The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, July 30, 1926, Page FOUR, Image 4
N. W. Ware, Attorney PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Peter Joseph, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, be fore me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 3rd day of September, 1926, and on the 3rd day of November, 1926, at 9 o’clock A. M,, each day, for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 3lst day of July, 1926. BRYCE CRAWFORD County Judge. 4-T—7-2-26 H. J. Pinkett, Attorney. NOTICE OE ADMINISTRATION In the Matter of the Estate of George H. B«rkley, Deceased. _ To all persons interested in the es- j tate of George H. Berkley, de ceased: On the 21st day of July, 1926, Lula j Berkley Williams, widow of George H. Berkley, deceased, filed her peti- | tion in the County Court of Dougla County, Nebraska, praying for an or- ! der dispensing with general adminis- \ tration. That said deceased, George H. Berkley, died in the city of Oma ha on the 20th day of February, 1923. at which time he was a resident of Douglas County, Nebraska; that at the time of his death he had an in terest through purchase on land con tract in and to Lot 16, Block 1, Clar endon’s Addition to the City of Oma ha, Douglas County, Nebraska. That the said Lula Berkley Wil liams in said petition set forth the following prayer: W’herefore, th' petitioner prays that general admin istiation may be dispensed with; tliat a decree may be entered herein fix ing the time of death of George ri. Berkley; naming the heirs-at-law- of the said George H. Berkley and their degree of kinship to the deceased and the right of descent of the real prop erty belonging to said deceased; that due and legal notice be given of the time and place of hearing on said petition, and that, thereupon, at the time fixed in said notice a hearing may be had and a decree of heirship entered, and that the petitioner may have such other and further relief as to the court may seem right and just. That a hearing will be had on said petition before Honorable Bryce Craw ford, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, in the County Court House, Omaha, Nebraska, at the hour of 9 o’clock A. M., August 25th, 1926, unless continued by order of the court to determine w-hether or not the prayer of the petition shall be granted. BRYCE CRAWFORD County Judge. * 4T—7-23-26. 1 — —— -, HERE IS YOUR opportunity: Great bargains in homes for sale. Strictly modern and part modern. $100 cash and up, bal ance monthly. I have a number of houses for rent on reason able terms. E. M DAVIS. 2918 N. 21th <t„ WE. 1166. L---^ ... £ EMERSON’S LAUNDRY % <» The Laundry That Suita All J ; ; 1301 No. 24th St. Web. 0820 f HOME OWNERS— HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Six Months to Pay in. Have your house painted, papered or newly decorated —All work guaranteed. E. M. DAVIS, Real Estate and Rentals Papering, Painting and Decorating 2918 North 21th St. WEBSTER 1166. •>*x,*x*<><x*<^-x—:—>-X"X—x—>*X";~>-> I ^ I* Dorsey & Son | 55th and Center | All kinds of | sandwiches and | soft drinks i * Road Service | ##io i o OM#########»»»fr**** 1 f 4 » (Formerly Standard 4 • jj Laundry) ;; • • 24th Near I.ake Street 4 > PHONE WE. 6055 It 4 * •r - ❖ 4 i “Dependable Family I Service” :: < > Dry Cleaning of Indies and <1 Cents’ Wearing Apparel II | and Household Fur- J J v nishings < > i (* I - j| i SOFT W ATER ;; LAUNDERING ;; ! ^ f. - ; j I Wet Wash \[ Thrifty Wash Dry Wash i Y Rough Dry I y 4 X Family Finish | Linen ? 2 ' ’ Curtains 2 :: ■> Blankets, Etc ',t :: ■ > #00 3 0 »-X*-’ •••‘XX* 1 \PER NEW M \N U.KMKNT Formerly the Juzzland Cafe, Now the j WAYSIDE INN i Everybody Welcome We will appreciate your patronage. 923 South 13th Street ] L. R. Thomas, Prop, Have You Insurance? IF NOT, SEE HICKS 535-37-39 Keeline Bldg. AT I antic 3623 Rea.. 3012 Miami Street VK F, letter 6426 I. Levy f DRUGGIST | £ Prescriptions Our Specialty y X Order Your Ice Cream y £ from Us—Prompt y £ Delivery. £ k 24th & Decatur—We. 5082 % i- k •xx^“X^X“X“X-y<-x-X"X-x-x-x | TO THOSE INTERESTED IN THE CONTINUANCE OF | PROGRESS IN THE RURAL AND TOWN SCHOOLS | OF DOUGLAS COUNTY | A • > «• I am a candidate for re-election for County Superintendent of <> ¥ Public Instruction on the non-political ticket. 11 X I have kept every promise 1 made at the time of my election four T years ago. The fact is. I have kept faith with the parents and < > X children of Douglas county. •j> I am asking your support and vote at both the primary and < > V general election. I promise the same efficient service. j' ill PRIMARIES—August 10th HENRY M. EATON ELECTION—November 2nd Present County Supt. 4> :..XKKXKX~XX~X~XKK~X“XK~X":~X~X“X~X*<“X“X~X“X~X~X“X~X"X~> .X~KX~XX"X~X~X~X“X~X~>*X~X"X**X“X”X“X~X~X“X~X~X-X-X~X~X Re-Elect | ! JUDGE SEARS I V T REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE TO CONGRESS V ^ V X I >■ G Shears’ 1 ; Judge Sears is chairman of a bloc of 125 congressmen from X £ Louisiana to North Dakota. This bloc is organized for the ;; i purpose of compelling legislation for the West, which in- ;; j- eludes the improvement of the Missouri River for naviga- <• ff tion. The Missouri River improvement will save this local- X X ity millions of dollars annually through lower freight rates ;; Y and will cause millions to be expended for labor annually in y ¥ this district. % 7 X STANDING IN CONGRESS IS ONLY ATTAINED THROUGH YEARS OF SERVICE To carry out this program successfully— I Re-Elect JUDGE SEARS y REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE TO Congress Office, WEbster 4030-PHONES-Res., WEbster 0949 I JOSEPH D. LEWIS UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Service and Prices Guaranteed. When in Need of Such Service Give Us a Trial. 2018 North 24th Street Omaha, Nebraska •:* *:• ! N. W. WARE j ? ATTORNEY AT LAW - t Y ;!; X 1208 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska t •!• Phones Webster 6613-Atlantic 8192. X * . i % Candidate for Judge of the Municipal Court. 4* 1A Solicits Your Vote. Primaries, August 10th, 1926 X ? I I Orchard & Wilhelm Co. f V <* I AUGUST SALE j % OF * Furniture, Rugs f I and Furnishings f *:* *:* | Starts Monday, August 2nd | at 9 o’clock a. m. X ! Savings 15% to 50% | ❖ V Business Directory _ART_ HIGH CLASS PICTURES for sale. Picture framing a specialty. High grade toilet articles; newspapers and magazines. STUART ART SHOP. 1803 North 24th Street. Baggage and hauling .1 A. GARDNER’S TRANSFER. Bag gage, express, moving, light and heavy hauling. Reliable and com petent. Six years in Omaha. 2622 Maple Street. Phone WEbHter 4120. C. H. HALL, stand, 1403 No. 24th. Baggage and express hauilng to all parts of the city. Phones, stand, WE, 7100; Res., WE. 1056. Harry Brown, Express and Transfer. Trunks and Baggage checked. Try us for your moving and hauling. Also, coal and ice for sale at all times. Phone Webster 2973. 2013 Grace street. BEAUTY PARLORS MRS J. H. RUSSELL. 2914 Erskine street. Poro hair dresser. For ap pointments phone W'E. 2311. MADAM ANNA E. JONES TUBBS. Scalp and hair treatments. For good and quick results call WEbster 6450. 1712 North 25th Street.—Poro. MADAM 7.. C. SNOWDEN. Scientific scalp treatment. Hair dressing and manufacturing. 1154 No. 20th St. WEbster 6194 MADAM WILLIE DIXON, 2426 Blondo street. WEbster 6153. Poro hairdre-sing, facial massage, Turk ish baths. Home comforts. COAL DEALERS C. SOLOMON COAL AND ICE CO. At jour service winter and summer. All kinds of good coal at prices to suit. Phones WEbster 3901 and 4238. DRUG STORES ROSS DRUG STORE, 2306 North 24th Street. Two phones, WEbster 2770 and 2771. Well equipped to supply your needs. Prompt service. THE PEOPLES’ DRUG STORE, 24th and Erskine Streets. We carry a full line F’rescriptions promptly filled. WEbster 6328. HOTELS PATTON HOTEL, 1014, 1016, 1018 South 11th St. Known from coast to coast. Terms reasonable. N P. Patton, proprietor. THE HOTEL CUMMINGS, 1916 Cum ing St. Under new management. Terms reasonable. D. G. Russell, proprietor. NEW LAMAR HOTEL, 1803 North 24th street Tel. WE bate r 5090. Semi-modern, comfortable rooms, reasonable. Cafe in connection. Mrs. E. V. Dixon, proprietress. LAWYERS W. B. BRYANT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-Law. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block, 17th ami Farnam Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 2502. W. G. MORGAN—Phones ATIantic 9344 ami JAckson 0210. II. J. PINKKTT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-Iatw. Twenty years' ex perience. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block, 17th and Farnam.s Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 3180. PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS A. F. PEOPLES. Painting and decor ating, wall paper and glass. Plaster ing, cement and general work. Sher win-Williams paints. 2419 Lake St. Phone WEbster 6366. PRINTERS FORD PRINTING COMPANY, Jew el) building, 24th and Grant Sts. For good printing see us. We. 1760. No Advertisement Accepted for This Classified Directory for Less Than Six Months PLUMBERS NEBRASKA PLUMBING CO. J. F. Allison, manager. Estimates fur nished. 3025 Evans St. Phone KE. 6848. RESTAURANTS PEATS RESTAURANT, 1405 North 24th Street. Where those who de sire good home cooking at reason able prices go. WEbster 0530. SHOE REPAIRING BENJAMIN & THOMAS always give satisfaction. Best material, reason able prices. All work guaranteed. 1415 North 24th St. WEbster 5084 UNDERTAKERS JONES * COMPANY, Undertakers. 24th and Grant Sts. WEbster 1100 Satisfactory service always. H. A. CHILES & CO., funeral direc tors and licensed ermbalmers. Cour teous, efficient service in the last j sad hour. 1839 North Twenty-fourth street. Phones, office WEbster | 7133; residence WEbster 6349. Classified FOR RENT—Two cool and airy rooms for gentlemen; in modern home. Prices reasonable. WE. 2769. Kill RENT. Nice desirable home for man and wife. Reasonable rent. Call We. I 4810. tf 6-18-26. FOR RENT— Modern furnished rooms 2*04 N. 19th St. WE. 3308. 11 — .. Do you like The Monitor? Do you want it to continue? Then you MUST PAY UP NOW. For rent. four room modern apart ments. 1547*1551 North Seventeenth street $15.00 per month. At. 6863. tf. For rent. Neatly furnished room. Heat and kitchen privilege. Web. 2080 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms Id modern home. WEbster 6834. I'OR RENT—Modern furnished rooms. Steam heat. Cloae in. On two car lines. Mrs. Anna Banks, 924 North Twentieth street, Jackson 4379 FOR RENT—Light housekeeping rooms. 1 block from car. All mod ern conveniences. 1714J North Twen ty-fifth street. WEbster 5450.—tf FOR RENT Apartment, furnished or un furnished. for couple. Web. 6975. 2216 North Twenty-eiuhth Ave. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT—2 and 3 ROOMS WEbster 1166 2130 NORTH 28th STREET FOR RENT Nice front room. Modern home. For two gentlemen. WE. 6739. tf FOR RENT—Light house keeping rooms. Modern home. 2514 Caldwell WE. 2180. FOR RENT—f urnished rooms. One block from car line. Web. 4064. 1405 No 25tb street FOR SALE—All modern five-room house. Good location. WEbster 2478 or WEbster 3030 FOR RENT — Neatly furnished rooms. Heat and kitchen privileges. Prices reasonable. 2433 Franklin. WEbster 2089, FOR RENT. Two unfurnished rooms. Reasonable. Web. 5188. FOR RENT—Four furnished rooms for light housekeeping. (20 per month 2814 Hamilton street. Web. 5552 tf. 2-26-26. Reid-Duffy ;j PHARMACY ♦ FREE DELIVERY \\ !; Phone Web. 0609 ' ’ * » !! 24th and Lake Streets ■ • ;; :: OMAHA, NEB. i I PATRONIZE THE STATE FIRRITIRE CO. Corner 14th and Dodge Streets Tel. JACKSON 1317 BRBHSWfCK SnBSt