The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, October 12, 1928, Page FOUR, Image 4
NEWS FROM DULUTH. MINN. By Mrs. Jennie Murdock Williams Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Soles enter tained the Interstate Literary Club on a recent Thursday evening at their regular social monthly meeting. Ow ing to the inclement weather, the participants on the program were un able to be present, and the subjects, “The New South” and “Biographical Sketches and Poems of Countee Cul len,” were most cleverly handled by Mr. Harry S. Merry and other mem bers of the club. Remarks were made by Mrs. M. J. Robinson of Cleveland, Ohio, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Colby. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Coles, Mrs. R. B. New some and Mrs. Sarah Waters gave some most interesting facts of their vacation trips. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. The club was more than pleased to have one of their oldest and honorary members present, Mrs. Cordelia Johnson, who had been ill for more than six months. Mrs. Anna Williams, 329 East Su perior street, is steadily improving from a serious and prolonged illness and double operation. Mrs. W’illiams is a former resident of Omaha. Mr. R. B. Newsome has been called to serve on jury in Virginia, Minn. Mr. Frank Winfield and Mrs. Emma Watts both are serving in Duluth. Mrs. Walter Covington finished ,a series of social events on Monday, September 25, complimenting Mrs. M. J. Robinson of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Covington gave a five hundred card party and guessing game, which was most interesting. Prizes were won by Mrs. R. B. Newsome, Mrs. H. S. Merry, Mrs. Victor Towles, Mrs. Charles Colby, Mrs. J. D. Mobley and Mrs. Fred Hyatt, Mrs. M. J. Robin son receiving guest prizes for both games. A very dainty lunch was served by the charming hostess. Mrs. Covington, which all enjoyed. Mrs. M. J. Robinson left on Tues day for her home in Cleveland, after a four weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles Colby of 616 East 4th street, enroute fro mthe Elks conven tion which was held in Chicago in August. _ Mr. William Johnson of St. Paul, Minn., was the week end guest of his sister, Mrs. Wallace Rodney of East I 8th street. Miss Mary Kelley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Kelley, has re turned to Princess Ann Academy, Maryland, after having spent her va cation with her parents, and Marshall Kelley, the son, left on Saturday to attend the Downington, Pa., Indus trial School. Mr. Kenneth Richardson, a recent graduate of Duluth Central High school, and son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Richardson, who has shown un usual talent for art, left on Saturday to attend an art school in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nichols had as their week end guests Mrs. Beat rice Gibbs of Minneapolis, Mrs. Flor ence Hanley and son, James, of St. Paul, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Merry, accom panied by Mrs. Hanley, Mrs. Beatrice Gibbs of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Ed ward Nichols, motored to Hubbing and Virgina, Minn., Friday. You can designate your gift to any agency you please; but GIVE. Give not as to 1 but 31. Give to the Community Chest. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and their j brother, Mr. Graham, of Hemingford, j Neb., arrived in the city last week j by auto. They are guests of Mr. and ! Mrs. C. R. Johnson. Mr. Anderson is styled as the wheat king of the northwest, as he owns something over 2,000 acres of land near Hemingford, and is very wealthy. We understand | that he has built homes on his land for a number of his kin. Mr. Ander son purchased one of the latest seven passenger cars from the Buick Auto company here. After visiting a while here they will return to their ranch. Mr. L. P. Gates left Monday for a visit to Chicago, 111. Rev. M. C. Knight was in the city the past week from Denver. After arranging matters concerning his transfer from this district he left with his wife by auto for his new church at Denver, Colo. Adam Loving is yet confined at his home with illness. The initial program of the eighth anniversary of Rev. H. W. Botts’ pas torate at Mt. Zion Baptist Church was held Monday night and throughout the week, concluding with the anni versary sermon and financial rally Sunday. f Mr. Georj^ Young and wife were over iromJ Omaha Monday to visit their mother, Mrs. Boswel, and Mr. and Mrsf Guy Wiley. Covenant and communion were en joyed by members of Mt. Zion Bap tist church Sunday. The pastor de livered a fine sermon in the evening. Rev. John Adams is taking hold of his pastorate at Quinn Chapel A. M. E. church, and the people have be gun to realize that he is here. Register before October 27th if you would vote. Mrs. Ada Hill Smith of Omaha, national organizer of the Women’s Republican clubs, was in the city Sun day and Monday and conferred with the women, looking forward for the interest of our group. She seemed quite enthusiastic in her work. W. W. MOSLEY. -.. Y. W. C. A. NOTES Sunday afternoon, September 30, Dr. Edith Hale Swift of New York lectured to a large group of mothers and daughters at the North Side Branch, on the subject “How a Girl Grows.” It was very excellently re ceived by all who attended. Miss Helen Hunnigan contributed an in strumental number to the program: Mrs. Dolores Blackwell gave a vocal solo with Mrs. Pinkston at the piano, and Miss Catherine Williams played the hymns sung. The popular demand for the North Side Branch, Y. W. C. A. vespers, will be consummated Sunday, Octo ber 14, at 4 p. m., when the bi-month ly vespers will have their opening service of the season in charge of the Religious and General Education Committee, of which Mrs. Hiram R. Greenfield is chairman. An unusual program of highest spiritual and lit erary merit will be rendered. Every body is urged to be present and en joy the treat offered at your “Y” vespers. Be sure to join the crowd that always attends and remain after program for the refreshing social hour which follows. Refreshments will be served to all free, while re newing your “Y” friendships. Come prepared to relate some helpful ex perience during vacation. The sub ject, “What Spiritual Lesson I Learn ed During Vacation,” will be gener ally discussed by the entire audience interspersed with the following ex cellent program: Devotionals, Mrs. Hiram R. Green field. Piano Selection, Miss Mary Moore. Violin Selection, Miss Helen Wheeler. Reading, “Keep It Before the Peo ple,” Mrs. Margaret Hester Porter. Piano Selection, Miss Flaine Smith. Vocal Solo, “In the Garden of To morrow,” Mr. William Moore. Violin Selection, Miss Albertine Johnson. The reception sponsored by the I committee of management in honor of the new Executive Secretary, Miss I Margie L. Danley, was a decided sue- j cess. With the decorations of aut umn leaves and floral bouquets of orange marigolds, and the vari-color- j ed gowns of the guests, and the soft lights, made the reception room a beautiful sight to behold. The com mittee women acted as hostesses, j while in the receiving line were Mrs. J Lucinda Williams, chairman of the i committee of management of North I Side Branch; Miss Margie L. Danley, executive secretary of North Side I Branch; Mrs. Carrie Ada Campbell, general secretary of the Y. W. C. A.;! Mrs. J. H. Vance, chairman of col-1 ored work; Mrs. A. C. Kennedy, pres- j ident of board of directors at Centra! | Association, and Mrs. Minnie Dixon, secretary of the committee of man agement of North Side Branch. A very large group of Omahans welcom ed Miss Danley to Omaha as our new ; executive secretary. Light refresh ments were served. A few piano num bers were rendered voluntarily by Miss Ollie Mattison. And the even ing was spent very delightfully by all who attended. The Girl Reserve Get Together Party, sponsored by the Athletic Gem Club was a huge success from the time it started to the end. All of the girls entered into the spirit of the occasion and carried the effort to 'a goal very much desired. The games, songs, refreshments were greeted with much applause. The new group of girls show a great posibility for future Girl Reserve clubs. TO INVESTIGATE THE TORTURE OF OLD MAN Jennings, La.—Disrict Atorney Ro bira has announced that the Jeffer son Davis parish grand jury will in vestigate a charge made by Will Par ker, that he had been tortured with hot irons and forced to sign away all of his property. The announcement was made after a conference between the district attorney and Sheriff Fon not at which a number of witnesses were examined. Parker went to the police station in New Orleans with his story of torture. He was accom panied by Edward Ewing, who said I he had been hired to kill Parker. W. B. BRYANT, Attorney and Coun sellor-at-Law. 320 Neville Block. Office, At. 9344; Res., Web. 6859. Omaha, Neb. •{• We Sharpen Shears while yon | Y wait, with the Wiaard Shear *f X Grinder. 2 Y 2405 Lake Street y X FRATERNITY BARBER SHOP X Phone We. 6823 ;x~x~x~x-<~X"X~X“X--x--x«x-<-x | RITE-WAY SPECIALS | ? SATURDAY ? .j. 24-lb. Flour 79c j ’ Y Calumet, large can 26c | ’ I Spare Ribs, per lb. 1714c <■ Sweet Potatoes, 5 lbs. 25c , , These are just an example of J | our 99 special prices. Yours ,, for Lower Prices. ; ■ A. A. YOSSEM, Prop. j 24th and Patrick Avenue X ♦ X~X~X“X~X~X~X“X~X-X-X~X~X f JOHN w: YEAGER f |f°r ? DISTRICT JUDGE f He is the present Chief Deputy County Attorney, ;; and solicits one of your ;; NINE votes. He is Fair, - > ^ Fearless, Capable. " 1 O. S'earp | Re-elect SEARS Republican To Congress Dependable, Fearless, Fair and Faithful. ! RADIO j ? i ■ $ 7-Tube Atwater-Kent, all ;; Y Electric— Y « > $77.00 Stripped 11 j * 8-Tube Crosley, all Elec- ;; | £ trie— ;; t $80.00 Stripped j j j* 7-Tube Radiola 18— it |x Less Tubes, $95.00 | % *t* Sold On Easy Terms I SOL LEWIS ! We. 2042 ? 1804 North 24th Street | i | ED. F. MOREARTY Attorney-At-Law 700 Peter* Trust Building NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI CATION To Fred Stone, non-resident de fendant: You are hereby notified that Julia I Stone, your wife, the plaintiff, filed I her petition in the District Court of | Douglas County, Nebraska, on the j 26th day of July, 1928, to obtain an j absolute decree of divorce from you j on the grounds of non-support and ! desertion for more than three years last past. You are required to answer said | petition on or before the 20th day of October, 1928. 4t-9-21-28 JULIA STONE. MERROW & MURPHY, Attorney. 418 Peter. Tru.t Building LEGAL NOTICE To George P. Carley, non-resident defendant: You are hereby notified that on the 22nd day of September, 1928, Charles Phillips as plaintiff filed his petition in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Appearance docket 251, page 28, against you, impleaded with others, as defendant, the object of the action so brought being to foreclose a certain mortagage of $1,600.00, dated July 16, 1926, exe cuted by Henry M. Coleman and Ma bel 0. Coleman, husband and wife, in favor of J. P. Hess Company, and by said J. P. Hess Company assigned to the plaintiff, which mortgage was recorded July 20, 1926, in Book 632 at page 66 of the mortgage records of Douglas County, Nebraska, and covers the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot Five (5) in Block Fifteen (15), Hitchcock’s First Addition to the City of Omaha, as sur veyed, platted and recorded in Douglas County, Nebraska, which mortgage was given to secure a promissory note of even date for $1,500.00 and interest. Plaintiff prays that in default of payment by the defendants, or some of them, of the amount due plaintiff on said note and mortgage, said premises may be sold according to law to satisfy the amount found due, with interest and costs, and that the defendants, and each of them, may be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all right, title, interest or equity of redemption in and to said premises; for the appointment of a receiver, and for such other and fur ther relief in the premises as equity may require. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 12th day of November, 1928. CHARLES PHILLIPS, Plaintiff. By D. M. MURPHY, His Attorney. 6t-9-27-28 /WWW/WW/w/jiWWjiWWjVWWA.A.A.ww j! SOFT DRINKS CANDY j: METZ’ i CIGAR STORE j! 2420 Lake Street j; LADIES’-GENTS’ SHOE SHINE PARLOR j: WE. 6768 I HARRY LELAND’S j I* REAL ESTATE CO. ’ Real Estate Bargains OWN A REAL HOME ; $250.00 Down, Balance $16.00 • a Month < • \ \ Five-room hardwood finish < A house, Wirt street. Reasonable J | Y terms. , X Six rooms, Binney street. ‘ j A Easy terms. \ 319 Neville Block ‘ Sixteenth and Harney * J At. 9344 i AAAAAAAAA»frAaa»»»A»»»»aA»A< AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA<-AAA'X"X j PARSONS AUTO TOP | I AND BODY CO. Jackson 5820 i Tops and Bodies Built | and Repaired | Side Curtains, Lights i | Installed | ^ 706 No. 18th 5t., Omaha, Nebr. | } WATERS \ BARNHART PRINTING CO. kULIITZ—0 U } OMAHA k a«“X^x~x~x-a-x~x-x-x-x~x~:> J Have You INSURANCE? % If Not, See HICKS X 434-37-39 Keeline Building 1 f ATlantic 3623 Z X Re*. 3012 Miami Street y WEbster 6426 X •i-x-x-x-x-x^^-x-x-x-i-x-x-:*-? East India Hair Grower Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair. Will Also Restore the Strength, Vital ity and Beauty of the Hair. If Your Hair Is Dry and Wiry Try EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER If you are bothered with Falling Hair, Dandruff. Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trou ble, we want you to try a jar of East India Hair Grower, The renydy contains medical properties that go to tnc roots of the hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature to do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Per fumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beau tiful Black Eyebrows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for straightening. Price, Sent by Mail, 50c Postage 10c AGENT’S OUTFIT ’ 1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, 1 Sham poo. i Pressing Oil. 1 Face Cream, and Directions for Selling, $2.00. _35c Extra for Postage S. D. LYONS 316 North Central Avenue Oklahoma City, Okla. 4 t j. The Store f | That Appreciates | | Your Patronage *| | Web. 5802 f | I. LEVY, Druggist | ^ 24th and Decatur Sts. Reid Duffy ij I; PHARMACY FREE DELIVERY l' ! ", Phone Web. 0609 ; ;; 24th and Lake Streets and 24th and Cuming OMAHA. NEB. ;; Classified I , — ■— II UNI —.. '■ 111 ■■■'■ FOR RENT—Neatly furniahed room. Modern home. With kitchen priv ilege. Call Web. 6498. —tf. NICELY furnished rooms. All mod ern. WE. 3960. FOR RENT—One three-room apart ment. Neatly furnished. Webstar 6018. 2514 N. 31st street. FOR RENT—Three and six room apartments at 1201 So. Eleventh street. Call Webster 6613. N. W. Ware. FOR RENT—Five room house, 30th and Pinkney streets; modern ex cept furnace; newly decorated throughout; $20. Web. 5172. FOR RENT—Two light housekeep ing rooms, furnished or unfurnish ed. 2216 N. 27th Ave. FOR RENT — Furniahed rooms in modern home. 2302 N. 29th St. Web. 2608. FOR RENT—Two modern houses, one five and on seven rooms, in good condition. 947 and 949 No. 27th St. tf FOR RENT—Modern room for man and wife. Web. 2180. 2516 Pat rick Ave. SHOE REPAIRING BENJAMIN & THOMAS always give satisfaction. Best material, reason able prices. All work guaranteed. 1415 North 24th St., Webster 6666. C. H. HALL, stand, 1403 No. 24th. Baggage and express hauilng to all parts of the city. Phones, stand, WE. 7100; Res., WE. 1056. BEAUTY PARLORS MADAM Z. C. SNOWDEN. Scientific scalp treatment. Hair dressing and manufacturing. 1154 No. 20th St WEbster 6194. UNDERTAKERS JONES & COMPANY, Undertaker* 24th and Grant Sts. WEbster 1100 Satisfactory service always. DRUG STORES ROSS DRUG STORE, 2306 North 24tb Street. Two phones, WEbster 2770 and 2771. Well equipped to supply your needs. Prompt service. HOTELS PATTON HOTEL. 1014, 1016, 1018 South 11th St. Known from coast to coast. Terms reasonable. N. P. Patton, proprietor. •wwwiwywwwwwwjw ■I Phone Jackson 2466 H> I* 1916 Cuming Street *■ Rooms by Day or Week *; i Cuming Hotel £ ■I Reasonable Rates for £ .* Light Housekeeping ^ !!■ D. G. Russell, Proprietor i jl Mrs. Mayme Mason, £ ■I Housekeeper f AftVJW,<"•ViViViViWiVAV."^ $ WEBSTER 0680 2 £ Say Parntner, Do You Eat at V X Peat’s Sanitary Cafe I V Yea, it ia the beat place I know V f°r good eating! A V PEAT, Prop, X X 1801 No. 24th St. X V Omaha, Nebraska X V A yx^xx-r'^^x-^x^x^x^x**^ | EMERSON’S I LAUNDRY I i \ jJ !; The J Laundry That Suits All Y Web. 0820 1301 North 24th Street | AMERICAN I LAUNDRY I :: X 2808*10 Cuming St. t V * * X All Services from WET <> | WASH to Family Finish * > | Harney 0881 I X A « I S*« and Jo* Say, ly You Lilt* Our Stor* Say "Lincoln.” Lincoln Market 1406 No. 24th We. 1411