Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 02, 1899, Image 4

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In ih charm of thn fir wins 1
mnm nr bofiiloir th noftlf r'H
im it. hi from (MlRIM)VA Cnrtln.
Nnthm will cnnlrtbot mnrw to th
arllitlic BOfTWM" ot in innrnfon,
t or dinner. Th bwrt droTtli
fctirilM for fhA HtmDlfHit of tht
tn(w( Mlahnrkta fntift lonfnf rot-
Ana th mot d-llrat tint tif
and mill nrwywhwt.
Dakota County Herald.
Continuation of the Homer Herald.
was not followed during the democrat
ic administration and in causing quito
hit of unfavoabla comment. Mont of
tlie accounts now being collected are
for debts in past years when tbo In
dians wore suffering for necessities,
and as they are honest debts we do not
neo how the arm of the government can
be lined to enforce the payment of sub
sequent debts first. At the same time
tbo lnt of trader is one of Hlitical
honor and profit, un wc expect to see
the administration back the trader and
A weekly ncwspa)er published at
Dakota City, .Nebraska.
Application 1ms been made for
transmission of this paper through the
mails as second-class matter.
John L. McKcan.
A Thoroughly Independent Newspaper,
$1.50 Per Year.
'hands Off thc courthouse
Died At the fit. Josoph Hospital in NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE-
hiotix City, Humlsy, Josepbinl daiigh- I FENDANTS.
ter of.Mr. and Mri. Louis Deivine, of
this place. The funeral took place
Monday, the remains were interred in
the Catholic burying ground at that
place. We join in sympathy with thc
bereaved family.
The bright daughter of Editor and
Mrs. J. C. Keker of Dixon, Neb., f(fld-
ed her hands peacefully asd closed her
. - rfi
eyes iu eternal sleep recently. aih
sad bereavement of our estocmcd
friends causes a sympathetic feeling
to pervade the entire press of Northern
Nebraska, and we join our condolences
... . . ... . i - i
witli tneirs. we, too, nave kuowh
what it is to clasp a darling's baud and
watch the sands of lifo slip faintly
through ; to see tho spirit of one dearer
than all tho world beside, glide from
theso earthly shores. Kind friends
may assure ono that it is better so,
that the loved one is now forever free
from earthly pain or sorrow, yet the
plain truth remains that we hungar
for.the sound of the voice that is stilled,
that wo long for the bright eyes and
duinplod hands, and will forever long.
Mav time soften the blow to the be
reaved hearts of our friends.
Lutheran Church Services.
Lmaniel, Dakota'Citv: Hunday
nciiool every Sunday morning at 9:45
Breaching services every alternate
Hundays at 11 a. m., also "every alter
nate Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Young
People's prayer meeting Wednesday
evenings at 7 :iJ(l.
Sr. I'ail'h, HoMF.it : Treaching
every alternate Humlay at 11 a. M.
hALKM : hunday Hchool every Snn
lay at 1 :30 p. m. Preaching at 2 :30.
oung People s meeting at 7 :30 P. M
Yon are cordially invited to attend
tliese services. S. M. Lkrhrii,
I'.ecause its list of subscribers
growing faster than any other paper in
Dakota county,
Because whatever succcbh it lias at
tained ban not been achieved by ma
liciously misrepresenting and lying
about our contemporaries, and iti
earning are clean earnings.
Because it is tho "oflicial paper o
Dakota City," and is getting more
praise every week than its publisher
ever got beore in his life.
Because over 2000 people read this
paper every meek nnd still more will
Because it is tho only truly inde
pendent newspaper printed in the
oimnty today, and "nonecall it master;
Bono call it slave."
Because the truth is mighty and will
evail to the discomfiture of back-bit-
a and venemous shinilorers.
Secause it owes no man any ill will,
its solumns are each week free
i venenoim slurs that wreck inno-
hearts and tarnish innocent
teause tho future holds in hand for
Tgut prospects and a suitable ro--!-f
honest industry.
BoX. its editor believes in a eoni-
, mou biotnrNjhood of man, hates by po-
crista and wcSiijr aid in lifting
one so til from the deptluf father tliij
tear ai gels down. J' -.,,. '
Because it bus the almost auanimoiis
support of locul business men, which
will be a strong aid in building up
. home institutions, . home trade and
Lome industiies.
Because the host governor Nebraska
ever bad carried Nebraska by a ma
jority of 15,107 and "four piecinti to
hear from."
Because the people of Dakota City
re becoming tired decidedly tired
pj newspapers run by Jacks-of-all-
idei to vent personal spite, and are
tiO-ning to papers run by practical
'ntors thnt print tho news.
lli1fl ttiik Vmti nt'nl r9 sn w hi,:.,n,.u
turoi Homer to Dakota City was the
"'t thing that ever bajpenoo to its
Mjimsner, ami completely overturned
vrp schemes of would-be dictators. It
jjus a bomb that surprised them.
Because we had chicken ami gravy
eett ry and taters and pie and such till
??J vests could not bo buttoned.
t'icca'iae me lliaiiKs we irsvu wknt
u the oftloo "devil" took in 25
ion suhiu'rintion this week, mi, I
"h while force had a walk-aroud and
bnlanu vl oi; tho comers. Hands all
lieccuse it likes to aee evoryono do
well aiid h.s no jealousy.
Because nil tho boys of the county
press are hni'tliug, thoir popers are im
proving; and ve trust each will be re
warded iu a deserving manner.
Becaise that wood we were promised
on subscription and didn't oomo "ill
he here next week, sure as shooting."
Becsnte scandul mongers and those
who rai t into other people's business
give this ofllce s wide berth.
.neeaiise .lounnv JJull is irtiii7
u. - a O
' ' ' " CM. , . .
ir(H)(I ami llur.l n
The Harjier I'nblisbing Company
his gone to tho woll.
. tier
Talk about those Easterners having
long bends on them on tho financial
question and wanting sound money
with no "wildcat" banks! They dump'
ed (1,000,001). into tho lap of a skin
tfame manipulator ill New York last
month and are now holding the sack
This gentleman promised 10 per
month interest on investments placed
Yet these blue-blooded snobocrats pro
tend to bo bo much inoro honest than
uh plain Westerners in finances! K.x
cusu us, wliilo wo laugh!
The action of tho trader and agent
at tho Winnebago Indian Agency iu ex
eluding outside business men from col
looting their accounts last payment'
day has aroused strong opposition
tho republican ranks, and A. D. Iteem
er, of Boomer is circulating a petition
to haveCupt. Muthowson removed and
himself appointed. Bancroft specula
tors and business are concerned in tho
opposition. Whilo we do not exactly
uphold the agent in bis doings, yet he
did no more than
ho tho chance.
M Vr
To James T. Willis, Chahler
Willis, Moja Waknf.r,
William Willis and Mary
F.llih, heirs of Brit ton Wil
lis and Amelia Willis, de
ceased: It. BrciiANAX Jr.
heir of U. Buchanan Sr;and
the nnknowa heirs of It.
Buchanan Hr. deoeased; T.
F. Anpiiewh, Samcfx Y'lHd
i.ini; Amaha Heath; A.
Heath; Harah M. Collier;
K. M. Collier; Jam. W.
Dahcam; Unknown heirs of
(leo. B. draff, deceased;
Fiiep B. Oulvf.r; Leaxdeh
IShowk; Of.o. A. Davis;
Thomas I'.oiuhon; Chah.
B, Williams; Michael
(Jeesey; T. Oiiihon; Un
known Heirs of J. F. T.
Haase, Deceased ; William
Hhafker; W. E. F.meiiy;
F.dwin K. Missey;E. E.
Mt'ssEY jLi'Tiier M. Brown:
L. M. Brown; William T.
Mathewr; Fred Hillman,
Our Weekly Letter From the southeast Corner From our Regular Correspondent.
Kcmarkablo OiTers.
and C. Zeiuif. : )
You, and each of you, are hereby
notified that on the 14th day of Novem-
Tho proprietor of the Herald makes ber, 1H'.)9, Daniel O'Hanlon, as plain
tiff, hied Ins petition against you, im
pleaded with Kelly W. Frazier, Geor
gia Jay and J. H. N. Patrick, as de
fendants, the object and prayer of
which are to qniet plaintiff's title to
the following described real estate, to
wit: All of Blocks 241, 242, 271 and
272, in the Village of Dakota City, in
the following advantageoTis mibserip
tion offer. For the sum of $2 00 in
cash we will send the Omaha Kemi
Weekly World-Herald, or the Sioux
City Journal Semi-Weekly Journal and
the Dakota Coi nty Heralp until Jan- Dakota County, Nebraska, ond to ro
uary 1st 1001. Iteduced rates given
on all leading magazines and dailies,
For $2.25 wo will send tho Weekly
Cincinnati Enquirer, tho best paper
printed between the two oceans, s
broad, educational newspaper and tho
Dakota Coi nty Herald until January
1st 1001. This is a remarkable offer
Go t0-s22
Tin Shop
For All Kinds of
Stove Repairs.
move from said title the clouds of the
claims of the various defendants there
to, and to exclude the said defendants
and each of them from any interest in
said premises, and for such other and
further relief as may be just and
You and each of you are required to
answer said'petition on or before the
2.)th dav of December, 1H09.
DvNiF.i. O'Hanlon,
By bis attorneys,
aIell C Jay, and
NovlH-4t M. C. Beck.
Vlj NO
pec i
'il II) IV
ii It L a ii ! If iim4 lin v r
nUDU I II WIN llll ffS
id mi
Picked up on the Fly by One who Knows
What is Going On.
Win. Myers drove to the city Mon
day. (Icorgo Myers was up from Homer
Alex Nixon marketed hogs hero
J. J. MeBride was over from Jack
sou Wednesday.
Michael Cullen of Jackson was in
Sioux City Monday.
Thos. Duggan was up from South
Sioux City Sunday.
Thos. Crosby of (loodwin was in
town Wednesday on business.
Miss Sarah Slioa attended the Em
erson social ilo Thursday evening.
County Attorney Warner aud family
drove up from Dakota Wednesday.
Mr. Lindsay the, South Soo City
rustling merchant, was in town Tues
day. Quito a number attended tho rallies
this week at M. Omen's and Sam
Tho dance given by the Woodmen
of Jackson Wednesday evening was a
grand affair.
Quito numbor of fho young folks
attended tho Jauksou dance Wodiies
day evening.
iov is me time xo ouy your over
shoes. ISoe Kill fl key's liuo before
buying elswher
visiting at tho
Joaie Kennel
home in Jacksct
Thursday orvi
B. It. O'l
Frederick n
tending county
J t
I f IS
ni i
' I I
iere being no school
il. F.a-uisoo, John
tm Leodoui were t-
1 1 bstuday last.
iHmfetuined from Soattlo,
tit t
ie, and Hichard of
t line
iittciidiitg to
C lilmcrilu r In fl
. l w
voitiiir fnlLti friiiitliiu
i iiu tu eiijcveu a yerv
ent tug one evening of tliis week
of Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
I Vil
e liiil"
nit V
Kt t,
III liiy Monday after a
"!""' his shop. Het.K,k
,t Dan"' Hefferiian
r nlif verything, fiom
v skivss. Dau is O
: o I lie a
was in
load of
home a
meat to big
Attorney and Counselor At Law.
Collections Promptly Attended to.
Dakota City, Nebraska
1 .
hcal estate Loans. Collections.
Notarv Public.
Dakota City,
Physician and Surgeon
Calls Promptly Attended.
Physician and Surgeon.
Dakota City, Nebraska.
All telephone and other calls
promptly responded to.
To John P. Foley and others 1
interested in the West Half
of Lot 12, Block l.'W, Dako-
ta City, Nebraska : J
Tha undersigned hereby gives no
tice that on January 31, 1808, he pur
chased aid West Half of Lot 12,
Block l.'l'J, Dakota City, Ntbraska, at
privato tax sule for tho taxes of 18H2
and subsequent years, to and includ
ing 1805, lor $12 40, and bo baa paid
subsequent taxes for tho year 1807,
amounting to$..'K). and for the year
1808, amounting to$..'!0.
Said property was not assessed in
tho name of anyone. Tho time of re
demption of said property will expire
January 31, 1000, and if not redeemed
by that time the undersigned will ap
ply to the county treasurer of Dakota
County, Nebraska, for a tax deed of
same. J. F. Lef.hom.
Dated Nov. 15, 1800.
The farmers are nearly all through
hnsking corn.
Thanksgiving services were held in
the M. E. church.
Mrs Thos. Smith was a Sioux City
visitor last Monday.
Oabriel Norby had business iu Sioux
City Wednesday.
Joe Kelsey took in the sights in
Sioux City Monday.
Little Buck mado his weekly visit in
Sioux City Monday.
Will Myers of Hubbard visited one
day last week in town.
Ashford Bros, will build a new side
walk, north of their store.
Hugh Oallugher was in Pendor thc
first of the week, on business.
Todd C'hristopherso.i was in Sioux
City on business the first of the week.
D. L. Allen is helping M. J. Her
mann in the, store during his closing
out sale.
Dnck hunting seems to be the rage
now, among those who sem inclined
to bo sporty.
The County Teachers' association
will bold its next meeting in Homer.
Program later.
U Mrs. Louis Smith visited several
days in Sioux City, with ber niece Mrs.
Will Jastruin.
Miss Mao Whited came up from the
Omaha agency last Friday and remain
ed until Monday.
Thos. Green and family of Sioux
City uto Thanksgiving dinner with
Captain O'Connor's family.
The many friends of James Alloway
will be glad to learn that he is on the
road to a speedy recovery.
Miss Itosa McIIenry has returned
home after a pleasant visit with her
friend, Miss Maggie Murphy.
(Ireat preparations nro being made
for tho Thanksgiving dance here. A
very enjoyable timo is anticipated.
Tho merchants seem to be doing a
land otlico business with the Indians
since thev wero issued their annuitv
Highest Market Prices for Cattle and Hogs.
Feeders A Specialty.
Hubbard, Nebraska.
Ilammatt X Kockwcll
Blacksmilliinff anil
Ooneral Blacksniithiug, Plow
Work, Repairing Wood or Iron
Promptly and Neatly Done.
noon. Her horse was hitched in front
of F. Buckwaltor's store, Mrs. Bbven
had untied tbo horse and wos about to
get into the buggy, when it became
frightened at some unknown obstacle,
and started to run, but Mrs. Bliven had
hold of ono lino and she managed to
hang on to it until assistance came
Tho buggy was slightly damaged.
I have soiiio clothing and somo hhoes
that 1 will trade for wood or com. I
will ulso take wood or corn on accounts
except for groceries.
D. C. Stinson.
Harry I'm ml a I and Oeo. Myroi?, last
Friday, arrested a man known hero as
"English Bill, ho was in tho act of
selling Indians liquor. He was placed
in tho "calaboose" over night and a
preliminary trial was given him the
next day, we failed to learn tho vor
diet. A negro who claimed to hail
from Sioux City was with him when
thc arrest was made, but they could
flud nothing against him to cause bis
arrest, ho immediately started u foot
fcr Sioux City.
Don t forget tho Heuai.h does :ill
kinds of job printing. Good work nt
fair prices.
of Goods for Only
' Tho attention of the readers of the Heiui.u is called to the remarkable
offer of Len O'Harrow, 818 Fourth Street, Sioux City, Iowa, by which, by
litlte exertion, they will be enabled to secure $4.00 worth of goods at Id's
establishment for only 25 cents in cash.
Mr. O'Harrow issues a coupon look with four coupons attached. The
purchaser of one of theso coupons presents it to Mr. O'Harrow with $1.00,
and secures another hook of four oou(h.hs, which ho dKpT,'soll f for 'Suo
each, thereby gotting his dollar back. When tho rurohasers of those
eoupous present them to Mr. O'Harrow and secure a, Wk, tho original
purchaser of tho first IsHDk receives $4.00 worth of goods nt Mr. O Har
row's store.
This is no fake. It is a legitimate transaction Mr. O IU Tw
i'civoH$4.00 you net $1.00 ..ith ,,f goods.
Mr. O'lbiw will be picked to explain the matter more full to von.
Call in and see him , ,
Len O'Harrow,
Homer House.
Square Meals and Good Rooms.
Livery Stable in Connection.
Homer, Nebraska.
! Omaha Valley Roller Mills,
Dr. C. II. Maxwell and family of
Dakota City ate turkey at the Ashford
homo east of town Thanksgiving day,
A Mr. Stevens from Sioux City will
move to Homer and start a meat shop
in Oallagher's newly proofed building
Mrs. Dennis Duggan of Sioux City
has been visiting relatives hereabouts
for some da vs. Sho returned borne
this week.
Rev. Booth gave a talk last Friday
evening to a large audience. His talk
was chietly on agnosticism, pantheism
and similar topics.
Your correspondent failed to men
tion tho youngster who took up his
abode with Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Jordan
Monday of last week.
A certain business bouse seems to be
keeping up the watch for tho meteroric
display, of at least that is what they
say they are doing. ( V)
Lloyd Kilbourr, came up from Deca
tur last Saturday and remained over
Sunday with his parents. He is at
tending school in Decatur.
Leen Ream was up from Homer
Monday after a cargo of turkeys which
were rallied off via the draw poker
route before Thanksgiving.
Wm. Heiisley a Winnebago lndiun
whose face came in contact with a
pitchfork while ut an Indian pow-wow,
is rqjorted as getting better.
Mrs. Phebo Wilson has reeetily re
turned from her summer visit ut Wilks
b.iiov.gh, Pa., her old home. She re
ports a most enjoyable visit.
M. Mason has built an addition on
the eustsido of his drug store, to be
used as a store room. It adds much
to the appearance of tho drug store.
No services were held at the M. E.
church Sunday evening, the pastor, M.
H. Booth held services at Grove
church where revivals are in progress.
A plonsunt High-Five party was
given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Gabriel Norl y last Monday evening,
participated iu by tho neighbors for
miles aronnd.
J. W. Olbrey uud family at contem
plating on moving to Decatur, where
Mr. Olbrey expects to start a meat
shop and restaurant. Ho w ill erect a
residence there, on his newly purchas
ed lot
A very pleasant party wus given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Krum
weidde, the occasion being Mrs. Kruui
weidde's birthday. Sho was tho re
cipient of a number cf valuable presents.
Messrs. Cha. Cluypool and Stuart
uud Misses Eva Beach aud Clara Rol
iuson, caiiio down from Sioux City un
their wheels, last Sunday and spent
the day with friends. They returned
home iu the evouiug.
Mrs. Lou Bliven came neur having
a serious runawsv Ian rnduv after-
EUREKA The best patent male.
SUNBEAM A good second orade.
GILTEDGE A crood medium erade.
Tin's flour is made by the newest and best machinery, under
management of a skilled miller, and every
sack is warrrantcd.
J. W. DAVIS & CO.,
I-I oilier,
m m
m mn f rim mm
J. 1 I
Fine Wines, Whiskies and Cigars Always on Haud. Drop in
When Y'ou Want a Good, Warm Drink or u Pleasant Smoke.
South Sioux City,
is a quality some newspapers have lost sight of in these
d;iys of "yellow" journalism. They care little for truth
and a great deal for temporary sensation.
It is not so with THE CHICAGO RECORD.
The success of THE RECORD rests upon its reliability.
It prints the news all the news and tells the truth
about it.
; It is the only American newspaper outside New York city
that has its own exclusive dispatch boat service and its
own staff correspondents and artists at the front in both
It is the best illustrated daily newspaper in the world.
Its war news service is unapproachably the best . . "J'J
.iv uic urvdiiA i ill. i Liiiiiv i-nnnr "it in
'Ve read the war news in the other papers,
men we turn to lilt: CHICAGO RECORD to
ee how much of it is true."
Sola by newsdealers everywhere and subscriptions receded
by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RtCOKD, 151
Madison street, Chicago. m.wiwi
F t t U- em.
'ei Kirs.