' >♦<»♦»»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»»♦»»»»»»»»»»»»»♦»»♦»♦»♦♦♦♦» The Monit or < * A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED PRIMARILY TO THE INTERESTS 1 ' OF COLORED AMERICANS ( ’ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT OMAHA. NEBRASKA. BY THE ] | MONITOR PUBLISHING COMPANY ' ' Entered ae Second-Clmee Mail Matter, July 2, 1916 at the Postoffice at Omaha, ( , Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879 1 » THE REV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS . Editor ' ’ W. W. MOSLEY, Lincoln, Neb. .. Associate Editor | ' LUCINDA W. WILLIAMS_Buslnoss Manager ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES, $2.00 PER YEAR; $1.25 6 MONTHS; 75c 3 MONTHS Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Application ! Address, The Monitor, Postoffice Box 1204, Omaha, Neb. ! Telephone WEbster 4243 ! !♦♦>»♦»»♦♦♦♦»•»»♦♦»♦»»»♦»»»»»»♦»♦♦»»»♦♦»♦♦♦»»■ :: :: ;; AN IMPORTANT WORD TO SUBSCRIBERS. | ;; The postal regulations require that for newspapers to '{* !! be sent through the mails subscriptions must be paid in x !! advance. A reasonable time, thirty days? is allowed for ? ;; renewals. At the expiration of this period, where sub '' scriptions are not renewed, the paper must be stopped, x o If this is not done, postal privileges are denied the publi- $ J ’ cation. Those, therefore, who desire to continue receiving j -• The Monitor must see to it that their subscriptions are X !! paid, as the law requires, in advance. Statements are be- i J; mg sent to all those who owe, or our collector will call— ;; ;; and unless your subscription is paid we will be compelled 1 ’ !! to cut off your paper which, of course, we do not want ; | o to pay the penaftg. | something tasty for your Sunday breakfast, dinner and supper. ' ' BREAD that will TOAST well I* and is white and flaky, for your table. \ \ Square or round as you might prefer for your Sandwiches < > DANISH PASTRY MADE WITH BUTTER ] ; ROLLS CLOVER LEAF NAPKIN ROLLS PARKER HOUSE Specials for Saturday ; : cakes pies :: ; FRESH APPLE PIE , CHOCOLATE SQUARE CAKE CUSTARD PIE ; wi,b fgt" c,e\m u,n‘ LEMON PIE , oU cents blueberry pie ;; • GOLDEN LOAF CAKE CHERRY PIE « » ! 25 cents brown betty ; I I HONEY CREAM COOKIES square cake 15 cents I 25 cents 2 doz. for 25c ! I ....................... ^ ^ j * j “Dependable Family Service” I o-o ; Dry Cleaning of Ladies’ and Gents’ Wearing | Apparel and Household Furnishings | o-o ; SOFT WATER LAUNDERING ; o-o Wet Wash - - - 4c per lb. Thrifty Wash - - 6c per lb. | Dry Wash—Rough Dry—Family Finish | Linen—Curtains—Blankets, Etc. j EDHOLM & SHERMAN £ LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS J 24th Near Lake Street ? PHONE WE. 6055 IVyVIMfWVWVWUVWWWWVWNWVVWW i ROSS DRUG STORE jj Phones WEbster 2770 and WEbster 2771 ; Full Line of :: : DRUGS, TOILETRIES and SUNDRIES :: Best Sodas and Ice Cream • < > 2306 North 24th Street > FREE DELIVERY PATRONIZE TNE STATE FNRNITRRE 00. Corner 14th and Dodf e Streets Tel. JACKSON 1317 Agents BRMNSWICK | ICE CREAM I •}• Best on the Market ^ | J. F. Taylor’s >airy | 2116 North Twenty-fourth Street X X Webster 6014 Webster 6014 X f Special Prices to Churches and Lodges Y; jt z y Open Early Open Evenings V ^ Telephone Your Order. Prompt Attention »|« ♦ 4> 4* ♦