The Monit or « ___— * * A WEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED PRIMARILY TO THE INTERESTS * ’ ' OF COLORED AMERICANS \\ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA. BY THE ? MONITOR PUBLISHING COMPANY T . * • Entered a* Second-Cktas Mail Matter, July 2, 19IK at the Poatoffice at Omaha. T Nebraska. under the Aet of March 3, 1879. t t ! ! THE REV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS _ Editor T < , w. W MOSLEY, Lincoln, Neb__ Associate Editor . ' , , LUCINDA W. WILLIAMS . ..Buimesi Manager \ \ \ SUBSCRIPTION RATES. $2.00 PER YEAR; $1.25 6 MONTHS; 75c 3 MONTHS £ , , Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Application. 4 [ • Address, The Monitor, Postoffice Box 1204, Omaha, Neb. ? Telephone WEbster 4243. | MERROW & MURPHY, Attorney. 418 Peter. Tru.t Building LEGAL NOTICE To George P. Carley, non-resident defendant: You are hereby notified that on the 22nd day of September, 1928, Charles Phillips as plaintiff filed his petition in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Appearance docket 251, page 28, against you, impleaded ■with others, as defendant, the object of the action so brought being to foreclose a certain mortagage of $1,500.00, dated July 16, 1925, exe cuted by Henry M. Coleman and Ma bel O. Coleman, husband and wife, in favor of J. P. Hess Company, and by said J. P. Hess Company assigned to the plaintiff, which mortgage was j recorded July 20, 1926, in Book 632 1 at page 56 of the mortgage records of Douglas County, Nebraska, and j covers the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot Five (5) in Block Fifteen (16), Hitchcock’s First Addition to the City of Omaha, as sur veyed, platted and recorded in Douglas County, Nebraska, which mortgage was given to secure a promissory note of even date for $1,500.00 and interest. Plaintiff prays that in default of payment by the defendants, or some of them, of the amount due plaintiff on said note and mortgage, said premises may be sold according to law to satisfy the amount found due, with interest and costs, and that the defendants, and each of them, may be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all right, title, interest or equity of redemption in and to said premises; for the appointment of a receiver, and for such other and fur ther relief in the premises as equity may require. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of November, 1928. CHARLES PHILLIPS, Plaintiff. By D. M. MURPHY, His Attorney. 5t-9-27-28 FOR RENT—Modern, nicely fur nished rooms. Twenty-second and Grant. Phone Webster 3945. Call evenings after 6 o’clock. i WEBSTER 0580 % Say Parntner, Do You Eat at Peat’s Sanitary Cafe X «V* Yes, it is the best place I know 4 V for good eating! V ❖ H. PEAT, Prop. * % 1801 No. 24th St. i Y Omaha, Nebraska y | HARRY LELAND’S l | REAL ESTATE CO. | X Houses List for Sale Cheap 7 X 1912 N. 26th, 6 r. mod. except Y X heat, $2,000, $50 down, $20 per % t mo. 1914 N. 26th, 7 r., $300 X X down, price $3,000. 2611 Ham- % X ilton, 5 r. mod., $150 down, sale X y price $2,500. 2613, 5 r. mod. y X except heat, $150 down, $2,000. Y X 969 N. 25th Ave., $100 down, X X $2,000. X | 319 Neville Block f X Sixteenth and Harney X | At. 9344 I -X"X-X“X“:"X-:'Xx«X“X~X“X~x**f MB9^4BgJtaZ|3LfLS'* iSKsFp. I HlEClImSiTiil /■*! ■ (My Name Appears on the X Separate Non-Political f Ballot) ^ FRANK M. f | DINEEN i ? Non-Political Candidate £ £ for X X I DISTRICT JUDGE £ | 4th Judicial District | X Election November 6th ❖•x~x~X“X»*X“X~x~X“X~x~X“X"i-1 JUDGE TROUP CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION Judge A. C. Troup, who has served for several terms most acceptably to all classes on the district bench, is a candidate for re-e lection. He is a man of the highest character, abso lutely void of race or class prejudice. I have known him intimately for thir ty years and we have been friends during that entire period. He is one of the men whom it is going to give me great pleasure to again vote for, as I have upon former occasions, for District Judge. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS. HEY, YOU! SATURDAY’S SPECIALS Just an Example of Our 99 Special Prices 10 lb. Sugar _ 58c 24 lb. Flour__ 79c Corn Meal, sack_15c Malt, Puritan, can_37»4c Spare Ribs, lb._ 16?4c Steaks, per lb. ___22?4c Sirloin, per lb. 22 *4 c T-Bones, per lb. _22>&c A. A. YOSSEM, Prop. 24th and Patrick Avenue PATRONIZE THE STATE FURNITURE CO. Corner 14th and Dodge Street# Tel. JACKSON 1317 Agents RDIIIidUIAK Phonograph# for BnUnOVVlUR and Record# i ^x~:"x»x~x~xx~x"x“x~x-x~x~x~x~x~x~x**x~x~x~x~x~x“>*x'*>*x" i: N. W. WARE || !; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW < J « > J! 1201 So. 13th—Omaha, Nebraska ' * <« Phone* Webster 6613—Atlantic 8192. |J Vote for Arthur E. Baldwin Candidate for District Judge Fourth Judicial District 45 Years a Lawyer 43 Years a Resident of Omaha 12 Years a Judge of the Municipal Court of Omaha I ............. . rrmnrrm-r«vr •}• y We Sharpen Shears while you *!• *j* wait, with the Wizard Shear *j* X Grinder. X y 2405 Lake Street X FRATERNITY BARBER SHOP £ Phone We. 6823 .j. X*XK~X~X*<~X~X~X~X~X~X**X~X* Re-Elect Frank S. Howell Supreme Judge Judge Frank S. Howell has th« approval of his fellow judges o l the Supreme Court and the en * S dor»fmi-nt of the Omaha Bar as | sociation, receiving 202 votes to l his opponent's 03 j Faithful, Fearless Experienced in All Forms of Legal Work He has practiced law 35 years in f Nebraska, served five years as United States district attorney | and has served on the Supreme Bench by appointment to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Judge George A. Day. j| Vote for Judge Frank S. Howell Non-Political Ballot “Judge Howell is a Friend of Our People” LEE VON HOTEL 2212 Seward Street Strictly Modern and Up-to-Date First Class Service Rooms By Day or Week Remodelled and Under New Management Phone WEbster 3016 C. P. WESIN '■} Grocery Company <> ♦!• Now one of the Red and White t Chain Stores t Y *1* Same Prompt and JJ •> Courteous Service y I*. Better Prices. •> I*: 2001 Cuming Ja. 1248 V. v *!m!m'm!m**^I****^ ****** ****** *l**Z*******^»*****l******* I E. C. PAGE 1 j for j jj DISTRICT COURT JUDGE [j *. Editor Page’s Digest Nebraska Supreme Court ^ ■’ Opinions «£ I; ENDORSED BY OMAHA BAR ASSOCIATION jj *! ■! .■.VMV.V.'.VAV.VAV.V.V.V.VV.V.V.'.V.V.V.V/AVAVrV.V l “ 1 1 [ t Our Bargain Basement j: FIVE BIG BARGAIN DAYS jj j: STARTING TUESDAY i 5 5 .* in the / j: FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE \ of the J> Basement l Expansion ji j SCORES OF BARGAINS \ J in V i Every Department of the Basement J .:.VAV.VAVV,V%V.VA\V.V.V.,.VAV,V.VAV.V.V.V//,,^.V) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦. ♦- ♦- ♦. ♦- ♦ » » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ❖ ♦♦♦ ! CharlesW. Pool I ❖ 4 X Nominee of the Democratic Party X 4 4 i 4 for 4 1 Secretary of State ! A A x — Y Y y Efficiency, Economy and Courtesy Guaranteed by My Y f Past Official Record Y Y Y Y Y Speaker of the House of Representatives, State Legislature, 1909. V «$♦ Secretary of State, 1915 to 1919, and 1923 to 1927. £ * ' Y I Stand Upon My Record as a Public Official and Y X Y y Appeal for Your Support y I Election November 6, ’28 I Y ❖ y ❖ Y f Y 4%