The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, November 30, 1928, Page TWO, Image 2

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<i ..
J; The postal regulations require that for newspapers J; j
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1 ped. If this is not done, postal privileges are denied the «’
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We, as publishers, MUST comply with the law or
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o < »
With this issue closes my connection with The Monitor.
In relinquishing my editorship of nearly fourteen years I desire
to express my sincere gratitude to m'y indulgent subscribers
and readers, scores of whom have from time to time sent me
messages of appreciation and good will; to advertisers whose
support and patronage has made publication possible; to the
Waters-Barnhart Printing Company whose generous co-opera
tion and indulgence has permitted its regular appearance, and
to all who have in any way contributed to the success of the
The need for a publication of this kind led me to establish
The Monitor and issue the first number on July 3. 1915. It was
a neat and attractive eight-page, four-column paper, “devoted
to the interests of the eight thousand colored people in Omaha
and vicinity and to the good of the community.” The associate
editors were Lucile Skaggs Edwards, William Garnett Haynes
and Ellsworth W. Pryor. “Our Women and Children” was a
department ably conducted by Mrs. Edwards. "Science Notes”
were contributed by Mr. Haynes, and “Culinary Hints and
Recipes” by Mr. Pryor, the then famous steward of the Omaha
Commercial Club. The following week, Joseph B. LaCour, a
high school boy, now on the Kansas City Call, and recognized
as the premier advertising man of the race, became circulation
manager. He got his start and first experience on The Moni
tor, as did also George Wells Parker, the brilliant columnist
and aufhor of “The Children of the Sun.” Others to whom
The Monitor furnished an opportunity for development might
be named.' ... . •
Fifty cash subscribers began our subscription list, the first
subscriber being Dr. W. W. Peebles. Let’s name nine more in
their order: E. W. Pryor, Joseph Carr, J. W. Headley, Dr.
C. H. Singleton, Dr. L. E. Britt, William Walker, General Scott,
Rev. W. T. Osborne, H. J. Pinkett.
Elsew’here is published our first editorial to which atten
tion is invited and I feel sure that the standard there set has
been maintained. It is with the satisfaction of having at least
tried to render helpful service to the race and the community
that The Monitor is relinquished into the hands of one who has
the ability and the will to serve the community devotedly and
The need for a strong race publication in this community
and every other where our people are found in numbers must
be apparent. Several publications, lured by the prospect of
untold wealth to be earned in the journalistic field, have sprung
up in the community since The Monitor started. The editors
quickly retired upon their wealth. The editor of The Monitor
unable to acquire their wealth has struggled on hoping against
hope that his ship laden with golden argosies would soon come
to port.
It is with great sitisfaction that I turn The Monitor over
to George H. W. Bullock, for whom I bespeak the continued
support of ali those who have remained its friends and patrons
through the years that have gone and I hope that they will
assist him in every way they can to make it an efficient agency
for good in the community. Gratefully yours,
This is the first issue of The Moni
tor, a weekly newspaper published
primarily in the interests of the 8,000
colored Americans in Omaha and
vicinity, to chronicle their social and
religious activities and to discuss
matters of peculiar importance to
them as touching their civic and eco
nomic rights, duties, opportunities
and privileges. Further than this, it
has as its general aim and purpose
the contributing of something to the
upbuilding and good of the commu
nity, to the dissemination of infor
mation bearing on race progress
throughout the country and to the
formation of a sound and righteous
The first editorial in the first issue
of The Monitor gives opportunity for
explanation and forecast. We take
it to tell WHY we have come TO BE
and WHAT we hope TO BECOME.
The Monitor has come into being
to satisfy a popular demand, to meet
an urgent need, namely, that of a
special publication and mouthpiece
for the colored people of this commu
nity. And this need, it is only fair
to point out, is the result of educa
tion along this line on the part of
others, to whom full credit should be
given for their laudable endeavors.
We have been educated to appreciate
the value and usefulness of a pub
lication of our own by The Progress,
a pioneer in this field, published for
some years by F. L. Barnett; and The
Enterprise, founded by the late G. F.
Franklin, and continued, until a few
months ago, by T. P. Mahammitt; not
forgetting two or three other later
and shorter-lived publications like the
Afro-American Sentinel, published
by Cyrus D. Bell, and The Progres
sive Age, by G. Wade Obee. All
these publications, whatever their
faults or limitations may have been,
have had their influence in educating
our people to appreciate the useful
ness and need of such race journals.
This is especially true of the two
first named. Moreover, it may be
just as well to point out, in passing,
that these publications, limited in re
sources though they were, gave em
ployment to some of our boys and
girls who otherwise might have been
unemployed. Let us remember this.
The necessity for a local weekly,
such as The Monitor aims to be, is
due to the fact that colored Ameri
cans, like other race groups in our
polygenous, or many raced nation—
which is still in the process of na
tionalization—form a distinct and
well-defined social group, having
their classes and gradations, with
their separate social and religious ac
tivities. Their standards and ideals,
in corresponding classes, are those of
the communities in which they live,
PROVIDED that they are permitted
to come into helpful contact with
those standards and ideals; but at the
same time, there is a large inner cir
cle of activities which belongs exclu
sively to themselves. These need to
be n.'.'ted, discussed, directed and en
couraged or reproved, as the case
may be. This is the province of the
newspaper of the special group. The
larger daily, and we in this communi
ty are favored with a fair-minded and
friendly press, thinks and speaks in
the terms of the whole community—
not of any particular class. The spe
cial group, the special interest, must
have its special organ.
Then, again, there may arise mat
ters affecting the rights of a particu
lar class which, in the larger com
munity life the daily serves, may be
overlooked. Then it becomes the
duty of the special organ to speak.
The peculiar place unfortunately
assigned to the colored American,
even in the most favored communi
ties where he is found in any appre
ciable number, makes it expedient
that he shall have a newspaper of his
own, devoted especially to his inter
ests. It has its educational value for
him and also for his white neighbor,
if he will read it. Papers of this
class can be of good service in a com
The Monitor hopes to fill an honor
able and useful place in its chosen
field in this community, full of splen
did possibilities. It will strive to
gather news of interest, local and
general; it will give from time to
time illustrated articles of our homes
and people; it will publish articles
from special writers to make its read
ers think; it will welcome short let
ters on timely topics from its read
ers. Its editorial policy will be in
dependent, frank and fearless, cour
teous and kind, sane and conserva
tive. We shall strive to make it a
paper of such a high standard that it
can be read with pleasure and profit
in any home in the land.—Editorial,
July 3, 1915.
All employed girls who are inter
ested in forming a club are invited
to meet at the North Side Branch on
December 5th, at 7:30.
Mrs. J. A. Williams, acting mem
bership chairman, is asking that all
members ■who are delinquent become
financial during December. This is
“Home Coming” month for members.
The hospitality committee is hav
ing an “Evening of Fun” for every
body on December 13th. This is
younr invitation to f ome and bring
five cents with you. Save the date,
you will miss a grand time if you
fail to come.
! Have you paid your membership?
This is home coming month at the
Girl Reserve*
The Blue Ribbon Club (grade
school Reserves) made and presented
to the Old Folks Home a box of
fudge. It shows a splendid spirit
when our girls will bring the ingredi
ents and money from home to make
the candy and then carry it to those
less fortunate than themselves. The
Girl Reserves find happiness by mak
ing others happy.
The Up-to-Date Club is preparing
(to gladden hearts during the Christ
mas season.
The Athletic Gem Club (High
School Reserves) will have charge of
the Christmas Vespers on December
Watch for the date of “The Hang
ing of the Greens.” You can not
afford to miss this event under the
auspices of the hospitality commit
V open
Sixty-five people enjoyed the ex
cellent and inspirational program
rendered at the Vespers last Sunday.
| Mrs. I. S. Wilson gave a picturesque
interpretation of the Y. W. C. A.
She held her audience with intense
interest, and in the language of her
distinguished husband gave a “won
| derful sermonette.” The musical
numbers and the reading were good
for the soul, especially the reading,
“The Crucifixion,” by Mrs. Walter
Craig, who is one of Omaha’s out
standing women in efficiency. A
great number enjoyed the hospitality
of the religious and general educa
tion committee. The unusual fea
ture of the Vespers was the period
of worship conducted by Miss Margie
L. Danley, our executive secretary,
who brought to the audience the
solemnity and beauty of devotionals
which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Don’t fail to attend the next “Y”
Vespers when “The Story of the
Orient” will be presented by fourteen
girls of the Zion Baptist Church un
der the direction of Mrs. Lena Dal
las. The date will be December 9th.
Everyone is eagerly waiting for the
Christmas Vespers when our own
Girl Reserves will have charge. De
cember 23, 1928, is the date.
Mrs. Carrie Vinegar, a former res
ident of Omaha, died Sunday even
ing, in Los Angeles, where she and j
her daughter have been residing for !
the past two years. Mrs. Vinegar j
was the sister of Mrs. Alfred Jones, I
this city.
The women’s dressmaking classes
are completing the first period of
work, and will begin the second per
iod after the holidays. New regis
trations will be accepted anytime be
for January 7th.
The Boys’ Brotherhood staged a
club-supper Saturday evening. The
boys prepared and served the meal.
The rummage sale Friday, auspices
P. T. A., was a success.
The Christmas Gift class meets
every Thursday at 1:30 p. m.
Our High School Club meets week
ly. Miss Mildred Alston is the presi
dent. The following program will
be rendered at this week’s meeting:
Vocal solo, Miss Berthell Taylor.
President’s Thanksgiving Procla
mation, Miss Daisy Webster.
Reading, “The Monkey’s Feast,”
Miss Hallie Johnson.
Violin duet, Messrs. George
Staines and Valreen Johnson.
Musical selection, Franklin sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie B. Cowan re
turned Saturday from Portland, Ore.,
where they were called by the death
of Mr. Cowan’s aunt, Mrs. Julia Bel
Formerly Chinaman Sam’s Place ?
Open Under New Management J
Fresh Substantial Home Cooked Food and Quick Service J
Will Be Our Motto At All Times Ij
Open Daily from 6 a. m. Till 12 p. m. Midnight S
Prices the Lowest S
MR. and MRS. BENJ. F. BURTON, Proprietors £
Jackson 9946
>scribe for 9
5 Old Reliable 9
« Weekly 9
1th Year 9
it Circulation 9
0 a Year a
X Bring the Kiddies to Hayden’s ♦♦♦
| Toyland on Third Floor f
t TOYLAND IS NOW OPEN . . displaying hundreds and hundreds of new and dif- V
♦♦♦ ferent Toys . . that will gladden the hearts of every good little girl and boy. It &
would be mighty convenient to parents to make selections now while stocks are com
t plete . . a small deposit will reserve the selections until desired. 1
i Free Candy to the Kiddies *