The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, July 30, 1926, Page THREE, Image 3
PERSONALS Bd. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ter* Truat Building, JAckson 3841 or BArney 2188. FOR RENT—Punished and unfur nished rooms in modem home.. 2310 North 22nd street. WE. 4162. tf A. P. SCRUGGS, Lawyer. I-arge ex perience. Handles all law eaaes. 2310 North Twenty-second street. WEbster 4162. SALESMEN — W’anted to sell Grape Juice. 2210 North 24th Street. CLAREMONT PRODUCTS CO. FOR RENT—Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Modem home. Web ster 1825. 2629 Seward St. 4t A large number of subscriptions fall due this month and The Monitor will appreciate it, if they are promptly paid. FOR RENT—-Three-room house, on car line. $10 a month. WE. 0111. Mrs. Susie Trent’s patrons, old and new. can locate her by calling Webster 2480. — Adv. WANT to learn how to dance. Desire to take lessons at teacher’s home. Mail letter and terms to Bert Paschal, 1208 Pacific Street. SUNDAY DINNER The Finance committee will give a fried chicken dinner August 8th, at the north side branch, 22nd and Grant Streets from 1:30 p. m. to4. Mrs. T. P. Mahammitt is the chair man of the committee. C__ TOURNAMENT _ J A tennis tournament will be held on the “Y" court, 22nd and Burdette Streets from August 30th to Septem ber 4th. All participants are asked to register at the north side branch. Mrs. Charles W. Dickerson, 2812, Ohio street, went to Kansas City, Mo., Saturday, where she spent the week end visiting relatives. She returned j Monday morning. Mrs. Paul Murray returned Mon day from a brief visit to Atchison, Kansas, where she was the guest of relatives. _ Helen Jenkins, daugther of Mr. and i Mrs. Northen Jenkins, 2917 Noi-th I Twenty-fifth street, has gone to 1 Kansas City to visit her brother, Giuo | Taylor. The Birthday Kensington club met with Mrs. Julia Collier, 3007 North j Thirtieth street, Wednesday, July 21. A delicious luncheon was served on the lawn. A delightful afternoon was spent by all present. Dorothy Caldwell, who has been the guest of Mrs. Jennie M. Scott. 2885 Miami street, for several weeks. left , for her home in Cripple Creek, Colo., Monday morning. Mr. J. C. Brown, proprietor of the Keep-U-Neat shop, 1919 Cuming street, returned Wednesday morning from Chicago, where he was called by the death of his daughter, Mrs. Ixiuisa Edwards. Dr. I. Garland Penn of Cincinnati, Ohio, who is to lecture at Grove M. E. church, Friday night, arrived in the city Wednesday and has been the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. J. H. El lis, 3032 Franklin street. So smooth— it purr-r-s/ A smooth, ball-bearing motor — G-E type—silent and powerful. A power ful surtion to get the deepest dirt. A motor-diiven brush to get the lint and threads. Double action. Thorough! Needs No Oiling! Ask for demonstration in Your Own Home. Convenient Terms. * - fnpnVM 1 /PI a | ITjJVM Jm B ■ ■ H K —* NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY 7 | L. L. Porter’s ! North Side Market \ ? t 2322 North 24th Street | £ Porter’s Pride Fancy Grade Creamery Butter, per lb. 38c £ | Home Dressed Fancy Spring Chicken, per lb. 34'/2c £ I Fresh Bread, 4 ten cent loaves 25c Steer Short Rib Giver, 3 lbs. 25c Fresh Cut Hamburger, 2 lbs. 25c X y Smoked Picnic Hams, per lb. 22c Summer Sausage, per lb. 20c ^ -... .....t.. **»» n«**«***a**s*s*a66«^m^ Miss Grace | Berger | Present County Clerk ;{• ;i; Republican Candidate V for | County Clerk | SOLICITS YOUR VOTE | Primaries Aujru^t 10th y 20 years experience in County & Clerk’s office 7 years Chief y Deputy under Frank Dewey. £ % f | VOTE FOR X | HARRY PEARCE I | REGISTER OF DEEDS f •{• Republican (Candidate for Re-Election ^ I THE RECORD OF MY OFFICE FOR EFFICIENCY, £ SERVICE AND ECONOMY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Surplus Fees Paid to County During X My Administration—$107,663.55 X X y X Primaries August 10th—Election November 2nd X £. ^ £ X»X~X~X-X~X“X*-X~X--X"X~X~X--X“X-X“X--X~X"X*-X~X--X-X-X-X--:~ •x-X'*:"X~X”^X“X~X“X-:-x~:":-X“X"X"X":-X“X~X"X“X~x~X“X»x~X“: Charles B. McDonald f I X T FOR X SHERIFF j REPUBLICAN | BORN IN OMAHA £ % i X~X~X'*X"X*,,X,,X,,X"X”X”X**X,*X**X"X,,X~X“X“X"X~X"X~X"X~X*'X~:* Y*M“t-:“X*<*<~:~X“:-x-x~x**:“X“X~X“X-*X":"X~x~x*<~:~>*x«<~:-x~:-x~x~:~j' J. F. Taylor—Dairy Products £ Let us furnish you with Strictly Fresh Etryc and \ r Butter, also Delicious Buttermilk. Y X Try our Ice Cream, made daily, all Davors. ?! L FREE AND PHOMFr DELIVERY || Phone WE. 6014. 2116 N. 24th St. x->-'wX"X-X“X-x-vX-X":"X-:“X--Xv-x-X"X-:-x->->-x>*X"«>4->-x-:"; X'^Y^4eX'X"X*'X"X.<"X"X":"X"X"X"X'<X*X"X”X”X*eX'^^^4,<.^+<"X >{ t j GOLDEN RULE GROCERY j i Appreciates Your Patronage £ Quality Groceries and Meats f :: FRESH VEGETABLES and FRUITS \ \; Goods Right—Prices Right—Service Right. \ | j! 2120 North 24th St. WE bster 4198. | :: YES, WE DELIVER | « > i ROSS I IMcGOWANf Ex-Service Man V I f Born and Raised in Omaha V 4 ❖ % Republican Candidate for ♦ SHERIFF! % V ^ Respectfully Solicits Your Vote *♦* | HIS PLATFORM: { Impartial enforcement of the law and faithful dis- ♦> 1 charge of the duties of the office in accordance with ■ his oath of office, with equal and unprejudiced con I sideration for every citizen. ' ♦ ♦ Mr. McGowan has never held political office, but has been a successful business man. He invites fullest investigation as to his character, ♦!* associations and his attitude towards all citizens, ♦$* irrespective of Race or Creed. ♦♦♦ He unqualifiedly affirms that he is not now and V never has been a member of any organization that ♦♦♦ would in any way curtail the rights of any Amer- y ican citizen. «% Vote for McGowan * ❖ f '' “ fKKKKK~x*x~x~x~j^XKK*<KK~x~X"X~x~x~x~x^~x~x**<~x~x~x** I *1* i John M. Macfarland ? $ X REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR ;|; FIRST TERM AS f | | Attorney General X * ;• OF NEBRASKA $ | PRIMARIES AUGUST 10TH, 1926 | ••• J* I | :~X~X~XS'X~X~XKK~X~X~X"X"X~X“X*,X-X"X~X~X~X“X~X“X"X~X~X« STATE SAVINGS * LOAN ASSOCIATION ? N. W. Corner 19th and Douglas Streets Hankers Reserve lildg. Peoples Drug Store Under Changed Management | BETTER SERVICE—QUICK DELIVERY ] j L. G. Perty, Prop. j 24th and Erskine Webster 6323 ■ View of Parlor of JONES & CO., Undertakers Modern, scientifically arranged, specially built, fully equipped FUNERAL HOME. j Over Twelve Years of Courteous, Considerate and Satisfactory Service in Omaha Has ! Established Our Reputation. j Twenty-Fourth and Grant Streets. WE. 1100. Lady Attendant. “SATISFACTORY SERVICE ALWAYS.”