The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, January 20, 1928, Page THREE, Image 3
PERSONALS Ed. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ters Trust Building, JAckson 3841 or HAmey 2156. The Carter Charity and Benevolent Club will give a supper at the Y. W. C. A. February 2. Ladies, take ad vantage of leap year by bringing a gentleman friend. Tickets on sale at Ross Drug Store, 35 cents. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Stowers are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lewis. Mrs. Stowers is an aunt of Mrs. Lewis. They came to attend the funeral of Rev. C. B. Burton. Five upholstered living room suits. Have been used but in good condi tion. Will sell cheap and on easy payments. Suites from $10 to $40. ^ B. I. Reavis, 1819 Cuming street. A very pleasant surprise party was given Sunday evening for Mrs. L. Mc Cullough at her residence, 2413 Pat rick avenue, by members of Hiawatha Chapter No. 4, Order of the Eastern Star, of which she is Past Associate Matron. After listening to brief re marks by Mrs. Hazel Lewis, G. L. of the State of Nebraska, and others, Mrs. McCullough was presented with a purse from the Chapter by the matron, Mrs. Elise Turner. They then departed for their homes, leav ing bountiful evidence of their visit. FOR RENT—Two modern furnished rooms, $2.50 to $3.50 with kitchen privileges. Webster 1529. One of the most elaborate formal parties of the season was given by the Waiters’ Wives Art and Social Club for their husbands, Monday evening, January 16, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. William I. Jones, 3254 Evans avenue. The evening was spent with cards and dancing, after which a delicious supper was served from a bountifully decorated table. The class in Unity will meet every Tuesday at 2:30 p. m., and Sunday at 6 p. m., at the Y. W. C. A. building. A. P. SCRUGGS, Lawyer. Large ex perience. Handles all law cases 2310 North Twenty-second street. WEbster 4162. Five upholstered living room suits. Have been used but in good condi tion. Will sell cheap and on easy payments. Suites from $10 to $40. B. I. Reavis, 1819 Cuming street. The Woman’s Auxiliary of St. Philip’s Church held a very well at tended and interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Charles T. Smith, 2916 North 28th street, last Thurs day afternoon. FIVE ROOMS partly modern. Near carline. Also 3-room apartment and 7-room apartment, partly mod ern. All near carline. Cal! WE. 4810. Mrs. Ella Long, 2517 Lake street, has been called to Chillcothe, Mo., by the illness of her father, Melvin Saunders. Ladies’ Auxiliary of Captain Allen Allensworth Camp No. 25, Spanish War Veterans, will hold a public in stallation at St. Benedict’s communi ty house, Twenty-fourth and Grant streets, Wednesday, January 25, at 8:30 p. m. Mrs. Anna Miller, presi dent of Auxiliary Lee Forby camp, will be installing officer. All com rades’ wives, mothers and sisters are requested to be present. Friends are cordially invited. FOR RENT—Five room cottage with garden spot. Modern. Rent rea sonable. Near carline. Five upholstered living room suits. Have been used but in good condi tion. Will sell cheap and on easy payments. Suites from $10 to $40. B. I. Reavis, 1819 Cuming street. Y. W. C. A. NOTES An excellent program will be ren dered Sunday, January 22, at the North Side Branch, 2306 North 22nd street, Vesper service at 4 o’clock, conducted by the Religious and Gen eral Education Committee. The sub ject to be discussed, “The Meaning of Prayer to Me,” interspersed with the following program: Devotion, Mrs. Rhone. Piano selection, Miss Francis Cov ington. Vocal solo, Mrs. Lester Carter. Paper, “Womanhood,” Mrs. S. K. Brownlow. Vocal, Mrs. J. H. Kinney Reading, Miss Lola Marshall. Vocal duet, Misses Lucille Moore and Claretta Biddeaux. Reading, Miss Blanche Burton. Cocoa will be poured during the social hour to all present free. Everybody welcome. I THE TRI-ARTS SOCIETY HOLDS ITS MEETING _ The Tri-Arts Society held its usual meeting last Sunday afternoon at the ! Y. W. C. A. Discussion of the probable dispen sion of disorderly members was the only important business. Then came the program. Miss Margaret Dallas, chairman of the lit erary committee, gave the “Ten Com mandments for Success. Next, Roy Gustin gave a reading, “My Little Chocolate Soldier Son.” Miss Sara Brown played “The Song Is Ended,” J and as an encore played “Just Once Again.” The Misses Ollie Mattison, and Margaret Dallas gave a delight ful little skit, entitled “A Musical Romance.” Gaitha Pegg gave an in teresting talk on Bennett J. Doty in the Foreign Legion. Miss Willa Hays played a piano solo, “The Juba Dance” by N. Dett. Then Miss Cath erine Williams, chairman of the mu sical committee, gave a vocal solo entitled ‘:‘Just a Memory,” and as an encore sang “The Song Is EnjJed.” W ilia Hays was her accompanist. Next on the program was John Jack son, who played a ukelele solo entitled “Katinka,” «nd as encore he played “Me and My Shadow” and “So Tired.” This concluded the delight ful program, which was fully ap preciated by the club body. MARGARET BELL, Reporter. WESTERN STAR LODGE NO. 1, K. OF P. NOTES R. L. Turner received O. K. from lodge members Monday night at the installation of Western Star Lodge No. 1, K. of K. R. L. Turner, C. C., was elected for his twelfth term, to which he has been elected without a contestant. He was presented with an O. K. the size of a bushel basket. This was sponsored by Frank Golden, Briga dier General; James Allen, Oliver Pharsin, James Hieronymous, Alex ander Samthey, W. H. T. Ransom, F. S. Walker and George Douglas. R. L. Turner is a faithful and tireless commander. ATTENTION! Membership drive. The Omaha Urban League. Annual membership from $1.00 to $4.99. Contributing membership, $5.00 or more. Applica tions at Peoples Drug Store, Omaha Guide, Ross Drug Store, Killingsworth & Price Barber Shop, or call Dr. D. W. Gooden, chairman, Jackson 5436. SIXTEEN PERSONS GET HARMON AWARDS (Continued from Page One) ary in Luebo, Congo, West Africa. “Anthony Overton, 62, Chicago, 111., was given first award in business for his success iri organizing and de veloping the Douglass National bank of Chicago, the Overton Hygienic Manufacturing company, and the Vic tory Life Insurance company. He is president of all three companies. The second award in business goes to William G. Pearson, 68, of Dur ham, N. C., for his success in organ izing the only fire insurance company and the only bonding company oper ated by Negroes. He is president of the Bankers’ Fire Insurance com pany, the Southern Fidelity and Sure ty company, and the Peoples Build ing and Loan association. Honorable mention was made of Maggie L. Walker, Richmond, Va.; Louis C. Bul loch of Cranford, N. J.; Orlando S. Watts, Palmyra, N. J., and P. B. Young, Norfolk, Vo. James Weldon Johnson, 56, of New York, was granted first award in lit erature for his book of poems, “God’s Trombones,” based upon the imagin ative creations of the old-time Negro preachers. Second award to Eric Walrond, 29, New York, for his “Tropic Death.” “These awards,” stated Dr. George E. Haynes, secretary of the commis sion, “are designed to give stimulus to creative work through recognition achievement of national signifi cance.” RE-ELECTED TO STANDING COMMITTEE At the 61st annual council of the Diocese of Nebraska, held in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Lincoln, Wednesday and Thursday of this week, the Rev. John Albert Williams, rector of the Church of St. Philip the Deacon, was re-elected as a member of the standing committee of the diocese. The standing committee acts as an advisory board to the bish op of the diocese and in case of a va cancy in the episcopate acts as the ec clesiastical authority. It passes upon the election of all bishops. The stand ing committee consists of three cleri cal and three iay members. The other members of the committee are Dean McGinley, of Trinity Cathedral; the Rev. William A. Mulligan, rector of Christ church, Beatrice; Messrs. John S. Hedelund and Arthur C. Pan coast of Omaha, and Mr. Paul Good of Lincoln. BIG ROAD SHOW AT THL LAKE STARTING NEXT SUNDAY Grant and Wilson, famous Pare mount record artists in person, will present The Rock Dinah Company, which has been playing over the T. O. B. A. Circuit for the past year. The show has a cast of twenty-three peo ple and among the featured players are Babe Hines, the girl with the golden voice; Johnny Bragg, tap dance artist; also Lackaria White and the famous Creole Chorus from the Cotton Pickers Club of New York City. The company will be here one week and then leave for California, where they are booked solid for sev eral months. This show will be in keeping with the Lake Theatre’s policy to present worth while enter tainment at all times. 1' I :■ Announces :• •: $ j! The Annual February i; Sale of Furniture % ■. I; Beginning Monday, January 23rd 2* I i f: SAVINGS OF 10 TO 50 PER CENT J 2; On our own regular stock of good 2 < furniture and on special purchases 2 •2 from standard furniture makers. £ 2| ADVANCE SHOWING SATURDAY! 2 £ m y £ Seventh Floor jj .VV.V/.%\V.V.\V.VAV.%\VV.V/.VAV.V.V.V.,.V.,.V1,.V.V1V.' .V.VAV.VAVAV.V.V.V.V.V/.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV Peterson’s Bakeries ■I 24th and Lake 24th and Ames £ A‘Variety of Breads and Rolls i| 2; FOR EVERY MEAL J £ THE BREAD WITH A FLAVOR £ £ 100% Whole Wheat £ •I We will run Specials each day of the week—Remember £ .J the day and buy at a saving. .J ;• Monday—Potato Bread, 10c Loaf 8c 2* I£ Tuesday—Lemon Day, Lemon Pie 23c £ 2; Lemon Cake __ 23c £ I; Lemon Rolls 23c 2" £ Wednesday—Raisin Bread, 15c Loaf _ 10c £ £ Raisin Pie _Z_ 23c £ Raisin Coffee Cake 23c £ Thursday—Hand Made Cookies, Sugar, Peanut, £ Oatmeal, Raisin, Hermits, per dozen 12c *2 Friday—Pineapple Cake 23c ■£ Pineapple Rolls 23c 2j Pineapple Cream Pie _ 23c £ Saturday—15c Light Tea Rolls 10c £ Black Walnut Cup Cakes, Small Coffee Cakes 10c-5c i Variety of Layer Cakes ... _ 25c Home-Made Mayonnaise Dressing and Potato Salad "■ '£ Stand—WE. 6406 Res— JA. *586 •£ ,j, —24 Hour Service— X ! LINCOLN TAXI | *:* Funeral and Wedding Service Y i LEROY CHILDS, Prop. \ ? X Stand at PEAT’S CAFE ❖ V 24th and Clark St. i Y X Give U« a Trial I Y X Y ^•X“X“X~X~X**X-X~X-X~X-X“X~f* WATERS f BARNHART PRINTING CO. ^ T a l a^a ( | OMAHA S •x-x-x-x-x-x-x-xx-x-x-x-x-: | EMERSON’S LAUNDRY $ ^ The Laundry That Suit* AH | 1301 No. 24th St. Web. 0820 % I Reid-Duffy | | PHARMACY I FREE DELIVERY % Phone Web. 0609 x ^ 24th and Lake Streets * and 24th and Cuming | | OMAHA. NEB. | ~:«x~x~x-x~x~x~x~x“x~x~x“x-:' | HOTEL CUMING ‘f X 1916 Cuming Street | f ❖ Booms by day — 50c, 75c, $1.00 A <• By the week — $2.00 to $4.00 X % f UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT f t v v A A Mrs. Mayme Mason X X D. G. Russell, Prop. — Omaha % Phone JA. 2466 £ ❖ % >X*:-<~X~!“X“X*A-X“X“X‘X"X"X«X~ •XX»AX*<~X“X"X**X"X**X"X"X"X' I I. Levy \ DRUGGIST | l PRESCRIPTIONS | f Our | SPECIALTY •j* 24th and Decatur Sts. $ WEbster 5802 | 'X’V*XmX**XmX*vvv‘!**XmX"X»*X**XX* 4»« < 0 ♦ ? ! N. W. WARE I % ATTORNEY AT LAW | •> y £ 1208 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska £ f f £ £ Phones Webster 6613-Atlantic 8192. X I f ? i Let M5 figure your repair or lumber bill. Re-screen, re- \ roof or re-paint, or anything in the repairing line. Let % us figure on your storm windows. See us about our £ ready-built garages with our sectional reinforced con- j' crete foundation. £ £ £ l H. GROSS LUMBER & WRECKING CO. } £ 2102 Nicholas Street WEbster 2234 £ t Read the Messages of Our Advertisers I You know the place for courteous, prompt g and satisfactory service. ~ § PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED i Thull Pharmacy j 1 24th and Seward Streets WEbster 2000 I ---—- ... W*V//AWWWWVWW/WA‘W.V/^WA,A,MWMWW j: “Dependable Family Service” 5 % 0-0 5 t Dry Cleaning of Ladies’ and Gents’ Wearing ? s Apparel and Household Furnishings i ■C o-o 5 ^ SOFT WATER LAUNDERING J if 0-0 f f: Wet Wash - - - 4C per lb. f Thrifty Wash - - 6C per lb. 5 I; Dry Wash—Rough Dry—Family Finish ^ ^ Linen—Curtains—Blankets, Etc. ? |! EDHOLM & SHERMAN \ J LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS 5 Vm 24th Near Lake Street j£ J PHONE WE. 6055 \ PATRONIZE THE STATE FURNITURE CO. Corner 14th and Dodge Streets Tel. JACKSON 1317 Agents RDIlMCUiKAV Phonographs for DltVlVdVvNm and Records HvIver^^unerarHomTI S 2416 North 22nd St. Phone Web. 0248 I 0 E A Modern Funeral Home I % Endeavoring at all times to meet the I demand economically as well I as scientifically fi H W. L. Myers fl ‘‘2* Mortician Hj