13r The Monitor m s ^ e o NEBRASKA’S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF COLORED AMERICANS _ j 5- THE REV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor. $2.00 a Year—8 Cent, a Copy OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1927 Vol. XIII—No. 7 Whole Number 629 ^ ' — Omaha Man Official of Bar Association VIRGINIA S “RACE INTEGRITY” LAW DISTURBANCE TO BEST FAMILIES New York, N. Y.—Virginia’s “ra cial integrity” law, enacted in 1924, is making trouble for some of the “Best families” of the state, accord ing to a special dispatch to the New York World. Richmond is now forc ed to establish a special school for fifty or more small children who have been barred from white schools on the ground that they have Ameri can Indian ancestry and their par ents refuse to send them to Negro schools. Dr. W. A. Plecker, State Regis trar of Vital Statistics, who was dis missed from a position he held under the U. S. Department of Labor after complaint had been made of his anti Negro propaganda by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, is backing the opin ion of the state authorities that con fession of Indian ancestry in Vir-1 ginia is equivalent to admission of j Negro ancestry. The World dispatch continues: “Families with a noticeable strain of Negro blood first were barred from the white schools. In many cases it was necessary to eject children who had almost com pleted their education in the white public schools—sons and daugh ters of parents who always had considered themselves ‘white.’ “Parents of such children had no choice but to send them to Negro schools. Only few of them did so. The others kept their boys and girls home, trying vainly to explain why. Embarrassment in volved a score of families and gave Richmond a bitter lesson in mis cegenation. “The parents besieged school authorities in their misery and won their complete sympathy. But the city school board could do nothing for them. And when a desperate mother charged favoritism and in GREAT MATHEMATICIAN VISITS OMAHA FRIENDS Negro Calculator Who Is Reputed to Have Beaten Adding Machine Spends Few Days Here Charles W. Cansler, principal of the Colored High School of Knox ville, Tenn., accompanied by his wife, arrived in Omaha Monday from Den ver, enroute to their home, and were the guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Charles H. Trusty, pastor of Hillside Presbyterian church, for a few days. Professor Cansler has an interna tional reputation as a mathematician and lightning calculator. He gained prominece in this line some ten years ago in Knoxville, when a contest was staged between him and an adding machine operated by an expert. Mr. Cansler beat the adding machine. He adds four columns of figures at one time, and multiplies figures of five digits. He has been frequently called upon to demonstrate his ability in this line. He is a graduate of Marysville College, Murysvills, Tenn., and for seventeen years has been principal of the Colored High School in Knoxville. PHYSICIAN LEAVES FOR THREE MONTHS’ VISIT TO BERLIN AND PARIS Dr. J. Wesley Jones Will Attend n Courie of Lecture* at the University of Berlin in Germany Dr. J. Wesley Jones left Monday night for New York, whence he sails Saturday on the Celtic for Europe. He goes first to Paris and then to Berlin, where he plans to attend a course of lectures in surgery at the University of Berlin. He will return to Paris to attend the American Le gion convention, to which he is an alternate delegate from Nebraska. He expects to be absent for three months, spending most of his time in stody while abroad. formed upon her brothers and sis ters and cousins, the authorities that no one would have thought them other than pure Caucasian. “Several of the families affected were forced to eject their children also from the white schools. Some of the children, shown by records to have Negro blood were so white had been proud of their Indian blood until the racial integrity agitation disclosed beyond reason able doubt that practically no Vir ginia Indian blood subsequent to 1800 remained free from a pro nounced Negroid strain. “Indian reservations for more than 100 years furnished refuge for runaway slaves and hospitality to freed Negroes. The black and red races in most of Virginia be came inextricably mixed. And inevitably the white mixed with the red and black to produce chil dren with clear features, aquiline noses and straight Indian hair. “Many of these children became handsome men and beautiful women. They left the reservation and came to the city years ago. Their children were more white than they. And the children of the third and fourth generation took their places with the whites and in many cases have become valuable citizens with considerable property. “Some of these families will send their children to private schools in the north, determined that they shall keep their status as Caucasians. The Richmond school board, with the help of the state board of education, is to es tablish a special school for the others in September. There are enough of them to establish a lit tle borderline colony composed of people neither white, red nor black.” ALABAMA COURTS AND GRAND LODGE UPHOLD K. OF P. OFFICERS _ ! Birmingham, Ala.— (By Staff Cor respondent of the Associated Negro Press)—The courts of Alabama and the state grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias upheld and stood by the officers of the order, who were charged with wasting funds of the order by a group of malcontents, who sought to have the order in the hunds of a receivership. The grand lodge was the first to render its decision and the courts followed closely in its wake. The grand lodge at its recent session, passed resolutions commending the progress of the organization under the leadership of R. A. Blount, who has served as grand chancellor for a period of 27 years, and the manner in which the funds were handled by Dr. U. G. Mason, whose reports showed that the order had more than $000,000 in assets with only $17, 000.00 worth of liabilities, “a most healthy condition,” as one of the “sir knights” put it. Concerning the expenditures of funds, which seemed to be the real bone of contention, the grand lodge went on record to the effect that “we do hereby authorize, approve and rat ify and confirm every expenditure heretofore at any time made by the constituted officers, board members and other agents of this order, as fully as if each such item of expen diture were herein set out, and all officers, board members and other agents of this order are hereby joint ly and severally forever relieved and released from all liability to this or der for or on account of any such expenditure.” This constitutes the answer of the grand lodge to the charges. Milan, Italy, will hear Florence Cole-Ttalbert, coloratura soprano, in the fall, in the opera "Africana." Mrs. Talbert is at present studying this role, after having just returned from a month’s vacation in Paris. EDITORIAL It is greatly regretted that our self-respecting and well behaved citizens of color are becoming so frequently subjected to embarrassing discrimination in most unlooked for places. If this custom continues to grow it may result in serious con sequences for the reason that sometime some hot-headed per son, smarting under unnecessary and unprovoked insult, may resort to physical violence, the outcome of which may be very serious indeed. We hope it may never come to this; but such is neither a remote nor improbable possibility. Our people are to be commended for their self-restraint under some very ex asperating circumstances and we sincerely hope that they will always manifest this strength of character, as it will prove most advantageous in the long run. Physical force is only justifiable in repelling an attack upon one’s person, or in defending some one from violence. Our chief defense against discrimination, as we have fre quently said, is the law, which should be invoked whenever necessary and the boycott where the law will not apply. We believe that the average white citizen of Omaha has sense enough to know that when a colored person desires, for example, to purchase a glass of soda water, or root beer, or even a meal, he is not seeking “social equality,” a much-mal igned and misunderstood term* or “trying to force himself upon white people,” some of whom would not be flattered if they knew the real opinion of the colored brother concerning them. He is simply seeking to slake his thirst or satisfy his hunger and he naturally goes to such “places of public accom modation” as are provided for “the public” as he is a part of “the public,” despite the disposition to deny that he is. He has no thought of the white patron, nor does he seek an intro duction to him, and it is safe to’say that in ninety-eight cases out of every one hundred the average white patron pays no attention to him. If our people went in large numbers at any one time to any one place, ol course their presence would be noticeable and no doubt objectionable, sentiment being what it is. If, loo, such patrons were unkempt, dirty, boisterous or ill-behaved this would be valid ground for objection. But these are not the conditions that obtain. Our people, cleanly in dress and gen teel in manners, going as they do one or two at a time, here and there, it is safe to conjecture that very, very few even notice their presence, or objet to it. Of course, now and then, some cheap snob, considers it his business to object, but if the man ager or proprietor politely but firmly informs this impertinent objector that he is catering to the public and is capable of run ning his own business that will generally end the matter. We know personally two or three cases where proprietors took this stand and they did not lose patronage either. That our contention here is sound is proven by the fact that several places where they do not “draw the color line” and courteously serve the public, the presence of colored pa trons causes no comment. We say this advisedly as based upon experience and observation. The chief point we desire to make at this time is, that pro prietors of public places, who are placing themselves in the position of law-breakers by denying «itizens certain accommo dations to which they as part of the public are legally entitled for fear that it will seriously injure their business, have over estimated the strength and numbers of the objectors. They, as a matter of fact, are negligible. And further, that the em barrassment to which those who follow this policy are sub jecting self-respecting colored citizens will undoubtedly lead to lawsuits and bad feeling and perhaps to more disastrous results. Privileges denied are coveted. Privileges freely granted are rarely abused. THE REV. E. H. HILSON l Formerly of Texarkana, Tex., who has recently become pastor of Salem Baptist Church, Twenty-t bird and Clark Streets. NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION MEETS AT ST. LOUIS; OMAHA RACE MAN IS HONORED The National Bar Association held its third annual session at St. Louis, Mo., August 3, 4, and 5. The meet ing was convened in the palatial “People’s Auditorium and Roof Gar dens” on the fifth and sixth floors of the Finance Building at St. Louis. The Hon. C. H. Calloway called the meeting to order at 10 a. m., August 4th, and introduced Father D. R. Clark, rector of All Saints Episcopal Church for the invocation. The roll call reflected a membership of 200 covering 26 states and the Insular possessions of our federal govern ment. The membership of the Na tional Bar Association is inter-racial. The association, as reflected by the addresses delivered, might be regard ed as: that group of American law yers irrespecitve of race, opposed to any phase of legal discrimination and determined to maintain a proper in terpretation and application of the principles of the constitution of the United States of America. The addresses were assigned to in dividuals and commissions at preced ing sessions and therefore constitute a worth-while study on the subjects presented. There were delegates at tending from Central America. The Hon. J. J. Bruce of Muskogee, Okla., presented a study on “The Dissipa tion of the Estate of Minors in the State of Oklahoma;” the Hon. T. W. Bell of Leavenworth, Kansas, pre sented a study on “The Writ of Ha beas Corpus;” the Hon. L. Amassa Knox, of Kansas City, Mo., presented a study on “Interstate Commerce;” the Hon. C. Francis Stratford of Chicago, 111., presented a study on “How Is Discriminative Legislation to Be Repealed;” the Hon. S. E. Gar ner of St. Louis, Mo., presented a study on “The Workman’s Compen sation Acts;” the Hon. George H. Woodson of Des Moines, la., presi dent emeritus, presented a study on “The Purpose of the National Bar Association.” These addresses were all briefed up so as to reflect the error and the method of correction of and for those decisions which side step or uphold discriminatory meth ods and legislation against any class of American people. St. Louis overdid itself in the the entertainment of the National Bar Association. The week was fraught with drives, dinners and banquets. Perhaps the most outstanding fea ture of the entertainment of the As sociation was the banquet tendered by Mrs. Malone of the Poro college and the dinner dance by the Harland State Bar Association and the Mound City Bar Association in honor of the National President and the visiting members of the National Bar. Two exceptional honors were con ferred upon Omaha. The Honorable John Adams, eminent as a high Churchman in the African Methodist connection and strongly mentioned for the Episcopacy in that body, was elected vice-president of the National Bar and assigned to the commission on “How to Attack the Jim Crow System of the South.” The task of this commission is regarded as the most vital work of the association during the present fiscal year. The National Bar met as the guests of the Harland and Mound City Bar Association of the state of Missouri and the city of St. Louis. The meet ing adjourned to hold its next session at Chicago, 111., August 3rd, 1928. The Hon. Homer G. Phillips of the St. Louis Bar was elected national president. FISK REGISTRAR RETIRES Nashville, Tenn.—Dr. S. W. and Mrs. Minnie Lou Crosswaite, after devoting 48 years of their lives to the teaching of the youth of their race have retired. They were the first Negroes to be appointed by the board of education in this city. That was in 1879. Mrs. Crosswaite has served as reg istrar of Fisk university for the last 17 years, and Dr. Crosswaite has taught in the public schools. Bo honest. Pay your subscription duo Tho Monitor. WOMAN IS FOONDEN AND PRESIDENT OF OLDEST NEGRO DANK Mr*. Maggie L. Walker Has Demon strated What Women of Ability Can Accomplish in Execu tive Capacity Richmond, Va.—(A. N. P.)—Ne gro women of today are doing things. The approaching 60th anniversary celebration of the founding of the Independent Order of St. Luke, .which is to be held here August 15 j 18, aside from being an appreciation of that famous organization’s accom plishments is equally a tribute to the remarkable career of its head and guiding genius, a woman, Maggie L. Walker. Mrs. Walker is executive secretary of the Independent Order of St. Luke, a member of the board of di rectors of the National Association Copyright. A. N. P. MRS. MAGGIE L. WALKER for the Advancement of Colored Peo ple, vice president of the National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, a trustee of the Frederick Douglass Home at Anacostin, D. C., founder and president of the Coun cil of Colored Women of Richmond, owning its own $20,000 home. She is the founder and has been managing , editor of the St. Luke Herald since 1902. She founded what is known as the St. Luke Bank & Trust Company and has been its president since its birth in 1903. For a long time she was the only woman bank president in the country. Surely that is a record for usefulness and service that any American, black or white, man or woman, might aspire to. The Order of St. Luke was found ed in Baltimore in 1867. In the 37 years which Mrs. Walker has been at the helm of this great lodge, she has seen it grow from 3,408 members to more than 100,000 scattered over a number of states to the ownership of a building valued at $100,000 to the development of a surplus fund of $70,000 to the enrollment of 16,000 children in thrift and health clubs, to the use of 66 clerks who operate the home office and 145 field workers. NEGROES GUARDED IN DALLAS, TEXAS, FOLLOWING THREATS OF VIOLENCE White*’ Aim At Dynamiting Race Family Out of DUtrict I* Frustrated Dallas, Texas—(Special)—A po lice patrol was maintained all Fri day night in the 2600 block on Thom as avenue because of threats made against colored residents in the neighborhood. The officers were armed with riot guns and ready for the emergency, but nothing disturbed the locality. The guard was posted because cir culars were scattered recently threat ening a race family which moved into a house in the block. The block is the dividing line between colored and white sections. The section is close to another in which several attempts have been made to blow up and burn housese of colored citizens. Keep off the dates of August 18-19-20. Carnival at Twenty-fourth and Grant streets.