PERSONALS Ed. F. Morearty. Lawyer, 700 Pe ters Trust Building, JAckson 3841 or HAraey 2156. Mrs. Earl McConnell, who has been quite ill at the home of her sister-in law. Mrs. George Watson. 2716 North Twenty-eighth avenue, for the past two weeks, is much improved. Mr. Huntley Mack, who spent the week with his sister, Mrs. Belle Fos ter, 2865 Ohio street, left Friday for St. Joseph, Mo., and Topeka, Kansas. Bungalow of Dreams? What? When? Where? Louis Artisan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Artisan, 2816 Hamilton street, is ill at St. Joseph hospital, where he was taken last Monday. A. P. SCRUGGS, Lawyer. Large ex perience. Handles all law cases 2310 North Twenty-second street. WEbster 4162. Mrs. Anna Banks has been con fined to her home, 2512 North Twen ty-second street, for the past week with a very severe cold. FOR RENT—Furnished room and kitchenette. 1204 North 25th St. W’ebster 5188. Bungalow of Dreams? What? When? Where? Mrs. Bessie Turner of St. Louis, Mo., was called to Omaha by the se rious illness of her sister, Mrs. Earl McConnell. Coming—Carl Diton—noted pian ist. Watch for date and place. Mr. William Murphy has gone to Chicago for a few days on a business trip. Mrs. Julius Alexander, 2012 Paul street, who has been very ill with broncho-pneumonia for the past ten days, is convalescing. FOR SALE—Large house, 14 rooms. A good paying place. Call at 1004 North 24th St. Bungalow of Dreams? What? When? Where? MRS. JOSEPH D. LEWIS VISITS LINCOLN The members of the Order of the Eastern Star were honored by the presence of the worthy grand lectur er, Mrs. Hazel Terry Lewis of Omaha, Neb., Thursday night at a joint meet ing of Princess Hatipha and Ama ranth chapters. In the inspirational lecture given the order, the loyal stand for right, the earnest effort and search to illus trate the grandeur of truth and love, was indelibly stamped upon the minds of those present. Much study and deep interest in the ritualistic work was clearly dem onstrated by the absence of notes or books. The worthy grand lecturei* proves a valuable acquisition in this capacity to the order, not only be cause of unerring judgment in intri cate problems, but in the fact that there is abiding faith in the principles offered others. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their kindness, beautiful floral offer ings, and letters of sympathy shown during the sickness and death of our beloved wife, mother, and sister, Eliza Turner, who departed this life April 18th. MR. SAMPSON TURNER MR. GEORGE TURNER MISS HELEN WHERRY MRS. TOBITHA McCLAIN CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends for sym pathy shown in letters of condolence written, also for the floral offerings during our late bereavement in the death of our beloved father. Rev. W. M. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunham Rev. and Mrs. Gus Sayles Mr. William Young, Jr. / , f , Bungalow of Dreams? What? When? Where? Mrs. Anna Banks has moved from 924 North Twentieth street, to 2512 North Twenty-second street, where she will be pleased to see her many friends. Bungalow of Dreams? What? Where? When? Mrs. Ella Liverpool has returned from Los Angeles, Cal., where she was called by the illness of her sis ter, Mrs. Lucy Thompson. She left her sister much improved. Mrs. Liv erpool was accompanied home by Barbara and Billy Vance, her niece and nephew, who are to remain for ah indefinite stay. Mrs. M. F. Jackson, 2219 Ohio street, has returned from Centerville, la., where she was called by the ill ness of her sister, Mrs. A. L. Terrell. WANTED—Bundle washing or day* work. 2402 T St. Cora Caster. Mrs. Belle Foster, 2865 Ohio street, gave a five course dinner Sunday af ternoon, when her guests were Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Bolden, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Finney, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Spriggs, Mesdames Alphonso Wil son and John G. Pegg. Mr. John Barber, 2865 Ohio street, has purchased a big Douglas truck and has been assigned to work on the new road being built in Iowa. Mrs. Marie M. Conway of 5423 Michigan avenue, Chicago, 111., ar rived Sunday and has been the house guest of her sister, Mrs. A. L. Hawk ins, 2120 V4 North Twenty-fourth street. She expects to leave for her home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Broomfield left Friday for Gary, Ind. They will visit in Kansas City and St. Louis, Mo., tn route. Doctors Peebles and Britt have moved offices from Thirteenth and Famam to North Twenty-fourth street. Cy Terrell, former well known res taurant proprietor and father of Dr. I Price Terrell, who has been seriously ill at his home, 2319 North Twenty seventh street, is much better. Mrs. Lucille Henderson and daugh ter, Eula, leave Sunday for Los An geles, Cal., for an indefinite stay. Services at the Church of St. Philip the Deacon Sunday will be as follows: holy communion, 7:30 a. m.; church school, 10; sung eucharist with ser mon, 11; evenson and sermon at 8 o’clock. PHYSICIAN AND DENTIST MOVE OFFICE FROM DOWNTOWN LOCATION Dr. L. E. Britt, physician, and Dr. W. W. Peebles, dentist, have removed their suite of offices from Thirteenth and Famam streets, to Twenty-fourth and Parker, over Dolgoff’s furniture store. Dr. Peebles was located at Thirteenth and Famam for eighteen years, where he was joined by Dr. Britt a year or two later. GET YOUR MEALS AT— Cothrane’s Cafe 1408 N. 24th St. Home Cooking—Prices Right ^ .. FORMER OMAHANS CELEBRATE THEIR SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Sheridan, Wyo., May 1—(Special to The Monitor by C. J. Powell)—Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Chenault cele brated their twenty-fifth wedding an niversary Sunday evening. April 29, at their beautiful home in Sheridan Gardens. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chen ault are former Omahans, and were married in 1903. Mrs. Chenault, who was M iss Eva Watson, was raised and educated in that city. Mr. Chenault is a native of Kentucky, a fact which is borne out, as his friends say, by his good judgment of Kentucky prod ucts. Immediately after their mar riage the happy couple established their home in Sheridan, being amony the first of our group to settle in this section of the state. An interview with Mrs. Chenault by the writer re vealed the fact that she was a maid of honor at the wedding of the Rev. John Albert Williams, editor of The Monitor, and Mrs. Williams, which she recalls as a very brilliant occa sion. Mr. and Mrs. Chenault have one son, John Watson, who this year finishes his sophomore medic year at the medical school of the University of Minnesota. The couple were the recipients of many beautiful silver gifts. Among the friends who spent a pleasant evening at their home werf Mr. and Mrs. Al. Shute, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Newsome, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Bell, Miss Virginia Bell, and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Powell. AVERAGE WEEKLY DEATHS Washington, D. C.—In many ways the colored population of the city of JUMMWUWWUgWUUWWUW New York occupy first rank, when compared with other centers in which there is a considerable Negro popula tion, This even applies to the num ber of deaths and funerals per week, which accounts for the large numbef of colored undertakers in “The Mee | ea.“ Government statistics show that there is an average of 84 deaths per week among the colored inhabitants of New York City. Chicago and Phil adelphia follow with an average of 70 each; New Orleans has a weekly average of 63; Baltimore, 56; Wash ington, 53; Atlanta, Birmingham. 'Memphis and St. Louis, 35 each; De troit, 28; and Cleveland, Pittsburgh! ! Richmond and Savannah, 21 each. — Ed F. Morearty, Lawyer NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION To DENNIS CAVER, nonresident defendant: You are hereby notified that Ver mont Caver, your wife, the plaintiff, filed her petition in the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, on the 24th day of January, 1928, to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of j desertion and nonsupport. You are | requested to answer said petition or j or before the 4th day of June, 1928. VERMONT CAVER. 4T-5-4-28 Potts\ille, Pa.—With a crowd of 500 angry white men jammed around the jail, calling for his life, Herbert Jones, recently confessed firing the j shot that killed a white patrolman in a running pistol duel. Jones stated that he was driven to the slaying through fear. j: KWANG TONG CAFE Jj i Chop Suey.30c J J Noodles.25c J Steaks, Chops and Short Orders at all hours. •• j: 1425 No. 24th St. i* .’V.VA'.VAV.VAVAV.VV.VAV.'.V.V.V.VW.V.VAV.VAV.V | ANNOUNCEMENT j: j DR. L. E. BRITT, Physician and Surgeon £ — and — *; j j DR. W. W. PEEBLES, Den/isf j £ Announce the removal of their offices J; £ from 13th and Farnam to 24th and Parker. £1 ■: •! .V.V.V.VAV.,.V.,.V.V.VAV.V.VW.*.V.V.VWAVWJ,WW <~xkk~x~x~xk~xk~x-x~x~xk^~x~x~x~x~x~X“X“X~x-x~x~x-<~x-! | . J* X We Move Anything *:* | NORTH SIDE TRANSFER f y X Webster 3401 2212 North 24th St. £ v c~x~x~x~x~x-x~x~x~x~x~x~x-x-x~x-x~x~x~x~x~x-x-x~x~x~x* •X~X“X“X~X~X“X“X~X“X~X~X-X“X-X“X~X~X~X~X-X-X~X~X~X~XK I ALAMO BARBER SHOP AND t BILLIARD PARLORS { KILLINGSWORTH & PRICE, Prop*. 4 % % *1* Electric or Hand Massage—We Employ Only the Best •j. Barbers X ? J 4 Phone Webster 5784 2416 N. 24th St. ± % t <-x-«-m-x*<-x*<~X“!~x~x~x- v *> _ V X The Church With a Welcome t X and a Message, Come $ ❖ ❖ Y *> £ :i; <>«XmX>^^^^ \ % Your Patronage Is Earnestly Solicited LOVEJOY OIL GO. •• «5* % Nicholas Products % 1 ^ £ "Business Is Good, Thank You” ? % | COMPLETE LUERICATION SERVICE 5 Love joy Crawford, Mgr. 24th at Will s Avenue S % t "-O-X-X-S-fr [ 2 M. Lynch, the Tailor f I CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING t % \ % Phone Webster 2088 o ? r :• 1812 North 24th Street Omaha, Nebraska !! / —3r_-**~*r Milk will make you Fit not Fat/ Your doctor will tell you that you need not starve to keep that youth ful silhouette. Annette Keller man is one outstanding example of what milk will do to keep the body well and strong as well as to keep a slender figure. SUNSHINE. FRESH AIR AND GOOD MILK xxxk-xx*xx~x~xxkxx~xxxxkxxxxxxx~X“X~x~x~x~X“X-X"X"X-« y y i you Know the Place lor Courteous, x •t* y £ Prompt and Satisfactory Service. x | ... ! Prescriptions Filled £ | Thull Pharmacy £ 24th & Seward Streets Webster 2000 % X~X^X^X-<*<>X~X~X~X~X'"X~X~X~X“X~XK-X~X~X*«X“X>X»X>* DRESSES—3 FOR #5.50 :: Very Special—Sizes 16 to 52 | . . :: £ Bargains in Ginghams, Plain and Printed Fabrics, and | wash silks :: | Sold By LUCILLE DIXON Webster 1438 2870 Pinkney St. :; •x*<-x-x~X“:-x*<"{*«<~X“C~x-c~X“:~X“X~x-:-<-x-x**xk-X"X-<~:><-:~x-x-?* <-x~:-x~x-<->-M-x~X":-<-x-<-<-!~:->-x-