PERSONALS Ed. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ters Trust Building, JAckson 3841 or Harney 2166. "The Snow Queen" an operetta by »ixty children, under direction of Mrs. Florentine F. Pinkston at Tech Auditorium, February 17.—Adv. Mrs. Lillian Moore, 2120 North 30th street, was hostess at the “Y” last Friday, in honor of Mrs. Annie Belm of St. Louis, Mo. Miss Helen Vincent and Mr. Mar ion Johnson were married last Tues day evening at 6 o’clock, at St. Bene dict’s chapel by Father Cassilly. One hundred and fifty guests attended, and refreshments were served in the auditorium. A. P. SCRUGGS, Lawyer. Large ex perience. Handles all law cases. 2310 North Twenty-second street. WEbster 4162. See "The Snow Queen” a( Tech Auditorium, February 17.—Adv. Mesdames W. B. Smith and Lu ciie Henderson spent Tuesday in Lin coln, Neb. The$ visited the capitol and attended the sessions of the leg islature and were also the guests of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Burck hardt. FOR RENT—Seven room house, all modern. Hot water, heat. Half block from carline. $26.00 per month. WE. 4810. tf.-12-10-26. Mrs. Alexander Tillery, sister of Mrs. John Grant Pegg, left for her home in Chicago Wednesday evening. “The Snow Queen" an operetta by sixty children, under direction of Mn. Florentine F. Pinkston at Tech Auditorium, February 17.—Adv. Mrs. Ruth McCraven was removed to her home Wednesday from Lord Lister hospital, her condition much improved. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms with heat. Webster 7089. FOR RENT—Room and kitchenette. Web. 5188. Mr. James Pegg, formerly of Oma ha, now residing in Chicago, who came Monday for a brief visit with his mother, Mrs. John G. Pegg and family, returned to his home Thurs day. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished room for employed girl. Call after 5 p. m. Web. 5090. Mr. J. C. Parker has returned from Chicago where he went last week to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Georgia Gray. < William Gray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray, who underwent an oper ation Monday at St. Joseph’s hospi tal for appendicitis is doing nicely. FOR SALE—Seven room modern house, 2870 Corby street. A bar gain. Call Walnut 4958. The Woman’s Auxiliary of St. Philip’s church held a well attended meeting at the residence of Mrs. C. H. Singleton last Thursday. Mrs. Grace Hutten, who has been quite ill at her home, 2414 Maple street, is reported much improved. Mrs. H. P. Carroll died January 24, and was buried Saturday, January 29, from Zion Baptist church, the Rev. Jesse Young officiating. Inter ment was in Mt. Hope cemetery. Mrs. Carroll had been a resident of Omaha for over forty years. She was a charter member of Zion Bap tist church and had been a deaconess for twenty-five years. The funeral of Mr. Robert Baum was held at Zion Baptist church, the Rev. Mr. Young officiating. Inter- j ment in Mount Hope cemetery. _ See “The Snow Queen” at Tech Auditorium, February 17.—Adv. The Heart to Heart Club, recently I organized, composed of the young matrons of Pilgrim Baptist church, met at the home of Mrs. Julia Pharr at 1815 North Twenty-sixth street. A pleasant evening was spent by all. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Thomas Woody, 1831 Nonth Twenty-second street, Wed nesday, February 9. | “The Snow Queen” an operetta by I sixty children, under direction of j Mri. Florentine F. Pinkston at Tech Auditorium, February 17.-—Adv. A number of the young men of the Bachelor Benedict Club gave a sur prise party in honor of Mrs. Mary Brown at their club rooms last Sat urday evening. See “The Snow Queen” at Tech Auditorium, February 17.—Adv. The industrial committee of the Mount Moriah Baptist Missionary so ciety, met at the residence of Mrs. A. Baldwin, 2910 North Twenty-sixth street, Tuesday, February 1st, to pre pare gurinents for orphan children. “The Snow Queen” an operetta by I sixty children, under direction of Mri. Florentine F. Pinkston at Tech | Auditorium, February 17.—Adv. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends who so kindly assisted and comfort ed us during our great sorrow in the death of John F. McCree. And also for the beautiful floral offerings. Ida E. McCree, wife; Anna Behn, sister; Charles Davis, brother; Mar garet DeWitt, daughter. 1 The will of Mrs. E. Welcome | (white), of Minneapolis, Minn., gives j $10,000 to our Phyllis Wheatley set tlement house of that city. Rt. Rev. W. Sampson Brooks, A. M. E. bishop in Africa, raised $15, 1857 for his work in the conferences j of his church in this country. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA In the matter of the estate of J. Alice Stewart, deceased. Persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 27th day of January, 1927, William T. j Stewart filed a petition in said Coun ty Court, praying that his final ad ministration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as admin istrator; that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 19th day of February, 1927, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 19th day of February, 1927, at 9 o’clock, a. m., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said J petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further or ders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 2-T County Judge. W. B. Bryant, Attorney PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Alonzo Jackson, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors will meet the executrix of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County on the 17th day of March, 1927, and on the 17th day of May, 1927, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims, from the 14 th day of February, 1927. BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. 4T-1-14-27. BUSINESS IS GOOD 1 THANK YOU | at the ,1 LINCOLN MARKET I 1406 No. 24th We. 1411 | | EMERSON’S LAUNDRY 1 i The L. undry That Suita All X | 12*1 Ne. 24th Bt. Wab. #828 $ x-xk-xk~x~x~:~X“Xxk~x**x~X“> I. Levy f | DRUGGIST £ PRESCRIPTIONS f | Our £ SPECIALTY | 24th & Decatur—We. 5082 | I ^ While BACON is 50c a Pound, a S Why Not EAT RABBIT Till Bacon Comes Down? | s Massey’s Little Grocery 27th and Ohio Street* jg K | HOTEL CUMING l 1916 Cuming Street i - i; X Reem* by day — Me, 75e, 91.99 < > •{• By the week — 92.99 te 14.99 ] ? - :: ? UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT « t < > * - ‘ ’ * Mrs. Mayaae Masen ) [ | D. G. Rnaaetl. Pre*. — Omaka J; X Phene JA. 24S« 4. jj Reid )uffy | | PHARMACY FREE DELIVERY I! t Phene Web. MO* | 24th and Lake Streets j OMAHA, NEB. j; y v. ) WATERS } BARNHART PRINTING CU. \ JOMAHA ^ A A Band Concert | by . f X Waddles’ Ladies’ Band X 4 at | •[• St. John’s A. M. E. Church V x X THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 A T . X 8:15 P. M.—Auspices ♦> V •j* y JUNIOR STEWARD BOARD X X i <~xk~x~x*<~xk~x~x~x-x~x~x~x X Follow the Big Crowd Day by Day y Y Y X THE % | LINCOLN MARKET | ? y X 1406 North 24th Street ;>* X Web. ter 1411 X •£-X"X"X**X"X**X"X,-X~X"X-X**X~I* .; / I IGAYETYI REAL BURLESQUE Twice Daily 2:20 p. m. and 8:20 p. m. All This Week ; THE PEPPIEST SHOW OF THE YEAR Kitty Madison and her Jazztime Revue | with Mitty DeVere The Original “Sargent Pill’ DON’T MISS THIS SHOW -Rember There Is Nothing in Omaha | That Can Compare with the GAYETY 1 I PATRONIZE MONITOR ADVERTISERS I ■ ■ ■ !K:«st«««sKs«»sK»««i*a*iK*»aif«a£«!aatss£stss£!a£!a»ssft«3!£«v 5 STUART’S ART SHOP | ART, MUSIC AND LITERATURE | Picture Framing and Enlarging | 1803 North Twenty-ourth Street | WftWWWVWSfSJM V.W.V.V.V.-J \ “Dependable Family Service” :j 5 0-o I* £ Dry Cleaning of Indies’ and Gents’ Wearing Ij j! Apparel and Household Furnishings I; £ o-o I; £ SOFT WATER LAUNDERING \\ C o-o !; '< Wet Wash - - - 4c per lb. J Thrifty Wash - - 5c per lb. 3* Dry Wash—Rough Dry—Family Finish 11 •I Linen—Curtains—Blankets, Etc. I| I EDHOLM & SHERMAN jj / LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS \\ / 24th Near Lake Street ;I J PHONE WE. 6055 \\ I