Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 02, 1899, Image 5

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store is now overflowing with new Pall Purchases. Hsvo added to my
' I "v Tv jTw V?. jf jTk. TTI. T. jfTTH Tv jfT. T,"",v J",""TT"v I . '!' " .'1 I
Keep your feet war
And be never 'will. When we tell you there is not, in this western country, a store as big or a
stock as complete, we mean it. And when we ask you to como and Bee all this for yourself, we
will not diaapioint you.
till you can't rest,
Winter Suits,
Fur Coats.
Overcoats, Fur Coats, Underwear, Caps, Glove, Etc.,
A hundred tables, each bearing a multitude of new goods.
Winter Underwear.
want underwear.
Now don't wait till the mercury tumble down to zero to pick out that overcoat.
A doctor's bill may be the penalty. The choice is innumerable and the price is
astonishingly low.
Throw pride, to the winds. KEEP WARM is the best and most sensible advice
wo can give you. Wo never had such a stock of fur coats, and not an old gar
ment in the bunch ; all admirably made and selling at from $10.00 to $35.00.
Come in and see them.
'A stitch in time saves nine." Ono of our 1.00 suits of warm
fleeced underwear will save "stitches" in the back, and is a long
way climber than doctor's bills. Send your money to us when you
If we don't send you what you want or full value, ship it back and get your money.
Good Warm Underwear from fifty cents to Five Dollars a Suit.
Dow Clothing Co.,
516-518-520 Fourth Street. SIOUX CITY, IOWA.
already large assortment many new lines adapted for presentations.
Those goods embrace the newest and best in
Solid Stiver
Plated Ware.
IJest Wakes Orvly.
The Largest Tssortmeivt of
In the Wst
Clocks and Dronxes. Onyx Tables and Lamps. Ebony Toilet Goods.
llieh Fans. Opera Glasses. llawkes Cnt Glass.
Fine Pipes. Cigar and Tobacco Cases.
Gold Headed Cants. Umbrellas. Gold reus.
Fine Leather Pocket Hooks. Card Cases. Etc. Etc. Etc
Largest Assortment of Silver Toilet Goods, Gem Jewelry and Kings.
The Will II. Heck 18 Karat Plain Gold King.
Optical Department in Control of an Expert Opticion.
Orders may be selected now and reserved for the Holidays. Out-of-town
customers can dciH'iid upon their orders being filled with fairness and secur-
racy. Correspondence solicited upon anything pertaining to tho jewelry line.
Hum sells rubber goods!
W. E. Kelly was down Sunday.
from Jackson
Coul! Coal!
You need it now, also hardware.
15ny both of tho Edward? A Bradford
Lumber Co., Hubbard, Neb.
S100 and Costs
Joe Leedom was
Cnrl Heam of Homer spent Monday
night in town.
M. C. reck went to Pierce Monday,
on legal business.
S. G. Gasser of South Sioux City
Was iu town Monday.
Attorney Slooum of South Soo. had
business hero Saturday.
Judge Ryan went out to Jackson
Buuday to sjo the coal mines.
MrsX. H. Barto and Mrs. Woodard
Were Sioux City shoppers Saturday.
Two fur coats for sale at a cut price.
Good ones. D. C. Stinsox.
H. O. Doin of South Sioux City was
in town Saturday, witnessing tho Pey
son case.
Mrs. Webb Hoch of Omadi, was a
Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs K.
J.- ruzer.
Mrs. Charles Hall and Mrs. E. R.
Triggs were shopping in Sioux City
last Saturday.
Dave Neiswanger, who travels for
H. A. .Tandt, of Sioux City, is home,
ill with the grip.
f t. 00 for 25c. call on Len OHarrow
818 Fourth street, Sioux City, and see
Low il is done.
Claude R. Hart arrived home last
evening from LaSeur, Minn., to spend
Sunday with his folks.
Miss Dolly Minter of 'Waterbury,
Bpent several days visiting relatives in
this city the past week.
Sam Coatcs has expended about
$400 in siding up his saloon building
to keep comfortable for the w inter.
Geo. Henvv and wife who have been
visiting friends at Homer for the past
two weeks, returned to this city Mon
day morning.
Jesse Learner and wife came in
Wednesday evening from Wilbcr, Neb.,
to eat Thanksgiving turkey with the
old folks at home.
Dr. Nina Ream who spent Sunday
with her parents iu Homer, passed
through town Sunday evening on her
Tray to Si inx City.
M. O. Ayres, Fred Wood, Chas,
Avery and F. P. Holtzinger spent Sat
urday hunting iu the vicinity of Ren-
ingers farm. They got a little game.
Charles Avery and his mother who
have been visiting with M. O. Ayres
and family fur the past two weeks, re
turned to their home at Orlando, Neb.,
last Monday.
Newly Wed Couples
Can save money by buying their
STOVES and other hardware of the
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.,
Hubbard, Ni'b.
II. Rasdal and Bert Kinnear were
up from Homer Tuesday.
G. H. Haase of Emerson gave thanks
under tho paternal roof.
Closing out wall paper at cost.
D. C. Stixson.
Isaac Iloogahoom, an old soldier
was down from South Soo Wednesday.
He will enter tho Soldiers' Home at
Grand Island next Monday.
The case in county court of T. H.
Northwall & Co. vs B. B. Gribble of
Hubbard for a wagon purchased of
them was continued until tho Dec. 22.
H. W. Wood will spend tho holidays
with his wife at Franklin' N. Y. He
will bring the little son of an adopted
daughter back with him when he
Johnnv Myers, sou of Anthony
Myers, was in town Sunday, having
arrived from Ballard, Washington,
where ho is running a restaurant. He
may remain permanently.
Several of our subscribers have
promised us wood for back subscrip
tion. Right now we'll take the wood,
later on we'll want the money. They
can ake their choice.
Angus Learner was married to Miss
Agnes Richards at Geary City, Kan.,
last Tuesday. They arrived here
Wednesday eveuiug to spend Thanks
giving with Mr. Learners parents.
Mrs Wm. Nead was arrested in this
city last, Saturday by the Kheriff of
Pierce County, Neb., where die was
taken. She is charged with jumping a
bond in a case two or three years ago.
The Herald is for tho masses. If
you have an item of news como in and
tell us about it. We don't mean to
slight uny one, but unless you tell us
what you know, somo good news items
will get away from us.
From and after this issue1 all receiv
ing tho Hkhai.d will be regarded as
regular sebscribers and will be axpect
ed to pay for the same. If you don't
want to pay for tho' paper, hand it
buck to the postmaster and there will
no hard feelings. Be sure you have
ju:id back dues, however.
A Huss Tkadf. Nit! W. C. Smith
and J. W. Reeder of Jackson recently
tried to swap horses. Smith took his
horse to Ilex-dors place and. wanted to
awap, but Reeder said Smith's animal
looked sick and did not want to trade.
Smith left the horse there and ho died,
and Smith sued Reeder for the horse
he swapped for. Judge Ryan declared
no trade hud been made ami called the
leal off.
Is What Judge Ryan Assessed John
Peysen Last Saturday-
The caso of State vs John Peysen
was tried before County Judge Ryan
Saturday. M. C. Jay conducted tho
prosecution, County Attorney Warner
declining to do so, and J. J. McCarthy
of Ponca handled tho defense, A
large number of w itnesses were exam
ined on both sides. Tho principal
effort of the defenso was to prove that
tho section of the statute under which
tho chargo was drawn, said the defend
ant must sell "malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors", tho "and" being in
serted instead of "ok". As Peysen
was only charged w ith selling one kind
of liquor, they contended he should bo
freed. At the conclusion of the case
Judge Ryan find Peystu $100 and
costs, which must amount to nearly
$100 more. Peysen has appealed tho
caso to tho district court, Ed Easton
signing his bond. This breaks Pey
sen's record of being acquitted on crim
inal charges.
Sav Hill is Back of it.
WII I H RPfk' Tac Sioux Clt Jeweler.
1LL 111 ULVlt Mondamin Corner.
J. F. Naffziger of Sioux City took
advantage of the pleasant weather last
Sunday and came over to this city and
spent the day with his father aud sis
ters. The Hi:iiali ami tho Cincinnati
Inquirer one for local and county
news, the other for general news
both large papers all for 2.00 pur
veai fin advance
After Evil-Minded Persons.
Itliascome to my knowledge that
certain evil-minded persons are circu
lating reports about meats kept for
sale at my Bhop iu Dakota City, one of
which was that meat was sold over the
counter from a cow that had choked
to death. I will pay live dollars to
any one who will furnish me the testi
mony that will lead to the convietiou
of any person or persons circulating
such an unfounded report.
C. B. Howutn.
Omaha & Northran Road Representa
tives Expect Him to Become
Head and Front of Enterprise.
The rumor that James J. Hill would
take control of the Omaha & Northern,
the road which is projected to be built
next year from Omaha to Sioux City
over an air-line route sixteen miles
shorter than the present routes has
again been revived. The fact that tho
bonds of tho combination bridge com
pany at Sioux City are being quietly
bought at ISO cents has led to the idea
that he is deeply concerned in tho now
road. Tho increased demand for the
liouds is tukou to mean that next year
thero will bo increased tratlic across
the bridge and this can only be ex
plained by the prospects of tho sue
cessful outcome of tho Omaha &
Northern's plans.
That James J. Hill has considered
tho advisability of assuming control of
the road does not lack confirmation.
A lacal representative of the Omaha &
Northern, when questioned concerning
the matter yesterday, said that at the
time tho directors were elected it was
stated tha Hill intended to intcicst
himself iu tho rond and it was not
doubted that if he did decide to inter
est himself he would become the head
and front of the enterprise.
- -
A Law SriT. Joseph Greenwood of
Goodwin sued Frank and Bert Reed
in county court this week for $80,50
rent on land and articles borrowed and
not returned. The defendants agreed
to settle for $51.80 and costs, but
plaintiff demurred, and Judge Ryan
allowed him $57.50.
Kellfv Files a Contest.
Alleging that Sides was Unlawfully
Elected Sheriff.
W. E. Kelley has filed papers in
County Court, praying for a recount of
the ballots cast at the recent election,
alleging that tho election boards in
several precincts counted votes for
Sides which should not havo been
counted for either candidate, as the
crosses were in tho square at the end
of the blank lino left for writing tho
names. ,
He charges that in Covington pre
cinct Sides furnished John Peyson
with a large sum of money for tho pur
pose of furthering Sides election; that
Sides gave Win. Snlsbury, L. Hawkins
aud Wm. Hawkins intoxicating drinks
for voting for him ; that in Covington
precinct 12 votes were cost in theblank
line and counted for Sides.
That in Omadi precinct 12 votes
cast in tho blank lino were counted for
Sides and 10 ballots markek for Kelly
weie counted for Sides.
That in St. Johns 15 ballots cast for
Kelly wore counted for Sides and 8
ballots were cast blank and counted
for Sides.
That in Summit 10 ballots on tho
blank line were counted for Sides.
That in Hubbard 4 votes were cast
for Sidos by illegal voters.
That in Pigeon Creek 5 votes were
cast by illegal voters for Sides.
That an honest count of the ballots
cast will show that W. E. Kelly was
fairly elected sheriff of Dakota county.
Judge Ryan issued a summons for
Sides to appcur on or before December
27, when a recount will be had.
It is not known whether the recount
will include the other ollices or not.
Tho petition simply prays for a iso
count on tho ollice of Kheriff.
tendance on the caso from Sioux City,
South Sioux City and Pender. Tho
child, as we understand it, prefers to
remain with her foster paronts, Day
& Whiteomb are attorneys for plaintiff
and Jay & Beck for defendant, Judge
Evans will announce- his decisiou today,
Cold weather will soon be here, and it will be well for everyone to ward
off all danger of catching ool J. Warm and dry feet save many a doctor
I havo a ffne lot of shoes that aro selling at very low prices. All
styles, sizes and prices.
Rubbers and Arctics!
I have now on hand a Choico Lino J Rubbers and Arctics. Como
gud Inspect Them Before- tho Best aro Gono. I
Guaranteo my Goods and Prices.
Sold Out anil Skipped.
W. H. Smiley of Emerson Gets Into Deep
Water Financially.
News crme last Friday that W. II.
Smiley, doing a general inerchantilo
business at Emerson, had sold his
stock to Sherbacker & Co. of Croston,
Nob., aud left for parts unknown. His
stock of goods wero immediately at
tached by Omaha and Sioux City
wholesale houses who had accounts
against him aggregating $.'1000 ot over.
Sheriff Smith has been in pniscssutS of
the stock all Week. Kmiley's wife is
still in Emerson and is prostrated by
the affair.
Smiley and "-ifo deeded tho building
to his father for $050.00. No kuowl
edgo of his whcroalouts has been ascertained.
It Pays
to buy your lumber, coal and hardware
of tho Edwards & Bradford
Company, Naeora, Neb.
Wants Her Child.
Clara Farcl Sues for Possession of
Her Daughter.
Mrs. Clara Farel of Duluth, Minn.,
has sued in tho District court for pos
session of her 13 year-old daughter,
Bertha Ludwig. When Mrs. Farel'i
former husband died in 188rt, she gave
the child, then two years-old into tho
possession of John Silbrance. Papers
wero drawn up for tiling to that effect,
but E. B. Wilbur, then county judge,
neglected to tile saino, claiming the
costs were not paid. Silbrance died
aud his widow married a man named
Booher. They reside in Thu.-ston coun
ty. Mrs. lurel has been married
t-vico since the girl's father died, and
boing now iu comfortable circumstan
cos, wants her child. She claims she
was mentally unbalanced when she
gave tho child to Silbrance.
About twenty witnesses wero in at
EI) EASTON, Proprietor.
Deals in Dirt
Reported From Week to Week for th
Herald Readers-
J no. D. Miller to Kato E. Mil
ler, lots 1-2-3 4-5 0, block 21;
lots 1-2-3-0, block 22, Moan's
add South Sioux Citv, wd $2500
Fidelity Security Co. to R. A.
Ward, niswi sec U twp 20
n r 7 eft, wd j. . 800
Fidelity Security Co. to H. J.
Melirido, nwi nwj see 11, no
J nei sec 15 twp HI n r 7 , 1400
W. H. Smiley and wife to Dav
id Smiley, lot 11 blk 1, Dako
ta add to Emerson, wd 050
Catherine E. Towhig to Marga
ret A. and AbbieM. Twohig,
wj nl snd He 4 nwj sec 22
twp 2'J n r 7 e C we 2000
Otto Bannard to Fidelity Se
curity Co. nw nwj see 14,
nei nej seo 10 twp 2'J n r 7 ! 1
Special Attention Given to Horse
shoeiug and Repairing.
Dakota City, Nebraska
Carl Schriever. Fred Schriever.
Dealers in
Sholf and Heavy Hardware.
Tinware, Cutlery, Kitchen Utensils, Ammunition,
Garden Tools, Nails, and Everything
Carried in a
General Hardware Store.
Call and Get
Dakota City
our Prices Before Buying Else
We may save you money.
C. B. HOWARD, Proprietor.
Carrirs on liaml at all limns n. nlini snnnlv nf
wx f' y ,i
Fresh and Salt Meatshc,
Cash Paid
For Hides.
From Maker to Wearer.
Save the Middleman's profit
on Shoes by buying Wliero You get them
Direct From the Factory.
Stockmen's Roots.
Women's Shoes $1.00 up. Men'n Shoos $1.00 up.
Fourth Street,
Sioux City, Iowa.
is no true criteriou us to
,V a Wewaf ipv.. -
and loia of it for a nioder-
Jv the Hkrai.i and home of
:ing papers.
f M. Ayres, Mra. M. (J. Jav,
M A. Schmisd and Mwa Marion
eH V re mv ei iw i mi mii tituti t
J"ii. mi i. I hey went nu a plea--
e tii iiii'l "I 'lirne I'sey inni a royal
good I line.
Tin' Oiiinha Woild-IIerald is great
UK ii duily pnper, and it is vUo great us
H veU;.' paper. Its McoMy i.sMle,
which i' in fact a t-emi-weekly, l eemise
it is published twice a week so as to
give Kiil'scrihcrs the Hewn luolo fie
ijuently, contain all the news of the
(lav, lusidi .s u large amount of miscel
lany, a agricultural department, and
quite elahorate report'! on the fctock
and graiu raaikct .
Bound Over (or Bootlegging.
Win. Harrison was arrested at
Homer Friday last and brought before
Justice Mauslield on charge of selling
intoxicating liquors without a license.
Ho was bound over to the district
,'i!i!UJ-UuuerjMnls or jauo. lie was
brought to the county seat Saturl.
by Harry Itasdal, and lodged in jail !
List of Letters
'Keiiiiiiiiing uncalled for in the i
i, Hire lit Dakota City, Neb., Nov'
Mrs. Nettie l'.lvo.l.
I'ri.ili (iilbert.
Kii'liunl Kanicy.
Anton Siin.noiis.
Persons culling for the abovtvlill
please sav ' adveltised."
M. A. nun i., 1
The most complete
Barber Shop
Bath Rooms
In the City.
Under U. S. Clothing Store.
Comer Fourth and Pierce.
moriuFion of-
The Olympia.
l;inc Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
First-Class Rigs furnished on Short Notice.
Dakota City, Nebraska.
Freighter and
General Contractor.
Old Puddings liaised aud lie
paired. Terms Keasouablo.
Opposite Court House,
W Dakota Citv, Nebraska.
r I' i.. il I i' ii j i Airrrui
mi , t a r
1)i:.i.i:k in
Wines & Fine Kentucky Whiskies
1 sou-: acknt row st ill. it i i x i ; niir.K.
Don't Dcluv ft
placing Tour order for storm
the Kdwards & ltradfor? Lunl
Naeora, Neb.
'The Hodc.'i."
Fourth and Pearl.
j m as
mi ii n
J. VarTde Zedde, Propjif;
I'ntil further notice I shall be at my
ollice in the Court House the third Sat
urday of every uioiitli. At that time
opportunity for examination will be
given to applicants for cert ideates.
Those desiring certillcates should bring
whatever documentary evidence of
scholarship they have in shape of dip
lomas an 1 certificates. 1 shall always
be pleased to have teachers, olliceia
and put runs consult with inc. Direc
tors should ropiest Iitednd supplies,
always designating quantity wanted.
11. J. Hai-kman,
County rjuperintcudeiit.
La 1 1
Stock rfl;:";;-
, .jt P.rlt-
n , ii
t iu t ureain."
1 4 realize it,"
ry me ten more,"
Y jf'M we'll have u
UJVrttm of Hi.' re
ul and the lull
Leu in must l.'lkil
ur yenrs.
f iiritions.
Li e most mini-
Wo believe in
aro selected wi'.re
pleased with tl-"i,Wl,,ln''
Our tiri-in i,Jit n.V double Ulo
- ...i
:l reruii iw
niucolH CIuiIihs, tho
Egyptologist, who when lie
to publish nu works was a wine
hunt, furiously enough, Ihla au-
oli things F.K.vptlan never vis
ited tOgypt. Ills only excursion n broad
was to I If- museums of Italy, where lio
reiuainetl a few weeks Iu lsti!.
1 Ii uirolilt ISose.
The hoiiiciiltunil worhl is exercised
by the 1 1 1 x slerlotis llillilol Illation 111 f
rotor u hieh the .1 a in nese are able to ef
feel 111 loses. 1 ty some llllUll iwll hut
natural process the flower changes
! r mi red In Ihe sunlight to white In tln
si-aile or in darkness.
Ii is his wiKiim'iirss to pay a k-w.i
ivni.il that fives his S.itutllcil majesty
Ui choice of apartments Iu some mansions.
The lutaut prodl,
ut i0.
ry ut 4 may be a liol