The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, December 24, 1926, Page THREE, Image 3
PERSONALS Ed. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ters Trust Building, JAckson 3841 or Harney 2156. Mrs. Jim Edmond of Kansas City, Kansas, arrived last Thursday morn ing to atttend the funeral of Mrs. Hattie Courtney. A. P. SCRUGGS, Lawyer. Large ex perience. Handles all law cases. 2310 North Twenty-second street. WEbster 4162. Mr. Ed Courtney and his brother, Mr. Irvine Courtney of Ponca City, Okla., arrived Sunday, December 12, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Hattie Courney. Select you Christmas gifts at Thull’s Pharmacy, 24th and Seward streets. Mr. George Goff, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Goff, 911 Forest Avenue, who attends the University of Min nesota, arrived home Sunday morn ing to spend the Christmas holidays. Thull’s Cold Capsules. 24th and Seward streets. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tayor are the proud parents of a fine baby boy, born Saturday, December 18. Baby and mother are both doing nicely. E-KAID—an honest to goodness hair grower. Just try it. Mail or ders promptly filled. 2218 No. 25th Street.—Telephone Webster 6372. —Adv. Dixie Ramblers at Dreamland hall New Year’s Eve. The annual New Year’s Ball will be held at Dreamland hall, New Year’s Eve, December 31. FOR RENT—Seven room house, all modern. Hot water, heat. Half block from carline. $25.00 per month. WE. 4810. tf.-12-10-26. The funeral of Mrs. Hattie Court ney, who died December 11, at her, home, 2216 Grace street, was held at 2 o’clock Thursday, December 16, from the Pleasant Green Baptist j church. Rev. Z. E. McGee, offici ated. John and Harold, sons of Rev. and Mrs. John A. Adams, arrived Monday from the University of Nebraska, where they are students, to spend the holidays. Miss Edna M. Stratton, secretary of the North Side Branch of the Y. W. C. A. has gone to Pittsburgh, Pa., to spend the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Taylor are the proud parents of a fine baby boy born Saturday. December 18. Mother and child are doing well. Thull Pharmacy has speedy deli very service. Webster 2000. Master Arthur Carrington, Jr., will entertain with a Christmas party at his home, 2120 North Twenty seventh avenue, from 8:00 to 10:30. Seven little guests will be present. Thull Pharmacy has a complete line of Christmas gifts. 24th and Seward streets. NEW YEAR’S EVE BALL A New Year’s Ball \frill be held at Dreamland Hall, Friday night, De cember 31. The Dixie Ramblers will furnish the music. 1 Make It 1 a Radio | Xmas | Radios from ( $10.00 up |Sel Lewis 1 1804 Na. 24th St. at Decatur Wtb. 2042 ST. PHILIP’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH The services on Christmas Day will be at 8 a. m. and 10:30 p. m. Sun day services at 7:30 a. m.; 10:00; 11:00 a. m. and a beautiful Christ mas pageant “The Nativity” by the children of the Church school at 7 p. m. The public is invited. “The Messiah’s Coming” A Christmas cantata, that will in terest all music lovers, will be pre sented by Grove Methodist Episco pal church choir, 22 andSeward St., December 29, at 8:00 p. m. Public is invited. ELKS ANNUAL BALL GREAT SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL SUCCESS — The annual ball given by Iroquois Lodge No. 93, I. B. P. O. E. W., at Dreamland hall last Thursday night was the most successful in the histo ry of the organization. It was an outstanding social event. Several hundred persons were in attendance, among them quite a number of vis iting Elks from as far east as De troit, Mich. The ladies were resplen dent in beautiful gowns and many of the gentlemen were in full dress, although it was not a strictly formal affair. The music was furnished by the Elks’ nine-piece orchestra. The proceeds of the ball, which was a financial success, were used entirely for supplying Christmas baskets to needy families. Last year the Elks provided for more than 100 needy families. This year tho- demands up on them have greatly increased and they will give assistance to a larger number. The Elks are demonstrat ing that they are not merely a good time organization, as many believe, but one that is exemplifying by practical deeds the fundamental tenets of Christianity. “MIDNIGHT FROLICS” With all the humor and activity, j as well as the musical features that have been incorporated into the I “Midnight Frolics,” t here is little j wonder at its success. It is asserted that this attraction was one of the ; most successful upon the Mutual Burlesque Circuit last season, and that the popularity of that success justified the management in offer ing it again this season over the cir cuit. The two featured members of the organization are Mildred Crozi erre, a favorite singer of “blues” songs, who possesses a rich soprano voice of magnificent range and clar ity; and Bert Marks, a Hebrew com edian of discriminating tact and force. The balance of the company consists of Bcbc Tobin, a dynamic mite of soubrettish vivacity; Kath ryn Exton, a singing and dancing comedienne of excellent promise; Louise Sutton, a dainty ingenue; Len Smith, an Irish comedian; Lew Harris and Frank McKay, two sing ing and dancing comedians, and Ike Wallman, a light comedian, who can dance. The twenty dashing, dainty, daring damsels are said to be drilled to as nearly a state of perfection as it is possible to secure these days. “Midnight Frolics” will be at the Gayety theatre, commencing Sunday matinee. The special midnight show and frolic will be staged New Year’s Eve and there will be a little bit of everything for this special show— namely three special dances, and the original “Black Bottoms.” f £ HOTEL CUMING I) 1916 Cuming Street £ Kouma by day — 59c, 75c. 51.90 I 1 Uy the week — $2.99 te 94 00 11 < > n .. - , , ' > UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT <> 4 > - t > A Mra. Mayme Maaen , , II D. G. Ruaaell, Prep. — Omaha 11 I I Phene JA. 2499 j \ ii Reid )uffy ;; ;; PHARMACY ]; FREE DELIVERY II Phene Web. 0«0» j • II 24th and Ijtke Streets ; I | OMAHA, NEB. j; < > <i t.~—— :j MY CHRISTMAS LIST By Robert P. Edwards (For the Associated Negr oPress) I’ve just been listing my Christmas gifts. (You know ’tis nearly time) For Santa Claus will soon be here, And he will give me mine. I’ll read them to you one by one. (Of course, you must not tell) What I am going to give my friends, For then they’ll know full well; To Father, I’ll give handkerchiefs, To Mother, nice warm gloves, To Brother, I’ll give candy-canes, For those he dearly loves. To cousin Jack, I’ll give a drum, To cousin Belle, a doll, A pair of slippers for Grandpa, To Grandma, give a shawl. A pair of sox for Uncle John, A neck-pin for Aunt Grace, And to my friend, who plays with me I’ll give pretty vase. A basket for some poor people, I would not them abhor. I think that quite enough, don’t you? ’Twill help out Santa Claus. Oh! I forgot, there is a friend I learn of Him in Sunday School, His name is GOD, they say. He watches o’er me at my play, He guards me through the night, To not give him a present, would In my mind, not seem right; He doesn’t care for handkerchiefs, Nor neck-pins, gloves or sox, He does not care for candy-canes, | Nor dolls or shawls or clocks, He doesn’t care .for slippers, or For baskets, vase or drum, Of all the earthly present I Have thought of not a one. I know what I will give Him! With it He’d never part. I’ll put His name first on my list, TO GOD I’LL GIVE MY HEART. OLD FOLKS HOME WILL KEEP OPEN HOUSE The Old Folks’ Home, 926 North Twenty-fifth street, will keep open doors New Year’s day and cordially invites the public to call. It will cheer the hearts of the inmates to see their friends. Come, it will do you as well as them good. CHRISTMAS BALL The annual Christmas Ball will be held at Dreamland Hall, Christmas night, December 25. Hunter’s Ser enaders will furnish music. Dance until 2 a. m. < > A I. Levy \ :: DRUGGIST | I For CHRISTMAS GIFTS | Perfumes, Toilet Articles •£ Candies, Cigars | 24th & Decatur—We. 5082 | l ; EMERSON’S LAUNDRY | The Laundry That Suits All jt. ;; 1S»1 No. 24th St. Web. 0820 A 1 Card of Thanks We wish to express our gratitude to the friends, the church and Rev. Z. E. McGee during the death and sickness of our daughter. We wish to thank also the Knights of Pythi as for their services rendered and for the beautiful floral offerings. MRS. SALLY TODD, REV. D. TODD, EDWARD TODD, MR. ED. COURTNEY, MR. IRVIN COURTNEY, MR. JIM EDMONDS. OMEGAS TO MEET IN CHICAGO / _ Washington, D. C.—The Adminis trative Office of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity in charge of Attorney Walter H. Mazyck, has announced that the Fifteenth Annual Conclave of the Fraternity will convene in Chi cago, 111., Decenvber 27 to 31, inclu sive. The convention will be the quest of the Iota and Sigma Omega chapters of that city. This fraternity which was organized at Howard Uni evrsity in 1911, has now expanded into an international organization of 70 chapters, with a total membership of nearly 3,000. Ed F. Morearty, Attorney-at-Law NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION - i. i— .. • To Eddie Martain, Non-Resident De I fendant: You are hereby notified that Fontella Martain, your wife and the plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, on the 5th day of August, 1926, to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of cruelty and non support. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of December, 1926. FONTELLA MARTAIN. Smith’s Dining Room 2022 North 24th Street Special Christmas Dinner Creamed Tomato Soup, Celery and Olives Roast Turkey with dressing and Cranberry Sauce, Can died Sweets, Creamed Peas, Hot Rolls, Salted Nuts, Steamed Fig Pudding, Hard Sauce, after-dinner Mints j and Coffee 75c Roast Goose and dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Apple Scalloped Corn, Salted Nuts, Steamed Fig Pudding, Hard Sauce, after-dinner Mints and Coffee 65c —Tables Reserved— Call Web. 3939 I While BACON is 50c a Pound, b Why Not ■' EAT RABBIT Till Bacon Comes Down? ; Massey’s Little Grocery 27th and Ohio Streets | Christmas Special \ All Kinds of Xmas Candies At Reduced Prices Will Give Churches Wholesale Price | Ware’s Candy Kitchen \ 1516 North 24th Street ;....... I I I ■ i ■ i ■ i ■ I ■ a ■ g ■ g ■ g ■ g ■ I ■ g ■ g > g ■ I ■ I ■ I ■ I ■ ■ ■ I ■ g ■ I I I I I • I ■ I g I ■ I ■ 1 | I I 1 g I | I a 1 a 1 • i i i g i a 1 a * g i a 1 a 1 a 1 :.; BUY aaii FOR CASH Save 50c on III I Delivered to All Every Ton Parts of Greater Some Grades <1.50 Omaha No Smoke \A/17 R E3 70 Pounds Ash No Soot If Ifcnni/ Per Ton Semi-Anthracite | We Guarantee Over 14,500 Heat Units In Every | Pound of WIZARD COAL—Real Economy Lump .... .$13.50 • Sma 1 Mine Run, (PQ PA |i| Mine Run, 60% Lump, I for domestic use ... ton.$11.50 I Slack .$8.00 ILLINOIS ILLINOIS ILLINOIS Large Lump Small Lump Cleaned Nut A Very Good Grade— Same Quality Only Same Quality as the 1 Hot and Long Lasting Smaller In Slse Larger Sires I Per Ton $8.50 Per Ton $8.00 Per Ton $7.50 CHEROKEE NUT COLORADO LUMP The Genuine Smokeless — Sootless Large Slse for Domestic Harder — Cleaner — Lasting Use Thoroughly $050 Per Per $Q50 Screened O Ton Ton AT 4444 “Dealers in Good Coal” AT 4444 I Big Display of Xmas Gifts j AT PRICES WHICH CANNOT BE EQUALLED ANYWHERE -0 GIGANTIC NO-PROFIT SALE NOW GOING ON COME IN AND BE CONVINCED -o Between Seward and Franklin 1619, 1619V2 North 24th Street Zucker’s Dept. Store i I BIG DEBATE 1 AT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH f 22nd and Grant Sts. | THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1927 | Subject: | Resolved, that the Negro is an asset to | America. § AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE 1 MISS THELMA NORRIS MISS HELEN WHEELER 8 MR. MILLARD CARR ATTORNEY D. H. OLIVER 8 DEACON H. L. ANDERSON MR. HERBERT W. LEWIS 8 MR. CLARENCE DESDUNES DR. J. WESLEY JONES si JUDGES ^ DR. J. H. HUTTEN DR. A. L. HAWKINS 8 MR. HENRY BLACK REV. T. W. KIDD 8 MR. R. L. TURNER 8 I There will be a literary program in connection with the debate. 8 Special musical selections by the Zion Choir, the Silver Leaf Quar- B tette, and Miss Margaret Dallas. S The debate commences promptly at 8:16 P. M. tji Reserve that date: THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6, 1927. jg Don’t fail to hear this subject discussed, as both sides are being well 5 prepared. The public is cordially invited. Admission, 26 cents for 8 adults, and 10 cents for children. « Robert S. Simmons, Chairman | fJiiimiiiimiimmmiiimmiiiiimmiiimimiiiiiiiiiiimmmiiMimiiimmiimmiiii: § THE SHOP OF PERSONAL SERVICE | | Weis Flower Shop [ = 2508 North 24th Street, Omaha, Nebraska E 1 Christmas Suggestions | = BEAUTIFUL BASKETS FRESH CUT FLOWERS 1 = ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS E E BLOOMING PLANTS ART VASES COUNCIL SETS = = CEMETERY WREATHS FOR THE DEPARTED ONES I I FERNERYS AND PEDESTALS I 1 IMPORTED BIRDS AND CAGES | E Complete line in every way. Select Now. Small Deposit E E will hold article till ready for delivery. E | Free Delivery | niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiimiiiiimiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR ril Gifts for Christmas 3 Automobile Lunch Kits, Brief jrj Cases, Book Ends, Desk Sets, Mu- 35 sic Rolls, Leather Wallets, Bill gP Folds, Traveling Goods, Gladstones Si and English Kit Bags, Ladles’ Fit- gP ted Cases, Hat Boxes, Men’s Fitted aj Dressing Cases, Writing Portfolios, gP Diaries, Sheaffer, Parker and Wahl g» Fountain Pen Desk Sets, Smoking St Sets, Smokerlltes. a* gr. vnnuvo, S « tables. Omaha Printing Company 3 Pn Farnam at Thirteenth—At 7793 gP *