PERSONALS Ed. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ters Trust Building, JAckson 3841 or HAmey 2156. Miss Grace Adams is at home from Atlanta university to spend her vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Adams. Mrs. L. P. Boggus and children, Lawrence, Catherine and Harold, left July 2 for a month’s visit at Chatta nooga, Tenn., with the parents of Mr. Boggus. Sell your property through me. My plan brings the buyers. Richard E. Wilson, Real Estate 206 North Thirty-seventh street, Harney 4956. —Adv. Mrs. Mary Bell Bolden has return ed to her home in Chicago after a very pleasant three weeks’ visit here with relatives and friends. Mr. Frank Giles of Cincinnati, O., left Saturday evening after spending two weeks visiting his mother, Mrs. Ida Giles of Council Bluffs, and his sister, Mrs. H. L. Preston of Omaha. Many social events were tendered him while here. Mr. Giles is in the government service, and is also a radio specialist. FOR RENT—Room with kitchenette. Modern. 2429 Lake street. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Gaeters and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Abington of De troit, Mich., motored to Omaha last Saturday to spend two weeks’ vaca tion with his sister, Mrs. Luddie Scbtt and left Tuesday on account of a sister-in-law who was killed in an auto accident in Chicago. Mr. Abing ton is a cousin of Mrs. Scott. NICELY furnished apartment for rent. Reasonable. Phone Webster 2764. Mrs. L. Cothran, Prop. 2622 Caldwell street. Miss Bernice Parks of Chicago, 111., is house guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Edna McCaw, 2806 Ohio street. Mrs. William Russ of Denver, Colo., who has been visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Clark in Columbus,! O., for three months, en route home was the' house guest of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Crawford and family this week. Mrs. Russ is the proud and happy grandmother of a fine grand son, who arrived at the home of her daughter during her stay in Colum bus. FOR SALE: At a sacrifice, a part German police pup. Webster 3025. It. Benefit Card Party A card party will be given Satur day evening, July 14, at St. Bene dict’s Community house, 2423 Grant street, from 9 to 11 p. m., for the Trip-to-California contest, being sponsored by the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People. Admission 25 cents.—Adv. Mr. Thomas Payne is still confined to his bed at 2867 Cass street, and but slightly improved. Californian Visit* Omaha Relative* Mrs. Viola Romaine of Oakland, Cal., en route to Chicago, was the week end guest of her aunt, Mrs. Anna Banks, 2512 North Twenty second street. She will visit in Chi cago and Springfield, 111., Kansas City, and returning over a southern route, will visit her sister, Mrs. Bea trice Majors Winson, in Riverside, Cal., before returning to her home. Mrs. Romaine, who formerly lived in Omaha, and will be remembered by her many friends as Viola Majors, says she keeps in touch and is inform ed about Omaha by reading The Mon itor, which is eagerly anticipated each week. — CONTEST CLOSES JULY 17 The Trip-to-California Contest, staged by the Women’s Auxiliary of the Omaha Branch of the N. A. A. C. P., will close July 17. Mrs. Venus Parker is in the lead. TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC You are cordially invited to attend the formal opening of the A. and B. Grocery store, located at 2806 North Twenty-sixth street, Monday, July 16. Free refreshments ar d music. Wm. T. Adams, proprietor. Pone Webster 5917. Free delivery on orders of $1.00 or more.—Adv. ROOSEVELT POST WILL HAVE OPENING Roosevelt Post No. 30, American Legion, has leased and fitted up Col umbia hall and will formally open it Monday night with a boxing show. POPULAR VISITORS ARE ENTERTAINED Mrs. W. H. Robinson, one of the j season’s most popular visitors, has re turned to her home in Chicago whence she will leave shortly for per manent residence at Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Robinson’s charming person ality has won for her a host of admir ing friends, who take great pleasure in seeing that every moment of her stay is a source of pleasure. Among those who entertained for this popu lar guest were Mrs. E. A. Lee, danc ing party; hostesses at bridge were Mrs. E. Wright, Mrs. James Peoples, Edward Puford, Mrs. Bemie Cowan, Mrs. J. C. Jones, and The Monday Morning Bridge club; formal dinner, Mrs. Frank Blackwell; breakfasts, Mesdames Alfonso W’ilson, Wm. Mur phy, Isaac Bailey, E. A. Lee, and the Triple Four Whist club; picnic and dinner dance, Mesdames George Cooper, Chas. F. Davis, and William Farmer of Council Bluffs; June frolic by ten ladies at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds. Theatre and mo toring parties were many. Mrs. Mary Bell Bolden of Chicago shared honors with Mrs. Robinson at most of these affairs. Mrs. W. H. Robinson was the house guest of Mrs. E. A. Lee at 2417 Maple street. Y. W. C. A. NOTES Tne religious and general educa tion committee of the North Side Y. W. C. A. gave a most delightful picnic last Friday at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott, on North Twenty-seventh street, when more than 30 guests participated. Mrs. Scott is secretary of the committee and also was chairman of arrange ments for this successful outdoor af fair. Long tables on the spacious, beautiful lawn were laden with the season’s choicest viands where the guests were seated at six o’clock, to a sumptuous picnic dinner. The kiddies present ate from a table spread upon the lawn. The old and young were happy and filled with merriment for there was everything to delight the appetite, fried chicken galore, green beans, boiled ham, boiled cabbage, vegetables, salad, deviled eggs, rolls, sandwiches of all, kinds, pies, cakes, soda pop, and iced tea. Mrs. Scott served all guests ice cream. The committee ladies had guests. Many out of town guests were also present, among whom were Sergeants Truitt and Harrington of Fort Riley, Kansas, and their wives. Mrs. Florence H. Level and littlq daughter, Nettie Mae of Detroit, and the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Council Bluffs, la., were also present. With real reluctance, the guests bade adieu late at night for the air was so cool on such a hot summer day. All expressed heartfelt gratitude to Dr. and Mrs. Scott for an unusual treat. FINISHES SECRETARIAL COURSE AT UNIVERSITY Miss Estella Troy Robertson, daughter of Mrs. Beljara Collins, 2301 North Twenty-second street, and a very popular member of the church and social groups of the city, has completed the secretarial course at the University of Omaha college of commerce and finance with nine awards of silver and gold pins and certificates for excellence and accu racy in her work. Miss Robertson is a graduate of Bishop college, Marshall, Texas, with a Bachelor of Arts degree and was head of the English department in the McKinley High school in Baton Rouge, La., in the scholastic year of 1926-1927. Aside from her literary attain7 ments, Miss Robertson is possessor of a lyric soprano voice of exceptional quality and range. She is a young woman, well prepared along two pro fessional lines and with her charm ing personality and accomplishments a very successful future is expected for her. She returns to the south ih September to resume her profession of teaching. DENVER PASTOR GOES TO CHICAGO It will be of interest to many Oma hans to know that the Rev. A. Way man Ward, pastor of Shorter A. M. E. church, Denver, Colo., for t^e past three or four years, has been appoint ed by Bishop Carey as pastor of Greater Bethel A. M. E. church of Chicago, 111. Rev. Mr. Ward passed through the city Monday en route from Chicago to Denver to get his family and return to his new work. Rev. Mr. Ward is a young, prominent and well educated man of striking personality, that wins for him suc cess. He built New Shorter in Den ver, the most beautiful church edifice in the fifth Episcopal district. He is called to Chicago to buy or build a new church for Greater Bethel there. FOR RENT: Two furnished rooms. Modern. Suitable for gentlemen. Webster 4118. 2418 Ohio street. NATIONAL MEDICAL ASS N CONVENES IN BALTIMORE The annual convention of the Na tional Medical association will meet at Baltimore, Md., August 13th to the 17th. The president, Dr. C. V. Freeman, is doing everything possi ble to make this the greatest year in the history of the organization. He has traveled extensively and made many contacts that will mean much to the National Medical association. The president states that although only 2,000 of the 6,000 eligible proT fessional men, for membership in the association, were members of the as sociation at the beginning of the year. A large increase is expected in mem bership when the reports are received at the Baltimore meeting. Splendid arrangements are being made at Baltimore, for clinical and scientmc worn at prominent hospi tals. We are expecting to make this a post graduate week in medicine and its allied branches. Our one aim is that the men will gain valuable in formation by attending these meet ings so that they will be better able to serve humanity. The National Medical association is expecting at least 3,500 physicians, surgeons, dentists and pharmacists at Baltimore. With this we feel that this will be the most powerful organ ization of our group to help humanity in their various communities. Begin now to make preparations to go to Baltimore. — The — One Horse Store 2851 Grant St. Phone WEbtter 0567 Petersen’s Bakeries ■| 24th and Lake Streets 24th and Ames •* I? Fresh Bread twice daily, made with milk and f |C the best of ingredients. "H £ 3-10 cent loaves .... _ 25 cents £ £ 2-15 cent loaves ... 25 cents £ •I For the Picnic—Sandwich Bread, Round and Square. ■■ Potato Salad, Potato Chips, Baked Ham and Mayon- ^ naise Dressing. I* l GRAND OPENING! \ ■I Roosevelt Post No. 30, American Legion % Boxing Show ij COLUMBIA HALL ij £ 2420 Lake Street £ ji MONDAY NIGHT, JULY 12 j: I- 8:30 o’clock :■ ji 28 ROUNDS OF BOXING :j £ General Admission $1.00 (No Tax) £ ^ First Come—First Served. *1 ■£ Everybody Welcome. .W/WW/.'VWAVW/JW.VW/WW/WWW/W' I _ I I Messrs. H. J. Pinkett and W. B. Bryant, > Attorneys, and Harry Leland Real Estate £ Company, announce removal of their offices ■* from 19 Patterson Block to Suites 319 and Ij 320 Neville Block, Sixteenth and Harney ^ Streets, where they will be glad to welcome jl their clients, old and new. ^ The entrance to the building is on Six- £ £ teenth Street, east side, at Harney and Six- £ ■C teenth Streets, one block south from Far ? nam Street. Elevator service in building.' £ £ Phone ATlantic 9344. £ £ Come in and look us over. We are al- £ £ ways glad to see you, whether you have 5 £ business or not. £ iv/W.VWW.V/.VWAV.VV.'WW.V.V.'.V.VAVW/.^ ORTHOPHONIC Portables Lead the Field n .1 A XT ! uvi vfiic nun for Only ’35 ' The same magnificent ton* that distinguishes the big Ortho- > phonic Is found in the Orotho phonlo Portable. That’s why Orthophonlc Portables lead the field. Now Is your opportunity to get a genuine Orthophonlc Portable for little more than you would pay for an ordinary phonograph. You can use It in your home, too. Other Makes, $8.50 Up. Very Easiest Terms Write for Complete Information. &jioMjler&4Mgrfi ❖ •% t f | I 1 _ I I July Clearances j j Throughout j The Store ! 4 x | BRING IMPORTANT SAVINGS | On SUMMER WEARABLES, I FABRICS and ACCESSORIES '4 For Everybody All of KILPATRICK Quality Easy Furniture Company Ten Years on This Comer Twenty-fourth and Cuming Streets COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS We extend to you a cordial invitation to visit this store at all times, but especially during July and August. We are absolutely free to give you the very most in the home furnishing line that anybody’s dollar can buy. \ Our rental and overhead expenses are far below i those of our downtown competitors, which in itself af fords us the chance to save you money. We know our stuff when it comes to buying, which i is another big factor that enables us to undersell the other fellow. ! All of which, without further argument, may be substantiated by a visit to our store. Terms Can Be Arranged | Twenty-fourth and Cuming Streets N. W. WARE « > ATTORNEY-AT-LAW < > ' ■ < 1 1208 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska ' ) Phones Webster 8613—Atlantic 8192.