanir l'i-tu-iuie.
A small boy dashed bivnthlc
u merchant's ollice.
"Is the guv'nor In?"
Yes; wha-ifrT'.'..,. T.W,
e lilm myself. Mmt
-lint you cant; ties criagnijf'
... ... V 1
".Must see blni imniejh.
4 lie boys Importunity L-ot him K
"Well, boy. what is it you wont;
tiuid tho merchant, anxiously.
"D'yer want a ortlice boy, 'Krv
"You Impudent rusini: n',,, we've got
"No. you ain't, sir; he's just bin run
over in Chenpslde."
Hoy engaged. London Tit-Bits.
Kxpert on Lobsters,
The Smithsonian lustlpuctoo baa m
woman expert on lobsters and crabs.