LINCOLN NEWS NOTES The annual ball given by the Blue Ribbon club, in Legion Hall, last Thursday night, was well attended by visitors to the state fair and home folks, and is reported to have been a success. Messrs. T. T. McWilliams, C. W. Walker, J. D. Bowen, H. R. Vener able and Charles Campbell returned from Chicago last week, after at tending the Elks’ conclave. Mrs. Kathryn Moore, Mr. G. A. Perry of Sioux City, la., Mrs. Laura Johnson and her daughter, Mrs. Lulu M. Jones of Chicago, motored to Beatrice last Thursday afternoon, where Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Gordon gave a luncheon in honor of the visiting guests. Mrs. Eva Carter has returned home from the summer camp where she spent the season. Miss Mary Alice Green, daughter of Mrs. Aimeda Green, and Dr. S. L. Stewart of Omaha were married at the home of her sister. Mrs. Joseph Burden last Wednesday. Rev. S. H. Johnson officiated. Only the imme diate family and friends were pres ent. The couple will live in Omaha. _t Mrs. Kathryn Moore and Mr. George A. Perry, who had been visit ing his fiancee here for a week, mo tored to Omaha last Friday night, and were married at Council Bluffs, Iowa, Saturday at 11a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Perry are visiting his mother in Sioux City for a few days when they will return here to reside. Rev. Ward Harper, local, filled the pulpit in Rev. H. W. Botts’ stead Sun day, with credit. Rev. M. C. Knight delivered his farewell sermon to his church Sunday night, and left for the annual con ference at Leavenworth this week. Mrs. Lulu M. Jones left last Fri day for her home in Chicago, after a visit with her mother and friends i here. She was accorded many local functions while here by friends. Rev. W. F. Botts, enroute from Louisville, Ky., to his home in Los Angeles, Cal., will stop over in the city, and preach for his brother at Mt. Zion Baptist Church on Sunday, Sept. 16. Mrs. Turner, mother of Mrs. Katheryn Moore, went to her old home at Weeping Water to live for a while. W. W. MOSLEY. Mrs. F. Cooper, mother of the late Ledrue Galloway, famous football star, is here from Los Angeles, her present home, and is the guest of Miss Mildred Clark, 2618 North Twenty-fifth street. ALABAMANS ATTACK AL'S ATTITUDE ANENT NEGRO AND LIQUOR — Birmingham, Ala.—-Governor A1 ; Smith, democratic presidential nomi j nee, was attacked for his stand on t the “race question” by anti-Smith democrats at a meeting Monday. Resolutions asking that the demo crats of Alabama vote against Smith, ! to preserve white supremacy in the j South, were adopted by democrats ! here Monday night. The resolution said newspapers are trying to “mislead the democrats of [Alabama to vote for one whose rec ord is or stands for racial equality. No man believing as Smith does re garding the liquor laws and the Ne gro need expect the vote of Ala bama.” They declared also that the purpose of the Alabama conference of anti-Smith democrats is the "eter nal elimination of A1 Smith.” Miss Inez Battles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Battles of 3122 Burdette street, who has been attending sum mer school at the State University, returned home Friday for a short visit with her parents before resum ing her studies this fall. Her sister, Miss Evelyn Battles, will return with her. Mrs. Hiram Greenfield left Tues day night for Leavenworth, Kan., to attend the annual conference of the A. M. E. Church, which meets there from September 12 to 17, 1928. ! FLORIDA NEGRO MAY RUN FOR CONGRESS . New York, N. Y.—W. W. Sullivan, president of the Congressional Life j Insurance Company of Gainesville, j Fla., and one of the leading Negr# business men of the state, has been attending the National Negro Busi ness League. He is keenly interest ed in the political situation as it re lates to the race and feels that the Negro should have a larger repre sentation in the affairs of govern ment. When interviewed here, Mr. Sullivan said: “I am seriously considering the importance of the nomination for congress from the Second Congres sional district of Florida. The Ne groes and their loyal white support ers of this district are not pleased at the lily-white methods, instituted by the Skipper faction, nor the atti tude of the national party towards them.” SOUTHERN NEGROES SEEK TO RUN FOR CONGRESS Washington, D. C.—Southern Ne groes are manifesting a keen interest in the 1928 campaign. A delegation of Virginia Negroes is organizing a movement to nominate three Negro leaders for congress, in the Second, Sixth and Tenth districts of their state. W. B. Crowell of Roanoke, Grand Ask a football Coach What he thinks of Milk ' Every boy and girl who would like to develop the best they have in them should drink a great deal of milk.” (This statement by Coach Stagg, Director of Athletics at the University of Chicago, and for thirty-two years football coach, is an nnpaid-for testimony to the food value of milk and is gratuitously given to all milk dealers.) SUNSHINE, FRESH AIR AND GOOD MILK Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias; Joseph N. Pollard of Richmond; Thomas H. Reid of Portsmouth, and P. B. Young of Norfolk came here last week to confer with C. Bascorr. Slemp and other Virginia republican leaders with a view to outlining a definite plan. Menalcus Lankford is a candidate for the nomination in the Second, or Norfolk, district, and W B. Crowell is being urged to run in the Roanoke district. INDICT WHITE MORON FOR RAPING NEGRO GIRL New Orleans, La.—John C. Carey, : a white night watchman, who is al leged to have raped on August 7, a young colored girl, aged 12, was in dicted for rape by the Orleans parish grand jury. The same grand jury returned an indictment of murder against Sam Zion, a young white man, who on July 17, is alleged to have shot and killed Miss Ada Ellen Jones, a young color ed girl, aged 17, when, it is claimed, ! that just for the fun of the thing, Zion fired into a group returning from a party. SERVICE — RADIO — SERVICE | CALL US FOR YOUR RADIO TROUBLES { v y All kJr.tteries and Tubes Delivered and Replaced. \ All Make* of Radio* Repaired. SOL LEWIS | ❖ Radio and Music 2 j 1804 North 24th Street Webster 2042 & v $--X“X-X~X-X-*-K-X--X~X"X«X^X--X*4“X~X-<-X-<--X-«X~X^X-X-<“5">2 f HERMAN'S GROCERY j 1 | 2 Twenty-fourth and Lake Streets 2 5* ♦ y Z ? Web. 6915 * y y I l X BEST FOOD Service with a Smile X Y v II 2 •/•X^-X-^K-X-X-X-XK-X-^X^-X-.'^-X-X-X-X-H-X^-X-'-X-X-X-X •m"m^n*v,m,?,.‘vwmv9w*A,w?9v9Wvvvvvwv4wvvvvv%*Y J PETERSEN’S BAKERIES f 24th and Lake Streets 24th Street and Ames Ave. ’!' i y y Omaha, Nebraska | SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN f | And the Children Will Enjoy Cookies and Wholesome \ •j* Bread for Their Lunch ? r *r ! Y We have a variety of Breads: Sandwich Loaf, Potato y ! Bread, Vienna, Cottage, and the usual small and large y size loaf. X\ Three Loaves for 25c ? j £ Two 15-cent Loaves for 25c Dark Break: Whole Wheat, Graham, Rye and y X Bran Three Loaves 25c | y Cookies, hand made Two Dozen for 25c y % For the Hostess to serve: Paddy Shells, Lady Fingers, ?! y Individual Cakes, Parker House or Clover Leaf Rolls. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY !! Pound Cake 30c yj ;; White Layer Cakes, Chocolate Fudge Icing, X ;; at 25c, 35c and 50c | Pies—Lemon, Sweet Potato and Fruit Pies 25c Each %\ :: OUR PIES ARE SOLID FRUIT j SATURDAY | jj* You can buy a large 35c can CALUMET Baking Powder j! J for 26c, at the • \ i RITE-WAY SYSTEM j: J» 24th and Patrick Avenue \■ f Just an example why you should “Trade the RITE-WAY ■! and BANK THE DIFFERENCE" J \ GROCERIES and MEATS that Satisfy % J SOFT DRINKS CANDY f \ METZ’ \ I CIGAR STORE \ 2420 Lake Street J LADIES’-GENTS’ SHOE SHINE PARLOR $ •j WE. 6768 Your Patronage Solicited ^ | N. W. WARE I \ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ? 1201 So. 13 th—Omaha, Nebraska Z 2 Phones Webster 6613—Atlantic 8192. 4 1. .\ | I I I | | | I ' | I I I I ! B B I B I B B B B B | B L...! I'.""" .. . MEN’S SUITS CLEANED and PRESSED $1.00 Cash and Carry or Call and Deliver Charge Price $1.50 French Dry Cleaning 2515 Cuming Street 1726 St. Marys Avenue Phone Us Today AT. 1066 1 ——=U i Have You INSURANCE? | »f Not, See HICKS A 434-37-39 Keeline Building ] ’ * ATlantic 3623 < > Res. 3012 Miami Street A WEbster 6426 I I r ... *... x East India Hair Grower - w^ww' *®w** ivv|iyvv2Bvi|Pvm| ^ -^l ■ W’ -T Will Promote a Full Growth of Hair. Will Also Restore the Strength, Vital ity and Beauty of the Hair. If Your Hair Ib Dry and Wiry Try EAST INDIA HAIR GROWER If you are bothered with Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching Scalp, or any Hair Trou ble, we want you to try a jar of East India Hair Grower. The remedy contains medical properties that to tne roots of the hair, stimulates the skin, helping nature to do its work. Leaves the hair soft and silky. Per fumed with a balm of a thousand flowers. The best known remedy for Heavy and Beau tiful Black Eyebrows, also restores Gray Hair to its Natural Color. Can be used with Hot Iron for straightening. Price. Sent by Mail, 50c Postage 10c AGENT'S OUTFIT 1 Hair Grower, 1 Temple Oil, 1 Sham poo, 1 Pressing Oil, 1 Face Cream, and Directions for Selling. $2.00. 25c Extra for Postage s. D. LYONS 316 North Central Avenue Oklahoma City, Okla. $ HARRY LELAND’S REAL ESTATE CO. X ' X BARGAIN SALE ? X 6-room, strictly modern, y j X 2 garages $3,000 X i y 7-room, strictly modern, y X $250 down 3,500 J [ y 6-room, strictly modern, £ ! y $200 down 2,500 y 16-room, strictly modern, X j $500 down 3,500 y 6-r., str. mod. and store 3,500 y Tailor shop, pressing and X cleaning, $1,000 down 1,800 y 319 Neville Block | y Sixteenth and Harney £ % At. 9344 ? rtWWWWMWW/VWJ'AV/ !; Phone Jackson 2466 J»| |> 1916 Cuming Sheet |!j jl Rooms by Day or Week '! Cuming Hotel \\ I Reasonable Rates for ![ Light Housekeeping J> D. G. Russell, Proprietor jl Mrs. Mayme Mason, Ij Housekeeper Ij The Store f That Appreciates | Your Patronage f Web. 5802 | I. LEVY, Druggist | 24th and Decatur Sts. | Reid-Duffy PHARMACY FREE DELIVERY ji Phone Web. 0609 , > ;; 24th and Lake Streets y and 24th and Cuming OMAHA. NEB. ;; Classified ' FOR RENT—Neatly furnished room. Modern home. With kitchen priv ilege. Call Web. 6498. —tf. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, 22nd and Grant. Webster 0267. NICELY furnished rooms. All mod ern. WE. 3960. __j FOR RENT—Nearly furnished room in modern home, kitchen privileges. WE. 3308. 4-T. FOR RENT—Ont three-room apart ment. Neatly furnished. Webster 6018. 2514 N. 31st street. FOR RENT—Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Heat. Electric light. Web. 7089. SHOE REPAIRING BENJAMIN & THOMAS always give satisfaction. Best material, reason able prices. All work guaranteed. 1415 North 24th St., Webster 6666. C. H. HALL, stand, 1403 No. 24th. Baggage and express hauilng to all parts of the city. Phones, stand, WE. 7100; Res.. WE. 1066. BEAUTY PARLORS MADAM Z. C. SNOWDEN. Scientific scalp treatment. Hair dressing and manufacturing 1164 No. 20th St. WEbster 6194 UNDERTAKERS JONES & COMPANY, Undertakers 24th and Grant Sts. WEbster 1100 Satisfactory service always. DRUG STORES ROSS DRUG STORE, 2306 North 24th Street. Two phones, WEbster 2770 and 2771. Well equipped to supply your needs. Prompt service. HOTELS PATTON HOTEL. 1014, 1016, 1018 South 11th St Known from coast to coast. Terms reasonable. N. P. Patton, proprietor r WATERS BARNHART PRINTING Cft • > WEBSTER 0680 ! ! Say Parntner, Do You Eat at 1 1 % Peat’s Sanitary Cafe |) 4 * Yh, It U tii* best place I know < > 4i for food eating I > > H. PEAT, Prop. :: i8oi No. 24th st. :: Omaha, Nebraska < * EMERSON’S LAUNDRY :: Th« :: <> . , > Laundry That Suits All ; :: web. 0820 i * 1301 North 24th Street ^ * ► I AMERICAN LAUNDRY «► 2808*10 Cuming St. All Services from WET < > WASH to Family Finish ; Harney 0881 <« .jl Sara and Joa Say, ly Yoa Lika Oar Stora Say “Lincoln." Lincoln Market 1406 No. 24th We. 1411